Tett, Hundley, and Christiansen (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) argue that the concept of validity generalization in meta-analysis is a myth, as the variability of the effect size appears to decrease with increasing moderator specificity such that the level of precision needed to deem an estimate “generalizable” is actually reached at levels of situational specificity that are so high as to (paradoxically) refute an inference of generalizability. This notion highlights the need to move away from claiming that effects are either “generalizable” or “situationally specific” and instead look more critically and less dichotomously at degrees of generalizability, or effect size variability.
We offer an additional application of this perspective and extend the authors’ recommendations to the context of adverse impact analysis and the problem of determining when multiple subsamples are “similar enough” (i.e., lacking enough in situational specificity) to justify aggregating data into a single, larger sample for analysis. The multiple-event methods that are commonly used to aggregate adverse impact data bear a close resemblance to meta-analysis, in that a summary statistic is computed for each subsample and then a weighted average is used to represent the overall trend (Morris, Dunleavy, & Lee, Reference Morris, Dunleavy, Lee, Morris and Dunleavy2017). In fact, the most common method for conducting a multiple events test, the Mantel–Haenszel test (Mantel & Haenszel, Reference Mantel and Haenszel1959), is also used as a method for meta-analysis of categorical data (Fleiss & Berlin, Reference Fleiss, Berlin, Cooper, Hedges and Valentine2009). The approach that Tett et al. (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) recommend for evaluating between-study variability and the generalizability of validity evidence would prove useful in the adverse impact context as well.
Aggregation in Adverse Impact Analysis
Adverse impact refers to statistical disparities in employment outcomes for different protected groups, and these statistical disparities can form the basis for an allegation of illegal discrimination in employment practices (Dunleavy, Morris, & Howard, Reference Dunleavy, Morris, Howard, Hanvey and Sady2015). Although these statistics do not in and of themselves constitute definitive proof of illegal discrimination, they are often a prerequisite that plaintiffs or agencies must meet when alleging a case of pattern and practice or disparate impact discrimination, and they do create an obligation for the employer to explain the disparities, justify the practices that create them, and/or consider reasonable alternatives (Gutman, Koppes, & Vodanovich, Reference Gutman, Koppes and Vodanovich2010). If this obligation cannot be met, the practices in question may be considered discriminatory. As such, these are extremely high-stakes analyses.
Adverse impact analytics are often complicated by the fact that an organization's selection decisions may be collected across multiple work locations, jobs, and points in time (i.e., subsamples with their own unique characteristics), and sample sizes for any one subsample may be so small that statistical analyses have little power (Morris, Reference Morris2001). As such, there is frequently a question of whether to analyze data for the subsamples individually or to aggregate them and create a larger aggregate sample with higher power for statistical analysis (i.e., meta-analyze). The results of these analyses can differ substantially depending on whether data are aggregated or not, and as such, decisions around aggregation are often topics of much contention in the legal arena (e.g., Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes, 2011).
Defendants often argue that separate analyses must be conducted for each subsample, alleging that each represents a distinct decision-making process. Conversely, plaintiffs tend to argue for aggregated data as the best evidence for systemic discrimination. (For a more thorough discussion of the legal arguments, see Mehri and Lieder [Reference Mehri, Lieder, Morris and Dunleavy2017] and Ross and Merrill [Reference Ross, Merrill, Morris and Dunleavy2017].) The two competing perspectives bear a close resemblance to the concepts of situation specificity and validity generalization that are discussed by Tett et al. (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017). Given the high stakes of these analyses, it is of considerable importance that the appropriateness of aggregation be carefully evaluated.
Evaluating the Appropriateness of Aggregation
Aggregation of adverse impact data can be justified to the extent that the different subsamples represent a common decision process, which depends on both conceptual and empirical considerations (Morris, Dunleavy, & Lee, Reference Morris, Dunleavy, Lee, Morris and Dunleavy2017). Just as Tett et al. (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) discuss in the context of validity generalization, the average result can be generalized to the individual settings only if results are fairly consistent across those settings. Empirically, it is common to observe that adverse impact is larger in some settings and smaller in others. But just as in meta-analysis, some of this observed variability is expected due to first-order sampling error. Pattern consistency tests (Biddle, Reference Biddle2011) can determine whether this variability of results across subsamples is larger than what would be expected due to sampling error. The widely used Breslow–Day Test (Breslow & Day, Reference Breslow and Day1980) evaluates homogeneity of the odds ratio, with a significant result indicating a lack of consistency in the odds ratio (i.e., in the degree of adverse impact) across subsamples.
Some experts have recommended using the Breslow–Day Test as a preliminary analysis to determine whether aggregation is appropriate (Biddle, Reference Biddle2011; Cohen, Aamodt, & Dunleavy, Reference Cohen, Aamodt and Dunleavy2010). In this approach, if the Breslow–Day test is significant, there are differences in the degree of adverse impact across settings (i.e., situation specificity), and an aggregated analysis would typically not be recommended. If, on the other hand, the Breslow–Day is nonsignificant, the results are generalizable from an empirical perspective, and the aggregation would typically be supported. Recently, Morris, Dunleavy, and Lee (Reference Morris, Dunleavy, Lee, Morris and Dunleavy2017) proposed a more flexible framework in which a significant Breslow–Day Test signals a need to interpret situational influences on adverse impact but does not act as an absolute bar to conducting an aggregate analysis. This alternative perspective will be further detailed below.
Not Black and White: Degrees of Heterogeneity
In the above debate over when it is and is not statistically appropriate to aggregate, we see the same need to move beyond black-and-white thinking that is highlighted by Tett et al.’s (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) discussion of the artificial dichotomy between generalizability and situational specificity. A finding of between-study variability does not render the average effect size uninterpretable, but it does limit the generalizability of inferences because it is not clear which effect size applies to a particular situation.
We recommend that rather than interpreting a significant Breslow–Day result as a red light prohibiting aggregation and a nonsignificant result as a green light providing statistical permission to aggregate, as some practitioners have begun to view them, we should consider both the significance or nonsignificance of the result and the actual degree of variability in effect size across subsamples. Here we echo Tett et al.’s (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) position that we should focus on gathering “multiple, preferably converging lines of evidence” (p. 452) to support the inferences we draw from statistical data. In the case of adverse impact analysis, we argue that average effect sizes should be interpreted in light of both statistical significance and degree of variability (i.e., credibility intervals around the effect size), and all of this statistical evidence should be evaluated in light of other (i.e., conceptual) evidence related to the extent to which the same employment practices have affected individuals in each subsample.
The need to take a closer, less dichotomous look at subsample variability in effect size is especially critical in cases of adverse impact given that, as the Supreme Court noted in Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes (2011), statistically significant disparities between groups may arise not from a uniform practice carried out by all decision-making units within an organization but from discriminatory behavior that is specific to just a few of those decision-making units. In light of this, Mehri and Lieder (Reference Mehri, Lieder, Morris and Dunleavy2017) argue that rather than applying stringent black-and-white rules or insisting that any statistical disparities be identical in each subsample, the courts should critically evaluate whether the disparities are more consistent with the existence of discrimination affecting all subsamples or more consistent with the existence of discrimination in relatively few of the subsamples, given the variation in results that should be expected due to chance. We believe that meta-analysis provides several methods that are well suited to this type of inquiry.
Methods for Evaluating Degree of Heterogeneity
Tett et al. (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) offer several practical recommendations for reporting and interpreting meta-analytic results that we believe should be adopted in multiple-event adverse impact analysis. First, the researchers should evaluate and report the precision and certainty of generalizability estimates. Second, when substantial variability across samples is found, the interpretation should shift from a focus on the mean to a focus on the credibility interval. Here, we offer some suggestions for how practitioners can apply these recommendations when evaluating the appropriateness of aggregation in adverse impact analysis.
As noted, many practitioners have come to rely on the Breslow–Day Test to provide a yes-or-no answer to the question of whether data should be aggregated. Here, we offer some methods that may be used as supplements or alternatives to the Breslow–Day, allowing the practitioner to develop a more comprehensive picture of the variability that exists in the pattern and degree of adverse impact across subsamples.
Examine the actual pattern of heterogeneity. Following a significant Breslow–Day Test, it is often informative to look at the distribution of results across settings (Mehri & Lieder, Reference Mehri, Lieder, Morris and Dunleavy2017; Morris et al., Reference Morris, Dunleavy, Lee, Morris and Dunleavy2017). Consider a situation where the adverse impact ratio varies from .2 to .6 across locations, and this variability results in a significant Breslow–Day Test. Although it is clear that the level of adverse impact is not identical in every setting, it is also the case that substantial adverse impact exists across all locations. The presence of variability in the size of the disparity may not necessarily justify analyzing each setting separately and requiring that each show a statistically significant disparity in order to make some empirically driven conclusions.
Identify relatively homogeneous subgroups. Tett et al. (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) demonstrate that subgroup analyses that focus on more similar situations tend to show smaller between-study variability. Similarly, in adverse impact analysis, it will often be useful to identify moderator variables or substrata (e.g., geographical regions, applicant population characteristics) that account for some of the situation specificity. Tett et al. also caution that the improved generalizability with more narrow subgroups often comes at the cost of decreased certainty (i.e., larger confidence intervals on the mean effect size) due to the reduced number of studies. Thus, it is important to avoid improperly defining the situation so narrowly that power becomes too low to detect disparities (Bielby & Coukos, Reference Bielby and Coukos2007).
Apply meta-analytic methods such as random effects models, credibility intervals, and empirical-Bayes estimates to evaluate subsample heterogeneity. Methods developed for exploring situation-specificity in meta-analysis are likely to prove useful in the context of adverse impact as well (Morris et al., Reference Morris, Dunleavy, Lee, Morris and Dunleavy2017). Application of random effects models (obtained, for example, through generalized linear modeling; Huang & Morris, Reference Huang and Morris2013) could provide information regarding both the mean and variability of the odds ratio. Constructing a credibility interval from the results of a random effects model would provide a clear picture of the degree of heterogeneity and help to determine whether variability in effect size is a matter of degree or a matter of kind. That is, do the endpoints of the credibility interval both point to similar conclusions about the pattern of adverse impact (e.g., relatively small differences in magnitude across subsamples, or substantial differences in magnitude that are all in the same direction), or do they point to fundamentally different conclusions (e.g., adverse impact favoring the majority group in some settings but favoring the minority group in other settings)?
Another potentially useful methodology from the meta-analytic toolbox may be the empirical-Bayes estimate of the study-specific effect size (Brannick, Reference Brannick2001). When a meta-analysis results in a wide credibility interval, we do not know which effect size in that interval applies to a particular situation (Tett et al., Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017). At the same time, due to small sample size, results for individual subsamples may be imprecise. By combining data from an aggregate analysis with sample-specific information, empirical Bayes estimates provide a more stable estimate of the degree of adverse impact in a particular setting.
In the focal article, Tett et al. (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) make a compelling case for paying greater attention to the variability of results across settings (e.g., situational specificity) in meta-analysis of selection procedure validity. This perspective is also relevant in the context of adverse impact analytics. Due to a variety of factors influencing employment outcomes, ranging from applicant pool characteristics to nuances of the decision-making process (Arthur, Doverspike, Barrett, & Miguel, Reference Arthur, Doverspike, Barrett and Miguel2013), adverse impact statistics are likely to show some degree of situational specificity. When evaluating adverse impact in such settings, we need to move beyond sole reliance on significance testing to provide a simple yes-or-no answer to this complex and nuanced question. Methods developed for examining heterogeneity in meta-analysis provide potentially useful tools for exploring patterns of adverse impact in large-scale employment practices as well.
Tett, Hundley, and Christiansen (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) argue that the concept of validity generalization in meta-analysis is a myth, as the variability of the effect size appears to decrease with increasing moderator specificity such that the level of precision needed to deem an estimate “generalizable” is actually reached at levels of situational specificity that are so high as to (paradoxically) refute an inference of generalizability. This notion highlights the need to move away from claiming that effects are either “generalizable” or “situationally specific” and instead look more critically and less dichotomously at degrees of generalizability, or effect size variability.
We offer an additional application of this perspective and extend the authors’ recommendations to the context of adverse impact analysis and the problem of determining when multiple subsamples are “similar enough” (i.e., lacking enough in situational specificity) to justify aggregating data into a single, larger sample for analysis. The multiple-event methods that are commonly used to aggregate adverse impact data bear a close resemblance to meta-analysis, in that a summary statistic is computed for each subsample and then a weighted average is used to represent the overall trend (Morris, Dunleavy, & Lee, Reference Morris, Dunleavy, Lee, Morris and Dunleavy2017). In fact, the most common method for conducting a multiple events test, the Mantel–Haenszel test (Mantel & Haenszel, Reference Mantel and Haenszel1959), is also used as a method for meta-analysis of categorical data (Fleiss & Berlin, Reference Fleiss, Berlin, Cooper, Hedges and Valentine2009). The approach that Tett et al. (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) recommend for evaluating between-study variability and the generalizability of validity evidence would prove useful in the adverse impact context as well.
Aggregation in Adverse Impact Analysis
Adverse impact refers to statistical disparities in employment outcomes for different protected groups, and these statistical disparities can form the basis for an allegation of illegal discrimination in employment practices (Dunleavy, Morris, & Howard, Reference Dunleavy, Morris, Howard, Hanvey and Sady2015). Although these statistics do not in and of themselves constitute definitive proof of illegal discrimination, they are often a prerequisite that plaintiffs or agencies must meet when alleging a case of pattern and practice or disparate impact discrimination, and they do create an obligation for the employer to explain the disparities, justify the practices that create them, and/or consider reasonable alternatives (Gutman, Koppes, & Vodanovich, Reference Gutman, Koppes and Vodanovich2010). If this obligation cannot be met, the practices in question may be considered discriminatory. As such, these are extremely high-stakes analyses.
Adverse impact analytics are often complicated by the fact that an organization's selection decisions may be collected across multiple work locations, jobs, and points in time (i.e., subsamples with their own unique characteristics), and sample sizes for any one subsample may be so small that statistical analyses have little power (Morris, Reference Morris2001). As such, there is frequently a question of whether to analyze data for the subsamples individually or to aggregate them and create a larger aggregate sample with higher power for statistical analysis (i.e., meta-analyze). The results of these analyses can differ substantially depending on whether data are aggregated or not, and as such, decisions around aggregation are often topics of much contention in the legal arena (e.g., Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes, 2011).
Defendants often argue that separate analyses must be conducted for each subsample, alleging that each represents a distinct decision-making process. Conversely, plaintiffs tend to argue for aggregated data as the best evidence for systemic discrimination. (For a more thorough discussion of the legal arguments, see Mehri and Lieder [Reference Mehri, Lieder, Morris and Dunleavy2017] and Ross and Merrill [Reference Ross, Merrill, Morris and Dunleavy2017].) The two competing perspectives bear a close resemblance to the concepts of situation specificity and validity generalization that are discussed by Tett et al. (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017). Given the high stakes of these analyses, it is of considerable importance that the appropriateness of aggregation be carefully evaluated.
Evaluating the Appropriateness of Aggregation
Aggregation of adverse impact data can be justified to the extent that the different subsamples represent a common decision process, which depends on both conceptual and empirical considerations (Morris, Dunleavy, & Lee, Reference Morris, Dunleavy, Lee, Morris and Dunleavy2017). Just as Tett et al. (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) discuss in the context of validity generalization, the average result can be generalized to the individual settings only if results are fairly consistent across those settings. Empirically, it is common to observe that adverse impact is larger in some settings and smaller in others. But just as in meta-analysis, some of this observed variability is expected due to first-order sampling error. Pattern consistency tests (Biddle, Reference Biddle2011) can determine whether this variability of results across subsamples is larger than what would be expected due to sampling error. The widely used Breslow–Day Test (Breslow & Day, Reference Breslow and Day1980) evaluates homogeneity of the odds ratio, with a significant result indicating a lack of consistency in the odds ratio (i.e., in the degree of adverse impact) across subsamples.
Some experts have recommended using the Breslow–Day Test as a preliminary analysis to determine whether aggregation is appropriate (Biddle, Reference Biddle2011; Cohen, Aamodt, & Dunleavy, Reference Cohen, Aamodt and Dunleavy2010). In this approach, if the Breslow–Day test is significant, there are differences in the degree of adverse impact across settings (i.e., situation specificity), and an aggregated analysis would typically not be recommended. If, on the other hand, the Breslow–Day is nonsignificant, the results are generalizable from an empirical perspective, and the aggregation would typically be supported. Recently, Morris, Dunleavy, and Lee (Reference Morris, Dunleavy, Lee, Morris and Dunleavy2017) proposed a more flexible framework in which a significant Breslow–Day Test signals a need to interpret situational influences on adverse impact but does not act as an absolute bar to conducting an aggregate analysis. This alternative perspective will be further detailed below.
Not Black and White: Degrees of Heterogeneity
In the above debate over when it is and is not statistically appropriate to aggregate, we see the same need to move beyond black-and-white thinking that is highlighted by Tett et al.’s (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) discussion of the artificial dichotomy between generalizability and situational specificity. A finding of between-study variability does not render the average effect size uninterpretable, but it does limit the generalizability of inferences because it is not clear which effect size applies to a particular situation.
We recommend that rather than interpreting a significant Breslow–Day result as a red light prohibiting aggregation and a nonsignificant result as a green light providing statistical permission to aggregate, as some practitioners have begun to view them, we should consider both the significance or nonsignificance of the result and the actual degree of variability in effect size across subsamples. Here we echo Tett et al.’s (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) position that we should focus on gathering “multiple, preferably converging lines of evidence” (p. 452) to support the inferences we draw from statistical data. In the case of adverse impact analysis, we argue that average effect sizes should be interpreted in light of both statistical significance and degree of variability (i.e., credibility intervals around the effect size), and all of this statistical evidence should be evaluated in light of other (i.e., conceptual) evidence related to the extent to which the same employment practices have affected individuals in each subsample.
The need to take a closer, less dichotomous look at subsample variability in effect size is especially critical in cases of adverse impact given that, as the Supreme Court noted in Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes (2011), statistically significant disparities between groups may arise not from a uniform practice carried out by all decision-making units within an organization but from discriminatory behavior that is specific to just a few of those decision-making units. In light of this, Mehri and Lieder (Reference Mehri, Lieder, Morris and Dunleavy2017) argue that rather than applying stringent black-and-white rules or insisting that any statistical disparities be identical in each subsample, the courts should critically evaluate whether the disparities are more consistent with the existence of discrimination affecting all subsamples or more consistent with the existence of discrimination in relatively few of the subsamples, given the variation in results that should be expected due to chance. We believe that meta-analysis provides several methods that are well suited to this type of inquiry.
Methods for Evaluating Degree of Heterogeneity
Tett et al. (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) offer several practical recommendations for reporting and interpreting meta-analytic results that we believe should be adopted in multiple-event adverse impact analysis. First, the researchers should evaluate and report the precision and certainty of generalizability estimates. Second, when substantial variability across samples is found, the interpretation should shift from a focus on the mean to a focus on the credibility interval. Here, we offer some suggestions for how practitioners can apply these recommendations when evaluating the appropriateness of aggregation in adverse impact analysis.
As noted, many practitioners have come to rely on the Breslow–Day Test to provide a yes-or-no answer to the question of whether data should be aggregated. Here, we offer some methods that may be used as supplements or alternatives to the Breslow–Day, allowing the practitioner to develop a more comprehensive picture of the variability that exists in the pattern and degree of adverse impact across subsamples.
1. Examine the actual pattern of heterogeneity. Following a significant Breslow–Day Test, it is often informative to look at the distribution of results across settings (Mehri & Lieder, Reference Mehri, Lieder, Morris and Dunleavy2017; Morris et al., Reference Morris, Dunleavy, Lee, Morris and Dunleavy2017). Consider a situation where the adverse impact ratio varies from .2 to .6 across locations, and this variability results in a significant Breslow–Day Test. Although it is clear that the level of adverse impact is not identical in every setting, it is also the case that substantial adverse impact exists across all locations. The presence of variability in the size of the disparity may not necessarily justify analyzing each setting separately and requiring that each show a statistically significant disparity in order to make some empirically driven conclusions.
2. Identify relatively homogeneous subgroups. Tett et al. (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) demonstrate that subgroup analyses that focus on more similar situations tend to show smaller between-study variability. Similarly, in adverse impact analysis, it will often be useful to identify moderator variables or substrata (e.g., geographical regions, applicant population characteristics) that account for some of the situation specificity. Tett et al. also caution that the improved generalizability with more narrow subgroups often comes at the cost of decreased certainty (i.e., larger confidence intervals on the mean effect size) due to the reduced number of studies. Thus, it is important to avoid improperly defining the situation so narrowly that power becomes too low to detect disparities (Bielby & Coukos, Reference Bielby and Coukos2007).
3. Apply meta-analytic methods such as random effects models, credibility intervals, and empirical-Bayes estimates to evaluate subsample heterogeneity. Methods developed for exploring situation-specificity in meta-analysis are likely to prove useful in the context of adverse impact as well (Morris et al., Reference Morris, Dunleavy, Lee, Morris and Dunleavy2017). Application of random effects models (obtained, for example, through generalized linear modeling; Huang & Morris, Reference Huang and Morris2013) could provide information regarding both the mean and variability of the odds ratio. Constructing a credibility interval from the results of a random effects model would provide a clear picture of the degree of heterogeneity and help to determine whether variability in effect size is a matter of degree or a matter of kind. That is, do the endpoints of the credibility interval both point to similar conclusions about the pattern of adverse impact (e.g., relatively small differences in magnitude across subsamples, or substantial differences in magnitude that are all in the same direction), or do they point to fundamentally different conclusions (e.g., adverse impact favoring the majority group in some settings but favoring the minority group in other settings)?
Another potentially useful methodology from the meta-analytic toolbox may be the empirical-Bayes estimate of the study-specific effect size (Brannick, Reference Brannick2001). When a meta-analysis results in a wide credibility interval, we do not know which effect size in that interval applies to a particular situation (Tett et al., Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017). At the same time, due to small sample size, results for individual subsamples may be imprecise. By combining data from an aggregate analysis with sample-specific information, empirical Bayes estimates provide a more stable estimate of the degree of adverse impact in a particular setting.
In the focal article, Tett et al. (Reference Tett, Hundley and Christiansen2017) make a compelling case for paying greater attention to the variability of results across settings (e.g., situational specificity) in meta-analysis of selection procedure validity. This perspective is also relevant in the context of adverse impact analytics. Due to a variety of factors influencing employment outcomes, ranging from applicant pool characteristics to nuances of the decision-making process (Arthur, Doverspike, Barrett, & Miguel, Reference Arthur, Doverspike, Barrett and Miguel2013), adverse impact statistics are likely to show some degree of situational specificity. When evaluating adverse impact in such settings, we need to move beyond sole reliance on significance testing to provide a simple yes-or-no answer to this complex and nuanced question. Methods developed for examining heterogeneity in meta-analysis provide potentially useful tools for exploring patterns of adverse impact in large-scale employment practices as well.