Owing to technical difficulties encountered during the transition of Journal of Paleontology from Allen Press to Cambridge University Press as publisher in 2015, some articles exported from the AllenTrack manuscript system to the Cambridge University Press ScholarOne system were assigned an incorrect “accepted” date in the published version.
For the Cambridge University Press ScholarOne system, Journal of Paleontology has adopted the following policy since February 1, 2016:
“The Journal of Paleontology Editor’s acceptance of a manuscript is always provisional. The formal acceptance date, which is appended to the published version, is set by the Journal’s Managing Editor upon receiving all production-ready files and related forms for publication. You will receive your final acceptance notice from the Managing Editor when all of your files have been approved and sent to Production of Cambridge University Press.”
For manuscripts accepted before the adoption of this policy, the Editor’s acceptance letters might not have specified whether the acceptance was provisional or formal. For such cases, Journal of Paleontology will regard the date of the Editor’s acceptance letter as the formal acceptance date.
Accordingly, for the following article published in Journal of Paleontology, vol. 89 no.1, the accepted date has been corrected online and as shown below:
Steven T. LoDuca, Jean-Bernard Caron, James D. Schiffbauer, Shuhai Xiao, and Anthony Kramer
A reexamination of Yuknessia from the Cambrian of British Columbia and Utah
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/jpa.2014.7
Accepted 7 April 2014, published online 9 March 2015.