Engelbrekt, Antonina and Nergelius, Joakim, New Directions in Comparative Law [Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2009, xxiii+277pp, ISBN 978-1-84844-318-1, £79.95 (h/bk)]
Harding, Andrew and Leyland, Peter (eds), Constitutional Courts: A Comparative Study [Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing, London, 2009, 385pp, ISBN 978-0-854-900-63-3, £19.95 (p/bk)]
De Guchteneire, Paul, Pécoud, Anotine and Cholewinski, Ryszard (eds), Migration and Human Rights [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009, xx+452pp, ISBN 978-0-521-13611-2, £23.99 (p/bk)]
Foster, Michelle, International Refugee Law and Socio-Economic Rights [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009, xlvii+387pp, ISBN 978-052-1133364, £21.99 (p/bk)]
Grando, Michelle T, Evidence, Proof, and Fact-Finding in WTO Dispute System [Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009, xxxiv+410pp, ISBN 978-0-19-957264-9, £70 (h/bk)]
Humphries, Stephen, Human Rights and Climate Change [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010] xv+348pp, ISBN 978-0-521-76276-2, price not given (h/bk)]
Ife, Jim, Human Rights from Below: Achieving Rights through Community Development [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009, viii+255pp, ISBN 978-0-521-71108-1, price not given (p/bk)]
Kelsall, Tim (ed), Culture under Cross-Examination: International Justice and the Special Court for Sierra Leone [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009, xiv+298pp, ISBN 978-0-521-76778-1, price not given (h/bk)]
Kolb, Robert, An Introduction to the Law of the United Nations [Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2010, xxii+251pp, ISBN 978-0-521-87730-5, £65 (h/bk)]
McBride, Jeremy, Human Rights and Criminal Procedure [Council of Europe, Brussells, 2009, 398pp, ISBN 978-92-871-6689-0, € 53 (p/bk)]
Naqvi, Yasmin Q, Impediments to Exercising Jurisdiction over International Crimes [TMC Asser Press, The Hague, 2010, xviii+418pp, ISBN 978-90-6704-320-5, price not given (h/bk)]
Osiatynski, Wiktor, Human Rights and their Limits [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009, ix+241, ISBN 978-0-521-12523-9, £21.99 (p/bk)]
Moir, Linday, Reappraising the Resort to Force [Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2010, xiv+176pp, ISBN 978-1-84113-609-7, price not given (h/bk)]
Petter, Andrew, The Politics of the Charter: The Illusive Promise of Constitutional Rights [University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2009, xi+256pp, ISBN 978-0-8020-9599-2, £42 (p/bk)]
Romano, Cesare PR (ed), The Sword and the Scales: The United States and International Courts and Tribunals [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009, xxvi+460pp, ISBN 978-0-521-72871-3, price not given (p/bk)]
Schwenzer, Ingeborg (eds), Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) Third Edition [Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010 xcvi+1480pp, ISBN 978-0-19-956897-0, £225 (h/bk)]
Stahn, Carsten and van den Herik, Larissa (eds), Future Perspectives on International Criminal Justice [TMC Asser Press, The Hague, 2010, xxii+693pp, ISBN978-90-6704-309-0, £115 (h/bk)]
Twining, William (ed), Human Rights, Southern Voices [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009, viii+238pp, ISBN 978-0-521-13026-4, price not given (p/bk)]
Wittes, Benjamin (ed), Legislating the War on Terror [Brookings Institution Press, Washington DC, 2009, viii+420pp, ISBN 978-0-8157-0310-5, £24.99 (h/bk)]
Kawaley, Ian, Bolton, Andrew and Mayor, Robin (eds), Cross-Border Judicial Cooperation in Offshore Litigation [Wildy Simmonds & Hill Publishing, London, 2009, lxvi+309pp, ISBN 978-085490-0435, price not given (h/bk)]
Kramer, Adam, Contract Law: An Index and Digest of Published Writings [Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2010, xvi+234pp, ISBN 978-1-84113-574-8 price not given (p/bk)]
McCahery, Joseph A, Timmerman Levinus and Vermeulen, Erik PM (eds), Private Company Law Reform [TMC Asser Press, The Hague, 2010, xx+369pp, ISBN 978-90-6704-251-2, price not given (h/bk)]
Salacuse, Jeswald W, The Law of Investment Treaties [Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010, xxii+517pp, ISBN 978-0-19-920605-6, price not given (h/bk)]
Eckes, Christina, EU Counter-Terrorist Policies and Fundamental Rights: the Case of Individual Sanctions [Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009, xv+478pp, ISBN 978-0-19-957376-9, £60 (h/bk)]
Hepple, Bob (ed), The Making of Labour Law in Europe [Mansell Publishing Ltd, London and New York, 1986, xiv+412pp, ISBN 978-1-84113-820-6, price not given (p/bk)]
Hepple, Bob and Veneziani, Bruno (eds), The Transformation of Labour Law in Europe [Mansell Publishing Ltd, London and New York, 2009, xvii+393, ISBN 978-1-84113-870-1, price not given (p/bk)]
Hinarejos, Alicia, Judicial Control in the European Union: Reforming Jurisdiction in the Intergovernmental Pillars [Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009, xv+211, ISBN 978-0-19-956996-0, price not given (h/bk)]
Azopardi, Keith, Sovereignty and the Stateless Nation: Gibraltar in the Modern Legal Context [Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2009, xxxv+417pp, ISBN 978-1-84113-916-6, price not given (h/bk)]
Chesterman, Simon and Fisher, Angelina (eds), The Outsourcing of Public Services and its Limits [Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009, xiv+247pp, ISBN 978-0-19-957412-4, £70 (h/bk)]
Essette, Joseph M and Tulis, Jeffrey K (eds), The Constitutional Presidency [Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 2009, xii+365pp, ISBN 978-0-8108-9296-7, price not given (p/bk)]
Farrall, Jeremy and Rubenstein, Kim, Sanctions, Accountability and Governance in a Globalised World [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 506pp, ISBN 978-052111-492-9 (h/bk)]
May, Larry and Hoskins Zachary (eds), International Criminal Law and Philosophy [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010, ix+258pp, ISBN 978-0-521-19151-7, £50 (h/bk)]
Munday, Roderick, Agency: Law and Principles [Oxford University Press, Oxford 2010, xxxviii+369pp, ISBN 978-0-19-923037-2, £34.95 (h/bk)]
Olowu, Dejo, An Integrative Rights-based Approach to Human Development in Africa [Pretoria University Law Press, 2009, x+322pp, ISBN 981-412-467-2, price not given (h/bk)]
Saxer, Urs, Die Internationale Steuerung der Selbstbestimmung und der Staatsentstehung [Springer, Heidelberg, 2010, xlii+1140pp, ISBN 978-3-642-10270-7, price not given (h/bk)]
Skouteris, Thomas, The Notion of Progress in International Law Discourse [TMC Asser Press, The Hague, 2010, xiv+261pp, ISBN 978-0-6704299-4, price not given (h/bk)]
Slomanson, William, Fundamental Perspectives on International Law: Sixth Edition [Wadsworth Cengage, Boston, 2009 xvi+772pp, ISBN 978-0-495797197, price not given (h/bk)]
Sloss, David (ed), The Role of Domestic Courts in Treaty Enforcement [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009, xxix+626pp, ISBN 978-0-521-87730-5, £65 (h/bk)]
Tienhaara, Kyla, The Expropriation of Environmental Governance [Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2009, xi+327, ISBN 978-0-521-11487-5, £60 (h/bk)]
Rubini, Luca, The Definition of Subsidy and State Aid [Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009, xlv+448pp, ISBN 978-0-19-953339-8, price not given (h/bk)]
Wolfrum, Ruediger and Kojima, Chie (eds), Solidarity: A Structural Principle of International Law [Springer, Heidelberg, 2010, xiii+238pp, ISBN 978-3-642-11176-1 price not given (h/bk)]