Want to know more about resistance genes, or mathematical modelling or flavour or emblings (as opposed to seedlings) or biopharming or salt resistance? Here is a large book of 36 chapters, written by 57 experts and knocked into shape by seven editors. So what do you get? The answer is an excellent, authoritative and up-to-date account of the present state of knowledge of one of our most important crop plants, namely potato.
The book is arranged in eight sections and includes basic topics of biology like plant morphology and development, dormancy, response to water, radiation, temperature, CO2, pests and diseases. More applied topics feature the marketing of ware and seed, tuber quality, mineral nutrition and decision-support systems. The section on genomics, genetics and breeding is complemented by one on genetic engineering and testing of GM clones in the field.
With this breadth, the book should be of interest to propagators, growers and marketers as well as to those involved in the research reviewed. As a late-blight pathologist I found the chapters on genetics, breeding and GM particularly rewarding. However, I would have preferred a more logical arrangement of chapters, and some of the figures need more editing.
This is a timely publication and contributes to the celebration of the potato in this International Year of the Potato. It should become a valued reference for a few years at least.