1. Introduction
The braid group,
, is a versatile mathematical object which plays an important role in both topology and algebra. In this paper, we focus on the size of the finite quotients of the braid group. Many useful applications of the braid group rely on facts about finite quotients of the braid group. For example, the structure of Jones representations of the braid group are understood due to the fact that
modulo the relation
is a finite group (the symmetric group,
) [Reference Jones13]. Another example is the use of braid group representations in models of topological quantum computing. To have a universal quantum gate set, it is important to know the size and structure of the image of the braid group representation [Reference Freedman, Kitaev, Larsen and Wang11].
A guiding theory which motivates the work found in this paper is profinite rigidity, or the idea of distinguishing groups by their finite quotients. More specifically, one would like to understand the circumstances which allow finitely generated residually finite groups to have isomorphic profinite completions. If a residually finite group G is isomorphic to its profinite completion, we say that the group G is profinitely rigid. In the context of braid groups and their generalizations, these groups are all residually finite, and the theory of profinite rigidity asks whether we can determine these groups by knowing only what their finite quotients are. One step for studying whether a group G is profinitely rigid is to determine which finite groups appear as finite quotients of the group G. The work done in this paper is a step toward solving which subgroups appear as finite quotients of the braid group and its generalizations as we are providing a lower bound on the size of the non-cyclic finite quotients. For more of an overview of recent work and progress on profinite rigidity, see [Reference Reid21].
To study finite quotients of the braid group, we consider homomorphisms
$\phi \,:\, B_n \rightarrow G$
, where G is a finite group. If G is a cyclic group, then the quotient of
will be a cyclic group. A homomorphism is called cyclic (resp. abelian) if its image is a cyclic group (resp. an abelian group). One main focus of this paper is to understand the non-cyclic quotients of
. Work by Chudnovsky–Kordek–Li–Partin [Reference Chudnovsky, Kordek, Li and Partin8], and more recently by Caplinger–Kordek [Reference Caplinger and Kordek7], proves a lower bound for the size of non-cyclic quotients of
. In this paper, we provide an improved lower bound for the size of non-cyclic quotients of
by a factor of n to the result of Caplinger–Kordek, as found in Theorem 1.1.
Theorem 1.1.
$n\geq 5$
, and let
$\phi\,:\,B_n\to G$
be a non-cyclic homomorphism to a finite group, G, so that
is not isomorphic to the symmetric group,
. Then,
Moreover, if p is the smallest integer so that
for any i, j, then
is the least integer greater than 1 that divides p.
A secondary motivation for Theorem 1.1 is the following conjecture.
Theorem 1.1, and the results by Chudnovsky–Kordek–Li–Partin and Caplinger–Kordek, attempt to rule out smaller possible non-cyclic quotients of
. When
and 7, Caplinger–Kordek used the classification of finite groups to conclude that a non-cyclic quotient of
has size at least
[Reference Caplinger and Kordek7]. Since Theorem 1.1 gives a lower bound on the size of the image of a non-cyclic homomorphism for
$n\geq 5$
, it gives the tightest known lower bound for the size of a finite non-cyclic quotient of
$n \geq 8$
Theorem 1.1 shows that the existence of a non-cyclic homomorphism
$\phi\,:\, B_n \rightarrow G$
requires the group G to be quite large or complicated. To see this, recall that all finite groups embed in a large enough symmetric group,
, which implies that we can consider the target group G in Theorem 1.1 to be
. When
$n\geq 6$
, and
, homomorphisms
$B_n\to \Sigma_k$
must be cyclic [Reference Artin1]. Therefore, if the group G embeds into a small enough symmetric group, the image of
is cyclic. However, less is known when
$k\geq n$
. One step to understand the case where
$k \geq n$
was provided by Lin who showed that for
, all transitive homomorphisms
$B_n\to \Sigma_k$
are cyclic [Reference Lin20]. Since there exist cyclic maps
$B_n\to \Sigma_k$
, one could ask which other types of non-cyclic homomorphisms can exist.
We prove Theorem 1.1 using totally symmetric sets inside
. A totally symmetric set is a commutative set that satisfies a highly symmetric conjugation relation. The theory of totally symmetric sets was first introduced by Kordek and Margalit when studying homomorphisms of the commutator subgroup of
[Reference Kordek and Margalit19]. More recently, totally symmetric sets were used by Caplinger–Kordek [Reference Caplinger and Kordek7] and Chudnovsky–Kordek–Li–Partin [Reference Chudnovsky, Kordek, Li and Partin8] when studying finite quotients of the braid group. Totally, symmetric sets are useful for counting arguments since the image of a totally symmetric set S under a homomorphism
has size
$\lvert\phi(S)\rvert=\lvert S\rvert$
. In this paper, our approach is novel in the sense that we create counting arguments using multiple totally symmetric sets at once.
There is a topological generalization of knot theory in
to knot theory in a thickened surface of higher genus, known as virtual knot theory. Virtual knot theory was introduced by Louis H. Kauffman in the 1990s [Reference Kauffman17, Reference Kauffman18]. From this perspective,
can be generalized to the virtual braid group,
, where every virtual knot is ambient isotopic to the closure of a virtual braid [Reference Kamada15]. One way to think of
is as an extension of
by the symmetric group
, where the added permutations are the virtual crossings. The welded braid group,
, is an infinite quotient of
and was first described by Fenn–Rimányi–Rourke in [Reference Fenn, Rimányi and Rourke10]. Similar to the pure braid group, the virtual and welded braid groups have “pure” subgroups, denoted
respectively, which fix the strands of the braids pointwise. Inside both the virtual and welded braid groups, we find totally symmetric sets. One particularly useful type of totally symmetric set in
is denoted by
in the theorems below; see Section 4.2.1. Using the totally symmetric sets,
, we proved classification theorems on the size of finite images of homomorphisms for both the virtual and welded braid groups. First, we state the classification theorem for the welded braid group,
. We hope that this is the first step in classifying non-cyclic homomorphisms
$wB_n \to G$
Theorem 1.2.
$n\geq 5$
, and let
$\phi\,:\,wB_n\to G$
be a group homomorphism to a finite group, G, so that
is not isomorphic to the symmetric group,
. One of the following must be true:
$\phi$ is abelian.
$\phi$ restricted to
$PwB_n$ is cyclic.
$\lvert\phi(wB_n)\rvert \geq 2^{n-2}(n-1)!$
(4) For all i and j,
$\phi$ maps each
$A_i$ to a single element with
$\phi(A_i)^2\neq\phi(A_j)^2$ , and
\begin{equation*} \lvert\phi(wB_n)\rvert \geq \left( \left\lfloor \frac{n-1}{2} \right\rfloor +1\right)\left(3^{\lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor - 1}\right)\left\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \right\rfloor!.\end{equation*}
For the case of the virtual braid group, Bellingeri and Paris classified all homomorphisms from
$vB_n \to \Sigma_k$
$n \geq 5$
$k \geq 2$
$n \geq k$
[Reference Bellingeri and Paris4]. However, similar to the story for
, not much is known about non-cyclic homomorphisms
$vB_n\to \Sigma_k$
. Theorem 1.3 is a step in the right direction toward this classification as it provides a necessary condition for the existence of a non-abelian homomorphism
$vB_n \to G$
Theorem 1.3.
$n\geq 5$
, and let
$\phi \,:\, vB_n \rightarrow G$
be a group homomorphism to a finite group, G, so that
is not isomorphic to the symmetric group,
. One of the following must be true:
$\phi$ is abelian.
$\phi$ factors through
$wB_n$ , and either
$\phi$ restricted to
$PwB_n$ is cyclic.
$\lvert\phi(vB_n)\rvert\geq 2^{n-2}(n-1)!$
c. For all i and j,
$\phi$ does not split
$A_i$ ,
$\phi(A_i)^2\neq\phi(A_j)^2$ , and
\begin{equation*} \lvert\phi(vB_n)\rvert \geq \left( \left\lfloor \frac{n-1}{2} \right\rfloor +1\right)\left(3^{\lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor - 1}\right)\left\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \right\rfloor!.\end{equation*}
$\phi$ does not factor through
$wB_n$ and
\begin{equation*} \lvert\phi(vB_n)\rvert \geq \left( \left\lfloor \frac{n-1}{2} \right\rfloor +1\right)\left(3^{\lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor - 1}\right)\left\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \right\rfloor!.\end{equation*}
Outline of the paper. Section 2 provides the background information about totally symmetric sets. Section 3 applies these ideas to
and gives a proof of Theorem 1.1. Section 4 provides the background about the virtual and welded braid groups and introduces some totally symmetric sets inside of these groups. Section 5 contains the proofs of Theorems 1.2 and 1.3.
2. Totally symmetric sets
Kordek and Margalit introduced the theory of totally symmetric sets to give a complete classification of homomorphisms
$B^{\prime}_n\to B^{\prime}_n$
$n\geq 7$
, where
is the commutator subgroup of
[Reference Kordek and Margalit19]. Totally symmetric sets are useful because they behave predictably under homomorphisms and group closures, as will be described in detail below.
Definition 2.1.
A totally symmetric set of a group G is a nonempty finite subset
$\{ g_1, \ldots, g_n \}$
of G which satisfies the following two relations:
(1) The elements
$g_i$ pairwise commute (Commutativity Condition)
(2) For every permutation
$\sigma$ , there exists an element
$h_\sigma\in G$
so that for each i,
$h_\sigma g_{i}h_\sigma^{-1}=g_{\sigma(i)}$ (Conjugation Condition)
Remark. While in our context we consider only finite totally symmetric sets, we note that totally symmetric sets need not be finite as seen in [Reference Kordek and Margalit19].
The conjugation condition states that each permutation of
$\{ g_1, \ldots, g_n \}$
can be achieved via the conjugation of an element in G. An important fact about totally symmetric sets is that if
$f \,:\, G \rightarrow H$
is a homomorphism and S is a totally symmetric set of G, then f(S) is a totally symmetric set of H.
A standard example of a group which contains totally symmetric sets is the braid group [Reference Kordek and Margalit19]. We begin by defining the braid group.
Definition 2.2.
The braid group on n strands,
, is the group generated by the half-twists
$\sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_{n-1}$
with the following two relations:
$\sigma_i \sigma_j = \sigma_j \sigma_i$ if
$\lvert i-j\rvert\geq2$ (Far Commutativity)
$\sigma_i \sigma_{i+1} \sigma_i = \sigma_{i+1} \sigma_i \sigma_{i+1}$ if
$1 \leq i \leq n-2$ (Braid Relation)
, the subsets
$S_{odd}=\{ \sigma_{2i-1} \}_{i=1}^{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor}$
$S_{even}=\{ \sigma_{2i} \}_{i=1}^{\lfloor (n-1)/2 \rfloor }$
are both totally symmetric sets [Reference Chudnovsky, Kordek, Li and Partin8, Reference Kordek and Margalit19].
Remark. The braid group is equivalent to the mapping class group of an n-times punctured disk. As the elements of
) have disjoint domains, we can apply the change-of-coordinates principle to see that the conjugation condition holds for each of the two sets. See Section 1.3 of “A primer on mapping class groups” for a detailed discussion [Reference Farb and Margalit9].
2.1. The image of a totally symmetric set
The following lemma, due to Kordek and Margalit [Reference Kordek and Margalit19] (Lemma 2.1), is the crux of how totally symmetric sets are used throughout this paper.
Lemma 2.3 (Kordek−Margalit). Let
$f \,:\,G \to H$
be a group homomorphism. Suppose that
$S \subseteq G$
is a totally symmetric set of size k. Then
$\lvert f(S)\rvert$
is equal to either 1 or k.
In this paper, we often consider whether
$\lvert\phi(S)\rvert = \lvert S\rvert$
or not. We say that
splits S if
By Lemma 2.3, if
, then
splits S if and only if
Remark. The proof by Kordek and Margalit of Lemma 2.3 only makes use of the conjugation condition from the definition of a totally symmetric set. Therefore, Lemma 2.3 holds for all sets which satisfy the conjugation condition from the definition of a totally symmetric set. For a set that only satisfies the conjugation condition, it makes sense to say whether
splits the set or not.
2.2. Totally symmetric sets with finite order elements
be a totally symmetric subset of a group G. Since all elements of S are conjugate, every element of S has the same order. Therefore, if one element of S has finite order
$k \in \mathbb{N}$
, every element of S has order k.
In fact, if there exists p so that
for any i, j, then
for all i, j. This follows immediately from the conjugation condition in the definition of a totally symmetric set and is also true in noncommutative sets which satisfy the conjugation condition.
Since the elements of a totally symmetric set commute, if a totally symmetric set consists of a finite number of elements each of finite order, then
$\langle S \rangle$
is a finite group. The following lemma gives a lower bound of the size of this group. A first bound was obtained by Chen, Kordek, and Margalit (a proof of which can be found in [Reference Chudnovsky, Kordek, Li and Partin8]), but we will use an improvement of this bound by Caplinger–Kordek [Reference Caplinger and Kordek7] (Lemma 6).
Lemma 2.4 (Caplinger−Kordek). Let S be a totally symmetric set of size k in a group, G. Suppose further that each element of S has finite order and let p be the minimal integer such that
$s_i^p = s_j^p$
for all
$s_i, s_j \in S$
. Then,
$\langle S \rangle $
is a finite group and
$|\langle S\rangle|\geq p^{k-1}$
Combining Lemma 2.4 with work of Chudnovsky–Kordek–Li–Partin, one obtains a lower bound on the size of a group based on the size of a totally symmetric subset consisting of finite order elements [Reference Chudnovsky, Kordek, Li and Partin8].
Proposition 2.5 (Chudnovsky--Kordek−Li−Partin, Caplinger−Kordek). Let S be a totally symmetric set of size k in a group, G. If the elements of S have finite order and p is the minimal integer such that
$s_i^p = s_j^p$
for all
$s_i, s_j \in S$
, then
$|G|\geq p^{k-1}k!$
A restatement of Proposition 2.5 in terms of group homomorphisms is the following: let S be a totally symmetric set of a group G and
$\phi \,:\, G \rightarrow H$
a group homomorphism to a finite group H. If
splits S, then
$|\phi(G)|\geq p^{|S|-1}|S|!$
, where p is the minimal integer such that
$s_i^p = s_j^p$
for all
$s_i, s_j \in S$
3. Applications to the braid group
In this section, we utilize totally symmetric sets to determine a necessary condition for the existence of a non-cyclic homomorphism from the braid group into a finite group. We begin with an overview of existing results and then we discuss how to strengthen previous results.
3.1. Precursory results
Recall the two totally symmetric sets in
$S_{odd}=\{ \sigma_{2i-1} \}_{i=1}^{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor}$
$S_{even}=\{ \sigma_{2i} \}_{i=1}^{ \lfloor (n-1)/2 \rfloor }$
. Chudnovsky, Kordek, Li, and Partin used these totally symmetric sets to determine a necessary condition for the existence of a non-cyclic homomorphism of the braid group [Reference Chudnovsky, Kordek, Li and Partin8]. Recently, Caplinger and Kordek obtained a stronger necessary condition than the one found by Chudnovsky–Kordek–Li–Partin [Reference Caplinger and Kordek7].
Lemma 3.1 (Caplinger−Kordek). Let G be a finite group and let
$n \geq 5$
. If the homomorphism
$B_n \to G$
is non-cyclic, then,
In Section 3.2, we strengthen the lower bound found in Lemma 3.1. Before we strengthen this lower bound, we introduce the following well-known facts about the braid group, which can be found in [Reference Artin1]. This lemma provides sufficient conditions for when then image of a homomorphism of the braid group is cyclic.
Lemma 3.2.
$n\geq 5$
, and let
$\phi \,:\, B_n \rightarrow G$
be a group homomorphism where G is any group. If there exists
$i, i+1\leq n-1$
so that
commutes with
$\phi $
is cyclic.
Lemma 3.3.
$n\geq 5$
, if
$\phi \,:\, B_n \rightarrow G$
is a non-cyclic group homomorphism, then
must split both
Proof. Since
$n\geq 5$
, both
have cardinality at least 2. Suppose that
does not split
. Then
. Since
commutes with
, then
commutes with
. By Lemma 3.2,
must be cyclic, a contradiction.
By a similar computation, if
does not split
, then
$\phi(\sigma_4 )$
commutes with
$\phi(\sigma_3 )$
, ultimately forcing
to be cyclic.
Notice that both Lemmas 3.2 and 3.3 fail for
as there exists the folding homomorphism from
$B_4\rightarrow B_3$
which maps
$\sigma_1,\sigma_3\mapsto \sigma_1$
$\sigma_2\mapsto \sigma_2$
3.2. Proof of Theorem 1.1
In this section, we prove Theorem 1.1, which provides a strengthened lower bound for the smallest non-cyclic finite quotient of
We begin by following the proof of Chudnovsky–Kordek–Li–Partin, then further their ideas by applying Lemma 3.2.
Theorem 1.
$n\geq 5$
, and let
$\phi\,:\,B_n\to G$
be a non-cyclic homomorphism to a finite group, G, so that
is not isomorphic to the symmetric group,
. Then,
Moreover, if p is the smallest integer so that
for any i, j, then
is the least integer greater than 1 that divides p.
Proof of Theorem 1.1. Denote
$k=\left\lfloor n/2 \right\rfloor$
$\mathcal{B} = \phi(B_n)$
, let d be the order of the
’s and let p be the smallest integer so that
for any i, j.
Since we aim for a lower bound, we may assume that
is the smallest possible quotient not isomorphic to
. In this case, Caplinger and Kordek prove that
$p = d$
in Lemma 7 of [Reference Caplinger and Kordek7]. If
, then
is trivial (hence cyclic). If
factors through the symmetric group
, and the image is either
or cyclic (since the alternating group is the only proper normal subgroup of
$n\geq 5$
Therefore, we may assume that
$d=p \geq 3$
is not cyclic and
, each
is distinct by Lemma 3.3. Thus,
is a totally symmetric subset of size k in
as the injective image of a totally symmetric subset of size k in
Notice that
acts by conjugation on the set of totally symmetric subsets of
of size k, and let
$\Gamma= \mathrm{Fix}_{\mathcal{B}}(\mathcal{O}_\phi)$
. This gives us a surjection
$\psi \,:\, \Gamma \rightarrow \Sigma_k$
, where
is the symmetric group on k elements.
Under this action by
pointwise since the elements of a totally symmetric set pairwise commute. This shows that
$\langle \mathcal{O}_\phi \rangle \subseteq \Gamma$
and, in fact,
$\langle \mathcal{O}_\phi \rangle \subseteq \mathrm{ker}(\psi)$
. By Lemma 2.4, we have that
$\lvert \langle \mathcal{O}_\phi \rangle\rvert \geq p^{k-1}$
, and since
$p \geq 3$
$\lvert \mathrm{ker}(\psi)\rvert \geq 3^{k-1}$
. It follows that
We now begin improving the bound on
$\lvert \mathcal{B}\rvert $
. Notice that
$\mathcal{E}_\phi=\{s_{2i}\}_{i=1}^{\lfloor (n-1)/2 \rfloor}$
is a second totally symmetric set which consists of the images of the remaining generators of
. The elements in
are currently not accounted for in Equation 3.1. To include these elements in the bound of
$\lvert \mathcal{B}\rvert$
, we consider when elements of
$\langle \mathcal{E}_\phi \rangle$
are not in
. The following observations lead us to find elements of
$\langle \mathcal{E}_\phi \rangle$
that are not in
. We then count distinct cosets of
Observation 1. Suppose there exists an
$m \in \{ 1, \ldots, p-1 \}$
so that
$s_i^m \in \Gamma$
, then
$s_i^m\in \ker\psi$
By definition of
acts on
by conjugation, fixing
setwise. By the relations of the braid group,
commutes with every element of
except for
. Since
is fixed setwise, then either conjugation by
swaps the elements
, or fixes the elements pointwise. Suppose first that conjugation by
swaps the elements
, meaning
$s_i^m s_{i-1} s_i^{-m} = s_{i+1}$
. Then,
which shows that
commute. By Lemma 3.2,
must be cyclic. If i is large enough so that either
$i+1 \gt n-1$
$i+2 \gt n-1$
, an analogous argument shows that
commute and that
is cyclic. In both cases, we have contradicted our assumption that
is non-cyclic. Thus, conjugation by
does not swap the elements
but rather fixes these elements pointwise. Therefore, for all i, conjugation by
fixes every element of S pointwise. This implies that if
$s_i^m\in \Gamma$
, then
$s_i^m\in \ker\psi$
Observation 2.
$s_i \not\in \Gamma$
for i even.
Suppose that
$s_i \in \Gamma$
. Observation 1 implies that
$s_i \in \ker\psi$
commutes with every other
. Lemma 3.2 implies that
is a cyclic map, a contradiction. Therefore,
$s_i \not\in \Gamma$
Observation 3.
$s_i^m \not \in \Gamma$
for i even and m relatively prime to p.
Suppose that
$s_i^m \in \Gamma$
for some
$m \geq 2$
and i even. By Observation 1,
$s_i^m\in \ker\psi$
and commutes with every element of
. Since
commutes with every
, this implies that
is central in the image of
. If there exists an integer r so that
, then this implies
is also central in the image of
, which by Lemma 3.2, implies that
is cyclic, a contradiction. Thus, for integers m that are relatively prime to
, the elements
cannot be elements of
and hence are not elements in
. For the powers m that are not relatively prime to p, there is no contradiction, and it is possible for
to be in
Observation 4.
$s_i^{m_1}\Gamma\neq s_j^{m_2}\Gamma$
when i and j are even,
are relatively prime to p, and
is relatively prime to p.
From Observation 3,
$s_i^{m_1},s_j^{m_2} \notin \Gamma$
for every i, j even and
relatively prime to p. Suppose that
. This implies that
$s_i^{-m_1} s_j^{m_2}\in \Gamma$
, then
$s_i^{-m_1} s_j^{m_2}\in \Gamma$
implies that
$s_i^{m_2-m_1}\in \Gamma$
. Then,
is not relatively prime to p, a contradiction.
$i \lt j$
, then
commutes with
. Consider the action of
$s_i^{-m_1} s_j^{m_2}$
by conjugation:
Since we supposed that
$s_i^{-m_1} s_j^{m_2}\in\Gamma$
, then conjugation by
$s_i^{-m_1} s_j^{m_2}$
fixes the set
setwise. Therefore, the above equation shows that
$s_i^{m_1}s_{i-1}s_i^{-m_1}\in \mathcal{O}_\phi$
. The exponent
was chosen so that
$s_i^{m_1}\not\in \Gamma$
, which means that
is not closed under conjugation by
. As described in Observation 1,
is not an element of
is non-cyclic, a contradiction. Hence,
$s_i^{-m_1} s_j^{m_2} \not \in \Gamma$
Observation 5. Counting the cosets of
be the least integer greater than 1 that divides p. Notice that the set
$\{ 2, \ldots, \mathrm{lpf}(p)-1$
$\mathrm{lpf}(p)+1 \}$
is a set of
$\mathrm{lpf}(p) - 1$
integers which are each relatively prime to p, and pairwise their differences are relatively prime to p. Together with Observation 4, this shows that there are
distinct non-intersecting cosets of
for each
with i even. Since there are
distinct elements
with i even, we get
distinct cosets of
By counting the distinct cosets of
, we obtain a lower bound for the complement of
in the image of
Combining all of these observations, we arrive at the following lower bound for
$\lvert \phi(B_n)\rvert$
By substituting the values of k,
$\lvert \langle \mathcal{O}_\phi \rangle\rvert$
, and
$\lvert \mathcal{E}_\phi\rvert$
, we arrive at our final result:
For all even values of p, we have that
$\mathrm{lpf}(p)-1 = 1$
, which gives the minimal bound:
4. Totally symmetric sets in the virtual and welded braid groups
In this section, we motivate and introduce two generalizations of the braid group, namely, the virtual braid group and the welded braid group. For each group, we give examples of totally symmetric sets as well as provide the important lemmas required to prove the main results, Theorems 1.2 and 1.3.
Classical knot theory is the study of embedded circles in
up to ambient isotopy and planar projections of these knots up to classical Reidemeister moves. Virtual knot theory is a natural generalization of classical knot theory by instead studying embedded circles in thickened surfaces of higher genus, which are called virtual knots.
Due to the higher genus, projections of these virtual knots have two types of crossings: classical crossings coming from arcs crossing in the thickness of the surface, and virtual crossings arising from an arc in a handle that pass over another arc of the knot, as shown in Figure 1. Virtual crossings are denoted as a circled crossing, and a virtual knot diagram can have both classical and virtual crossings. Like the classical setting, virtual knot diagrams are considered up to virtual Reidemeister moves, as described by Kauffman [Reference Kauffman17, Reference Kauffman18]. There are virtual analogs of Alexander’s theorem, first proved by Kamada [Reference Kamada15], and Markov’s theorem, proved by Kauffman–Lambropolou [Reference Kauffman and Lambropoulou16]. These theorems give rise to a rich study of virtual braid groups, which we describe below.
Figure 1. A virtual knot in a thickened torus, a projection of this virtual knot, and a virtual braid whose closure is the knot
4.1. The virtual braid group
denote the virtual braid group on n strands. This group has generators
$\sigma_1, \ldots ,\sigma_{n-1}$
$\tau_1, \ldots, \tau_{n-1}$
. The generators
$\sigma_1, \ldots ,\sigma_{n-1}$
satisfy the classical braid group relations, and the generators
$\tau_1, \ldots, \tau_{n-1}$
generate the symmetric group. There are also some mixing relations. We list all relations in the virtual braid group, below:
$\sigma_i \sigma_j = \sigma_j \sigma_i$ for
$\lvert i-j\rvert \gt 1$ (Far Commutativity)
$\sigma_i \sigma_{i+1} \sigma_i = \sigma_{i+1} \sigma_i \sigma_{i+1}$ for
$1 \leq i \leq n-2$ (Braid Relation)
$\tau_i^2 = 1$ for
$1 \leq i \leq n-1$ (
$\tau$ is a Transposition)
$\tau_i \tau_j = \tau_j \tau_i$ for
$\lvert i-j\rvert \gt 1$ (
$\tau$ Far Commutativity)
$\tau_i \tau_{i+1} \tau_i = \tau_{i+1} \tau_i \tau_{i+1}$ for
$1 \leq i \leq n-2$ (
$\tau$ Braid Relation)
$\sigma_i \tau_j = \tau_j \sigma_i$ for
$\lvert i-j\rvert \gt 1$ (Mixed Far Commutativity)
$\tau_{i+1} \sigma_i \tau_{i+1} = \tau_i \sigma_{i+1} \tau_i$ for
$1 \leq i \leq n-2$ (Mixed Braid Relation)
We note that these relations encode the virtual (or extended) Reidemeister moves. From this point of view,
is the free product of the braid group and the symmetric group modulo relations (6) and (7),
$vB_n=B_n*\Sigma_n\ _{(6),(7)}$
. This presentation is nice in the sense that you can “see” the braid group as a subgroup of the virtual braid group.
embeds into
, as was first proven by Kamada [Reference Kamada14]; see also Gaudreau [Reference Gaudreau12] and Bellingeri–Paris [Reference Bellingeri and Paris4]. The canonical embeddings of
$B_n=\langle \sigma_1, \cdots ,\sigma_{n-1}\rangle$
$\Sigma_n=\langle \tau_1, \cdots ,\tau_{n-1}\rangle$
Another presentation of
highlights a key difference between the virtual braids and the classical braids. The pure virtual braid group,
, is a subgroup of
which is the kernel of the projection
$vB_n\to \Sigma_n$
by sending
$\sigma_i\mapsto \tau_i$
$\tau_i\mapsto \tau_i$
. Unlike the classical braid group,
splits as a semidirect product,
$vB_n\cong PvB_n\rtimes \Sigma_n$
[Reference Bardakov3].
The subgroup
is generated by elements denoted
$\sigma_{i, j}$
of the form:
These generators are depicted in Figure 2. A presentation for
is generated by the
$\sigma_{i, j}$
, for
$i\neq j$
elements and the following two relations [Reference Bardakov3]:
Figure 2. (a) The element
$\sigma_{i, j}$
. (b) The element
$\sigma_{i, j}$
Commutativity Relation:
$\sigma_{i, j}\sigma_{k,l}=\sigma_{k,l}\sigma_{i, j}$
$\lvert \{ i, j,k,l \}\rvert = 4$
Braid Relation:
$\sigma_{i, j}\sigma_{i,k}\sigma_{j,k} = \sigma_{j,k}\sigma_{i,k}\sigma_{i, j}$
$\lvert \{ i, j,k \}\rvert = 3$
4.1.1. Totally symmetric sets in the virtual braid group
is a subgroup of
, the sets
$S_{odd} = \{ \sigma_{2i-1} \}_{i=1}^{\lceil n/2 \rceil} $
$S_{even} = \{ \sigma_{2i} \}_{i=1}^{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor }$
are also totally symmetric subsets of
. Additionally, the sets
$T_{odd} = \{ \tau_{2i-1} \}_{i=1}^{\lceil n/2 \rceil}$
$T_{even} = \{ \tau_{2i} \}_{i=1}^{\lfloor n/2 \rfloor}$
are totally symmetric subsets of
. A fun way to see why
are totally symmetric is that they are the homomorphic image of
under the canonical projection map from
$B_n\to \Sigma_n$
The sets
are totally symmetric sets in
. The sets are commutative by a combination of relations (1), (5), and (7). The conjugation condition holds since you can swap
by conjugation under
, which leaves all other elements of the set fixed.
4.2. The welded braid group
The welded braid group,
, is a quotient of
by the Over Crossings Commute relation, or “OC” relation, defined as
[Reference Bellingeri and Soulié5]. The welded braid group has also been called the braid-permutation group by Fenn–Rimányi–Rourke [Reference Fenn, Rimányi and Rourke10], a finite-index subgroup of the ring group by Brendle–Hatcher [Reference Brendle and Hatcher6], and the loop braid group by Baez–Crans–Wise [Reference Baez, Wise and Crans2].
Recall from Section 4.1.1, a presentation for
is generated by the elements denoted
$\sigma_{i, j}$
. These elements also generate the pure welded braid group,
. Analogous to the virtual braid group,
is a semidirect product of the pure welded braid group and the symmetric group,
$wB_n=PwB_n\rtimes \Sigma_n$
. Through communication with Dror Bar-Natan, we learned the folklore result that the OC relation implies that
$\sigma_{i,k}\sigma_{i, j}=\sigma_{i, j}\sigma_{i,k}$
, and a proof of this fact can be found in [Reference Scherich and Verberne22]. It follows that
is a quotient of
by the OC relation, and
has the following presentation:
$\{\sigma_{i, j}\}$
$1\leq i, j\leq n$
$i\neq j$
Commutativity Relation:
$\sigma_{i, j}\sigma_{k,l}=\sigma_{k,l}\sigma_{i, j}$
$\lvert \{ i, j,k,l \}\rvert = 4$
Braid Relation:
$\sigma_{i, j}\sigma_{i,k}\sigma_{j,k} = \sigma_{j,k}\sigma_{i,k}\sigma_{i, j}$
$\lvert \{ i, j,k \}\rvert = 3$
OC Relation:
$\sigma_{i,k}\sigma_{i, j}=\sigma_{i, j}\sigma_{i,k}$
Totally symmetric sets in
All of the totally symmetric sets in
are also totally symmetric in
. Due to the OC relation,
has additional totally symmetric sets coming from subsets of the
$\sigma_{i, j}$
, we call
$\sigma_{i, j}$
a right generator and is shown in Figure 2(b). We denote the set of right generators with fixed i as
$R_i=\{\sigma_{i, j}\}_{j>i}^n$
. If
, we call
$\sigma_{i, j}$
a left generator and is shown in Figure 2(a). For a fixed i, the set of left generators is denoted by
$L_i=\{\sigma_{i, j}\}_{i>j}^n$
. Let
$A_i= L_i \cup R_i$
be the set of all elements of the form
$\sigma_{i, j}$
which have the same first index. The sets
, and
are totally symmetric sets in
Lemma 4.1.
For each integer
$1\leq i\leq n$
$A_i$ is a totally symmetric set in
$wB_n$ of size
$n-1$ .
$R_i$ is a totally symmetric set in
$wB_n$ of size
$n-i$ .
$L_i$ is a totally symmetric set in
$wB_n$ of size
$i-1$ .
Proof. Fix i. By definition,
$\lvert R_i\rvert =n-i$
$\lvert L_i\rvert=i-1$
, and
$\lvert A_i\rvert=\lvert R_i\rvert+\lvert L_i\rvert=n-1$
. Since
are subsets of
, it suffices to show that
is a totally symmetric set in
. The elements in
all have the same first index i and commute by the OC relation.
From the semidirect product decomposition
$wB_n=PwB_n\rtimes \Sigma_n$
acts on
by conjugation which results in permutation of the indices. That is, for
$s\in \Sigma_n$
$s \sigma_{i, j} s^{-1}=\sigma_{s(i),s(j)}$
The OC relation is required for the sets
, and
to satisfy the commutation condition. These sets are not totally symmetric in
but do satisfy the conjugation condition in
4.2.2. Important lemmas
The classical braid group
and the symmetric group
are subgroups of
, and also
, under the canonical embeddings
$B_n= \langle \sigma_i \rangle_{i=1}^{n-1}\subseteq vB_n$
$\Sigma_n= \langle \tau_i \rangle_{i=1}^{n-1}\subseteq vB_n$
. This was proven by Kamada [Reference Kamada15] for the virtual case and Fenn–Rimányi–Rourke [Reference Fenn, Rimányi and Rourke10] for the welded case. The pure subgroup has the canonical presentation
$PvB_n= \langle \sigma_{i, j}\rangle _{i\neq j} \subseteq vB_n$
, similarly for
. From here on, the restriction of a map on
) refers to the canonical embeddings of these groups. Recall from the introduction that a map
is called cyclic (resp. abelian), if its image is cyclic (resp. abelian).
Lemma 4.2.
$\phi \,:\, vB_n \rightarrow G$
is a group homomorphism so that
restricted to either
is abelian, then
Proof. Suppose that
restricted to
is abelian. The
braid relation gives that
for all i, and so
is cyclic on
. Denote
. Applying
to the mixed braid relation yields
This shows that
restricted to
is also cyclic, and therefore
is abelian.
Suppose that
restricted to
is abelian. A similar argument using the braid relations shows that
is cyclic on
, and the mixed braid relation shows that
is cyclic on
$\phi \,:\, wB_n \rightarrow G$
is a group homomorphism so that
restricted to either
is abelian, then
is abelian.
Proof. Let
$p \,:\, vB_n \rightarrow wB_n$
be the quotient map which sends a virtual braid to its equivalence class modulo the the OC relation. Apply Lemma 4.2 to the map
$\phi \circ p$
The following lemma is a key step to proving Theorems 1.2 and 1.3. To use totally symmetric sets to count the cardinality of the image of a homomorphism, the homomorphism needs to split a totally symmetric set. This lemma shows that, under the right conditions, when some subset of the totally symmetric sets
do not split under a map
$\phi \,:\, wB_n \rightarrow G$
, the images of the
’s which do not split create a new totally symmetric set in the image. A schematic diagram for Lemma 4.3 is shown in Figure 3.
Lemma 4.3.
$\{A_{i_1},\cdots ,A_{i_m}\}$
be a subset of
$\{A_1,\cdots, A_n\}$
, the totally symmetric sets in
. Let
$\phi \,:\, wB_n \rightarrow G$
be a non-abelian group homomorphism. Suppose
does not split
for all
, and each
is a distinct element in the image. Then the set
is a totally symmetric set in
of size m.
Proof. We will prove this lemma for the case where
$\{A_{i_1},\cdots A_{i_m}\}=\{A_1,\cdots, A_m\}$
, as all other cases follow from an analogous proof with possible re-indexing.
Figure 3. Schematic diagram for Lemma 4.3
. We will show that the set
is a totally symmetric set in
of size m.
By assumption, the
’s are distinct so the set
has m elements. Notice that every element of
is of the form
$\sigma_{i, j}$
, where the first index, i, remains fixed. Since
does not split any of the totally symmetric sets
$\phi(\sigma_{i, j})$
is determined by its first index i, that is,
$\phi(\sigma_{i, j})=g_i$
For the commutation condition, applying
to the braid relation in
which shows that for each i and j,
commute. In turn, this implies that
To show the conjugation condition holds, notice that if
$f g_i\, f^{-1}=g_j$
$f g_i^2\, f^{-1}=g_j^2$
. Therefore, it suffices to show the conjugation condition holds for the set
. The following computations show that conjugation by
but fixes all other
First, we show that conjugation by
. There are two cases to consider:
Case 1: Suppose
$i\leq n-2$
. A similar computation described in Lemma 4.1 shows that conjugation by
. Thus,
Case 2: Suppose
, which implies that
. A similar computation to the one above shows that conjugation by
and that conjugation by
$\phi (\tau_i)$
Next, we show that
is fixed under conjugation by
, when
$k \neq i, i+1$
. Recall that conjugation by
permutes the indices:
. So, when
$k\neq i, i+1$
remains fixed under conjugation by
as follows:
This proves the conjugation condition in the definition of a totally symmetric set holds, and we have proven our claim.
The Lemma 4.3 is stated for
; however, it is also true for
. In
, the sets
are not totally symmetric, but they do satisfy the conjugation condition, which is the only condition needed in the proof.
5. Finite image homomorphisms of the virtual and welded braid groups
In this section, we prove the classification theorems on the size of finite images of homomorphisms of both
5.1. Proof of Theorem 1.2
First, we prove the classification theorem for the welded braid group,
. This is a first step in classifying non-cyclic homomorphisms
$wB_n \to G$
, where G is a finite group.
Theorem 1.2.
$n\geq 5$
, and let
$\phi\,:\,wB_n\to G$
be a group homomorphism to a finite group, G, so that
is not isomorphic to the symmetric group,
. One of the following must be true:
$\phi$ is abelian.
$\phi$ restricted to
$PwB_n$ is cyclic.
$\lvert \phi(wB_n)\rvert\geq 2^{n-2}(n-1)!$
(4) For all i and j,
$\phi$ maps each
$A_i$ to a single element with
$\phi(A_i)^2\neq\phi(A_j)^2$ , and
\begin{equation*} \lvert \phi(wB_n)\rvert \geq \left( \left\lfloor \frac{n-1}{2} \right\rfloor +1\right)\left(3^{\lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor - 1}\right)\left\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \right\rfloor!.\end{equation*}
In the statement of Theorem 1.2, the requirement that
$n\geq 5$
is only necessary for Part (3) due to the applications of Lemma 3.3 and Theorem 1.1. All other conditions hold for
$n\geq 4$
The proof of Theorem 1.2 is inspired by Figure 4. We consider cases on whether
splits various rows and columns of the diagrams. The rows of the Full diagram, as seen in Figure 4(b), are the totally symmetric sets,
, from Lemma 4.1. In the Left diagram, the rows of the outlined triangle are the totally symmetric sets,
. The rows above the outlined triangle are the inverses of the columns within the outlined triangle. Both the columns in the outlined triangle and the rows above the outline are not totally symmetric sets but satisfy the conjugation condition. This can be verified by similar computations described in Lemma 4.1. The Right diagram has an analogous form. The rows of the outlined triangle are the totally symmetric sets,
. The columns below the outlined triangle are the inverses of the rows within the triangle, and both satisfy the conjugation condition.
Figure 4. (a) Left diagram. (b) Full diagram. (c) Right diagram
Proof of Theorem 1.2. Let us suppose that
is non-abelian and that
restricted to
is non-cyclic. We consider cases on whether or not
splits the totally symmetric sets
Case 1: Suppose that there exists an i so that
. Since
is a totally symmetric set with size
, applying Proposition 2.5 yields
Case 2: Suppose
does not split any of the
’s. Denote
. Further suppose that there exists
so that
$g_{i_0}^2\neq g_{j_0}^2$
. Notice this implies
$g_{i_0}\neq g_{j_0}$
. Since
is non-abelian, we may assume by Lemma 4.2 that
is non-cyclic on
and that
$\phi(\tau_i)\neq id$
. We consider cases on
with the goal to apply Lemma 4.3.
Subcase 1: Suppose
. We will use the Right diagram in Figure 4 to conclude that
$g_1,\cdots, g_{n-1}$
are distinct. By assumption,
$g_{i_0}\neq g_{j_0}$
which implies that
$\phi\left(\sigma_{{i_0},n}\right)\neq \phi\left(\sigma_{{j_0},n}\right)$
, and therefore
$\phi\left(\sigma_{{i_0},n}^{-1}\right)\neq \phi\left(\sigma_{{j_0},n}^{-1}\right)$
. The bottom row of the Right diagram contains both
. Even though the bottom row of the Right diagram is not a totally symmetric set, it does satisfy the conjugation condition. Since
$\phi\left(\sigma_{i_0,n}^{-1}\right) \neq \phi\left(\sigma_{i_1,n}^{-1}\right)$
, Remark 2.1 implies that
splits the bottom row. Thus,
$\phi\left(\sigma_{i,n}^{-1}\right)\neq \phi\left(\sigma_{j,n}^{-1}\right)$
for all
$i, j\lt n$
, which shows that
$g_i\neq g_j$
, for all
$i, j<n$
. Since
$g_{i_0}^2\neq g_{j_0}^2$
by assumption, Remark 2.2 shows the each of the
are unique. Thus, we have shown all of the hypotheses of Lemma 4.3 are satisfied, and
$\left\{g_1^2,\cdots, g_{n-1}^2\right\}$
is a totally symmetric set in the image of
of size
. Proposition 2.5 yields
Subcase 2: Suppose
. An analogous argument to Subcase 1 using the Left diagram from Figure 4 concludes that
$\left\{g_2^2,\cdots, g_n^2\right\}$
is a totally symmetric set in the image of
of size
. Proposition 2.5 yields
Subcase 3: Suppose
, which implies that
$g_1 \neq g_n$
, and further that
$\phi(\sigma_{1,-}) \neq \phi(\sigma_{n,-})$
. Looking at the Full diagram in Figure 4(b), Subcase 3 analyzes when the top and bottom rows of the Full diagram are mapped to different elements.
We now analyze where
can send the second row.
Suppose first that
, or all the elements of the second row, to
. Then in Figure 4(a), the Left diagram, we notice that
map to different elements. Therefore, two elements in the top row of Figure 4(a) map to different elements. Since the top row satisfies the conjugation condition, we have that the top row must split. Since
$g_{i_0}^2\neq g_{j_0}^2$
by assumption, Remark 2.2 shows that each
is unique. Therefore, by Lemma 4.3, the set
$\left\{ g_2^2, g_3^2, \ldots, g_n^2 \right\}$
is a totally symmetric set of size
. Proposition 2.5 yields
A similar argument follows for when
, or all the elements of the second row, to
, but this time we consider Figure 4(c), the Right diagram. Since
map to different elements, the bottom row of the Right diagram must split as it satisfies the conjugation relation. Since
$g_{i_0}^2\neq g_{j_0}^2$
by assumption, Remark 2.2 shows that each
is unique. Therefore, by Lemma 4.3, the set
$\left\{ g_1^2, g_2^2, \ldots, g_{n-1}^2 \right\}$
is a totally symmetric set of size
. In this case, Proposition 2.5 will again yield
Finally, suppose that
to an element
$g_2 \neq g_1, g_n$
. Then in Figure 4(a), the Left diagram, we notice that
map to different elements. Therefore, two elements in the top row of Figure 4(a) map to different elements. Since the top row satisfies the conjugation condition, we have that the top row must split. Similarly, in Figure 4(c), the Right diagram, we notice that
map to different elements. Therefore, two elements in the bottom row of Figure 4(c) map to different elements, and since the bottom row satisfies the conjugation condition the bottom row must split. Notice that we must have that
sends each
to a unique element. Indeed, suppose that
$g_i = g_j$
for some i, j. This implies that either the top row of the Left diagram or the bottom row of the Right diagram cannot split, since these rows have the conjugation relation, which is a contradiction to the above. Since
$g_{i_0}^2\neq g_{j_0}^2$
by assumption, Remark 2.2 shows the each
is unique. By Lemma 4.3, the set
$\left\{ g_1^2, g_2^2, \ldots, g_n^2 \right\}$
is a totally symmetric set of size n. In this case, Proposition 2.5 will yield that
Case 3: Suppose
does not split any of the
’s, and
for all i and j. Notice that Lemma 4.3 does not apply, and that none of the
’s are split by
. In this case, we use the fact that
restricted to
is non-cyclic. Applying Theorem 1.1 to
restricted to
, we get
5.2. Proof of Theorem 1.3
In this section, we provide a proof for Theorem 1.3 which gives a lower bound on the size of
’s smallest non-cyclic finite quotient. By considering whether or not a homomorphism factors through
, we may apply our classification of homomorphisms from
$wB_n \to G$
, or the necessary condition for the existence of a homomorphism
$B_n \to G$
, to determine a classification of the size of finite images of homomorphisms from
Theorem 1.3.
$n\geq 5$
, and let
$\phi \,:\, vB_n \rightarrow G$
be a group homomorphism to a finite group, G, so that
is not isomorphic to the symmetric group,
. One of the following must be true:
$\phi$ is abelian.
$\phi$ factors through
$wB_n$ , and either
$\phi$ restricted to
$PwB_n$ is cyclic.
$\lvert \phi(vB_n)\rvert \geq 2^{n-2}(n-1)!$
c. For all i and j,
$\phi$ does not split
$A_i$ ,
$\phi(A_i)^2\neq\phi(A_j)^2$ , and
\begin{equation*} \lvert \phi(vB_n)\rvert \geq \left( \left\lfloor \frac{n-1}{2} \right\rfloor +1\right)\left(3^{\lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor - 1}\right)\left\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \right\rfloor!.\end{equation*}
$\phi$ does not factor through
$wB_n$ and
\begin{equation*} \lvert \phi(vB_n) \rvert \geq \left( \left\lfloor \frac{n-1}{2} \right\rfloor +1\right)\left(3^{\lfloor\frac{n}{2}\rfloor - 1}\right)\left\lfloor \frac{n}{2} \right\rfloor!.\end{equation*}
Proof of Theorem 1.3. Suppose
is not abelian. If
factors through
, then by Theorem 1.2, one of either (2)(a), (2)(b), or (2)(c) must be true. If
does not factor through
is non-abelian, Lemma 4.2 gives that
restricted to
is non-abelian, and hence non-cyclic. Applying Theorem 1.1 to
restricted to
gives that (3) must be true.
The authors thank Dror Bar-Natan and Dan Margalit for helpful conversations and Thomas Ng for helpful conversations which led to the improvement of the bound in Theorem 1.1. The authors also thank the anonymous referee for carefully reading the paper and providing helpful comments.
Funding statement
The first author was partially supported by NSERC grant RGPIN-2018-04350. The second author was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-1928930 while participating in a program hosted by the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California, during the Fall 2020 semester. Both authors would like to thank the Georgia Institute of Technology for their hospitality during the Tech Topology Conference in December of 2019, where this project initially began.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declare none.
Data availability statement
There is no data, code, or other materials required to verify the findings in this paper.
Ethical standards
The research meets all ethical guidelines, including adherence to the legal requirements of the study country.
Author contributions
Both authors contributed equally to this research and manuscript.