1. Introduction
It is projected that climate change will influence the timing and duration of seasonal precipitation in South Asia, and will contribute to a decline in water availability for rice cultivation in the region (Lobell et al., Reference Lobell, Schlenker and Costa-Roberts2011; Kim et al., Reference Kim, Ko, Kang and Tenhunen2013; Burchfield and De La Poterie, Reference Burchfield and De La Poterie2018). In Sri Lanka, where rice is both the staple food of the population and the primary crop grown by farmers, reductions in water availability for rice cultivation has serious impacts on farmers' welfare and on national food security (UNESCAP, 2010; Weerakoon et al., Reference Weerakoon, Mutunayake, Bandara, Rao, Bhandari and Ladha2011). Reductions in precipitation are of particular concern in Sri Lanka's dry zone, which accounts for two-thirds of Sir Lanka's total land and over 70 per cent of paddy production in the country (De Silva et al., Reference De Silva, Weatherhead, Knox and Rodriguez-Diaz2007).
The adverse impact of low rainfall and low water availability was highlighted during the major drought event that affected multiple farming seasons in Sri Lanka between 2016 and 2017. Reduced rainfall in the primary agricultural season (maha) of 2016 and the secondary yala season of 2017 severely affected water availability for agricultural production. The World Food Programme estimated that as a result of the drought, reservoirs were on average at just 18 per cent of their capacity and 45 per cent of communities reported that their closest reservoirs were empty (WFP, 2017). This led to a significant drop in crop production and a rapid increase in food insecurity among rural households. In total, 900,000 households were negatively affected by the drought (WFP, 2017).
The Overarching Agricultural Policy in Sri Lanka recognizes the importance of adapting and building resilience to climate events such as drought in order to achieve national development and food security objectives (Government of Sri Lanka, 2021). A key policy thrust within the agricultural policy framework is to address emerging climate change impacts by supporting the adoption of suitable agricultural strategies and practices by farmers. Detailed empirical evidence on the impacts of adopting climate adaptive agricultural practices under conditions of climate shocks, and the socio-economic and institutional factors that influence their adoption, is required to help guide efforts for translating these policy objectives into effective actions.
In the economic literature, structural Ricardian models are often used to understand how farmers adapt to climate change and the implications of this adaptation on farm outcomes (Seo et al., Reference Seo, Mendelsohn and Munasinghe2005; Kurukulasuriya and Mendelsohn, Reference Kurukulasuriya and Mendelsohn2008; Seo and Mendelsohn, Reference Seo and Mendelsohn2008; Di Falco and Veronesi, Reference Di Falco, Veronesi and Yesuf2013; Di Falco, Reference Di Falco2014). This approach utilizes a two-stage framework, where the first stage models farmers' selection of multiple adaptation strategies, and the second stage models the impacts of adopting the considered practices on farm-level outcomes (Di Falco, Reference Di Falco2014). Using this empirical framework, economists have provided important insights on the stand alone and complementary impacts and adoption drivers of adopting climate adaptive practices (Hassan and Nhemachena, Reference Hassan and Nhemachena2008; Di Falco et al., Reference Di Falco, Veronesi and Yesuf2011; Kurukulasuriya et al., Reference Kurukulasuriya, Kala and Mendelsohn2011; Asfaw et al., Reference Asfaw, Di Battista and Lipper2016; Abidoye et al., Reference Abidoye, Kurukulasuriya, Reed and Mendelsohn2017; Gorst et al., Reference Gorst, Dehlavi and Groom2018; Etwire et al., Reference Etwire, Fielding and Kahui2019). In this article, we contribute to the literature on the impacts of climate shocks and adaptive practices by using a normalized inverse probability weights procedure to inform a simultaneous estimation of a weighted system of partially recursive equations. Our approach expands the existing literature on climate adaptation through a mediation analysis, which allows us to disentangle the direct impact of climate adaptive practices from the indirect impacts associated with reductions in sensitivity to climate shocks.
Our analysis makes use of a unique dataset of 1,100 rice producing households in the Anurādhapura district of Sri Lanka covering the agricultural seasons 2017–2018. With these data, we assess the impacts of six different climate adaptation practices, which are further disaggregated by the agricultural field types (upland/lowland) and agricultural seasons (maha/yala seasons) that they are implemented in. Because the survey reference period coincides with an exceptionally dry period, we are able to disentangle the causal impacts of adopting these practices on farmers' sensitivity to water stress, measured as the probability of having experienced crop losses due to wilting; their impacts on farm productivity, proxied by total harvest value; and their impacts on the household's income. This multidimensional approach allows us to identify important trade-offs and complementarities between the reduction in the sensitivity of farm systems to weather shocks and profit maximization objectives that farmers navigate when adopting a particular adaptation practice.Footnote 1 Finally, we complement the analysis by examining the socio-economic and institutional factors that are associated with the adoption of these practices.
The results show that while a number of the practices considered are effective at reducing sensitivity to water stress, these benefits rarely lead to improvements in agriculture profitability and household income. The reasons are practice-specific, but are linked to high opportunity costs of labour for Sri Lankan farmers, poor development of output markets for crops other than rice, and management constraints that may arise from their adoption. The results suggest that agricultural research and extension should be bundled with farm service and output market development programmes in order to make these climate adaptive practices more productive and welfare enhancing. Bridging the divide between the climate adaptation benefits of the practices and their profitability is essential in order to foster widespread adoption of adaptive practices, and greater overall resilience to climate change in the Sri Lankan agricultural sector.
The remainder of the article is organized as follows. In section 2, background is provided on the study location and the practices under consideration. In section 3, a description of the conceptual model is presented, which is followed by a description of the empirical strategy in section 4. Section 5 provides information on the data set and key variables used for the analysis along with descriptive evidence from the sample population. Sections 6 and 7 present the results from the quantitative analyses considering the impacts on water stress sensitivity and welfare, and the adoption determinants of selected practices, respectively. Finally, in section 8, concluding remarks and policy implications are discussed.
2. Background
2.1 Study location
The Anurādhapura district is located in the North Central Province and dry zone region of Sri Lanka. It is one of the most important rice producing districts of the country, accounting for the largest share of paddy area extent (over 11 per cent of the country's total rice area extent) and the second largest number of producers (Government of Sri Lanka, 2021).
Sri Lankan agricultural production occurs under three primary water access systems. Major irrigation systems are those having a command area of more than 80 hectares and where water supply comes from a major tank, a river or a major stream diversion.Footnote 2 In total, there are nearly 400,000 hectares of land supplied by major irrigation systems in the country, which is equivalent to 44.8 per cent of the total extent of paddy land in the country. Of this, 30,619 hectares of major irrigated land are found in the Anurādhapura district. Minor irrigation systems are characterized by a command area smaller than 80 hectares where water is supplied by small tanks or stream diversions. Minor irrigated paddy lands cover 237,000 hectares of land in Sri Lanka (roughly 27 per cent of all paddy land). The Anurādhapura district has a high concentration of minor irrigated paddy land, covering a total of 56,111 hectares of land. Water stress episodes in these systems are expected to be more frequent and severe as a result of widespread reductions in tank capacity due to silting. Finally, rain-fed production systems are highly dependent on precipitation levels for cultivation. In Sri Lanka, 256,000 hectares of paddy land are managed under rain-fed conditions. In the Anurādhapura district, 16,000 hectares of land are classified as rain-fed paddy land (Shand, Reference Shand2002).
Farmland in Sri Lanka is also distinguished as being in upland or lowland areas. In most cases, farmers operate both type of fields. Upland fields are typically rain-fed or irrigated with agrowells, lift-irrigation systems and surface tanks (Pathas). Consequently, they are more exposed to the risk of agronomic water stresses than lowland fields. Paddy production is concentrated in irrigated lowland fields, where water stress risks are driven by aggregate rainfall levels and the conditions of reservoir and canal systems.
Finally, variability exists between the dominant farming seasons. In Sri Lanka, there are two farming seasons, which are driven by two distinct monsoon rainfall patterns and associated inter-monsoon seasons. The main cultivation season is known as maha and begins in October and ends in March. The secondary season, known as yala, begins in April and lasts until September (Zubair, Reference Zubair2002). Rice cultivation during the yala season is increasingly infeasible in most rain-fed and minor irrigated systems because of changes in rainfall patterns. During the maha season, there is typically enough rainwater for paddy cultivation, although dry periods routinely pose challenges to rice production in rain-fed and minor irrigation systems (Chithranayana and Punyawardena, Reference Chithranayana and Punyawardena2014).
As a result, appropriate adaptive practices and levels of sensitivity to water stress are likely to vary between upland and lowland fields as well as between seasons and irrigation systems. Accordingly, this analysis disaggregates adaptation practices and water stress impacts between upland and lowland fields and estimates the impacts of these practices during the maha and the yala seasons separately, controlling for the type of irrigation system at a field level.
2.2 Farming practices to reduce water stress sensitivity
In Sri Lankan rice systems, there are a variety of practices that are promoted to help reduce the sensitivity of production to water stress, and to foster improved household productivity and welfare. These practices vary in terms of the relative intensities of land, labour, capital and knowledge they require to implement, and the potential risks they may entail to household productivity and welfare. We focus on six unique practices, which are disaggregated into 12 field type and season-specific practices in the analysis. The selection of these practices is based on two criteria. Firstly, they are included in policy frameworks and extension guidelines in Sri Lanka to support climate adaptation in the agricultural sector. Secondly, there are sufficient observations and variability in the data to conduct a meaningful empirical analysis.Footnote 3 The practices selected are: (1) the adoption of short-duration rice seed varieties on lowlands during the maha and yala seasons; (2) planting other field crops on lowland fields during the yala season and on uplands during the maha season; (3) planting maize on uplands during the maha season; (4) retaining trees on lowlands during yala and on uplands during both the seasons; (5) using soil erosion barriers on uplands during both the maha and yala seasons; and (6) residue retention on lowlands during both the seasons.
The adoption of short-duration rice varieties is being promoted in Sri Lanka as a strategy to manage reductions in precipitation and increases in evapotranspiration, which may become particularly acute in the months of January and February under future climate scenarios (De Silva et al., Reference De Silva, Weatherhead, Knox and Rodriguez-Diaz2007).
The cultivation of other field crops is an important adaptation strategy for water scarcity in Sri Lanka (Handawela and Kendaragama, Reference Handawela and Kendaragama1995). It is emphasized in the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy as a means of reducing the adverse impact of declining agricultural water availability (Imbulana, Reference Imbulana, Mollinga, Dixit and Athukorala2006). The crops cultivated as other field crops include chili, maize, green gram, cowpea and onions. Maize has been specifically identified as a growth sector by the government of Sri Lanka, due in part to rising demand for animal feed, which has increased Sri Lanka's import requirements. We, therefore, treat this crop separately in the analysis. Key constraints to the adoption of other field crops are that they often require more labour-intensive production techniques than standard rice production, the prices are more volatile, and inputs more limited (Burchfield and De La Poterie, Reference Burchfield and De La Poterie2018).
Intensive agroforestry practices, such as planting wind breaks or integrating leguminous tree species into farm systems, are not common in dry land systems in Sri Lanka (Mahendrarajah, Reference Mahendrarajah2003). This is particularly true in lowlands, where agroforestry can compete with paddy field operations on the thin bunds between fields. However, retaining trees on fields is a common passive agroforestry strategy used by farmers to reduce soil moisture loss in crop fields (Kumara and Bandara, Reference Kumara and Bandara2002). Therefore, this analysis focuses on the impacts of trees already established in fields.
Building soil erosion barriers to reduce runoff velocity is likely to affect farmers' sensitivity to water stress in countries like Sri Lanka where the soil erosion hazard is high. Soil erosion risk in Sri Lanka is not only due to the actual magnitude of the erosion, but more importantly to the thin layer of reddish-brown earth that sits atop a layer of gravel (IUCN, 2016). As a result, even a small amount of erosion rapidly degrades the productivity of soil. In addition, many interrelated socio-economic factors, such as fragmentation of lands due to increase in population and encroachment into sensitive crown lands, also contribute to soil erosion (Nayakekorala, Reference Nayakekorala1998). Establishment of soil erosion barriers in Sri Lanka can be observed only in uplands and, being a labour-intensive practice, it is expected to be more widespread among farmers with greater labour endowments or less opportunity for off-farm income activities.
The retention of crop residues or use of mulch is practiced to reduce soil moisture evapotranspiration and to build up soil organic matter over time. Most rice producers in Sri Lanka practice some form of residue retention on their lowland fields. Mulching and residue retention generate the highest benefits during low rainfall conditions and may have minimal direct impacts on yields under normal conditions. Residues on many Sri Lanka paddy fields are retained as a consequence of combine harvesting, which leaves residues in the field. The practice can be improved by adding urea or water to hasten decomposition. Because basic residue retention is practiced on the vast majority of paddy fields, the analysis focuses specifically on these ‘improved’ residue management strategies. Furthermore, as the agronomic benefits from the practice are expected to accrue after multiple years of consecutive adoption, this analysis focuses on adopters that have retained residues in the field for five consecutive years.
3. Conceptual framework: linking water stress sensitivity, household welfare, and adaptation choices
The conceptual framework used for this study accounts for the complex interplay between household-level socio-economic characteristics, the factor intensities and biophysical attributes of the farming practices, and heterogeneous production environments within which they are implemented (upland/lowland fields, maha/yala seasons, and irrigation system).
Our starting point is that climate change in Sri Lanka's rice systems will increase the probability of low rainfall events and the risk of crop loss due to water stress (Madduma and Wickremagamage, Reference Madduma Bandara, Wickremagamage, Herath, Pathirana and Weerakoon2004; De Silva et al., Reference De Silva, Weatherhead, Knox and Rodriguez-Diaz2007). As farmers' perceptions of climate risk change, the expected utility derived from the adoption of practices to mitigate this risk increases (Deressa et al., Reference Deressa, Hassan, Ringler, Alemu and Yesuf2009, Reference Deressa, Ringler and Hassan2010). However, farmers face a utility optimization problem, as they are unable to predict if, in any given season, water stresses will occur. This optimization problem is further confounded by uncertainties and opportunity costs associated with climate adaptation practices themselves and the alternative risk management strategies that households have at their disposal. Therefore, whether or not the adoption of a practice promoted to reduce sensitivity to water stress achieves this objective, relative to conventional practices, depends on a wide range of factors. This includes how well the practice was implemented, the duration of implementation, and the appropriateness of the practice to the local environment, among many others (Molua, Reference Molua2002; Imbulana, Reference Imbulana, Mollinga, Dixit and Athukorala2006; Esham and Garforth, Reference Esham and Garforth2013).
Moreover, even if the adoption of a practice does reduce the sensitivity of a system to water stress, this may not necessarily contribute to improvements in productivity and economic welfare gains relative to non-adopters (Reardon et al., Reference Reardon, Stamoulis, Balisacan, Cruz, Berdegué and Banks1998; Barrett et al., Reference Barrett, Bezuneh and Aboud2001, Reference Barrett, Sherlund and Adesina2008). There are several reasons for this. First, the choice to adopt one practice over others entails trade-offs between the allocations of production factors and their opportunity costs. For example, the choice to adopt a labour-intensive adaptation practice, such as building erosion control structures, will divert labour away from other income opportunities; therefore the opportunity costs of this investment choice are potentially high (Deininger et al., Reference Deininger, Jin and Sur2007). If the positive effect on water stress sensitivity is not sufficient to compensate for reductions in off-farm income resulting from this investment choice, the net income effect of the practice will be negative. Second, trade-offs can also exist between the overall impact of a practice on productivity and its impact on reducing water stress sensitivity. For example, some practices can reduce losses from wilting, but may also reduce overall productivity by lower planting densities or increased weed pressure relative to alternative practices. Finally, practices that entail changes in cropping systems, for example the cultivation of crops less exposed to water scarcity, may reduce sensitivity to water stress, but also expose farmers to more thinly traded, less competitive market conditions than those in rice markets.
Given these reasons, the empirical approach adopted for this study distinguishes between the productivity and welfare impacts derived indirectly through a reduction in water stress sensitivity from those obtained directly through productivity gains and improvements in factor allocations. The combination of these two impact pathways shapes the net impact of the practice. Disentangling these two impact pathways provides insights into the complementarities and trade-offs between the objectives of increasing the climate resilience and improving household livelihood conditions.
The final element of our conceptual framework seeks to understand factors associated with the adoption of the adaptive practices under consideration. In the context of partial or incomplete markets, where production choices are linked to consumption outcomes, as is the case for many producers in Sri Lanka, investments that reduce risk are often prioritized over profitability maximizing activities (Holden and Binswanger, Reference Holden, Binswanger, Lutz, Binswanger, Hazell and McCalla1998). This is further conditioned by a range of socio-economic and institutional factors, which affect households' ability and willingness to cope with production-related risks, and their capacity to allocate production factors to a practice, relative to alternative investment options. As a result, our empirical approach must account for this heterogeneity, in order to reduce concerns over endogeneity due to self-selection into the treatment and to identify the constraints and the barriers to the adoption of practices.
These characteristics include farmers' human capital endowments (education) and physical assets (land, wealth and livestock), which influence the propensity of households to adopt practices with different capital, land or labour factor intensities. In addition, variations in off-farm income earning opportunitiesFootnote 4 and their associated effects on the opportunity costs for household labour are likely to be important (Deininger et al., Reference Deininger, Jin and Sur2007). Farm households that derive a large share of their income from off-farm sources are in a better position to invest in capital-intensive farm technologies and practices and are relatively less prone to adopt relatively labour-intensive practices. Moreover, access to off-farm income may, in principle, help to spread the livelihood risks associated with climate- or market-induced volatility in the farm sector. The type and share of irrigated land controlled by a household is also a potential determinant in the choice of adaptation strategy, as this mediates the relative risk of water stress that a household is exposed to. Finally, access to institutional support systems such as input subsidies, concessionary production loans, and insurance is also likely to shape heterogeneous adaptive strategies among the farmers. These programmes mediate farmers' risk exposure and thus their propensity to adopt risk mitigating practices.
4. Estimation strategy
The estimation procedure used in this analysis relies on an inverse weighted probability simultaneous equations model (Hirano et al., Reference Hirano, Imbens and Ridder2003; Bang and Robins, Reference Bang and Robins2005). This approach is expected to address selection bias through a doubly robust estimation procedure of the effects of adopting a specific adaptation strategy on sensitivity to water stresses, measured as the probability of experiencing crop wilting; a productive indicator, namely the total value of the harvest (net and gross); and a welfare indicator, namely the gross household income, measured as the sum total value of the crops sold plus off-farm income, and income from cash and commodities received by the household from third parties. During the agricultural season considered for this study, the Anurādhapura district was hit by a severe drought which affected water availability and created conditions for agronomic water stress in all the farm households involved in the rice sector. As a result, water stress is considered exogenous to all farms and farm plots in the district. However, whether or not a plot has experienced yield losses as a result of this widely covariant shock depends on the sensitivity of the production system to water stress. We define this sensitivity as a latent variable, which is determined by individual-level and plot-level attributes, such as access to irrigation and position on the irrigation canal, as well as by the adoption of the adaptive strategies considered in the analysis.
4.1 Addressing self-selection to measure the effect of practices on water stress sensitivity
This analysis controls for endogeneity related to the adoption of practices through a propensity score method (Rosenbaum and Rubin, Reference Rosenbaum and Rubin1983). In our framework, each treatment regime has been defined with a binary variable T which is equal to 1 if the household adopts the strategy and 0 otherwise. Participation in the treatment is estimated using the vector of pre-exposure characteristics, W. In particular, we estimate the weights used to mitigate the selection bias taking advantage of the vector of observable characteristics, W, which includes human capital endowments (proxied by the household head education), physical assets (proxied by the amount of the available land used for cultivation, a dummy variable identifying the household's sole ownership of the largest field, a wealth index including all the agricultural assets, and a dummy variable taking value one if the household owns livestock), household's available workforce and off-farm income earning opportunities (proxied by family size and a dummy variable identifying off-farm employment), type and share of irrigated land controlled by a household (proxied by a dummy variable identifying the irrigation system type and a continuous variable indicating the share of land under irrigation), access to institutional support systems (such as input subsidies, concessionary production loans, and insurance) and a number of dummy variables indicating the availability of information related to the improved seeds and other innovative technologies. Although it is not possible to rule out the possibility that the selection is also based on other unobservable characteristics, the doubly robust procedure relaxes the concerns about estimating unbiased result even though the selection model has not been perfectly specified. Another (somewhat related) issue that is not possible to rule out with the identification strategy used for this study is the existence of reverse causality among the choice of the production system (the adoption of specific technologies and/or management practices) and the sensitivity to water stresses. In fact, household farmers could adopt practices or management practices in response to the onset or anticipation of water stresses.Footnote 5 However, the concerns are relaxed by the fact that the infrastructural and institutional constraints which determine the adoption of a specific production system in the Sri Lanka rice sector framework are quite irreversible in the short term and make the households' choice extremely unlikely to be modified in response to and/or anticipation of sporadic water stresses.Footnote 6
Once the selection model has been estimated, the predicted probabilities have been inverted and normalizedFootnote 7 to obtain a vector of weights, w, for the sub-sample of households on common support.
Formally the probability of treatment given the pre-exposure covariates is:
This has been first modelled using a binomial logit function such that:
The intuition behind this approach consists of estimating the average treatment effect, $\mathrm{\Delta \;\ }$, through the difference of the inverse propensity score weighted averages between treated and control groups (Lunceford and Davidian, Reference Lunceford and Davidian2004):
where ${Y_i}$ is the outcome variable of the unit of analysis, i, and T is the treatment status.
4.2 Estimate the direct, the indirect and the impact of practices on productivity and welfare
Once having estimated the normalized inverse probability weights, the empirical strategy relies on simultaneous estimation of a weighted system of partially recursive equations.Footnote 8 Empirically, the re-weighting procedure creates a pseudo-population in which measured confounders can be equally distributed between treatment and comparison groups, thus relaxing concerns of endogeneity. Furthermore, the simultaneous estimation of the two outcome equations is expected to accommodate the correlation among the error terms, and to control for a wide set of additional covariates. Importantly, the doubly robust procedure ensures the consistency of the estimator when either the propensity score or the outcome model are mis-specified, thus addressing a crucial shortcoming of the propensity score models (Robins et al., Reference Robins, Rotnitzky and Zhao1994).
As sensitivity to water stresses is assumed to be a latent variable, $S_i^\mathrm{\ast }$, it is proxied by an observed binary outcome ${S_i}$
which is equal to 1 when farmers harvest an area smaller than the area planted because of wilting and 0 otherwise,
The weights are integrated into the simultaneous linear estimation of the following system of two equationsFootnote 9:
where ${S_{ij\; }}$ represents the observed proxy for sensitivity of the household i due to the adoption of the practices j; ${T_{ij\; }}$
is a dummy variable that is equal to 1 if household $i\;$
adopts practice j, and 0 otherwise; ${W_i}$
is a vector of exogenous household and farm characteristics (which includes all the variables shaping the selection into the treatment constituting the vector W in the equation (2)); and ${u_{1\; i,j}}$
represents the random error term that is assumed to be uncorrelated with the explanatory variables, but correlated with the error term ${u_{2\textrm{\; }I,j\textrm{\; }}}$
of the second equation of the system. Moreover, ${Y_{I,j}}$
is the selected outcome for household i depending on the estimated sensitivity to water shock ${\hat{\boldsymbol{S}}_{I,j\textrm{\; }}}$
, the direct effect of the adoption of the practice ${T_{I,\; j}}$
and a vector of household characteristics ${X_{2i}}$
, including all the household variables included in ${W_i}$
and a number of additional variables which are assumed to influence the outcomes but excluding field level ones (in order to ensure the identification of the system).
This estimation procedure allows for a mediation analysis to disentangle the direct impact of the adoption on productivity and welfare (the partial derivative of the outcome relative to the adoption of the practice $\Delta {Y_j}/\Delta {T_j}$) from the indirect impact through the sensitivity (the product of the partial derivative of the outcome and the partial derivative of the sensitivity $(\Delta {Y_j}/\Delta {\hat{S}_j})\ast \; (\Delta {S_j}/\Delta {T_j})$
). Finally, the net effect is obtained by adding the impacts from the direct and indirect channels (i.e., $(\Delta {Y_j}/\Delta {\hat{S}_j})\ast \; (\Delta {S_j}/\Delta {T_j}) + \; (\Delta {Y_j}/\Delta {T_j})$
, the partial derivative of the outcome of a reduced form specification).
4.3 Estimate the determinants and the barriers to the adoption of adaptive strategies
In order to investigate the barriers to and the determinants of the adoption of adaptive practices, this analysis takes advantage of a random utility framework. Assuming that the utility difference from the adoption of the practice relative to the alternatives is a latent variable ${U_j}$, farmers select the strategy when the expected utility from adoption is higher than that from alternative strategies $({U_j} > 0)$
Formally, the adoption model is:
where $T_{ij}^\ast$ is a latent variable capturing the demand and/or preference of farm household i for strategy j; ${X_i}$
is a vector of field and household sociodemographic, infrastructural and institutional characteristics affecting the adoption of strategy j; and ${\upsilon _{ij}}$
is a stochastic error term (Kassie et al., Reference Kassie, Jaleta, Shiferaw, Mmbando and Mekuria2013). We assume that the latent variable $T_{ij}^\mathrm{\ast }$
is the utility difference between adopting a practice or not, and if the difference is positive the farmer will adopt the practice in question. The latent variable is proxied by the following observed binary outcome ${T_{ij}}$
which is
Also in this case, the probability of the treatment has been modelled using a binomial logit function such that:
5. Data sources and descriptive evidence
The analysis takes advantage of a unique dataset of rice-producing households in Anurādhapura district, Sri Lanka. The data were gathered as part of a joint effort between the Economic and Policy Analysis of Climate Change unit of the FAO-UN and the Environmental and Water Resources Management Division of Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research and Training Institute (HARTI). A Multistage Stratified Random Sampling procedure was used to ensure the representativeness of the sample at the district level, as well as the proportional random selection of farmers from each of the four irrigation systems in Sri Lanka.Footnote 10 The number of farm households within each Divisional Secretariat and within each irrigation system was used to draw a proportional random sample of 11 Divisional Secretariats and 110 farmers organizations from which 1,100 households (corresponding to 3,954 seasonal fields) have been interviewed (details on the sample design and the geographic distribution of the households interviewed are in online appendix A).
The dataset is multilevel, and includes modules at the household, individual, field, activity, and crop level. At the field level, detailed information about all the plots owned or used by the household during the 2017/18 agricultural year, including owned cultivated parcels, sharecropped, or rented parcels, and other pieces of land (such as home gardens, orchards, fallow fields, virgin lands) is collected. To capture variations in seasonal practices, the questionnaire contains separate modules for the 2017/2018 maha season, the 2018 intermediate season, and the 2018 yala season. The questionnaire distinguishes lowlands from uplands, and captures specific seasonal information on agricultural activities, from land preparation to harvesting. It also captures annual information about orchards and home gardens activities. Additional modules have been designed to gather information on input and output market behaviours, input use, livestock holdings and sales, institutional access, assets, and off-farm income.
5.1 Descriptive evidence
This section provides the descriptive statistics at the household (online appendix table A1)Footnote 11 and field levels (table A2) on the main variables included in the empirical analysis. In what follows, for the sake of parsimony, only selected relevant statistics will be commented upon.
At the household level, the average gross income of households is 832,270 rupees (US$4,600), however there is a large difference between the top and the bottom quintiles of the distribution (1.9 million rupees or US$10,500). This suggests significant socio-economic heterogeneity among rice farmers in the district. On average, 44.3 per cent of the total gross income comes from off-farm sources, while the share from agricultural activities (including harvest and livestock) is 48 per cent of total gross income. The remaining 7.4 per cent comes from cash or in-kind transfers, which highlights the important role of the public sector in supporting agriculture in Sri Lanka, as well as the relevance of remittances from internal and external migrants.
At a field level, the data show significant variations between the farm practices, technologies, input use, crop choice, and productivity between field types and season. On average rice producers in the district cultivated 2.2 acres in the lowlands and 2.5 acres in the uplands during maha season. This reduces to about 1.9 acres in the lowlands and 2.47 acres in the uplands during yala, when rains are less consistent and the season is shorter. Rice is almost exclusively cultivated on lowlands and more intensively during the main season (maha). Accordingly, the average productivity on lowlands is about 1,700 kg per acre during the maha season and about 1,670 kg per acre during the yala season. Rice productivity is negligible on uplands during both the seasons, which is a function of the agroecological conditions of uplands and because the government does not provide any support for paddy cultivation on uplands.Footnote 12
The reference period used for this analysis was characterized by a below-average rainfall during the maha 2017/18, coupled with low irrigation water availability, which resulted in significant cuts in the area planted (FAO, 2020). Water availability started to recover during the yala season 2018, but was still below the historical average. As a result, all the farmers in the district operated under conditions of water stress during the reference period, and their ability to cope with this was likely linked to some combination of household characteristics as well as to the implementation of different adaptation practices. The descriptive data show that during the maha season 24.4 per cent of lowland fields and 41.4 per cent of upland fields experienced crop wilting that resulted in farmers harvesting less of their field than was planted. In the yala season, conditions improved, but crop loss due to wilting was still reported in 10.7 per cent of lowland fields and 14.4 per cent of upland fields.
Levels of crop diversification vary between season and field types. Rice is the dominant crop in lowland fields during maha season, with more than 95 per cent of fields dedicated to rice. However, due to seasonal reductions in water availability during the yala season, many lowland fields shift out of rice to produce other field crops. In total, 21 per cent of the lowland fields in the yala are used to produce other crops, with maize accounting for 5 per cent of the cases. In the uplands, where water for irrigation is limited to agrowells, more than 85 per cent of the fields are devoted to the cultivation of other crops which have lower water requirements. On these fields during maha season, maize is a dominant crop, and is cultivated on 53.4 per cent of the fields, while during the yala other crops are prevalent. The use of short-duration rice varieties is not widespread. The data collected shows that they are used exclusively in lowland fields and most predominantly in the maha season (36.4 per cent compared to 26.4 per cent during yala). Agroforestry in the district is primarily passive, and involves retaining beneficial trees in fields, not establishing new agroforestry systems. In cultivated upland fields, trees are found on over 20 per cent of fields, and on about 10 per cent of lowland fields.Footnote 13 The figure shows that cultivated fields having soil erosion barriers are exclusively on uplands, with roughly 15 per cent of upland fields having soil erosion barriers. Crop residues are retained on more than 95 per cent of the lowland fields, regardless of the season. The percentage decreases to 70 per cent for uplands but is still very high. Improved residue retention, which involves long duration of adoption and the use of urea or water to speed decomposition, is less widespread, but is sufficiently adopted to enable an empirical analysis. In total, 11.8 per cent of lowlands during maha and 12.5 per cent of lowlands during yala have been managed through improved residue retention practices. It is important to note that, given the widespread adoption of residue retention, the interpretation of the impacts of improved residue retention is relative to basic residue retention.
6. Empirical results: impacts on water stress sensitivity and welfare
In this section we examine the impacts of adopting the identified practices on water stress sensitivity, value of harvest and household income, while differentiating between the direct, indirect, and net impacts of the practice on the welfare indicators. Table A3 reports only the estimated marginal effects of each of the selected adaptive strategies at the field level.Footnote 14 Of the 12 field- and season-specific practices considered, four are found to significantly reduce sensitivity to water stress. Famers retaining residues and enhancing their decomposition rate (i.e., improved residue retention) on lowland fields during maha are about 14.8 per cent less likely to experience production loss due to wilting than non-adopters.
Growing other field crops reduces sensitivity to water by 18.7 per cent on uplands during maha and 9.3 per cent on lowlands during yala. However, farmers cultivating maize on uplands during the maha season are more prone to water stresses (+16.4 per cent). All else equal, using short-duration seed on lowland during the yala season reduces water stress sensitivity by 5.3 per cent on lowland. Despite the positive impacts of the practices on reducing water stress sensitivity, the impact on productivity and welfare is limited.
Retaining the residues on lowland during maha has a positive direct effect on the value of the crop harvest (+28.6 per cent) that almost doubled (+53.5 per cent) considering the net effect (i.e., direct effect on the gross value of the production plus the indirect effect through the reduction of the sensitivity). Such positive impacts persist, after netting out the cost related to input and labour (+27.4 per cent). However, it does not result in a statistically significant impact on the gross household income. The direct effect of this practice on the household welfare is confirmed on the lowland fields cultivated during the yala season that is associated to a productivity increase (both gross +42.9 and net +39.5 per cent) and to a higher household income (+18.1 per cent). However, there is no evidence of an effect through a sensitivity reduction and in the positive impact of implementing this practice regardless of the season considered. It is important to note that conventional residue retention is widespread in Sri Lanka. Therefore, these results show the impact of improved residue management practices relative to conventional residue retention practices.
Cultivating other crops on upland during maha is found to generate positive indirect effects through the channel of the reduction of the sensitivity to water stresses on the value of crops harvested (+23.6 per cent). However, this indirect effect does not produce a statistically significant positive net effect on any outcomes. Weaknesses in markets for other field crops likely explain why reduced sensitivity to water stress does not lead to a net improvement in both the value of crops harvested (gross and net) and the household gross income.
Adopting soil erosion barriers on upland during yala is associated with an increase in the gross value of the harvest (+ 29.8 per cent), which persists after netting out the input costs (+ 29 per cent), but disappears when we consider the household income as outcome. Again, these results are likely to be due to the opportunity cost of the labour applied on upland during the short agricultural season (yala).
Overall, the mismatch between productivity and welfare outcomes is likely due to the labour intensiveness of many of the practices considered, which diverts labour from off-farm income generating activity. This assumption is further supported by the descriptive data presented in table A4, which reports the average number of person days employed on the fields by adaptive strategy. It is apparent that fields on which diversification strategies are adopted employ, on average, the highest number of person days. It is worth highlighting that most of the heterogeneity among different strategies is due to the household labour, which supports the interpretation that high opportunity cost for labour related to the adoption influences the practice's impact on household income.
Another potential bottleneck emerging from the analysis is related to the weakness and the fragmentation of markets for crops other than rice. Sri Lankan farmers cultivate other crops preferably on upland during the maha season and on lowland during the yala. In the previous case, the indirect effect of the practice on the sensitivity to water stresses is transmitted to all the agricultural outcomes but does not produce a significant increase in the gross income. In the latter case, the results point out that the gains in the wake of a shock are eroded by issues with the commercialization of this product. Moreover, when we focus on the cultivation of maize on upland during maha, a greater sensitivity to water stresses associated with this strategy negatively affects farm-level productivity and the profitability.
All together these results suggest that planting other crops is likely to be a residual strategy to preserve the fertility of the soil for the subsequent agricultural season on lowlands and/or a way to produce food for self-consumption rather than an adaptive strategy on uplands.Footnote 15
These findings highlight the challenges faced in Sri Lanka in terms of addressing emerging climate vulnerabilities, which are likely to become more pronounced in the future. Consistently with other recent contributions on the same topic (e.g., Gorst et al., Reference Gorst, Dehlavi and Groom2018), the results of this analysis highlight that the current practices promoted to reduce drought sensitivity are not very effective in translating the reductions in water stress sensitivity into measurable productivity and welfare gains, particularly in terms of profitability and gross income.
7. Adoption determinants of selected practices
In this section, the factors associated with the adoption of each adaptive strategy at the household level are explored, focusing specifically on those practices that were found to reduce sensitivity to water stress.Footnote 16 The first notable result in table A5 is that the factors explaining adoption are highly specific to the practice selected.
The gender and the age of the household head is found to reduce the probability of cultivating other crops on upland during maha, holding other factors constant. In addition, cultivation of other field crops in the upland during maha is positively associated with the household head's level of education. This is likely driven by structural inequalities between men/women and young/old headed households in terms of mobilizing labour and accessing capital required to adopt these practices.
The age of the head of household is also found to be negatively associated with the adoption of other field crops in maha upland and yala lowland fields, while family size is positively associated with the latter practice.
Looking at the household agricultural assets' endowments, diversification on lowland during the short season (yala) is positively associated with the normalized agricultural wealth index. Conversely, the index is negatively associated with the probability of cultivating crops other than rice on upland during the main season (maha), although households cultivating larger fields are more prone to diversify the upland fields during maha.
Taken together, the results suggest that the promotion of crop diversification is often a knowledge-intensive strategy limited by the capacity to mobilize labour, and the nature of the labour force employed. These findings highlight the importance of addressing labour constraints to achieve widespread adoption of these strategies.
Moreover, the asset endowments of households that diversify their cultivation differ with the season/land type considered. During the maha season, the diversification on upland fields is an option for less endowed households to reduce their sensitivity to water stresses. This indicates that wealthier farmers, who may have lower subjective risk levels, are less likely to diversify their production during maha and are more likely to concentrate their efforts on the lowland rice production (Kim et al., Reference Kim, Chavas, Barham and Foltz2014). During the short season (yala), relatively more capital- and labour-endowed households are more likely to diversify their production on lowland field. However, in this case the diversification is not an adaptive strategy to reduce the sensitivity to water shock, but rather a way to preserve the fertility of the field for the next agricultural season instead of leaving it uncovered. Further evidence based on panel data is required to disentangle these puzzling results, although our conjectures are supported by findings on the adoption of mutual combinations of practices (online appendix D), which show that the effect on the sensitivity of the stand-alone adoption of this strategy turns out to be positive when the benchmark is composed of a sub-sample of the population not adopting any practices.
The sole ownership of the largest field reduces the probability of adopting improved practices on lowlands (short-duration rice seeds during the yala season and improved residue retention during the long season). In fact, the farmers renting the fields have more incentives to increase the productivity as the harvest must be sufficient to compensate the rent of the land.
As for the available infrastructure in the field, the larger is the field area covered by agro-wells, the higher is the probability of adopting improved residue retention technique on lowland and cultivating maize on upland during the long season (maha).
Fertilizer and other input subsidies reduce the probability of crop diversification on lowland during yala. Although subsidies are given to both rice and other field crop producers in lowlands, the results suggest that the subsidies are associated with increased incentives for rice cultivation.
An important finding is related to the risk management tools available. Participating in crop insurance schemes increases the probability of adopting short-duration rice seeds on lowland during the yala season and reduces the probability of adopting other risk reducing strategies on these fields, such as diversifying the cultivation during yala or retaining residues and enhancing their decomposition during maha.
As the distance from the fertilizer's retailers increases, the probability of using improved seed on lowlands during yala decreases while that of retaining residues on these fields and enhancing their decomposition during maha increases. For the latter practice, a negative association has been found with the distance from the agrarian service centre. These results are likely to reflect the trade-offs between boosting the productivity through a greater availability of chemical fertilizers and other improved inputs and implementing alternative sustainable management of natural resources, promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture through the agrarian services centres, when these chemicals became less available.
The availability of water, measured as the share of irrigated land and the irrigation type, is associated with the adoption of short-duration rice seeds on lowlands during yala. This relationship is likely driven by the fact that rice production during the yala season is of short duration and is concentrated in irrigated farm systems.
Finally, it is worth highlighting the existence of substantial peer effects within farmers' organizations for all the practices considered. Leveraging these positive peer effects through group-level extension approaches can generate positive adoption impacts.
Overall, the results from the analysis highlight that the adoption of climate adaption strategies is conditioned on the interlinked relationships between factor intensities of the practices and the factor endowments of the households, and complementary/alternative risk management tools available to the household, as well as peer effect within the community.
8. Conclusions
This paper has analysed the impacts of the adoption of several farm management practices on the sensitivity of farm systems to water stress and household welfare in the Anurādhapura district. The study highlights the existence of potential trade-offs between reducing vulnerability to water stress and maximizing profitability and welfare outcomes. The analysis shows that a number of factors enable or constrain the adoption of climate adaptive practices including: significant opportunity costs for farmers related to off-farm income opportunities, the existence of alternative or complementary risk management tools, the degree of market development, and the peer effects at the community (farmer organization) level.
Several important policy recommendations come out of this analysis. First, building and improving the resilience of Sri Lanka's agricultural sector and farmers' welfare to climate shocks requires the development of strategies to replace labour with capital, including through the development of service markets or mechanization options. Second, the development and the strengthening of markets for other crops is crucial to support increased diversification of the agricultural production. Making the cultivation of crops other than rice profitable for farmers requires supporting private investments in input and output markets for these crops.
A note of caution is due here since the empirical results refer to an anomalous dry agricultural season. We acknowledge that the practices analysed may perform differently under ‘normal’ rainfall conditions and the empirical results on the effectiveness of the practices should be interpreted as an upper bound. Moreover, the identification strategies used for this analysis relax some concerns about the endogeneity related to a non-random treatment assignment, but some bias may still arise if the farmers' adoption is shaped by unobservable characteristics.
Ultimately, the findings from this study highlight the challenges faced by Sri Lanka's extension services and agricultural research institutions. They demonstrate that developing and promoting practices and technologies is necessary to reduce the adverse impacts of water stress, but not sufficient to achieve widespread adoption, and more profitable and productive farm-level outcomes.
To address these issues, research and extension must look beyond field experiments and trials and explore options to bundle together the promotion of better practices with complementary support to market institutions, such as appropriate mechanization services, value chain support for other field crops, and input supply systems. In this way, farmer-friendly packages of technologies that support climate risk reduction and lead to more profitable farm-level outcomes can be achieved.
Supplementary material
The supplementary material for this article can be found at https://doi.org/10.1017/S1355770X21000371.
The data collection and analysis presented in this paper were financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) through the project ‘Building the Basis for implementing the Save & Grow approach – Regional strategies on sustainable and climate-resilient intensification of cropping systems’ (Grant number: GCP /INT/259/GER) and the Agrifood Economics Division (ESA) of FAO through its regular fund.