The book contains 18 review chapters by different authors of various aspects of the Cruciferae. The general theme is the genetic exploitation of wild species, with some emphasis on Asian oil-seed species. Several chapters are authoritative and comprehensive, covering systematics and evolution, manipulation of the sexual process, interspecific hybridization, cytogenetics and gene introgression. Some topics (e.g. cytoplasmic male sterility, C3-C4 photosynthesis, somatic hybridization) are repeated in separate chapters. The figures within each chapter are monochrome and some are of poor quality, but are replicated in high quality colour in a separate section in the centre of the book. These reviews are likely to make the book valuable to researchers and plant breeders for at least a decade.
However, potential purchasers should be aware that several of the other chapters do not reach this standard. Some are insubstantial, or repetitive, or contain little on crucifers, or concentrate on the author's (often unpublished) research; and they include a few taxonomic inconsistencies and errors, and one missing figure.