Its longevity is only less remarkable than the catholicity of its contents and the quality of its editorial and production standards. Truly international, it reflects the values of the old Republic of Letters by welcoming a wide range of critical methodologies. Hats off to SVEC, bastion of fine scholarship, and a Pol Roger '28 among academic series.
(David Coward, Times Literary Supplement, 13 August 2010)Now in its fifty-fifth year, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century (SVEC) is one of the leading academic book series for eighteenth-century studies. Its Editorial Board includes scholars with a wide range of specialisms, and the series is present in most major university and research libraries worldwide.
SVEC publishes twelve books a year on all aspects of the long eighteenth century, whatever the discipline, critical methodology or country of focus. Recent volumes include innovative research in cultural and social history, women's studies and the performing arts. The series also welcomes projects that move across traditional categories or boundaries, and reflect the broad networks of international and interdisciplinary exchange at the heart of the eighteenth century. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed.
As General Editor, I would especially welcome proposals for books on eighteenth-century music. Further details on submitting a proposal are found at <>, or please contact: < >.