Fiftieth Anniversary Symposium
Ruth Kempson (authored with Ronnie Cann) (King's College London): Fifty years in the past and future: Semantics and pragmatics
Caroline Heycock (University of Edinburgh): Fifty years in the past and future: Syntax and morphology
John Harris (University College London): Fifty years in the past and future: Phonetics and phonology
Nigel Vincent (University of Manchester): Linguistics in the UK: Past, present and future
Language tutorial
David Adger (Queen Mary, University of London): Scottish Gaelic
Linguistics in education (LAGB Education Committee)
Typology for schools: Topics and materials that might be used in schools
Anna Siewierska (Lancaster University) & Dik Bakker (University of Amsterdam): Syntax
Greville G. Corbett (University of Surrey): Inflectional categories
Postrgaduate session (LAGB Student Committee)
Teaching in linguistics
Speakers: Klaus Abels (University College London), Kersti Börjars (University of Manchester), Patrick Honeybone (University of Edinburgh) and Willem Hollmann (Lancaster University)
Main session
Dora Alexopoulou (University of Cambridge) & Raffaella Folli (University of Ulster): Indefinite topics in Italian and Greek
Andrei Antonenko (Stony Brook University, NY): Binding by phases
Doug Arnold & Robert D. Borsley (University of Essex): Non-nominal which-relatives
Matthew Baerman (University of Surrey): Inflection classes without allomorphy
Laura Bailey (Newcastle University): Sentence-final question particles as apparent FOFC-violators
Theresa Biberauer (University of Cambridge & Stellenbosch University): Predicate-doubling in Afrikaans: Facts and comparisons
Theresa Biberauer (University of Cambridge & Stellenbosch University) & Roberta D'Alessandro (Leiden University): Grammaticalization in progress: Insights from the case of angore
Oliver Bond (SOAS): Selectional restrictions on cognate objects in Eleme
Robert D. Borsley (University of Essex): Constructions, functional heads, and comparative correlatives
Anne Breitbarth (University of Cambridge): Indefinites and negation in the history of Low German
Kakia Chatsiou (University of Essex): An LFG analysis of case attraction in modern Greek free relative clauses
Stergios Chatzikyriakidis (King's College London): A Dynamic Syntax approach to clitic climbing
Kearsy Cormier (University College London) & Sandra Smith (University of Bristol): Pragmatics of reference in British Sign Language narratives
Mary Dalrymple & Suriel Mofu (University of Oxford): Plural semantics, classifiers, and reduplication in Indonesian
Nigel Duffield (University of Sheffield) & Yayoi Tajima (Keio University): It matters what language you speak: (Why?) East Asians do not all think alike!
Magda Dumitru (Macquarie University): Simultaneous activation of discrete and dense semantic scales when interpreting logical connectives
Sonja Eisenbeiss (University of Essex) & Ingrid Sonnenstuhl (Düsseldorfer Akademie): The acquisition of German adnominal possessive constructions
Kazuhiko Fukushima (Kansai Gaidai University): Fabrication of quantification domains
Yasuyuki Fukutomi (Fukushima University): Wh-elements in right periphery and alternative semantics
Eric Fuß (University of Frankfurt), Ian Roberts (University of Cambridge) & Carola Trips (University of Mannheim): Language change and language acquisition: The actuation problem revisited
Hans-Martin Gärtner (ZAS Berlin): Embedded infinitival interrogatives in the historical development of English
Asli Göksel (Bogaziçi University), Baris Kabak (Konstanz University) & Anthi Revithiadou (University of the Aegean): Copying and iteration at the morphology–syntax interface
Beata Gyuris (Hungarian Academy of Sciences): ‘Tagging’ Hungarian
Liliane Haegeman (University of Ghent): Three positions for prenominal possessors
Liliane Haegeman (University of Ghent) & Terje Lohndal (University of Maryland): Negative concord is simply Agree
Jutta Hartmann (University of Tübingen) & Veronika Hegedus (Hungarian Academy of Sciences): Equation is predication: Evidence from Hungarian
Caroline Heycock (University of Edinburgh), Antonella Sorace (University of Edinburgh) & Zakaris Svabo Hansen (University of the Faroe Islands): On the acquisition (or not) of verb movement to Inflection
Andrew Hippisley (University of Kentucky): Prolegomena to a defaults-based theory of word-formation: Derivation in Network Morphology
Andrew Hippisley & Gregory Stump (University of Kentucky): Realization without exponence: The Shughni past tense
Kerstin Hoge (University of Oxford): On adjectival complements of perception verbs in English and German
Anders Holmberg (Newcastle University): Rich agreement really is a parameter with a wide range of effects
Dick Hudson (University College London): Welsh soft mutation and Word Grammar
Katarzyna M. Jaszczolt (University of Cambridge): Cancellability criterion for the primary/secondary and explicit/implicit meaning distinctions
Ángel Jiménez Fernández (University of Seville): On the order of multiple topics and discourse-feature inheritance
Tom Juzek (University of Oxford): On the concept of grammaticality
Napoleon Katsos (University of Cambridge & University of Oxford) & Dorothy Bishop (University of Oxford): Informativeness from a speaker's and a comprehender's perspective
Napoleon Katsos (University of Cambridge & University of Oxford), Nafsika Smith (University of Cambridge), Aneta Miekisz (University of Warsaw), Ewa Haman (University of Warsaw), Katerina Kostantzou (University of Athens), Spyridoula Varlokosta (University of Athens), Athina Skordi (University of Cyprus) & Kristine Jensen de Lopez (University of Aalborg): Crosslinguistic investigations in the acquisition of quantification
Koji Kawahara (University of York): Attributive comparatives and logical form
Shin-Sook Kim & Peter Sells (SOAS): Structures of modality in Korean
Andrew Koontz-Garboden (University of Manchester) & John Beavers (University of Texas at Austin): Manner and result verbs
Anu Koskela (Sussex University): Vertical polysemy: Word senses and their boundaries
Christopher Lucas (University of Cambridge): English weak definites: Towards a diachronic account
Dejan Matic (MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology) & Irina Nikolaeva (SOAS): Predicate focus in Tundra Yukaghir
Wilfried Meyer Viol & Howard Jones (King's College London): A unified account of the English perfect and past tenses
Ingo Mittendorf & Louisa Sadler (University of Essex): Welsh prenominals and the syntax–morphology interface
Louise Mycock (University of Oxford): Prosody and the typology of ‘multiple-fronting’ languages
Kuniya Nasukawa (Tohoku Gakuin University): A disparity between lexical and non-lexical representations in Japanese
Diane Nelson (University of Leeds), Vesna Stojanovik (University of Reading) & Theo Marinis (University of Reading): Williams Syndrome, wh-syntax and the modularity debate
Tom Rainsford (University of Cambridge): Changing rhythmic patterns in the Medieval French octosyllable
Martha G. Robinson (University of Edinburgh): SER/ESTAR the view from the left, a change of focus
Serge Sagna (University of Manchester): Noun class semantics in Gújjolaay Eegimaa
Adam Schembri, Jordan Fenlon & Ramas Rentelis (University College London): British Sign Language Corpus Project: Sociolinguistic variation in the 1 handshape in BSL conversations
Adam Schembri (University College London), Eleni Orfanidou (University College London) & Kearsy Cormier (City University, London): British Sign Language Grammaticality Judgement Task: Exploring age-of-acquisition effects in British deaf adults
Barbara C. Scholz & Geoffrey K. Pullum (University of Edinburgh): Language and thought: What should we tell the children?
Minjeong Son & Peter Svenonius (Tromsø University): Measurement and paths
Marleen Spaargaren (University of Edinburgh): Historical asymmetric assimilations as evidence for privative |spread| in English
Gregory Stump (University of Kentucky): The compositional dimension of derivation
Claire K. Turner (University of Surrey): Neutral aspect: Another optional feature in the SENĆOŦEN temporal domain
Jenneke van der Wal (Leiden University): Subject inversion in Bantu languages
Wim van der Wurff & Ian Mackenzie (Newcastle University): Relics in word order change
Marie-Elaine Van Egmond (University of Sydney): The coverb construction in Anindilyakwa: Various cycles of complex verb formation
Virve Vihman & Petar Kehayov (University of Tartu): System versus syncretism: Verbal derivation and lability in Estonian
Keisuke Yoshimoto & Andrew Radford (University of Essex): On the nature of clausal phases: A minimalist-cartographic perspective
Akiko Yoshimura (Nara Women's University): Descriptive/metalinguistic dichotomy? New taxonomy of negation