1. Introduction
The adjective quantum in the title of this article refers to non-commutative geometry. In 1987, Woronowicz introduced the notion of compact quantum groups [Reference Woronowicz32] (following earlier work of Drinfeld and Jimbo) as the generalization of compact groups in the non-commutative geometry. This allowed to study symmetries of different objects not only in terms of the classical theory of symmetry groups but also in terms of quantum groups. A remarkable property of graphs is that although they are classical objects, they often possess not only classical symmetries but also the quantum ones. This was first noticed by Wang [Reference Wang30], who defined free quantum symmetric group
as the quantum group of symmetries of a finite space of
points. This quantum group is much larger than the classical group
$N\ge 4$
Studying quantum symmetries of graphs started with the work of Bichon [Reference Bichon8] and later Banica [Reference Banica5], who gave the definition of the quantum automorphism group of a graph. Since then, many authors worked on determining the quantum automorphism groups of different graphs. Worth mentioning is the joint publication of the mentioned two authors [Reference Banica and Bichon6] determining quantum symmetries of vertex-transitive graphs up to 11 vertices and a recent extensive work of Schmidt, which is summarized in his PhD thesis [Reference Schmidt26].
An important tool for studying compact quantum groups was introduced again by Woronowicz in [Reference Woronowicz33]—the monoidal
-category of representations and intertwiners. Woronowicz formulated a generalization of the so-called Tannaka–Krein duality: He proved that a compact quantum group is uniquely determined by its representation category. A very useful result then came with the work of Banica and Speicher [Reference Banica and Speicher12], who showed how to model those intertwiners using combinatorial objects—partitions.
This formalism can also be used when working with quantum automorphisms of graphs. Given a graph
, its quantum automorphism group can be defined as the unique compact matrix quantum group
, whose representation category is generated by the intertwiners
$T_{\sqcap }^{(N)}$
, where
is the adjacency matrix of
In this paper, we study Cayley graphs of abelian groups. We use the intertwiner formalism to formulate a general algorithm for determining the quantum automorphism groups of such graphs. The result is presented in Section 4 as Algorithm 1. It is based on the idea, which was already used in [Reference Banica, Bichon and Collins7] to determine the quantum symmetries of the hypercube graph, namely that the Fourier transform on the underlying group
diagonalizes the adjacency matrix of the Cayley graph of this group. The case of the hypercube graph is presented in Section 3 as a motivating example.
As a side remark, let us mention the work of Chassaniol [Reference Chassaniol13], who uses the intertwiner approach to determine quantum symmetries of some circulant graphs, that is Cayley graphs of the cyclic groups. But apart from using the intertwiners, his techniques are different from ours.
Subsequently, we use our algorithm to determine the quantum automorphism groups of certain Cayley graphs, which were not known before. This constitutes the main result of this article, which can be summarized as follows:
Theorem. We determine the quantum automorphism groups of the following graphs.
(a) [Theorem 5.1 ] For
$n\neq 1,3$ , the quantum symmetries of the halved hypercube graph
$\frac{1}{2}Q_{n+1}$ are described by the anticommutative special orthogonal group
$SO_{n+1}^{-1}$ .
(b) [Theorem 6.1 ] For
$n\neq 1,3$ , the quantum symmetries of the folded hypercube graph
$FQ_{n+1}$ are described by the projective anticommutative orthogonal group
$PO_{n+1}^{-1}$ .
(c) [Theorem 7.1 ] For
$m\neq 1,2$ , the quantum symmetries of the Hamming graph
$H(n,m)$ are described by the wreath product
$S_m^+\wr S_n$ .
Note that quantum symmetries of the folded hypercube and the Hamming graphs were already studied before [Reference Schmidt25, Reference Schmidt27], but determining the quantum automorphism group for a general value of the parameters was left open.
2. Preliminaries
In this section, we recall the basic notions of compact matrix quantum groups and Tannaka–Krein duality. For a more detailed introduction, we refer to the monographs [Reference Timmermann28, Reference Neshveyev and Tuset24].
2.1. Notation
In this work, we will often work with operators between some tensor powers of some vector spaces. Therefore, we adopt the “physics notation” with upper and lower indices for entries of these “tensors.” That is, given
$T\;:\; V^{\otimes k}\to V^{\otimes l}$
for some
, we denote
We will sometimes shorten the notation and write
using multi-indices
2.2. Compact matrix quantum groups
A compact matrix quantum group is a pair
, where
is a
-algebra and
$u=(u^i_j)\in M_N(A)$
is a matrix with values in
such that
1. the elements
$u^i_j$ ,
$i,j=1,\ldots, N$ generate
$A$ ,
2. the matrices
$u$ and
$u^t$ (
$u$ transposed) are similar to unitary matrices,
3. the map
$\Delta \;:\; A\to A\otimes A$ defined as
$\Delta (u^i_j)\;:\!=\;\sum _{k=1}^N u^i_k\otimes u^k_j$ extends to a
$*$ -homomorphism.
Compact matrix quantum groups introduced by Woronowicz [Reference Woronowicz32] are generalizations of compact matrix groups in the following sense. For a matrix group
$G\subseteq M_N({\mathbb{C}})$
, we define
$u^i_j\;:\; G\to{\mathbb{C}}$
to be the coordinate functions
. Then we define the coordinate algebra
to be the algebra generated by
. The pair
then forms a compact matrix quantum group. The so-called comultiplication
$\Delta \;:\; \mathscr{O}(G)\to \mathscr{O}(G)\otimes \mathscr{O}(G)$
dualizes matrix multiplication on
$\Delta (f)(g,h)=f(gh)$
$f\in \mathscr{O}(G)$
$g,h\in G$
Therefore, for a general compact matrix quantum group
, the algebra
should be seen as the algebra of non-commutative functions defined on some non-commutative compact underlying space. For this reason, we often denote
even if
is not commutative. Actually,
also has the structure of a Hopf
-algebra. In addition, we can also define the C*-algebra
as the universal C*-completion of
, which can be interpreted as the algebra of continuous functions of
. The matrix
is called the fundamental representation of
A compact matrix quantum group
is a quantum subgroup of
, denoted as
$H\subseteq G$
, if
have the same size and there is a surjective
$\varphi \;:\; \mathscr{O}(G)\to \mathscr{O}(H)$
$u^i_j\mapsto v^i_j$
. We say that
are equal if there exists such a
-isomorphism (i.e. if
$G\subset H$
$H\subset G$
). We say that
are isomorphic if there exists a
$\varphi \;:\; \mathscr{O}(G)\to \mathscr{O}(H)$
such that
$(\varphi \otimes \varphi )\circ \Delta _G=\Delta _H\circ \varphi$
. We will often use the notation
$H\subseteq G$
also if
is isomorphic to a quantum subgroup of
One of the most important examples is the quantum generalization of the orthogonal group—the free orthogonal quantum group
defined by Wang in [Reference Wang29] through the universal
Note that this example was then further generalized by Banica [Reference Banica2] into the universal free orthogonal quantum group
, where
$F\in M_N({\mathbb{C}})$
such that
$F\bar F=\pm \textrm{id}_{{\mathbb{C}}^N}$
$[\bar u]^i_j=u^{i*}_j$
2.3. Representation categories and Tannaka–Krein reconstruction
For a compact matrix quantum group
, we say that
$v\in M_n(\mathscr{O}(G))$
is a representation of
$\Delta (v^i_j)=\sum _{k}v^i_k\otimes v^k_j$
, where
is the comultiplication. The representation
is called unitary if it is unitary as a matrix, that is
$\sum _k v^i_kv^{j*}_k=\sum _k v^{k*}_iv^k_j=\delta _{ij}$
. In particular, an element
$a\in \mathscr{O}(G)$
is a one-dimensional representation if
$\Delta (a)=a\otimes a$
. Another example of a quantum group representation is the fundamental representation
We say that a representation
is non-degenerate if
is invertible as a matrix (in the classical group theory, we typically consider only non-degenerate representations). It is faithful if
is generated by the entries of
. The meaning of this notion is the same as with classical groups: Given a non-degenerate faithful representation
, the pair
is also a compact matrix quantum group, which is isomorphic to the original
A subspace
is called an invariant subspace of
if the projection
commutes with
, that is,
. This then defines the subrepresentation
. However,
as a representation is degenerate. If we need to express the subrepresentation as a non-degenerate representation, we had better consider a better consider a coisometry
and define
. A representation
is called irreducible if it has no non-trivial subrepresentations.
For two representations
$v\in M_n(\mathscr{O}(G))$
$w\in M_m(\mathscr{O}(G))$
we define the space of intertwiners
The set of all representations of a given quantum group together with those intertwiner spaces forms a rigid monoidal
-category, which will be denoted by
$\textrm{Rep}\; G$
Nevertheless, since we are working with compact matrix quantum groups, it is more convenient to restrict our attention only to certain representations related to the fundamental representation. If we work with orthogonal quantum groups
$G\subset O_n^+$
$G\subset O^+(F)$
in general), then it is enough to focus on the tensor powers
$u^{\otimes k}$
since the entries of those representations already linearly span the whole
$G=(\mathscr{O}(G),u)\subset O^+(F)$
$F\in M_N({\mathbb{C}})$
, we define
The collection of such linear spaces forms a rigid monoidal
-category with the monoid of objects being the natural numbers with zero
$\mathbb N_0$
Remark 2.1.
The term rigidity means that there exists a duality morphism
$R\in \mathfrak{C}(0,2)$
such that
$(R^*\otimes \textrm{id}_{{\mathbb{C}}^N})(\textrm{id}_{{\mathbb{C}}^N}\otimes R)=\textrm{id}_{{\mathbb{C}}^N}$
. For quantum groups
$G\subset O^+(F)$
, the duality morphism is given by
An important feature of rigidity is the so-called Frobenius reciprocity, which basically means that the whole category
is determined by the spaces
$k\in \mathbb N_0$
is closed under certain rotations.
Conversely, we can reconstruct any compact matrix quantum group from its representation category [Reference Woronowicz33, Reference Malacarne22].
Theorem 2.2 (Woronowicz–Tannaka–Krein). Let
be a rigid monoidal
-category with
$\mathbb N_0$
being the set of self-dual objects and
$\mathfrak{C}(k,l)\subset \mathscr{L}(({\mathbb{C}}^N)^{\otimes k},({\mathbb{C}}^N)^{\otimes l})$
. Then there exists a unique orthogonal compact matrix quantum group
such that
. We have
$G\subset O^+(F)$
, where
is the duality morphism of
We can write down the associated quantum group very concretely. The relations satisfied in the algebra
will be exactly the intertwining relations:
We say that
is a generating set for a representation category
is the smallest monoidal
-category satisfying the assumptions of Theorem 2.2 that contains
. We use the notation
$\mathfrak{C}=\langle S\rangle _N$
(it is important to specify the dimension
of the vector space
associated to the object 1). If we know such a generating set, it is enough to use the generators for our relations:
2.4. Partitions
Representation categories of homogeneous orthogonal quantum groups, that is, those
such that
$S_N\subset G\subset O_N^+$
are conveniently described using partitions. A partition
$p\in \mathscr{P}(k,l)$
is a decomposition of
upper and
lower points into non-empty disjoint subsets called blocks. For instance,
Given any partition
$p\in \mathscr{P}(k,l)$
, we define a linear map
$T_p^{(N)}\;:\; ({\mathbb{C}}^N)^{\otimes k}\rightarrow ({\mathbb{C}}^N)^{\otimes l}$
whose entries are given as “blockwise Kronecker delta”—we label the
upper points by indices
and the
lower points by indices
and define
to be one if and only if for any given block of
all the corresponding indices are equal. For instance, working with the example above, we may write
Theorem 2.3 ([Reference Jones18]). It holds that
$\mathfrak{C}_{S_N}(k,l)=\textrm{span}\{T_p^{(N)}\mid p\in \mathscr{P}(k,l)\}$
for every
$N\in \mathbb N$
We define
the space of formal linear combinations of partitions. On this collection of linear spaces, we may define the structure of a monoidal
-category in terms of simple pictorial manipulations (see e.g. [Reference Gromada and Weber16] for details) such that they respect the category structure in
. In other words, the mapping
$T^{(N)}\;:\; \mathsf{Part}_n\to \mathfrak{C}_{S_n}$
is a monoidal unitary functor. (Note that passing to the linear spaces is often omitted, but in this article, we need them.)
As a consequence, any homogeneous quantum group
$O_N^+\supset G\supset S_N$
can be described using some diagrammatic category of partitions. Thanks to the Tannaka–Krein duality, we also have the converse—any category of partitions defines a some homogeneous compact matrix quantum group [Reference Banica and Speicher12]. For more information, see the survey [Reference Weber31] or the author’s PhD thesis [Reference Gromada14].
Finally, let us mention that when working with anticommutative deformations of groups (see the next section), then it might (although sometimes might not) be convenient to use a deformed functor. Let
$p\in \mathscr{P}(k,l)$
be a partition that does not contain any block of odd size. Then we define a linear operator
$\sigma _{\textbf{i}}$
is a certain sign function: Given a multi-index
, we count the number of pairs
such that
, but
. If this number is odd, then
$\sigma _{\textbf{i}}=-1$
; otherwise
$\sigma _{\textbf{i}}=1$
. See [Reference Gromada and Weber17, Section 7].
2.5. Anticommutative deformations
In this work, we will often work with certain anticommutative deformations of classical groups. We say that a matrix
has anticommutative entries if the following relations hold
$i\neq j$
$k\neq l$
As an example, let us mention the anticommutative orthogonal quantum group
There is a whole theory about
-deformations of classical groups, where taking
gives the classical case and
gives usually the anticommutative one, see [Reference Klimyk and Schmüdgen19] for more details.
2.6. Exterior products: classical case
In this section, we would like to recall the definition of exterior products in connection with the representation theory of classical groups.
be a vector space. We define the exterior product
$V\wedge V$
and, more generally, the exterior powers
$\Lambda _k(V)=V^{\wedge k}$
as follows.
$V^{\wedge k}$
is the vector subspace of
$V^{\otimes k}$
generated by the elements
We denote by
${\mathcal{A}}_k\;:\; V^{\otimes k}\to V^{\wedge k}$
the coisometry mapping
$v_1\otimes \cdots \otimes v_k\mapsto v_1\wedge \cdots \wedge v_k$
and call it the antisymmetrizer. (That is,
${\mathcal{A}}_k^*{\mathcal{A}}_k\;:\; V^{\otimes k}\to V^{\otimes k}$
is the projection onto
$V^{\wedge k}$
taken as a subspace of
$V^{\otimes k}$
The motivation for such a definition is the following.
Proposition 2.4.
be any group and
-module. Then
$V^{\wedge k}$
is always a submodule of
$V^{\otimes k}$
In particular, we can consider
acting on
by standard matrix multiplication. Let us prove this statement from a quantum group point of view.
Proof. Let
$u\in C(G)\otimes GL(V)$
be the representation of
. We need to prove that
$u^{\otimes k}{\mathcal{A}}_k^*{\mathcal{A}}_k={\mathcal{A}}_k^*{\mathcal{A}}_k u^{\otimes k}$
. Let us express both sides in coordinates.
The terms
$u^{i_1}_{\sigma ^{-1}(j_1)}\cdots u^{i_k}_{\sigma ^{-1}(j_k)}$
$u^{\sigma (i_1)}_{j_1}\cdots u^{\sigma (i_k)}_{j_k}$
differ just by reordering of the factors. Since we assume that
is a classical group, the entries of
are commutative, so the terms must be equal.
We denote by
the corresponding subrepresentation.
The dimension of the
th exterior power
$V^{\wedge k}$
, where
$n=\dim V$
. The highest non-zero power is therefore the
th, which is one-dimensional. Given a representation
of some group
, the
th exterior power of
equals to the determinant
$u^{\wedge n}=\mathop{\textrm{det}}\nolimits u$
2.7. Exterior products: anticommutative case
The concept of exterior product does not work in general for quantum groups. Let us revise it here for the case of anticommutative deformations.
For this purpose, we need to introduce some sort of “anticommutative antisymmetrization.” This should be basically the same thing as the usual symmetrization, but, in addition, we have to “throw out the diagonal” again. (Recall that classically we have
$v_1\wedge \cdots \wedge v_k=0$
for some
We define
$V^{\mathop{\breve \wedge } k}$
to be the vector subspace of
$V^{\otimes k}$
generated by the elements
We denote by
$\breve{\mathcal{A}}_k\;:\; V^{\otimes k}\to V^{\mathop{\breve \wedge } k}$
the coisometry mapping
$v_1\otimes \cdots \otimes v_k\mapsto v_1\mathop{\breve \wedge }\cdots \mathop{\breve \wedge } v_k$
Remark 2.5.
If we view anticommutative deformations as 2-cocycle twists of usual groups, then this procedure amounts to twisting the intertwiner
. In this sense, the rest of this subsection might be considered as obvious, but it does not harm to recall the facts explicitly.
Proposition 2.6.
$G\subset O_n^{-1}$
and denote by
its fundamental representation. Then
$u^{\otimes k}\breve{\mathcal{A}}_k^*\breve{\mathcal{A}}_k=\breve{\mathcal{A}}_k^*\breve{\mathcal{A}}_k u^{\otimes k}$
In other words, this means that
$({\mathbb{C}}^n)^{\mathop{\breve \wedge } k}$
is an invariant space of the representation
$u^{\otimes k}$
. We denote the corresponding subrepresentation by
Proof. Let us write both sides of the equation entrywise.
Notice again that
$u^{i_1}_{\sigma ^{-1}(j_1)}\cdots u^{i_k}_{\sigma ^{-1}(j_k)}$
$u^{\sigma (i_1)}_{j_1}\cdots u^{\sigma (i_k)}_{j_k}$
coincide up to ordering of the factors. If both
consist of mutually distinct indices, then the factors commute, and hence, the terms are equal. If
for some
$a\neq b$
, then the factors
$u^{\sigma (i_a)}_{j_a}$
$u^{\sigma (i_b)}_{j_b}$
mutually anticommute. Consequently, the symmetrization
$\sum _{\sigma }u^{\sigma (i_1)}_{j_1}\cdots u^{\sigma (i_k)}_{j_k}$
equals to zero. The same applies in the case when
for some
$a\neq b$
The dimension of the anticommutative exterior powers is again given by the binomial coefficients. So, taking the
th power, we can define the anticommutative determinant as follows
Since we assume the anticommutativity, all the factors of the terms always mutually commute. From this, the different ways to write down the determinant follow. The definition is very similar to the one of classical determinant—we are only missing the sign of the permutation in the sum. Such an object is sometimes considered also in the classical theory of matrices, where it is called the permanent. Since
is a one-dimensional representation of
, it defines a quantum subgroup
called the anticommutative special orthogonal quantum group
Note that the relation
can be seen also as an intertwiner relation
$\breve{\mathcal{A}}_nu^{\otimes n}=\breve{\mathcal{A}}_n$
. In other words
is a quantum subgroup of
that was created by adding the intertwiner
$\breve{\mathcal{A}}_n\in \textrm{Mor}(u^{\otimes n},1)$
to its representation category. Similarly,
can be created from
by imposing the intertwiner
${\mathcal{A}}_n\in \textrm{Mor}(u^{\otimes n},1)$
2.8. Projective versions
$G\subset O_N^+$
be an orthogonal compact matrix quantum group and denote by
its fundamental representation. Then
$u\otimes u$
is surely its representation, but its matrix entries may not generate the whole algebra
. Denote by
-subalgebra of
generated by entries of
$u\otimes u$
, that is elements of the form
. Then
$PG\;:\!=\;(\mathscr{O}(PG),u\otimes u)$
is a compact matrix quantum group called the projective version of
Proposition 2.7.
$N\in \mathbb N$
odd. Then
$PO_N^q\simeq SO_N^q$
For our work, we need only
(classical case) and
(anticommutative case). Nevertheless, the statement and its proof actually does not depend on
and we could take any deformation of the orthogonal group here.
Proof. Denote by
the fundamental representation of
, so that
$u\otimes u$
is the fundamental representation of
. Denote by
the fundamental representation of
We claim that there is a
$\alpha \;:\; \mathscr{O}(SO_N^q)\to \mathscr{O}(PO_N^q)$
First, note that
$u^i_j\mathop{\textrm{det}}\nolimits _q u$
is a polynomial of even degree in the entries of
is odd, so the determinant is of odd degree), and hence,
$u^i_j\mathop{\textrm{det}}\nolimits _q u$
is indeed an element of
. Secondly, it is easy to check that all relations of
are satisfied by the image. In particular the determinant equals to one since
$\mathop{\textrm{det}}\nolimits _q\!(u^i_j\mathop{\textrm{det}}\nolimits _q u)_{i,j}=(\!\mathop{\textrm{det}}\nolimits _q u)^2=1$
On the other hand, there is surely a
$\beta \;:\; \mathscr{O}(PO_N^q)\to \mathscr{O}(SO_N^q)$
$u^i_ju^k_l\mapsto v^i_jv^k_l$
since this is nothing but the restriction of the quotient map
$\mathscr{O}(O_N^q)\to \mathscr{O}(SO_N^q)$
. Finally, it is easy to check that both
$\beta \circ \alpha$
$\alpha \circ \beta$
equal to the identity, so the maps must actually be isomorphisms.
3. Warm-up: quantum symmetries of the classical hypercube
In this section, we would like to revisit the result [Reference Banica, Bichon and Collins7, Theorem 4.2] saying that the quantum automorphism group of the
-dimensional hypercube graph is the anticommutative orthogonal group
. Our aim is to explain the proof in slightly more detail and provide more explicit computations to make everything clear.
Throughout the whole paper, we are going to rely heavily on the theory of representation categories and we will express everything in terms of intertwiners. This may seem a bit clumsy in this particular case (in comparison with the approach of [Reference Banica, Bichon and Collins7] for instance), but it will become very handy in the following sections, where we are going to study quantum symmetries of some other graphs. Using intertwiners, we will be able to formulate our approach in a very general way for arbitrary Cayley graphs of abelian groups.
3.1. Quantum automorphism group of a graph
We define the free symmetric quantum group [Reference Wang30]
, where
It holds that
describes all quantum symmetries of the space of
discrete points. What we mean by this is that
is the largest quantum group that faithfully acts on the space of
points. Let us look on this property in even more detail.
Denote by
the set of
points. We can associate to
the algebra of all functions
, which has a basis
$\delta _1,\ldots,\delta _N$
of the canonical projections, that is, functions
$\delta _i(j)=\delta _{ij}$
. An action of a quantum group
is described by a coaction of the associated Hopf
-algebra, that is, a
$C(X_N)\to C(X_N)\otimes \mathscr{O}(G)$
satisfying some axioms.
Now, note that since
$(\delta _i)$
is a linear basis of
, the action of any compact quantum group on
must be of the form
$\delta _j\mapsto \sum _{i=1}^N \delta _i\otimes v^i_j$
. The axioms of a coaction are now equivalent to the fact that
is a representation of the acting quantum group
. The algebra
can be defined as the universal C*-algebra generated by
$\delta _i$
satisfying the relations
$\delta _i^2=\delta _i=\delta _i^*$
$\sum _i\delta _i=1$
. Now, it is easy to check that the requirement of the coaction being a
-homomorphism exactly corresponds to the defining relations of
Alternatively, one can see the homomorphism condition also as some kind of an intertwiner relation.
can be seen as a quantum subgroup of
with respect to the relation
, that is, requiring
. Here
is a tensor
defined by
. See also [Reference Banica3, Reference Banica4].
Actually, it is easy to check that the partition
together with
$S_N^+\subset O_N^+$
generate all non-crossing partitions, that is, partitions where the strings do not cross. Let us denote by
the set of all partitions
$p\in \mathscr{P}(k,l)$
, which are non-crossing. This provides a “free quantum analogue” to Theorem 2.3 of Jones.
Proposition 3.1 ([Reference Banica and Speicher12]). It holds that
$\mathfrak{C}_{S_N^+}(k,l)=\textrm{span}\{T_p^{(N)}\mid p\in NC(k,l)\}$
for every
$N\in \mathbb N$
Now let
be a finite graph, so it has a finite set of vertices
. Let us number those vertices, so we can write
. The adjacency matrix of
is then an
$N\times N$
with entries consisting of zeros and ones such that
if and only if
is an edge in
. If
is undirected, then
should be symmetric, otherwise it need not. If we have
, we say that
has a loop at the vertex
. All concrete examples of graphs mentioned in this paper will be simple, that is undirected and without loops, but the general considerations will hold also for the directed case with loops.
We say that a quantum group
acts on the graph
through the coaction
$\alpha \;:\; \delta _i\mapsto \sum _j\delta _j\otimes u^j_i$
if the coaction
commutes with the adjacency matrix, that is,
$\alpha \circ A=(A\otimes \textrm{id})\circ \alpha$
. Equivalently, this means the
. The quantum automorphism group of
is defined to be the universal quantum group acting on
Definition 3.2 ([Reference Banica5]). Let
be a graph on
vertices. We define the quantum automorphism group of
to be the compact matrix quantum group
Equivalently, it is determined by its representation category
$\uparrow \in \mathscr{P}(0,1)$
is the singleton partition. The equivalence of the two generating sets can be easily seen by noticing that
on one hand and
on the other hand. See also [Reference Chassaniol13].
3.2. The
-dimensional hypercube
Consider a natural number
$n\in \mathbb N$
. The
-dimensional hypercube graph
is determined by the vertices and edges of an
-dimensional hypercube. It can be parametrized as follows.
The set of
vertices can be identified with the elements of the group
$\mathbb Z_2^n$
. We are going to denote these group elements by Greek letters
$\alpha =(\alpha _1,\ldots,\alpha _n)\in \mathbb Z_2^n$
$\alpha _i\in \{0,1\}\simeq \mathbb Z_2$
. We will denote the group operation as addition. We also denote the canonical generators by
$\varepsilon _i=(0,\ldots,0,1,0,\ldots,0)$
Two vertices
$\alpha,\beta \in V(Q_n)$
are connected by an edge if and only if they differ in exactly one of the
indices, that is, if
$\beta =\alpha +\varepsilon _i$
for some
$i\in \{1,\ldots,n\}$
. Equivalently, we can say that
is the Cayley graph of
$\mathbb Z_2^n$
with respect to the generating set
$\varepsilon _1,\ldots,\varepsilon _n$
. We can also express the edges via the adjacency matrix
Example 3.3 (
). We mention the example of the ordinary three-dimensional cube and its parametrization using triples of zero/one indices. Note that shifting the vertex by
$\varepsilon _i$
, that is, flipping the
th index, we move in the direction of the
th dimension.
Below, we show the corresponding adjacency matrix. Since it is not clear, how the elements of
$\mathbb Z_2^n$
should be ordered, we also labeled the rows with the corresponding tuples (the columns are ordered the same way). We also indicated the division of the matrix into blocks with respect to the number of ones in the tuple (essentially the distance from the
3.3. Functions on the hypercube and Fourier transform
We denote by
the algebra of functions on the vertex set
$V(Q_n)=\mathbb Z_2^n$
. It has the canonical basis of
$\delta _\alpha$
defined by
$\delta _\alpha (\beta )=\delta _{\alpha \beta }$
We can also define the structure of a Hilbert space
on the vector space of functions simply by putting
$\langle f,g\rangle =\sum _\alpha \overline{f(\alpha )}g(\alpha )$
. The basis
$(\delta _\alpha )$
is then orthonormal with respect to this inner product.
There is another important basis on
given by functions of the form
First, note that the elements
$\tau _\mu$
form a presentation of the group
$\mathbb Z_2^n$
itself or, alternatively, of the group algebra
${\mathbb{C}}\mathbb Z_2^n$
. That is, we have
$\tau _\mu \tau _\nu =\tau _{\mu +\nu }$
; indeed,
Secondly, note that the basis
$(\tau _\mu )$
is orthogonal:
Let us explain more in detail the last equality, which will actually be useful also in subsequent computations.
Lemma 3.4.
$\beta \in \mathbb Z_2^n$
, it holds that
Proof. If
$\beta =0$
, then
$(\!-\!1)^{\alpha \cdot \beta }=(\!-\!1)^0=1$
, so in the sum we are summing over
ones. Hence the result. If
has some non-zero entry, say
$\beta _i=1$
, then for every
, we can flip the
th entry of
in order to flip the sign of
$(\!-\!1)^{\alpha \cdot \beta }$
. Thus, there is an equal amount of
in the sum, so they cancel out.
We define the transformation matrix
$\mathcal{F}\;:\; l^2(Q_n)\to l^2(Q_n)$
$\mathcal{F}^\alpha _\mu =(\!-\!1)^{\alpha \cdot \mu }$
called the Fourier transform. It provides a transformation between the two bases:
$\tau _\mu =\sum _\alpha \delta _\alpha \mathcal{F}^\alpha _\mu$
. Thanks to the orthogonality property above, we have that
is, up to scaling, orthogonal. More precisely
$\mathcal{F}^{-1}={1\over 2^n}\mathcal{F}^*$
Example 3.5 (
). Let us again look on the case
. The matrix
consists only of
$\pm 1$
elements. For easier reading, we write only
in the matrix instead of
. The order for the bases
$(\delta _\alpha )$
$(\tau _\mu )$
or, better to say, the order of the tuples
$\alpha \in \mathbb Z_2^3$
are again indicated behind the matrix.
3.4. Applying Fourier transform to the intertwiners
Recall that the quantum automorphism group of the hypercube
${\textrm{Aut}}^+ Q_n$
should be the quantum subgroup of
with respect to the intertwiner relation
, where we denote for short
. Equivalently, it is the quantum subgroup of
with respect to relations
On the first sight, it is not clear, which quantum group these relations define. In order to see this, we first apply the Fourier transform to the intertwiners. (Recall that
is up to scaling orthogonal, so
is invariant under
.) Let us look on an example first.
Example 3.6 (
). The most important intertwiner seems to be the adjacency matrix of the graph as only this carries the data of the graph itself. A straightforward computation gives us a diagonal matrix
Writing some explicit matrices for would be slightly complicated, so we will get back to this tensor later. So, let us now do the computations for general
. For the adjacency matrix, we have
$\deg \nu$
is the number of ones in
, which we will subsequently call the degree of
. So, we can say that the Fourier image of the adjacency matrix is a direct sum of identities with some scalar factors
$\hat A$
to be an intertwiner is equivalent to saying that every subspace of
consisting of elements with a given degree
(w.r.t. the basis
$(\tau _\mu )$
) is invariant. So, let us denote the invariant subspaces by
Note that
$\dim V_k={\left(\substack{n\\[2pt] k}\right)}$
. Note also that those spaces do not define a grading, but only a filtration on the algebra
So, denote by
$\hat u\;:\!=\;\mathcal{F}^{-1}u\mathcal{F}$
the Fourier transform of the fundamental representation of the quantum automorphism group of the hypercube and by
$\hat u=\hat u^{(0)}\oplus \hat u^{(1)}\oplus \cdots \oplus \hat u^{(n)}$
the decomposition according to the invariant subspaces
This was only how the adjacency matrix
transforms under
. But we also need to transform the intertwiners defining the free symmetric quantum group
. Let us consider the tensor
defined by
(This is indeed an intertwiner of
Thanks to the fact that
must be block diagonal (as we just derived), we can study such intertwiners restricted to such blocks. So, denote by
the (Fourier transform composed with the) orthogonal projection
$l^2(Q_n)\to V_k$
and define the tensor
, which must be an intertwiner of
$\hat u^{(1)}$
. We can compute its entries:
One can write down this result also using the partition notation as
This is well known to be the intertwiner defining the quantum group
. (See e.g. [Reference Gromada and Weber17, Section 7]). Now, we may already see, where is this heading toward.
As a side remark, note that one might also want to directly compute the projection of to the subspace
. This is of course possible by doing a very similar computation. However, this intertwiner turns out to be equal to zero (since one can never “pair” a triple of indices).
3.5. Quantum automorphism group of the hypercube
In this section, we prove that the quantum automorphism group of the hypercube graph is the
—a result originally obtained in [Reference Banica, Bichon and Collins7, Theorem 4.2].
Theorem 3.7.
The quantum automorphism group of the
-dimensional hypercube graph is the anticommutative orthogonal quantum group
with the representation
is the standard fundamental representation of
Proof. Denote by
the fundamental representation of the quantum automorphism group of the hypercube
. Denote by
$\hat u\;:\!=\;\mathcal{F}^{-1}u\mathcal{F}$
the Fourier transform of
. We prove the theorem by a series of lemmata. We start with results derived in the previous section.
Lemma 3.8.
The representation
$\hat u$
decomposes as
$\hat u=\hat u^{(0)}\oplus \hat u^{(1)}\oplus \cdots \oplus \hat u^{(n)}$
Proof. Follows from the form of the Fourier transform of the adjacency matrix (3.1).
Lemma 3.9.
The subrepresentation
$\hat u^{(1)}$
satisfies the defining relation for
Proof. Follows from being an intertwiner of
$\hat u^{(1)}$
Lemma 3.10.
The subrepresentation
$\hat u^{(1)}$
is a faithful representation of
Proof. The representation
$\hat u$
acts on
through the coaction
$\tau _\mu \mapsto \sum _\nu \tau _\nu \otimes u^\nu _\mu$
. Since the algebra
is generated by the invariant subspace
$V_1=\textrm{span}\{\tau _i\}_{i=1}^n$
, this coaction is uniquely determined by the coaction of
$\hat u^{(1)}$
on this invariant subspace. In particular, the entries of
$\hat u$
must be generated by the entries of
$\hat u^{(1)}$
is a quantum subgroup of
. Now it remains to prove the opposite inclusion.
Lemma 3.11.
The mapping
$\tau _i\mapsto \sum _{j=1}^n\tau _j\otimes v^j_i$
extends to a
$\alpha \;:\; C(Q_n)\to C(Q_n)\otimes \mathscr{O}(O_n^{-1})$
. The subspaces
are invariant subspaces of this action for every
Proof. We have to check that the images of the generators
$\tau _i$
satisfy the generating relations. That is:
The first one is obvious as both
$\tau _i$
are self-adjoint. For the second, we have
$\alpha (\tau _i)^2=\sum _{j,k}\tau _j\tau _k\otimes u^j_iu^k_i$
. While
$\tau _j$
commutes with
$\tau _k$
, we have that
anticommutes with
. So, the entries for
$j\neq k$
subtract to zero and we are left with
$\sum _j \tau _j\tau _j\otimes u^j_iu^j_i=1$
. Finally, the last one (assuming
$i\neq j$
) is again easy as we have
$\alpha (\tau _i)\alpha (\tau _j)=\sum _{k,l}\tau _k\tau _l\otimes u^k_iu^l_j$
, where everything commutes (unless
, but for those summands we have
$\sum _k \tau _k\tau _k\otimes u^k_iu^k_j=0$
It remains to show that
are invariant subspaces. Take arbitrary element
$\tau _{i_1}\cdots \tau _{i_l}\in V_l$
$i_{1} < \cdots < i_{l}$
) and write explicitly
In the cases, where
for some
, the contribution of the sum must equal to zero since the corresponding
$\tau _{j_a}$
$\tau _{j_b}$
commute, while
anticommute. So, we are actually summing over elements
$\tau _{j_1}\cdots \tau _{j_l}\in V_l$
only, which is what we wanted to prove.
This means that
is a quantum subgroup of
, which finishes the proof that
${\textrm{Aut}}^+Q_n\simeq O_n^{-1}$
. Finally, from the explicit expression (3.2), it is clear that
acts on the invariant subspaces
indeed through the representations
$\hat u^{(l)}=v^{\mathop{\breve \wedge } l}$
4. Cayley graphs of abelian groups: general picture
The fact that the Fourier transform diagonalizes the adjacency matrix of the hypercube graph is not a coincidence. In the graph theory, it is a well-known fact, which holds for any Cayley graph of an abelian group. (See [Reference Liu and Zhou21] for a nice survey on the spectral theory of Cayley graphs.)
be a finite abelian group. We denote by
$\textrm{Irr}\;\Gamma \subset C(\Gamma )$
the set of all irreducible characters (i.e. one-dimensional representations; since
is abelian, all irreducible representations are in fact one-dimensional). Note that
forms a basis of
$C(\Gamma )$
and expressing a function in this basis is exactly the Fourier transform on
$S\subset \Gamma$
be a set of generators of
. As in the last section, we are going to denote the elements of
by Greek letters and the operation on
as addition. The Cayley graph of the group
with respect to the generating set
denoted by
is a directed graph defined on the vertex set
with an edge
$(\alpha,\beta )$
for every pair of elements such that
$\beta =\alpha +\vartheta$
for some
$\vartheta \in S$
. If
is closed under the group inversion, then the Cayley graph is actually undirected (for every edge, one also has the opposite one). So, the adjacency matrix of
is of the form
Proposition 4.1 ([Reference Lovász20, Reference Babai1]). Let
be a finite abelian group and
its generating set. Denote by
the adjacency matrix associated to the Cayley graph
. Then
forms the eigenbasis of
. Given
$\chi \in \textrm{Irr}\;\Gamma$
, its eigenvalue is given by
Proof. This is just a straightforward check. Take any
$\chi \in \textrm{Irr}\;\Gamma$
then we have
This result suggests the strategy for determining the quantum automorphism group for any Cayley graph corresponding to an abelian group: express everything in the basis of irreducible characters. Since this diagonalizes the adjacency matrix, the meaning of it as an intertwiner becomes obvious. On the other hand, it might be slightly more complicated to discover the meaning of the intertwiner
Algorithm 1. Determining Aut+Cay(Γ, S). Let
be an abelian group and
its generating set. We are trying to determine the quantum automorphism group
with fundamental representation
. In order to do so, we perform the following steps:
1. Determine the irreducible characters of
$\Gamma$ . Suppose that
$\Gamma =\mathbb Z_{m_1}\times \cdots \times \mathbb Z_{m_n}$ . Then
$\mathop{\textrm{Irr}}\Gamma =\{\tau _\mu \}_{\mu \in \Gamma }$ with
$\tau _\mu (\alpha )=\prod _{i=1}^n\gamma _i^{\alpha _i\mu _i}$ , where
$\gamma _i$ is some primitive
$m_i$ -th root of unity for every
$i$ .
2. Determine the spectrum of
$A_\Gamma$ using equation (4.1).
3. Denoting by
$\lambda _0>\lambda _1>\ldots >\lambda _d$ the mutually distinct eigenvalues of
$A_\Gamma$ , determine the corresponding eigenspaces
$V_0,V_1,\ldots,V_d$ . (Note that we will always have
$V_0=\textrm{span}\{\tau _0\}$ , where 0 is the group identity.)
4. The eigenspaces are invariant subspaces of
$u$ . To formulate it slightly differently: We may define the Fourier transform
$\mathcal{F}$ as the matrix corresponding to the change of basis
$(\delta _\alpha )\mapsto (\tau _\mu )$ , that is
$\mathcal{F}^\alpha _\mu =\tau _\mu (\alpha )$ . Then we can define
$\hat u=\mathcal{F}^{-1}u\mathcal{F}$ , which decomposes as a direct sum
$\hat u=\hat u^{(0)}\oplus \hat u^{(1)}\oplus \cdots \oplus \hat u^{(d)}$ .
5. Choose some of the spaces and define
$W\;:\!=\;V_{i_1}\oplus V_{i_2}\oplus \cdots$ in such a way that
$W$ generates
$C(\Gamma )$ as an algebra. (In our examples below, it will be enough to take
$W\;:\!=\;V_1$ , but it does not always have to be like this.) This means that
$v\;:\!=\;\hat u^{(i_1)}\oplus \hat u^{(i_2)}\oplus \cdots$ is a faithful representation of
$\mathop{\textrm{Aut}}\nolimits^+\mathop{\textrm{Cay}}(\Gamma,S)$ . (Since the coaction of
$u$ or
$\hat u$ restricted to
$W$ must then again uniquely extend to the whole space
$C(X)$ and hence we can recover the whole
$u$ this way.)
6. Any non-crossing partition
$p\in NC(k,l)$ defines an intertwiner
$T_p^{(N)}\in \textrm{Mor}(u^{\otimes k},u^{\otimes l})$ , where
$N=|\Gamma |$ . We define
$\hat T_p^{(N)}\;:\!=\;\mathcal{F}^{-1\,\otimes l}T_p^{(N)}\mathcal{F}^{\otimes k}$ , which has to be an intertwiner
$\hat T_p^{(N)}\in \textrm{Mor}(\hat u^{\otimes k},\hat u^{\otimes l})$ . It is actually enough to study the intertwiners corresponding to the block partitions
$b_{k,l}\in \mathscr{P}(k,l)$ —partitions, where all the
$k$ upper and
$l$ lower points are in a single block, so
$[T_{b_{k,l}}^{(N)}]^{\beta _1,\ldots,\beta _l}_{\alpha _1,\ldots,\alpha _k}=\delta _{\alpha _1,\ldots,\alpha _k,\beta _1,\ldots,\beta _l}$ . The entries of the Fourier transformed intertwiner are easily computed as
(4.2)In particular, we can focus on the subspace\begin{equation} [\hat T_{b_{k,l}}]^{\nu _1,\ldots,\nu _l}_{\mu _1,\ldots,\mu _k}=N^{1-l}\delta _{\mu _1+\cdots +\mu _k,\nu _1+\cdots +\nu _l}. \end{equation}
$W$ and study the relations
$\hat T^{(W)}_pv^{\otimes k}=v^{\otimes l}\hat T^{(W)}_p$ , where
$\hat T^{(W)}_p=U^{\otimes l}\hat T_p^{(N)}U^{*\otimes k}$ , where
$U$ is the coisometry
$V_0\oplus \cdots \oplus V_d\to W$ .
5. Halved hypercube
The hypercube graph is bipartite, and hence, we can create a new graph of it by the procedure of halving—taking one of the two components of the associated distance-two graph. Taking a natural number
$n\in \mathbb N$
, we define the
-dimensional halved hypercube graph
obtained by halving the ordinary hypercube
. That is, we take all the even vertices in
(equivalently, all odd vertices) and connect by an edge every pair of vertices that were in the distance two in the original hypercube
There is also a simpler definition of
. Take the
-dimensional hypercube
and add an additional edge for every pair of vertices in distance two. This is also known as squaring the graph. It holds that
. Using this description, we can write the adjacency matrix as follows
Consequently, we see that
is a Cayley graph corresponding to the group
$\Gamma =\mathbb Z_2^n$
with respect to the generating set
$S=\{\varepsilon _i\}_{i=1}^n\cup \{\varepsilon _i+\varepsilon _j\}_{i<j}$
. In particular, the number of vertices is
Now we would like to determine the quantum automorphism group of the halved hypercube graph
. Let us first summarize some known results. For
$n\le 2$
, the graph is actually the full graph on
vertices, so the quantum automorphism group is the free symmetric quantum group
, i.e.
, this actually coincides with the classical one
). For
, the graph is the complement of the graph consisting of four isolated segments. Hence, its quantum automorphism group is the free hyperoctahedral quantum group
$H_4^+=\mathbb Z_2\wr _*S_4^+$
. (Here
$\wr _*$
denotes the free wreath product, which describes the quantum automorphism group of
copies of a given graph [Reference Bichon9].)
So, the question is what is the quantum automorphism group of
. The classical automorphism group is known to be
$\mathbb Z_2^n\rtimes S_{n+1}$
. More precisely, it is the index two subgroup of the hyperoctahedral group
$H_{n+1}=\mathbb Z_2\wr S_{n+1}=\mathbb Z_2^{n+1}\rtimes S_{n+1}$
(the symmetry group of the hypercube) imposing that the product of all the
$\mathbb Z_2$
-signs is equal to one. This group is also known as the Coxeter group of type
. Since the quantum automorphism group of
, we may expect that the answer for the halved hypercube
should be the anticommutative special orthogonal group
5.1. Determining
We follow Algorithm 1. We start by computing the spectrum using equation (4.1):
$l_\mu =\sum _i(\!-\!1)^{\mu _i}=n-2\deg \mu$
. Note that the eigenvalue depends again only on the degree of
(the number of non-zero entries). So, denote
$\lambda _d\;:\!=\;\lambda _\mu$
$d=\deg \mu$
. So,
$\lambda _d=\frac{1}{2}(l_d^2+2l_d-n)$
. After some computation, one can find out that
In contrast with the computation for the hypercube
, the eigenvalues
$\lambda _0,\ldots,\lambda _n$
are not distinct. Instead,
$\lambda _d=\lambda _{n+1-d}$
. Consequently, the matrix
$\hat A$
as an intertwiner does not imply that the subspaces
$V_i\;:\!=\;\textrm{span}\{\tau _\mu \mid \deg \mu =i\}$
are invariant. Instead, we have the following invariant subspaces:
$\tilde V_0\;:\!=\;V_0$
$\tilde V_1\;:\!=\;V_1+ V_n$
$\tilde V_2\;:\!=\;V_2+ V_{n+1}$
and so on. In general,
$\tilde V_i=V_i+ V_{n+1-i}$
is an invariant subspace for every
$i=0,\ldots,\lfloor \frac{n+1}{2}\rfloor$
(using the convention
In order to describe the invariant spaces, define
$\tau _{n+1}\;:\!=\;\tau _1\cdots \tau _n$
. Then
$\tau _1,\ldots,\tau _n$
$\tau _{n+1}$
is the basis of
$\tilde V_1$
. The basis of each
$\tilde V_i$
is exactly the set
$\{\tau _\alpha \}$
$\alpha \in \mathbb Z_2^{n+1}$
$\deg \alpha =i$
. Denote by
the fundamental representation of
and by
$\hat u^{(i)}$
the block of
$\hat u=\mathcal{F}^{-1}u\mathcal{F}$
corresponding to the invariant subspace
$\tilde V_i$
$\tau _1,\ldots,\tau _{n+1}$
are also generators of
$C(\frac{1}{2}Q_{n+1})=C(\mathbb Z_2^{n})$
(since already
$\tau _1,\ldots,\tau _n$
are generators) and we can write the algebra by generators and relations as
Theorem 5.1.
$n\in \mathbb N\setminus \{1,3\}$
. The quantum automorphism group of the halved hypercube graph
is isomorphic to the anticommutative special orthogonal group
. It acts through the fundamental representation
$\hat u^{(i)}=v^{\mathop{\breve \wedge } i}$
, where
is the fundamental representation of
Proof. We follow the proof of Theorem 3.7. Let us first prove that
, that is,
really acts on the halved hypercube. To do this, we are going to show that the mapping
extends to a
-homomorphism. Most of the work was already done in Lemma 3.11. It only remains to prove that the extra relation we have here
$\tau _1\cdots \tau _{n+1}=1$
is also preserved under this action. That is, we need to show that
This is indeed true thanks to the anticommutative determinant relation
$u= 1$
Now for the converse direction, consider again the intertwiner and compute its restriction to
$\tilde V_1$
. It is easy to check that we obtain the same formula
even on the “extended” space
$\tilde V_1=V_1\oplus V_n$
(this is the point, where the assumption
$n\neq 1,3$
is needed). Consequently, we have proven that
Finally, it remains to find some intertwiner that would push us to the
. Consider the block partition
. The corresponding intertwiner is then of the form
. We are interested in restriction of its Fourier transform on
$\tilde V_1$
(more precisely,
$\tilde V_1^{\otimes (n+1)}$
This is exactly the antisymmetrizer
$\breve{\mathcal{A}}_n\in \textrm{Mor}((\hat u^{(1)})^{\otimes n},1)$
, which exactly corresponds to the relation
$\hat u^{(1)}=1$
5.2. Open problem
Let us finish this section with links to some open questions and related research. Note that there are free quantum analogues of the Coxeter groups of series
(i.e. the symmetric groups
) and series
(i.e. the hyperoctahedral groups
), but so far we do not have any really free analogue of the Coxeter series
(recall that series
consists exactly of the symmetry groups of halved hypercubes
). The series of the anticommutative special orthogonal groups
is a liberation of the Coxeter groups of type
, but we should not call them free as they obey some sort of commutativity laws (namely the anticommutativity).
Question 5.2.
Is there a free analogue for the Coxeter groups of series
One particular candidate was recently discovered in [Reference Gromada15] for
. For general
, the question is still open. If some candidates appear, then the natural follow-up question would be: Is there some graph, whose quantum symmetry is this?
6. Folded hypercube
Folded hypercube is another graph that can be derived from the hypercube graph. Consider again
$n\in \mathbb N$
. The
-dimensional folded hypercube graph
is a quotient of the hypercube
obtained by identifying the opposite corners, so
$\alpha \equiv \alpha +\iota$
, where
$\iota =(1,\ldots,1)=\varepsilon _1+\cdots +\varepsilon _n$
. By this, we end up with a graph having only half of the vertices, that is,
Also here, there is a more convenient description. The
-dimensional folded hypercube can be obtained from the
-dimensional ordinary hypercube by connecting all the opposite corners by an additional edge. So, the adjacency matrix can be written as
In other words, it is the Cayley graph of
$\mathbb Z_2^n$
with respect to the generating set
$\{\varepsilon _1,\ldots,\varepsilon _n,\iota \}$
Now, let us again review, what is known about its classical and quantum symmetries. For
$n\le 2$
, the folded hypercube
is just the complete graph on
vertices, so its quantum automorphism group is
. For
, it is the complete bipartite graph on
vertices, which is the complement of the disjoint union
$K_4\sqcup K_4$
, so its quantum automorphism group is
$S_4^+\wr _*\mathbb Z_2$
(again, we refer to [Reference Bichon9] for explanation of the free wreath product). So, the interesting area is
The classical automorphism group of
is of the form
$\mathbb Z_2^{n}\rtimes S_{n+1}$
[Reference Mirafzal23], but it is a different semidirect product than in the case of the halved cube. Here, we take the quotient group of
$H_{n+1}=\mathbb Z_2^{n+1}\rtimes S_{n+1}$
by identifying the
-tuple of signs with the opposite ones. In other words, it is the projective version
. Therefore, we expect
to be the quantum automorphism group.
In [Reference Schmidt27], it was proven for
even that the quantum automorphism group is actually
, which matches our guess since it is isomorphic with
according to Proposition 2.7.
6.1. Determining
Let us now compute the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix:
Again, the eigenvalue depends only on the degree of
, but again the values of
$\lambda _d\;:\!=\;\lambda _\mu$
$\deg \mu =d$
are not mutually distinct. In this case, we have
$\lambda _{2d-1}=\lambda _{2d}$
. So, we have invariant subspaces
$\tilde V_0\;:\!=\;V_0$
$\tilde V_2\;:\!=\;V_1\oplus V_2$
and so on. That is,
$\tilde V_{2i}=V_{2i-1}\oplus V_{2i}$
$i=0,1,\ldots,\lceil n/2\rceil$
$\tilde V_{n+1}=V_n$
is odd). Denoting by
the fundamental representation of
, we denote by
the decomposition of its Fourier transform according to the invariant subspaces.
$\tau _{n+1}\;:\!=\;1$
, so the elements
$\tau _{ij}\;:\!=\;\tau _{ji}\;:\!=\;\tau _i\tau _j$
$1\le i<j\le n+1$
form a basis of
$\tilde V_2$
. In general, the basis of
$\tilde V_{2i}$
$(\tau _\alpha )$
$\alpha \in \mathbb Z_2^{n+1}, \deg \alpha =2i$
. We can use the basis of
$\tilde V_2$
as a generating set of
$C(\mathbb Z_2^n)=C(FQ_{n+1})$
Alternatively, one can view
as the subalgebra of
$C(\mathbb Z_2^{n+1})=C(Q_{n+1})$
generated by the elements
$\tau _{ij}=\tau _{ji}=\tau _i\tau _j$
. This exactly corresponds to the fact that
is a quotient graph of
Theorem 6.1.
$n\in \mathbb N\setminus \{1,3\}$
. The quantum automorphism group of the folded hypercube graph
is isomorphic to the anticommutative projective orthogonal group
. It acts through the fundamental representation
$\hat u^{(i)}=v^{\mathop{\breve \wedge } 2i}$
, where
is the fundamental representation of
Before proving this theorem, we need to do some preparatory work first. At this point, it is not even clear whether the prescribed representation
$\bigoplus v^{\mathop{\breve \wedge } 2i}$
is a faithful representation of
. We are actually going to prove that
$v\mathop{\breve \wedge } v$
is a faithful representation. As a second step, we need to characterize
by generators and relations in terms of this representation
$v\mathop{\breve \wedge } v$
. Equivalently, we need to find suitable generators of the representation category
associated to
$v\mathop{\breve \wedge } v$
. Only this allows us to use our standard machinery and prove Theorem 6.1.
This preparatory work is done in Section 6.2. The proof of Theorem 6.1 itself is then formulated in Section 6.3.
6.2. Projective version represented by exterior product
In Section 2.8, we defined the projective version of a compact matrix quantum group again as a compact matrix quantum group with the fundamental representation of the form
$u\otimes u$
. In the classical case, we have also another faithful representation at our disposal.
Proposition 6.2.
$G\subset O_n$
. Denote by
its fundamental representation. Then
$u\wedge u$
is a faithful representation of
Before formulating the proof, let us clarify the definition of projective groups. Our definition from Section 2.8 works for orthogonal groups only. For a general matrix group
$G\subset GL_n$
, one typically defines its projective version to be the quotient
$PG=G/\lambda I$
$\lambda \in{\mathbb{C}}\setminus \{0\}$
(thus, in particular,
). Note that if
is orthogonal, then
$\lambda I\in G$
only for
$\lambda =\pm 1$
. Therefore, assuming
$G\subset O_n$
, our definition
$PG=\{A\otimes A\mid A\in G\}$
is compatible with the general one (since we can reconstruct
$A\otimes A$
up to a global sign).
Finally, let us mention that over
, we obviously have
, which is known to be a simple group, that is, it has no non-trivial normal subgroups.
, so that
. Consider the homomorphism
$\varphi \;:\; GL(V)\to GL(V\wedge V)$
$A\mapsto A\wedge A$
. Since it maps multiples of identity to multiples of identity, it induces a homomorphism
$\tilde \varphi \;:\; PGL(V)\to PGL(V\wedge V)$
. Since the
is simple (and the mapping
$\tilde \varphi$
is obviously non-trivial), we must have that
$\tilde \varphi$
is injective. Consequently, the kernel of
is contained in scalar matrices.
Now, we can restrict
to any subgroup
$G\subset GL_n$
. Note that we can factor
$\varphi \;:\; G\overset{\varphi _1}{\to } G'\overset{\varphi _2}{\to } G''$
, where
$G'=\{A\otimes A\mid A\in G\}$
$G''=\{A\wedge A\mid A\in G\}$
. We need to prove that
$\varphi _2\;:\; G'\to G''$
is an isomorphism for
$G\subset O_n$
as we have
$G'\simeq PG$
in this case. Recall that we have the property
$\ker \varphi \subset \{\lambda I\}$
. If
$G\subset O_n$
, we must actually have
$\ker \varphi \subset \{\pm I\}$
. But we know that
$\ker \varphi _1=\{\pm I\}$
, and hence,
$\varphi _2$
must indeed be an isomorphism.
It is known that the anticommutative orthogonal group can be obtained from the ordinary one by a 2-cocycle twist. Consequently, the two quantum groups are monoidally equivalent. More precisely, there exists a monoidal isomorphism of the corresponding representation categories
$\textrm{Rep}\; O_n\to \textrm{Rep}\; O_n^{-1}$
mapping the fundamental representations one to another (i.e. there is also a monoidal isomorphism
$\mathfrak{C}_{O_n}\to \mathfrak{C}_{O_n^{-1}}$
). See for example [Reference Banica, Bichon and Collins7, Reference Gromada and Weber17]. This implies the following corollary.
Corollary 6.3.
Denote by
$\breve u$
the fundamental representation of
. Then
$\breve u\mathop{\breve \wedge }\breve u$
is a faithful representation of
Proof. Denote by
the fundamental representation of
. As mentioned above, there is a monoidal equivalence
$\textrm{Rep}\; O_n\to \textrm{Rep}\; O_n^{-1}$
$u\mapsto \breve u$
. It is easy to check that this monoidal equivalence also maps
${\mathcal{A}}_2^*{\mathcal{A}}_2\in \textrm{Mor}(u\otimes u,u\otimes u)$
$\breve{\mathcal{A}}_2^*\breve{\mathcal{A}}_2\in \textrm{Mor}(\breve u\otimes \breve u,\breve u\otimes \breve u)$
. Consequently, it must map
$u\wedge u$
$\breve u\mathop{\breve \wedge }\breve u$
. Since the former is a faithful representation of
, the latter must be a faithful representation of
In the following text, we will denote the projective orthogonal group represented by the matrix
$u\wedge u$
$\hat PO_n=(\mathscr{O}(PO_n),u\wedge u)$
. (The hat should remind us about the wedge product
.) Expressing the representation category
$\mathfrak{C}_{\hat PO_n}$
in terms of the representation category
is easy: We only have to compose all the intertwiners with the antisymmetrizer
${\mathcal{A}}_{2}\;:\; x\otimes y\mapsto x\wedge y$
. That is,
where . (Pairing is a partition, where all blocks have size two. By an old result of Brauer [Reference Brauer11], this is exactly the category corresponding to the orthogonal group. See also e.g. [Reference Banica and Speicher12, Reference Weber31, Reference Gromada14].) However, the question is, what is the generating set of this category. Finding some small set of generators is actually not so easy as it may seem on the first sight.
In order to understand the following text, one needs to familiarize the category operations on linear categories of partitions (or at least the linear category of all pairings
). The rough idea is that in order to perform the composition of two pairings, one should simply follow the lines and, if needed, replace all loops by the factor
. We refer to [Reference Gromada and Weber16, Section 3] for more details.
In the following computations, we are going to treat the antisymmetrizer as a projection rather than a coisometry, so
. In this sense, it can be expressed in terms of partitions as
. However, we are going to use a more convenient notation: In the diagrams, we will denote the antisymmetrizer by
. So, for example, the antisymmetrization of
will be denoted by
, the antisymmetrization of the identity is
. For any partition
$p\in \mathscr{P}(2k,2l)$
, we are going to denote its antisymmetrization by
. Consequently, we can write
$\mathfrak{C}_{\hat PO_n}$
is modeled by a diagrammatic category
$\mathsf{Pair}_n^\circ \;:\!=\;\{{p}^{^{\!\!\!\circ}}\mid p\in \mathsf{Pair}_n\}$
Theorem 6.4.
$n\neq 2,4,6,8$
. Then the category
is generated by the set
Before proving the theorem, let us mention two important Corollaries:
Corollary 6.5.
$n\neq 2,4,6,8$
. Then the representation category
$\mathfrak{C}_{\hat PO_n}$
is generated by
Proof. Follows directly from Theorem 6.4 and equation (6.1).
Corollary 6.6.
$n\neq 2,4,6,8$
. Then the representation category
$\mathfrak{C}_{\hat PO_n^{-1}}$
is generated by
Proof. As we mentioned earlier,
is monoidally equivalent with
, the monoidal equivalence maps the fundamental representation
to the fundamental representation
$\breve u$
. As for the intertwiners, it maps
$T_p\in \textrm{Mor}(u^{\otimes k},u^{\otimes l})$
$p\in \mathsf{Pair}_n$
$\breve T_p\in \textrm{Mor}(\breve u^{\otimes k},\breve u^{\otimes l})$
defined at the end of Section 2.4. The Corollary then follows by restricting the monoidal equivalence to the full subcategory
$\mathfrak{C}_{PO_n}\subset \mathfrak{C}_{O_n}$
and applying to Corollary 6.5.
Now, we focus on the proof of Theorem 6.4. To make it easier to follow, we split it into several lemmata.
First, let us do a small remark on rotations in the category
. This category (as well as the category
) is rigid and the duality morphism looks like this:
. This again allows to do rotations in the category, but those rotations look a bit different than in the original category
. Consider some
$p\in \mathscr{P}(2k,2l)$
. Let us call each pair of some
-st and
-nd point on either lower or upper row in
a two-point. When drawing
, those two points are highlighted by the ellipse
The element
then allows to rotate those two points in
as a whole, not separately. For instance, rotating
, we may obtain
, but we cannot obtain
. (The latter would actually equal to zero due to the antisymmetrization:
Lemma 6.7.
$n\neq 2$
. Then the category
is generated by the set
Proof. Denote by
the category generated by the given generators. Notice that we have the duality morphism
among the generators, so
is a rigid category and we can consider everything up to rotation now. For instance, we could equivalently consider
instead of
instead of
in the generating set.
As the first step, we prove that
for every
$k\in \mathbb N\setminus \{1\}$
, where
. That is,
is the rotation of
$\sqcap ^{\otimes k}$
. We do this by induction. The
are among the generators, so we have the initial step and a couple of others already by assumption. We construct any
by precomposing
As the second step, we prove that
for every pairing
$p\in \mathscr{P}_2(0,2k)$
. We use the element
, which allows to permute the two points in
. We claim that any
$p\in \mathscr{P}_2(0,2k)$
can be obtained by such two-point permutations from some
${p}^{^{\!\!\!\circ}}_{i_1}\otimes \cdots \otimes {p}^{^{\!\!\!\circ}}_{i_l}$
. Since we already proved that
for every
, this will finish the proof of the theorem. Note that thanks to the antisymmetrization, the order of the two points in a two-point is irrelevant (only affecting the
So consider any
$p\in \mathscr{P}_2(0,2k)$
. Take the first two-point and denote the corresponding points by
. Take the point which is paired with
and denote it by
. We denote by
its neighbor that form a two-point with
. Perform a two-point permutation of
such that
is the second two-point. Call
the point, which is paired with
and continue in this manner until we find some
, which is paired with
. At this point, we have that
is a two-point permutation of
${p}^{^{\!\!\!\circ}}_{i_1}\otimes {q}^{^{\!\!\!\circ}}$
, where
$q\in \mathscr{P}_2(0,2k-2i_1)$
. If we use mathematical induction, we may assume that
is already a two-point permutation of
$p_{i_2}\otimes \cdots \otimes p_{i_l}$
Lemma 6.8.
$n\neq 4,6,8$
. Then both
are generated by
Proof. Denote by
the category generated by
. Recall that
is a rotation of
. So, we can do the following computation in
By rotation, this means that
contains the linear combinations
. Now, we can do the following (we leave out the detailed computation now):
Subtracting ,
—those all being elements of
—we get that
must contain
. Finally, squaring this element, we get
Doing all the possible subtractions and multiplying by 4, we get that
, where
Consequently, unless
. Since we also proved that
, we now have that
Lemma 6.9.
$n\neq 4$
. Then
is generated by
Proof. First, we generate the following two elements of
Now, take the second element and permute the third and fourth two-point to obtain . Adding the element (6.2), we get
Now we go another way: Start with the element (6.2) and precompose it with . We obtain
. Multiplying by four and adding (6.4), we finally get
Proof of Theorem
. Follows directly from the lemmata above. Lemma 6.8 tells us that and
. Lemma 6.9 shows that those together generate
. Finally, Lemma 6.7 shows that all those together already generate the whole category
In the formulation of Theorem 6.4, we needed to make the assumption
$n\neq 2,4,6,8$
. We can easily repair the formulation to include the cases
as well. Notice that the only place, where we needed the assumption
$n\neq 6,8$
was Lemma 6.8. So, we can modify the formulation of the theorem as follows:
Proposition 6.10.
$n\neq 2,4$
. Then the category
is generated by the set
We will actually need a slightly more technical result in the sequel.
Proposition 6.11.
$n\neq 2,4$
. Then the category
is generated by the set
, where
Proof. We only need to show that the given intertwiners generate and
. We do this by modifying the proof of Lemma 6.8.
In Lemma 6.8, we showed that actually generate the following elements (for which we did not yet need the assumption
$n\neq 6,8$
): The element
A rotation of this one is the element
. We also construct the element
, which can be rotated into
Subtracting those together with ,
from the element (6.5), we get that
. Consequently, it must contain both
, we can use Lemma 6.8 directly.)
Finally, let us reveal the meaning of the mysterious linear combination
from equation (6.5). One can easily check that given a tuple of indices
such that
$i_k\neq j_k$
, we have
Indeed, the individual partitions just depict the ways of how the indices can be paired. (The minus signs are there because of the crossings to compensate the minus sign given by the deformed functor
$\breve T^{(n)}$
Thus, we have the following Corollary.
Corollary 6.12.
$n\neq 2,4$
. Then the representation category
$\mathfrak{C}_{\hat PO_n^{-1}}$
is generated by
, where
$\breve T_p^{(n)}$
is given by equation (
6.3. Proof of Theorem 6.1
Denote by
the fundamental representation of
. Theorem 6.1 says that
is isomorphic with
acting through
$\hat u=\bigoplus v^{\mathop{\breve \wedge } 2i}$
. First step of the proof was provided by Corollary 6.3, where we showed that
$v\mathop{\breve \wedge } v$
is a faithful representation of
, and hence, the whole
$\bigoplus v^{\mathop{\breve \wedge } 2i}$
must be a faithful representation.
Secondly, we show that
acts on
, which then implies that
$PO_{n+1}^{-1}\subset{\textrm{Aut}}^+ FQ_{n+1}$
. But there is no work to be done here as this is just a restriction of the action of
. Indeed, recall that we have the coaction
$\alpha \;:\; C(Q_{n+1})\to C(Q_{n+1})\otimes \mathscr{O}(O_{n+1}^{-1})$
$\tau _j\mapsto \sum _{i=1}^n \tau _i v^i_j$
and that
is the subalgebra of
generated by even polynomials in
$\tau _j$
. Restricting to this subalgebra, we get exactly the desired coaction
$C(FQ_{n+1})\to C(FQ_{n+1})\otimes \mathscr{O}(PO_{n+1}^{-1})$
Finally, we need to prove the converse inclusion
${\textrm{Aut}}^+ FQ_{n+1}\subset PO_{n+1}^{-1}$
. So, we need to show that
$\hat u^{(2)}$
is a representation of
. Assume for a moment that
$n+1\neq 2,4,6,8$
. Thanks to Corollary 6.6, we only need to show that
are intertwiners of
$\hat u^{(1)}$
. The first one is just the orthogonality, which is automatic as Fourier transform preserves orthogonality. The second one is easy to obtain by looking at the Fourier transform of
projected to
$\tilde V_2$
. Its entries are then
Note that due to the antisymetrization, we need to also assume
$i_1\neq j_1$
$i_2\neq j_2$
, and
$i_3\neq j_3$
. We claim that this exactly matches the intertwiner
. Indeed, the latter is just a symmetrization of
. It is clear that the only way how to pair a tuple of indices
$i_1\neq j_1$
$i_2\neq j_2$
$i_3\neq j_3$
is according to the partition
(up to symmetrization, i.e. permuting neighboring pairs of points). This finishes the proof for the case
$n\neq 6,8$
For the cases
, consider the intertwiner of
$\hat u^{(1)}$
induced by
Again, the entries of
are zeros and ones depending on whether the indices can be paired or not. That is,
, where
$\breve T^{(n+1)}_p$
is given by equation (6.6). Thus, the result follows from Corollary 6.12.
6.4. Open problem
Let us again finish with some open problem. The hyperoctahedral group
can be seen not only as the symmetry group of the hypercube
but also as the symmetry group of
copies of a segment
$K_2\sqcup \cdots \sqcup K_2$
. While the quantum symmetry of the former is
, the quantum symmetry of the latter is
, which are two distinct quantum groups. We have just proven that
is the quantum symmetry of the folded hypercube
. This result suggests the following question:
Question 6.13.
Is there some graph, whose quantum symmetry is described by the quantum group
for some
? Does
act on the set of
points for some
at all? (That is, do we have
$PH_n^+\subset S_N^+$
for some
This is related to a big question on whether there is a quantum analogue of the Frucht theorem, which was discussed recently in [Reference Banica and McCarthy10].
7. Hamming graphs
Hamming graph
is the Cayley graph of the group
$\Gamma =\mathbb Z_m^n$
with respect to the generating set
$S=\{a\varepsilon _i\mid i=1,\ldots,n,\;a=1,\ldots,m-1\}$
, where
$\varepsilon _i=(0,\ldots,0,1,0,\ldots,0)$
is the generator of the
th copy of
$\mathbb Z_m$
. In other words, vertices of
-tuples of numbers
(i.e. indeed,
$V=\mathbb Z_m^n$
) and two such tuples are connected with an edge if and only if they differ in exactly one coordinate.
Another possible description is using the Cartesian product of graphs (see Section 7.3): Hamming graph
is the
-fold Cartesian product of the full graph
, that is,
$H(n,m)=K_m\mathrel{\square }\cdots \mathrel{\square } K_m$
The classical automorphism group of
is known to be the wreath product
$S_m\wr S_n$
. About the quantum automorphism group, only partial results are known so far:
$n=1$ :
$H(1,m)$ is the full graph
$K_m$ , so
${\textrm{Aut}}^+H(1,m)=S_m^+$ .
$m=1$ :
$H(n,1)$ contains just a single vertex.
$m=2$ :
$H(n,2)$ is the hypercube
$Q_n$ , so
${\textrm{Aut}}^+H(n,2)=O_n^{-1}$ .
$m=3$ :
$H(n,3)$ was proven to have no quantum symmetries [Reference Schmidt25], so
${\textrm{Aut}}^+H(n,3)={\textrm{Aut}}\; H(n,3)=S_3\wr S_n$ .
$m>3$ :
$H(n,m)$ was proven to have some quantum symmetries [Reference Schmidt25], but the explicit quantum group was not known.
We are going to answer the question about the quantum automorphism group of Hamming graphs in full generality in the following theorem (by which we also answer Question 8.2(i) of Simon Schmidt’s PhD thesis [Reference Schmidt26]):
Theorem 7.1.
$m\in \mathbb N\setminus \{1,2\}$
. Then
${\textrm{Aut}}^+H(n,m)\simeq S_m^+\wr S_n$
Before formulating the proof itself, we would like to explain some important ingredients more in detail.
7.1. Full graph
As we just mentioned, a special case for
is the full graph
. Of course, we know that the quantum symmetry group of the full graph is the free symmetric quantum group
. Nevertheless, we would like to use this simple example to point out a certain subtlety that one needs to keep in mind when working with cyclic groups
$\mathbb Z_m$
$m\neq 2$
So, the full graph
is the Cayley graph corresponding to the group
$\mathbb Z_m$
and the generating set consisting of all elements of the group except for identity, so
$K_m=\textrm{Cay}(\mathbb Z_m,\mathbb Z_m\setminus \{0\})$
. We denote simply by
the elements of
$\mathbb Z_m$
and by
$\tau _a\in \textrm{Irr}\;\mathbb Z_m$
the characters
$\tau _a(b)=\gamma ^{ab}$
, where
is some primitive
th root of unity. The spectrum of
is hence computed as
Now comes the important point we wanted to make in this subsection: The Fourier transform
$\mathbb Z_m$
, that is, the transformation of the bases
$(\delta _a) \to (\tau _a)$
is unitary, but not orthogonal! Its entries are
$[\mathcal{F}]^a_b=\gamma ^{ab}$
, so they are obviously not real (unless
). To be more concrete, the basis elements
$\tau _a$
, which are the columns of
are not self-adjoint, but satisfy
$\tau _a^*=\tau _{m-a}$
Consequently, if we denote
$\hat S_m\;:\!=\;\mathcal{F}^{-1}S_m\mathcal{F}$
$\hat S_m^+\;:\!=\;\mathcal{F}^{-1}S_m^+\mathcal{F}$
the symmetric group and the free symmetric quantum group represented by the Fourier transform of the standard permutation matrices, then those matrix (quantum) groups are not orthogonal. Instead, they satisfy
$\hat S_m\subset \hat S_m^+\subset O^+(F)\subset U_m^+$
$F\in M_m({\mathbb{C}})$
defined by
$F^a_b=\delta _{a+b,m}$
(indices modulo
). That is,
. (Here,
denotes the free unitary quantum group [Reference Wang29].)
Therefore, if we study the intertwiners of
$\hat S_m\simeq{\textrm{Aut}}^+ K_m$
in this basis, then instead of the familiar maps such as
$T^{(m)}_{\sqcap }$
, we discover their Fourier transforms, which may look rather exotic.
Observation 7.2.
The category
$\mathfrak{C}_{\hat S_m}$
is generated by
$\hat T^{(m)}_{\sqcap }$
, where
7.2. Wreath product of quantum groups
We should also explain, what does the
sign in the formulation of Theorem 7.1 means. It is not the free wreath product of quantum groups, but the classical one. Before specifying, what we mean by a classical wreath product of quantum groups, let us recall the free definition by Bichon [Reference Bichon9].
Definition 7.3.
$G\subset U_m^+$
be a quantum group with fundamental representation
and let
$H\subset S_n^+$
be a quantum permutation group with fundamental representation
. Then we define the free wreath product of
to be the quantum group
where we denote by
the fundamental representations of the
copies of
occurring in the definition of
$G\wr _* H$
Remark 7.4. Let us state a few important remarks to this definition.
a. Although we defined the free wreath product
$G\wr _* H$ for compact matrix quantum groups using their fundamental representations, the original definition of Bichon is formulated for arbitrary compact quantum group
$G$ not depending on its particular fundamental representation (see [Reference Bichon9] for details). In particular, if we take some other matrix realization
$G'\simeq G$ of the quantum group
$G$ , then
$G'\wr _* H$ is isomorphic to
$G\wr _* H$ .
b. As in the classical case, the free wreath product
$G\wr _* H$ has a sort of a (free) semidirect product structure. What we mean by this is the following:
c. The matrix
$w$ is a representation of
$G\wr _* H$ . Therefore,
$H$ can be seen as a quotient of
$G\wr _* H$ .
d. On the other hand, the matrices
$v^i$ are not representations of
$G\wr _* H$ —the coproduct is mixing (quantum-permuting) the indices
$i$ non-trivially:
\begin{equation*} \Delta(v^{ai}_{b}) = \sum_{c,k} v^{ai}_{c} w^{i}_{k} \otimes v^{ck}_{b}. \end{equation*}
e. We can express
\begin{equation*}w^i_j=\sum _b u^{ai*}_{bj}u^{ai}_{bj}=\sum _a u^{ai*}_{bj}u^{ai}_{bj},\qquad v^{ai}_b=\sum _j u^{ai}_{bj}\end{equation*}
$u^{ai}_{bj}$ indeed generate the whole algebra
$\mathscr{O}(G)^{\otimes n}\otimes \mathscr{O}(H)$ . This remark is essential to notice that the definition above is a good definition of
$G\wr H$ as a compact matrix quantum group.
Now the classical wreath product is supposed to be given by passing from the free product to the tensor product. So, define
$\mathscr{O}(G\wr H)\;:\!=\;\mathscr{O}(G)^{\otimes n}\otimes \mathscr{O}(H)$
Lemma 7.5.
Consider a quantum group
$G\subset U_m^+$
and a classical permutation group
$H\subset S_n$
. Then the comultiplication
$\Delta \;:\; \mathscr{O}(G\wr _*H)\to \mathscr{O}(G\wr _*H)\otimes \mathscr{O}(G\wr _*H)$
passes to the quotient
$\mathscr{O}(G\wr H)$
Proof. Denote
$\Delta '\;:\!=\;(q\otimes q)\circ \Delta$
, where
is the projection
$\mathscr{O}(G\wr _*H)\to \mathscr{O}(G\wr H)$
. We only need to prove that
$\Delta '(v^{ai}_b)\Delta '(v^{cj}_d)=\Delta '(v^{cj}_d)\Delta '(v^{ai}_b)$
$i\neq j$
$\Delta '(v^{ai}_b)\Delta '(w^k_l)=\Delta '(w^k_l)\Delta '(v^{ai}_b)$
. Both are quite straightforward. Let’s have a look on the first one:
Now, notice that the factors in the left
-factor can be arbitrarily permuted. Assuming
$k\neq l$
, the same holds for the right
-factor. For
, we have
, so the left
-factor equals to zero. Consequently, we see that the coproducts indeed commute as we needed. The second condition is proven the same way using the fact that
$\Delta (w^i_j)=\sum _k w^i_k\otimes w^k_j$
Definition 7.6.
For a quantum group
$G\subset U_m^+$
and a classical permutation group
$H\subset S_n$
, we define their wreath product
$G\wr H$
to be the quantum subgroup of
$G\wr _*H$
corresponding to the quotient algebra
$\mathscr{O}(G\wr H)=\mathscr{O}(G)^{\otimes n}\otimes \mathscr{O}(H)$
7.3. Cartesian product of graphs
Given two graphs
, we define their Cartesian product to be the graph
$X_1\mathrel{\square } X_2$
with the vertex set
$V(X_1\mathrel{\square } X_2)=V(X_1)\times V(X_2)$
and with an edge
$((v_1,v_2),(w_1,w_2))\in E(X_1\mathrel{\square } X_2)$
if and only if
$(v_1,w_1)\in E(X_1)$
or if
$(v_2,w_2)\in E(X_2)$
. Alternatively, we can describe the Cartesian product by its adjacency matrix
$A_{X_1\mathrel{\square } X_2}=A_{X_1}\otimes I_{X_2}+I_{X_1}\otimes A_{X_2}$
, where
denotes the identity matrix.
The Cartesian product of graphs is associative and we can conveniently describe the product of
given graphs by the adjacency matrix
It is well known that if
acts on a finite space or a graph
$\delta _a\mapsto \sum _b\delta _b\otimes v^b_a$
, then
$G\wr S_n$
acts on the
-fold disjoint union
$X\sqcup \cdots \sqcup X$
$\delta _{ai}\mapsto \sum _{b,j}\delta _{bj}\otimes u^{bj}_{ai}$
. (Notice that
$C(X\sqcup \cdots \sqcup X)=C(X)\oplus \cdots \oplus C(X)$
; the indices
are indexing the
copies of
Now, consider the Cartesian product
$X\mathrel{\square }\cdots \mathrel{\square } X$
. In this case, we have
$C(X\mathrel{\square }\cdots \mathrel{\square } X)=C(X)\otimes \cdots \otimes C(X)$
. Consider a basis
such that
is a regular graph, then we can consider the basis of eigenvectors of
). Denote by
$\hat v^a_b$
the entries of the action of
in this basis, so
$x_a\mapsto \sum _bx_b\otimes \hat v^b_a$
. Denote
$x_{ai}\;:\!=\;1_{C(X)}\otimes \cdots \otimes 1_{C(X)}\otimes x_a\otimes 1_{C(X)}\otimes \cdots \otimes 1_{C(X)}$
, where the
is on the
th place. In the following we are going to prove that
$x_{ai}\mapsto \sum _{b,j}x_{bj}\otimes \hat u^{bj}_{ai}$
extends to an action of
$G\wr S_n$
$X\mathrel{\square }\cdots \mathrel{\square } X$
, where
$\hat u^{bj}_{ai}=\hat v^{bj}_aw^j_i$
First, assume for a moment that this action really exists. Then it is easy to determine, how it must act on the basis
$x_{a_1,\ldots,a_n}\;:\!=\;x_{a_1}\otimes \cdots \otimes x_{a_n}$
$C(X\mathrel{\square }\cdots \mathrel{\square } X)$
$\hat{\tilde u}^{b_1,\ldots,b_n}_{a_1,\ldots,a_n}=\sum _{\sigma \in S_n}\hat u^{b_{\sigma (1)}\sigma (1)}_{a_11}\cdots \hat u^{b_{\sigma (n)}\sigma (n)}_{a_nn}$
. We can also change the basis to the standard one and obtain
$\delta _{a_1,\ldots,a_n}\mapsto \sum _{b_1,\ldots,b_n}\delta _{b_1,\ldots,b_n}\otimes \tilde u^{b_1,\ldots,b_n}_{a_1,\ldots,a_n}$
, where
$\tilde u$
is given by a formula analogous to the one for
$\hat{\tilde u}$
Lemma 7.7.
be a compact matrix quantum group with fundamental representation
. Then
is a representation of
$G\wr S_n$
. If
$G\subset S_m^+$
, then
$\tilde u$
is faithful.
Proof. First, we should prove the second equality in the formula. To see this, it is enough to notice that the product
$u^{b_{k_1}k_1}_{a_11}\cdots u^{b_{k_n}k_n}_{a_nn}$
equals to zero whenever
for some
$i\neq j$
Proving that
$\tilde u$
is a representation of
$G\wr S_n$
is a straightforward computation:
To get from the second to the third line, we need to notice several things: First, as we already mentioned, the product
$u^{c_1k_1}_{a_11}\cdots u^{c_nk_n}_{a_nn}$
equals to zero unless
is a permutation of
. Hence, we can denote this permutation by
, so
$k_i=\pi (i)$
. Secondly, the terms of the product mutually commute, so we can reorder the first product as
$u^{b_{\sigma (1)}\sigma (1)}_{c_1k_1}\cdots u^{b_{\sigma (n)}\sigma (n)}_{c_nk_n}=u^{b_{\sigma (\pi ^{-1}(1))}\sigma (\pi ^{-1}(1))}_{c_{\pi ^{-1}(1)}1}\cdots u^{b_{\sigma (\pi ^{-1}(n))}\sigma (\pi ^{-1}(n))}_{c_{\pi ^{-1}(n)}n}$
. Finally, we denote
$\rho \;:\!=\;\sigma \circ \pi ^{-1}$
$d_i\;:\!=\;c_{\pi ^{-1}(i)}$
Assume now that
$G\subset S_m$
for some
. The proof of the last statement—that
$\tilde u$
is faithful—gets a bit easier if we work in the basis
such that
is an invariant vector of
. So denote by
$\hat v^a_b$
the entries of
in the basis
and similarly
$\hat u^{ai}_{bj}\;:\!=\;\hat v^{ai}_bw^i_j$
. We have then
$\hat v^0_0=1$
$\hat v^0_b=0=\hat v^a_0$
for every
. We need to show that the entries of
$\hat{\tilde u}$
already generate the whole algebra
$\mathscr{O}(G\wr S_n)$
. Of course, it is enough to show that it generates the generators
$\hat v^{ai}_b$
. We claim that
$\hat{\tilde u}^{0,\ldots,0,a,0,\ldots,0}_{0,\ldots,0,b,0,\ldots,0}=\hat u^{ai}_{bj}$
, where the
is on the
th position and the
is on the
th position on the left-hand side. Indeed, we get
Proposition 7.8.
be a graph. Then
${\textrm{Aut}}^+(\Gamma \mathrel{\square }\cdots \mathrel{\square }\Gamma )\supset ({\textrm{Aut}}^+\Gamma )\wr S_n$
. More precisely,
$G\wr S_n$
acts faithfully on the
-fold product
$\Gamma \mathrel{\square }\cdots \mathrel{\square }\Gamma$
$\delta _{a_1,\ldots,a_n}\mapsto \sum _{b_1,\ldots,b_n}\delta _{b_1,\ldots,b_n}\otimes \tilde u^{b_1,\ldots,b_n}_{a_1,\ldots,a_n}$
Proof. Notice that we can express
$\tilde u$
in a more “matricial way”
$T_\sigma \;:\; ({\mathbb{C}}^m)^{\otimes n}\to ({\mathbb{C}}^m)^{\otimes n}$
is the linear operator permuting the tensor factors according to
$\delta _{\sigma }\;:\!=\;w_1^{\sigma (1)}\cdots w_n^{\sigma (n)}$
(it is actually indeed the delta the delta function
$\delta _\sigma (\pi )=\delta _{\sigma \pi }$
). We will use this matrix approach throughout the proof, but one could of course also rewrite the computation in terms of the matrix entries.
We want to show that
$({\textrm{Aut}}^+\Gamma )\wr S_n$
represented by the faithful representation
$\tilde u$
is a quantum subgroup of
${\textrm{Aut}}^+(\Gamma \mathrel{\square }\cdots \mathrel{\square }\Gamma )$
. To do this, we need to show that the representation category associated to
$\tilde u$
contains the generators of the category
$\mathfrak{C}_{{\textrm{Aut}}^+(\Gamma \mathrel{\square }\cdots \mathrel{\square }\Gamma )}$
, which are
$T_{\uparrow }^{(m^n)}$
, and
$\tilde A$
, where
$\tilde A$
is the adjacency matrix of
$\Gamma \mathrel{\square }\cdots \mathrel{\square }\Gamma$
We start with the singleton
$T^{(m^n)}_{\uparrow }$
, which is the easiest one. Notice first that
$T_{\uparrow }^{(m^n)}=T_{\uparrow }^{(m)}\otimes \cdots \otimes T_{\uparrow }^{(m)}$
. Consequently,
where we used the fact that
$\sum _{\sigma \in S_n}\delta _\sigma =1_{C(S_n)}$
To show the second intertwiner relation, denote by
the natural “disentangling operator”
$({\mathbb{C}}^m\otimes{\mathbb{C}}^m)^{\otimes n}\to ({\mathbb{C}}^m)^{\otimes n}\otimes ({\mathbb{C}}^m)^{\otimes n}$
$(x_1\otimes y_1)\otimes \cdots \otimes (x_n\otimes y_n)\mapsto (x_1\otimes \cdots \otimes x_n)\otimes (y_1\otimes \cdots \otimes y_n)$
. Then we can write
Finally, we prove that
$\tilde u$
commutes with
$\tilde A\;:\!=\;\sum _{i=1}^n \textrm{id}\otimes \cdots \otimes \textrm{id}\otimes A\otimes \textrm{id}\otimes \cdots \otimes \textrm{id}$
, where
is the adjacency matrix of
and in each summand it appears at the
th factor of the tensor product.
Remark 7.9.
The inclusion in Proposition 7.8 may and may not be strict. Hamming graphs
provide examples for both. Taking
$n\ge 2$
, we have
${\textrm{Aut}}^+(K_2\mathrel{\square }\cdots \mathrel{\square } K_2)=O_n^{-1}\supsetneq S_2\wr S_n=({\textrm{Aut}}^+K_2)\wr S_n$
. By [Reference Schmidt25], we have equality for
${\textrm{Aut}}^+(K_3\mathrel{\square }\cdots \mathrel{\square } K_3)=S_3\wr S_n=({\textrm{Aut}}^+ K_3)\wr S_n$
. We are going to prove the equality for any
in the case of Hamming graphs.
Remark 7.10.
be a basis of
such that
and denote
$x_{ai}=1_{C(X)}\otimes \cdots \otimes 1_{C(X)}\otimes x_a\otimes 1_{C(X)}\otimes \cdots \otimes 1_{C(X)}$
as we already did once. Equation (
) shows that the action from Proposition 7.8 indeed maps
$x_{ai}\mapsto \sum _{b,j}x_{bj}\hat u^{bj}_{ai}$
7.4. Proof of Theorem 7.1
Recall that
is the Cayley graph of
$\mathbb Z_m^n$
with respect to the generating set
$\{a\varepsilon _i\mid i=1,\ldots,n,\;a=1,\ldots,m-1\}$
. We denote by
$\tau _\mu$
$\mu \in \mathbb Z_m^n$
the irreducible characters of
$\mathbb Z_m^n$
defined by
$\tau _\mu (\alpha )=\gamma ^{\alpha _1\mu _1+\cdots +\alpha _n\mu _n}$
, where
is some primitive
th root of unity.
As usual, we start with determining the spectrum using Proposition 4.1:
$l_\mu =\#\{i\mid \mu _i=0\}$
. So, the spectrum contains
distinct eigenvalues
. Denote by
the corresponding eigenspaces
$V_i=\textrm{span}\{\tau _\mu \mid l_\mu =n-i\}$
. So, for instance
$V_0=\textrm{span}\{\tau _{0,\ldots,0}\}$
$V_1=\textrm{span}\{\tau _{ai}\mid i=1,\ldots,n,\;a=1,\ldots,m-1\}$
, where we denote
$\tau _{ai}\;:\!=\;\tau _i^a=\tau _\mu$
$\mu =(0,\ldots,0,a,0,\ldots,0)$
being on the
th place. Those must be invariant subspaces of the fundamental representation of
In Proposition 7.8, we showed that
$S_m^+\wr S_n$
acts on
$H(n,m)=K_m\mathrel{\square }\cdots \mathrel{\square } K_m$
$\tau _{ai}\mapsto \sum _{b,j}\tau _{bj}\otimes \hat u^{bj}_{ai}$
(see Remark 7.10), so
${\textrm{Aut}}^+H(n,m)\supset S_m^+\wr S_n$
. It remains to show the opposite inclusion.
Denote by
the fundamental representation of
${\textrm{Aut}}^+ H(n,m)$
. Denote by
$\hat u\;:\!=\;\mathcal{F}^{-1}u\mathcal{F}$
the Fourier transform of
, that is, the matrix
expressed in the basis of
$\tau _\mu$
. This matrix decomposes into a direct sum with respect to the invariant subspaces
$\hat u=\hat u^{(0)}\oplus \hat u^{(1)}\oplus \cdots \oplus \hat u^{(n)}$
. We denote by
$\hat u^{ai}_{bj}$
the entries of
$\hat u^{(1)}$
. It is enough to show that this matrix
$\hat u^{(1)}$
satisfies the relations of the fundamental representation of
$\hat S_m^+\wr S_n$
. So let us study its intertwiners.
Recall the formula (4.2) for computing the Fourier transform of intertwiners corresponding to block partitions
$[\hat T_{b_{k,l}}]^{\nu _1,\ldots,\nu _l}_{\mu _1,\ldots,\mu _k}=N^{1-k}\delta _{\mu _1+\cdots +\mu _k,\nu _1+\cdots +\nu _l}$
. We start by taking
and focus on the entries of
corresponding to the invariant subspace
and see that
. Let us denote
the restriction/projection of
. Let us also denote
, so that
Next, let us study the intertwiner . Its projection onto
can be expressed as
Here, we use the following notation
where we use slightly more general notation for the deltas, which is hopefully self-descriptive: For instance,
$\delta _{i_1=j_1\neq i_2=j_2}$
equals to one if
$i_1=j_1\neq i_2=j_2$
and otherwise it equals to zero. The idea behind the diagrams is that the dashed and dotted blocks indicate the fact that the
indices corresponding to the different blocks must not coincide.
We already know that the map is an intertwiner, which implies that also the sum
must be an intertwiner. We are going to show that actually each term of this sum is an intertwiner:
First, compute the square of the sum. Obviously, , so it is actually quite easy:
. Here,
(both blocks are dashed so all of the
do have to coincide). That was not very helpful actually, but in a similar manner, we can compute the third power:
. Subtracting four times the original sum, we get
is an intertwiner unless
. But now
is just a rotation of
, so it must also be an intertwiner. Consequently, also
must be an intertwiner and also
must be an intertwiner.
Those are all intertwiners we need. Now, we just look at the relations they imply. First, the intertwiner implies the following relation:
So, we can define
$w^i_j\;:\!=\;\sum _c\hat u^{ai}_{cj}\hat u^{ai}_{m-c,j}=\sum _d \hat u^{di}_{bj}u^{m-d,i}_{bj}$
(thanks to the relation above, all the sums are equal regardless of the choice of
). Let us also define
$\hat v^{ai}_b\;:\!=\;\sum _ju^{ai}_{bj}$
(compare with Remark 7.4(e)).
Now it remains to derive the following relations:
The twisted orthogonality relation corresponding to the intertwiner
$\hat T^{(N)}_{\sqcap }$
looks as follows:
This, in particular, implies Relation (7.3).
We write down the relation corresponding to :
This implies two things. First,
Secondly, (and for this we might as well use the relation corresponding to ),
The latter remark allows us to check Relation (7.4). Assume
$j\neq l$
, then
Similarly, we derive that
$i\neq k$
Relation (7.10) then implies Relation (7.5), that is the commutativity
. Indeed, notice that
obviously commutes with itself, so we can assume that
$i\neq k$
$j\neq l$
and then it is a direct application of (7.10).
We can also use Relation (7.11) to check (7.9):
Similarly, we can derive
$u^{ai}_{bj}=w^i_j v^{ai}_b$
, which proves part of Relation (7.6). To finish the proof of this relation, assume that
$j\neq k$
and compute
Relation (7.8) goes the same way.
Finally, Relation (7.7) follows directly from the relation corresponding to , which reads
I would like to thank to Simon Schmidt for discussions about the quantum symmetries of folded and halved hypercube graphs. I also thank to Christian Voigt for spotting a mistake in an earlier version of this manuscript.
This work was supported by the project OPVVV CAAS CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000778.
Competing interests
The author declares none.