Article contents
- Abstract
- The ‘Resurgence of the Ideology Debate’: Efficiency of Market and State
- The Model: Centrality of Long-Run Dynamics
- Comparative Research Design: Inference from Hegemonic Powers to Regimes
- Historical Persistence: From Nonstationarity to Cointegration
- The Cointegration Model in VECM Form
- Stability and Rigidity of Regimes: Rank of Π and Common Trends
- Long-Term Equilibrium Relations (βij): Distinctiveness of Evolutionary Paths
- Distinctiveness of Adjustment Dynamics to Disequilibrium: αij
- Conclusions
- References
Trade Globalization, Economic Performance, and Social Protection: Nineteenth-Century British Laissez-Faire and Post–World War II U.S.-Embedded Liberalism
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 October 2004
- Abstract
- The ‘Resurgence of the Ideology Debate’: Efficiency of Market and State
- The Model: Centrality of Long-Run Dynamics
- Comparative Research Design: Inference from Hegemonic Powers to Regimes
- Historical Persistence: From Nonstationarity to Cointegration
- The Cointegration Model in VECM Form
- Stability and Rigidity of Regimes: Rank of Π and Common Trends
- Long-Term Equilibrium Relations (βij): Distinctiveness of Evolutionary Paths
- Distinctiveness of Adjustment Dynamics to Disequilibrium: αij
- Conclusions
- References
How have market and state shaped the long-term coevolution of economic performance and social protection during the nineteenth century and post–World War II waves of globalization associated with British laissez-faire liberalism and U.S.-embedded liberalism? Under the impulse of seemingly ever-intensifying globalization, this question is emerging at the core of a novel body of political economy research that seeks to compare the two waves of globalization to draw useful lessons from the past. This research also reflects the concerns recently voiced by neoliberals and neointerventionists about the long-term stability and viability of post–World War II embedded liberalism. Satisfactory investigations of how market and state shape the long-term coevolution of economic performance and social protection in the two regimes remain lacking. Cointegration analyses of the two hegemonic powers that shaped the evolution of the two regimes—nineteenth-century Great Britain and post–World War II United States—demonstrate that the complementarity of market and state in embedded liberalism is associated with better long-term economic performance and social protection.I thank the following people for their help and support in developing this project: Katarina Juselius, Soren Johansen, Mike Artis, Ilijan Georgiev, Suzanne Perry, Ed Mansfield, Dennis Quinn, Lars-Erik Cederman, Ron Jepperson, Mark Kesselman, Luis Moreno, Martin Rhodes, Benedicta Marzinotto, Ron King, David Clinton, and the participants in the Nordic Project funded by the Danish Social Sciences Research Council. Two anonymous reviewers provided valuable suggestions. A Jean Monnet Fellowship from the Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute provided financial support for the project. Any errors are my own.
- Type
- Research Article
- Information
- Copyright
- © 2004 The IO Foundation and Cambridge University Press
How have market and state shaped the long-term evolution of economic performance and social protection during the nineteenth-century globalization associated with British laissez-faire liberalism and the post–World War II globalization associated with U.S.-embedded liberalism?
The intensification of globalization has thrust this question to the core of an emerging body of political economy research that compares the two waves of globalization to draw lessons from the nineteenth-century wave and apply those lessons to the current wave.1
This research strongly reflects the political tensions informing recent mass demonstrations against perceived economic and social costs of unfettered globalization.2See Bhagwati 2002; Broad 2002; Dollar and Kraay 2002; and Stiglitz 2002. Critiques of globalization span the ideological spectrum: (1) neoclassical economists who now believe that capitalism is subject to structural political conflicts over the requirements of global competitiveness and domestic social protection; see Stiglitz 2002; and Rodrik 1997; (2) new Keynesians reasserting that capitalism engenders periodic economic breakdowns; see Cornwall and Cornwall 2001; (3) third-way social philosophers and activists advocating political control of unfettered global markets; see Tonelson 2000; Gray 1998; and Giddens 1998; (4) disillusioned liberals criticizing the destructiveness of unregulated markets; see Soros 1998; and T. Friedman 1999; (5) communitarians advocating a world of self-sufficient closed communities; see Klein 2002; and Etzioni 1994; and (6) populists supporting protectionism as they blame globalization for long-term unemployment and increasing labor market inequalities; see Mény and Surel 2002; and P. Buchanan 1998.
Relying on neoclassical views of self-regulating economies, neoliberals privilege the intensification of unfettered globalization: they lament the inefficiency of state-steered embedded liberalism; fear politically driven protectionist backlashes against globalization; praise the efficiency of nineteenth-century laissez-faire in ensuring superior economic growth; and favor the reconstitution of market dominance as the ideal pathway to long-run growth, which best ensures full employment and social protection.4
See Lindsey 2002; Vasquez 2000; Lal 2000; and Micklethwait and Wooldridge 2000.
Undoubtedly, these supposedly novel debates represent the resurgence of the interwar “ideology debate”—pitting Keynes and Polanyi versus Hayek and Von Mises—over the efficiency of market and state in shaping the long-run evolution of economic performance and social protection. The interwar debates concerned the long-term stability and viability of nineteenth-century laissez-faire and its replacement with embedded liberalism.6
Today, after half a century of experiments with embedded liberalism, debates are about its long-term stability and viability and its replacement with novel forms of laissez-faire.7 Nevertheless, systematic comparisons of the two regimes that satisfactorily assess the empirical adequacy of neoliberal and neointerventionist claims remain severely lacking.The political economy research focuses on a variety of related issues: for example, properties of globalization;8
Baldwin and Martin 1999. Comparisons focus on globalization as an economic phenomenon: (1) nineteenth-century globalization is as encompassing; see Vasquez 2000; (2) post–World War II globalization is more encompassing; see Bordo, Eichengreen, and Irwin 1999; (3) trade and financial aggregates conceal features that render comparisons misleading; see Krugman 1995.
For a discussion of such disjunction, especially in economics, see Juselius 1999; Granger 1997; and Pesaran 1997.
See Nelson and Plosser 1982; and Granger and Newbold 1974. I discuss stationary and nonstationary dynamics below.
Nonstationarity, however, suggests alternative long-run stable dynamics if the persistent processes were cointegrated, or coevolving, around common stochastic trends driving the evolution of the two regimes.15
This article adopts the theoretical and methodological framework of cointegration to evaluate the rival neoliberal and neointerventionist claims about how market and state shape the long-term coevolution of economic performance and social protection in the two regimes. Cointegration allows for the investigation of three crucial dimensions of long-run dynamics: (1) common stochastic trends, which capture system stability and rigidity; (2) cointegrated equilibrium relations coevolving stably around the common trends; and (3) adjustment mechanisms that maintain the relations in long-run equilibrium.To investigate these long-run dynamics, this article develops a core multidimensional model rooted in the constructivist approach to international political economy.16
The model links four historical processes that are central to political economy debates on the coevolution of economic performance and social protection in the two regimes: (1) trade openness, (2) real GDP, (3) unemployment, and (4) government spending.17With regard to globalization, the analytic focus is on trade openness. Research in progress that builds on this core model investigates the coevolution of monetary regimes—the nineteenth-century gold standard and the postwar sequences of fixed, flexible exchange rates—and trade openness; see Eichengreen 1996; and Verdier 1998.
Weber 1949.
Cointegration analyses of the long-run dynamics of the hegemons challenge core neoliberal claims. First, unit root tests shatter claims about the greater flexibility of nineteenth-century laissez-faire: all four processes in both regimes exhibit nonstationary persistence, which implies similar rigidity. Second, cointegration tests challenge scenarios of regime instability foreboding the implosion of globalization: the presence of one common trend driving the long-run evolution of both regimes establishes the long-run stability of the two regimes. The one common trend also challenges claims about the greater rigidity of embedded liberalism: both regimes feature similar degrees of rigidity. Third, equilibrium relations refute claims about the economic inefficiency of the state in embedded liberalism and the efficiency of laissez-faire markets: state interventions in postwar United States are associated with better economic performance and social protection. Fourth, adjustment dynamics question beliefs that markets shape the dynamics of laissez-faire liberalism whereas the state shapes the dynamics of embedded liberalism: state interventions are necessary to maintain the equilibria both of nineteenth-century British laissez-faire and of postwar–U.S.-embedded liberalism. Ultimately, these findings question the wisdom of the neoliberal political project to reconstitute market dominance: novel laissez-faire worlds may yield inferior economic performance and social protection. Rather, as neointerventionists claim, political control of markets ensures superior economic performance together with better social protection.
The first section below traces the resurgence of the “ideology debate.” The second section presents the four-dimensional model rooted in the constructivist theory of regimes. The third section justifies the comparative research design. The fourth section demonstrates the ubiquity of nonstationary dynamics. The fifth section outlines the VECM cointegration model. The next three sections provide tests of regime stability and rigidity (sixth); of equilibrium relations (seventh); and of adjustment dynamics (eighth). The final section discusses the implications of the research.
The ‘Resurgence of the Ideology Debate’: Efficiency of Market and State
The ideology debate between neoliberals and neointerventionists over the relative efficiency of market and state in shaping the coevolution of economic performance and social protection in embedded liberalism finds its roots in the highly unstable interwar period.19
Hoover 2003.
See Keynes 1936, 1982; Polanyi 1957; Von Mises 1977; and Hayek 1944, 1966. A rich body of recent research has retraced the theoretical and policy relevance of the interwar debates; see Hoover 2003; Cochran and Glahe 1999; Allen 1998; Shearmur 1996; Mendell and Salee 1991; and Hayek and Caldwell 1995. However, the roots of the debates extend well into nineteenth-century British liberalism; see Coats 1971. Classical liberals—Smith, Malthus, Ricardo, Bentham, and Mill—shared a faith in the economic and welfare efficiency of unfettered markets and rejected that the state could ameliorate socioeconomic conditions. Social liberals—Green, Hobhouse, Hobson, and Bonsaquet—advocated legislation that provided protection against market dislocations.
The interwar debate hinged on diametrically opposite hypotheses that are central to contemporary debates: the trade-off or complementarity between market and state and between economic efficiency and social protection. The trade-off hypothesis, dominant in nineteenth-century laissez-faire, pitted efficient markets against inefficient state, and economic efficiency against inefficient social protection. Best captured by neoclassical formulations of Walrasian equilibria, perfectly competitive and self-regulating markets converged endogenously toward intertemporal equilibria of full-employment growth.22
Walras 1954.
Confronting the massive economic breakdowns, social unrest, and the final implosion of the global economy, Keynes and Polanyi questioned the trade-off hypothesis in favor of the complementarity of market and state: state interventions were necessary to ensure economic stability and social protection. Far from being self-regulating, laissez-faire markets were inherently self-destructive and generated severe economic and social instabilities that sparked backlashes against unfettered globalization, finally leading to its implosion.23
This “apocalyptic” view of capitalism was widely shared at the time; see Schumpeter 1928.
Hayek and Von Mises, instead, reasserted the validity of the trade-off hypothesis. Beyond the negative effects of the singular event of World War I, they traced the socioeconomic instabilities and the ultimate implosion of the laissez-faire regime to inefficient positive economic and social state interventions. Such interventions, which were associated with the emergence of “collectivism,” undermined the spontaneous functioning of laissez-faire markets. In particular, as later research attempted to demonstrate empirically, inefficient monetary policies were the principal cause of the Great Depression.24
Friedman and Schwartz 1963.
By the early 1960s, the “end of ideology debate” appeared to irreversibly sanction the complementarity hypothesis. In the context of the Keynesian-based Bretton Woods multilateral system, the historical compromise informing embedded liberalism seemed to successfully ensure global growth, full employment, and social protection.25
The “end of ideology” captured a new balance between market and state: the political left had accepted the market as a central instrument of growth; the political right, the state as an instrument of growth and redistribution.26See Bell 1962; and Lipset 1960. In economics, the “end of the business cycle” captured the success; see Okun 1975.
Instead, by the early 1980s, following the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system, stagflations, and the intensification of globalization, the “resurgence of the ideological debate” under fierce neoliberal critiques weakened the postwar consensus on the long-term viability of embedded liberalism.27
A first wave of attacks—especially from monetarist and new classical economists, social conservatives, and the Virginia school of public choice—challenged the complementarity hypothesis in the domestic arena: the inherently inefficient positive economic and welfare interventions, best captured by the historically unprecedented growth of the public sector, hampered long-term economic growth.28Monetarist and new classical critiques challenged the efficiency of economic stabilization; see J. Stein 1982; Sargent and Wallace 1975; and M. Friedman 1968. Demand-push neoconservative theorists argued that malignant interest groups formation triggered demands that overloaded the state budget; see Olson 1982; and Crozier, Watanuki, and Huntington 1975. Supply-pull public choice theorists pointed to the fiscal irresponsibility of self-regarding politicians; see Mueller 2003; and J. Buchanan 1977.
Campbell and Pedersen 2001.
Aghion, Caroli, and Garcia-Penalosa 1999.
Alesina and Perotti 1998.
See Vásquez 2000; Hayek 1996; and Fukuyama 1993.
More recently, however, several countercritiques have reasserted the complementarity between market and state. Endogenous growth theories claim that selected types of government spending are economically efficient.34
In addition to investments on research and development, spending on human capital is particularly relevant. New political economy theories link social protection, especially reduction of poverty and inequality, to productive efficiency.35Aghion and Williamson 1998.
In “postindustrialism,” structural changes in population aging, female labor participation, and skill-biased unemployment drive the growth of the public sector; see Pierson 2001; Iversen 2001; and Esping-Andersen 1999.
Ruggie aptly distinguishes between “norm transforming” and “norm governed” change; Ruggie 1998.
In historical context, the resurgence of the ideology debate represents a rupture with the postwar consensus on embedded liberalism. Neoliberals now explicitly admire the once discredited nineteenth-century laissez-faire and question the long-term viability of embedded liberalism established at Bretton Woods to replace the then-discredited laissez-faire liberalism.41
Simultaneously, they praise the efficiency of nineteenth-century laissez-faire: it generated superior growth through more encompassing globalization, greater flexibility of global and domestic markets, and minimal state intervention. The policy lesson they advocate—“to go back to the future” by politically reconstituting global laissez-faire—rests on the promise that unfettered markets, as in the nineteenth century, will deliver sustained long-term growth.42The metaphor “to go back to the future” is borrowed from Bordo, Eichengreen, and Irwin 1999.
In contrast, mindful of Keynes's and Polanyi's critiques, neointerventionists fear the reconstitution of unfettered globalization: nineteenth-century laissez-faire might have created unprecedented wealth but the social costs associated with disembedded markets also triggered harsh backlashes against globalization.43
Concerns about renewed backlashes against unfettered globalization inform an alternative policy lesson—“to go forward to the future” by enhancing political control over global and domestic markets to better ensure long-term economic growth, full employment, and social protection.The Model: Centrality of Long-Run Dynamics
At the core, the ideological debate between neoliberals and neointerventionists is about the long-run dynamics—stability and viability—of the two international regimes. A model ought to capture the rival claims about long-run dynamics. The theoretical roots of such a model are best traced to constructivist theories of international regimes. A basic multidimensional model usefully captures core mechanisms through which market and state shape economic performance and social protection in the two regimes.
International Regimes: Structure and Dynamics
Tracing the model to constructivist regime theory is problematic: all major schools of international relations—realism, neoliberal institutionalism, and constructivism—disagree fundamentally on the causal relevance of regimes.44
Realism attributes little importance to international regimes: they are instruments for hegemons to enhance their power in the anarchic international system. Neoliberal institutionalism attributes greater instrumental significance to regimes: given anarchy, they can reduce transaction costs in the interaction of states. Only in constructivism are regimes ontologically independent from configurations of interstate power and indeed can autonomously affect such power. By privileging a social ontology that rests on holism, norm-based behavior, socially constructed institutions, and historical contingency, constructivism explicitly considers how the normative structure of social purpose shapes the identity of regimes.45 Such identity rests ultimately on authority relations defining the relationship of market and state to society and their contributions to economic performance and social protection.46In the constructivist framework, international regimes emerge as stable and viable social institutions around which the long-run expectations of actors participating in the regime converge. Organizing principles of legitimate order and meaning shape the historical evolution—formation and transformation—of regimes. Market, state, and society represent three fundamental macro-structures of regimes. Authority relations define the legitimate orderings of market, state, and society. The two regimes—nineteenth-century laissez-faire and post–World War II embedded liberalism—represent distinct and historically contingent institutional configurations of authority relations.
Neoliberals and neointerventionists largely agree that diametrically opposite principles and authority relations inform the normative structures of the two regimes. Laissez-faire liberalism rests on market dominance over the state and on disembedding markets from society. Its central objective is economic growth through markets unfettered by positive state interventions. Growth determines the dynamics of unemployment. Growth also determines social protection via lower unemployment and higher living standards. Negative interventions of the laissez-faire state, à la Hayek, bolster market dominance. In contrast, embedded liberalism rests on the complementarity of market and state and on the social embedding of markets. Full-employment growth and social protection are both central objectives. Positive state interventions—stabilizing and welfare—in the international and domestic arenas, as in the multilateral Bretton Woods system, serve to achieve these twin objectives.
Neoliberals and neointerventionists, however, clash over how the distinctive organizing principles of the two regimes ensure their long-term stability and viability.47
According to neoliberals, the institutional framework of laissez-faire liberalism generates stable long-run dynamics. Unfettered—that is, politically deregulated—markets endogenously adjust to shocks: they quickly clear and converge toward a long-run stable equilibrium characterized by full-employment growth. Instead, the institutions of embedded liberalism inevitably generate unstable, sticky, dynamics: inefficient state interventions in the economy and society hamper spontaneous convergence of markets toward long-run equilibrium. Mindful of Keynes, neointerventionists challenge the economic and welfare efficiency of laissez-faire liberalism: unfettered markets fail to clear and to converge toward the long-run equilibrium. Markets rather tend toward disequilibrium characterized by persistent and socially costly underemployment. Positive state interventions are necessary to ensure convergence toward full-employment growth and social protection.The Multidimensional Model: Testable Hypotheses
Such disagreements over long-run dynamics inform the debates on the specific mechanisms by which market and state shape the long-run coevolution of economic performance and social protection in the two regimes. A simple multidimensional model, which focuses on the demand side of the economy, captures the basic relations at the core of such debates:

where g is government spending as a ratio of GDP; y is the level of real GDP; u is the unemployment rate; x, trade, describes the openness of the economy; and t is a linear time trend capturing productivity shocks.48
These processes, albeit in single-equation format, are central to the research on the post–World War II era; see Swank 2002; Iversen 2001; Huber and Stephens 2001; and Garrett 1998. They are also central to research on nineteenth-century laissez-faire; see O'Rourke and Williamson 1999; and Williamson 1998. However, the single-equation modeling obscures the complexity of dynamics stemming from feedbacks traversing the three equations.
The dimensionality, or complexity, of the model can be increased by introducing other historical processes: for example, (1) real wage, (2) investment, and (3) political institutions such as the organizational and political power of labor and parliamentary institutions. The increased dimensionality would not change the theoretical argument and the empirical predictions of this core model.
Equation (1) captures the evolution of the public sector. It links the dynamics of government spending (g) to shocks in GDP and unemployment—two crucial mechanisms of social protection. The positive spending-GDP relation operates via Wagner, or wealth, redistributive effects: spending increases as a proportion of national income.50
In the historical context of Bismarckian Germany, Wagner's original formulation of the growth of the public sector was rooted in the requirements of statism and militarism; see Wagner 1958; and Von Mises 1969.
For the postwar era, several theories have linked public sector expansion to the unemployment effects of economic openness: for example, for modernization, see Cameron 1978; for political-class conflict, see Garrett 1998; Esping-Andersen 1990; and Flora and Heidenheimer 1981; for the compromise of embedded liberalism, see Ruggie 1982; for adaptive responses of small but highly open economies, see Katzenstein 1985; for deindustrialization, see Iversen 2001; Rodrik 1997; and Wood 1994.
Equation (2) captures economic growth—a crucial dimension of economic performance. It links the evolution of GDP (y) to shocks in trade, spending, and productivity. The positive GDP-trade relation describes the openness-growth connection.52
The theoretical literature posits the positive trade-growth link; see Obstfeld and Rogoff 1996. New growth theories for the postwar era focus on trade-induced positive effects of R&D, increasing returns to scale, and technological spillovers; see Aghion and Howitt 1998. Research on the nineteenth century also posits the positive link; see O'Rourke 2000.
Abrams 1999.
Aghion and Howitt 1998. Productivity shocks encompass shocks in investments.
Equation (3) captures a second crucial dimension of economic performance—unemployment. It links the evolution of unemployment (u) to shocks in trade and GDP. Trade, as in Heckscher-Ohlin models, induces socioeconomic dislocations best captured by unemployment.55
Greenaway and Nelson 2001.
Sargent 1987.
In this system, government spending plays the crucial role in determining the dynamics of the two regimes.57
In the context of constructivism, the focus on government spending is meant to capture two main dimensions of state intervention in the economy and society: (1) economic stabilization, and (2) social security/protection; Ruggie 1982. The objective of spending aimed at macroeconomic stabilization is to bring the economy toward full employment growth—which is itself a crucial component of social protection. The y and, via recursive substitutions, u equations capture this first dimension. The objective of social spending aims at minimizing the domestic social costs of economic openness stemming from adjustments to structural change in the international division of labor. The wealth (y) and welfare (u) effects in the g equation capture this second dimension. A narrower focus on social and welfare spending would miss the complexity of these multiple dimensions of social protection. Moreover, new growth theory demonstrates how difficult it is to disaggregate government spending in its economic and social components—for example, investment in physical and human capital, welfare, and even military; Aghion and Howitt 1998.
Aghion and Howitt 1998.
For embedded liberalism, the model captures the sharp divisions over the efficiency of the large public sector. Here, neoliberals and neointerventionists also share a basic agreement about the g equation: significant wealth and welfare effects have contributed to the historically unprecedented long-term growth of public spending. Wealth effects point to strong mechanisms of redistribution: vis-à-vis nineteenth-century laissez-faire, a greater proportion of national income goes toward government spending. Given the centrality of social protection, unemployment also represents a major mechanism of growth for spending. For neoliberals, the trade-off hypothesis predicts that the growth of the inefficient public sector dampens long-run growth and yields persistent unemployment. For neointerventionists, given the complementarity hypothesis, spending contributes to long-term growth, lower unemployment, and social protection.
Comparative Research Design: Inference from Hegemonic Powers to Regimes
How does one evaluate the empirical adequacy of the rival claims about the long-run dynamics of the two international regimes? A first crucial methodological decision concerns the appropriate research design and sample for valid inference. All theories of international political economy—realism, neoliberal institutionalism, constructivism—tend to rely on comparisons of the hegemonic powers to investigate the core properties of the two regimes.59
See Keohane 1984a; A. Stein 1984; and Ruggie 1982. Formally, the comparison involves regimes as ideal types. More precisely, it involves the class of ideal types based on particular historical phenomena, such as “the Protestant Ethic,” and “modern capitalism,” which appear only in specific historical periods and in particular cultural areas; Weber 1949. The polar regimes of nineteenth-century laissez-faire and post–World War II embedded liberalism represent such types. The analytic task is to identify the core features of these two polar types, which essentially relate to the normative structure of social purpose. The empirical task is to determine whether and how the normative structures of the hegemons—nineteenth-century Britain and post–World War II United States—approximate the properties of the two types.
Controversies concern: (1) differences in motives ascribed to hegemons in realist, liberal, and constructivist theories; (2) whether hegemons are necessary and/or sufficient for regime formation and maintenance; and (3) whether hegemons privilege an open international economy; Hasenclever, Mayer, and Rittberger 1997.
In this constructivist framework, the main objective of the research is to achieve a better understanding of the normative structures and causal macro-social mechanisms of the two political economy regimes, rather than the intersubjective dimensions of human consciousness and action; see Adler 2002; Wendt 1999; Gill 1993; and Ruggie 1982, 1998. Nevertheless, the research has a strong reflexive—practical and political—component: establishing the relative empirical congruence of the rival neoliberal and neointerventionist claims has significant implications for political discourse and political action.
Three specific claims legitimize the constructivist comparative design. The first justifies the comparison of the normative structures of hegemons: the normative structures of the hegemons exemplify those of regimes, thereby capturing their identity. Hegemons influence the evolution of regimes through the fusion of two principles that project their authority in the international system: (1) concentration of wealth and power, and (2) normative structure of social purpose. Resource concentration, central to realism, helps explain why a hegemon creates and maintains an international order based on its self-interest while enhancing global welfare. However, resource concentration does not capture the distinctiveness of laissez-faire and embedded liberalism. The normative structure does. The authority relations defining state-market-society relations in each hegemonic provide the legitimate social purpose in pursuit of which state power is employed in both the domestic and international arenas. Hence, comparison of the normative structures of hegemons best captures how market and state shape economic performance and social protection of regimes.
The second claim justifies the sample selection: the normative structures of nineteenth-century Britain and post–World War II United States capture the distinctiveness of the regimes of laissez-faire and embedded liberalism respectively. Resource concentration remains crucial to explain British and U.S. hegemony. Britain, under the impulses of the industrial revolution, colonization, and global trade and finance, developed the largest and most open economy.62
As the paramount military power in a system of interstate hegemony, Britain also enforced its preferred rules of free trade and the gold standard by maintaining freedom of the seas.63 The Pax Britannica ensured an international order of relative peace and security.64Gilpin 2000.
Obstfeld and Rogoff 1996.
Gilpin 2000.
Resource concentration alone, however, does not capture the laissez-faire identity of nineteenth-century Britain: its fusion with the normative structure that privileged self-regulating markets does. The authority relations instituted in the international regime reflected the domestic balance of British market-state relations that determined the dominance of market over society. Laissez-faire Britain privileged market forces both domestically and internationally: it limited positive state interventions in the commodity, currency, and labor markets; and it engaged in negative interventions to institute and safeguard self-regulating markets.67
Three pieces of legislation institutionalized the principles of laissez-faire: (1) the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 facilitated the flexibility of labor markets; (2) the Peel's Bank Act of 1844 launched the gold standard monetary regime; and (3) the Anti-Corn Law Bill of 1846 and the Cobden-Chevalier Treaty of 1860 set in motion international trade; see Hobsbawm 1990; Taylor 1972; and Polanyi 1957.
The New Deal represented the U.S. reaction against the collapse of laissez-faire and the Great Depression; the U.S.-driven Bretton Woods regime sought to reconstruct the postwar international economic order while minimizing cost of social disruption generated by international integration; the Great Society programs added several layers of social protection; Ruggie 1982.
The third claim establishes the validity of inference from the comparison of hegemonic Britain and United States. Britain is the extreme representative of laissez-faire. This ideal status had long been noted in political economy: Britain exemplified the evolution of nineteenth-century global capitalism.69
Other powers, such as France and Germany, differed in socioeconomic and political structures but were integrated in the global capitalism that Britain spearheaded.70Kindleberger 1975.
Lindsey 2002.
In contrast, vis-à-vis other industrial democracies, the United States is the weakest representative of embedded liberalism. It never had a significant socialist movement or labor party.72
Lipset 1996.
Esping-Andersen 1990.
See Ruggie 1997; and Pierson 1994.
Ruggie 1998.
Historical Persistence: From Nonstationarity to Cointegration
Testing the rival neoliberal and neointerventionist claims about the long-run dynamics of the two regimes requires a second crucial methodological decision: the choice of the appropriate statistical framework. Graphical analyses and unit root tests of the four processes in the model reveal that persistence, in the form of nonstationary random walk dynamics, drives the evolution of both Britain and the United States. Nonstationary persistence undermines established claims about the long-run dynamics of the two regimes. It also suggests that the framework of cointegration is necessary to investigate such dynamics.
Historical Processes: I(0) Stationary and I(1) Nonstationary Dynamics
Historical persistence hinges on the concepts of stationary and nonstationary series.79
Patterson 2000.

where c is a constant; βt, a deterministic time trend; ρ1, the autoregressive parameter describing persistence; εt, a random disturbance term. Table 1 summarizes the properties of stationary and nonstationary series. zt is I(0) stationary, or integrated of order zero, if |ρ1| < 1. This property establishes the time-independence of the (1) mean (μ = c/1 − ρ1), which captures the intertemporal equilibrium; (2) finite variance (σ2/(1 − ρ2)) describing the dispersion around the intertemporal equilibrium; and (3) quickly decaying autocovariances (γs) and autocorrelations (ρs), which reveal the memory of historical processes. Accordingly, past shocks εi do not cumulate historically but converge quickly toward the intertemporal equilibrium. The trend βt describes deterministic patterns of growth and decay, but its detrending yields stationary, temporary fluctuations.
Properties of AR(1) processes

Instead, zt is a nonstationary random walk integrated of order one, or I(1), if ρ1 = 1. This property establishes the time-dependence of the variance (tσ2), which tends to infinity, and of covariances ((t − s)σ2) and autoregressions ρ1 = 1, which do not decay over the long run. With nonstationary dynamics, past shocks εi cumulate permanently, or integrate, in the memory of historical series. Therefore, such series cannot have an intertemporal equilibrium to which they can converge. The absence of an intertemporal equilibrium is obvious for a drift-driven random walk, which exhibits a time-varying mean (μ = z0 + c0 t): the drift c0 t captures cumulating patterns of growth/decay from the historical origin z0.80
The intertemporal equilibrium is mathematically undefined: given ρ1 = 1, μ = c/(1 − ρ1) yields μ = c/0.
Such equilibrium is also mathematically undefined: given ρ1 = 1, μ = c/(1 − ρ1) yields μ = 0/0.
Nonstationary Persistence: Britain and the United States
Nonstationary persistence suggests that neoliberals commonly rely on neoclassical equilibrium models that associate market flexibility with stationary I(0) converging processes and sticky markets with nonstationary I(1) nonconverging processes.82
Thus, given highly flexible markets, nineteenth-century laissez-faire would be a stationary world: shocks are temporary, and historical processes quickly converge toward stable intertemporal equilibria. By contrast, given sticky markets, postwar embedded liberalism would be a nonstationary world: shocks are persistent, and sticky historical processes fail to converge quickly and systematically to equilibrium. By contrast, reliance on Keynesian disequilibrium models informs neointerventionist beliefs that markets in nineteenth-century laissez-faire are sticky and therefore generate unstable—that is, persistent, nonconverging, and hence nonstationary—dynamics.Preliminary empirical evidence from Britain and the United States, shown in Figure 1, challenges any claims of converging stationary dynamics, particularly the neoliberal claims about nineteenth-century laissez-faire.83
For Britain, data are for the 1865–1913 period. The onset at 1865 eliminates the confounding effects of the Crimean War while capturing the free trade drives of the 1860s. Trade and government spending are from Mitchell 1998; real GDP, from Backus and Kehoe 1992; unemployment, from Mitchell 1988. For the United States, data for 1955–99 are from Economagic ( The start at 1955 eliminates the effects of the Korean War. Trade is exports (expgs) plus imports (impgs) as a ratio of nominal GDP (gdpn). Government spending is federal expenditures (afexpnd) net of federal grants in aid to state and local governments (afgl) as a percentage of GDP. Real GDP is gdpc.

Time series
British trade exhibits long-memory stochastic waves of openness and implosion.84
The implosion is associated with the Great Depression of 1873–96; Floud and McCloskey 1994.
Research has recognized such growth; see Lindert 2004; Tanzi and Schuknecht 2000; and Flora and Heidenheimer 1981. Public spending, as argued (see note 56 above), includes military spending for both Britain and the United States; see Hobsbawm 1990; and Hooks 1991.
Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root tests lend support to the qualitative insights that all four processes are long-memory random walks.86
Dickey and Fuller 1979.

where zt is a nonstationary I(1) process and Δzt is its stationary I(0) change; δi capture higher-order correlations in lagged Δzt that whiten εt; and βt describes the time trend. Given γ = (ρ − 1), ADF tests evaluate two hypotheses: (1) the null of unit root (H0: γ = 0), by which ρ = 1; and (2) the alternative of stationarity (H1: γ < 0), by which ρ < 1. A random walk has a drift if c ≠ 0, and no drift if c = 0. Table 2 shows the findings.87
Phillips-Perron tests yield similar results; Phillips and Perron 1988. Tests are performed in Eviews.
ADF unit roots tests

GDP is drift-driven in both countries (c > 0).88
Established research corroborates the validity of these findings for the United States; Fatás 2000.
The nonstationary persistence of unemployment, and more generally of variables defined as shares, requires a distinction between conceptual and statistical properties; Patterson 2000, 285–99. With regard to statistical properties, shocks are better described as having permanent rather than transitory effects. Conceptually, however, economic theory finds it difficult to consider unemployment as I(1) nonstationary: its “random walk” is bounded between 0 and 1 and therefore has finite variance. Indeed, historically those boundaries are not reached or even approached. Nonstationary persistence emerges as a local, or sample-specific, property reflecting the effects of a big historical shock—such as the oil shock of the 1970s—and not the global property of unemployment unfolding in infinite time. In a long sample, say 200 years, there may be no significant trace of the local shock. Thus if tests indicate that the null γ = 0 cannot be rejected over the sample period, then the series is locally but not globally I(1). Current research on unemployment reflects the tension between theoretical and statistical properties. Neoclassical theory continues to treat unemployment persistence in terms of protracted, yet converging, deviations from natural equilibrium; Pissarides 2000. Nevertheless, unit root dynamics are considered to be consistent with unemployment hysteresis, by which unemployment has a permanent component and a path-dependent natural rate; see Papell, Murray, and Ghiblawi 2000; and Blanchard and Summers 1986. In the context of cointegration, even if the roots were slightly lower than unity, the unit root model is a sound approximation because it provides a more reliable framework for statistical inference in a multivariate setting; Juselius 1999.
Implications of Nonstationarity: Disjunctions Between Theory and Evidence
Nonstationarity in Britain challenges neoliberal claims about the stability of nineteenth-century laissez-faire that rest on neoclassical models of converging stationary dynamics. Nonstationarity lends support to neointerventionist claims, inherited from Keynes, about the stickiness of laissez-faire markets. Nonstationarity in the United States, especially of unemployment and government spending, would support neoliberal claims about the instability of embedded liberalism. However, the persistence, even hysteresis, of unemployment in both countries suggests that labor markets are sticky in both regimes. Ultimately, these claims of regime instability based on the nonstationarity of individual historical processes are mistaken. Random walks may exhibit stable long-run equilibria if, as a system, they are cointegrated—that is, coevolving historically around common stochastic trends.90
Engle and Granger 1991.
Nonstationarity also challenges the use of standard univariate statistics—most crucially algebraic means—to compare the levels, or magnitudes, of historical processes in the two regimes. For instance, it challenges neoliberal claims about the superiority of nineteenth-century laissez-faire such as the claim that higher levels of trade and smaller public sectors are associated with better economic performance. Means properly depict intertemporal equilibria of stationary processes; means of random walks are nonsensical.91
Note that the mean of stationary series μ = c/(1 − ρ1) varies with the values of ρ1. This property cautions against the uncritical use of algebraic means even for stationary processes.
The use of stationary growth rates is problematic because stochastic detrending obliterates long-term persistence, which is the crucial phenomenon under investigation.
Lastly, nonstationarity invalidates claims of causal relations based on fashionable single-equations OLS regressions.93
Such regressions at best would capture stationary relations. Given nonstationarity, they yield spurious findings and mistaken causal inference. While explicit comparisons of how market and state shape economic performance and social protection in the two regimes are lacking, OLS techniques dominate within-regimes research.94Dominance is clear in research on the postwar era; see Swank 2002; Huber and Stephens 2001; and Garrett 1998. It is also clear in research on the nineteenth century; see O'Rourke and Williamson 1999; Verdier 1998; and Williamson 1996.
Recent considerations of cointegration methods reveal the concern with historical persistence; see Iversen 2001; and Freeman et al. 1998. Otherwise, two strategies, both unsatisfactory, have been fashionable. One models the levels of variables with the inclusion of an AR(1) term controlling for persistence; see Swank 2002; and Garrett 1998. Controlling is noninformative about the properties of persistence. The other models stationary first-differences; see Alesina and Perotti 1998. Such strategy simply obliterates persistence.
The Cointegration Model in VECM Form
The standard VECM model of long-run dynamics is96
Since the analytic focus is on long-run dynamics, the model omits the matrix Γk Δzt−k, which describes short-run fluctuations in the changes of variables that meander around the long-run relations.

where zt is a vector of at most I(1) n variables in levels and zt−1 is its lagged vector; Δzt is the vector of differenced, and hence I(0) stationary, variables in changes; and Dt is a vector of deterministic variables, such as time trends and step dummies, which capture policy interventions and regime breaks. This model captures three dimensions of long-term dynamics: (1) common trends, (2) equilibrium relations, and (3) adjustments.
Common Trends
Cointegration assumes stationarity of a set n of I(1) nonstationary variables in zt by linear combination. The hypothesis of cointegration is formulated as a reduced rank of the Π-matrix

α and β are p × r matrices of full rank, where r, the rank of Π, is equal to the number of independent cointegrating vectors, and p is the number of common stochastic trends. The hypothesis implies that Δzt is stationary, zt is I(1) nonstationary, but β′zt is stationary.97
The rank of Π suggests three main scenarios concerning system (1) stability, (2) instability, and (3) rigidity. A system is stable if Π has rank 0 < n − r < n: the nonstationary processes are cointegrated and coevolve around one or more stochastic trends that drive the stable long-run evolution of the system. Instability occurs if Π has rank n − r = n: there are as many stochastic trends in the cointegration space as I(1) variables. Such trends evolve independently following unrelated historical logics, and thus fail to share a common history. Lastly, the higher the number of trends, but clearly less than n, the greater system rigidity: a system evolves historically in as many unrelated directions as there are trends.
Equilibrium Relations
The matrix β′zt represents up to (n − 1) stationary cointegrated relations describing the stable coevolution of nonstationary variables around common trends. The series share a history precisely because they evolve around such trends. The equilibrium relations represent long-term stationary associations between variables. They also represent long-run steady states (β′zt−1 = 0) toward which variables converge when shocks push them away from equilibrium. Disequilibrium ensues when (β′zt−1 ≠ 0).
Adjustment Dynamics
The α matrix describes the direction and speed of adjustments of variables in zt to disequilibrium in the steady state of zt−1. Relations are in equilibrium at β′zt−1 = 0, and in disequilibrium when β′zt−1 ≠ 0. In the presence of disequilibrium, the variables in the system adjust to restore equilibrium in the next period such that β′zt = 0. Larger αij indicate faster adjustments. If αij = 0, the variables are weakly exogenous and do not adjust.
Deterministic Components
The matrix ΨDt describes the effects of deterministic components, such as trends and level-shifts, on the equilibrium relations. Especially when level shifts are observed, prior knowledge suggests that something special has happened in a given historical period, and that it should be modeled using dummy variables.
Stability and Rigidity of Regimes: Rank of Π and Common Trends
Are the regimes of laissez-faire and embedded liberalism stable in the long run? If they are stable, which of the two regimes exhibits greater rigidity? The first question—about regime stability—concerns whether the four nonstationary processes are cointegrated, that is, stably coevolving around one or more common trends. The second question—about regime rigidity—concerns the number of trends driving the nonstationary yet stable evolution of the regimes. Determining the rank of Π helps answer both questions.
The reliance of political economy theories on neoclassical models of stationary dynamics provides little guidance in determining the rank of Π.98
For a critique of the weak theoretical guidance, especially in economics, see Juselius 1999; Granger 1997; and Pesaran 1997.
Rank of Π: Hypotheses

It is difficult, however, to fathom such an unstable social system in which historical processes evolve independently of one another. Therefore, a softer set of hypotheses assumes that both regimes are stable but differ in rigidity. For neoliberals, the institutions of embedded liberalism generate greater rigidities; hence, this regime would exhibit a higher number of trends. For neointerventionists, in contrast, the stickiness of laissez-faire markets generates greater rigidity, and hence a higher number of trends.
Table 4 shows eingenvalue tests of the rank of Π for Britain and the United States. Tests refute the strong hypotheses of regime instability. They also refute the softer hypotheses of differences in rigidity.99
Estimation is done in PcFiml 10.0; Doornik and Hendry 2000. Tests reject the null of serially correlated, non-normal, heteroskedastic vector residuals. The λmax and trace rank tests are not appropriate with dummy variables.
Rank of Π: Findings

With one root at unity (p = 1), the eigenvalues of the companion matrix indicate that Π has rank r = 3: hence, one common trend (n − r = 1) spans the entire history of each regime—at least for the sample period. Implicitly, three equilibrium relations coevolve around such trends. The common trends capture the nonstationary, yet stable, evolution of the two regimes. The four nonstationary series are cointegrated and share a history because they evolve around the common trend. Thus, regardless of institutional differences in the relative dominance of market and state, both regimes exhibit long-run stability and similar rigidity. Hence, the neoliberal claims of instability and greater rigidity of embedded liberalism find no support. Each regime appears to represent a stable and viable historical experiment: one allegedly driven by unfettered markets; the other, by the complementarity of market and state.
Long-Term Equilibrium Relations (βij): Distinctiveness of Evolutionary Paths
Given regime stability, how do market and state shape the evolution of the equilibrium relations? The rank of Π suggests a four-dimensional model with three equilibrium relations that evolve around one stochastic trend. The multidimensional model cast in terms of cointegrated dynamics is100
This cointegration model has two dimensions: (1) that of the model, which is four-dimensional since it includes four endogenous variables (n = 4); and (2) that of the cointegration space, which in this model happens to have one common trend (p = 1) and three cointegrating vectors (r = 3). Had there been two common trends (p = 2), the four-dimensional model would have had two cointegrating vectors (r = 2).

The β′zt matrix describes the three relations theoretically normalized to capture the evolution of GDP (yt−1), unemployment (ut−1), and government spending (gt−1).101
Cointegrating vectors are normalized by theoretically setting variables to 1 to provide meaningful interpretations of vectors; Boswijk 1996. Normalization indicates that yt, ut, and gt are endogenous, whereas xt is exogenous.
The model contains stochastic and deterministic trends. Stochastic trends represent the contributions to the variables in the system of “unexpected” events with permanent effects, whereas deterministic trends represent “expected” events with permanent influence; see Aghion and Howitt 1998; and Engle and Granger 1991. With regard to GDP, growth theory interprets technological progress, and hence productivity shocks, as an expected, regular phenomenon with permanent contributions. That is, following “unexpected” innovations, technological change exhibits some regularity, and the deterministic trend in GDP captures this regularity. The stochastic trend, instead, captures the irregular, or unexpected, technological changes, together with other unexpected permanent changes. Thus, in the cointegrated GDP relations, the common stochastic trend is shared among the variables in that relationship, while the deterministic trend is unique to GDP, and therefore is included in the relation explicitly.
See Hobsbawm 1990; and Floud and McCloskey 1994. The deterministic component is described by a step dummy that takes the value of 1 for the 1900–1903 war period and of 0 before and after the war years.
For the retrenchment and weakening in the United States, see Ruggie 1997; and Pierson 1994. The model tests for such events by including a step dummy that takes the value of 1 for the post−1982 period and 0 for the period before.
Table 5 summarizes the neoliberal and neointerventionist hypotheses of long-run dynamics for the two regimes, and Table 6 shows the empirical findings for Britain and the United States. The findings challenge neoliberal trade-off hypothesis of inefficient state interventions in embedded liberalism while they strongly support neointerventionist claims of the complementarity between market and state.
Normalized equilibrium relations: Hypotheses

Long-run equilibrium relations: Findings

Spending Relations: β′g
The β′g rows in Table 5 indicate that neoliberals and neointerventionists share a basic hypothesis: persistent bursts in GDP and unemployment are associated with stronger long-term spending expansions in embedded liberalism than in laissez-faire liberalism. Larger wealth (β32.EL > β32.LF > 0) and welfare (β33.EL > β33.LF > 0) effects capture the stronger associations.105
In the subscripts, LF = laissez-faire; EL = embedded liberalism.
Findings in Table 6 challenge claims of stronger long-term wealth and welfare effects in embedded liberalism. Unemployment exhibits comparable positive associations (β = 0.36 ≈ β = 0.30). Shocks in GDP are more strongly associated with spending increases in Britain (β32.uk0.50 > β = 0.20). Thus, as long claimed, far from being unique to embedded liberalism, wealth and welfare effects were operative in British laissez-faire.106
Flora and Heidenheimer 1981.
Growth Relations: β′y
The β′y rows show a sharp disagreement over the efficiency of the state: by the trade-off hypothesis, neoliberals claim that persistent spending expansions are negatively associated with long-term growth (β14.LF < 0); by the complementarity hypothesis, the association is positive or growth inducing for neointerventionists (β14.EL > 0). Disagreement also involves the positive trade-GDP link: to neoliberals, persistent bursts in trade are associated with stronger economic expansions in laissez-faire liberalism (β11.LF > β11.EL > 0); to neointerventionists, the association is stronger in embedded liberalism (β11.EL > β11.LF > 0). With regard to productivity shocks, neoliberals maintain that trend growth is higher in laissez-faire liberalism (β15.LF > β15.EL > 0); to neointerventionists, trend growth is higher in embedded liberalism (β15.EL > β15.LF > 0).
Findings challenge all three core neoliberal claims. The first—economic inefficiency of state interventions—is unwarranted. Spending in British laissez-faire, unsurprisingly, appears to be unrelated to growth (β = 0). Instead, in postwar United States, persistent spending increases are associated with long-term economic expansions (β = 0.40). This positive relation supports the complementarity hypothesis. The second—trade globalization in nineteenth-century laissez-faire generated superior growth—is also unwarranted: both Britain and the United States exhibit small, and statistically weak, positive associations between trade and GDP (β = 0.11 ≈ β = 0.12). The third—higher trend growth in nineteenth-century laissez-faire—is indefensible: growth is more than 1 percent higher in the United States (β = 3.1 > β = 1.8).
Unemployment Relations: β′
The β′u rows show that neoliberals and neointerventionists share a basic agreement on the trade-unemployment relations. In laissez-faire liberalism, persistent trade expansions are associated with long-term declines in unemployment (β < 0). In contrast, given hypotheses of socioeconomic structural changes—whether due to processes of modernization, or postindustrialism, or deindustrialization—in embedded liberalism, persistent trade expansions are associated with long-term increases in unemployment (β > 0). The negative GDP-unemployment relations suggest another agreement concerning long-run business cycles: persistent economic expansions are associated with long-term declines in unemployment (β22 < 0). However, the greater flexibility of labor markets in the laissez-faire regime yields stronger associations (β < β < 0).
Findings lend partial support to these claims. The negative trade-unemployment relation finds significant support in laissez-faire Britain: labor markets appear to be synchronized with long-term trade fluctuations, whereby persistent trade expansions are associated strongly with long-term declines in unemployment (β − 4.0). The positive trade-unemployment relation also finds significant support in U.S.-embedded liberalism: trade expansions are associated, also strongly, with long-term unemployment increases (β = +5.4). In contrast, the hypotheses of long-term domestic business cycles find support only in the United States: persistent economic expansions are strongly associated with long-term declines in unemployment (β = −5.1). Laissez-faire Britain seems not to exhibit such a link (β = 0).107
Tests could not reject the null of no long-term association.
Tests rejected the null of no shift in the unemployment relation since the early 1980s.
Distinctiveness of Adjustment Dynamics to Disequilibrium: αij
Lastly, how do market and state adjust to maintain the three cointegrated relations in long-run equilibrium? Neoliberals and neointerventionists largely share the belief that market adjustments dominate in laissez-faire liberalism whereas state adjustments dominate in embedded liberalism. Table 7 summarizes the hypotheses and Table 8 shows the empirical findings. The findings lend no support to beliefs that market adjustments dominate in laissez-faire liberalism and state adjustments dominate in embedded liberalism. Crucially, the state plays a crucial role in both regimes.110
Three main types of dynamics are of interest: (1) αij < |1| indicates either gradual or oscillatory convergence; (2) αij = |1| suggests that 100 percent convergence is achieved very fast within one year; (3) αij > |1| implies overreaction, or overshooting, which is followed by stable convergence since none of the roots lies outside the unit circle.
Adjustment dynamics: Hypotheses

Adjustment dynamics: Findings

State Adjustments (gt)
The gt row in Table 7 captures the absence of the state in maintaining the long-run equilibria in laissez-faire liberalism (α4j.LF = 0). Government spending is weakly exogenous to the GDP, unemployment, and spending relations. Only markets, via yt and ut, adjust to disequilibrium in the relations. In contrast, spending plays a crucial role in maintaining equilibria in embedded liberalism. Congruent with Wagner's wealth effects, the state absorbs disequilibrium growth in GDP (β′yt−1 > 0) via spending expansions (α41.EL > 0). Congruent with welfare effects, disequilibrium growth in unemployment (β′ut−1 > 0) also triggers spending expansions (α42.EL > 0). Lastly, disequilibrium growth in spending (β′gt−1 > 0) is offset by endogenous mechanisms that curb spending (α43.EL < 0).
Findings in the last row of Table 8 refute beliefs in the absence of the state in nineteenth-century laissez-faire: government spending plays a crucial role in maintaining the long-run equilibria of both nineteenth-century Britain and postwar United States. First, supporting Wagner's wealth effects, disequilibrium growth in GDP triggers spending increases in both regimes. Indeed, state adjustments are significantly faster in Britain (α = 1.0 > α > 0.4): government spending absorbs 100 percent of disequilibrium within one year; postwar United States absorb about 40 percent.111
With α = 0.4, 40 percent of disequilibrium is absorbed in the first year, 20 percent in the second year, and so on in geometric progression. With α = 1.0, all (100 percent) disequilibrium would be eliminated within one year. In reality, the dynamics of other variables do not allow the stochastic equilibrium to be actually restored.
Market Adjustments (yt, ut)112 As with equilibrium relations, trade is
exogenous to domestic variables—GDP, unemployment, spending
(α1j = 0).
As with equilibrium relations, trade is exogenous to domestic variables—GDP, unemployment, spending (α1j = 0).
β′yt−1 > 0 Disequilibrium growth in GDP is followed by economic contractions (α21 < 0) and by concurrent increasing unemployment (α31 > 0) to restore equilibrium. Given the high flexibility of laissez-faire markets, GDP contracts faster (α21.LF < α21.EL < 0) and unemployment increases faster (α31.LF > α31.EL > 0). Findings support the hypotheses for Britain. Excess GDP triggers very quick GDP contractions (α21 = −1.0) and unemployment increases (α31 = 8.4).113
For α = 8.4, it is possible to interpret only the sign. Interpretation of the size/speed would require the renormalization of the β′y vector to u, which is not possible because u has a zero coefficient in β′y.
β′ut−1 > 0 Excess unemployment is offset by higher economic growth (α22 > 0) and by declining unemployment (α32 < 0). Given the flexibility of laissez-faire markets, GDP expands faster (α22.LF > α22.EL > 0) and unemployment declines faster (α32.LF < α32.EL < 0). Findings support this stabilization pattern only for the United States: GDP increases, albeit very slowly (α22 = 0.03), and unemployment declines slowly (α32 = −0.20). In Britain, excess unemployment seemingly foreshadows recessions that result in very slow GDP contractions (α22 = −0.03).114
Tests fail to reject the hypotheses of exogeneity of trade for the United States. Trade adjusts slowly (α = 0.05), which indicates that U.S. trade is not exogenous to the large domestic economy; see Ruggie 1982; and Keohane 1984a.
β′gt−1 > 0 Neoliberals and neointerventionists largely agree on the adjustment dynamics to the disequilibrium growth in government spending in the laissez-faire regime: by the trade-off hypothesis, neither GDP nor unemployment adjusts (α23.LF = α = 0). The “no-effect” outcome would be congruent with the equilibrium relations where spending does not enter the GDP and unemployment relations. Thus, spending itself would bear the burden of reestablishing its own equilibrium (α43.LF < 0). Indeed, findings show that both GDP and unemployment in Britain are unresponsive to deviations in government spending, and that contractions in spending itself reestablish equilibrium (α = 0.3).
In contrast, disagreement is sharp with regard to public spending in embedded liberalism. For neoliberals, the growth of inherently inefficient spending results in economic slowdown (α23.EL < 0) and increasing unemployment (α33.EL > 0). For neointerventionists, the growth of spending results in stabilization patterns of higher growth (α23.EL > 0) and declining unemployment (α33.EL < 0). Findings for the United States provide partial support to claims of complementarity: growth in public spending eliminates half of disequilibrium unemployment within one year (α = −0.5).
These results yield seven major conclusions.
- Dynamics of nineteenth-century laissez-faire. Reliance on neoclassical models of short-run equilibrium leads neoliberals to claim stationary dynamics: shocks have transitory effects and fluctuations quickly converge toward stable intertemporal equilibria. The nonstationary persistence of historical processes in Britain shatters claims of stationary dynamics while lending implicit support to Keynesian claims about the “stickiness” of laissez-faire markets. In the univariate domain, no significant differences distinguish the two regimes. If nonstationarity of single variables—hysteretic unemployment, “unsustainable” growth of government spending, acceleration of globalization—justifies claims of regime instability, then both regimes would be unstable.
- Regime stability. By relying on persistent, and allegedly unstable, dynamics of single historical processes, neoliberals and neointerventionists alike fear the disintegration of embedded liberalism—as happened for nineteenth-century laissez-faire. Cointegrated dynamics refute the simplistic derivation of regime instability and disintegration from the nonstationarity of single variables. The common stochastic trend driving the evolution of both regimes captures their long-run stability—at least for the sample periods.
- Regime rigidity. Neoliberals associate the institutions of embedded liberalism with market rigidities and “stickiness” of government spending, whereas neointerventionists point to the “stickiness” of laissez-faire markets. The one trend spanning the history of each regime challenges neoliberal claims of greater rigidity of embedded liberalism as well as neointerventionist claims of greater rigidity of laissez-faire liberalism. Despite differences in the normative structure defining the relative dominance of market and state, the two regimes exhibit comparable rigidities.
- Efficiency of market and state. The equilibrium relations challenge neoliberal beliefs in the ineluctable trade-off between market and state, lending support instead to neointerventionist claims of complementarity. Market dominance in laissez-faire Britain is associated with lower growth and weaker social protection—as captured by weaker public spending and persistent unemployment. Complementarity of market and state in U.S.-embedded liberalism is associated with superior growth and stronger social protection—the persistence of unemployment notwithstanding. Neoliberal beliefs in efficient markets and inefficient state appear to be a myth.
- Trade openness and economic performance. For
nineteenth-century Britain, the association of trade with weak economic
expansions and significant declines in unemployment lends partial
support to neoliberal claims about the benefits of trade openness in
laissez-faire regimes. However, it also feeds neointerventionist
concerns that unemployment bears the burden of stabilization during
economic downturns. In postwar United States, the association of trade
with weak economic expansions and significant increases in long-term
unemployment provide fertile ground for contention. Neoliberals blame
persistent unemployment on labor market rigidities, and hence they call
for deregulation. Neointerventionists blame deregulation, lack of
global labor standards, and the asymmetric North-South trade relations,
and hence they call for a stronger embedding of markets and for global
labor standards.115 These rival
interpretations require additional investigations of the supply side of
the economy—specifically, of how the evolution of labor market
institutions affects the persistence of unemployment.116
Established political economy research addressing these issues remains dubious because of its reliance on stationary theories and methods that are inappropriate for nonstationary processes.
- Adjustment dynamics. Such dynamics challenge the core neoliberal beliefs that markets provide the key mechanisms to reestablish equilibria in nineteenth-century laissez-faire whereas state interventions do so in embedded liberalism. State adjustments are ubiquitous, yet play distinctive roles. For nineteenth-century Britain, they contribute to maintain market-driven equilibria, whereas for postwar United States, they maintain the equilibria stemming from the complementarity of market and state. The belief in the absence of the state from the long-run evolution of nineteenth-century laissez-faire appears to be a myth. The belief that the state in embedded liberalism undermines convergence toward long-run stable equilibria also appears to be false.
- Policy lesson. Equilibrium relations suggest that the political project “to go back to the future”—by politically reengineering novel forms of laissez-faire—would mean a reversion to a highly globalized world, albeit one with lower long-run growth, persistent unemployment, and weak social protection. Moreover, the adjustment dynamics reveal that such a laissez-faire world would still require state interventions to maintain market-driven equilibria. Instead, the neointerventionist project “to go forward to the future”—by enhancing political control of domestic and global markets—seems to promise superior growth and social protection. Persistent unemployment remains as puzzling for embedded liberalism as for laissez-faire liberalism.
Beyond these conclusions, cointegration analyses of the two regimes make significant contributions to several debates in political economy.
Theoretical contributions principally regard historical dynamics. Cointegrated dynamics challenge the reliance of political economy on neoclassical models of short-run dynamics. The fundamental dynamics are long term. The persistent dynamics of the trade-unemployment relation in nineteenth-century Britain contradict neoliberal claims of temporary unemployment in laissez-faire regimes. Keynes may have been correct about the “stickiness” of markets in nineteenth-century laissez-faire. In addition, persistent dynamics in the spending-GDP relation for embedded liberalism challenge neoliberal claims of policy ineffectiveness and inefficiency. Government spending has long-term positive effects on the real economy—growth and employment. Rather, cointegrated dynamics are congruent with endogenous growth theory, which allows for the stable coevolution of persistent historical processes.117
Aghion and Howitt 1998.
See Büthe 2002; and Pierson 2001.
Methodological contributions concern the significance of the cointegration framework for the investigation of long-term historical dynamics. Analyses of the long-run evolution of the two regimes lend strong support to recent critiques of the disjunction between theoretical claims about persistent, nonstationary dynamics and theoretical models and statistical methodologies that at best capture temporary fluctuations.119
Comparisons of the long-run evolution of the two regimes are best accomplished within the cointegration framework. Reliance on means and variances in the univariate domain and on correlations and single-equation OLS-based regressions in the multivariate domain simply fails to capture historical persistence and its complexity. Worse, it results in model misspecification and spurious findings that ultimately inform mistaken inference and unwarranted policy solutions. The multidimensional VECM best captures the complexity of persistent historical dynamics stemming from feedbacks—multiple trends, equilibrium relations, and adjustment mechanisms.Substantive contributions concern debates specific to embedded liberalism. Cointegration analyses demonstrate the analytic usefulness of constructivist social theory for investigating how the normative structures of social purpose shape the relative dominance of market and state in the two regimes as well as their relevance for the coevolution of economic performance and social protection. Specifically, equilibrium relations unfolding around the common trend reveal that market dominance in nineteenth-century Britain and complementarity of market and state in postwar United States differentiate sharply between the laissez-faire and embedded liberal regimes. Similarly, adjustment dynamics show the uniqueness of equilibrium mechanisms in each regime. Cointegration analyses also provide novel insights into the long-term stability and viability of embedded liberalism. The unfolding of the equilibrium relations around a common trend that spans the entire post–World War II era does not suggest a rupture in the normative structure.120
Ruggie 1998.
Policy contributions mainly concern fears of backlashes against the intensification of unfettered globalization in embedded liberalism, and even the possibility of its disintegration—as allegedly happened in the first wave of globalization.121
Such fears—best captured by the query: “Has globalization gone too far?”122Rodrik 1997.

Properties of AR(1) processes

Time series

ADF unit roots tests

Rank of Π: Hypotheses

Rank of Π: Findings

Normalized equilibrium relations: Hypotheses

Long-run equilibrium relations: Findings

Adjustment dynamics: Hypotheses

Adjustment dynamics: Findings
- 7
- Cited by