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I.C.J. Decision In North Sea Continental Shelf Cases (Continental Shelf Boundaries; Relationship of Multilateral Treaties, Custom, and International Law)*
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 April 2017

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- Legislation and Regulations
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- Copyright © American Society of International Law 1969
[The decision was adopted by a vote of eleven (President Bustamante y Rivero, Judges Ainmoun, Fitzmaurice, Forster, Gros, Jessup, Onyeama, Padilla Nervo, Petren, Zafrulla Khan, and Judge ad hoc Mosler) to six (Vice President Koretsky, Judges Bengzon, Lachs, Morelli, Tanaka, and Judge ad hoc Sorensen). Those judges who dis-sented favored delimitation on the basis of equidistance.
[The declaration of Judge Zafrulla Khan and excerpts from the separate opinions of Judges Bustamante y Rivero, Jessup, Padilla Nervo, and Ammoun appear respectively at pages 385, 388, 389, 393, and 397. The declaration of dissent of Judge Bengzon and excerpts from the dissenting opinions of Judges Koretsky, Tanaka, Morelli, Lachs, and Judge ad hoc Sorensen appear respectively at pages 387, 398, 405, 415, 416, and 422.]
* [Judge Ammoun would draw a single straight baseline along the German coast and apply the equidistance method from that line. Ed.]
1 It is worthy of note that, at the conference en the Law of the Sea, the Delegation of Yugoslavia proposed to delete from Article 72 (now Article 6) the words “and unless another boundary line is Justified by special circumstances” (A/CCNF. 13/42, p. 130) and the Delegation of the United Kingdom, in its amended draft of the same article, omitted the same words (ibid., p. 134).