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The Dangerous Individual('s) Mother: Biopower, Family, and the Production of Race
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 25 March 2020
Even as feminist analyses have contributed in important ways to discussions of how gender is raced and race is gendered, there has been little in the way of comparative analysis of the specific mechanisms that are at work in the production of each. Feder argues that in Michel Foucault's analytics of power we find tools to understand the reproduction of whiteness as a complex interaction of distinctive expressions of power associated with these categories of difference.
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- Genealogies
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- Hypatia , Volume 22 , Issue 2: Special Issue: The Reproduction of Whiteness: Race and the Regulation of the Gendered Body , Spring 2007 , pp. 60 - 78
- Copyright
- Copyright © 2007 by Hypatia, Inc.
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