CABI has added another important title to its impressive series on agricultural biotechnology. This book addresses the controversial and complex intersection of agbiotech and law, that includes the protection of intellectual property rights, the rights of farmers saving seeds, the patenting of life forms, public policy and the global debate on genetically modified organisms. The papers were presented at an international conference in 2004 and were edited to form chapters in this book. The three-year time gap between the conference and publication is evident in the references (no 2007 citations were spotted, a handful of 2006 papers, and maybe two dozen 2005 publications). One paper did not seem to have had the usual high level of CABI Publishing editing (it retains earmarks of a translation). Readers would have been better served by the inclusion of a section on acronyms and abbreviations, instead of putting some definitions in the index, and repeatedly defining them throughout the text. The book does meet the goal set out by its editor, J. P. Kesan, to create a valuable reference text for students and practitioners in intellectual property rights and agribusiness, and for lawyers and law students involved in intellectual property issues. The latter group will appreciate the inclusion of extensive references and lists of relevant cases. Also included is a section on comparative studies that includes three short country studies (Japan, Republic of Korea and Egypt), and a section on international regulation. The 35 contributors include lawyers, economists, agribusiness experts and biotechnologists, and the papers are admirably readable. This text has convincingly explored a difficult area, and the book should find a receptive international audience.
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Elizarov, Petr
Volkov, Igor
Malygina, I.
Automated system for identifying fields during grain harvesting using satellite navigation and RFID to meet the new requirements of russian legislation on the traceability of grain batches and products of its processing.
E3S Web of Conferences,
Vol. 363,
Issue. ,