Keywords: exercise; physical activity; chronic diseases; exercise immunology; exercise immunometabolism.
The focus of our special issue is to explore the molecular cues that exercise training reveals regarding the mechanisms associated with health promotion from both chronic and acute exercise.
Exercise training can prevent, and serve as an effective adjunct therapy in, various chronic inflammatory diseases, including obesity, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. It is also anti-aging by reducing inflammation and combating immune exhaustion commonly seen in older adults. Muscle contractions cause the release of signaling molecules known as exerkines. Exercise training modifies the neuro-immune-endocrine axis, enhancing the function of various systems in the body. Conversely, physical inactivity can lead to early immunosenescence and a diminished response to pathogens, highlighting the critical importance of regular exercise for maintaining a robust immune system.
Our Special Edition invites a diverse range of articles in the following areas: exercise immunometabolism, exercise biochemistry, exercise immunology, and sports medicine. We welcome submissions in the form of narrative reviews, mini-reviews, and meta-analyses. We invite submissions to this Special Collection via the Editorial Manager. You may want to discuss the suitability of your proposed reviews with one of our Special Collection Editors (see below).
Special Issue Editors:
Prof. José Cesar Rosa Neto. University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil.
Prof. Fabio Santos Lira. São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil.
Prof. Hashim Islam. University of British Columbia (UBC- Okanagan), Canada.
Prof. Emily Lavoy. University of Houston (UH). United States of America.
Submission Deadline: 31st August 2025