The Linguistics Association Lecture 2010
Joan L. Bybee (New Mexico): Exemplar semantics: Implications for grammatical meaning
Henry Sweet Lecture 2010
Stephen Levinson (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics): Linguistic diversity and the ‘interaction engine’
Language tutorial
Lutz Marten (SOAS): Herero
Workshop (linked to the Henry Sweet Lecture): Interactional foundations for language
Organisers: Kasia Jaszczolt (Cambridge) & Stephen Levinson (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics)
Kasia Jaszczolt (Cambridge): On pragmatic compositionality
Elizabeth Couper-Kuhlen (Helsinki): Recognizing actions in interaction
Ulf Liszkowski (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics): Prelinguistic foundations of human communication
Nick Enfield (Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics & Radboud University): Sources of asymmetry in human interaction
Stephen Levinson's comments and general discussion
Linguistics in education (LAGB Education Committee)
Corpora in teaching (at school and university level)
Dan Clayton (St Francis Xavier College & Survey of English Usage, UCL): Corpora in English teaching
Vivienne Rogers & Zoe Handley (Dept of Education, Oxford): Corpora in foreign language teaching
Postrgaduate training session (LAGB Student Committee)
Job applications and interviews: Lecturer in Linguistics mock interview
Prof. Kersti Börjars (Manchester), Dr David Willis (Cambridge) & Dr Hans van de Koot (UCL); Agnieszka Kulacka, George Walkden, Ruba Khamam & Laura Bailey
Themed session: Disharmony in nominals
Invited speaker – Wim van der Wurff (Newcastle): (Dis)harmony in nominals: FOFC as a probe into adjectival structure
Norbert Corver & Marjo van Koppen (Utrecht): (Dis)harmonic variation, the definite article and NPE in the Dutch dialects
Jennifer Culbertson & Paul Smolensky (Johns Hopkins): Disharmony in the nominal domain: an Artificial Language Learning approach
Cristina Guardiano (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia): Demonstratives and word orders within the DP: a crosslinguistic inspection
Liliane Haegeman (Ghent): Particles and the internal syntax of the West Flemish DP
Steve Nicolle (SIL): Explaining Demonstrative–Noun word order variation in Digo
Joy Philip (UCL): Harmony, head proximity, and the near parallels between nominal and clausal linkers
Hisao Tokizaki (Sapporo): The morpho-phonological nature of the generalized Final-Over-Final Constraint
Special session: Exemplar- and construction-based approaches to grammar
Ben Ambridge (Liverpool): Testing a new account of the acquisition of linguistic constructions
Thaïs Crisófaro-Silva, Sandro Campos & Maria Cantoni (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais): Phonetic gradualness and phonological generalization
Grzegorz Krajewski (Manchester): Contextual diversity of a Polish child's use of noun inflections Irina Nikolaeva (SOAS): The narrative infinitive construction in French and Latin
Caroline Rowland (Liverpool): Competing cues in the acquisition of semantic roles: New evidence from English and Welsh datives
Anna Theakston & Minna Kirjavainen (Manchester): Infinitival-to omission errors in child language
Main session
Patrícia Amaral (Liverpool): Degree modification, aspectual structure and scalar change: The case of mal
Laura Bailey, Malgorzata Krzek, Anders Holmberg, Michelle Sheehan & Mais Sulaiman (Newcastle): Intonation questions
Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge & Stellenbosch): MAN is that weird! Exclamative V2 in Modern English and beyond
Theresa Biberauer, Anders Holmberg, Ian Roberts & Michelle Sheehan (Newcastle & Cambridge): Reconciling formalism and functionalism: A minimalist perspective
Theresa Biberauer & George Walkden (Cambridge): 231 from A(frikaans) to Z(ürichGerman): A challenge to the Final-over-Final Constraint?
Kersti Börjars & Nigel Vincent (Manchester): Complements of adjectives: A diachronic approach
Miriam Bouzouita (Universitat de les Illes Balears): Back to the future
Dunstan Brown & Sebastian Fedden (Surrey): Pronominal marking in Alor-Pantar languages
Emanuela Buizza & Leendert Plug (Leeds): Synchronic lenition: The case of RP English /t/
Lieven Danckaert (Ghent): Feature smuggling and island pied-piping
Elspeth Edelstein (Edinburgh): Adverb Climbing as an indicator of restructuring
Sonja Eisenbeiss, Michael Bass, Wendy Bevan & Veronika Hubickova (Essex): Adnominal possessive constructions in German and English child language
Vyv Evans (Bangor): Temporal frames of reference
Yasuyuki Fukutomi (Fukushima): Wh-scope marking and argument/predicate distinction
Hannah Gibson (SOAS): Back to the future: Disharmonic syntax in Langi
Nik Gisborne & Dick Hudson (Edinburgh & UCL): Idioms and exceptionality
Liliane Haegeman & Mario van Koppen (Ghent): Complementizer agreement and the relation between T and C
Fredrik Heinat & Satu Manninen (Stockholm & Lund): Evidence for a Finnish personal passive
Alison Henry (Ulster at Jordanstown): Demonstratives in Belfast English: Microvariation and externalization
Barry Heselwood & Leendert Plug (Leeds): Non-prevocalic [r] sounds more rhotic without F3: Evidence from listening experiments
Katrin Hiietam & Satu Manninen (Lund): Passives or impersonals? Evidence from Finnish and Estonian Impersonal Passive and Zero Person constructions
Sun-Ho Hong (Seoul National University of Education): On the lack of Agree in Korean multiple wh-questions
Bozhil Hristov (Oxford): Agreement with conjoined nouns in Bulgarian
Ángel Jiménez & Vassilios Spyropoulos (Sevilla & Athens): Feature inheritance, vP phases and the information structure of small clauses
Jieun Kiaer (Oxford): A corpus-based investigation on multiple subject constructions in Korean: Incremental clustering approach
Shin-Sook Kim & Peter Sells (SOAS): Scoping in relation to base order in Japanese and Korean
Andrew Koontz-Garboden (Manchester): Only some lexical semantic roots are morphological roots
Pierre Larrivée & Estelle Moline (Aston & Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale): Activated propositions escape intervention effects
Christopher Lucas (Cambridge): A Dynamic Syntax account of n-words and negative concord
Ad Neeleman & Hans van de Koot (UCL): Scope inversion
Ryo Otoguro (Waseda): Word-based inflectional system in Japanese
Katia Paykin, Fayssal Tayalati & Danièle Van de Velde (Lille 3): When être ‘to be’ is agentive: A case of behavior evaluation adjectives
Bruna Karla Pereira (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais & Cambridge): Brazilian Portuguese lá: Mapping the left periphery
Max Phillips (SOAS): Agreement with obliques in Central Indo-Aryan?
Laura Rimell (Cambridge): Denominal verbs and canonical events
Ranjan Sen (Oxford): Synchrony, diachrony and early Latin feet
Ryosuke Shibagaki (SOAS): Causation in Mandarin secondary predicates
Pius ten Hacken & Claire Hopkin (Swansea): Why word-formation and syntax are different
George Walkden (Cambridge): Verb-third in early West Germanic: A comparative perspective
Richard Waltereit & Wim van der Wurff (Newcastle): Changing reflexive systems: The role of ambiguity reassessed
David Willis (Cambridge): Reconstructing last week's weather: Syntactic reconstruction and Brythonic free relatives