A familiar version of the much-discussed Sleeping Beauty problem goes as follows. Beauty is a subject in a sleep-lab experiment that will run from Sunday evening until Wednesday morning. On Sunday she learns the following, reliably. The researchers will put her into a dreamless sleep on Sunday night, and will awaken her in the lab on Monday. Later on Monday while she is still in the lab, they will put her back into a dreamless sleep, and then will toss a fair coin. If the Monday evening coin toss lands heads, then they will keep her in a dreamless sleep until Wednesday morning, when she will awaken by herself and know the experiment is over. But if the coin toss lands tails, then they will erase her Monday memories while she is sleeping and awaken her a second time on Tuesday morning; later on Tuesday while she is still in the lab, they will put her back into a dreamless sleep until Wednesday morning, when she will awaken by herself and know the experiment is over. When she finds herself having been awakened by the experimenters, with no memory of a prior awakening and now not knowing whether it is currently Monday or currently Tuesday, what probability should she assign to the proposition that the coin toss comes up heads?
A large group of philosophers, led by the late John Pollock and writing collectively under the name ‘The Oscar Seminar’ (Seminar Reference Seminar2008),Footnote 1 have applied the conceptual machinery of ‘objective probability’ theory – specifically, what is called ‘direct inference’ in that theory – to argue in support of ‘thirdism’. In subsequent literature spawned by this paper, Joel Pust (Reference Pust2011) argues that the Oscar Seminar's argument is unsound according to the standards of objective probability theory itself; Paul Thorn (Reference Thorn2011) defends the argument against Pust's objection; and Kaila Draper (Reference Draper2017) first argues that Thorn's response to Pust's objection is unsuccessful and then offers a further argument of her own for the claim that the Oscar Seminar's argument is unsound according to the standards of objective probability theory itself.
Here I will engage this philosophical dispute, with two principal goals. First, I will defend the Oscar Seminar's argument against Pust's objection, in a way that implements the guiding idea behind Thorn's reply to Pust but also avoids two shortcomings in Thorn's own implementation. (One of these shortcomings was noted by Draper, and the other one is first noted in the present paper.) Second, I will defend the Oscar Seminar's argument against Draper's objection. Both defenses will involve proposing certain elaborations of the theory of direct inference that are independently well-motivated, rather than being ad hoc or question-begging.
In addition, I will argue that the specific way in which the Oscar Seminar's argument deploys direct inference is largely neutral about disputed questions about the nature of probability – and hence that this argument can be endorsed by virtually anyone, regardless of their views about the nature of probability itself. Opponents of thirdism therefore cannot repudiate the argument just by rejecting all versions of “frequentism” about probability – despite the fact that frequentism typically has been endorsed, in some version or other, by proponents of objective probability theory such as Fisher (Reference Fisher1922: 311), Popper (Reference Popper1956), Kyburg (Reference Kyburg1974), Bacchus (Reference Bacchus1990), Halpern (Reference Halpern1990), and Pollock (Reference Pollock1990).
The potential import of my discussion extends well beyond the Sleeping Beauty problem. Direct inference is a frequently applicable technique for drawing conclusions about single-case epistemic probabilities on the basis of general information of a probabilistic or statistical nature. If I am right in defending the Oscar Seminar's argument against Pust's and Draper's charge that the argument is a mis-application of direct inference, then direct inference turns out to be considerably more widely applicable than it otherwise would be. And if I am right that this inferential technique is largely neutral about the foundations of probability, then direct inference can be safely employed without a commitment to objective probability theory.
1. Objective probability theory, direct inference, and the Oscar Seminar's argument for thirdism
One version of the theory of objective probability, advocated by Pollock, invokes a distinction between ‘definite’ probabilities [indicated with small caps ‘PROB’ as in ‘PROB(P/Q)’ or ‘PROB(P)’] which attach to propositions, and ‘indefinite’ probabilities [indicated with lower case ‘prob’ as in ‘prob(Fx/Gx)’] which attach to properties (including n-adic relations) or propositional functions. What is called ‘a theory of direct inference’ within objective probability theory becomes, within this version of the theory, an account of the conditions under which one is justified in inferring definite probabilities from indefinite probabilities. In ‘prob(Fx/Gx)’ G is called ‘the reference property’ and F ‘the consequent property’. Following the pioneering work of Reichenbach (Reference Reichenbach1949: 374), a core principle is that one should identify the probability that a given particular, a, is F (PROB(Fa)), with prob(Fx/Gx), where G is the logically strongest evidentially relevant property such that one knows prob(Fx/Gx) and one knows Ga.
The Oscar Seminar's argument invokes direct inference in defense of thirdism, as follows. Where ‘a Sleeping Beauty scenario’ is an instance of the Sleeping Beauty problem, the Oscar Seminar's members use ‘B(t,s)’ to mean ‘s is a Sleeping Beauty scenario and t is a time during s’ and ‘Toss(x,s)’ to mean ‘x is a (the) coin toss involved in s’. Where x is a coin toss, they use ‘Hx’ to mean ‘x lands heads’. And they use ‘W(t,s)’ to mean ‘Sleeping Beauty is awakened in the scenario s during an interval Δ since t, without remembering being awakened at any prior time during s’. According to the Oscar Seminar, the following indefinite probability claims are both true:
(1) prob(Hx/B(t,s) & Toss(x,s)) = 1/2
(2) prob(Hx/W(t,s) & B(t,s) & Toss(x,s)) = 1/3
where ‘x’, ‘t’, and ‘s’ are free variables within the formulas to which the operator ‘prob(/)’ applies, and are bound within (1) and (2) by ‘prob’ itself.
Let σ be a particular Sleeping Beauty scenario and let τ be the coin toss in σ. On Sunday in σ, according to the Oscar Seminar, Beauty knows B(now, σ) and Toss(τ,σ) and so can conclude by direct inference from (1) that PROB(Hτ) = 1/2. But upon being awakened during the experiment, Beauty comes to know W(now,σ) & B(now,σ) and Toss(τ,σ). Since (2) involves ‘a more specific reference property than (1)’, the Oscar Seminar claims that Beauty should, by Reichenbach's principle, conclude by direct inference deploying (2) that PROB(Hτ) = 1/3 (Reference Seminar2008: 152).
2. The Pust/Thorn/Draper dialectic regarding the Oscar Seminar's argument
Joel Pust (Reference Pust2011) and Kaila Draper (Reference Draper2017) both maintain that the Oscar Seminar's argument for the thirdist answer to the Sleeping Beauty problem is unsound. Neither author contests statement (2), and neither author launches a general objection to direct inference as a technique for drawing conclusions about single-case probabilities. Rather, they both argue that the Oscar Seminar's argument violates the constraints on direct inference that are imposed by the conceptual machinery of objective probability theory itself. Pust's reasoning appeals to the following indefinite probability claim:
(3) prob(Hx/Toss(x,s)) = 1/2
Pust argues as follows:
Upon awakening, Beauty knows Toss(τ,σ) and so she is, given (3), prima facie justified in concluding that PROB(Hτ) = 1/2 … In (2) (and (1)) the reference property is a property of time-Sleeping Beauty scenario-coin toss triples, while in (3) the reference property is a property of Sleeping Beauty scenario-coin toss pairs … [B]ecause (2) and (3) concern property possession by n-tuples of different n, neither trumps the other as a basis for direct inference. Instead, as (2) and (3) prima facie justify direct inferences to contradictory claims, such inferences defeat each other and neither conclusion is all-things-considered justified. Therefore, Beauty's situation is one in which she cannot engage in an all-things-considered justified direct inference to PROB(Hτ) = 1/3 or to PROB(Hτ) = 1/2. (Pust Reference Pust2011: 292)
In response to Pust, Paul Thorn (Reference Thorn2011) contends that ‘Sleeping Beauty should disregard Pust's direct inference [viz., the prima facie justified direct inference based on (3)], and accept the direct inference to the 1/3-conclusion’ (Thorn Reference Thorn2011: 662). The heart of Thorn's reasoning is a proposed account of comparative logical strength for two reference properties that is applicable even when one of the reference properties has different ‘arity’ than the other. Thorn writes:
In general, where n ≥ m, I will say that an n-place reference property R′ is logically stronger than an m-place reference property R if and only if it is a logical truth that ∀x 1,…, x n: R′(x 1,…,x n) ⊃ R(x 1,…, x m). In those cases where a candidate direct inference is in fact defeated because the reference property of another direct inference is logically stronger, I will say (following Pollock) that the candidate direct inference is subject to undercutting defeat …
The intuition behind Reichenbach's principle is simply that we should prefer direct inferences based on reference properties that incorporate more of the things we know concerning the objects about which we wish to make probability judgments. This intuition does support the conclusion that direct inference based on (2) should be preferred to direct inference based on (3). (Thorn Reference Thorn2011: 663, 665)
In reply to Thorn, Kaila Draper (Reference Draper2017) argues that Thorn's defense of the Oscar Seminar's argument for thirdism fails because Thorn's proposed definition of ‘logically stronger reference property’ is unacceptable. Draper writes:
That definition … has odd consequences. In the first place, it seems to allow for the possibility of a pair of properties each being logically stronger than the other. For example, the property of being a three-angled closed polygon and the property of being a three-sided closed polygon each appear to be logically stronger than the other on Thorn's definition …
Thorn's definition also allows a property R′(x 1,…, x n) to be logically stronger than a second property R(x 1,…, x m) even though it is logically impossible for anything that satisfies R′(x 1,…, x n) to also satisfy R(x 1,…, x m). (Draper Reference Draper2017: 34–5)
Draper goes on to offer a new argument of her own, different from Pust's, aimed at establishing that the direct inference in the Oscar Seminar's argument for thirdism is unsound. I will address this further argument in §5 below.
3. Draper vs. Thorn on comparative logical strength between reference properties of different arity
I have several comments about Thorn's proposed definition of ‘logically stronger reference property’ and about Draper's objections to it.
First, the natural way to try characterizing comparative logical strength for properties of different arity would be in two steps: first, offer a definition of logical entailment between properties, in a way that allows this relation to hold between properties of differing arity. Second, define greater logical strength as follows: property R′ is logically stronger than property R just in case R′ logically entails R but R does not logically entail R′.
Second, it is also very natural to construe Thorn's own proposed definition of greater logical strength as actually constituting a proposed definition of logical entailment between an n-ary property R′ and an m-ary property R (where n ≥ m) – and to construe Thorn as having mistakenly conflated the task of defining logical entailment for properties with the distinct task of defining the ‘logically stronger than’ relation between properties.
Third, this means that if Thorn's proposed definition does indeed adequately characterize logical entailment between properties, then Draper's objection is easily overcome – by saying that property R′ is logically stronger than property R just in case R′ entails R but not conversely.
However, fourth, Thorn's proposal (as thus reconstrued) does not constitute an adequate definition of logical entailment between properties. The problem is that the proffered definition has the following (probably unintended) consequence:
For m < n: an n-place reference property R′ logically entails an m-place reference property R only if: for any items i 1,…, i n,
if < i 1,…, i n> satisfies R′
then R is satisfied by < i 1,…i m>, the initial m-element sub-sequence of < i 1,…, i n>.
This putatively necessary condition on the logical entailment relation (and on the ‘logically stronger than’ relation) is far too strong, in two respects. First, the specific items from {i 1,…, i n} that are logically guaranteed to satisfy R, given that < i 1,…, i n> satisfies R′, need not be the first m items in the n-tuple < i 1,…, i n>; rather, they could be any m items from the set {i 1,…, i n}. Second, the order in which the R-satisfying items from {i 1,…, i n}are logically guaranteed to satisfy R, given that < i 1,…, i n> satisfies R′, need not be the same as the order in which those items occur, left to right, in the n-tuple < i 1,…, i n>; rather, it could be any successive ordering whatever of those items.Footnote 2
Fifth, the problem just noted appears, prima facie, to be a mere technical problem. There ought to be a natural and appropriate way to define logical entailment between properties, as a relation that can hold even when the related properties differ in arity from one another. (Technical problems have technical solutions!) If such a definition can be given, then it will turn out that greater logical strength, construed as one-way logical entailment, can indeed obtain between properties of differing arity. This would vindicate the underlying idea behind Thorn's reply to Pust.
4. Defining logical entailment, and greater logical strength, between properties
I will now offer a definition of logical entailment, as a relation that can hold between two properties of differing arity. Greater logical strength will then be easily definable, as one-way logical entailment. The two definitions together will elucidate the content of the intuitive thought that the greater logical strength of property R′, vis-à-vis property R, is a matter of R′ being ‘informationally richer’ than R – the idea behind Reichenbach's principle. If satisfactory, the proposed definition of logical entailment for properties will render the reference property in claim (2) logically stronger than the reference property in claim (3), thereby defusing Pust's objection to the Oscar Seminar's argument for thirdism. And the definition will be a contribution to the theory of direct inference, as regards the proper construal of Reichenbach's principle.
Two criteria of adequacy should be met by the sought-for definition of logical entailment for properties. First, the definition should avoid the problems, described in §3, encountered by Thorn's own proposal. His is inadequate, either as a definition of greater logical strength between properties or as a definition of logical entailment between properties, because it is not sufficiently permissive about the various ways that the elements of an n-tuple < i 1,…, i n> might be related to the elements of an m-tuple < j 1,…, j m> in instances where it is logically true that if < i 1,…, i n> satisfies property R′ then < j 1,…, j m> satisfies property R.
Second, the definition should specify some uniform connection that must obtain between (i) an n-tuple of items < i 1,…, i n> that satisfies the n-ary property R, and (ii) the specific corresponding m-tuple of items, all from the set {i 1,…, i n}, that must satisfy the m-ary property R′. The idea here is that if R′ really logically entails R, then the pertinent, definitive, connection between an n-tuple that satisfies R′ and the corresponding m-tuple that must satisfy R should be the same regardless of the specific items that satisfy R′ and R, rather than depending upon which particular items are involved. The connection should be a matter of logic alone.
I begin with two preliminary definitions. First is the notion of a position-pairing function, which pairs element-positions in n-tuples with element-positions in m-tuples. (There are n respective positions in an n-tuple, and m respective positions in an m-tuple.)
For natural numbers n and m, an n-to-m position-pairing function is a 1–1 function f that meets the following conditions:
(1) if n > m, then (i) the domain of f is a set containing m members of the set of all n-tuple positions, (ii) the range of f is the set of all m-tuple positions, and (iii) for each distinct m-tuple position q there is a distinct n-tuple position p such that f(p) = q, and
(2) if n ≤ m, then (i) the domain of f is the set of all n-tuple positions, (ii) the range of f is a set containing n members of the set of all m-tuple positions, and (iii) for each distinct n-tuple position p there a distinct m-tuple position q such that f(p) = q.
Second is the notion of conformity between an m-tuple and an n-tuple, relative to an n-to-m position-pairing function.
For natural numbers n and m, n-tuple < i 1,…, i n>, m-tuple < j 1,…, j m>, and n-to-m position-pairing function f, the m-tuple < j1,…, jm> f-conforms to the n-tuple < i1,…, in> just in case the following condition obtains:
for every pair < p,q > such that (i) p is an i-tuple position, (ii) q is a j-tuple position, and (iii) q = f(p),
the element i r of < i 1,…, i n> that occupies position p in < i 1,…, i n> is identical to the element j s of < j 1,…, j m> that occupies position q in < j 1,…, j m>.
Using these preliminary definitions, I now propose the following definition of logical entailment, as a relation between an n-ary property R′ and an m-ary property R.
For natural numbers n and m, n-ary property R′ logically entails m-ary property R just in case
there exists an n-to-m pairing function f such that
for any i-tuple < i 1,…, i n>, and any j-tuple < j 1,…, j m> that f-conforms to < i 1,…, i n>, it is logically true that
if < i 1,…, i n> satisfies R′ then < j 1,…, j m> satisfies R.
This definition meets the first criterion of adequacy, the permissiveness criterion, because it allows any m of the elements in an R′-satisfying n-tuple < i 1,…, i n>, in any order, to constitute the m successive elements in the corresponding R-satisfying m-tuple < j 1, …, j m>. And the definition meets the second criterion of adequacy, the uniqueness criterion, by requiring the pairing function f to select certain specifically-positioned elements of < i 1,…, i n> as the successive elements of < j 1, …, j m> solely on the basis of the n-tuple positions of the selected items from < i 1,…, i n>, independently of what the items themselves are.
Of course, comparative logical strength for properties is now easily defined this way: n-ary property R′ is logically stronger than property R just in case (i) R′ logically entails R and (ii) R does not logically entail R′.
Return now to the guiding intuition behind the idea that an n-ary property R′ can be logically stronger than an m-ary property R even when n > m. That intuition can be formulated this way: R′ is logically stronger than R only if the claim R′(i 1,…, i n), about the items i 1,…, i n, says (or entails) everything about some of those items (about m specific ones of them) that is said by predicating R of those items; and in addition, the claim R′(i 1,…, i n) also says more besides. My proposed definition of ‘logically stronger than’, I submit, does full justice to this intuition.Footnote 3
The upshot, as regards the Oscar Seminar's argument for the thirdist answer to the Sleeping Beauty problem, is that the reference property in claim (2) above is indeed logically stronger than the reference property in claim (3). Thorn's response to Pust's objection to the argument is thereby vindicated in spirit – even though Draper is correct in claiming that Thorn's own proposed definition of ‘logically stronger than’ is not acceptable, and even though it also is not an acceptable definition of logical entailment between properties.
The wider upshot is the licensing of preference for direct inferences based on logically stronger reference properties, regardless of arity – in alignment with existing treatments of direct inference that also purport to have this feature (Pollock Reference Pollock1990; Kyburg and Teng Reference Kyburg and Teng2001: 216; Thorn Reference Thorn2011, Reference Thornin press).Footnote 4 This greatly enhances the scope and power of direct inference as a method for drawing conclusions about single-case epistemic probabilities.
5. Draper's new objection to the Oscar Seminar's argument
Draper raises an objection of her own to the Oscar Seminar's argument for thirdism about the Sleeping Beauty problem – an objection that does not involve properties of different arity. If we let ‘Mt’ abbreviate ‘t is a time on Monday’, she says, then it is clear that
(4) prob(Hx/W(t,s) & B(t,s) & Toss(x,s) & Mt) = 1/2.
It also is clear that the reference property in (4) is logically stronger than the reference property in (2) – even in the ordinary sense, since both reference properties have the same, tertiary, arity. She now argues as follows:
Consider … the time that I will refer to as ‘this time on Monday (of the scenario)’, which we can abbreviate as ‘ttm’. It is important to recognize that I am using the expression ‘this time’ as it is used when we say things like, ‘At this time on Monday I will be safely at home’. Thus, ‘this time on Monday’ means ‘Monday at whatever time of day it is now’. On Monday morning, then, Beauty knows that ttm is a time that might be now and might be exactly 24 hours ago. Beauty also knows that (4) and that W(ttm,σ) & B(ttm,σ) & Toss(τ,σ) & M(ttm). Thus, by direct inference, Beauty arrives at the prima facie conclusion that PROB(Hτ) = 1/2 … [I]t seems clear that … the direct inference that relies on (4) rebuts and thereby defeats the direct inference that relies on (2). Therefore … the Oscar Seminar's argument fails. (Draper Reference Draper2017: 35–6)
At first blush, this argument might seem very difficult to fault. After all, the reference property in (4) is indeed logically stronger than the reference property in (3), even in the noncontroversial sense of ‘logically stronger’ involving two properties with the same arity. Also, since Beauty knows both (4) itself and that W(ttm,σ) & B(ttm,σ) & Toss(τ,σ) & M(ttm), it would seem that she can indeed arrive by direct inference at the prima facie conclusion that PROB(Hτ) = 1/2. How, then, could one possibly fault Draper's contention that this prima facie direct inference rebuts and thereby defeats the prima facie direct inference that relies on (2)?
I maintain that one can, and one should, fault this contention. To see the problem, consider some of the pertinent statements that Beauty knows to obtain. She knows both (2) and (4). She also knows the following two statements concerning the scenario σ (the one she is now in) and the coin toss τ in this scenario.
(5) W(now,σ) & B(now,σ) and Toss(τ,σ)
(6) W(ttm,σ) & B(ttm,σ) & Toss(τ,σ) & M(ttm)
Now, the reference property in (4) is clearly logically stronger than the reference property in (3). But how do (5) and (6) stack up against one another in terms of comparative logical strength? Well, the statement ‘M(ttm)’ is trivially true, since it says ‘This time on Monday is a time on Monday’. (It is logically guaranteed to be true, given that the indexical expression ‘this time’ is logically guaranteed to refer to the current time and the statement ‘B(ttm,σ)’ entails that there is unique referent of ‘Monday’ within the scenario.) Thus, (5) is logically equivalent to
(5*) W(now,σ) & B(now,σ) and Toss(τ,σ) & M(ttm)
But (5*) is logically stronger than (6), because (5*) entails (6) but not conversely. (This is because (6) is consistent with the statement ‘¬W(now,σ) & B(now,σ) and Toss(τ,σ)’, which would have been true had today been Tuesday and had the coin toss come up Heads – in which case Sleeping Beauty would have slept dreamlessly all day today rather than being awakened today by the experimenters.) Thus, since (5) and (5*) are logically equivalent, (5) is logically stronger than (6).Footnote 5
So something odd and curious is at work in Draper's argument: although the reference property in (4) is indeed logically stronger than the reference property in (2), nevertheless the pertinent instantiation of the reference property in (4) – the instantiation that is deployed in Draper's prima facie direct inference relying on (4) – is logically weaker than the pertinent instantiation of the reference property in (2) that is deployed in the Oscar Seminar's direct inference relying on (2).Footnote 6, Footnote 7, Footnote 8
What moral should be drawn from this curious inversion in comparative logical strength? The answer, I suggest, is this: the Oscar Seminar's direct inference from (2) and (5) to the conclusion PROB(Hτ) = 1/3 defeats, but is not itself defeated by, Draper's prima facie direct inference from (4) and (6) to the conclusion PROB(Hτ) = 1/2. This is so because the reference-property instantiation invoked in the Oscar Seminar's direct inference – viz., statement (5) – is logically stronger than the reference-property instantiation invoked in Draper's prima facie direct inference – viz., statement (6).
The immediate upshot is that Draper's objection to the Oscar Seminar's argument for thirdism concerning the Sleeping Beauty problem is unsuccessful, because she is mistaken to claim that ‘the direct inference that relies on (4) rebuts and thereby defeats the direct inference that relies on (2)’. On the contrary, the rebut-and-defeat relation obtains only in the other direction: the inference that relies on (2) rebuts and thereby defeats the direct inference that relies on (4), but not conversely.
The more general upshot concerns the proper formulation and proper application of Reichenbach's principle. The intuitive idea behind the principle is that a proper direct inference will be one that deploys one's strongest pertinent evidence. It turns out, however, that this intuitive idea is not perfectly captured by the idea that a proper direct inference to a conclusion PROB(Fa1,…, an) = r will deploy the logically strongest evidentially relevant reference property G such that a known, or justifiably believed, instantiation of G, plus a known, or justifiably believed, indefinite-probability claim whose reference property is G, together provide a prima facie direct inference to the conclusion PROB(Fa1,…, an) = r. Trouble can arise in cases where the instantiation of G is a conjunctive statement in which at least one conjunct is degenerate (as I will put it) – i.e., this conjunct is an atomic statement whose singular-term constituent(s) is/are so constructed, vis-à-vis its predicate-constituent, as to render the statement trivially true.
This is exactly what happens in Draper's prima facie direct inference deploying statements (4) and (6). Statement (6), the pertinent instantiation of the reference-property in (4), contains a degenerate conjunct – viz., the conjunct ‘M(ttm)’, which symbolizes ‘This time on Monday is a time on Monday’. This statement is trivially true, because the indexical expression ‘ttm’ is constructed so as to trivially satisfy the predicate ‘M’. And that is why statement (6) is logically weaker than statement (5).
The following claim is very plausible: if property G is logically stronger than property G, but a given instantiation IG of property G is logically weaker than a given instantiation I*H of property H, then this is because there is at least one degenerate conjunct in IG. And the following further claim also is very plausible: if a statement PROB(Fa1,…, an) = r can be legitimately derived from a given body of evidence by direct inference deploying the reference property G, then it can be derived by a G-deploying direct inference in which the pertinent instantiation of G is a statement containing no degenerate conjuncts.
In light of these two highly plausible claims, a simple and natural way to amend Reichenbach's principle is to rule out as improper any putative direct inference employing a reference-property instantiation containing a degenerate conjunct. The revised principle is this: a proper direct inference to a conclusion PROB(Fa1,…, an) = r should deploy the logically strongest evidentially relevant reference property G such that a known, or justifiably believed, G-instantiation containing no degenerate conjunct, plus a known, or justifiably believed, indefinite-probability claim whose reference property is G, together provide a prima facie direct inference to the conclusion PROB(Fa1,…, an) = r. (Reichenbach's principle also can be amended in a way that does not appeal to the notion of a degenerate conjunct, although the alternative revised principle will be more cumbersome.Footnote 9)
6. The Oscar Seminar's argument and the nature of probability
Could opponents of thirdism grant my replies to Pust and Draper, but then resist the Oscar Seminar's argument by repudiating certain assumptions about the nature of probability to which the argument is committed? The Oscar Seminar's paper begins with the following remarks:
The literature on the Sleeping Beauty problem has been dominated by Bayesians. Even those authors who are not Bayesians have addressed the problem without using much of the rich machinery available to objective probability theorists. We show that the objective probability theorist has a very simple argument for thirdism. (Seminar Reference Seminar2008: 149)
Shortly thereafter the paper says, “Most objective approaches to probability tie probabilities to relative frequencies in some way” (p. 150). These passages might encourage the thought that one way to resist the Oscar Seminar's argument for thirdism would be to repudiate all philosophical views that construe probabilities as relative frequencies of some kind.
It is true enough that the sort of position typically espoused by advocates of objective probability theory themselves asserts that (i) objective probability (so-called “chance”) is relative frequency of some kind, (ii) indefinite probability is chance as thus construed, and (iii) definite probability is a derivative attribute that is determined by known, or justifiably believed, indefinite probability. But one need not embrace any of this just by virtue of embracing the Oscar Seminar's argument for thirdism. Instead one could construe the pertinent conceptual machinery of objective probability theory in some other way.
Here is one alternative construal, for example. (I myself find it very attractive.) So-called indefinite probability, as expressed by ‘prob’, is not really a distinct kind of probability from the kind expressed by ‘PROB’. Rather, a statement ‘prob(Fx│Gx) = r’ is just a notational variant of the universally quantified statement ‘∀x(PROB(Fx│Gx) = r)’. Moreover, epistemic probability, as expressed by ‘PROB’, is quantitative degree of evidential support, relative to one's total available evidence (cf. Horgan Reference Horgan2017a, Reference Horgan2017b: section 6). Thus, ‘prob(Fx│Gx) = r’ is to be understood as asserting that for any arbitrary item x, considered as such (and apart from any additional knowledge one might happen to have about this x specifically), one's degree of evidential support for x's being F, given that x is G, is equal to r. Direct inference is a transition, from an evidentially sanctioned premise ‘∀x(PROB(Fx│Gx) = r)’ plus an evidentially sanctioned premise ‘Gτ’, to a conclusion ‘PROB(Fτ) = r’. (Multiple variables can be involved, instantiated by multiple singular terms.) Quantifiers in statements of the form ‘∀x(PROB(Fx│Gx) = r)’ range over possible instances of the reference property G; hence such a statement, when evidentially sanctioned itself, thereby determines a rationally expectable hypothetical long run of G-instances – a long run in which the relative frequency of F-instances is r. But relative frequency across such a hypothetical long run is a derivative matter, rather than being either fundamental or a kind probability itself.
Other construals of the pertinent conceptual machinery of objective probability theory seem available too. In particular, there is no obvious reason why one could not adopt a “Bayesian” construal. This would be similar to the construal described in the preceding paragraph, but would identify epistemic probability with quantitative degree of partial belief rather than with quantitative degree of evidential support.
The upshot is that those who wish to repudiate the Oscar Seminar's argument for thirdism bear a substantial burden of proof. Since the conceptual machinery used in the argument looks to be construable in conformity with most any familiar way of interpreting the kind of probability that is at issue in the Sleeping Beauty problem, opponents of the Oscar Seminar's argument cannot repudiate it just by rejecting frequentism. Instead they must confront the argument on its own terms.
7. Conclusion
I have argued that Pust and Draper are both mistaken in claiming that the Oscar Seminar's argument is unsound according to the standards of objective probability theory itself. Pust's argument is mistaken because the theory of direct inference can, and should, embrace the contention that reference properties of differing arity can bear relations of comparative logical strength to one another. Draper's argument is mistaken because it deploys a reference-property instantiation containing a degenerate conjunct.
I also have urged that the Oscar Seminar's argument is effectively neutral about disputed issues concerning the nature of the kind(s) of probability involved in the Sleeping Beauty problem. Opponents of the argument therefore cannot repudiate it simply by rejecting frequentist views of probability that traditionally have been championed by advocates of objective probability theory.
Upon completing a version of this paper under the title ‘Direct Inference and the Sleeping Beauty Problem,’ I came upon a paper with that same title by (of all people!) Kaila Draper – viz., Draper (in press). Drawing on recent work by (of all people!) Paul Thorn – viz., Thorn (Reference Thorn2012) – Draper describes her project this way:
This article is an attempt to use the insights of objective probability theory to solve the Sleeping Beauty problem. The approach is to develop a partial theory of direct inference and apply that partial theory to the problem. One of the crucial components of the partial theory is that expected indefinite probabilities provide a reliable basis for direct inference. The article relies heavily on recent work by Paul D. Thorn to defend that thesis. The article's primary conclusion is that Beauty (the perfectly rational agent in the Sleeping Beauty story) can by way of a justifiable direct inference reach the conclusion that the epistemic probability that the relevant coin toss lands heads is 1/3. (Draper Reference Draperin press: 1)
Her argument for the thirdist conclusion is different from the Oscar Seminar's argument, and is much more complicated. (Although direct inference plays a role, the overall argument has numerous premises and numerous inferential steps.Footnote 10)
Concerning the Oscar Seminar's argument and the dialectic that I have addressed in the present paper, Draper says this:
Writing collectively as the Oscar Seminar (Reference Seminar2008), John Pollock, Paul D. Thorn, and several of their colleagues have also defended 1/3 on objectivist grounds. The Oscar Seminar's argument has been challenged, however, by Joel Pust (Reference Pust2011) and by me (2017). In addition to raising an objection to that argument, Pust advances the positive thesis that objectivists are committed to rejecting both and 1/2 and 1/3. I take this thesis seriously partly because I believe that some prominent theories of direct inference do yield the result that neither 1/2 nor 1/3 is correct. Ultimately however, I reject that thesis and any theory of direct inference that would, if accurate, provide a basis for it. (Draper Reference Draperin press: 2)
If I understand her correctly, she still rejects the Oscar Seminar's argument, because she continues to agree with the following claims in the passage from Pust (Reference Pust2011) that I quoted in §2 above, involving statements (2) and (3):
[B]ecause (2) and (3) concern property possession by n-tuples of different n, neither trumps the other as a basis for direct inference. Instead, as (2) and (3) prima facie justify direct inferences to contradictory claims, such inferences defeat each other. (Pust Reference Pust2011: 292)
But because of her own new argument for thirdism – which includes applications of direct inference to certain claims about expected indefinite probabilities – she now rejects the following conclusion in the above-quoted passage from Pust:
Therefore, Beauty's situation is one in which she cannot engage in an all-things-considered justified direct inference to PROB(Hτ) = 1/3 or to PROB(Hτ) = 1/2. (Pust Reference Pust2011: 292)
She maintains, instead, that even though the two competing prima facie direct inferences based respectively on (2) and (3) do indeed defeat each other, nevertheless her own new direct-inference argument renders the thirdist conclusion both defeasibly justified and undefeated.
I do not attempt here to assess Draper's new argument. If it turns out to be sound, so much the better for thirdism. But regardless whether it is sound or not, the fact remains that the Oscar Seminar's own argument is immune from Pust's objection. This is because, as shown in §4 above, greater logical strength is definable for reference properties of different arity – and given the appropriate definition, the reference property cited in statement (2) is logically stronger than the reference property cited in statement (3). The fact also remains that the Oscar Seminar's argument is immune to Draper's own earlier objection, once Reichenbach's principle is suitably modified in the manner described in §5 above.Footnote 11, Footnote 12