1. Introduction
The classical model of Rayleigh–Bénard thermal convection is concerned with a fluid enclosed within a rigid container heated from below and cooled at the top. This model has been extensively studied in the past with the main focus being on the overall heat transfer efficiency of the fluid (Ahlers, Grossmann & Lohse Reference Ahlers, Grossmann and Lohse2009), oriented mainly toward industrial applications. Replacing the rigid top with a floating insulating plate that covers part of the top boundary turns the classic model into a dynamic fluid--structure system. Compared to the classic Rayleigh–Bénard model, a new element introduced by the floating plate is the thermally induced fluid--structure interaction. In this system, momentum is passed from the thermally convecting fluid to the plate at the fluid--plate interface and the presence of the insulating plate gradually modifies the underlying flow structure, which in turn affects plate motion.
One related phenomenon in nature is the drifting of continents over the convective mantle. Continents act as thermal blankets over the convective mantle, since the average heat flux through continents is much lower than through the oceanic lithosphere (Pollack, Hurter & Johnson Reference Pollack, Hurter and Johnson1993; Lenardic et al. Reference Lenardic, Moresi, Jellinek and Manga2005). Owing to its lower density, a continent floats rather stably over the convective mantle. In contrast, cooling imposed by the oceanic water destabilizes the oceanic lithosphere, which sinks deep into the mantle at subduction zones. New oceanic lithosphere is generated by the cooling of the upwelling magma at the mid-ocean ridges. Therefore, the oceanic lithosphere is often viewed as an integral part of mantle convection and part of the thermal boundary layer. As a result, a simplified model of an insulating plate floating over a thermally convecting fluid, which is heated below and cooled at the top, captures the fundamental mechanism induced by the thermal blanket effect.
A floating plate can generate a temperature anomaly in the underlying fluid and this anomaly induces a convective circulation which in turn moves the plate (Elder Reference Elder1967). Owing to the thermal effect of the plate, the plate can move without requiring a pre-existing stream. The floating object was observed in laboratory experiments to oscillate between the end walls of a rectangular fluid container, either as a line heating source (Howard, Marlkus & Whitehead Reference Howard, Malkus and Whitehead1970; Whitehead Reference Whitehead1972) or as an insulating plate (Zhang & Libchaber Reference Zhang and Libchaber2000; Zhong & Zhang Reference Zhong and Zhang2005). For the former, the length of the heater was set to be much larger than the depth of the fluid domain. For the latter, although the size of the plate varies widely, the aspect ratio of the fluid container was limited to approximately 3, and therefore only two counter-rotating convection cells with downwellings on the end walls are observed. This flow structure excludes the possibility of the plate being slowed down by the impeding flow ahead, which is associated with encountering cold downwelling. Very large insulating plates are observed to make only small excursions around the centre of the flow domain without touching the end walls (Zhong & Zhang Reference Zhong and Zhang2007a,Reference Zhong and Zhangb). The stochastic behaviours of the plate were later investigated theoretically (Huang et al. Reference Huang, Zhong, Zhang and Laurent2018). These experiments confirm that the floating object moves by exerting a thermal effect on the underlying flow, which modulates the flow structure and generates convective flows that propel the floating object. Nevertheless, several questions remain to be answered for this thermally induced fluid--structure interaction. In particular, what happens when there are more than two convection cells within the flow domain? Rather than being stopped by the vertical end wall, will the moving plate be stopped by the impeding flow ahead? How does the plate size affect this thermally induced fluid--structure interaction? Further, if the flow domain is connected and there is no vertical end wall, which is the case for the Earth, will the plate move unidirectionally forever?
Numerical simulations using dynamically determined boundary conditions provide answers to some of the above questions (e.g. Gurnis Reference Gurnis1988; Zhong & Gurnis Reference Zhong and Gurnis1993; Phillips & Bunge Reference Phillips and Bunge2005; Whitehead & Behn Reference Whitehead and Behn2015; Mao, Zhong & Zhang Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019). Rather than using water as the convecting fluid as in the laboratory experiments, these numerical simulations assume an infinite Prandtl number for a better approximation to the very large Prandtl number (~1023) of the Earth. The insulating plate is observed to lengthen the wavelength of convection (Gurnis & Zhong Reference Gurnis and Zhong1991; Zhong & Gurnis Reference Zhong and Gurnis1993). Compared to a fixed plate, a drifting plate enhances the heat transport efficiency (Whitehead & Behn Reference Whitehead and Behn2015; Mao et al. Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019). For the plate motion, time series of plate velocity suggest that small plates show long durations of stagnancy interrupted by episodic velocity bursts, whereas large plates always move with appreciable velocity (Gurnis Reference Gurnis1988; Phillips & Bunger Reference Phillips and Bunge2005; Mao et al. Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019). For a relatively large plate floating in a two-dimensional (2-D) rectangular fluid domain, a single convection cell is always observed underneath the continent, termed ‘the continental drift convection cell’ by Whitehead & Behn (Reference Whitehead and Behn2015). Like a solitary wave, this cell moves along with the plate without significantly changing shape (Whitehead & Behn Reference Whitehead and Behn2015).
The existence of this convection cell was further confirmed in the three-dimensional (3-D) geometry in the recent numerical simulation results of Mao et al. (Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019). Moreover, these recent results reveal three different plate--fluid coupling modes in both 2-D and 3-D geometries as the plate size varies. Small plates show long durations of stagnancy over cold downwellings, termed stagnant mode I (SM I). As plate size increases, SM I transitions into a shorter lived stagnancy, i.e. stagnant mode II (SM II), characterized by hot plumes developing underneath the plate. For an even larger plate, a unidirectional moving mode (UMM) emerges in which case the plate moves unidirectionally until it is stopped by the end wall. On its way, the plate modifies the impeding flow it encounters and maintains a single convection cell underneath it by forming new hot upwelling near its trailing edge (Mao et al. Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019). These results provide a more complete picture for the possible plate--fluid interaction.
Despite the revelation of three different modes (Mao et al. Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019), the transition to the UMM lacks quantification and theoretical explanation. Can the critical plate size for the UMM be predicted? Furthermore, the model in Mao et al. (Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019) adopts rigid end walls at the vertical boundaries of the flow domain, which force the plate to stop at each encounter until the underlying flow reverses. These end walls are artificially imposed boundaries which do not exist in the Earth, and they interrupt plate motion. Therefore, a periodic boundary condition that allows the fluid and the plate to flow out of one side and into the other is more appropriate to investigate the long-term coupling between the plate and the underlying fluid. With a periodic boundary condition, will the previously observed unidirectional movement of large plates persist forever? What happens for very large plates, will they make only small excursions around a position as observed in the experiments of Zhong & Zhang (Reference Zhong and Zhang2007a) which impose rigid end walls, or will they move unidirectionally? Further, a periodic boundary condition allows for the obtaining of a time-averaged flow field in the plate reference frame in which the plate does not move. How does the underlying convection cell in the average flow field vary with plate size? As mentioned above, hot plumes are always identified near the trailing edge of the plate for the UMM. The location of these hot plumes is of significant geological interest, as they can tear the continent apart and form large igneous basalt provinces if they impinge on land, and they can also be the source for chains of volcanic islands if they impinge on the ocean floor. For the UMM, how does the hot plume location vary with plate size?
Motivated by the above questions, the present study adopts periodic boundary conditions and numerically simulates the coupled dynamic system with a wide range of plate sizes. While the previous study of Mao et al. (Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019) focuses on revealing the different dynamic modes, the focus here is to provide more insight into the unidirectionally moving mode, in particular, why it emerges for a sufficiently large plate and what the critical plate size for this mode is. Furthermore, the present study seeks to provide further quantification for this mode, in particular, the dependency of the average plate velocity on other quantities. In addition, spectra of the streamfunction field are obtained for approximately 3.3 × 105 snapshots for each case to reveal the variation of flow structure with plate size. Moreover, the present study adopts a Rayleigh number of 5 × 107, much higher than the value of 106 adopted in the study of Mao et al. (Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019). Although much more time consuming for the numerical simulation, the present Rayleigh number is more consistent with the value generally attributed to the Earth, which is ~107–109 (Whitehead & Behn Reference Whitehead and Behn2015). Additionally, the upper limit of plate length in the investigation of Mao et al. (Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019) is set to be four times the depth, which is half the domain length in a rectangular box with an aspect ratio of eight, whereas the present investigation provides a more complete scenario by extending the plate length to over seven times the depth, covering almost the entire top surface.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: first, the numerical model and techniques are described in § 2. Section 3 shows the simulation results, including the time series of plate velocity, the probability density of plate speed and snapshots of isotherms and streamlines, demonstrating the variation of plate motion and coupling modes with plate size. Section 4 presents detailed analysis on the UMM, revealing the dependency of the instantaneous plate speed on the distance of the hot ‘propelling plume’ away from the plate centre. Moreover, it shows the variation of the average flow field, the average plate speed and the average plume distance with plate size. Most importantly, the dependency of plate speed on other quantities, including plate size, the hot plume position and Rayleigh number is quantified. Based on this relation, a simplified model is established in § 5 to derive the critical plate size for the UMM. Results from the simplified model are validated by the results of full numerical simulations. Section 6 reveals the variation of flow structure with plate size and plate velocity through spectra of the streamfunction field. Finally, the relevance of the coupling modes to real geophysical phenomena and the limitations of the present simple model are given in § 7.
2. Model configuration and numerical methods
A 2-D rectangular domain with an aspect ratio of eight is considered (figure 1, $D/H = 8$, where D and H are the horizontal span and height of the fluid domain). The plate length L, normalized by fluid depth H, varies from 0.25 to 7.25, extending the range of 0.25 to 4 adopted by Mao et al. (Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019). Similar to previous studies (for example, Gurnis Reference Gurnis1988; Whitehead & Behn Reference Whitehead and Behn2015; Mao et al. Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019), several simplifications are incorporated in the present model: the Boussinesq approximation, a uniform viscosity for the fluid and the dropping of the inertia and advection terms in the momentum equation owing to the large Prandtl number of mantle. Here, realistic Earth factors such as a spherical geometry, non-uniform viscosity, compression and phase changes are ignored. The simplest prototype model considered here is advantageous to focus on the mechanism of thermally induced fluid--structure interaction, which may be obscured when other complex Earth-like factors are considered. A Cartesian coordinate system is considered, with the horizontal and vertical components represented by x 1 (positive toward the right) and x 2 (positive downward), respectively. Accordingly, the horizontal and vertical velocity components are denoted as u 1 and u 2, respectively. For simplicity, the indicial notation is used only in the governing equations ((2.1)–(2.3)), and is substituted elsewhere by the basic Cartesian notation, where x = x 1, y = x 2 and u = u 1, v = u 2. Time, pressure and temperature are represented respectively by t, P, T. With these assumptions and the summation convection of the dummy index, the dimensionless governing equations become

where the symbol ${\delta _{ij}}$ denotes the Kronecker delta (
${\delta _{ij}} = 1$ if i = j and
${\delta _{ij}} = 0$ if i ≠ j) and Ra is the Rayleigh number defined as

The symbols g, β, ΔT, v, κ represent acceleration due to gravity, thermal expansion coefficient, temperature difference between the bottom and the top of the fluid, kinematic viscosity and thermal diffusivity of the fluid, respectively. Equations (2.1)–(2.3) are made dimensionless using the length scale H, time scale H 2/κ, velocity scale κ/H, temperature (relative to the top surface temperature) scale ΔT, the pressure gradient scale${\rho _0}g\beta \mathrm{\Delta }T$, where
${\rho _\textrm{0}}$ is the fluid density.

Figure 1. Sketch of the model and specification of the boundary conditions.
The fluid is initially stationary and isothermal (T = 1 at t = 0). The bottom of the flow domain is set to be isothermal (T = 1). A sudden cooling is imposed on the top boundary (T = 0 at y = 0), except where the plate is present. The limited heat flux of the continent (Pollack et al. Reference Pollack, Hurter and Johnson1993; Lenardic et al. Reference Lenardic, Moresi, Jellinek and Manga2005) is simplified by setting it to zero at the plate--fluid interface, as also adopted in previous studies (Whitehead, Shea & Behn Reference Whitehead, Shea and Behn2011; Whitehead & Behn Reference Whitehead and Behn2015; Mao et al. Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019). Nevertheless, unlike these previous studies, which adopt a free-slip rigid wall at the vertical boundaries, the present study adopts a periodic boundary condition for the vertical end boundaries, allowing the fluid/plate to flow/move out of one side and into the other. Instead of forcing the plate to stop at each encounter, the periodic boundary allows for an uninterrupted interaction of the plate with the underlying flow. The top and bottom boundaries of the fluid domain are set to be stress free, except the plate--fluid interface, which is set to be no slip, i.e. fluid at the interface flows at the same speed as the plate.
For fluid with infinite Prandtl number, no acceleration or net force exists in any mass element, since body forces are balanced by viscous force, and therefore the plate has no inertia (Gable, O'Connell & Travis Reference Gable, O'Connell and Travis1991). Plate velocity is determined in the same way as in the previous study of Mao et al. (Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019), i.e. by averaging the flow velocity at the first grid cell below the interface. This method results in a zero net horizontal shear force exerted by the flow on the plate--fluid interface and was first used by Gable et al. (Reference Gable, O'Connell and Travis1991). It ensures that energy is neither added to nor subtracted from the convecting system and therefore is conserved.
The governing equations are advanced numerically in time with the specified boundary and initial conditions using the finite-volume method. The code has been used and validated when solving natural convection problems (for example, Mao, Lei & Patterson Reference Mao, Lei and Patterson2009, Reference Mao, Lei and Patterson2010). The semi-implicit method for pressure-linked equations (SIMPLE) scheme (Patankar Reference Patankar1980) and the quadratic upstream interpolation for convective kinematics (QUICK) scheme (Leonard Reference Leonard1979) are adopted for pressure--velocity coupling and spatial derivative approximation, respectively.
A mesh and time-step dependency test has been conducted using five different meshes (100 × 800, 150 × 1200, 200 × 1600, 250 × 2000, 300 × 2400) for the case with a plate size of L = 0.25, which is the smallest plate size among all the simulated cases, and Ra = 5 × 107, which is the highest among all the simulation cases. All the meshes are equidistant and the time step is adjusted so that the Courant--Friedrichs--Lewy number remains approximately the same for different meshes. Results of the average Nusselt number Nu at quasi-steady state derived from different meshes are listed in table 1, together with the estimated error with respect to the value predicted by the finest mesh. It is seen that, as mesh size increases, the predicted Nu converges to a constant and the numerical error reduces, from 44.35 % to 3.80 % as the mesh size increases from 800 × 100 to 2000 × 250. Although the Nusselt number differs significantly from the coarsest to the finest mesh, the flow planform remains similar. Based on a trade-off between accuracy and calculation time, the mesh of 2000 × 250 is selected in all the following simulations with a time step of 6 × 10−8.
Table 1. Effect of mesh size on the predicted value of Nusselt number, Nu, at the quasi-steady state.

3. Variation of plate motion and coupling mode with plate size
An insulating plate over a basally heated fluid acts as a thermal blanket. It prevents heat from escaping from it and therefore it warms up the underlying fluid, which modifies the flow structure and in turn causes plate motion. As plate size increases, its ability to accumulate heat underneath enhances and thus the thermal-mechanic feedback takes a shorter time. This increased thermal blanket effect is expected to be reflected in plate motion and the flow structure underneath the plate.
3.1. Plate motion
Time series of plate velocity at the quasi-steady stage show that plate motion varies significantly with plate size (figure 2). Over the quasi-steady stage, small plates (L < 3) can fall into stagnancy (plate speed up approaches zero) and reverse direction (figure 2a,c,e,g,i,k), whereas large plates (L ≥ 3) move unidirectionally with no stagnancy or reversal (figure 2b,d,f,h,j,l). As plate size increases from L = 0.25 to L = 3, its probability of stagnancy decreases evidently (figures 2 and 3a). Notably, a unidirectionally moving mode with almost zero probability of stagnancy starts to emerge at a plate size of approximately L = 3, and this mode persists for even very large plates with L > 7 (figure 2). This UMM will be discussed in detail in § 4 and the critical plate size for this mode will be predicted by a simplified model in § 5.

Figure 2. Times series of plate speed up over the quasi-steady stage for different plate sizes L, Ra = 5 × 107. The time series on the right-hand side are for cases with a UMM.

Figure 3. Statistical analysis on the time series of plate speed ~up| for various plate sizes L at Ra = 5 × 107. (a) Probability density of plate speed |up|, dashed lines denote cases with a UMM. (b) Mean plate speed |up| with the error bars denoting standard deviation.
The trend of coherence of plate motion changes at a plate size of approximately L = 1 (figure 3a). For L < 1, the distribution of plate speed becomes increasingly wider with increasing plate size, expanding to higher values. This decreased concentration or coherence marks the transition from a very stagnant motion to a more mobile motion. In contrast, for L > 1, the distribution of plate speed becomes increasingly concentrated, with a narrower band, as plate size increases, demonstrating the increased coherency of plate motion (figure 3a). This is reasonable. Since plate velocity reflects the average flow velocity at the plate--fluid interface, an increase in plate size decreases the sensitivity of a plate to local velocity pulses and therefore results in smoother and more coherent plate motion. This variation of coherence is also illustrated by the standard deviation of plate speed, which increases with L for L < 1 but decreases with L for L > 1 (figure 3b).
The time-averaged plate speed |up| increases with plate size L up to L = 2, then begins to level off and starts to decrease with plate size at L = 4 (figure 3b). The increase of plate speed |up| with plate size L for L < 2 is a manifestation of enhanced mobility, since the probability of stagnancy decreases evidently with plate size over this range (figure 3a). The very stagnant motion of small plates suggests that the plate must be often straddling opposing flows that counteract each other and inhibit plate motion.
The average plate speed |up| levels off (does not show evident variation with plate size) from L = 2 to L = 4 (figure 3b). Notably, the critical plate size for the UMM, approximately 3, lies within the range where the plate speed levels off. This almost constant plate speed will be used in deriving the critical plate size for the UMM in § 5.
Beyond this level-off range, a further increase of plate size leads to a decrease of the average plate speed (figure 3b). This is reasonable since, for the extreme case with the top boundary fully sealed by the insulating plate, the flow domain would eventually be isothermal and stationary. Therefore, it is the cooling surface uncovered by the plate that generates the adverse temperature gradient and thus instability and convection, which provide the momentum for the circulation and plate motion. An increase of plate size leads to a shrinkage of the cooling surface and eventually to a decrease of the momentum, and therefore a decreasing average flow/plate speed. As a result, plate speed approaches zero as the plate extends to cover almost the entire flow domain (L > 7) (figure 3b).
Within the plate--fluid coupled dynamic system, plate motion is a direct manifestation of the underlying flow structure. For a plate drifting over a fast convecting fluid domain, a stagnant motion often reflects opposing underlying flows, whereas a fast moving motion is most likely to be caused by a coherent underlying flow. The variation of the underlying flow structure with plate size and the evolution of the flow structure with time are discussed in detail in § 3.2.
3.2. Dynamic coupling modes
Owing to the thermal blanket effect, the insulating plate gradually accumulates heat underneath. As a result, the underlying flow structure evolves with time, and so does the plate motion, which can transition from stagnancy to velocity bursts for small plates (figure 2). As plate size increases, the enhanced thermal blanket effect enables a faster thermal-dynamic feedback, which is reflected in the transition of the coupling mode or the flow structure underneath the plate. The evolution of the flow structure with time and the transition of the coupling mode with plate size are elucidated below with snapshots of isotherms and streamlines. Three coupling modes, stagnant mode I (SM I), stagnant mode II (SM II) and a UMM, are identified for the present cases with a Rayleigh number of Ra = 5 × 107. These modes have been elucidated previously for cases which adopt a different boundary condition (rigid wall) at the vertical boundaries and a much lower Rayleigh number of Ra = 106 (Mao et al. Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019). The previous focus was on describing the flow structure of different modes, whereas the present study explores the reason for the transition from one mode to another. The transition is attributed to enhanced thermal blanket effect with plate size, embodied by increased efficiency of heat accumulation and hot plume generation. These analyses provide context for the later derivation of the critical plate size for the UMM.
3.2.1. Stagnant mode I (SM I)
For a small plate of L = 0.25, the plate is rather stagnant with no significant displacement at the quasi-steady stage. Corresponding to this stagnant plate motion, cold downwellings are always identified underneath the plate (figure 4). Associated with the cold downwelling are two counter-rotating convection cells. The opposing horizontal flows of these two neighbouring cells converge beneath the plate, trying to push the plate in opposing directions. The plate moves until it reaches a balanced position where the net underlying flow velocity is zero. Fluctuation of the plate velocity reflects fluctuation of the underlying flow intensity. This is a stable mode where plate motion is inhibited, since any plate movement away from the balanced position would encounter opposing flow that pushes the plate back. This stable mode of a small plate trapped over cold downwelling is termed stagnant mode I (SM I).

Figure 4. A typical snapshot of isotherms and streamlines showing stagnant mode I for L = 0.25 and Ra = 5 × 107 with a sketch of the flow structure underneath the plate on the right. The solid and dashed black lines represent streamlines of anti-clockwise and clockwise flows, respectively, with an interval of 850. Cold downwellings are always identified underneath the plate where two opposing horizontal flows converge.
As plate size increases, its thermal blanket effect, i.e. the ability to accumulate heat underneath, becomes more evident. Owing to the increased thermal blanket effect, for L = 0.5, the two neighbouring hot plumes are gradually attracted toward the plate, leading to the shrinkage of the two convection cells underneath the plate (figure 5b–d). SM I terminates temporarily with the arrival of the hot plume underneath the plate (figure 5e). In this case, one of the previous underlying convection cells vanishes and the other one incorporates with the larger neighbouring cell. Therefore, the plate rides over a single convection cell and moves with the underlying flow (figure 5f), showing a velocity burst until it is arrested by the next downwelling that it encounters. As a result, the system shows long durations of SM I interrupted by short bursts of plate velocity for this small plate size.

Figure 5. The dynamic coupling at a plate size of L = 0.5 and Ra = 5 × 107. (a–f) Snapshots of isotherms and streamlines showing the evolution of flow structure with time. The sketches on the right side zoom in on the basic flow structure underneath the plate. During the stagnant mode I, the plate attracts neighbouring hot plumes toward it, leading to the shrinkage of the two underlying convection cells. The solid and dashed streamlines represent anti-clockwise and clockwise flows, respectively, with an interval of 850. (g) Time series of plate velocity up and plate centre position x, where the dots and dashed lines denote the corresponding times in (a–f).
3.2.2. Stagnant mode II (SM II)
As the thermal blanket effect continues to increase with plate size, another stagnant mode emerges, that is stagnant mode II (SM II). Instead of gradually attracting neighbouring hot plumes toward the plate, in SM II, hot plumes grow directly underneath the plate as soon as the plate becomes stagnant after encountering an impeding flow. The nurturing of hot plumes directly underneath the plate rather than gradually attracting existing neighbouring hot plumes toward it demonstrates the enhanced thermal blanket effect of larger plates.
The evolution of stagnant mode II is illustrated with an increased plate size of L = 1.5 (figure 6). Initially, the plate is propelled by a coherent underlying flow. As soon as the moving plate encounters a cold downwelling and the associated impeding flow at its leading edge, it slows down and this slowing down extends from the no-slip plate--fluid interface to the interior of the flow domain through the viscous drag (figure 6b). This decreases the horizontal mass transfer rate underneath the plate. As a result, mass conservation entails the formation of a cold downwelling at the trailing edge of the plate (figure 6b,c) to divert the horizontal flow brought up by the hot upwelling behind the plate. Accompanied with this formation of the cold downwelling is the initiation of hot upwelling underneath the plate (figure 6b,c). At the start of the stagnation, downwellings are located on each side of the plate (figure 6c). This is a stable mode, since any movement away from the balanced position will be inhibited by an opposing flow. Nevertheless, this mode soon becomes unstable owing to the accumulated thermal blanket effect. As the hot plume grows and becomes stronger underneath the insulating plate, the two convection cells underneath the plate expand, pushing the two associated cold downwellings away from the plate (figure 6c–e). This expansion leads to the transition from a stable mode to an unstable mode, since any disturbances away from the balanced position will now be magnified rather than be inhibited. As a result, the plate soon moves to one of the convection cells and moves with the coherent underlying flow, and thus SM II terminates (figure 6f). The much shorter duration of SM II than SM I embodies the enhanced thermal blanket effect, since the time required to induce hot thermal plume underneath the plate is significantly reduced.

Figure 6. The dynamic coupling at a plate size of L = 1.5 and Ra = 5 × 107. (a–f) Snapshots of isotherms and streamlines showing the evolution of flow structure. The dashed and solid streamlines represent clockwise and anti-clockwise flow, respectively, with an interval of 850. During the stagnant mode II, the plate nurtures hot plumes underneath it, leading to the expansion of the two underlying convection cells (from (c) to (e)). (g) Time series of plate velocity up and plate centre position x, where the dots and dashed lines denote the corresponding times in (a–f).
3.2.3. Unidirectional moving mode
A continual increase of plate size generates yet another mode, i.e. the UMM, in which case the plate moves unidirectionally and no impeding flow ahead can stop its movement. This happens at approximately the size of L = 3 and persists even for very large plates (L > 7) which cover almost the entire flow domain (figure 2,b,d,f,h,j,l). Rather than being stopped by the end walls as in the previous study (Mao et al. Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019), the plate moves freely with the underlying flow in the present cases. As a result, the unidirectional motion of large plates is observed to perpetuate. The occurrence of the UMM demonstrates the increased capability of the ‘thermal blanket’ to adjust the flow and generate nearby hot plumes in a timely manner to sustain its motion. In this mode, the increased thermal blanket effect enables large plates to attract existing hot plumes or nurture new hot plumes sufficiently fast to prevent stagnation (figure 7).

Figure 7. The dynamic coupling at a plate size of L = 4 and Ra = 5 × 107. (a–g) Snapshots of isotherms and streamlines showing the evolution of flow structure. The plate moves unidirectionally. The dashed and solid streamlines represent clockwise and anti-clockwise flow, respectively, with an interval of 850. The black triangle at the bottom of each snapshot marks the position of the hot propelling plume, where the streamfunction switches sign. From (a) to (c) the hot ‘propelling plume’ follows the plate. Panels (d–f) show the formation of a new hot upwelling near the trailing edge. (h) Time series of plate velocity up and plate centre position x, where the dots and dashed lines denote the corresponding times in (a–g).
As the plate moves ahead, the neighbouring hot plume behind it follows it and gradually moves forward (figure 7a–c). Since the convective flow that propels the plate originates from this hot plume, it is termed the hot ‘propelling plume’ hereafter. The plate slows down as its leading edge encounters the impeding flow associated with the cold downwelling. For a relatively weak impeding flow, the plate slows down only slightly (figure 7a,b) and soon resumes its speed (figure 7b,c). However, an encounter with a strong impeding flow results in a dramatic decrease of plate speed (figure 7c,d). Similar to the smaller plate case of L = 1.5, the slowdown of the plate initiates a cold downwelling at the trailing edge of the plate. This cold downwelling blocks the horizontal flow brought up by the previous ‘propelling plume’ and diverts it downwards. No longer propelled by the previous ‘propelling plume’, the plate speed decreases further (figure 7d,e). Nevertheless, this slowdown provides the ‘thermal blanket’ adequate time to nurture the underlying hot thermals. Before the plate stops, a new set of strong hot plumes is generated near the trailing edge (figure 7g) to take over the responsibility of propelling the plate and thus the plate resumes its speed. In contrast, for the smaller plate size of L = 1.5, the plate stops before a strong hot plume is established to propel the plate (figure 6b), owing to the weaker thermal blanket effect and therefore a longer time required to nurture a strong hot plume.
In this UMM mode, the increased thermal blanket effect enables the plate to constantly maintain hot plumes to propel it before it stops. This is accomplished by attracting existing hot plumes toward it (figure 7a–c) or by nurturing new hot plumes underneath it in a timely manner (figure 7d–f). In a long-term average sense, the hot ‘propelling plume’ moves at the same speed as the plate to maintain the unidirectional plate motion.
4. Plume position and plate speed for the UMM
The position of the ‘hot propelling’ plume is of significant geological interest since it embodies the position of a hot mantle plume, which can form large igneous provinces on land, such as the Deccan flood basalt in west India, and chains of volcanic islands on the ocean floor, such as the Hawaiian-Emperor volcano chain. Therefore, the distance of this hot ‘propelling plume’ away from the centre of the plate, referred to as x 0, is analysed in detail, in both the instantaneous (§ 4.1) and the time-averaged flow field (§ 4.2). Further, the relation between the plate velocity up and the plume distance x 0 is analysed for both fields.
4.1. Instantaneous flow field
As shown in figure 7, the instantaneous value of x 0 (distance of the ‘propelling plume’ away from the plate centre) fluctuates as the plate moves along. For the UMM case with a plate size of L = 4, instantaneous values of x 0 are obtained from each snapshot by identifying where the horizontal velocity component switches sign at the bottom near the trailing edge of the plate. Since flows on the two sides of the plume flow in opposing directions, these sign-switch positions roughly represent the horizontal positions of the bottom of the hot ‘propelling plume’. The snapshots of flow field are saved every 50 time steps. A total of 1.5 × 104 snapshots over a duration of 0.045 during the quasi-steady stage are analysed. For each snapshot, the plume distance x 0 is recorded and the resolution is dictated by the horizontal grid size, which is 1/250. In other words, the flow domain is divided horizontally into 2000 equally sized sub-domains. For each subdomain, the number of snapshots in which the bottom of the hot ‘propelling plume’ is located inside is recorded. From these numbers, the probability density distribution of the plume distance x 0 can be derived (figure 8a).

Figure 8. Statistics of x 0 (the distance of the ‘propelling plume’ away from the plate centre) and its relation to the plate velocity up obtained from simulated snapshots at the quasi-steady stage. (a) Probability density of plume distance x 0. The dots represent the probability density for each of the 2000 grids in the horizontal direction. The blue bars represent the average value over a horizontal interval of 0.083. The red line is the result of Gaussian fitting. (b) Plate speed up versus plume distance x 0. The dots show the average plate speed up when the bottom of the ‘propelling plume’ is located within the corresponding grid. The error bars denote the standard deviation of the plate speed up.
The probability density of x 0 shows an approximately Gaussian distribution (figure 8a). Fitting the simulation data with the Gaussian distribution curve suggests a mean plume position of x 0 = 2.104. It is worth noting that very large or small values of x 0 usually occur at times when the propelling plume is in the transitional stage, transitioning from a previous plume to a newly formed plume (e.g. figure 7d–f). These are the times when the horizontal flow originating from the previous ‘propelling plume’ is being blocked by the newly formed cold downwelling and no longer propels the plate (e.g. figure 7d–f). Meanwhile, new hot plumes responsible for propelling the plate are still in the early developing stage, being nurtured by the plate and not strong yet, represented by the short hot thermals underneath the plate (figure 7d–f). During these transitional times, either the previous ‘propelling plume’ far from the plate centre or the very young short thermals near the plate centre may be taken as the ‘propelling plume’ by the plume identification criterion (sign-switch positions of horizontal velocity) and yet neither of them is the typical strong hot plume that propels the plate (e.g. figure 7a–c). Therefore, these values of x 0 are associated with the transitional stages when the hot ‘propelling plume’ cannot be accurately identified and thus they are excluded in the following analysis of the relation between plate speed and plume distance.
For each grid in the horizontal direction, the times that the hot ‘propelling plume’ is located within it are recorded and the corresponding plate speeds at those times are averaged. These averaged plate speeds show a strong linear correlation with the plume distance x 0 (figure 8b, up = 2.755 × 103x 0) with a correlation coefficient of 0.98. The proportionality of the plate speed up to the plume distance x 0 is expressed as

4.2. Time-averaged flow field
Since the flow field is periodic, the temporally averaged flow field during the quasi-steady state is obtained for the UMM cases in the plate reference frame where the plate is stationary (figure 9). The average temperature of the entire flow domain is subtracted from this temporally averaged temperature field, and the residual is denoted as ΔT and presented in figure 9 by colour. Instantaneous fluctuations are smoothed out in this temporally averaged field, leaving the persistent large-scale features of the flow field (figure 9). The evident high ΔT anomaly underneath the plate demonstrates its thermal blanket effect (figure 9). As plate size increases, the hot upwelling and the cold downwelling become more evident with a more concentrated distribution of their respective temperature anomaly. This suggests that the fluctuation of the flow field decreases with increasing plate size, consistent with the decreasing standard deviation of plate velocity with increasing plate size for the UMM cases (figure 3b).

Figure 9. The temporally averaged flow field during the quasi-steady state for the UMM cases in the plate reference frame, for Ra = 5 × 107. From top down, the plate sizes are L = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7.25. The average temperature of the entire flow domain is subtracted from this temporally averaged temperature field, and the residual is denoted as ΔT and is presented by colour. The colour is adjusted to focus on ΔT values within a range of –0.02 to 0.02, and values outside this range are represented by dark blue and red at the ends of the colour bar. The dashed and solid black streamlines represent clockwise and anti-clockwise flow, respectively, with an interval of 500. The thick white line plots the vertically averaged ΔT, denoted by $\overline {\Delta T}$, at different horizontal positions x, with the vertical axis on the right side. The streamline with a value of zero marks the sign-switching positions of the streamfunction.
For the UMM cases, both the temperature anomaly and the streamlines of the time-averaged flow field show that the distance of the hot ‘propelling plume’ away from the plate centre varies with plate size (figure 9). For L = 3, 4, 5, the plume distance increases with plate size L (figure 9a–c). For these cases, the average hot ‘propelling plume’ is located near the trailing edge of the plate, and only a single convection cell is identified underneath the plate (figure 9a–c). For larger plates (L > 5), the hot ‘propelling plume’ is located underneath the plate and shifts toward the centre of the plate as plate size increases (figure 9d–f). As a result, two counter-rotating convection cells are identified underneath the plate, and the dominant one, with a larger contact area at the interface, dictates the direction of plate movement. As plate size L increases from 5 onwards, streamlines show an evident decrease of flow velocity underneath the plate (figure 9), consistent with the decrease of the average plate speed with increasing L over this range of plate size (figure 3b).
The distance of the hot ‘propelling plume’ away from the plate centre is obtained from the time-averaged flow field in two complementary ways, i.e. though the thermal signal and through the momentum signal. First, temperature should decline roughly symmetrically away from the centreline of the hot ‘propelling plume’, and thus the peak position of the vertically averaged temperature profile should represent the position of the plume centreline. Secondly, the streamfunction should switch sign at the centre of the hot ‘propelling plume’, from positive sign (counterclockwise) on the left to negative sign (clockwise) on the right. Therefore, the average sign-switch positions over the entire depth should represent the average plume position.
For cases with a large plate size of L ≥ 6 (figure 9d–f), evident peaks are observed in the vertically averaged temperature profiles, denoted by the white lines in figure 9. For these cases, the hot ‘propelling plume’ is located underneath the plate and the vertically averaged temperature declines roughly symmetrically away from the peak position (figure 9), which represents the centre of the hot plume. Nevertheless, no evident peak with such a symmetrical decline is observed for the smaller plate cases (L = 3, 4, 5) (figure 9a–c), for which the vertically averaged temperature rises abruptly at the trailing edge of the plate and then levels off for a short distance underneath the plate. For these cases, the hot ‘propelling plume’ is located near the edge of the plate. The profile of $\overline {\Delta T}$ for the hot ‘propelling plume’ is severely distorted by the thermal blanket effect of the plate, and therefore the position of the hot ‘propelling plume’ can hardly be identified from the thermal signal. On the other hand, for these cases (L = 3, 4, 5), the streamfunction is observed to switch sign near the trailing edge of the plate, which indicates the presence of a hot plume. Therefore, for these cases (L = 3, 4, 5), the average plume position is determined not from the thermal signal, but from the momentum signal, that is, the position where the streamfunction switches sign. These sign-switch positions do not vary much with depth for the smaller plate cases (L = 3, 4, 5), and thus are averaged vertically to represent the average position of the hot ‘propelling plume’. Nevertheless, an evident deflection of the sign-switch positions is observed near the surface for the large plate cases (L = 6, 7, 7.25). This near-surface deflection results directly from the no-slip boundary condition at the interface, which dictates that the fluid there flows at the same speed as the plate. To avoid this deflection effect, plume distances for the large plate cases (L = 6, 7, 7.25) are determined from the thermal signal, i.e. the peak position of the vertically averaged temperature. Therefore, the thermal signal and the momentum signal are complementary in determining the horizontal position of the hot ‘propelling plume’.
For the UMM cases, the plume distance x 0 obtained from the average flow field is plotted against the size of the cooling surface, D–L, for two sets of cases with Ra = 106 and Ra = 5 × 107 (figure 10a). Results show that the plume distance x 0 increases with D–L within a certain range (D–L < 3) and decreases afterwards. The hot ‘propelling plume’ moves horizontally with the unidirectionally moving plate, with an average speed the same as the plate. For the UMM cases, the average plate speed up increases with the open surface area (D–L) (figure 10b). Since plate speed up is proportional to the plume distance x 0 ((4.1)), dividing the plate speeds up by x 0 yields values linearly proportional to the open surface area (D–L) (figure 10c). This shows that, for the UMM cases, the average plate speed up (or the average horizontally moving speed of the hot ‘propelling plume’) is proportional to x 0(D–L), expressed as

where α is the proportionality coefficient. For a certain Ra, the values of α are almost constant for cases with different plate sizes (figure 10d). The average value of α is 674.49 for Ra = 5 × 107 and 53.25 for Ra = 106. For each Rayleigh number, the difference between the maximum and the minimum values is less than 3 %. Normalizing the quasi-steady-stage time series of plate speed (figure 11a) for different plate sizes by (D–L)x 0, the normalized time series collapse (figure 11b), confirming this proportionality. The large difference between the α values for the two different Rayleigh numbers (figure 10d) suggests that the value of α depends on Ra. A further investigation at different Ra numbers with a plate size of L = 4 suggests that the coefficient α is proportional to Ra 0.646 (figure 12).

Figure 10. Plume distance x 0 (the distance of the hot ‘propelling plume’ away from the plate centre) in the average flow field and the average plate speed up for the UMM cases. (a) The variation of x 0 with the open surface area (D–L). (b) Variation of the average plate speed up with the open surface area (D–L). (c) Plate speed up divided by plume distance x 0. (d) Plate speed up divided by x 0(D–L).

Figure 11. (a) Time series of plate speed up for different plate sizes L at Ra = 5 × 107 over the quasi-steady stage. (b) Times series normalized by x 0(D–L), where different time series come together.

Figure 12. The value of α derived from the results of numerical simulations for cases with a plate size of L = 4 for different Rayleigh numbers. The straight line is the result of least square fitting.
5. The critical plate size for the UMM
Results from the numerical simulations suggest that the critical plate size for the UMM lies somewhere between 2.5 and 3.0 (figures 2 and 3a). Here, a simplified cell model is derived to estimate the critical plate size for the UMM. When a moving plate encounters a cold downwelling at its leading edge, it is slowed down by the impeding flow ahead and it takes the cold downwelling along with it (figure 7a,b). During this slowdown process, a cold downwelling is always identified at the leading edge of the plate (Mao et al. Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019). Meanwhile, the hot ‘propelling plume’ behind the plate continues moving ahead, with a speed specified in (4.2). The motion of the plate and the hot ‘propelling plume’ over this slowdown process can be analysed through a simplified cell model (figure 13), which captures the basic flow structure during this slowdown process.

Figure 13. A simplified cell model at the time when the leading edge of the plate encounters a cold downwelling and the associated impeding flow ahead. The red arrow denotes the hot ‘propelling plume’, and the blue arrow represents the cold downwelling at the leading edge of the plate. Cell 1 is the ‘propelling cell’ that propels the plate and cell 2 is the impeding cell that slows down the plate.
With a cold downwelling at the leading edge of the plate, the plate is gradually slowed down by the impeding flow ahead. Since plate speed reflects the average flow speed at the interface, after an infinitesimal time step Δt, the plate speed up(t + Δt) can be related to its previous speed up(t) as

where uf denotes the average flow speed of the impeding cell (cell 2 in figure 13). Before encountering the cold downwelling, the plate is drifting purely over the propelling cell (cell 1 in figure 13) and its speed reflects the average velocity of the underlying flow, which is roughly the same as uf. The terms $L - {u_p}(t)\varDelta t$ and
${u_p}(t)\varDelta t$ denote the contact length of the plate with the propelling cell (cell 1 in figure 13) and the impeding cell (cell 2 in figure 13), respectively. Correspondingly, the plate centre position xp and the hot plume position xh after an infinitely small time step of Δt are expressed as

where the term ${x_p}(t) - {x_h}(t)$ in (5.3) represents the distance of the hot ‘propelling plume’ away from the plate centre, which is denoted as x 0 in (4.2). Therefore, as specified by (4.2), the term
$\alpha (D{-}L)[{x_p}(t) - {x_h}(t)]$ in (5.3) specifies the horizontally moving speed of the hot ‘propelling plume’. The above (5.1)–(5.3) can be expressed in the derivative form as

For the propelling cell (cell 1 in figure 13), mass conservation requires that the vertical mass transport induced by the hot ‘propelling plume’ is equal to the horizontal mass transport away from the plume, i.e.

Here, vH is the average vertical speed of the uprising ‘propelling plume’, which is assumed to be roughly symmetrical with a horizontal span of δv, and us is the average horizontal speed of the surface layer with a thickness of δs. Initially, before encountering the cold downwelling, the upper and the lower fluid layers underlying the plate are approximately equally thick with a similar velocity magnitude (for example, figure 14a). As the plate encounters a cold downwelling at its leading edge, it slows down ((5.1)). This slowdown is extended through the viscous drag from the no-slip plate--fluid interface to the interior of the fluid domain, resulting in the decrease of us. With a decreasing us, mass conservation specified in (5.7) dictates that the surface layer thickens (for example, figure 14b).

Figure 14. Thickening of the surface layer underneath the plate (from (a) to (b)) after the plate's encounter with the cold downwelling. (a) Before the encounter, (b) after the encounter. The black lines are the contours of horizontal velocity, with solid lines for positive velocity and dashed lines for negative velocity.
Nevertheless, the thickness of the surface layer is limited by the depth of the fluid domain h. If us has decreased to about half its initial value, the surface layer underneath the plate should expand almost to the entire domain to keep the mass conservation specified in (5.7). If, at this time, the ‘propelling plume’ has not yet reached to the trailing edge of the plate, a further decrease of plate speed without changes in the flow structure would break the rule of mass conservation. Therefore, mass conservation requires a cold downwelling to form between the hot ‘propelling plume’ and the plate to discharge the upper surface flow downwards (figure 6c). In this case, the newly formed cold downwelling blocks the momentum supply from the hot ‘propelling’ plume to the plate, and therefore, the plate is no longer propelled by the underlying fluid and becomes stagnant.
On the other hand, if the ‘propelling plume’ has reached to the trailing edge of the plate, no cold downwelling can form to block the momentum supply from the hot ‘propelling’ plume to the plate, and therefore no stagnation occurs. In this case, nurtured by the thermal blanket, the hot ‘propelling plume’ becomes stronger under the thermal blanket and so does the underlying circulation, pushing the cold downwelling at the leading edge away from the plate. In this way, the plate is no longer slowed down by the impeding flow and soon resumes its speed. Therefore, the critical condition for the unidirectionally moving mode is that the hot ‘propelling plume’ has reached to the trailing edge of the plate before the plate speed decreases to half its initial value, i.e. the value before encountering the cold downwelling.
The above two scenarios are exemplified by the cases with a plate size of L = 1.5 (figure 6a–c) and L = 4 (figure 7c–g), respectively. Although in both cases, a cold downwelling forms behind the plate when the plate is slowed down by the impeding flow ahead, for the former case (L = 1.5), this is accomplished before the establishment of a new hot ‘propelling plume’ at the trailing edge of plate (figure 6c), whereas the reverse is true for the latter case (L = 4.0) (figure 7e). For the latter case (L = 4.0), the transfer of the hot ‘propelling plume’ from the previous one behind the plate to the newly formed one at the trailing edge can be viewed as a horizontal movement of the ‘propelling plume’ with the plate from the long-term perspective. Therefore, the newly formed cold downwelling blocks the momentum supply from the hot ‘propelling plume’ to the plate for the former case, but not for the latter. These different consequences stem from the difference in plate size. The increased plate size enhances the plate's capability to accumulate heat, and therefore enables a faster feedback between the slowdown of the plate and the generation of a new hot ‘propelling plume’.
The time-averaged plate speed is almost constant for plate sizes varying within a range of L = 2 to L = 4 (figure 3b). This is a range that the critical plate size falls into. Since plate speed reflects the average speed of the underlying flow, both the initial plate speed up and the speed of the impeding flow uf are approximated by this constant value. The initial position of the ‘propelling plume’ is determined from (4.2). With these initial conditions, (5.1)–(5.3) are then advanced in time to update the plate speed, and the positions of the plate and the hot ‘propelling plume’ for different plate sizes. Results of the distance of the hot ‘propelling plume’ to the trailing edge of the plate (xp − L/2 − xh) and the plate speed up are shown in figure 15 for different plate sizes and at different times. It is worth noting that the upper limit of the plate size in this simplified model is set to be 4, since simulation results suggest that the critical plate size for this unidirectional movement is smaller than 4 (figures 2 and 3a). Furthermore, larger plates are associated with a hot ‘propelling plume’ located underneath the plate (figure 9), and thus the present simplified cell model (figure 13) with the hot ‘propelling plume’ located outside the plate coverage no longer applies.

Figure 15. The evolution of the plume distance and the plate velocity with time, derived from (5.1)–(5.3), for different plate sizes at Ra = 5 × 107. (a) The distance of the hot ‘propelling plume’ away from the trailing edge of the plate, xp − L/2 − xh. (b) The plate velocity up. The transparent horizontal planes in (a) and (b) denote the critical conditions of xp − L/2 − xh = 0 (the hot ‘propelling plume’ reaching the trailing edge of the plate) and up = u 0/2 (the plate speed decreasing to half its initial value), respectively. The black lines at the intersection positions mark the critical times for different plate sizes.
It is clear from figure 15b that, as plate size increases, the decrease of plate speed with time occurs at a slower rate, and hence it takes longer time for the plate speed to reduce to half its initial value (black line in figure 15b). Meanwhile, it takes less time for the hot ‘propelling plume’ to reach the trailing edge of the plate as plate size increases (black line in figure 15a). This is largely owing to the fact that, as plate size increases, the hot ‘propelling plume’ is located closer to the edge of the plate (figure 15a), which is consistent with the simulation results (comparing figure 9a with figure 9b). Therefore, it becomes harder for the plate to stop as plate size increases. As discussed above, the two critical conditions for the simplified cell model are:
(i) xp − L/2 − xh = 0, i.e. the hot ‘propelling plume’ reaches the trailing edge of the plate;
(ii) up = u 0/2, i.e. the plate speed up decreases to half its initial value.
These two critical conditions are represented by the transparent horizontal planes in figures 15a and 15b, respectively. The critical times at which these two critical conditions are satisfied are denoted as t 1 and t 2, respectively, and are marked by the black lines in figure 15. The prerequisite for the occurrence of the UMM is then t 1 < t 2, i.e. the hot ‘propelling plume’ has reached the edge of the plate (at time t 1) before the plate speed reduces to half its initial value (at time t 2).
For a small plate size of L = 2, t 1 is larger than t 2 (figure 16a,b), and therefore stagnancy will occur. In contrast, for a large plate size of L = 4, t 1 is smaller than t 2 (figure 16c,d), and hence the plate will move unidirectionally. These predictions are consistent with the results of the full numerical simulations (figure 3). Furthermore, the critical times t 1 and t 2 are derived for various plate sizes for both Ra = 106 and Ra = 5 × 107 (figure 17). The critical plate size for the UMM is the size at which t 1 equals t 2, or at which t 1–t 2 switches sign, from positive to negative as plate size increases (figure 17). Results show that the critical plate size Lc for the UMM decreases with increasing Rayleigh number (from Lc = 3.03 for Ra = 106 to Lc = 2.78 for Ra = 5 × 107).

Figure 16. The distance of the hot ‘propelling plume’ from the edge of the plate (xp − L/2 − xh) and the plate velocity up, derived from (5.1)–(5.3) for two plate sizes: panels (a,b) are for the case with a plate size of L = 2, for which t 1 > t 2 and thus stagnation occurs; and panels (c,d) are for the case with a plate size of L = 4, for which t 1 < t 2 and thus the plate moves unidirectionally.

Figure 17. The variation of critical times, t 1 and t 2, with plate size L for (a) Ra = 106, (b) Ra = 5 × 107. The variation of t 1 − t 2 with L for (c) Ra = 106 and (d) Ra = 5 × 107. The dashed vertical lines denote the critical plate sizes for the UMM.
Since the unidirectionally moving mode is characterized by zero probability of stagnancy (up = 0), the probability density of plate speed (figure 18) obtained from the results of full numerical simulations suggests that the transition to the UMM occurs somewhere between L = 3.0 to L = 4.0 for Ra = 106, and between L = 2.5 to L = 3.0 for Ra = 5 × 107. Therefore, the predictions of the critical plate size from the simplified cell model agree well with the results of the full numerical simulations. A comparison between the results for Ra = 106 (figure 18a) and those for Ra = 5 × 107 (figure 18b) shows that the probability of stagnancy decreases with increasing Rayleigh number. For example, for Ra = 106, the plate with a size of L = 3 is still associated with some probability of stagnancy (figure 18a), but for Ra = 5 × 107, its probability of stagnancy vanishes (figure 18b). Therefore, the increase of Rayleigh number enhances the plate's ability to conquer impeding flow and thus decreases the critical plate size for the unidirectionally moving mode.

Figure 18. Probability density of plate speed for (a) Ra = 106 and (b) Ra = 5 × 107. The probability of stagnancy vanishes at a critical place size of somewhere between L = 3 and L = 4 for Ra = 106, and between L = 2.5 and L = 3 for Ra = 5 × 107.
6. The effect of plate size on flow structure
A comparison among the flow structures shown in figure 4 (L = 0.25), figure 5 (L = 0.5), figure 6 (L = 1.5) and figure 7 (L = 4) suggests that, as plate size increases, the number of convection cells within the flow domain decreases. For example, it ranges from 4 to 8 for the case of L = 0.5 in figure 5, but decreases to a range of 2 to 4 for the case of L = 4.0 in figure 7. For a more statistical evaluation, the horizontal profile of the streamfunction is extracted at the middle depth of each snapshot and the number of cells is calculated based on the number of sign-switch positions within the profile. The number of convection cells for each snapshot varies from 2 to 12 and the percentage for each number is shown for each case in figure 19. The number of cells occurs as even numbers since each convection cell is associated with a counter-rotating cell.

Figure 19. The percentage of snapshots composed of the corresponding number of convection cells within the flow domain for cases with different plate size L.
For the very small plate size of L = 0.25, over 90 % of the snapshots are composed of six convection cells (figure 19), agreeing with the flow pattern shown in figure 4. As plate size increases, an increasing percentage of snapshots are composed of less (two or four) convection cells, suggesting that the convection cells are becoming increasingly larger. At the plate size of L = 4.0, over 50 % of the snapshots are composed of only two cells. As plate size increases further to L = 7.0, nearly 100 % of the snapshots are composed of only two convection cells. Therefore, the number of convection cells within the flow domain generally decreases with an increasing plate size.
To reveal the spatial regularity of the flow pattern and its variation with time, the spectra of the streamfunction profile at the middle depth are obtained for each snapshot over a duration of 0.1 (figure 20, the snapshots are saved at a time interval of 3 × 10−6). For the small plate case of L = 0.25, the spectra are dominated by harmonic degree three most of the time, since the high amplitudes are concentrated on harmonic degree three. This dominance reflects a three-times repetition of the flow structure, and therefore the presence of three hot/cold plumes and six associated convection cells, in agreement with the pattern shown in figure 4. As plate size increases to L = 0.5, the dominant harmonic degree becomes less continuous with time and also more scattered, with a large percentage shifting to the lower values of one and two, and a small percentage shifting to higher values. A further increase of plate size leads to an even less continuous pattern and an enhancing dominance of harmonic degree one. At the very large plate size of L = 7, the spectra become harmonic, with the dominant harmonic degrees being one, three and five. The following analysis will focus on the variation of the spectra with plate size and plate velocity.

Figure 20. Time series of the spectra of the streamfunction profile at the middle depth for different plate size L . From top down, the values of L are 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 7, respectively. The amplitudes of each harmonic degree are indicated by the colour bar.
The temporal average spectra (figure 21) illustrate the enhancing dominance of harmonic degree one (only two convection cells within the flow domain) as plate size increases up to L = 5. This variation indicates that as plate size increases, the flow field orients toward the long-wavelength structure. This is further confirmed by the increasing percentage of snapshots being dominated by harmonic degree one as plate size increases (figure 22a). Therefore, a large plate size favours the formation of large convection cells. For cases with plate size larger than L = 4, all the snapshots are dominated by harmonic degree one and are therefore not shown.

Figure 21. The temporal mean spectra of the streamfunction field over a duration of 0.1 for cases with different plate size L, Ra = 5 × 107. The mean amplitude of the spectra ${\bar{A}_i}$ for each harmonic degree i is normalized by the sum of the amplitudes of all harmonic degrees
$\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{ + \infty } {{{\bar{A}}_i}}$ (the symbol i denotes positive integers). The mean amplitude of harmonic degree one increases with L up to L = 5. Harmonic wavenumbers emerge at L = 7.0.

Figure 22. (a) Percentage of snapshots dominated by the corresponding harmonic degree. Harmonic degree one dominates an increasing percentage of snapshots as L increases. (b) The average plate speed when the corresponding harmonic degree dominates the spectra. Overall, cases with different L show a general trend of a decreasing average plate speed with an increasing value of the dominant harmonic degree.
The times when each harmonic degree (one to five) dominates the spectra are recorded, and the corresponding plate speeds at those times are averaged (figure 22b). Results show that, for a certain case, an increasing value of the dominant harmonic degree (more convection cells) is generally accompanied with a decreasing plate speed (figure 22b). In other words, a decreasing plate speed corresponds to an increasing number of convection cells or thermal plumes. This trend is confirmed in figure 6 (L = 1.5), as more cells and plumes are identified when the plate is stagnant. This is reasonable as the slowdown of plate is accompanied by the formation of new cold plumes at the trailing edge and new hot plumes underneath the plate (figure 6a–c); in contrast, a velocity burst is accompanied with the coalescence of plumes and the merging of convection cells (figure 6d–f).
The increasing dominance of harmonic degree one with an increasing plate size has been illustrated above for plate sizes up to L = 4 (figure 22a). For an even larger plate, harmonic degree one dominates the spectra almost all the time, and its amplitude, indicating the degree of dominance, varies with time. A strong correlation between its amplitude and the plate speed is suggested by their concurrent time series (figure 23a), with the correlation coefficient larger than 0.8 (figure 23b). This shows that, even for these large plates of L > 4, an increasing plate speed is still accompanied by an enhancing dominance of low harmonic degrees (harmonic degree one for these cases). The above results suggest that an increasing plate speed usually corresponds to an enhancing dominance of longer-wavelength flow structure.

Figure 23. The correlation of plate speed with the amplitude of harmonic degree one. (a) Time series of plate speed (left axis) and the amplitude of harmonic degree one (right axis) for L = 4, Ra = 5 × 107. (b) Plate speed up versus the concurrent amplitude of harmonic degree one A 1 for L = 4 (blue), 6 (orange) and 7 (green). These two values are highly correlated and the correlation coefficient is written with the corresponding colour for each case.
7. Discussions and conclusions
7.1. Variation of plate motion and coupling modes with plate size
For an insulating plate drifting over a thermally convecting fluid, plate size is revealed to play an essential role in plate motion and the underlying flow structure. The insulating plate accumulates heat underneath and this thermal blanket effect increases with plate size. The increased thermal blanket effect with plate size results in an increased efficiency in the generation of the hot ‘propelling plume’ which propels the plate after it is slowed down by the impeding flow. Small plates are easily stopped by the impeding flow and trapped by the cold downwelling. The thermal blanket gradually attracts the neighbouring hot plumes toward it, but the weak thermal blanket effect results in slow movement of the neighbouring hot plumes. Therefore, it takes a long time for hot plumes to arrive underneath the plate, leading to long durations of stagnancy for stagnant mode I. As plate size increases, the enhanced thermal blanket effect shortens the time required for the plate to generate hot plumes underneath. Instead of attracting existing neighbouring hot plumes gradually toward it, the larger plate is able to nurture new hot plumes directly underneath it as the plate becomes stagnant. As the underlying hot plume grows strong with time, the two underlying convection cells expand, resulting in an unstable flow structure for the plate and therefore the termination of stagnant mode II. The newly generated hot plume becomes the ‘propelling plume’ that provides momentum supply for plate motion. The enhanced thermal blanket effect results in a much shorter lived SM II than SM I. Over the critical plate size, the strong thermal blanket effect enables the plate to always maintain nearby hot plumes to sustain its motion, either by attracting existing hot plumes toward it as it moves along, or by generating new hot plumes in a timely manner as it slows down. In this case, the plate moves unidirectionally without stagnation and the hot ‘propelling plume’ follows the plate with the same average speed as the plate.
As a result of the enhanced thermal blanket effect, the probability of stagnancy decreases with increasing plate size L and eventually vanishes for L over the critical value (approximately three times the local depth). The vanishing of stagnancy signifies the emergence of the unidirectionally moving mode, for which no plate reversal occurs. Meanwhile, plate motion becomes increasingly coherent with increasing plate size, as suggested by the decreased standard deviation of plate speed. The unidirectionally moving mode lasts from the critical plate size to sizes covering almost the entire top surface.
One might be curious about whether the aspect ratio of the fluid domain has an effect on the emergence of this unidirectionally moving mode. For example, a large-scale horizontal flow, observed in Rayleigh–Bénard convection with stress-free boundaries and periodic lateral boundaries for an aspect ratio of 2 (Goluskin et al. Reference Goluskin, Johnston, Flierl and Spiegel2014), disappears as the aspect ratio of the fluid domain increases (Wang et al. Reference Wang, Chong, Stevens, Verzicco and Lohse2020). Will the UMM disappear in domains with larger aspect ratios? The answer lies in the mechanism for the transition from stagnant mode II to the UMM, which is revealed in § 5. It is clear from those analyses that the emergence of this UMM lies in the enhanced thermal blanket effect with an increasing plate size, embodied by an enhanced capability of the plate to sustain the hot ‘propelling plumes’ in a timely manner. Therefore, its emergence is not merely a size effect that disappears in simulations of larger lateral domains. In fact, this UMM has been observed in the simulation results of a fluid domain with a large aspect ratio of 32 and a plate size of only L = 2.5 (Whitehead & Behn Reference Whitehead and Behn2015). In that study, the convection cell underlying the plate is also observed to move along with the plate. Although the addition of internal heating in that study may lower the critical plate size for the UMM, as will be discussed later, the results confirm that the emergence of the UMM is not a lateral size effect of the fluid domain.
7.2. Plume position and critical plate size for the UMM
For the UMM, hot plumes are always identified near the trailing edge of the plate for L ≤ 5, generating a convection cell that propels the plate. A further increase of plate size to L > 5 results in the shifting of the hot plumes toward the plate centre, and hence two convection cells underneath the plate. For a certain plate, the instantaneous plate speed is linearly proportional to the distance of the hot ‘propelling plume’ away from the plate centre. The average distance of the hot ‘propelling plume’ away from the plate centre, denoted as x 0, is obtained from the average flow field in the plate reference frame and is shown to vary with plate size.
The average plate speed up over the quasi-steady state is revealed to be linearly proportional to x 0(D–L), where D–L is the size of the uncovered top surface. The ratio of up to x 0(D–L) is independent of plate size, but is proportional to Ra 0.646. Using the ratio obtained from numerical results, a simplified model is established to simulate the process of a plate being slowed down by an impeding flow. The prerequisite for the UMM is derived by comparing the time required for the hot propelling plume to reach the trailing edge of the plate with that required for the plate speed to reduce to half the value before encountering the impeding flow. If the former is shorter than the latter, then the hot ‘propelling’ plume will reach the plate before it stops and the UMM emerges. The critical plate sizes for UMM are then derived to be L = 3.03 for Ra = 106, and L = 2.78 for Ra = 5 × 107, which are consistent with the results of full numerical simulations. These results suggest that an increase in Rayleigh number enhances the plate's ability to overcome the impeding flow, and hence decreases the critical plate size for the UMM. Nevertheless, the variation is relatively small. In the present case, a 50 times increase of Ra leads to only an 8.25 % decrease of the critical plate size.
7.3. Variation of the flow structure with plate size and plate velocity
Although some previous investigations (e.g. Gurnis & Zhong Reference Gurnis and Zhong1991; Zhong & Gurnis Reference Zhong and Gurnis1993) have shown spectra of the flow field for a certain snapshot which is deemed to be typical and to represent all snapshots, the long-term consecutive spectra varying with time in the present study show the panorama, in particular, the variation of flow structure with time. In fact, for cases with a medium plate size, such as L = 1, the time series of spectra show that the spectra vary strongly with time and there is no typical snapshot representative of all the snapshots (figure 3). For these cases, the dominant harmonic degrees vary from time to time as the convection cells undergo merging or disintegration accompanied by an increasing or a decreasing plate speed. Such a variation with time can only be revealed in consecutive spectra over the long term. This unbiased revelation of the spectra over the long term enables a more quantitative evaluation of the dominance of each harmonic degree (figures 21 and 22a). Further, the long-term spectra are obtained for cases with a wide range of plate sizes, from L = 0.25 to L = 7.25. This allows a systematic evaluation of the effect of plate size on the wavelength of the flow structure, which has not been revealed previously.
Spectra of the streamfunction field show that an increase in plate size favours the generation of longer-wavelength structure. Moreover, the plate speeds of large plates are shown to be strongly correlated with the amplitudes of harmonic degree one. Since an increase in plate speed is usually associated with the coalescence of thermal plumes and the merging of convection cells (figures 5d–f and 6d–f), an increase in plate speed is therefore shown to be generally accompanied by an enhanced dominance of lower harmonic degree, or longer-wavelength flow structure (less convection cells within the flow domain). In contrast, the stagnant periods are shown to be associated with a larger number of convection cells and thermal plumes within the flow domain. Since the uprising hot plume is an essential source for the generation of continental crust, the larger number of hot upwelling plumes during the stagnant periods promotes the generation of new continental crust.
7.4. The effect of internal heating
It has been revealed that plate mobility increases with the intensity of internal heating (Mao et al. Reference Mao, Zhong and Zhang2019). In the earliest part of the Hadean period (approximately 4.5 billion years before present), with much more abundant radioactive elements, the internal heating rate due to radioactive decay is approximately five times the present value (Turcotte & Schubert Reference Turcotte and Schubert2002). Therefore, increased plate mobility is expected for the early days of the Earth, which probably decreases the critical plate size for the UMM.
A case with the internal heating switched on is shown here to illustrate the effect of internal heating on this coupled dynamic system (figure 24). The addition of internal heating entails the addition of a source term h on the right side of the energy equation (2.3). This term h is normalized by ${\rho _0}{c_p}\kappa \varDelta T/{H^2}$ (
${c_p}$ is the specific heat). The addition of internal heating leads to a more concentrated distribution of the plate speed |up| and the plume distance
$|{x_0}|$ (figure 24a,b). In particular, the probability of low plate speeds (stagnancy) and small plume distances (the plume being located close to plate centre) vanishes for the case of L = 2.5 as internal heating is switched on. This variation suggests a more stable plate motion and a decreased likelihood of stagnancy, and therefore a probable decreased critical size for the UMM. Meanwhile, the switching on of internal heating also has some effects on the underlying flow structure. For example, it leads to an overall increased amplitude of harmonic degree one, as illustrated by the temporal mean spectra (figure 24c), and an increased percentage of snapshots dominated by harmonic degree one (figure 24d). All these results suggest a tendency toward longer-wavelength structure as internal heating is switched on. Further simulation work is in progress to characterize the effect of internal heating on the underlying flow structure and to quantify the dependency of the critical plate size on the internal heating rate.

Figure 24. The effect of the internal heating on the plate speed, the position of the hot plume and the spectra of the flow field, L = 2.5, Ra = 5 × 107. (a) Probability density of the plate speed |up| with (h = 8) and without (h = 0) internal heating. KDE stands for kernel density estimation. (b) Probability density of the distance |x 0| of the hot plume away from the plate centre. (c) The temporal mean amplitude ${\bar{A}_i}$ for each harmonic degree i normalized by the sum of the amplitudes of all harmonic degrees
$\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{ + \infty } {{{\bar{A}}_i}}$. (d) Percentage of snapshots for each harmonic degree to be the dominant one in the spectra.
7.5. Relevance of the coupling modes to real Earth cases
Although the present simplified model is far from the real Earth, it extracts the fundamental mechanism of the thermally induced fluid--structure interaction from the complex system, and, encouragingly, the revealed coupling modes can be identified in the real Earth. Lying over a single convection cell, a plate will move with the coherent underlying flow. Indeed, most of the continents are moving from geoid highs (high temperature anomaly) to geoid lows (low temperature anomaly) since the breakup of Pangaea 170 Ma ago (Turcotte & Schubert Reference Turcotte and Schubert2002). Nevertheless, the scenario varies with plate size when the plate encounters an impeding flow associated with cold downwelling. The cold downwelling in the fluid domain corresponds to the subduction site in the Earth. Simulation results show that, as plate size increases, the coupling mode transitions from stagnancy over cold downwelling (stagnant mode I) to stagnancy over hot upwelling (stagnant mode II) and eventually to the UMM with no stagnancy.
The small continent of Zealandia (with an average width of approximately 0.4H, H being the mantle depth), which is predicted to be in stagnant mode I (figure 5), indeed has been staying over the oceanic subduction site (at the Pacific–Australia plate boundary) since its arrival there 25 Ma ago (Sutherland Reference Sutherland1999; Cande & Stock Reference Cande and Stock2004). On the other hand, stagnancy over hot upwelling, i.e. SM II (figure 6), has been revealed for a larger continent. The African continent (with an average width of |1.2H in the southern part and 1.8H in the northern part) is likely to enter into SM II when encountering impeding flow (figure 6). Indeed, it has been staying roughly stationary since the breakup of Pangaea (Burke & Torsvik Reference Burke and Torsvik2004; Torsvik et al. Reference Torsvik, Steinberger, Cocks and Burke2008, Reference Torsvik, Burke, Steinberger, Webb and Ashwal2010), being uplifted by a huge hot mantle plume, with a low temperature (high speed) anomaly on the edge of the continent (Ebinger & Sleep Reference Ebinger and Sleep1998; Ritsema, van Heijst & Woodhouse Reference Ritsema, van Heijst and Woodhouse1999). This thermal structure conforms well with SM II. Underneath the continent, the divergent horizontal flows associated with the hot upwelling exert extensional forces on the continent, resulting in large facture zones exemplified by the Great Rift Valley in eastern Africa. Conversely, the convergent horizontal flows associated with the cold downwelling in SM I exert compressional forces on the continent, resulting in the formation of the Southern Alps in Zealandia.
Simulation results suggest a UMM with no stagnancy for cases with plate sizes over the critical value. Indeed, large continents, like the Eurasia continent, have not been reported to become stagnant or reverse direction by themselves without collision with other continents. Instead of being stopped by the cold downwelling at its leading edge, a large continent overcomes the impeding flow and continues to move, taking along the cold downwelling and warming it up (figure 7b,e). As a result, a cold thermal ‘slab’ is often identified at the leading edge of large plates, plunging toward the plate after it encounters the plate (figure 7b,e). This is analogous to the configuration of subducted cold slabs dipping toward the Eurasian plate at the Eurasian plate boundary of the ‘Pacific ring of fire’, which is the leading edge of the Eurasian plate (Kao & Rau Reference Kao and Rau1999; Shiomi, Sato & Obara Reference Shiomi, Sato and Obara2004). Although simulation results suggest a relatively wide range for the possible value of x 0 (the distance of the hot ‘propelling’ plume away from the plate) (figures 8 and 24b), the high-probability values are located near the edge of the plate for the UMM. Given the spherical geometry of the Earth and the simplicity of the present model compared to the Earth, it is encouraging to see that the position of the superplume underneath Africa is not too far away from the trailing edge of the Eurasian plate, as predicted by the simulation results. Moreover, since the African plate is at present closely joined with the Eurasian plate, the super plume locating in the southern and eastern Africa is indeed near the edge of this large Eurasian--African continental complex, still consistent with the simulation results.
The present study is concerned with the dynamic feedback between a single plate and the underlying flow. In reality, multiple continents coexist in the Earth's surface and continents can breakup and collide. Simulation results have revealed the short-term evolution of the mantle flow during the process of continent collision and breakup (Lowman & Jarvis Reference Lowman and Jarvis1995; Honda et al. Reference Honda, Yoshida, Ootorii and Iwase2000), with a hot plume impinging on the continent during breakup, and continents moving toward the same cold downwelling during collision. The flow structure of SM I, with surface flows converging toward the plate, provides a favourable condition for continent collision and aggregation. During the long-term stagnancy of SM I, other continents may collide and aggregate with the trapped continent. In contrast, the flow structure of SM II promotes continent breakup. As the hot plume impinges on the continent and diverges horizontally, a horizontal extensional force is generated, which may tear the continent apart. Additionally, the high temperature of the hot plume promotes partial melting, which facilitates the break-up process.
The accumulating knowledge of the Earth and the advance in modern computing technology enable the establishment of an increasingly realistic model. As models have become more realistic and complex, it becomes increasingly difficult to quantify the influence of a continent's thermal blanket effect on the coupling modes and the flow structure. The aim of the present study is not to simulate the Earth, but instead to explore whether continent size poses a first-order effect on the coupling mode and the flow structure, and to reveal the underlying mechanism for the transition from one coupling mode to another. Therefore, the present study steps back and adopts a simple model. Focusing on the thermally induced fluid--structure interaction, the present model extracts only two essential factors from the complex Earth system: a floating thermal blanket and a basally heated fluid. Despite the simplicity of the present model, the results clearly demonstrate the enhancing thermal blanket effect with an increasing plate size, and its effect on plate motion, the dynamic fluid--structure interaction and the underlying flow structure. The enhancing thermal blanket effect eventually enables the plate to generate hot ‘propelling’ plumes in a timely manner to sustain its motion. This leads to the transition from stagnant mode II to the UMM. Although the exact value of the critical plate size for the UMM may vary when other more Earth-like factors are considered, the emergence of this mode suggests that a sufficiently large continent will conquer the impeding flow and move unidirectionally before it collides with other continents, whereas a small continent is easily stopped. Further, the revealed coupling modes are reminiscent to some real cases of continent--mantle coupling, as discussed above.
Nevertheless, the simplicity of the model implies that one must be extremely cautious when relating the modelling results to the real cases of the Earth. The effects of some more Earth-like factors, including the rigidity of oceanic plates and the temperature-, pressure- and composition-dependent viscosity on the thermal structure of the mantle have been revealed in previous studies (Bunge & Richards Reference Bunge and Richards1996; Bunge, Richards & Baumgardner Reference Bunge, Richards and Baumgardner1996, Reference Bunge, Richards and Baumgardner1997; Tackley Reference Tackley1996; Zhong et al. Reference Zhong, Zuber, Moresi and Gurnis2000; Lowman, King & Gable Reference Lowman, King and Gable2001; Monnereau & Quéré Reference Monnereau and Quéré2001; Lenardic, Richards & Busse Reference Lenardic, Richards and Busse2006; Höink & Lenardic Reference Höink and Lenardic2008). These factors are expected to induce larger convection cells with larger horizontal extents than in the present model, reducing the number of downwellings and therefore the chance of the plate being impeded. Additionally, oceanic plates are rigid and therefore should have uniform velocity except at plate boundaries. This differs from the free-slip boundary adopted in the present model. Further studies with models incorporating these more Earth-like factors, such as the coexisting basal and internal heating, secular cooling of the Earth, spherical geometries, non-uniform viscosity, a more rigid oceanic lithosphere, compressibility and phase change, are worth pursuing to reveal the effect of each of these factors on the coupling modes, and in particular, on the critical plate size for the UMM. A study of each of these factors in isolation allows the development of a more comprehensive understanding of the overall response of this complex dynamic system.
The author thanks J.-Q. Zhong and J. Zhang for helpful discussions on the coupling modes.
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant nos. 11972328 and 41630317).
Declaration of interests
The author reports no conflict of interest.