This book provides a guide to marketing in two segments of the fast growing ethical market, organic and fair trade. It begins with an overview of market development, although with rapid growth this will soon feel dated. The following chapters analysing the organic and fair trade consumers are UK focussed. Later chapters provide an overview on the organic sector in Germany, Italy and the USA.
The real value of the book lies in the case descriptions illustrating in how successful brands have met the challenge to move from niche to mainstream: Green & Black chocolate had to communicate their strong organic and fair trade commitment after a change of ownership; the organic home delivery company Abel & Cole tries to make the ‘right’ ethical choices ahead of its customers; Sainsbury's Organic relaunch aimed at a more universal appeal and lowered prices for some lines.
Involvement of multiple retailers was important for the breakthrough of both sectors and the concluding chapter explores opportunities arising, if increases in ethical concerns can be translated into purchases. The challenge is maintaining momentum whilst ensuring that the core ethical values on which the successful brands are built can be safeguarded. Practitioners of the organic market will benefit from the case studies, in particular of companies that combine organic with fair trade status, from extensive listings of information sources and from the experience of both editors. The book is also relevant to those studying the organic marketing, although students might find the price less attractive.