Published online by Cambridge University Press: 18 May 2009
Let R be a semiprime ring (possibly without 1). The symmetric ring of quotients of R is defined as the set of equivalence classes of essentially defined double centralizers (ƒ, g) on R; see [1], [8]. So, by definition, ƒ is a left R-module homomorphism from an essential ideal I of R into R, g is a right R-module homomorphism from an essential ideal J of R into R, and they satisfy the balanced condition ƒ(x)y = xg(y) for x ∈ Iand y ∈ J. This ring was used by Kharchenko in his investigations on the Galois theory of semiprime rings [4] and it is also a useful tool for the study of crossed products of prime rings [7]. We denote the symmetric ring of quotients of a semiprime ring R by Q(R).