A striking property of biological systems regardless of their physical dimensions is their simultaneity in various dynamic processes, their subsequent continuation, their cooperation, and control at long distance. Information transfer and evaluation also belong to their unique activities. These special features are closely connected with the living state. A basic process which transfers a non-living material to a living state was searched in specific morphological transformations, biochemical reactions, cellular organization, etc. However, valence electron forces and dispersion forces are of a short-range nature (several nm) while the processes such as simultaneous cellular functions should be controlled over a long distance. This idea corresponds to a scientific requirement to formulate a general law of life governing all living systems. High velocity of propagation, fast interaction of components, and strong exerted forces are typical properties of electromagnetic field.
Coherent electromagnetic state generated in biological systems is considered to be a general condition of life. Excitation of the electromagnetic field can provide correlation of all biological processes and their correct function. These functional requirements can be fulfilled by the electromagnetic field which regardless of being generated by an enormous number of individual sources can form a unified system for organization, regulation, control, and signaling in biology. Generally, from the point of view of energy, the biological systems are far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Fröhlich [Reference Fröhlich1–Reference Fröhlich, Marton and Marton5] formulated a hypothesis of coherent electric polar vibrations in biological systems. Pohl et al. [Reference Pohl, Braden, Robinson, Piclardi and Pohl6] measured the attraction of dielectric particles with high polarization to living cells. Direct measurement of biological electromagnetic field was performed by Hölzel [Reference Hölzel7] in the frequency range 1.5–52 MHz. Measurement at about 20 MHz is described by Pokorný [Reference Pokorný, Hašek, Jelínek, Šaroch and Palán8]. Sahu et al. [Reference Sahu, Ghosh, Ghosh, Aswani, Hirata, Fujita and Bandyopadhyay9, Reference Sahu, Ghosh, Fujita and Bandyopadhyay10] measured resonant frequencies of isolated microtubules from the classical to the UV frequency range. Kasas et al. [Reference Kasas, Ruggeri, Benadiba, Maillard, Stupar, Tournu, Dietler and Longo11] assumed that vibrations are a signature of life. Coherent electromagnetic state far from thermodynamic equilibrium excited and maintained by energy supply is assumed to be a principle condition of life by Pokorný et al. [Reference Pokorný, Pokorný and Kobilková12, Reference Pokorný, Pokorný, Foletti, Kobilková, Vrba and Vrba13]. Organization, transfer of information, and control depend on the generated electromagnetic field. The field has to be coherent, i.e. having the same phase not only in a cell but in a tissue and in the whole biological body. Interactions between cells and different tissues have to provide a coherent state. Tubulin nanotubes providing cell-to-cell connection may be an important part of electromagnetic communication and generation of a coherent state. This work suggests a waveguide-like functionality of tubulin nanotubes and brings a calculated estimate of their basic parameters. The work is an extended version of a proceedings paper [Reference Pokorný, Pokorný and Vrba14].
Cell-to-cell communication
Nanotubes between cells
Apart from long-distance neuro-hormonal signaling, direct cell-to-cell communication is of crucial importance in multicellular systems. Direct communication is required to provide simultaneity and continuity of fundamental biological processes while neuro-hormonal signaling provides a higher-level central control. Very likely the most significant intercellular connecting structures in mammals are tunneling nanotubes (TNTs) as described by Rustom et al. and Scholkmann [Reference Rustom, Saffrich, Markovic, Walther and Gerdes15, Reference Scholkmann16]. A schematic layout of a TNT is shown in Fig. 1. TNTs are also called membrane nanotubes by Zhang and Zhang [Reference Zhang and Zhang17] or intercellular nanotubes by Hurtig et al. [Reference Hurtig, Chiu and Onfelt18]. The diameters of TNTs range from 50 to 200 nm and their lengths are in most cases up to several cell diameters. As an extreme case, the primary cell cultures prepared from human laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma samples exhibited cell-to-cell communication over a distance up to 1 mm through TNTs as described by Antanavičiūtė et al. [Reference Antanavičiūtė, Rysevaite, Liutkevicius, Marandykina, Rimkutė, Sveikatienė, Uloza and Skeberdis19]. The TNTs have been observed in many cell types in vitro and also in developing embryos of different species in vivo by Gerdes et al. [Reference Gerdes, Rustom and Wang20]. Cells can actively exchange small membrane carriers through the channels which provides evidence for a new mechanism of cell-to-cell communication as was observed by Rustom et al. [Reference Rustom, Saffrich, Markovic, Walther and Gerdes15]. TNTs are ultrafine membranous channels containing F-actin and microtubules, formed between cells that were previously in contact or developed from extending protrusion of one of the cells [Reference Zhang and Zhang17]. TNTs transport different material objects such as endocytic vesicles, mitochondria, plasma membrane proteins, cytoplasmic molecules, etc. An overview of the cell-to-cell communication between cells is provided by Gerdes and Pepperkok [Reference Gerdes and Pepperkok21] and Bloemendal and Kück [Reference Bloemendal and Kück22].
Physiological and pathological implications of TNT formation between cells are analyzed, and the function of these communication bridges is described by Sisakhtnezhad and Khosravi and Lu et al. [Reference Sisakhtnezhad and Khosravi23, Reference Lu, Zheng, Li, Yu, Chen, Liu, Wang, Xu and Yang24]. TNTs promote intercellular microbial transport to T24 bladder cancer cells followed by an increase of their invasiveness as described by Lu et al. [Reference Lu, Zheng, Li, Yu, Chen, Liu, Wang, Xu and Yang24]. Measurement of electrical activity across a cell is described by Bathany et al. [Reference Bathany, Beahm, Besch, Sachs and Hua25]. Mitochondrial transfer from mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) to innate immune cells leads to enhancement in phagocytic activity (which is an antimicrobial effect of MSC) [Reference Jackson, Morrison, Doherty, McAuley, Matthay, Kissenpfennig, O'Kane and Krasnodembskaya26]. TNT cell-to-cell transport of proteins and organelles such as mitochondria affects metabolism. Mesenchymal stem cells recruited to the tumor environment and their important role in tumor progression and resistance to therapy are described by Vignais et al. [Reference Vignais, Caicedo, Brondello and Jorgensen27].
Evaluation of the function of TNTs disclosed the possibility of neuro-hormonal independent, non-diffusible cell-to-cell signaling as was observed by Chaban et al. [Reference Chaban, Cho, Reid and Norris28]. Physical modes of communication could be widespread in nature, i.e. communication by sound waves, electromagnetic radiation, and electric current. These signals propagate rapidly and can be efficient even at a low intensity which was assessed by Reguera [Reference Reguera29].
TNTs are expected to have important significance for intercellular communication, namely a transfer of electrical signals between remote cells which was described by Wang and Gerdes [Reference Wang and Gerdes30]. The electric coupling depends also on the connections interposed at the membrane interface between TNT and the connected cell. A hypothesis that two modes of energy and signal transmission may occur, i.e. electrical/electrochemical and electromagnetic, was published by Scholkmann [Reference Scholkmann31]. TNTs mediate a bidirectional spread of electrical signals between TNT-connected normal rat kidney cells over distances of 10–70 μm [Reference Wang, Veruki, Bukoreshtliev, Hartveit and Gerdes32]. Long-range cell-to-cell communication by electric signals can be facilitated by TNTs. The significance of electrical cell-to-cell coupling through TNT for neuronal communication has been observed by Scholkmann [Reference Scholkmann31]. His short overview indicates that TNTs are important communication channels for the transfer of chemical, electrical, and electromagnetic signals.
It is reasonable to assume that connections between cells can be mediated by electric current if the electric conductivity of TNTs is increased, by dipole and multipole oscillations of the TNT membrane, and by electromagnetic excitation of the cavities of cells and TNTs by the field generated by microtubules and connected structures. Coherent excitation of the cavities seems to be important for biological functions. TNTs and cell cavities may form a united cavity system capable to provide a sufficient level of electromagnetic activity for all cells, even for the “weak” or “injured” ones. The cavity system thus should stabilize the function of the whole tissue. Our analysis of the system includes a theory of cavity waveguides and resonators and transfer of electromagnetic energy between different frequency modes. The microtubules are oscillators in a wide frequency spectrum from classical frequency bands up to UV spectrum which follows from the measurements of Sahu et al. [Reference Sahu, Ghosh, Ghosh, Aswani, Hirata, Fujita and Bandyopadhyay9, Reference Sahu, Ghosh, Fujita and Bandyopadhyay10]. Scholkmann [Reference Scholkmann16] emphasizes a large amount of mitochondria inside TNTs and suggests their role as the sources of energy for electric currents and electromagnetic fields. TNTs contain cytoskeleton components; most TNTs contain F-actin, some TNTs also contain microtubules. The most widely expressed gap-junction protein, connexin 43, is also present in some TNTs [Reference Zhang and Zhang17].
Electromagnetic field in living systems
Electric polarity depends on charge distribution in the macromolecular structures. It is well known that a peptide bond forms a large electric dipole moment whose inner electric field is oriented from nitrogen to oxygen explained by Pauling resonance between two hybrid electronic structures [Reference Schulz and Schirmer33]. Other parts of the polypeptide structure are electrically polar too. One type of polarity of amino acids is formed by ionized side chains (positively and negatively charged), another type by partial atomic charges dependent on the electronegativity of the atom. Polypeptide chains and other chain compounds can contain short regions behaving like solid-state periodic systems with electrons moving in the “conduction” band or strictly bound in the “valence” band. The electrons in the “conduction” band can oscillate at high frequencies in the UV region and absorb or release photons.
An important protein structure in eukaryotic cells is formed by microtubules built from heterodimers consisting of two monomers called α and β tubulin. Each heterodimer represents an electric dipole originating from 18 calcium ions bound approximately between α and β monomers as described by Satarić et al. and Tuszyński et al. [Reference Satarić, Tuszyński and Žakula34, Reference Tuszyński, Hameroff, Satarić, Trpisova and Nip35]. An equal number of negative charges (electrons) is localized in the neighboring α monomer. After polymerization, the main component of the electric dipole vector is oriented along the axis of microtubule (dipole electric polarity corresponds to the direction fast–slow growing end). Hydrolysis of GTP to GDP in the β tubulin changes its conformation and position of the β tubulin is tilted (about 28°) with respect to α tubulin [Reference Satarić, Tuszyński and Žakula34–Reference Melki, Carlier, Pantaloni and Timasheff37]. After hydrolysis of ATP in the β tubulin, the main component of the dipole moment has a reversed orientation.
The described dipole orientation corresponds to microtubules in cells. Heterodimers have the largest component of the dipole moment in the normal direction to their axes (1669 Debye, i.e. 5.567 × 10−27 Cm). The C-termini extended outwardly from the microtubule carry a significant amount of negative electric charge (as much as 40%) of the total monomer amount. Oscillating high-frequency electric field aligns the microtubules parallel to the field direction [Reference Böhm, Mavromatos, Michette, Stracke and Unger38]. The normal components of the heterodimer dipole moment may be compensated along the spiral turn of a microtubule and additon of heterodimer axial components forms a dipole moment along the microtubule axix (ferroelectric state) [Reference Sataric and Tuszynski39] or the electron charge forming the electric dipole may change their position in the microtubule (a redistribution of electrons may enhance or reduce the transverse component of the dipole moment in heterodimers). The kink excitation and propagation along the microtubule axis [Reference Sataric and Tuszynski39], and electromagnetic excitation of the inner microtubule cavity in the UV region may be important factors for the dipole orientation along the microtubule axis (after the release of water from the inner cavity, microtubule oscillations disappear [Reference Sahu, Ghosh, Ghosh, Aswani, Hirata, Fujita and Bandyopadhyay9]).
The energy state far from thermodynamic equilibrium is excited and maintained by energy supply. Important life processes and biological functions can be provided by a coherent electromagnetic field as suggested by Pokorný et al. [Reference Pokorný, Pokorný and Kobilková12, Reference Pokorný, Pokorný, Foletti, Kobilková, Vrba and Vrba13, Reference Pokorný, Pokorný, Kobilková, Jandová, Vrba and Vrba40]. A considerable part of the power supply to a cell (of the order of magnitude of 0.1 pW, as estimated from the metabolic turnover of a body and a number of cells) should excite coherent vibrations and coherent electromagnetic field. A microtubule is excited by about 0.1 fW and this power is distributed to the dipoles in all heterodimers which generate the electromagnetic field in the frequency spectrum up to and in the UV region. Some spectral lines can be selectively excited as follows from the excitation–emission measurements. Figure 2 displays resonant frequencies of microtubules measured in classical, far infrared, and UV regions by Sahu et al. [Reference Sahu, Ghosh, Ghosh, Aswani, Hirata, Fujita and Bandyopadhyay9, Reference Sahu, Ghosh, Fujita and Bandyopadhyay10]. Power of the energy supply to a heterodimer dipole is of the order of magnitude of zW. Microtubule vibrational peaks condensed in a single mode and noise alleviation disappear when water is released from the inner microtubule cavity which was proved by Sahu et al. [Reference Sahu, Ghosh, Ghosh, Aswani, Hirata, Fujita and Bandyopadhyay9]. The UV spectrum has a specific property – excitation and emission lines exhibit different wavelengths: the excitation line 274 nm corresponds to emission lines 330 and 671 nm, and the excitation line 561 nm corresponds to the emission line 330 nm (the first excitation and emission lines are plotted in Fig. 2).
The electromagnetic spectrum in the UV region may have components in the short-wavelength UV part. Gurwitsch and Frank and Gurwitsch observed a weak radiation from onion roots in the UV region 193–237 nm and assumed their mitogenic function [Reference Gurwitsch41, Reference Frank and Gurwitsch42]. Microtubule inner circular cavity with a diameter of 17 nm has properties of a resonator and/or of a waveguide which was analyzed by Jelínek and Pokorný [Reference Jelínek and Pokorný43]. Calculated cutoff frequencies of the transverse magnetic (TM) and transverse electric (TE) modes in a circular cavity with reflecting walls are presented under ‘Microtubules and nanotube energy transfer’. The calculated cutoff frequencies of TNTs are lower but also in the short-wavelength part of the UV region.
Periodic structures
Frequency of resonance and propagation of the electromagnetic field in the cavities depend on geometrical dimensions of the cavity and permittivity and permeability of the medium inside it. Under the cutoff frequency, there is a region of evanescent modes. Transfer of electromagnetic signals in this frequency range is governed by structures inside the cavity. For example, if the cavity walls are not physically smooth, an effective increase of the shunt capacitance per unit length can be achieved without the decrease of a corresponding series inductance. The phase velocity of the propagating field is decreased compared to a plain waveguide. The lumped capacitance at periodic distances smaller than the wavelength of the electromagnetic field is used. An example of such a periodic structure shown in Fig. 3 is described by Collin in [Reference Collin44]. If the dimension a is large compared to b and this in turn is small compared to the wavelength of the electromagnetic field, the transfer is optimal.
The electromagnetic field can propagate in a limited space region to prevent damping at the cavity walls and be transferred along a guiding way. Propagation of the electromagnetic signals can also occur along a helix (or a sheath helix) which is another method of realization of a periodic structure. A conductive tape with helical structure is separated by a thin insulated slit. Conductivity along the tape is infinite (and, consequently, the current too) and zero in the perpendicular direction. However, all methods have passband–stopband characteristics. There are frequency bands throughout which a wave propagates unattenuated and bands through which the wave does not propagate [Reference Collin44].
Microtubules are helical structures while in TNTs the periodic structure may be formed by extensions of the membrane into the inner TNT cavity, by mitochondria which can be periodically arranged along the TNT and similarly by lumped macromolecules and structures such as microtubules. The helical periodicity of microtubules is convenient for the generation of the electromagnetic field at distinct frequencies. Mitochondria form a layer of hydrogen ions in the cytosol space with an attached layer of ordered water [Reference Pokorný, Pokorný and Borodavka45]. The induced changes of series capacitance C per unit length (as well as inductance L per unit length) result in changes of the energy storage and transfer, i.e. changes of phase velocity of the propagation of the electromagnetic field (the phase velocity is given by the relation vf = (LC)−1/2 = (μμ 0ɛɛ 0)−1/2 where μ and ɛ are the relative permeability and permittivity, respectively). The wavelengths in the UV frequency range may be comparable or even shorter than dimensions of the reflecting lumps, and the propagation of the electromagnetic wave may be described by short time and space periods. The narrow ordered water layer at the upper surface of mitochondria proton layer forms a channel for the transfer of electromagnetic signals. Ordered water forms a dielectric or a conductive material (by releasing electrons) for different pH values [Reference Zheng and Pollack46]. The phase velocity depends on permittivity and permeability of the ordered water which seem to be different from those of the normal (bulk) water. The layers of ordered water in the TNT may form convenient conditions for the propagation of the electromagnetic field.
Localization of mitochondria inside a TNT indicates that their function is connected with energy supply [Reference Scholkmann16]. The additional energy supply may amplify electric or electromagnetic signals entering the TNT. Two possible amplification concepts are introduced: parametric amplification in a wave that has multiple frequencies, and Fröhlich's approach involving interaction with a heat bath.
Parametric amplification
Parametric amplifiers utilize non-linear properties of the medium or properties that can be varied as a function of time. In the technological region of electrical engineering, it concerns a non-linear reactance or a reactance oscillating as a function of time after the application of a suitable pump signal. Original description of Manley and Rowe [Reference Manley and Rowe47] is further analyzed in [Reference Collin44] and [Reference Pokorný and Wu48]. Parametric amplification is mainly based on the time variation of a reactive parameter. The most notable variable reactance was produced by a semiconductor diode called a varactor. The analysis of these devices is based on the Manley–Rowe power relations
where n and m are the integers; in the first equation, n and m (in the second equation m and n) vary from 0 to +∞ and from −∞ to +∞, respectively. There are two important applications called negative resistance parametric amplifier and parametric up-converter. The negative-resistance systems use the pump frequency ɷP, the idler frequency ɷI = ɷP−ɷS and the input and output signal frequencies ɷS are equal. For the signal frequency ɷS, the indices are m = 1 and n = 0, for the pump frequency ɷP, they are m = 0 and n = 1, for the idler frequency ɷI, they are m = − 1, n = 1, and the corresponding powers are PS = P 1,0, PP = P 0,1, PI = P –1,1. (Power supplied to the non-linear element is positive, the delivered power is negative.) From the Manley–Rowe relations we get
and a maximum signal gain
The up-converter uses the input signal at the frequency ɷS (m = 1, n = 0), pump signal at the frequency ɷP (m = 0, n = 1), and the amplified and up-converted output signal exhibits the frequency ɷS + ɷP (m = 1, n = 1). For the up-converter Ps = P 1,0, PP = P 0,1, and the up-converted power is P 1,1. From the Manley–Rowe relations we get
and a maximum signal gain
The maximum signal gain depends on frequency relations of the input and pump signals. Parametric amplifiers can be important for the amplification of electromagnetic signals propagating in the TNT as in a cavity waveguide. The negative-resistance parametric amplifier could mediate communication between cells with similar electromagnetic activities. Both connected cells would then generate signals with the same frequencies. The up-converter system could connect different frequency components of the generated electromagnetic field.
Fröhlich relation
Fröhlich analyzed basic properties of a biological energy system excited by its energy supply and proposed spectral energy transfer based on emission–absorption interaction with a heat bath [Reference Fröhlich1–Reference Fröhlich, Marton and Marton5]. He assumed energy supply to electric polar vibrations resulting in coherence and a strong excitation of one or a few modes of motion. The vibration system is stabilized due to low emission and friction losses, phases correlated over macroscopic regions, and superimposed on random thermal fluctuations. He assumed oscillating properties of the heat bath in biological systems formed by macromolecules and macromolecular structures which contain an extremely wide quasi-continuous spectrum of random electric polar vibrations. Fröhlich analyzed extraordinary dielectric properties, derived relation for the metastable ferroelectric state of biological systems [Reference Fröhlich4], and suggested that cancer cells have shifted frequencies of their electromagnetic activity disturbing interactions with healthy cells [Reference Fröhlich49]. Fröhlich formulated the main properties of the cellular electromagnetic activity and the rate equation in the form
where ni and nj are the numbers of energy quanta in the modes with frequency νi and νj, respectively, ṅi is the first derivative with respect to time, ϕi and χij are the coefficients of energy transfer, and si is the energy supply (in the number of energy quanta).
The Fröhlich rate equation describes energy transfer between oscillation modes in a frequency spectrum of a non-linear system. Energy condenses in the lowest frequency mode but condensation depends also on the coupling to the heat bath, energy transfer between modes (parameter χij) and energy supply (si). The analysis of energy condensation for various conditions is evaluated in Pokorný and Wu [Reference Pokorný and Wu48].
Microtubules and nanotube energy transfer
In eukaryotic cells, microtubules form a well-organized filamentous structure which is a basis of the cytoskeleton. Microtubules are hollow tubes of a circular cross-section with the inner and outer diameter 17 and 25 nm, respectively, described by Amos and Klug [Reference Amos and Klug50]. In the interphase, they grow outward from the centrosome, a spherical structure in the center of the cell, and form radial fibers. Long-living microtubules (about 18 h) are bonded to structures at the membrane. In the M phase (cell division), the microtubules of the mitotic spindle emanate from two centrosomes.
Microtubule physical characteristics correspond to requirements for the generation of the electromagnetic field: they are electrically polar, non-linear, and excited by energy supply. Microtubules in cells are electric dipoles whose dipole moments differ from those in free microtubules (measured by Böhm et al. [Reference Böhm, Mavromatos, Michette, Stracke and Unger38] and Schoutens [Reference Schoutens51]) by space orientation. Several mechanisms supply energy for the excitation of polar vibrations. Energy is supplied by the hydrolysis of GTP to GDP in tubulin after polymerization [Reference Pokorný, Jelínek, Trkal, Lamprecht and Hölzel52, Reference Pokorný53], energy losses caused by the motion of motor proteins along microtubules [Reference Pelling, Sehati, Gralla, Valentine and Gimzewski54], and very likely also by non-utilized energy liberated from mitochondria [Reference Pokorný55]. Photons released from chemical reactions may supply energy in the UV and visible wavelength region. In the M phase, energy is supplied by treadmilling.
Excitation of the electromagnetic field in TNTs may be a fundamental process of their function. We suggest a possible mechanism. A TNT may be considered as a circular waveguide connecting cells. If the axis of a microtubule coincides with the TNT axis, then microtubule field can excite signal in the TNT (z direction). In this case, the electromagnetic excitation corresponds to a TM mode. The theory of waveguides with conductive walls can be used for the description of excitation of the electromagnetic field as a zero-order approximation. The intensity of the electric field transferred from a microtubule into the TNT waveguide may be amplified if its cavity is excited by energy supply. In the TM mode, the electric field along the axis of the waveguide (in the z direction) may be described by
where Jn is the Bessel function for n = 0, 1, 2…, C 1, C 2 are constants, and j is the imaginary unit. The propagation constants (eigenvalues) Γ, γ, the wavenumber k, and the cutoff frequency ɷc are
where pnm is the m root of the Bessel function Jn (γa), a is the radius of the circular waveguide (of the nanotube), μ and ɛ are the permeability and permittivity of the inner medium, respectively. (Technical parameters of circular waveguides and resonators are described in [Reference Collin44].) For a diameter of the circular waveguide 50, 200, and 700 nm, the lowest cutoff frequencies of TM modes (and wavelengths) are 4.6 × 1015 Hz (65 nm), 1.1 × 1015 Hz (261 nm), and 3.3 × 1014 Hz (914 nm), respectively. The calculated cutoff frequencies of TM and TE modes of microtubule inner cavity and TNTs are in Fig. 4. A total reflection from the walls is assumed. In real biological systems, a part of the energy should penetrate into the surrounding medium. Except for this, the values of permittivity and of permeability used in evaluation correspond to vacuum. Therefore, the evaluated cutoff frequencies are only a rough approximation of the actual values. It should be noted that the photon energy of signals with frequencies in this region may correspond to the energy of electrons in atoms.
The wave excited in the waveguide (TNT) may amplify electric signals transferred between cells. Generally, TNTs may be parts of a unified cavity system which sustains coherence in the whole space, supplies energy to weaker parts, and provides functional unity.
The paper brings a brief overview of tubulin nanotubes, their properties and significance for intercellular communication, and suggests a waveguide-like propagation of electromagnetic field. Description of the possible mechanism is based on the overview of the properties of macroscopic technical systems applied to the submicroscopic biological structures. Cooperation, coordination, simultaneity, synchronicity, and time sequence of processes in multicellular biological systems are irreplaceable. Coherent electromagnetic field is supposed to play a fundamental role in these processes and TNTs form structures for the realization of these requirements. The way of transfer of the electromagnetic field should correspond to standard technological mechanisms known from technical engineering and propagation of electromagnetic waves. TNTs are structures corresponding to waveguides and resonators at very high frequencies, Manley–Rowe amplification and Fröhlich frequency transformation explain spectral development and frequency shifts. Periodicity along the helix and along the axis of the microtubule-generating structure enables space and time coherence of the electromagnetic field.
Observation of TNTs, their structure, and function has led to a discovery of the yet unknown mechanism of communication between cells. These structures can transport material, energy, and information in a reliable way. Cells with TNTs are composed into a unified system forming a cooperating, mutually dependent living community. Non-chemical and non-contact cell-to-cell communication offering a new fundamental insight into biological processes is analyzed by Scholkmann et al. [Reference Scholkmann, Fels and Cifra56]. This paper presents an overview of published data and analysis of a possible mechanism of information and energy transfer based on the technology of electromagnetic waves. Some authors assume that electric and electromagnetic energy is transported at least for communication and transfer of coherence [Reference Scholkmann16, Reference Gerdes and Pepperkok21, Reference Chaban, Cho, Reid and Norris28, Reference Reguera29]. Different mechanisms can transfer electric and electromagnetic signals through TNTs and provide instantaneous communication between cells in biological systems. Possible mechanisms may be also based on electric current in a layer inside TNT with increased conductivity or on the propagation of electromagnetic wave which spectrum is wide – from acoustic frequencies up to UV band. Coherence seems to be provided by signals in the short wavelength part of the UV region which is in agreement with experiments demonstrating the relevance of UV radiation in long-distance communication of living systems [Reference Pokorný, Pokorný, Kobilková, Jandová, Vrba and Vrba40, Reference Gurwitsch41].
Propagation of electromagnetic field along a TNT cavity is only one possible method. Currents in layers of increased conductivity and oscillations of the TNT membrane may also form a convenient way for the transfer of energy, coherence, and information. The medium inside a TNT may have layers of increased conductivity, for instance by increased concentration of electrons released from ordered water layers formed at charged surfaces [Reference Pokorný, Pokorný, Foletti, Kobilková, Vrba and Vrba13, Reference Pokorný, Pokorný and Borodavka45, Reference Zheng and Pollack46]. If the pH value is higher than a specific value, the electric field in the layer transports released electrons outside the layer. If the electric conductivity in the TNT is increased, the electric signal may be transferred by electric current. A possible measurement of electrical conductance through a gap junction channel by a microfluidic chip is described by Bathany et al. [Reference Bathany, Beahm, Besch, Sachs and Hua25]. Another mechanism may depend on the oscillations of the TNT membrane. Electric polar structures in the TNT membrane may be excited and generate coherent electric oscillations mediating communication. There is a large amount of mitochondria inside the nanotubes which may supply energy.
Our short overview manifests a reasonable possibility that electric and/or electromagnetic field are excited inside the nanotube cavity and may amplify the transmitted signals. It points to a strong coupling between cells.
Electromagnetic activity is capable of governing simultaneity not only in a cell or tissue but in the whole biological body which cannot be achieved by diffusion or short-range chemical bonds. This work suggests a unified cavity system formed by living cells connected by TNTs. Our calculations indicate its operation in the short-wavelength UV range. Due to energy condensation, the coherence of signals in the UV spectrum can provide simultaneity of all lower frequency spectral lines. Excitation of the electromagnetic field in the cavity system, transfer of energy across the system, and condensation of energy in some spectral lines provide conditions for the function and organization of the multicellular biological activity. The system providing material and energy transfer would govern tissue orchestration as well as a support function of weak and injured cells. Excitation of the coherent electromagnetic field and its function in the living bodies is supposed to be a fundamental property of multicellular biological systems and should be experimentally investigated. Suggested transfer of the electromagnetic field and its amplification is based on classical technological mechanisms. Formation of nanotubes, their excitation by electromagnetic energy, the parametric amplification, and the Fröhlich spectral energy transfer are assumed to be important mechanisms for interaction, cooperation, and generation of simultaneity in biological systems.
This work was supported by the Czech Science Foundation under project number 16–12757S.
Jan Pokorný received his Ph.D. degree in physics in 2007 from the Czech Technical University, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering. He is now a researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He published more than 80 research articles and his research interests involve ferroelectricity in functional materials and biological structures, properties of the cellular energy system, and spectroscopy techniques.
Jiří Pokorný defended his doctoral thesis in 1961 at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. He published around 100 research articles and two books. He is now an emeritus of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The main field of research concerns generation of the electromagnetic field in biological systems and its role in organization, chemical reactions, information transfer, control, and in perturbances causing diseases.
Jan Vrba received his Ph.D. degree in 1976 from the Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU). He was appointed there as an Associate Professor in 1991 and as a Full Professor in 1993. He was awarded an “ESHO – Pyrexar Award” in 2015 (ESHO means “European Society for Hyperthermic Oncology”). He published more than 100 research articles and his current research interests are oriented on medical applications of microwaves – mainly on hyperthermia for cancer treatment.