This edited book describes a wide range of modern techniques that can be used to help understand the molecular and ionic basis of salinity tolerance in plants and to study mechanisms of salt stress signalling in plants. The text is a very comprehensive account of the practical implementation of relevant methods and is split into sections outlining: (1) microelectrode and other techniques for the study of ionic relations and transport processes, (2) imaging techniques from various microscopic techniques to thermal imaging of whole plants, (3) biochemical tools from metabolomics to the assay of relevant materials such as Reactive Oxygen Species, antioxidants and ABA, (4) molecular techniques from cell sorting, transformation and transcriptomics to the use of Marker Assisted Selection and (5) a short section on other techniques such as the use of isotope techniques, trait dissection and measurement of soil salinity.
In many ways, this is a rather unusual book with its very clear emphasis on the detailed description of the current technologies and especially in the level of detail that is provided on the practical aspects of how they can be used to answer questions relating to salt tolerance and breeding of more tolerant varieties. All the articles are written by experts in the relevant field and mostly provide excellent step-by-step guides to use of the techniques described. The detailed protocols provided will be invaluable for researchers in the field and as a source of training materials for young scientists.