Agamben, Georgio (trans. Heron, Nicholas), Stasis. Civil war as a political paradigm. (Homo Sacer II, 2.) (Meridian, Crossing Aesthetics.) Pp. ix + 84 incl. 7 ills. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2015. $15.95 (paper.) 978 0 8047 9605 7
Erdozain, Dominic, The soul of doubt. The religious roots of unbelief from Luther to Marx. Pp. xv + 320. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. £22.99. 978 0 19 984461 6
Gill, K., C.J. Goulding, A Church of passion and hope. The formation of an ecclesial disposition from Ignatius Loyola to Pope Francis and the new evangelization. Pp. ix + 330. London–New York: Bloomsbury, 2016. £19.99 (paper). 978 0 56766 466 2
Heullant-Donat, Julie Claustre, Lusset, Élisabeth and Bretschneider, Falk (eds), Enfermements, II: Règles et dérèglements en milieu clos (IV e–XIX e siècle). (Homme et société, 49.) Pp. 459 incl. 8 ills and 3 tables. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2015. €28 (paper). 978 2 85944 924 7;
Methuen, Charlotte, Spicer, Andrew and Wolffe, John (eds), Christianity and religious plurality. (Studies in Church History, 51.) Pp. xxiv + 454 incl. 2 ills. Rochester, NY–Woodbridge: Boydell Press (for The Ecclesiastical History Society), 2015. £45. 978 0 95468 103 6;
Mong, Ambrose, Purification of memory. A study of modern orthodox theologians from a Catholic perspective. Pp. xviii + 214. Cambridge: James Clarke & Co., 2015. £25 (paper). 978 0 227 17513 2
Newman, Mark, The wonder of the north. Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal. Pp. xii + 394 incl. 253 colour and black-and-white figs. Rochester, NY–Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2015 (in association with National Trust). £35. 978 1 84383 883 8
Parris, David Paul, Reading the Bible with giants. How 2000 years of biblical interpretation can shed new light on old texts. 2nd edn. Pp. xiv + 220 incl. 14 figs. Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 2015. £17.50 (paper). 978 0 7188 9412 2
Rivera, Mayra, Poetics of the flesh. Pp. viii + 207. Durham, NC–London: Duke University Press, 2015. £15.99 (paper). 978 0 8223 6013 1
Siddiqui, Mona, Hospitality and Islam. Welcoming in God's name. Pp. xi + 274. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 2015. £20. 978 0 300 21186 3
Ancient world
Blumell, Lincoln H. and Wayment, Thomas A (eds), Christian Oxyrhynchus. Texts, documents and sources. Pp. xxii + 756 incl. 2 maps. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2015. $89.95. 978 1 60258 539 3
Brock, Sebastian P. and Van Rompay, Lucas, Catalogue of the Syriac manuscripts and fragments in the library of Deir al-Surian, Wadi al-Natrun (Egypt). (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 227.) Pp. xxii + 838 incl. 382 black-and-white and colour ills. Leuven: Peeters, 2014. €105. 978 90 429 2962 3
Cartwright, Sophie, The theological anthropology of Eustathius of Antioch. (Oxford Early Christian Studies.) Pp. vii + 284. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. £65. 978 0 19 874455 9
Dalmon, Laurence, Un Dossier de l’épistolaire augustinien. La correspondence entre l'Afrique et Rome à propos de l'affaire pélagienne (419–418). Traduction, commentaire et annotations. (Studia Patristica 3.) Pp. xi + 703 incl. 20 tables. Leuven–Paris–Bristol: Peeters, 2015. €86 (paper). 978 90 429 3137 4
Dumitraşcu, Nicu (ed.), The ecumenical legacy of the Cappadocians. (Pathways for Ecumenical and Interreligious Dialogue.). Pp. xii + 297 incl. 7 figs. New York–Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. £53.50. 978 1 137 51394 6
Edwards, Mark, Religions of the Constantinian empire. Pp. xi + 365. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. £30. 978 0 19 968772 5
Engels, David and Van Nuffelen, Peter (eds), Religion and competition in antiquity. (Collection Latomus, 343.) Pp. 310. Bruxelles: Éditions Latomus, 2014. €51 (paper). 978 2 87031 290 3
Frenkel, Luise Marion, Theodotus of Ancyra's homilies and the Council of Ephesus (431). (Studia Patristica, 4.) Pp. ix + 286 incl. 1 table. Leuven: Peeters, 2015. €76 (paper). 978 90 429 3147 3
Hartog, Paul A. (ed.), Orthodoxy and heresy in early Christian contexts. Reconsidering the Bauer thesis. Pp. x + 276 incl. 1 table. Cambridge: James Clarke & Co., 2015. $32 (paper). 978 0 227 17539 2
Hirschmann, Vera, Die Kirche der Reinen. (Studien und Texte zu Antike und Christentum, 96.) Pp. xv + 244. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. €69 (paper). 978 3 16 153958 9
Jacobsen, Anders-Christian, Christ – the teacher of salvation. A study on Origen's Christology and soteriology. (Adamantiana, 6.) Pp. 372. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2015. €52. 978 3 402 13718 5
Khidesheli, Tinatin and Kavvadas, Nestor (eds), Bau und Schrift. Studien zur Archäologie und Literatur des antiken Christentums für Hans Reinhard Seeliger. (Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzungsband Kleine Reihe, 12.) Pp. vi + 298 incl. 46 black-and-white and colour figs, 1 map and 1 table. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2015. €53. 978 3 402 10919 9
Koutloumousianos, Chrysostom (foreword Andrew Louth), The one and the three. Nature, person and triadic monarchy in the Greek and Irish patristic tradition. Pp. xvi + 238. Cambridge: James Clarke, 2015. £25 (paper). 978 0 227 17514 9
Lundhaug, Hugo and Jenott, Lance, The monastic origins of the Nag Hammadi codices. (Studien und Texte zue Antike und Christentum, 97.) Pp. xviii + 336 incl. 29 figs, 3 tables and 3 maps. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. €89 (paper). 978 3 16 154172 8;
Markschies, Christoph (trans. Coppins, Wayne), Christian theology and its institutions in the early Roman Empire. Prolegomena to a history of early Christian theology. Pp. xxv + 494 incl. 15 tables. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2015. $79.95. 978 3 16 154143 8
McDowell, Sean, The fate of the Apostles. Examining the martyrdom accounts of the closest followers of Jesus. Pp. viii + 302 incl. 2 tables. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2015. £65. 978 1 4724 6529 7
Papaconstantinou, Arietta, McLynn, Neil and Schwartz, L. (eds), Conversion in late antiquity. Christianity, Islam and beyond. Papers from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar, University of Oxford, 2009–2010. Pp. xxvii + 398 incl. 2 ills. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2015. £80. 978 1 409 45738 1
Piovanelli, Pierluigi and Burke, Tony (eds), Rediscovering the apocryphal continent. New perspectives on early Christian and late antique apocryphal texts and traditions. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament, 349.) Pp. xi + 456. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. €134. 978 3 16 151994 9;
Seo, Pyumg-Soo, Luke's Jesus in the Roman Empire and the emperor in the Gospel of Luke. Pp. xii + 194. Cambridge: James Clarke, 2015. £16 (paper). 978 0 227 17543 9
Toepel, Alexander, Das Protevangelium des Jakobus. Ein Beitrag zur neueren Diskussion um Herkunft, Auslegung und theologische Einordnung. (Frankfurter Theologische Studien, 71.) Pp. vii + 321. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2014. €52. 978 3 402 16059 6
Trout, Dennis (ed.), Damasus of Rome. The epigraphic poetry. Introduction, texts, translations and commentary. (Oxford Early Christian Texts.) Pp. xxvi + 229 incl. 6 figs and 1 map. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. £95. 978 0 19 873537 3
Vannier, Marie-Anne (ed.), Judaïsme et christianisme dans les commentaires patristiques des Psaumes. (Christianismes anciens, 3.) Pp. 209 incl. 1 table. Oxford–Berne: Peter Lang, 2015. £45 (paper). 978 3 0343 1675 0
Wilhite, David E., The Gospel according to heretics. Discovering orthodoxy through early Christological conflicts. Pp. xii + 290 incl. 2 figs., 3 tables and 1 map. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2015. $22.99 (paper). 978 0 8010 3976 8
Wright, III, G., Benjamin, The letter of Artistes. ‘Aristeas to Philocrates’ or ‘on the translation of the law of the Jews’. (Commentaries on Early Jewish Literature.) Pp. xi + 501 incl. 1 fig. Berlin–Boston: De Gruyter, 2015. €119.95. 978 3 11 043904 5;
Zwierlein, Otto, Die antihäretischen Evangelienprologe und die Entstehung des Neuen Testaments. Pp. 86 incl. 2 ills and 2 tables. Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, 2015. €15 (paper.) 978 3 515 11210 9
Medieval Europe and Byzantium
Appleford, Amy, Learning to die in London, 1380–1540. (The Middle Ages Series.) Pp. vii + 320. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015. £42.50. 978 0 8122 4669 8
Barrow, J., Delivré, F. and Gazeau, V. (eds), Autour de Lanfranc (1010–2010). Réforme et réformateurs dans l'Europe du Nord–Ouest (XIe–XIIe siècles. (Colloque international de Cerisy 29 September–2 October 2010.) Pp. 401 incl. 10 black-and-white and colour figs. Normandie: Presses universitaires de Caen, 2015. €24 (paper). 978 2 84133 531 3
Bloore, Peter and Martin, Edward (eds), Wingfield College and its patrons. Piety and prestige in medieval Suffolk. Pp. xv + 249 incl. 35 figs and 37 colour plates. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2015. £50. 978 1 84383 832 6
Burton, Janet and Stöber, Karen (eds), Women in the medieval monastic world. (Medieval Monastic Studies, 1.) Pp. ix + 379 incl. 25 figs and 4 maps. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. €90. 978 2 503 55308 5
Cox, David, The Church and vale of Evesham, 700–1215. Lordship, landscape and prayer.(Studies in the History of Medieval Religion.) Pp. xvi + 232 incl. 14 ills. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2015. £60. 978 1 78327 077 4
Flasch, Kurt (trans. Schindel, Anne and Vanides, Aaron), Meister Eckhart. Philosopher of Christianity. Pp. xv + 321. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 2015. £25. 978 0 300 20486 5
Güthoff, Elmar and Haering, Stephen (eds), Ius quia iustum. Festschrift für Helmuth Pree zum 65. Geburtstag. (Kanonistische Studien und Texte, 65.) Pp. 1178 incl. frontispiece. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2015. €169.90. 978 3 428 14740 3;
Izbicki, Thomas M., The eucharist in medieval canon law. Pp. xxiv + 264 incl. frontispiece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. £64.99. 978 1 107 12441 7
Kempf, D. and Bull, M. G., The Historia iherosolimitani of Robert the Monk. Pp. lxxiv + 121 incl. frontispiece. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2013. £50. 98 1 84383 808 1
Kirschberger, Timo, Erster Kreuzzug und Ethnogenese. In novam formam commutatus – Ethnogenetische Prozesse im Fürstentum Antiochia und im Königreich Jerusalem. (Nova Mediaevalia Quellen und Studien zum europäischen Mittelalter, 13.) Pp. 399. Göttingen: V & R Unipress, 2015. €54.99. 978 3 8471 0432 2
Matheus, Michael and Heid, Stefan (eds), Orte der Zuflucht und personeller Netzwerke. Der Campo Santo Teutonico und der Vatikan, 1933–1955. (Römische Quartalschrift für Christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte 63.) Pp. 592 + 81 colour and black-and-white ills and 1 table. Freiburg–Basel–Wein: Herder, 2015. €58. 978 3 451 30930 4
O'Brien, Conor, Bede's temple. An image and its interpretation. (Oxford Theology and Religion Monographs.) Pp. xx + 242 incl. 3 ills. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. £65. 978 0 19 874708 6
Psellos, Michael (trans. Kaldellis, Anthony and Polemis, Ioannis), Psellos and the patriarchs. Letters and funeral orations for Keroullarios, Leichoudes and Xiphilinos. Pp. ix + 242 incl. frontispiece. Notre Dame, In: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015. $35 (paper). 978 0 268 03328 6
Reydellet, Chantal, Chauvin-Lechaptois, Monique and Bachelier, Julien (eds) (foreword Forian Mazel), Cartulaire de Saint-Melaine de Rennes. Suivi de 51 chartes originales. (Sources médiévales de l'histoire de Bretagne, 5.) Pp. 541 incl. 1 ill and 28 colour plates. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2015. €35. 978 2 7535 4137 5
Rhoby, Andreas (ed.), Inscriptions in Byzantium and beyond. Methods – projects – case studies. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Denkschriften, 478; Veröffentlichungen zur Byzanzforschung, 38.) Pp. 246 incl. 107 black-and-white and colour figs. Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2015. €65.90 (paper). 978 3 7001 7674 9
Rollo-Koster, Joëlle, Avignon and its papacy, 1309–1417. Popes, institutions and society. Pp. xiv + 314 incl. 2 maps and 1 table. Lanham, Ma: Rowman and Littlefield, 2015. £49.95. 978 1 4422 1532 0
Schwaetzer, Harald and Vannier, Marie-Anne (eds) (in association with Johanna Hueck, Matthias Vollet and Kirstin Zeyer), Der Bildbegriff bei Meister Eckhart und Nikolaus von Kues. (Texte und Studien zur Europäischen Geistesgeschichte, B, 9.) Pp. 284 incl. 24 black-and-white and colour figs. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2015. €48 (paper). 978 3 402 15996 5
Searby, Denis (trans.) and Bridget Morris (introduction and notes), The revelations of St Birgitta of Sweden, IV: The heavenly emperor's book to kings, the rule, and minor works. Pp. xxv + 401 incl. 10 figs. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. £47.99. 978 0 19 516628 6
Sommerlechner, Andrea and Weigl, Herwig (eds) (with Othmar Hageneder, Rainer Murauer and Reinhard Selinger), Die Register Innocenz' III, XIII: Pontifikatsjahr, 1210/1211. Texte and Indices. (Publikationen des Historischen Instituts beim Österreichischen Kulturforum in Rom. Section 2, Ser. 1.) Pp. cxvi + 376 incl. 8 colour plates. Vienna: Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2015. €129.50 (paper). 978 3 7001 7671 8
Van Liere, Frans and Harkins, Franklin T. (eds), Interpretation of Scripture. Practice. A selection of works of Hugh, Andrew and Richard of St Victor, Peter Comestor, Robert of Melun, Maurice of Sully, and Leonius of Paris. (Victorine Texts in Translation, Exegesis, Theology and Spirituality from the Abbey of St Victor, 6.) Pp. 563 incl. colour frontispiece and 1 table. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015. €90. 978 2 503 55312 2
Worby, Sam, Law and kinship in thirteenth-century England. (Royal Historical Society, Studies in History.) Pp. viii + 198 incl. 2 ills and 9 tables. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2015 (first publ. 2010). £6 (paper). 978 0 86193 338 9
Yoshikawa, Naoë Kukita, Medicine, religion and gender in medieval culture. (Gender in the Middle Ages, 11.) Pp. xv + 294. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2015. £60. 978 1 84384 401 3
Reformation and Counter-Reformation Europe
Benzi, Utzima, Francesco Panigarola (1548–1594). L’Éloquence sacrée au service de la Contre-Réforme. (Cahiers d'Humanisme et Renaissance, 126.) Pp. 461 incl. frontispiece and 8 figs and 1 table. Genève: Librairie Droz S.A., 2015. 978 2 600 01839 5;
Campanella, Tommaso (ed. Erto, Maurizio), Libro apologetic contro gli avversari dell'istituto delle scuole pie. Liber apologeticus contra impugnantes Institutum Scholarum Piarum. (Brunia & Campanelliana XI, 8.) Pp. 256–318 incl. 3 ills. Pisa–Rome: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2015. 978 88 6227 797 6;
Flucke, Christoph, Die litterae annuae. Die Jahresberichte der Gesellschaft Jesu aus Altona und Hamburg, (1598–1781), I: Erster halbband: 17 Jahrhundert; II: Zweiter Halbband: 18 Jahrhundert. (Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte Schleswig-Holsteins, 123.) Pp. 657; xii + 643 incl. 1 colour map. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2015. €98. 978 3 402 13102 2;
Goertz, Hans-Jürgen, Thomas Müntzer. Revolutionär am Ende der Zeiten. Eine Biographie. Pp. 352 incl. 26 ills. and 1 map. München: C. H. Beck, 2015. €24.95. 978 3 406 68163 9
Gribben, Crawford and Spurlock, Scott (eds), Puritans and Catholics in the trans-Atlantic world, 1600–1800. (Christianities in the Trans-Atlantic World, 1500–1800.) Pp. vii + 247 incl. 2 ills. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. £63. 978 1 137 36897 3
Groves, Beatrice, The destruction of Jerusalam in early modern English literature. Pp. xi + 269 incl. 12 figs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. £64.99. 978 1 107 11327 5
Harmes, Marcus and Bladen, Victoria (eds), Supernatural and secular power in early modern England. Pp. xi + 237 incl. 1 fig. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2015. £70. 978 1 4724 2940 7
Hendrix, Scott H., Martin Luther. Visionary reformer. Pp. xxiv + 342 incl. 25 ills and 3 maps. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 2015. £25. 978 0 300 16669 9
Holmes, Stephen Mark, Sacred signs in reformation Scotland. Interpreting worship, 1488–1590. Pp. xv + 240 incl. 13 figs. and 7 tables. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. £65. 978 0 19 874790 1
Huber-Rebenich, Gerlinde, Jacques Bongars (1554–1612). Gelehrter und Diplomat im Zeitalter des Konfessionalismus. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation, 87.) Pp. xii + 152. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. €79. 978 3 16 152724 1
Kahn, Didier (ed.), La Messe alchimique attribuée à Melchior de Sibiu. (Textes de la Renaissance, 197.) Pp. 149. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2015. €29. 978 2 8124 3274 3
Kapic, Kelly M. and Jones, Mark (eds), The Ashgate research companion to John Owen's theology. Pp. xviii + 334. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2015. £25 (paper). 978 1 47 246696 9
Karnitscher, Tünde Beatrix, Der vergessene Spiritualist Johann Theodor von Tschesch, (1595–1649). Untersuchungen und Spurensicherung zu Leben und Werk eines religiösen Nonkonformisten. (Arbeiten zur Geschichte des Pietismus. Im Auftrag der Historischen Kommission zur Erforschung des Pietismus, 60.) Pp. 400 incl. 5 colour ills. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2015. €99.99. 978 3 525 55843 0;
Killen, Kevin, Smith, Helen and Willie, Rachel (eds), The Oxford handbook of the Bible in early modern England, c. 1530–1700. Pp. xxi + 783 incl. 25 ills. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. £110. 978 0 19 968697 1
Langley, Chris R., Worship, civil war and community, 1638–1660. (War, Society and Culture.) Pp. viii + 201. London–New York: Routledge, 2016. £95. 978 1 848 93521 1
Leppin, Volker, Reformatorische Theologie und Autoritäten. Studien zur Genese des Schriftprinzips beim jungen Luther. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation, 85.) Pp. viii + 310. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. €99. 978 3 16 153823 0
Leppin, Volker, Transformationen. Studien zu den Wandlungsprozessen in Theologie und Frömmigkeit zwischen Spätmittelalter und Reformation. (Spämittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation, 86.) Pp. xv + 564. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. €129. 978 3 16 152820 0
Leslie, Andrew M, The light of grace. John Owen on the authority of Scripture and Christian faith. (Reformed Historical Theology, 34.) Pp. 300. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2015. €89.99. 978 3 525 55090 8;
Marriott, Brandon, Transnational networks and cross-religious exchange in the seventeenth-century Mediterranean and Atlantic worlds. Sabbatai Sevi and the lost tribes of Israel. (Universal Reform: Studies in Intellectual History, 1550–1700.) Pp. xii + 167 incl. 1 fig. Farnham–Burlington Vt: Ashgate, 2015. £65. 978 1 47 243584 2
O'hAnnracháin, Tadhg Ó., Catholic Europe, 1592–1648. Centre and peripheries. Pp. ix + 270. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. £60. 978 0 19 927272 3.
Olds, Karina B., Forging the past. Invented histories in counter-reformation Spain. Pp. xv + 422 incl. 17 ills., 1 table and 2 maps. New Haven–London: Yale University Press, 2015. £40. 978 0 300 18522 5
Opitz, Peter, Ulrich Zwingli. Prophet, Ketzer, Pionier des Protestantismus. Pp. 119 incl. 22 colour figs. Zürich: Teologischer Verlag, 2015. €19.90 (paper). 978 3 290 17828 4
Posset, Franz, Johann Reuchlin (1455–1522). A theological biography. (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte, 129.) Pp. xxv + 917 incl. 31 colour and black-and-white figs and frontispiece. Berlin–Boston: De Gruyter, 2015. €99.95. 978 3 11 041947 4
Rasmussen, Tarald and Flæten, Jon Øygarden (eds), Preparing for death, remembering the dead. (Refo 500 Academic Studies, 22.) Pp. 377 incl. 78 figs. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2015. €84.99. 978 3 525 55982 3
Schmidt-Eppendorf, Peter, Die katholischen Geistlichen auf Nordstrand, 1654–1999. Pp. 238 incl. 2 ills. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2015. €29.80. 978 3 402 13096 4
Schwarz, Reinhard, Martin Luther, Lehrer der christlichen religion. Pp. xiii + 544 incl. 1 ill. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. €39. 978 3 16 151880 5
Scott Amos, N., Bucer, Ephesians and biblical humanism. The exegete as theologian. (Studies in Early Modern Religious Tradition, Culture and Society, 7.) Pp. xi + 222. New York: Springer, 2015. $99. 978 3 319 10237 5;
Spierling, Karen E. (ed.), Calvin and the book. The evolution of the printed word in reformed Protestantism. (Refo500 Academic Studies, 25.) Pp. 172 incl. 2 tables. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015. €79.99. 978 3 525 55088 5;
Spinks, Jennifer and Eichberger, Dagmar (eds), Religion, the supernatural and visual culture in early modern Europe. An album amicorum for Charles Zika. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, 191.) Pp. xix + 417 incl. 50 ills. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €168. 978 90 04 29726 5;
Timmerman, Daniël, Heinrich Bullinger on prophecy and the prophetic office (1523–1538). (Reformed Historical Theology, 33.) Pp. 329. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2015. €74.99. 978 3 525 55089 2
Van der Steen, Jasper, Memory wars in the Low Countries, 1566–1700. (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, 190.) Pp. xi + 357 incl. 14 ills. and 2 maps. Leiden–Boston: Brill, 2015. €115. 978 90 04 30048 4;
Wein, Ulrich A. and Leppin, Volker (eds), Kirche und Politik am oberrhein im 16. Jahrhundert. Reformation und Macht im Südwesten des Reiches. (Spätmittelalter, Humanismus, Reformation, 87.) Pp. vii + 484 incl. 16 ills and 5 tables. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015. €99. 978 3 16 153951 0
Modern Europe
Aquino, Frederick D. and King, Benjamin J. (eds), Receptions of Newman. Pp. xi + 264. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015. £65. 978 0 19 968758 9
Beaken, Robert (foreword Terry Waite), The Church of England and the home front, 1914–1918. Civilians, soldiers and religion in wartime Colchester. Pp. xvi + 272 incl. frontispiece, 30 figs. and 3 tables. Woodbridge–Rochester, NY: Boydell Press, 2015. £30. 978 1 78327 051 4
Bremner, G. A. and Conlin, Jonathan (eds), Making history. Edward Augustus Freeman and Victorian cultural politics. (Proceedings of the British Academy, 202.) Pp. xiv + 320 incl. frontispiece and 2 ills. Oxford: Oxford University Press (for The British Academy), 2015. £70. 978 0 19 726587 1;
Busch, Eberhard and Busch-Blum, Beate (eds), Karl Barth. Predigten, 1911. Gesamtausgabe. Pp. xv + 463. Zurich: Theologischer Verlag, 2015. €125. 98 3 290 17827 7
Doyle, David, The reverend Thomas Goff, 1772–1844. Property, propinquity and Protestantism. (Maynooth Studies in Local History, 118.) Pp. 71 incl. 7 ills and 1 table. Dublin–Portland: Four Courts Press, 2015. £9.95 (paper). 978 1 84682 578 1
Geissler, Suzanne, God and sea power. The influence of religion on Alfred Thayer Mahan. Pp. xiii + 266 incl. 13 ills. Annapolis: Naval Institute Press, 2015. £31.50. 978 1 61251 843 5
Gillespie, Raymond and Gallachóir, Roibeard Ó (eds), Preaching in Belfast, 1747–72. A selection of the sermons of James Saurin. Pp. 294 incl. frontispiece and 7 ills. Portland–Dublin: Four Courts Press (in association with The Representative Church Body Library), 2015. £50. 978 1 84682 535 4
Hudson, Wayne, Lucci, Diego and Wigelsworth, Jeffrey R. (eds), Atheism and Deism revalued. Heterodox religious identities in Britain, 1650–1800. Pp. xxv + 265. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2014. £95. 978 1 4094 5680 3
Jasper, Gotthard (ed.), Paul Althaus, Karl Barth, Emil Brunner. Briefwechsel, 1922–1966. Pp. 184. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2015. €44.99. 978 3 525 55091 5
Laborie, Lionel, Enlightening enthusiasm. Prophecy and religious experience in early eighteenth-century England. Pp. xii + 353 incl. 6 ills and 3 tables. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2015. £80. 978 0 7190 8988 6
Leuştean, Lucian N., The ecumenical movement and the making of the European community. Pp. xvi + 286 incl. 10 ills. and 2 tables. New York–Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. £60. 978 0 19 871456 9
Lupton, Peter Francis, Rowland Broomhead, 1751–1820. Apostle of the north. Pp. xxix + 380 incl. 37 ills. Leominster: Gracewing, 2015. £20 (paper). 978 085244 850 2
Marek Inglot, S. J. (ed. and trans. Schlafly, Daniel L.), How the Jesuits survived their suppression. The Society of Jesus in the Russian empire (1773–1814). Pp. xvii + 305 incl. 65 black-and-white and colour figs. Philadelphia: Saint Joseph's University Press, 2015. $55. 978 0 91610 181 7
Martin, Jennifer Newsome, Hans Urs von Balthausar and the critical appropriation of Russian religious thought. Pp. xi + 311 incl. Notre Dame In: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015. $35 (paper). 978 0 268 03536 5
Munden, Alan (ed.), The religious census of Bristol and Gloucestershire, 1851. Census of the population, 1851. Schedule of return of place of religious worship. (The Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society. Gloucestershire Record Series, 29.) Pp. xvi + 428 incl. 4 figs. Bristol: The Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, 2015. £30. 978 0 900197 88 8
Niblett, Matthew, Prophecy and the politics of salvation in late Georgian England. The theology and apocalyptic vision of Joanna Southcott. Pp. xiii + 239 incl. 19 figs. London–New York: I. B. Tauris, 2015. £62. 978 1 78076 878 6
Pibworth, Nigel R. (ed.), The letters of John Berridge of Everton. A singular spirituality. Pp. xv + 480 incl. frontispiece. Ontario: Joshua Press, 2015. $24.75 (paper). 978 1 894400 62 6
Politi, Marco, Pope Francis among the wolves. The inside story of a revolution (trans. William McCuaig.) Pp. xvii + 270. Chichester–New York: Columbia University Press, 2015. £19.95. 978 0 231 17414 5
Pope, Robert, Seeing God's kingdom. The nonconformist social gospel in Wales, 1906–1939. Pp. xxiv + 199. Cardiff: The University of Wales Press, 2015 (first publ. 1999). £24.99 (paper). 978 1 78316 782 1
Riebling, Mark, Church of spies. The pope's secret war against Hitler. Pp. viii + 376. New York: Basic Books, 2015. $29.99. 978 0 465 02229 8.
Riso, Mary, The narrative of the good death. The evangelical deathbed in Victorian England. (Methodist Studies) Pp. xvi + 276 incl. 30 figs. Farnham–Burlington, Vt: Ashgate, 2015. £65. 978 1 4724 4696 1
Turnham, Margaret H., Catholic faith and practice in England, 1779–1992. The role of revivalism and renewal. Pp. xi + 222 incl. 3 tables, 1 fig., 3 maps and 4 plates. Rochester, NY–Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2015. £65. 978 1 78327 034 7
Africa, Asia and Australasia
Hassen, Mohammed, The Oromo and the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia, 1300–1700. (Eastern Africa Series.) Pp. xx + 380 incl. 14 maps. Rochester, NY–Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2015. £45. 978 1 84701 117 6
The Americas
Bendroth, Margaret, The last Puritans. Mainline Protestants and the power of the past. Pp. ix + 246 incl. 13 ills. Chapel Hill: University of California Press, 2015. $27.95 (paper). 978 1 4696 2400 6
Carter, Heath W., Union made. Working people and the rise of social Christianity in Chicago. Pp. xiv + 277 incl. 19 figs. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. £22.99. 978 0 19 938595 9
Conroy-Krutz, Emily, Christian imperialism. Converting the world in the early American republic. Pp. xix + 244 incl. 5 figs and 3 maps. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2015. €45. 978 0 8014 5353 3
Crisp, Oliver D., Jonathan Edwards among the theologians. Pp. xx + 198. Grand Rapids–Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2015. £16.99 (paper). 978 0 8028 7172 5
Green, Steven K., Inventing a Christian America. The myth of the religious founding. Pp. xiii + 295. Oxford–New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. £19.99. 978 0 19 023097 5
Jackson, Maurice and Kozel, Susan (eds), Quakers and their allies in the abolitionist cause, 1754–1808. (Perspectives on Early America.) Pp. xi + 206 incl. 6 figs. London–New York: Routledge, 2015. £95. 978 1 84893 541 9
Mislin, David, Saving faith. Making religious pluralism an American value at the dawn of the secular age. Pp. vii + 215 incl. 2 ills. Ithaca–London: Cornell University Press, 2015. $45. 978 0 8014 5394 6
Songulashvili, Malkhaz, Evangelical Christian Baptists of Georgia. The history and transformation of a Free Church tradition. (Studies in World Christianity.) Pp. xxviii + 508 incl. 7 black-and-white ills and 3 tables. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2015. $79.95. 978 1 4813 0110 7
Vacek, Heather H., Madness. American Protestant responses to mental illness. (Studies in Religion, Theology and Disability.) Pp. xii + 271. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2015. £33.50. 978 1 4813 0057 5
General : Modern world
Sunquist, Scott W. (foreword Mark A. Noll), The unexpected Christian century. The reversal and transformation of global Christianity, 1900–2000. Pp. xxiv + 213 incl. 25 figs. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2015. $22.99 (paper). 978 0 8010 9746 1