Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 October 2004
Consistent standard errors for target variance approach to GARCH estimation.
The problem falls in the framework of two-step generalized method of moments estimators (GMM estimators) as described in Newey and McFadden (1994, Sec. 6). Their general results may be applied; here, however, we give a direct derivation of the asymptotic variance. For simplicity, assume that consistency of
has already been proved. We choose our parameter space as Θ = {θ|β + γ < 1} to ensure that the second moment exists. Let θ0 and σ02 denote the true parameter values and let
, respectively, denote (shrinking) neighborhoods of these.
By a standard Taylor expansion,
for some
for some
. If
we have that
If εt are normally distributed,
is larger than the variance of the full maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of θ0, but in the absence of normality the comparison could go either way. If σ2 were known instead of estimated, then the asymptotic variance would simplify to Hθθ−1Σθθ Hθθ−1.
In the following we show that (i)–(iii) hold: First, derive the first and second derivatives of [ell ]T:
where σt2 = σt2(θ,σ2). The derivative of log σt2 with respect to α = (θ,σ2) is given by ∂ log σt2/∂α = ∂σt2/∂α·σt−2 where
Iterating the preceding expressions yields
where we have taken σt2|t=0 to be given. From these expressions, one can check that (see Lee and Hansen, 1994, Lemmas 8 and 10)
uniformly over
for some constant C1 < ∞. Also, there exists C2 < ∞ such that
uniformly over
. This proves that (4) and (5) both are uniformly bounded by functions with finite expectations. They are furthermore continuous in (θ,σ2), so by standard results concerning uniform convergence (see, e.g., Tauchen, 1985) (ii) and (iii) follow.
To show (i), we first observe that under (1), we have that {yt,σt2(θ0,σ02)} is β-mixing with exponentially decaying mixing coefficients (cf. Carrasco and Chen, 2002). A standard central limit theorem (CLT) for mixing sequences may therefore be applied to obtain the desired result given that Σ exists. Note that the weak convergence of
alone can be proved using martingale arguments, but
is not a martingale so we have to appeal to CLT for mixing sequences instead. The asymptotic variance matrix is given by
Using the inequalities established earlier, it is easily seen that Σθθ is well defined if E [εt4] < ∞. But for Σσσ to be finite we must require E [yt4] < ∞. A necessary and sufficient condition for this is ν4 ≡ E [εt4] < ∞ and
(cf. He and Teräsvirta, 1999). This is a stronger condition than (1). In effect, we need to restrict our parameter space Θ further to obtain asymptotic normality.
As a result of the correlation structure, explicit expressions for Σ will require tedious and rather lengthy algebra, and the resulting expressions will most likely be very complicated. But we are still able to derive a simple estimator of the asymptotic variance: we have already found consistent estimators of Hθθ and Hθσ, so we only need to find an estimator of Σ. Here, we use the general covariance estimator proposed by Newey and West (1987) and check that their conditions are satisfied in our case. Define the function
that satisfies
We then apply the conditions of Newey and West (1987, Theorem 2) on m, which are as follows: (i) There exists a function m such that ∥mt(θ,σ2)∥ ≤ m(yt,yt−1) uniformly over
and E [m(yt,yt−1)2] < ∞; (ii) E [∥mt(θ0,σ02)∥4(1+δ)] < ∞ for some δ > 0; and (iii) {yt} is φ-mixing with mixing coefficients of size 2r/(2r − 1) for some r > 1. If these are satisfied, we may choose
as an estimator of the variance of Σ where wj(NT) are weights and NT is an increasing sequence. Under certain conditions on wj(NT) and NT (see Newey and West, 1987, p. 705),
is consistent. By the inequalities established in (6) and (7) together with the assumption that E [yt4] < ∞, ∥mt(θ,σ2)∥ ≤ mt uniformly over
for some random variable with E [mt2] < ∞, which proves (i). If E [yt8(1+δ)] < ∞ for some δ > 0 then (ii) is satisfied. Finally, (iii) holds by the aforementioned result of Carrasco and Chen (2002).
We conclude that if E [yt4] < ∞, we have asymptotic normality of
; if furthermore E [yt8(1+δ)] < ∞, we may estimate its asymptotic variance by
and with
given previously.