With reference to the above mentioned article [J. Mater Res. 21, 783 (2006)], we would like to correct two equations and a reference:
In the subsection “Criterion for inclined crack initiation” under the section “Analysis”(page 785, column 2, line 15), the corrected equation should be read as:

The square root in the term (2/πl)1/2 is missing in the current article.
In the subsection “Criterion for bending crack” (page 786, column 1, line 12), the corrected equation should be read as:

The square root is missing in the term (2/πl)1/2, as in the earlier case.
The reference numbered 12 should be corrected as
D.J. Green: An Introduction to the Mechanical Properties of Ceramics (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1998), p. 241.