Adams, J. N., Asyndeton and Its Interpretation in Latin Literature. History, Patterns, Textual Criticism, 310–11
Adamson, Peter and Rapp, Christof (edd.), State and Nature. Studies in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, 355–6
Ancona, Ronnie and Tsouvala, Georgia (edd.), New Directions in the Study of Women in the Greco-Roman World, 334–6
Angelis, Francesco de (ed.), Emperors in Images, Architecture, and Ritual. Augustus to Fausta, 347–8
Antonopoulos, Andreas P., Christopoulos, Menelaos M., and Harrison, George W. M. (edd.), Reconstructing Satyr Drama, 307–8
Arena, Valentina and Prag, Jonathan (edd.), A Companion to the Political Culture of the Roman Republic, 330–2
Atkins, Jed and Bénatouïl, Thomas (edd.), The Cambridge Companion to Cicero's Philosophy, 356
Augoustakis, Antony and Cyrino, Monica S. (edd.), Screening Love and War in ‘Troy: Fall of a City’, 357–8
Aurigny, Hélène and Durvye, Cécile (edd.), Artémis près d'Apollon. Délos, Delphes, Claros et Didymes, 362
Bäbler, Balbina and Nesselrath, Heinz-Günther (edd.), Delphi. Apollons Orakel in der Welt der Antike, 362
Baird, Jennifer A., Dura-Europos, 339–41
Baker, Gregory, Classics and Celtic Literary Modernism. Yeats, Joyce, MacDiarmid and Jones, 361
Barzini, Luigi, Mystery Cults, Theatre and Athenian Politics. A Reading of Euripides’ Bacchae and Aristophanes’ Frogs, 137–8
Beard, Mary, Twelve Caesars. Images of Power from the Ancient World to the Modern, 327–9
Beck, Hans, Localism and the Ancient Greek City-State, 323–4
Bellandi, Franco, Giovenale, ‘Satira’ 9. Introduzione, testo, traduzione e commento, 141–2
Benoît Carbone, Marco, Geographies of Myth and Places of Identity. The Strait of Scylla and Charybdis in the Modern Imagination, 360
Berti, Irene, Castello, Maria G., and Scilabra, Carla (edd.), Ancient Violence in the Modern Imagination. The Fear and the Fury, 358–9
Billings, Joshua, The Philosophical Stage. Drama and Dialectic in Classical Athens, 138–9
Bitto, Gregor and Gauly, Bardo M. (edd.), Auf der Suche nach Autofiktion in der antiken Literatur, 146–7
Bobzien, Susanne, Determinism, Freedom, and Moral Responsibility. Essays in Ancient Philosophy, 356
Bosnakis, Dimitrios, Κατηφείη και όνειδος. Ταπεινωμένοι και καταφρονεμένοι νεκροί. Αποκλίνουσες ταφικές πρακτικές στον αρχαίο ελληνικό κόσμο. Μεταξύ νομιζομένων και στέρησης ταφής (Dejection and Blame. Degraded and Insulted Dead. Deviant Burial Practices in the Ancient Greek World. Between the Customary and the Denial of Burial), 325–6
Bossi, Beatriz and Robinson, Thomas M. (edd.), Plato's ‘Theaetetus’ Revisited, 163–4
Bowie, Ewen, Essays on Ancient Greek Literature and Culture, Volume 1. Greek Poetry before 400 bc, 308
Bowman, Alan and Crowther, Charles (edd.), The Epigraphy of Ptolemaic Egypt, 154–5
Bremmer, Jan N., Becoming a Man in Ancient Greece and Rome. Essays on Myths and Rituals of Initiation, 176–7
Briscoe, John and Hornblower, Simon, Livy, Ab urbe condita. Book XXII, 142–3
Campos Muñoz, Germán, The Classics in South America. Five Case Studies, 167–8, 169, 170
Caneva, Stefano G. (ed.) with Lorenzon, L., The Materiality of Hellenistic Ruler Cults, 363–4
Caputo, Clementina and Lougovaya, Julia, Using Ostraca in the Ancient World. New Discoveries and Methodologies, 174–6
Carlà-Uhink, Filippo and Wieber, Anja (edd.), Orientalism and the Reception of Powerful Women in the Ancient World, 358
Cecconi, Paolo and Tornau, Christian (edd.), Städte und Stadtstaaten zwischen Mythos, Literatur und Propaganda, 324–5
Christenson, David, Plautus. Pseudolus, 313
Clare, Ross, Ancient Greece and Rome in Videogames. Representation, Play, Transmedia, 168–9
Clay, Diskin and Brusuelas, James H., Lucian. True History. Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary, 137
Connell, Sophia (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle's Biology, 165–6
Conte, Gian Biagio, Virgilian Parerga. Textual Criticism and Stylistic Analysis, 140–1
Cooper, C. L. (ed.), New Approaches to Ancient Material Culture in the Greek and Roman World: 21st-Century Methods and Classical Antiquity, 159–60
Coşkun, Altay (ed.), with the assistance of Porucznik, Joanna and Payen, Germain, Ethnic Constructs, Royal Dynasties and Historical Geography around the Black Sea Littoral, 326–7
Cunliffe, Barry, The Scythians. Nomad Warriors of the Steppe, 326
D'Angour, Armand (ed., trans.), Aristotle. How to Innovate. An Ancient Guide to Creative Thinking, 365
Davenport, Caillan and Mallan, Christopher (edd.), Emperors and Political Culture in Cassius Dio's Roman History, 329–30
de Lisle, Christopher, Agathokles of Syracuse. Sicilian Tyrant and Hellenistic King, 155
De Staebler, Peter D. and Konotkosta, Anne Hrychuk (edd.), Roman Sculpture in Context, 348–50
Destreé, Pierre, Opsomer, Jan, and Roskam, Geert (edd.), Utopias in Ancient Thought, 353–5
Domingo Gygax, Marc and Zuiderhoek, Arjan (edd.), Benefactors and the Polis. The Public Gift in the Greek Cities from the Homeric World to Late Antiquity, 323
Du Quesnay, Ian and Woodman, Tony (edd.), The Cambridge Companion to Catullus, 313–14
Duncombe, Matthew, Relative Change, 165
Eckhardt, Benedikt, Leonhard, Clemens, and Zimmermann, Klaus (edd.), Reinheit und Autorität in den Kulturen des antiken Mittelmeerraumes, 177–8
Elsner, Jaś (ed.), Empires of Faith in Late Antiquity. Histories of Art and Religion from India to Ireland, 156–7
Elvira Astoreca, Natalia, Early Greek Alphabetic Writing. A Linguistic Approach, 173
Falcon, Andrea and Stavrianeas, Stasinos (edd.), Aristotle on How Animals Move. The De incessu animalium. Text, Translation, and Interpretative Essays, 166
Farrell, Joseph, Juno's Aeneid. A Battle for Heroic Identity, 315–16
Fine, Gail, Essays in Ancient Epistemology, 164
Forsdyke, Sara, Slaves and Slavery in Ancient Greece, 322
Fowden, Elizabeth Key, Çağaptay, Suna, Zychowicz-Coghill, Edward, and Blake, Louise (edd.), Cities as Palimpsests? Responses to Antiquity in Eastern Mediterranean Urbanism, 350–1
Fowler, Robert L., Pindar and the Sublime. Greek Myth, Reception, and the Lyric Experience, 308–9
Galgano, N. S., Giombini, S., and Marcacci, F. (edd.), Verso la filosofia. Nuove prospettive su Parmenide, Zenone e Melisso, 352
Gangloff, Anne, Huet, Valérie, and Vendries, Christophe (edd.), La notion de caricature dans l'antiquité. Textes et images, 159
Gramps, Adrian, The Fiction of Occasion in Hellenistic and Roman Poetry, 311–12
Grand-Clément, Adeline and Ribeyrol, Charlotte (edd.), The Smells and Senses of Antiquity in the Modern Imagination, 359–60
Gregorić, Pavel and Karamanolis, George (edd.), Pseudo-Aristotle. De Mundo (On the Cosmos). A Commentary, 353
Hammann, Christoph, Katharsis in Kaiserzeit und Spätantike. Vorstellungen von Reinigung und Reinheit in Medizin, platonischer Philosophie und christlicher Theologie des 2. bis 4. Jahrhunderts n. Chr, 177
Hannestad, Lise, Nicator. Seleucus I and His Empire, 155–6
Hatzopoulos, Miltiades B., Ancient Macedonia, 154
Haug, Annette, Decor-Räume in Pompejanischen Stadthäusern. Ausstattungsstrategien und Rezeptionsformen, 157–8
Haug, Annette and Lauritsen, M. Taylor (edd.), Principles of Decoration in the Roman World, 157–9
Hawes, Greta, Pausanias in the World of Greek Myth, 309–10
Hedreen, Guy, Material World. The Intersection of Art, Science, and Nature in Ancient Literature and Its Renaissance Reception, 160–1
Hemelrijk, Emily A., Women and Society in the Roman World. A Sourcebook of Inscriptions from the Roman West, 336–7
Hesekamp, Ingrid, Das Bild von ‘Africa’ in der augusteischen Dichtung. Poetische Konstruktionen eines geographischen Raumes (Vergil, ‘Aeneis’ – Horaz – Properz), 145–6
Hinsch, Moritz, Ökonomik und Hauswirtschaft im klassischen Griechenland, 320–1
Hollis, Dawn and König, Jason (edd.), Mountain Dialogues from Antiquity to Modernity, 169–70
Holt, Frank L., When Money Talks. A History of Coins and Numismatics, 363
Hulls, Jean-Michel, The Search for the Self in Statius’ ‘Thebaid’. Identity, Intertext and the Sublime, 316–18
Humphries, Mark, Cities and the Meanings of Late Antiquity, 341–2
Hunter, Richard and Laemmle, Rebecca (edd.), Euripides. Cyclops, 139
Jansen, Laura (ed.), Carson/Antiquity, 361
Jensen, Erik, The Greco-Persian Wars. A Short History with Documents, 150–1
Jimenez, Marta, Aristotle on Shame and Learning to be Good, 353
Jolowicz, Daniel, Latin Poetry in the Ancient Greek Novel, 135
Kallet, Lisa and Kroll, John H., The Athenian Empire. Using Coins as Sources, 151–2
Kamen, Deborah and Marshall, C. W. (edd.), Slavery and Sexuality in Classical Antiquity, 322–3
Kantirea, Maria and Summa, Daniela (edd.), Insciptiones Cypri Orientalis. Citium, Golgi, Tremithus, Idalium, Tamassus, Kafizin, Ledra, 173–4
Kazantzidis, George, Lucretius on Disease. The Poetics of Morbidity in ‘De rerum natura’, 143
Keeline, Thomas J., Cicero. Pro Milone, 142
Kneebone, Emily, Oppian's Halieutica. Charting a Didactic Epic, 135–6
Laemmle, Rebecca, Laemmle, Cédric Scheidegger, and Wesselmann, Katharina (edd.), Lists and Catalogues in Ancient Literature and Beyond. Towards a Poetics of Enumeration, 171–3
Liddel, Peter, Decrees of Fourth-Century Athens (403/2–322/1 bc). Volume I. The Literary Evidence, 152
Liddel, Peter, Decrees of Fourth-Century Athens (403/2–322/1 bc). Volume II. Political and Cultural Perspectives, 152
Lightfoot, Jessica, Wonder and the Marvellous from Homer to the Hellenistic World, 309
Lindheim, Sara H., Latin Elegy and the Space of Empire, 144–5
Machado, Carlos, Urban Space and Aristocratic Power in Late Antique Rome ad 270–535, 342–4
Maillot, Stéphanie and Zurbach, Julien, Statuts personnels et main-d'oeuvre en Méditerranée hellénistique, 321–2
Markevičiūtė, Ramunė and Roling, Bernd (edd.), Die Poesie der Dinge. Ziele und Strategien der Wissensvermittlung im lateinischen Lehrgedicht der Frühen Neuzeit, 147–8
McKirahan, Richard, A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle, 356–7
McNamara, James and Pagán, Victoria Emma (edd.), Tacitus’ Wonders. Empire and Paradox in Ancient Rome, 318–19
McOsker, Michael, The Good Poem According to Philodemus, 309
Neils, Jenifer and Palagia, Olga (edd.), From Kallias to Kritias. Art in Athens in the Second Half of the Fifth Century b.c., 344–5
Neils, Jenifer and Rogers, Dylan K. (edd.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Athens, 320
Neri, Camilo, Saffo, testimonianze e frammenti. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione e commento, 308
Nightingale, Andrea, Philosophy and Religion in Plato's Dialogues, 161–3
Opdenhoff, Fanny, Die Stadt als beschriebener Raum. Die Beispiele Pompeji und Herculaneum, 159
Paga, Jessica, Building Democracy in Late Archaic Athens, 151
Papakonstantinou-Diamantourou, Despoina, Martín González, Elena, and Hallof, Klaus (edd.), Inscriptiones Thessalonicae et Viciniae –Supplementum alterum. Addenda, Indices, Tabulae, 173–4
Pearson, Stephanie, The Triumph and Trade of Egyptian Objects in Rome. Collecting Art in the Ancient Mediterranean, 157
Perring, Dominic, London in the Roman World, 338–9
Pietropaolo, Mariapia, The Grotesque in Roman Love Elegy, 312–13
Pinkster, Harm, The Oxford Latin Syntax. Volume II. The Complex Sentence and Discourse, 139–40
Poel, Marc van der, Edwards, Michael, and Murphy, James J. (edd.), The Oxford Handbook of Quintilian, 318
Pratt, Catherine E., Oil, Wine, and the Cultural Economy of Ancient Greece. From the Bronze Age to the Archaic Era, 325
Ramírez de Verger, Antonio, Book VI of Ovid's Metamorphoses. A Textual Commentary, 141
Rankin, Elizabeth and Schneider, Rolf Michael, From Memory to Marble. The Historical Frieze of the Voortrekker Monument. Part I: The Frieze, 156
Rankin, Elizabeth and Schneider, Rolf Michael, From Memory to Marble. The Historical Frieze of the Voortrekker Monument. Part II: The Scenes, 156
Rehm, Rush, Euripides. Electra, 139
Relihan, Joel C. (trans.), Lucian. Three Menippean Fantasies, 307
Reydams-Schils, Gretchen, Calcidius on Plato's Timaeus, 356
Riley, Katherine, Imagining Ithaca. Nostos and Nostalgia since the Great War, 169, 170–1
Ronchey, Silvia, Hypatia. The True Story, 167
Roochnik, David, Eat, Drink, Think. What Ancient Greece Can Tell Us about Food and Wine, 364
Rosillo-López, Cristina, Political Conversations in Late Republican Rome, 333–4
Salles, Ricardo (ed.), Cosmology and Biology in Ancient Philosophy. From Thales to Avicenna, 166–7
Sapirstein, Philip and Scahill, David (edd.), New Directions and Paradigms for the Study of Greek Architecture. Interdisciplinary Dialogues in the Field, 159–60
Saunders, David (ed.), Underworld. Imagining the Afterlife in Ancient South Italian Vase Painting, 346
Schubert, Charlotte, Isonomia. Entwicklung und Geschichte, 324
Shear, Julia L., Serving Athena. The Festival of the Panathenaia and the Construction of Athenian Identities, 153
Smith, Amy C., Virginia Woolf's Mythic Method, 360–1
Stein, Diana, Costello, Sarah Kielt, and Foster, Karen Polinger (edd.), The Routledge Companion to Ecstatic Experience in the Ancient World, 362–3
Stewart, Edmund, Harris, Edward, and Lewis, David (edd.), Skilled Labour and Professionalism in Ancient Greece and Rome, 149
Storey, Mark, Time and Antiquity in American Empire. Roma Redux, 167–8, 170
Tabolli, Jacopo (ed.) with Cerasuolo, Orlando, Veii, 337–8
Tacoma, Laurens E., Roman Political Culture. Seven Studies of the Senate and City Councils of Italy from the First to the Sixth Century ad, 330–1, 332–3
Taylor, Rabun M., Ancient Naples. A Documentary History. Origins to c. 350 ce, 338
Thomas, Joshua J., Arts, Science, and the Natural World in the Ancient Mediterranean, 300 bc to ad 100, 346–7
Thonemann, Peter (trans.), Lucian. Alexander or the False Prophet, 136–7
Trivigno, Franco V., Plato's Ion. Poetry, Expertise, and Inspiration, 164
Tuplin, Christopher J. and Ma, John (edd.), Aršāma and His World. The Bodleian Letters in Context. Volume I. The Bodleian Letters, 149–50
Tuplin, Christopher J. and Ma, John (edd.), Aršāma and His World. The Bodleian Letters in Context. Volume II. Bullae and Seals, 149–50
Tuplin, Christopher J. and Ma, John (edd.), Aršāma and His World. The Bodleian Letters in Context. Volume III. Aršāma's World, 150
Usher, M. D., Plato's Pigs and Other Ruminations. Ancient Guides to Living with Nature, 364
Usher, M. D. (trans.), How to Be a Farmer. An Ancient Guide to Life on the Land. A Work of Many Hands, 365
Vassallo, Christian, The Presocratics at Herculaneum. A Study of Early Greek Philosophy in the Epicurean Tradition, 352
Westwood, Guy, The Rhetoric of the Past in Demosthenes and Aeschines. Oratory, History, and Politics in Classical Athens, 152–3
Whiting, Colin M., Dogs in the Athenian Agora, 345–6
Worthington, Ian, Athens after Empire. A History from Alexander the Great to the Emperor Hadrian, 153–4
Zenk, Johannes, Die Anfänge Roms erzählen. Zur literarischen Technik in der ersten Pentade von Livius’ ‘ab urbe condita’, 314–15