This welcome tome is an outcome of the Global Agro-Industries Forum (GAIF) conference in Delhi in 2008 sponsored by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations Industrial Development Organization and International Fund for Agricultural Development. Competitive agro-industries have a key role to play in generating employment and economic growth in both rural and urban areas across the globe, as well as adding value to agricultural products. The ripple effect of agro-industries in other sectors is often underestimated, and they have a crucial role to play in poverty reduction and wealth creation. Too often the financial benefit is exported by multinational corporations and supermarkets, and the sections on business models to increase inclusivity for women and small farmers and corporate social responsibility are particularly pertinent.
The political case for agro-industry development in developing countries is covered well, highlighting the mega-trends and challenges across the supply chain. The trends, patterns and development impacts, and the need for effective strategic policy are emphasized, as is the role of the applicable new technologies, particularly in the areas of information and communication. The importance of enabling environments in the competitivity of the industries is covered, as is the importance of quality assurance. Throughout the book the effective use of case studies emphasizes the pertinent points, particularly the need to strengthen the position of farmers. The case for increasing the role of agriculture in development is well made as are the challenges, particularly in the area of investment and the need for new approaches and fostering entrepreneurship through policy at national and international level.
This useful contribution is a timely summary of the issues, processes, challenges and importance of the role of agro-industries in meeting development and wealth creation needs.