It’s cheaper to buy a $35,000 robotic arm than it is to hire an employee who’s inefficient making $15 an hour bagging French fries – it’s nonsense and it’s very destructive and it’s inflationary and it’s going to cause a job loss across this country like you’re not going to believe.
(Ed Rensi, Former McDonald’s CEO, 2016)Footnote 1In Sweden, if you ask a union leader, ‘Are you afraid of new technology?’ they will answer, ‘No, I’m afraid of old technology,’… The jobs disappear, and then we train people for new jobs. We won’t protect jobs. But we will protect workers.
(Ylva Johansson, The Swedish minister for employment and integration, 2017)Footnote 2Economic transformation that extends market relations engenders reactions to embed, successfully or not, the transformation into social relations (Polanyi, Reference Polanyi1944). A large body of literature has reflected on this wisdom in the context of economic globalization, suggesting that the institutional configurations of embedded liberalism (Ruggie, Reference Ruggie1982) have been integral to building the legitimacy and social acceptance of an open economic order. Studies across Western democratic societies find that citizens who are exposed to the risks and uncertainties of global capitalism demand greater social protection from their government (Burgoon, Reference Burgoon2001; Cusack et al., Reference Cusack, Iversen and Rehm2006; Walter, Reference Walter2010; Margalit, Reference Margalit2011). Empirical analyses also reveal that more open economies tend to have larger public spending to compensate for and insure against the vagaries of an open economy (Garrett, Reference Garrett1995; Rodrik, Reference Rodrik1997, Reference Rodrik1998; Rickard, Reference Rickard2012; Nooruddin and Rudra, Reference Nooruddin and Rudra2014).
This study extends the empirical inquiry on the embedding of economic transformation to the context of recent technological advancements or what some refer to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Schwab, Reference Schwab2017). In doing so, I pose two inter-related questions. First and at the society level, how would the presence/absence of welfare state institutions shape popular acceptance of new technologies? Second and at the individual level, how does one’s perception of technological change shape her welfare attitudes?
The dearth of studies answering these questions is surprising given the substantial amount of work reporting potentially disruptive distributional implications of technological change (Iversen and Cusack, Reference Iversen and Cusack2000; Jaumotte et al., Reference Jaumotte, Lall and Papageorgiou2013; Goos et al., Reference Goos, Manning and Salomons2014; Helpman, Reference Helpman2016). A recent study by the International Monetary Fund (2017) concludes that technological change accounts for about half of the decline in the labor share of income in advanced economies. For the USA alone, it is estimated that 13 million mainly low-skilled jobs could be lost due to automatization, which would ‘amount to several times the disruption in local economies caused by the 1950s decline of the car industry in Detroit’ (Quintini et al., Reference Quintini2018). The developing world is not an exception to the trend. In a recent press conference, World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim stated that ‘two-thirds of all jobs that currently exist in developing countries will be wiped out by automation.’Footnote 3
Acknowledging the disruptive potential of technology, recent policy papers rightly prescribe a ‘more inclusive, open, and deliberative form of technology assessment’ (OECD, 2017) and a ‘coordinated action on skills development, labor regulation, social protection, and income redistribution’ (Asian Development Bank, 2018). A crucial yet missing component needed to gauge the political feasibility of these and other prescriptions is the systematic empirical investigation of how citizens perceive the unfolding technological transformation and develop preferences for government intervention. The present study addresses this issue.
In the next section, I present my hypotheses in light of the current literature. As for the first question on welfare state determinants of the public’s attitudes toward technology, I hypothesize that welfare state generosity promotes social acceptance of technological transformation. The guiding notion is that welfare institutions mitigate a broad range of risks associated with the adoption of new technologies including, but not limited to, the risk of job loss. On the second question pertaining to the individual-level nexus between technology acceptance and welfare state attitudes, I explore two competing hypotheses. On the one hand, those with a more optimistic view of technological transformation might exhibit lower support for the welfare state as they might perceive that new technologies allow them to better address various social risks on their own. On the other hand, techno-optimists may not reduce their support for the welfare state. Being more actively on board with new technologies and adapting their behaviors in accordance with them might incentivize techno-optimists to seek insurance against future uncertainties. Techno-optimists may also support the welfare state because compensating for the disaffected losers under the transformation serves their own interests of sustaining technological advancements.
These hypotheses are tested using a multilevel analysis covering over 50 countries. While previous studies have explored the determinants of technology attitudes in the context of advanced economies (e.g., Dekker et al., Reference Dekker, Salomons and Waal2017 on public attitudes toward robots in Europe), this study is the first to incorporate countries with widely different socio-economic settings. Existing empirical research suggests that economic liberalization has accelerated technological changes in developing countries by facilitating technology transfers from high-income countries (Behar, Reference Behar2013). Because new technologies are more skill intensive in relation to those already in use domestically before liberalization, developing countries and in particular, middle-income countries that liberalize, experience skill-biased technological change (SBTC) similar to the trend in developed countries (Meschi and Vivarelli, Reference Meschi and Vivarelli2009; Conte and Vivarelli, Reference Conte and Vivarelli2011). As such, studying the social embedding of technological transformation should not be confined to the developed world.
To preview, my empirical analysis finds that welfare state generosity is associated with greater social acceptance of technological advancement. Such a positive association is found to be stronger in developing countries than in developed countries. When it comes to labor market interventions of the welfare state, a protective intervention has a positive association with technology acceptance in developing countries but less so in developed countries. For the latter, I provide some first-cut evidence that interventions that empower and capacitate workers more effectively promote technology acceptance than passive protective interventions. Furthermore, I find that citizens who are more optimistic about technological change are in general more, not less, supportive of the welfare state than techno-skeptics. The positive coupling between pro-technology and pro-welfare attitudes is especially pronounced among the low-skilled.
The findings together imply that the social embedding of technological transformation via the welfare state fosters a positive perception of new technologies, which, in turn, can sustain a broader support base for the welfare state as well as technological advancements.
Theoretical expectations
This section develops my theoretical expectations in light of the existing literature. I first discuss the expectations on the welfare state determinants of public technology attitudes. I then move on to discussing the micro-level nexus between welfare and technology attitudes.
Welfare state determinants of technology perception
Studies have long focused on the role the welfare state plays in mitigating risk perceptions and promoting risk-taking attitudes among citizens (Domar and Musgrave, Reference Domar and Musgrave1944; Bird, Reference Bird2001; Grant et al., Reference Grant, Koulovatianos, Michaelides and Padula2010). A generous welfare state that protects its citizens against various social risks is expected to foster positive attitudes toward economic changes that entail both risks and opportunities. Economic globalization is a prime example (Scheve and Slaughter, Reference Scheve and Slaughter2004; Hays et al., Reference Hays, Ehrlich and Peinhardt2005; Mayda et al., Reference Mayda, O’Rourke and Sinnott2007). In the context of trade liberalization, Schaffer and Spilker (Reference Schaffer and Spilker2016) indeed find that a strong social safety net increases the public’s ‘likelihood of thinking of globalization as something positive’.
Given these studies, I first hypothesize that citizens in more generous welfare states, on average, exhibit more optimistic attitudes toward technological change than citizens in smaller welfare states. The mechanism behind this baseline hypothesis is a broadly conceived risk-mitigating role of the welfare state. Welfare states protect citizens not only against job and income loss but also against various non-work-related risks such as hazardous impacts on human health.
Hypothesis 1: Individuals in a more generous welfare state exhibit more positive attitudes toward technology than individuals in a smaller welfare state.
Given that technological change is an important source of labor market vagaries (Autor, Reference Autor2015; Quintini et al., Reference Quintini2018), various labor market interventions by the welfare state can influence technology attitudes by attenuating individuals’ exposure to and/or perception of job and income insecurity. Three types of interventions are of particular importance as they focus specifically on addressing risks associated with labor market participation and remuneration.
First, measures that compensate the unemployed can mitigate the perception of economic losses among individuals who are at risk of being replaced by new technologies. Anderson and Pontusson (Reference Anderson and Pontusson2007), for instance, find that generous unemployment benefits reduce citizens’ subjective insecurity. Their counter-factual analysis shows that adopting the Swedish-style unemployment compensation alone would substantially reduce the job-loss anxiety of the average American.
Second, wage-setting institutions shape the perception of labor market risks via their effect on employer strategies in hiring, training, and technology adoption. The centralized wage-setting system, in particular, effectively serves to ‘force and enable’ firms to ‘make more efficient use of’ production factors including human capital (Streeck, Reference Streeck1989: 90). More specifically, such wage-setting institutions create an additional incentive for firms to increase the productivity of unskilled workers and enable the firms to be ‘the residual claimant of the increase in productivity due to technology adoption’ (Acemoglu, Reference Acemoglu2003: 128). Amid technological development, firms are thus incentivized to retain and retrain their workers and selectively adopt new technologies complementary to the existing workforce (Acemoglu, Reference Acemoglu2003). Such employer strategies, in turn, can reduce labor market insecurity faced by workers.
Third, the ‘capacitating’ role of the social investment welfare state (Morel and Palier, Reference Morel and Palier2012) is expected to positively influence technology attitudes of citizens facing new labor market risks that are increasingly difficult to predict (Hemerijck, Reference Hemerijck2018). Governments can proactively equip their citizens with necessary human capital by providing higher education, offering life-long learning, and upskilling active labor market policies. Such active interventions are considered to be distinctive and complementary to protective interventions of the traditional welfare state that are less able to address labor market exclusion (Morel et al., Reference Morel, Palier and Palme2012).
Importantly, the effect of the aforementioned labor market institutions may not be uniform among different groups of citizens. Previous empirical studies on trade attitudes find that government policies catering to the economic losers of globalization do mitigate the likely losers’ opposition to free trade (Ha et al., Reference Ha, Lee and Amri2014) yet might at the same time dampen the likely winners’ enthusiasm for free trade (Ehrlich and Hearn, Reference Ehrlich and Hearn2014). If so, it is plausible that the salutary effect of welfare state interventions on technology attitudes is observed mainly among the likely losers of technological transformation.
Who are such losers? Generally, the risk of job loss under the current trend of SBTC (Card and DiNardo, Reference Card and DiNardo2002) is greater among lower-skilled citizens (Acemoglu, Reference Acemoglu1998; Goldin and Katz, Reference Goldin and Katz1998; Michaels et al., Reference Michaels, Natraj and Van Reenen2014). The lower-skilled, on average, would thus be less sanguine about technological transformation. Yet because they are likely to be the beneficiaries of various welfare state interventions such as unemployment compensation and retraining, the risk-moderating effect of such interventions should be more pronounced in this group.
To summarize, the effect of the welfare state’s labor market interventions on technology attitudes would be conditioned by individual skill endowment. The effect is expected to be clearly salutary among the low-skilled, the likely losers of SBTC. The effect would be less positive or might even be negative among the high-skilled. The latter group might exhibit more positive technology attitudes under liberal labor market institutions where firms accelerate SBTC and the skill premium rises faster.
Hypothesis 2: The positive influence of labor market interventions on technology attitudes is more pronounced among the low-skilled than among the high-skilled.
A key macro-level implication of Hypothesis 2 is that the labor market institutions of the welfare state would reduce the otherwise considerable skill cleavage over technological change. In societies with such institutions, the high- and low-skilled would be less divided over the technological transformation.
The technology attitude-welfare attitude nexus
The preceding subsection discussed how existing welfare state institutions shape the public’s perception of technological change. This subsection explores how, within a society, citizens’ perceptions of technological change shape their welfare state attitudes. Investigating this micro-level nexus allows us to predict the coalitions and fault lines over the welfare state forged under technological transformation. I propose two competing hypotheses.
On the one hand, one might expect that citizens who are critical of the new technologies’ economic consequences would want more redistributive state intervention that compensates for their losses. Those optimistic about technological transformation might perceive that new technologies allow them to more effectively address various social risks on their own. If so, they would be against the expansion of distributive public programs. This expectation is in line with findings from the literature on trade preference where the likely losers of trade support compensatory public policies whereas the likely winners oppose it (Ehrlich, Reference Ehrlich2010).
Hypothesis 3.1: Pro-technology attitudes are negatively associated with welfare state support.
On the other hand, one’s acceptance of new technologies might foster, not undermine, her support for the welfare state. The expectation of large potential gains from technological advancements involves substantial uncertainties. Compared to those who defy new technologies, individuals more willing to adapt their behaviors in accordance with technological change might have stronger incentives to seek protection against future risks. Their ‘insurance motive’ for redistribution (Rehm, Reference Rehm2009: 858) is in line with the view that welfare states serve the future-oriented, risk-pooling needs of citizens who do not necessarily face any imminent economic disadvantage (Barr, Reference Barr2001; Rehm et al., Reference Rehm, Hacker and Schlesinger2012; Busemeyer and Garritzmann, Reference Busemeyer and Garritzmann2017).
Furthermore, pro-technology citizens might support welfare state expansion if distributive policies are seen as essential for sustaining and furthering technological advancements. The expectation is broadly consistent with Rickard (Reference Rickard2015) who finds that pro-trade legislators who represent more exporters are actually more likely to vote for expanding Trade Adjustment Assistance programs in order to broaden the pro-trade coalition.
Hypothesis 3.2: Pro-technology attitudes are positively associated with welfare state support.
To summarize, Hypothesis 1 concerns the direct effect of the welfare state on technology attitudes. Hypothesis 2 captures the conditioning effect of the welfare state on the micro-level nexus between technology-induced economic risk and technology attitudes. Lastly, Hypothesis 3 explores the effect of technology attitudes on welfare state attitudes.
Research design
The hypotheses discussed in the previous section were tested using a dataset of over 50,000 individuals from 50 countries. The individual-level data come from the latest (sixth) wave of the World Value Survey (WVS, Reference Inglehart, Haerpfer, Moreno, Welzel, Kizilova, Diez-Medrano, Lagos, Norris, Ponarin and Puranen2010–2014). Country-level data on the welfare state and other macro-economic characteristics come from the International Labour Organization (ILO), the World Bank, the Database on Institutional Characteristics of Trade Unions, Wage Setting, State Intervention and Social Pacts (ICTWSS), and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Operationalization of variables
Technology attitudes
Technology attitudes are my dependent variable in Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 2 and the independent variable in Hypothesis 3. The WVS includes several questions pertaining to perceptions of science and technology. I created a composite indicator Pro-Technology Index (PTI) by aggregating responses to these questions using factor analysis.Footnote 4 More specifically, the index is based on the following ordinal questions: (1) whether putting more emphasis on the development of technology is desirable, (2) whether science and technology make lives easier and more comfortable, (3) whether science and technology are expected to bring more opportunities for the next generation, and (4) whether the world is better off because of science and technology. The list of questions and their WVS question ID number are reported in Table 1. More positive answers to these questions together capture respondents’ greater willingness to embrace technological change. The resulting index variable ranges from 0 to 2.7 with a mean of 2.0.Footnote 5 For the robustness check, I show in the appendix that my main findings also hold using geometric averaging (with equal weightings) as the aggregation method.
Note that in creating the index I excluded questions that are explicitly about the normative implications of technology such as whether science conflicts with faith or whether science hinders moral judgments. While including these items do not substantially change my key findings, it unnecessarily stretches the index beyond the concept I seek to capture.
Welfare state attitudes
My dependent variable in Hypothesis 3 is welfare state attitudes. Using the WVS, I create a Pro-Welfare State Index (PWI). The index is a composite indicator of the four items in the WVS that capture attitudes toward government redistribution and social protection. The items are listed in Table 1. Note that I only include those items that mention the role of the government; for instance, I exclude the item on inequality perception because an individual unhappy with inequality may not necessarily endorse government interventions to correct it. Similar to the construction of PTI, I aggregate the four items using factor analysis. An alternative measure based on geometric mean is also reported as a robustness check. In my sample, PWI ranges from 0 to 2.4 with a mean of 1.4.
Welfare state institutions
My independent variables in Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 2 are welfare state institutions. As an indicator of overall welfare state generosity (relevant for Hypothesis 1), I employ total public social protection expenditure (as % of the GDP). The data are from the ILO’s World Social Protection Report 2014/15 (ILO, 2014).Footnote 6 The measure is referred to as Social Spending hereafter. It ranges from 0.2 in Pakistan to 26 in Sweden.
As discussed in the previous section, welfare states not only mitigate technology-induced job and income insecurity but can also mitigate other non-labor-market-related concerns such as new technologies’ hazardous impact on health and safety. So I expect the Social Spending variable to have a positive association with the PTI. As shown in Figure 1, the country means of PTI and Social Spending exhibit a weakly positive correlation in both developing and developed country groups. Of course, more rigorous investigation into the relationship requires controlling for other compounding factors at both country and individual levels, which will be the subject of the next section.
For Hypothesis 2, I employ a series of indicators capturing the labor market interventions of the welfare state. First, I employ Unemployment Protection, which measures the effective coverage of unemployment benefits (as % of the unemployed population). The data are from the ILO’s World Social Protection Report 2014/15 (ILO, 2014).Footnote 7 The variable is highly right-skewed as most developing countries have very low coverage while a few developed countries feature broad-based coverage. I thus employ a log transformation of the variable.Footnote 8
Second, I use an indicator of the coordination in wage setting from the ICTWSS database (Visser, Reference Visser2016). The measure, Wage Coordination, is a 5-category ordinal indicator.Footnote 9 It is expected that in countries with more centralized wage-setting institutions the demand for lower-skilled workers does not decrease as much as in other countries with no such institutions (Acemoglu, Reference Acemoglu2003; Domeij and Ljungqvist, Reference Domeij and Ljungqvist2013). In line with this expectation, Wage Coordination is indeed negatively correlated with the skill premium of high-skilled workers. According to OECD Statistics (2019), in 2015, the relative earnings indexFootnote 10 of the university educated was 117 in Sweden (the lowest among 38 sample countries) where, according to the ICTWSS database, ‘wage norms are based on centralized bargaining by peak associations’ (Wage Coordination = 4). The index was 174 in the USA with ‘fragmented wage bargaining, confined largely to individual firms or plants’ (Wage Coordination = 1).
Third, I employ spending on active labor market programs (ALMPs % GDP) from the OECD database. While the measure is only available for the OECD member states, it allows for capturing the effect of capacitating interventions. See the Appendix (Table A.2 in Supplementary material) for country-specific data availability.Footnote 11
Exposure to SBTC-induced economic loss (individual skill endowment)
Under SBTC, the likelihood of job and income loss among the low-skilled is greater than that of the high-skilled. The baseline technology attitude would thus be less positive among the low-skilled. Labor-protecting institutions are expected to mitigate such a skill-based gap in the PTI. I use the level of Education from the WVS as a proxy for skill level. The Education variable has nine ordinal categories where one indicates no formal education and nine indicates completion of university education. The Education variable is highly correlated with the respondents’ self-positioning of their current occupation on the manual-intellectual spectrum. I prefer an objective measure of education as it can capture one’s potential to switch to intellectual tasks in addition to the type of task one is currently performing.
I acknowledge that the association between educational attainment and skill utilization in the labor market varies across time and space. In more advanced economies with a large college-educated population, the association tends to be weaker. Horowitz (Reference Horowitz2018) indeed finds in his longitudinal study (1970–2010) in the USA that the advantage a college-educated individual has in analytic skill utilization declines as birth cohorts become better-educated. That said, his analysis still concludes that even now ‘individuals who earn a college degree still take more skilled jobs than do those with no college experience’ (Horowitz, Reference Horowitz2018: 790).
While it is also plausible that the higher-educated are more knowledgeable and thus are more capable of objectively assessing the various risks from technology, existing studies present weak and mixed evidence when it comes to whether more technical knowledge leads to lower risk perception and to more favorable attitudes toward science and technology (Slovic, Reference Slovic1987; Bauer et al., Reference Bauer, Durant and Evans1994; Sturgis and Allum, Reference Sturgis and Allum2004). Risk perception among lay people is ‘a function of many different factors of which the results of technical risk assessments is only one among others’ (Renn, Reference Renn1990: 3). Based on these studies, I assume that the information effect is unlikely to be a strong driver of the positive association between Education and PTI.
At the individual level, I control for Income (in deciles), Gender, and Age. Existing studies also emphasize how trust can foster confidence in technology (Siegrist et al., Reference Siegrist, Gutscher and Earle2005). Empirical studies find that high public concern about a technology-related risk issue (e.g., radiation from nuclear power plants) tends to be ‘associated with distrust of the managers responsible for that issue’ (Earle et al., Reference Earle, Siegrist and Gutscher2012: 20). I thus control for Political Trust, which is a composite indicator based on the five WVS questions concerning confidence in political institutions: the courts (V14), the government (V15), political parties (V16), parliament (V17), as well as civil service (V18).Footnote 12
Technology skepticism might stem not only from considerations of rational-material consequences but also from the denial of scientific discoveries that contradict individuals’ deeply held beliefs (Kahan et al., Reference Kahan, Jenkins‐Smith and Braman2011). To capture such variation in the PTI, I use the Disbelief sub-index provided by the WVS which is the inverse of religious beliefs. I expect Disbelief to be positively associated with the PTI. Existing studies also find that individuals more familiar with new technologies tend to exhibit a more favorable technology perception. I thus control for the arithmetic mean of internet usage and mobile phone usage variables from the WVS as a proxy for individuals’ familiarity with information technology (IT Familiarity).
The multilevel nature of the data is handled by estimating random country intercepts. The specification allows for estimating the effect of country-level covariates while capturing unobserved country-specific characteristics with random intercepts. I also control for GDP per capita (in thousands constant 2010 USD).Footnote 13National income is often used as a proxy for national-level capital endowment. Higher-income countries are relatively capital abundant and labor scarce whereas lower-income countries are more labor abundant and capital scarce. Provided that firms are not constrained by protective labor market institutions, they would be more likely to adopt (unskilled-) labor-saving technologies in higher-income countries where cost of labor, as a scarce factor, is more expensive than in lower-income countries. If so, GDP per capita would be negatively associated with the average worker’s pro-technology attitudes.
Given the relatively small number of country-level units (around 50–55 for full sample models), I refrain from adding multiple macro-level control variables. For robustness checks, I explored specifications that include additional national-level indicators. They include indicators of technological advancement such as Med/High-tech Industry Value Added (as % of manufacturing value added) and Patents (logged number of patent applications filed by residents) as well as the quality of technological infrastructure proxied by Fixed Broadband Subscriptions per 100 People.Footnote 14 Adding these variables do not substantially change my main results, and the coefficient estimates of these variables lack statistical significance. The results are reported in the Appendix (Table A.3 in Supplementary material).
Measurement validity
Does PTI reflect ‘economic’ risks from technological change?
Given the general wording of the survey questions employed to construct the PTI (see Table 1), the index is subject to the criticism that it may not sufficiently reflect the respondents’ assessments about the economic consequences of technological change. For instance, one might exhibit a low PTI score primarily because she believes new technologies make people more cold-hearted or less religious. If so, PTI is not a valid indicator to test my hypotheses, which posit that the welfare state shapes technology attitudes by mitigating technology-induced economic risks.
To address the validity concern, Table 2 presents a set of preliminary models. If PTI is indeed a function of expected economic risks and losses from technological change, the indicator of skill endowment (Education) should have a positive and significant association with PTI because the high-skilled are less exposed to the risks of job and income losses under SBTC. The findings in Model 1 are consistent with the expectation. Importantly, the positive association between Education and PTI holds, controlling for a set of factors that drive the non-economic variation in PTI including (religious) Disbelief and social/political Trust.
*P < 0.1; **P < 0.05; ***P < 0.01.
In Model 1, I also include the self-reported task routineness indicator (Routine) in addition to Education. This consideration addresses findings from the literature that technological change tends to decrease demand for ‘middling’ occupations performing cognitive but routine tasks relative to occupations with lower routineness (Autor et al., Reference Autor, Levy and Murnane2003; Goos et al., Reference Goos, Manning and Salomons2014). Thus, I expect Routine to be negatively associated with PTI. The variable Routine has the expected negative sign in Model 1; that is, individuals performing routine tasks tend to exhibit less positive attitudes toward technological change. The magnitude of the effect, however, is small compared to that of Education.
Task routineness is also expected to reduce the positive effect of skill attainment on PTI. I thus examine the interaction between Education and Routine in Model 2. The finding is visualized in Figure 2. I simulate the predicted values of PTI for those with vocational secondary education (Education = 5, in red) and those with a university degree (Education = 9, in blue) over a range of task routineness on the x-axis (from 1 = highly creative to 10 = highly routine). All other variables are set at the sample mean values. As expected, the negative slope of the blue line indicates that the positive effect of university education on PTI is dampened by task routineness. Due to the low PTI of highly educated routine taskers, the skill-based gap over PTI (captured by the distance between the two lines) is smaller among routine taskers than among creative workers.Footnote 15
Because my theoretical expectations for the welfare state’s effect on technology attitudes apply to both developing and developed countries, it is also important to show that the cleavage over new technology is not confined to the developed world. Model 3 thus includes the interaction term of Education and GDP per capita. While the lower-order term Education remains significant, the interaction term is not. The Education effect (capturing the skill cleavage) is observed at all substantively meaningful values of GDP per capita.
The analyses reported in this subsection together suggest that PTI reflects individuals’ perceptions of economic risks associated with new technologies in developing as well as developed countries. The following section tests my hypotheses concerning the nexus between the welfare state and PTI.
Empirical analysis and findings
This section tests the hypotheses I developed in the Theoretical Expectations section. I begin with testing Hypothesis 1, which posits a positive association between overall welfare state generosity (measured by Social Spending) and PTI. Next, I test Hypothesis 2, which suggests that labor market interventions of the welfare state mitigate the negative technology perceptions among low-skilled workers, and thereby reduce the skill cleavage over technology acceptance. The relevant models include the interaction term of Education and the labor market intervention indicator. Lastly, I turn to Hypothesis 3 and explore how technology attitudes (PTI) shapes welfare state attitudes (PWI).
Tests for Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 2: Do welfare state institutions promote technology acceptance?
The models in Table 3 explore the association between welfare state institutions and the dependent variable PTI. In Model 4, the key independent variable is Social Spending. The coefficient estimate of Social Spending is significant and positive. The finding is consistent with Hypothesis 1, which expects that individuals in a more generous welfare state exhibit more positive attitudes toward technology than individuals in a smaller welfare state.Footnote 16
*P < 0.1; **P < 0.05; *** P < 0.01.
Does the welfare state-technology attitude nexus vary between developing countries and developed countries? If so, how? Two competing expectations can be considered in this regard. First, the nexus might be weaker in developing countries where many social programs are rather new and less consolidated. Existing studies find that the extent citizens look to the welfare state as a viable means of protection depends on citizens’ ‘experiences with having lived in settings where state institutions govern social protection to address risks’ and that in emerging welfare states, citizens exposed to social risks do not necessarily turn to government protection (Lim and Burgoon, Reference Lim and Burgoon2018). If so, the effect of social spending on reducing perceived risks under SBTC might be weaker in developing countries than in developed countries with mature welfare state institutions.
Second, the nexus might be stronger in developing countries because the marginal utility of a one-unit income transfer via social spending tends to be greater for developing countries whose average living standard is lower than wealthier countries. Furthermore, it is plausible that citizens in rich and mature welfare states take the traditional measures of the welfare state for granted. Unlike the low-skilled in developing countries occupied with subsistence concerns, those in affluent countries might expect more from their welfare state. If so, the welfare state-technology attitude nexus in developed countries might be sensitive to the type of welfare state measures. Only those measures that directly address ’new’ labor market risks under SBTC might have a PTI-increasing effect.
These competing expectations are explored using the subsample analysis reported in Models 5 and 6. In the developing country subsample (Model 5), Social Spending has a significant and positive association with PTI. Social Spending is insignificant in the model with the developed country subsample (Model 6). The finding is in line with the second expectation.
This finding also brings us to the next step in the analysis, which directly employs the indicators of labor market interventions. As discussed in the previous section, I employ three measures of labor market interventions capturing distinct yet complementary functions of the welfare state: unemployment protection, wage coordination, and ALMPs.
First, Models 7–9 employ Unemployment Protection measured by the percentage of the population effectively covered by unemployment benefits. As Hypothesis 2 posits that the PTI-increasing effect of protective labor market institutions would vary by Education, I interact Unemployment Protection with Education. Model 7 is the full sample model. The interaction term coefficient is negative and significant, but the lower-order term Unemployment Protection is insignificant. The findings suggest that unemployment benefits reduce the PTI among the higher skilled while having no positive impact on the PTI among the lower-skilled.
The finding from the pooled model, however, can be misleading if the same welfare state intervention has distinct effects in developed and developing countries. Models 8 and 9 thus explore developing and developed countries separately. In the developing country subsample (Model 8), the lower-order Unemployment Protection term is positive and significant while the interaction term coefficient is not statistically significant. They together capture the positive effect of unemployment benefit coverage on technology acceptance across different skill levels in developing countries. In Model 9, only the interaction term is negative and significant. This suggests that in developed countries, unemployment benefit coverage has no PTI-increasing effect among the low-skilled and may even have a small PTI-reducing effect among high-skilled citizens. These findings are largely consistent with the findings on the effect of social spending (recall Models 5 and 6).
Why does Unemployment Protection have no positive association with PTI in developed countries? One might suspect that the measure based on the population coverage (breadth) has limited variation in the developed world where most industrial employees are covered by unemployment protection. To address this concern, I employ an alternative compensation measure: unemployment insurance replacement rate. Unfortunately, the data are only available for nine developed countries in my sample.Footnote 17 Random effect models produce biased estimates for higher-level indicators when the number of higher-level units is small.Footnote 18 I thus estimate a pooled ordinary least squares (OLS) model (Model 10) and a country fixed effects model (Model 11) including the interaction term of the country-level moderator and a micro-level independent variable (Möhring, Reference Möhring2012). Nevertheless, I do not find any evidence that the higher replacement rate is associated with more positive technology attitudes among the low-skilled in these developed economies.
As discussed earlier, the divergent findings in developing and developed countries might in part be attributable to the varying public expectations toward the role of the welfare state. Compensation alone would be insufficient to foster technology acceptance where the public is concerned about ‘exclusion’ (Morel et al., Reference Morel, Palier and Palme2012) and ‘marginalization’ (Gesthuizen et al., Reference Gesthuizen, Solga and Künster2010) in the labor market. These ‘new’ social risks are not adequately addressed by unemployment compensation. This explanation is also in line with my earlier finding that the overall size of social spending does not promote public technology acceptance in developed countries. It might be that interventions that are empowering and capacitating are needed to foster their technology acceptance in developed countries.
In Table 4, I thus move on to models utilizing additional indicators of the welfare state’s labor market intervention: (1) wage coordination systems incentivizing firms to retain and retrain low-skilled workers and (2) spending on ALMP. See the Appendix (Table A.2 in Supplementary material) for country-specific data availability.Footnote 19
* P < 0.1; ** P < 0.05; *** P < 0.01.
* P < 0.1; ** P < 0.05; *** P < 0.01.
Models 12–14 examine the effect of centralized wage setting. In Model 12, the baseline model without an interaction term, the Wage Coordination variable lacks statistical significance while the Education term is significant and positive. To test Hypothesis 2, Model 13 adds the interaction term of Wage Coordination and Education. The positive and significant coefficient estimate of the lower-order Wage Coordination variable captures the PTI-increasing effect of a centralized wage coordination system among the lowest skilled. The negative and significant interaction term coefficient points toward skill-varying effects of centralized wage setting that are consistent with Hypothesis 2. The substantive meaning of the interaction effect is visualized in Figure 3a in terms of predicted PTI. I vary Wage Coordination (on the x-axis; from 1 for the most fragmented to 5 for the most centralized) and Education while fixing all other covariates at their sample mean values. Again, the distance between the blue and red lines captures the skill-based gap in PTI. The gap is larger under a fragmented wage bargaining system (when Wage Coordination = 1) than under a coordinated system (when Wage Coordination = 5). The findings provide evidence that a strong Wage Coordination system might mitigate the skill-based gap in public technology attitudes.
Even under a centralized wage bargaining system, some workers have limited access to collective bargaining. The growth of precarious employment in sectors that are difficult to organize has been a problem in many countries, and representation of irregular workers in collective bargaining has been difficult even in countries with strongly institutionalized peak-level tripartism such as the Netherlands (Boonstra et al., Reference Boonstra, Keune and Verhulp2012). Thus, workers exposed to ‘destructive effects of market forces’ would feel more shielded when they are unionized and the state intervenes to ‘back either collective bargaining or its collective agents (unions and employer associations)’ (Traxler, Reference Traxler2003: 144). Furthermore, the experience of taking part in and benefiting from inclusive and centralized wage coordination can have an enlightenment effect on low-skilled union members, which increases their perception of self-efficacy (Markowitz, Reference Markowitz1998) under challenging situations such as SBTC. Such experiences might create in workers ‘the sense that they can exercise some control over their working lives’ (D’Art and Turner, Reference D’Art and Turner2007: 108)
As such, Model 14 explores a three-way interaction effect of active union membership (Union), Education, and Wage Coordination. I expect the positive association between Wage Coordination and PTI among less-skilled workers to be more pronounced when they are union members. The finding is visualized in Figure 3b. The figure on the right(/left) is for those with(/without) active union membership. The difference in the slope of the red lines reveals that the positive association between Wage Coordination and the less-skilled workers’ PTI is stronger among active union members. Meanwhile, the slightly negative slope of the blue line on the right indicates that high-skilled union members are more pro-technology under a fragmented bargaining system allowing for greater wage inequalities and skill premiums. This outcome is consistent with my expectation in Hypothesis 2.
Lastly, I examine how government spending on ALMP shapes the skill cleavage over technology acceptance. It should be noted that only 12 countries could be included in the analysis due to limited data availability. I thus turn to pooled OLS (Models 15–16) and a country fixed effects model including the interaction terms of ALMP and Education (Model 17). I present the finding based on Model 16 in Figure 4. The effect of ALMP is broadly in line with the effect of Wage Coordination. Spending on active labor market policies seems to promote technological acceptance of the low-skilled (captured by the red upward-sloped line) and reduces the skill-based gap in PTI. The magnitude of the effect, however, is very small. Future empirical research should investigate the effect of the social investment welfare state on technology acceptance with more fine-grained data and in a larger sample of countries.
Overall, my analyses lend partial support to Hypothesis 2. A protective intervention in the form of unemployment compensation was associated with a broader-based technology acceptance in developing countries. Such measures of protection, however, had no meaningful association with the public’s technology acceptance in developed countries. In the latter, I find first-cut evidence that empowering and capacitating workers via institutions for collective bargaining and ALMP might have potential to foster broader-based technology acceptance.
Tests for Hypothesis 3: How does technology perception shape welfare state attitudes?
This section explores the micro-level nexus between technology perception and welfare attitudes within a society (Hypothesis 3.1 and Hypothesis 3.2). Among the citizens with varying PTI, who are more likely to turn to the welfare state for the social embedding of technological change?
My dependent variable now is the PWI, and the key independent variable is PTI. Several macro-level factors such as welfare state generosity, country income, and level of economic openness are important determinants of PWI as well as PTI. I thus include these macro-variables as controls. Random country intercepts are also included. Table 5 reports the results.
Model 18 is the baseline model including only the macro-level control variables and PTI. The PTI variable has a positive and significant association with PWI. The finding is consistent with Hypothesis 3.2, which posits that pro-tech citizens would be more supportive of welfare states than techno-skeptics. Model 19 introduces a set of micro-level control variables. The PTI variable itself still has a positive association with the PWI. As reported in the Appendix, the finding holds when I employ an alternative measure of PWI or use the dominant sub-items from PWI (V137) and PTI (V192) instead of the composite index.
In Model 20, I explore the possibility that technology attitudes have a non-linear effect on welfare state attitudes. It might be that, compared to those with middle-level PTI, citizens with low PTI and those with high PTI both exhibit stronger support for the welfare state; the former wants compensation, and the latter is willing to offer such compensation to prevent any backlash against technological transformation. I thus employ a three-category nominal indicator of technology attitudes: Techno-Skeptic (PTI < 1st quartile), Techno-Optimist (PTI> 3rd quartile), and neutral as the reference category. I do not find evidence for non-linear effects. PWI is highest among the Techno-Optimist and lowest among the Techno-Skeptic. The findings together provide consistent support for Hypothesis 3.2.
As discussed earlier, there is more than one reason why pro-technology citizens are more favorable to redistributive welfare state policies than techno-skeptics. First, adapting to new technologies can bring about large potential gains yet, at the same time, involve risks and uncertainties. Being on board with technological transformation thus creates incentives for insurance-seeking via public risk-pooling. Second, individuals with a higher PTI might seek to preempt a popular backlash against the trend of technological progress. To the extent that individuals’ PTI reflects their perceived gains from technological change, individuals with a higher PTI have a vested interest in maintaining the change by compensating for the losers who might try to block the change.
The two motivations have distinct observable implications. If the insurance-seeking motivation explains the pro-tech population’s support for the welfare state, the positive PTI–PWI nexus would be stronger among the higher-risk-bearing segment of the pro-tech group (i.e., the low-skilled techno-optimists). If the intention is to preempt a popular backlash and secure their gains, the nexus would be stronger among those who enjoy disproportionate economic gains from technological transformation, that is, the high-skilled techno-optimists. To see whether and how the association between PTI and PWI varies by skill type, I interact PTI and Education in Model 21. The lower-order PTI coefficient is positive, but the interaction term coefficient is negative. In other words, the positive nexus between pro-technology attitudes and welfare state support is stronger among the lower-skilled.
The findings also hold when we examine developing countries (Model 22) and developed countries (Model 23) separately. I visualize the finding from Model 23 in Figure 5 in terms of predicted values for PWI. I vary the level of Education and PTI while setting all other variables at the sample mean values. The positive slope of the red line suggests PTI is positively associated with PWI among those with secondary education. The finding is consistent with the explanation emphasizing the pro-tech population’s insurance motive. Those facing higher risks under SBTC who nevertheless embrace the opportunities offered by new technologies exhibit the highest PWI. These citizens are stronger supporters of the social embedding of the technological transformation than both low-risk tech-enthusiasts (i.e., the university educated with high PTI scores) and high-risk techno-skeptics (i.e., the secondary-educated with low PTI scores).
This paper is timely given the growing and somber interest in the distributional implications of technological change. Many scholarly works and policy documents rightly focus on what governments, corporations, and scientific communities could and should do to make the process more equitable and socially acceptable. Less explored has been the fundamental question of how ordinary citizens within and across societies assess the ongoing technological changes and react to their (perceived) consequences. This study fills in this gap by exploring how citizens’ attitude to technological change is affected by and has an influence on the social embedding of the change via the welfare state.
I theorize and find some empirical evidence that citizens in more generous welfare states tend to hold more positive attitudes toward technological change. I also find some evidence consistent with the expectation that labor market interventions of the welfare state can reduce the skill cleavage over technology acceptance by mitigating the perceived economic losses of the low-skilled under SBTC. Yet, importantly, which type of intervention most effectively fosters a broader-based embrace of technological change might vary among countries. This finding, I believe, is an important agenda for future research.
My subsample analyses indicate that, in developing countries, a broader unemployment compensation is associated with broader-based technology acceptance. The same type of intervention, however, seems to have a less meaningful association with technology attitudes in developed countries. In developed countries, I find some preliminary evidence that empowering and capacitating workers via centralized wage setting and ALMP might have potential to mitigate the skill-based gap in technology attitudes.
I also explored whether individuals’ technology attitudes are associated with their welfare state preferences. I find that, all else being equal, pro-technology citizens are more, not less, supportive of the welfare state than other citizens. I provide some evidence that the insurance-seeking motivation of pro-tech citizens explains their favorable attitudes toward the welfare state. The strongest supporters of the social embedding of technological transformation are those bearing high risks under SBTC who nevertheless embrace the opportunities offered by new technologies.
As I mentioned above, an important avenue for future research would be to examine the effect of technological change on the choice of social policy instruments. For instance, how does SBTC shape citizen preferences between ALMP focusing on human capital development and unconditional cash transfers such as basic income programs? Might the preferred type of welfare state intervention vary among different countries whose populations have distinct experience with and expectations of the welfare state? How should social policy reforms be designed to mitigate an existing divide over technological transformation while avoiding new cleavages?
Understanding the structure as well as the sources of public technology attitudes, which has been the focus of this paper, is the very first step toward answering these questions. Another promising and complementary research agenda on the theme of the technology-welfare state nexus is to further explore political factors such as the party system, government partisanship, and the number of political veto points. As different political institutions empower different actors, countries undergoing similar technological changes might diverge to the extent that changes are embedded into society.
I thank Hyeok Yong Kwon and the participants of the panel on ‘social citizenship in the technological era’ at the 2019 ESPAnet conference for their helpful comments and suggestions. The research was supported by Korea University Research Seed Grants (K1826471, K1824211).
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