This book is the direct descendent of The Handbook of Balance Function Testing (published in 1993) and The Practical Management of the Balance Disordered Patient (published in 1996), by the same authors. It is divided into 27 chapters and a DVD. The text begins with introductory material covering the anatomy and physiology of the vestibular apparatus and eye movements, symptoms, and the methods for recording eye movement. Tests that assess the vestibular system are described in the following chapters. This information is generally organised so that the technique for performing the test is followed by a section covering interpretation of results.
The last section covers the medical and surgical treatment of dizziness, with added chapters on vestibular sensory evoked potentials and the assessment of falls risk.
The book is six hundred and thirty odd pages, but is a relatively easy read. The DVD that accompanies each chapter is excellent and explains the practical points covered.

The only downside to the book is that the investigation algorithms are biased towards the ones preferred by the authors; a more balanced overview could have been achieved. However, this is a minor point. All in all, this is an excellent book, to be used as a reference text for ENT surgeons, trainees and audiological physicians.