Polarization of electromagnetic waves [Reference Ludwig1] is one of the most important properties in practical wireless communications, which has greatly affected our daily life, from consumer products to high-tech applications. As is known to all, good polarization matching greatly contributes to improve the efficiency of energy reception and reduce unexpected loss. However, this is always hardly realized since the varied spatial position of antenna platforms. Thus, it is necessary to find a method to modulate or convert the polarization state. Moreover, phase changes caused in the process of polarization conversion also possess a lot of application value, such as surface wave coupler [Reference Sun, He, Xiao, Xu, Li and Zhou2], anomalous reflection, refraction [Reference Dong, Xia, Zhuang, Shi, Zhang, He, Zhang, Wei and Xu3–Reference Born, Wolf and Hecht5], etc.
In the microwave regime, to deflect the polarization angle, mirrored broken-symmetric structures have been widely adopted to design linear-to-linear polarization converters (LLPCs) [Reference Zhang, Park, Li, Lu, Zhang and Zhang6, Reference Li, Mutlu and Ozbay7] since they can generate phase difference in two in-plane directions. As an example, the authors in [Reference Grady, Heyes, Chowdhury, Zeng, Reiten, Azad, Taylor, Dalvit and Chen8] inserted a cut-wire array into two orthogonal metallic gratings and finally designed a transmissive converter for cross-polarization conversion. Due to multiple constructive interferences caused by Fabry–Perot-like resonance [Reference Wang, Liu, Wu, Talbi, Zeng and Xu9, Reference Muhammad, Sauleau, Valerio, Coq and Legay10], their configuration exhibits more than 80% linear polarization conversion efficiency in an ultra-wide bandwidth. This concept is then expanded to reflective polarization conversion formed by varied metallic cur-wire patterns [Reference Li, Mutlu and Ozbay11–Reference Gao, Han, Cao, Li, Ma and Cui14]. As an example, a number of metallic double-headed arrows were applied to design a reflective metasurface for linear cross-polarization conversion [Reference Chen, Wang, Ma, Qu, Xu, Zhang, Yan and Li15]. Constructive interferences and multiple plasmon resonances finally resulted in ultra-wideband operating bandwidth and high polarization conversion efficiency. With the deepening of research, polarization conversion metasurfaces with different phase distributions have been gradually applied in areas of beam steering and shaping [Reference Pfeiffer and Grbic16], asymmetric transmission [Reference Li, Gokkavas and Ozbay17, Reference Su, Zhao, Jia, Shi and Wang18], radar cross-section reduction [Reference Li, Liu, Jia and Guo19, Reference Jia, Liu, Guo, Li and Gong20], etc. Moreover, chiral structures have also been demonstrated to be capable of converting linear polarization into circular polarization [Reference Altintas, Unal, Akgol, Karaaslan, Karadag and Sabah21–Reference Chen and Zhang24]. However, as mentioned above, most published LLPCs focused on how to high-efficiently realize cross-polarization conversion, namely, converting the original polarization state into its orthogonal one. This is obviously insufficient for the diverse needs in practical applications. Thus, it is necessary to find a way to high-efficiently convert the original linear polarization angle into another customized one.
To this end, a high-efficiency LLPC for customized polarization angle rotation is proposed and verified. The converter is composed of periodic subwavelength split ring resonators (SRRs), which are in-linked by coaxial lines. Each pair of top and bottom SRRs acts as a pair of microstrip symmetric dipole antennas for energy reception and transmission. As a result, customized polarization angle can be easily obtained by rotating the bottom transmitting SRR with a corresponding angle. Moreover, since the strong coupling between the electric and magnetic resonances, the proposed converter has also been proven to be characterized with a very high polarization conversion ratio (PCR).
The principle for customized polarization angle deflection
For explaining linear polarization conversion transmission, let us consider an incoming y-polarized plane wave normally propagating from +z to the −z direction, the electric field of reflected wave is simply expressed as
where ω, k, Ryy, and Rxy represent the frequency, wave vector and complex reflection coefficient, respectively. On the other hand, the transmitted wave can be divided into two parts (Tyy and Txy) and the electric field passing through the polarization converter can be expressed as equation (2):
where Tyy and Txy denote complex transmission coefficients of y-polarized and x-polarized transmitted waves. The amplitudes of the transmission coefficients are presented by tyy and txy, respectively. The phases of the transmission coefficients are given by δx and δy. The transmitted electric field is thus to be further described in equation (3):
The phase difference Δ between the x- and y-components of the transmitted electric fields is presented by equation (4). Three possible effects are resulted under normal y-polarized incidence. (i) When Δ = ±π/2 and tyy = txy, the transmitted wave belongs to circular polarization, where “+” is for left-handed circular polarization and “−” for right-handed circular polarization. (ii) When Δ = ±π/2 but tyy ≠ txy, elliptical polarization transmitted wave can be obtained. (iii) When Δ = 0 or π, the transmitted field is characterized with linear polarization state. The polarization angle Φ can be worked out by
The amplitude of the converted transmission coefficient is then calculated by
Design and simulated analysis
The unit cell of the proposed transmissive polarization converter is shown in Fig. 1, which is a five-layered structure. For the first layer, a metallic SRR symmetric with respect to the y-axis is adopted as the receiving antenna. Both second and fourth layers are intermediate dielectric substrates. The middle layer is a continuous metallic sheet decorated with a circular hole. The bottom layer is an equal-sized transmitting SRR, which is linked with the top one by a coaxial line through the center of the overall structure. The thickness of the dielectric substrates and the diameter of circular hole on the metal sheet mainly contribute to control the amplitude of transmission waves. On the other hand, the operating frequency bandwidth is controlled by adjusting or tailoring the dimensions of metallic SRRs. The deflected polarization angle is determined by the rotation angle of the transmitting SRR.
Fig. 1. (a) The schematic diagram of the unit cell and the front views and geometric parameters of (b) the top layer, (c) the middle layer, and (d) the bottom layer.
First, the unit cell with α = 60° is computed using commercial microwave software CST to verify 60° polarization angle deflection. Both conditions along the x- and y-directions are set as “Unit Cell,” while “Open Add Space” is adopted along the z-direction. Considering y-polarized waves normally illuminate upon the top SRRs from +z to the −z axis. After systematical optimization, the geometric parameters are finally fixed as the inner radius r 1 = 4.5 mm, the outer radius r 2 = 3.3 mm, the width of split l = 3.9 mm, and the width of connected line w = 1 mm, respectively. The periodicity of each unit cell is set to be P = 10 mm. Each F4B dielectric layer is as thin as 2.0 mm, the dielectric constant and loss tangent of which are ɛr = 2.65 and tan δ = 0.001. The diameters of circular hole and the metallic via are dout = 3 mm and din = 0.65 mm.
Concluded from the results indicated in Fig. 2(a), the frequency interval for good impedance matching covers from 7.5 to 10 GHz, where the specular Ryy and Rxy in dB is lower than −10 and −30 dB, respectively. This means most energy has been transmitted through the unit cell, while only little energy has been converted into x-polarization and reflected back. Accordingly, two components Txy and Tyy in dB are averagely −1.52 and −6.22 dB. The simulated phase distributions of Txy and Tyy are plotted in the Fig. 2(b). Within the corresponding operation frequency band, the phase difference Δ is nearly equal to zero, which indicates the two components remain orthogonal. Thus, the T Φy in dB can be then calculated by adding two components Txy and Tyy. From the violet curve plotted in Fig. 2(a), it is more than −0.5 dB from 7.5 to 10 GHz. To comprehensively evaluate the conversion efficiency and eliminate dielectric loss, according to [Reference Li, Gokkavas and Ozbay17], the PCR for the proposed converter can be expressed as PCR = (txy 2 + tyy 2)/(txy 2 + tyy 2 + rxy 2 + ryy 2). The post processed PCR in the operating frequency band is more than 90%, as the red curve shown in Fig. 2(c). Additionally, the deflected polarization angle Φ can be further obtained by Φ = arctan(txy/tyy). From the blue curve in Fig. 2(c), it could be seen the averaged Φ is about 59.8°, basically close to the rotation angle α = 60°. The slight errors are mainly caused by the amplitude fluctuations within the good impedance frequency range.
Fig. 2. (a) The specular reflection coefficients for Rxy, Ryy in dB and normal transmission coefficients for Txy and Tyy in dB; (b) phase distributions for Txy and Tyy; (c) frequency response of the T Φy and deflected polarization angle Φ; (d), (e), and (f) specular reflection coefficients Ryy for different values of t, l, and dout.
To investigate the influences of geometric parameters, the specular reflection coefficients Ryy for different values of t, l, and dout are then simulated and comparatively analyzed. As indicated in Fig. 2(d)–2(f), the bandwidth of Ryy < −10 dB decrease with the increase of the dielectric thickness t from 1.0 to 3.0 mm. It is also clear to see less resonance dips with an increment in t. On the other hand, when the width of split w varies from 2.9 to 4.9 mm, the corresponding curves are gradually shift to the higher frequency regime. This mainly owes to the reductive electrical dimensions. Meanwhile, the effect of coupling between two adjacent resonances is strengthened and results in a continuous frequency band for good impedance matching. Besides, as the bridge between the receiving and transmitting SRRs, the value of the diameter dout greatly influenced the efficiency of polarization conversion. For increasing values in dout, the Ryy around the first resonance gradually increases more than −10 dB, whereas there is only little impact taking place at the second resonance.
It is well known that an electromagnetic field causes the excitation of an electric dipole with parallel currents and a magnetic dipole excited with anti-parallel currents. The interaction between a magnetic dipole and an electric dipole will result in strong coupling and high transmission. Thus, to further understand its broadband bandwidth, the surface currents at two resonance frequency points (f = 8.2 and 9.6 GHz) are additionally monitored and illustrated in Fig. 3. It can be obviously seen that the currents on the metallic SRRs are symmetric with respect to the y-axis and the axis oriented to the rotation angle α, respectively. For the similar current distributions, the SRRs can be regarded as the microstrip symmetric dipole antennas. In detail, at f = 8.2 GHz, the magnetic resonances are generated by anti-parallel surface currents induced along the rotated SRRs and the metallic plane, as shown in Fig. 3(c) and 3(d). However, at f = 9.6 GHz, the electric resonance is generated by parallel surface currents, as indicated in Fig. 3(g) and 3(h). As for the receiving SRRs, surface currents remain anti-parallel at both resonance frequency points, as shown in Fig. 3(a), 3(b) and 3(e), 3(f). The wide-band and high-efficiency performance results from the superposition of two polarization conversion peaks around 8.2 and 9.6 GHz corresponding to the two resonant frequencies.
Fig. 3. The surface currents on the top and bottom SRRs: (a, b) and (c, d) for f = 8.2 GHz and (e, f) and (g, h) for f = 9.6 GHz.
More intuitively, the E-field distributions at 9.6 GHz are given in Fig. 4, where it can obviously observe a deflection with respect to the polarization angle of normal incidence. For further verification, the T Φy in dB and the corresponding polarization conversion angles from α = 10 to 90° with a 10° step are also simulated using the same simulated method. As shown in Fig. 5(a), all the T Φy remain to be more than −0.5 dB within an identical frequency band. The deflected polarization angles are still generally equal to the corresponding rotation angles, as the colorful curves plotted in Fig. 5(b). This characteristic can provide more conveniences for meeting diverse needs in practical applications.
Fig. 4. The 3D E-field distributions at 9.6 GHz on the x–o–z plane and y–o–z plane.
Fig. 5. (a) The normal transmission coefficient T Φy in dB and (b) the deflected polarization angle Φ distributions when the rotation angle α varies from 10 to 90°.
Experimental results and analysis
For experimental validation, three samples with α = 45, 60, 90° were fabricated by printed circuit board technology, as shown in Fig. 6. All the size is identically an area of 180 mm × 180 mm. The reflection (Rxy and Ryy) and transmission (Txy and Tyy) coefficients were measured by a pair of horn antenna and a network analyzer (Agilent N5230C). To be out of the near field, each prototype is at least 3 m away from two horn antennas. As indicated by the reflection coefficient experimental setup in Fig. 7(a), two horn antennas are closely placed on the left side of the prototype. The in-between separation angle is lower than 6°. The transmission coefficient experimental setup is given in Fig. 7(b). It can be seen that two horn antennas are symmetrically placed on either side of the prototype. The centers of two antennas and the prototype locate at the same height. For eliminating errors from the measured environment, the results are normalized with ones without inserting prototypes. In order to achieve good polarization matching, the E-field of transmitting horn antenna in both setups is parallel to the axis of symmetry of the top SRRs. The receiving and transmitting horn antennas keep the same polarization state in the co-reflection/transmission coefficient measurement, whereas they are in the orthogonal state when measuring the cross-reflection/transmission coefficient.
Fig. 6. The front and back views for the fabricated prototypes α = 45, 60, 90°.
Fig. 7. The experimental setups for (a) reflection coefficient and (b) transmission coefficient.
Under normal y-polarized incidence, the measured T Φy corresponding to α = 45, 60, 90° are more than −0.9, −1.3, and −0.7 dB in a frequency interval of 7.5–10 GHz, while the averaged PCRs are about 92.2, 88.9, and 91.9%, as shown in Fig. 8(a)–8(c). The deflected polarization angles Φ by post processing are averagely 43.2, 59.6, and 88.6°, basically equal to the corresponding rotation angles (45, 60, and 90°), as plotted in Fig. 8(d). The averaged PCRs in simulation are approximately 96.7, 95.1, 97.1%, while the deflected polarization angles Φ on average are 44.3, 59.3, and 89.1°. The compared differences are mainly brought in the final stack and wed. Additionally, the F4B used in fabrication is not exactly the same as that in simulation, which also causes a negative impact on the performance of the polarization conversion efficiency.
Fig. 8. (a, b, and c) The measured Ryy, T Φy in dB and the corresponding PCR and (d) the deflected polarization angles Φ for α = 45, 60, 90°.
n conclusion, an antenna-to-antenna method for a high-efficiency polarization converter for customized polarization angle deflection numerically and experimentally validated in this paper. Owing to the linear polarization state in operating, two in-linked SRRs are respectively utilized as the energy receiver and transmitter. Resulting from strong coupling between electric resonance and magnetic resonance, the converter has been proven to possess broadband and high polarization conversion efficiency. Particularly, the deflected polarization angle of the transmitted waves is generally consistent with the rotation angle of the bottom transmitting SRRs. This means the proposed method can achieve 90° polarization angle deflection as most published studies do, but also a customized one. Furthermore, a reconfigurable polarization converter can also be obtained by adding mechanization design and electronic controller in practical applications.
Manlan Deng received the B.S degree from physics and communication electronic institute, Jiangxi Normal University in 2003. She joined department of electronics and information engineering of Yichun University in 2004 as an assistant teacher. She has been a lecturer in college of physical science and technology of Yichun University since 2011. Her research interests include computational electromagnetic, smart antennas, and electromagnetic compatibility.