This American book is written by two speech and language therapists, with contributions mostly from head and neck surgeons and other speech therapists. Hence, its emphasis is on the speech rehabilitation of patients undergoing treatment for head and neck cancer. The book attempts to cover the pathogenesis of head and neck cancer, the available treatment modalities, the functional impact of treatment, and rehabilitation issues.
The book is rather simplistic when dealing with the pathology and treatment options for head and neck cancer. Although this makes it an easy read, it does seem that the authors have written it specifically for allied health professionals. Having said that, the chapters relating to speech, swallowing and olfaction restoration post-laryngectomy are highly informative and detailed. There is a chapter on nonsurgical voice restoration post-laryngectomy which is particularly interesting and well referenced, and may be noteworthy for head and neck surgeons who routinely perform primary tracheoesophageal puncture at the time of surgery. Although voice restoration is largely within the remit of the speech therapists, the book encourages the reader to think more broadly about the range of options available to surgeons when counselling patients about speech and swallowing post-operatively. The chapter on evaluating quality of life and functional outcomes related to voice and speech is also highly informative. However, as the book is written with the speech therapist in mind, it is of little practical use to the surgeon.
There are simple diagrams of the relevant anatomy but unfortunately too many poor quality photographs which are unnecessary. Being American, some of the practices may differ from those in the UK, but this does not impact too much on the book's informative value, as it is excellently referenced throughout.

In summary, this book is particularly suited for allied health professionals dealing with the management of patient rehabilitation after head and neck cancer treatment. It is also a useful reference guide for head and neck surgeons managing post-laryngectomy patients, with regard to voice rehabilitation and quality of life issues. Whilst the emphasis of the book tends to be aimed at speech therapists, the multidisciplinary aspect of modern cancer care means that clinicians will also derive benefit from reading this book.