Antonarakou, A. 2009. Biostratigraphic and Paleoenvironmental Intrepretation of Miocene Sediments of Eastern Mediterranean (Gavdos Island). GAIA no. 20. xii+214 pp. Athens National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Price not stated (paperback). ISBN 978 960 466 032 2.
Atkinson, P. M. & Lloyd, C. D. (eds) 2009. geoENV VII – Geostatistics for Environmental Applications. Quantitative Geology and Geostatistics, vol. 16. xvi + 420 pp. Springer. Price £117.00, US $169.00 (hard covers). ISBN 978 90 481 2321 6.
Cheng-Yuan, W. & Aldridge, R. J. 2010. Silurian Conodonts from the Yangtze Platform, South China. Special Papers in Palaeontology no. 83. 136 pp. The Palaeontological Association. Price £48 (paperback). ISSN .
Cuffrey, K. & Paterson, W. S. B. 2010. The Physics of Glaciers, 4th ed. 704 pp. Academic Press. Price £60.99, US $99.95 (hard covers). ISBN 978 0 12 369461 4.
Hatzor, Y. H., Sulem, J. & Vardoulakis, I. 2009. Meso-Scale Shear Physics in Earthquake and Landslide Mechanics. 294 pp. CRC Press. Price £79.99, US $124.95 (hardcovers). ISBN 978 0 415 47558 7.
Havskov, J. & Ottemoller, L. 2010. Routine Data Processing in Earthquake Seismology. x + 380 pp. Springer. Price £81.00, US $120.00 (hard covers). ISBN 978 90 481 8696 9.
Hefferan, K. & O'Brien, J. 2010. Earth Materials. 808 pp. Wiley-Blackwell. Price £85.00, €97.80, US $150.00 (hard covers); £37.50, €43.20, US $99.95 (paperback). ISBN 978 1 4051 4433 9; 978 1 4443 3460 9 (pb).
Huddart, D. & Stott, T. 2010. Earth Environments. Past, Present and Future. 912 pp. Wiley-Blackwell. Price £95.00, €95.00, US $149.95 (hardcovers); £34.99, €40.30, US $59.95 (paperback). ISBN 978 0 471 48532 2; 978 0 471 48533 9 (pb).
Jain, S. K., Khan, A. A. & Rai, M. K. 2010. Geomicrobiology. 320 pp. CRC Press. Price £76.99, US $119.95 (hardcovers). ISBN 978 1 578 08665 8.
Kasahara, J., Korneev, V. & Zhdanov, M. 2010. Active Geophysical Monitoring. Handbook of Geophysical Exploration: Seismic Exploration, 40. 572 pp. Elsevier. Price £100.00, US $160.00. ISBN 978 0 08 045262 3.
Knut, B. 2010. Petroleum Geoscience. From Sedimentary Environments to Rock Physics. 340 pp. Springer. Price £62.99 (hardcovers). ISBN 978 3 642 02331 6.
Lepper, J. & Richter, A. (eds) 2010. Steine an der Leine. Naturwerkstein im Stadtbild von Hannover. 96 pp. Schweizerbart Science Publishers. Price £11.71, €14.90. ISBN 978 3 510 95983 9.
Ooi, L.-L. 2010. Principles of X-Ray Crystallography. 208 pp. Oxford University Press. Price £21.99, US $39.95 (paperback). ISBN 978 0 19 956904 5.
Pellikka, P. & Rees, W. G. 2009. Remote Sensing of Glaciers. Techniques for Topographic, Spatial and Thematic Mapping of Glaciers. 340 pp. CRC Press. Price £89.00, US $124.20 (hardcovers). ISBN 978 0 415 40166 1.
Prikryl, R. & Torok, A. (eds) 2010. Natural Stone Resources for Historical Monuments. Geological Society Special Publication 333. 256 pp. Geological Society of London. Price £80.00, US $160.00; GSL members £40.00, US $ 80.00; other qualifying societies £48.00, US $96.00 (hard covers). ISBN 978 1 86239 291 5.
Stathopoulou, E. T. 2008. On the Study of the Internal Micromophology and Fossilization of Cenozoic Vertebrates by Radioanalytical Techniques. GAIA no. 19. vi+369 pp. Athens National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Price not stated (paperback). ISBN 978 960 466 018 6.
Stow, D. 2010. Vanished Ocean. xii + 300 pp. Oxford University Press. Price £16.99, US$29.95 (hardcovers). ISBN 978 0 19 921428 0.
Szabó, J., Dávid, L. & Lóczy, D. (eds) 2010. Anthropogenic Geomorphology. A Guide to Man-made Landforms. x + 250 pp. Springer. Price £90.00, US $129.00 (hard covers). ISBN 978 90 481 3057 3.
Tauxe, L. 2010. Essentials of Paleomagnetism. University of California Press. xvi + 489 pp. Berkeley. Price £34.95, US $49.95 (paperback). ISBN 978 0 520 26031 3.
Zimmer, C. 2010. The Tangled Bank. An Introduction to Evolution. 394 pp. Roberts & Company. Price £29.99, US $59.95. ISBN 978 0 98151 947 0.