Having entire shelves of books on voice disorders, and having been given the somewhat large and heavy Textbook of Voice Disorders to review, I was relieved and enthused by this book's modern, team-based approach, core information, easy to read format, and highly respected, multi-disciplinary contributors.
I have sometimes struggled to follow authors' descriptions of the anatomy and physiology of the larynx and phonation, both from the written word and diagrams. However, in this book these essential topics are dealt with thoroughly and in a logical format, supported by excellent anatomical diagrams and photographs, leaving the reader with a feeling of real understanding of core facts, without being overloaded.
Each chapter starts with a list of key common knowledge points for the reader to consider, followed by text boxes which explore relevant controversial or development points, and finally by study questions to encourage wider thinking and reading. The book covers comprehensively all aspects of the diagnosis and management of voice disorders, but leaves the reader feeling challenged rather than ‘spoon-fed’. If the reader is hoping for a step-by-step approach to, for example, aspects of voice therapy, then this is not the book to buy.
I would recommend this book to all medical and speech and language therapy students and clinicians working with patients with voice disorders, because of its up-to-date, concise information, presented in a highly readable format. I will find it a prominent place on my bookshelf.