The published version of this article (Sehgal et al., 2022) contained an error in the caption of Figure 8. The caption for Figure 8.4 should instead be the caption for Figure 8.5, and the caption for Figure 8.5 should be the caption for Figure 8.4. Note that WIMF/A 4696 is indeed an upper M2 of a murine and that WIMF/A 4692 is indeed a lower m2 of a murine, as described in the text, plotted in the other figures, and presented in the tables. The Figure 8 caption should read as follows: Figure 8. 3D surface renderings in occlusal view of (1) WIMF/A 4689 Kanisamys indicus M2; (2) WIMF/A 4695 Sayimys sivalensis M2 or M3; (3) WIMF/A 4693 Murinae indet. m1; (4) WIMF/A 4696 Murinae indet. M2; (5) WIMF/A 4692 Murinae indet. m2. Scales = 1 mm.
The authors regret the error.