LatinosFootnote 2 currently comprise over 16% of the U.S. population, and are projected to grow to over 30% of the population by 2050 (U.S. Census Bureau 2012). The implications of this demographic change for U.S. racial and ethnic boundaries are the subject of critical debate: there is little agreement about where Latinos currently fit within a hierarchy of racial and ethnic categories in U.S. society, let alone how the Latino population may be changing the U.S. racial structure itself (Bonilla-Silva Reference Bonilla-Silva2004; Feliciano et al., Reference Feliciano, Lee and Robnett2011; Frank et al., Reference Frank, Akresh and Lu2010). Will Latinos comprise a separate racial category (or do they already)? Or, will they eventually assimilate into the “White” category, as some argue was the case with descendants of European immigrants (but see Fox and Guglielmo, Reference Fox and Guglielmo2012)? Moreover, given the diversity of individuals subsumed under the terms “Latino” or “Hispanic,” can anything be said generally about their assimilationFootnote 3 patterns at all (Feliciano et al., Reference Feliciano, Lee and Robnett2011)?
One major source of difference among Latinos is phenotypic. By outward appearance, some who self-identify as Latino are seen by others as Black or White (Itzigsohn Reference Itzigsohn2009; Rodriguez Reference Rodriguez2000). Existing studies link Latinos’ racial appearance to socioeconomic indictors of assimilation, arguing that Latinos with darker skin experience more discrimination (Arce et al., Reference Arce, Murguia and Parker Frisbie1987; Bonilla-Silva Reference Bonilla-Silva2004; Espino and Franz, Reference Espino and Franz2002; Frank et al., Reference Frank, Akresh and Lu2010; Hunter Reference Hunter2005; Roth Reference Roth2010; Telles and Murguia, Reference Telles and Murguia1990). But how does racial phenotype relate to indicators that have implications for assimilation in general? And is variation in observed race related to Latinos’ discrimination against others?
In its broadest form, assimilation is the breaking down of boundaries between ethnic or racial groups. Scholars often look to data on intermarriage to address long-standing questions about Latinos’ (and other racial and ethnic groups’) assimilation trajectories (Feliciano Reference Feliciano2001; Lieberson and Waters, Reference Lieberson and Waters1988; Qian and Lichter, Reference Qian and Lichter2001, Reference Qian and Lichter2007). Intermarriage is considered a benchmark of assimilation because it can both reflect existing boundaries and act as a mechanism for change by breaking boundaries down. Dating is a necessary precursor to intermarriage that is also both an indicator and facilitator of assimilation. However, while dating and marriage outcomes help to reveal assimilation trajectories, they cannot reveal the mechanisms through which we see these outcomes. While one can assume that interracial relationships reflect both an openness towards another group and the opportunity to meet, we do not know whose preferences drive relationship outcomes. To examine the mechanisms that lead to dating and marriage outcomes, we draw on racial preference data from internet dating profiles. These data are uniquely suited to address questions of social distance between groups and assimilation trajectories for several reasons: (1) in the online context, opportunities to meet are relatively unconstrained, and (2) people’s stated preferences for dates match up with patterns of interracial marriages in the general population, suggesting “that matches formed through the internet may not differ substantially from those formed in other ways…” (Schwartz Reference Schwartz2013, p. 458), and (3) these data reveal the agency of different racial/ethnic groups in the pursuit of relationships that may lead to assimilation through the stated acceptance (and unstated, but implicit rejection) of particular racial/ethnic groups as possible dates.
This study goes beyond previous research by considering whether the racial/ethnic dating preferences of self-identified Latinos vary by their race/ethnicity as observed by outsiders. The assumption of previous research has been that phenotype matters for Latinos’ assimilation trajectories because Latinos who appear non-White face discrimination by others. We show that discrimination towards others also varies by racial appearance. Latinos who appear “White” accept dominant racial hierarchies privileging Whites over other groups, although not to the degree that self-identified Whites do. In contrast, those who appear “Black” prefer dating Blacks over dating Whites, but not to the degree that self-identified Blacks do. Self-identified Latinos who are viewed by others as Latino are more accepting of Whites than Blacks, and fall in-between those who appear “White” or “Black” in the degree to which they accept Blacks as dates. We draw on these findings to make several arguments: (1) racial phenotype influences assimilation through Latinos’ own agency Footnote 4 and acceptance of other groups, not just the dominant group’s acceptance (or lack) of them; (2) different segments of the Latino population are assimilating in different ways—some may assimilate into the White racial group, others may assimilate into the Black racial group, and some are assimilating into a Latino racialized category (Browne and Odem, Reference Browne and Odem2012; Golash-Boza Reference Golash-Boza2006); (3) both external evaluations of Latinos’ race and self-identity matter in shaping these trajectories; and, consequently, (4) survey researchers should include both external and internal assessments of race and ethnicity.
Because this article argues that “Latinos” are a diverse category that do not fit neatly into existing racial or ethnic classifications, we refrain from defining Latinos as either a racial or an ethnic group. Instead, we use the term Latino to refer simply to individuals who self-identify as Latino or Hispanic. Whether we call this a racial or an ethnic category is less important from our view than the strength of the boundary separating different segments of the Latino population from other ethnic or racial groups (Alba Reference Alba2005). We use the language of race throughout this article because we engage with the literature on the multidimensionality of race, specifically dealing with appearance, which is often understood as central to the race concept. Some argue that the Latino population is being “racialized” (Cobas et al., Reference Cobas, Duany and Feagin2009). Through this process, people begin to think of Latinos (like Blacks or Asians) as a group with a singular racial appearance, although this may be more imagined than real. However, while “Latino” is perhaps becoming a racialized category, we do not assume that all those who self-identify as Latino are racialized into it. Rather, some segment of the self-identified Latino population may be racialized as Latino, others’ racial categorizations may be more flexible, and others may be racialized as Black.
According to current official federal guidelines, Latinos are an ethnic group who can be of any race. Yet, when confronted with the standard census questions that ask separately one’s “Hispanic Origin” and one’s race, many, if not most, Latinos reject official racial categories of White, Black, Asian, or Native American, choosing instead to mark “Other” or to not respond at all (Hitlin et al., 2007; Perez Reference Perez and Gallagher2008; Rodriguez Reference Rodriguez2000; Roth Reference Roth2010; Vaquera and Kao, Reference Vaquera and Kao2006). At the same time, those who compile census data results usually treat Latinos as a separate category regardless of how they self-identify racially, with some contending that there are five major racial groups in the United States: Whites, Blacks, Asians, Native Americans, and Latinos. For example, projections that Whites will soon become the minority group ignore the fact that many Latinos self-identify as White on the U.S. Census (Patterson Reference Patterson2001). Further, the Census Bureau is currently considering eliminating the separate “Hispanic origin” question on the 2020 Census, in favor of a combined “race or origin” question that includes a Hispanic/Latino category alongside White, Black, American Indian, and Asian (El Nasser 2013). Although some argue that this change would more closely correspond to Latinos’ own conceptions of race (Campbell and Rogalin, Reference Campbell and Rogalin2006; Hitlin et al., 2007; Perez Reference Perez and Gallagher2008), others are critical of this change (Ayala and Huet, 2013).
While not explicitly stated officially, the current separation of Latinos from the Census’ existing racial categories is often understood as a way to measure the diverse racial phenotypes among Latinos. Some scholars have distinguished between “Black Hispanics,” “White Hispanics” and “Other Hispanics” in their analyses, using stated racial identity on the Census as a proxy for racial appearance (Qian and Cobas, Reference Qian and Cobas2004). For example, Orlando Patterson (Reference Patterson2001) assumed that racial self-identity corresponds to Latinos’ lived experience of race when he argued that “nearly half of the Hispanic population is white in every social sense of the term” because they chose the White racial category on the Census. However, as Richard Alba (2005, p. 38) points out, we actually know little about “the social role of phenotypical differences” among Latinos; he notes that “White” may be the stated racial self-identity because it is the desired category, and not because it corresponds to phenotype. Indeed, recent research has shown that there is considerable mismatch between how Latinos self-identify in racial terms and their race as observed by outsiders (Itzigsohn Reference Itzigsohn2009; Rodriguez Reference Rodriguez2000; Roth Reference Roth2010). For example, 36% of the Dominican immigrants in Itzigsohn’s (Reference Itzigsohn2009) survey responded that others see them as Black, but only 7% self-identified as Black in response to a question resembling the 2010 Census’ race question. Such incongruities reveal that “race” has multiple dimensions, all of which may have different relationships to varied aspects of individuals’ lived experiences (Roth Reference Roth2010). Debates over how to classify the growing Latino population reveal the socially constructed dynamics of racial and ethnic classifications.
A growing body of scholarship considers the multidimensionality of the race concept by analyzing multiple measures of race (Ahmed et al., Reference Ahmed, Feliciano and Emigh2007; Brown et al., Reference Brown, Hitlin and Elder2006; Harris and Sim, Reference Harris and Sim2002; Roth Reference Roth2010; Saperstein Reference Saperstein2006, Reference Saperstein and Gallagher2008; Saperstein and Penner, Reference Saperstein and Penner2010; Telles and Lim, Reference Telles and Lim1998). While some research has treated racial appearance, most commonly measured by skin color, as a source of heterogeneity within racial groups, recent research emphasizes that because of the socially constructed nature of race, racial appearance is but one way we might conceive of the idea of the race (Rodriguez Reference Rodriguez2000; Roth Reference Roth2005; Saperstein Reference Saperstein and Gallagher2008). In other words, because race is not a fixed individual attribute but rather a relational concept, different measures of race, such as self-identifications versus observer classifications, all contribute to how individuals experience race (Roth Reference Roth2010; Saperstein Reference Saperstein and Gallagher2008). This work recognizes that self-identifications of race do not always correspond to outsiders’ classifications although the two are generated through dialectical processes (Ahmed et al., Reference Ahmed, Feliciano and Emigh2007; Nagel Reference Nagel1994).
Although most of the existing research has focused on discrepancies in classification, such as between outsider and self-assessments, and the factors related to such discrepancies (Ahmed et al., Reference Ahmed, Feliciano and Emigh2007; Brown et al., Reference Brown, Hitlin and Elder2006; Saperstein Reference Saperstein2006; Saperstein and Penner, Reference Saperstein and Penner2010), a few existing studies have examined whether multiple measures of race are differentially associated with outcomes such as income (Bailey et al., Reference Bailey, Loveman and Muniz2013; Saperstein Reference Saperstein2006; Telles and Lim, Reference Telles and Lim1998), education (Bruch and Loveman, 2011; Campbell Reference Campbell2009), criminal justice system contact (Penner et al., Reference Penner, Saperstein and Kizer2012), and health (Saperstein Reference Saperstein2009). These studies suggest that observed race is more important than self-identification for understanding inequality outcomes because perceptions of others drive discrimination (Saperstein Reference Saperstein2006; Telles and Murguia, Reference Telles and Murguia1990). The association between Latinos’ phenotype and outcomes such as employment, income, and education has also been studied (Arce et al., Reference Arce, Murguia and Parker Frisbie1987; Campbell Reference Campbell2009; Espino and Franz, Reference Espino and Franz2002; Frank et al., Reference Frank, Akresh and Lu2010; Telles and Murguia, Reference Telles and Murguia1990), but limited research has examined how self-identified Latinos’ racial appearance relates to their behaviors or attitudes towards other ethnic and racial groups. Existing research has thus not considered that perceived race may not only relate to how one is treated by others, but also to how one treats others.
Further, different measures of race may lead to different conclusions about the assimilation trajectories of distinct segments of the Latino population. For instance, some have suggested that because native-born Latinos have higher intermarriage and cohabitation rates with Whites than other minorities do (Qian and Lichter, Reference Qian and Lichter2007), Latinos are assimilating into the White mainstream (Yancey Reference Yancey2003). For example, 21% of newly married Latino men in 2008 married Whites, compared to only 14% of newly married Asian men and 13% of newly married Black men (Passel et al., Reference Passel, Wang and Taylor2010). However, the relatively high rates of Latino intermarriage and cohabitation with Whites may be driven by marriages between self-identified Latinos who appear White, thus masking persistent racial boundaries between Whites and Latinos who appear non-White. Our study shows that examining observed race in addition to self-identification changes our understandings of Latinos’ acceptance of other racial-ethnic groups in the domain of intimacy, which has implications for intermarriage outcomes and assimilation trajectories.
Latinos’ racial dating choices have implications for assimilation trajectories because they feed into marriage and childbearing outcomes. If enough intermixing occurs, existing groups will no longer be socially meaningful: new ethnic or racial groups may be created or the boundaries of old groups may be expanded (Gordon Reference Gordon1964). This study adds to a growing body of research that analyzes racial preference data from internet daters to assess the salience of group boundaries (Feliciano et al., Reference Feliciano, Lee and Robnett2011; Feliciano et al., Reference Feliciano, Robnett and Komaie2009; Hitsch et al., Reference Hitsch, Hortaçsu and Ariely2010b; Robnett and Feliciano, Reference Robnett and Feliciano2011; Sautter et al., Reference Sautter, Tippet and Philip Morgan2010; Skopek et al., Reference Skopek, Schulz and Blossfeld2011; Wilson et al., Reference Wilson, McIntosh and Insana2007; Yancey Reference Yancey2007, Reference Yancey2009). Dating is an increasingly important arena where racial and ethnic relations are played out. While intermarriage remains an important barometer of racial boundaries and assimilation (Qian and Lichter, Reference Qian and Lichter2007), its importance may be diminishing since men and women are marrying later in life and an increasing proportion of adults spend more of their lives single (Schoen and Standish, Reference Schoen and Standish2001). Individuals may be much more willing to interracially date than they are to interracially marry (Blackwell and Lichter, Reference Blackwell and Lichter2004; Fujino Reference Fujino1997; Joyner and Kao, Reference Joyner and Kao2005), but interracial marriage or cohabitation cannot occur if individuals are closed to the possibility of dating outside of their own ethnic or racial group.
Moreover, the most common approaches to understanding ethnic and racial boundaries in the United States—analyses of intermarriage data and surveys of racial attitudes—have limitations. First, marriage (and dating or cohabitation) outcomes are limited because they do not reveal the factors driving interracial pairings in the first place. Romantic relationships are shaped by both preferences and opportunities. The distinction between preferences and opportunities is important for understanding racial boundaries because, historically, descendants of European immigrants intermarried once they moved out of ethnic neighborhoods and into mainstream institutions (i.e., once opportunities increased) (Alba Reference Alba1981). On the other hand, even with increased education and integration, Blacks have low intermarriage rates, suggesting that preferences (on the part of Whites, Blacks, or Others) drive their relatively low intermarriage rates (Feliciano Reference Feliciano2001; Qian and Lichter, Reference Qian and Lichter2007). However, intermarriage data themselves cannot distinguish preferences from opportunities, nor reveal whose preferences drive marriage patterns.
Second, surveys about attitudes towards other racial groups and race-based policies, or acceptance of other racial groups in various realms (i.e., social distance scales [Bogardus Reference Bogardus1928]) are usually based on hypothetical scenarios (such as questions about whether one would oppose their child marrying someone of another race) (Herring and Amissah, Reference Herring, Amissah, Tuch and Martin1997; Yancey Reference Yancey2003). Respondents have been found to appear more racially tolerant in abstract survey questions than in in-depth interviews (Bonilla-Silva and Forman, Reference Bonilla-Silva and Forman2000). In both interviews and surveys, respondents may mask their true views, understanding that in post-civil rights U.S. society, it is no longer socially acceptable to express racial biases (Bonilla-Silva and Baiocchi, Reference Bonilla-Silva and Baiocchi2001; Gallagher Reference Gallagher, Zuberi and Bonilla-Silva2008). Examining the acceptance of various racial groups among people in a real-life dating situation free from opportunity constraints overcomes these limitations and thus offers a unique perspective on the salience of racial and ethnic boundaries.
Theoretically, racial appearance is an important factor related to assimilation patterns. The classic view of assimilation, based on the experiences of European immigrants and their descendants, argued that assimilation unfolded over generations; eventually enough intermarriage with the dominant group occurred that the original group boundaries ceased to be meaningful such that any remaining ethnic distinctions are only symbolic (Alba Reference Alba1990; Gans Reference Gans1979; Gordon Reference Gordon1964; Waters Reference Waters1990). Some argue that this process is occurring for Latinos (Warren and Twine, Reference Warren and Twine1997; Yancey Reference Yancey2003). While not often emphasized, early scholars noted that the pace of assimilation was slower for darker-skinned ethnic groups, such as Greeks and Italians (Warner and Srole, Reference Warner and Srole1945).
However, the influence of phenotype on the assimilation process is usually framed only in terms of acceptance by others. Segmented assimilation theory posits that contemporary immigrants and their children may not assimilate according to the classic pattern due to many “vulnerabilities”, particularly their racial appearance (Portes and Zhou, Reference Portes and Zhou1993). Alejandro Portes and Min Zhou (1993) argue that European immigrants’ “skin color reduced a major barrier to entry into the American mainstream” (p. 76), an advantage that most children of immigrants from Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean do not have. Segmented assimilation theory proposes two alternative paths for non-White immigrant groups: “selective assimilation,” in which these groups retain their own unique ethnic/racial identities, or “downward assimilation,” in which assimilation is “into the underclass” (p. 82). Consistent with segmented assimilation theory, the considerable phenotypic diversity within the Latino category may mean that different assimilation patterns could apply to different segments of Latinos (Bonilla-Silva Reference Bonilla-Silva2004; Feliciano Reference Feliciano2001; Forman et al., Reference Forman, Goar and Lewis2002; Murgia and Forman, Reference Murgia, Forman, Doane and Bonilla-Silva2003; Qian and Cobas, Reference Qian and Cobas2004), and even different segments within the same national-origin group (Murgia and Forman, Reference Murgia, Forman, Doane and Bonilla-Silva2003; Rumbaut Reference Rumbaut, Cobas, Duany and Feagin2009; Telles and Ortiz, Reference Telles and Ortiz2008). Assimilation into the dominant group may occur quickly for some lighter-skinned Latinos, and slower or not at all for others (Feliciano et al., Reference Feliciano, Lee and Robnett2011; Frank et al., Reference Frank, Akresh and Lu2010).
The emphasis in aforementioned research has most often been on racial appearance as a barrier to assimilation because of discrimination and negative treatment by others (Arce et al., Reference Arce, Murguia and Parker Frisbie1987; Bonilla-Silva Reference Bonilla-Silva2004; Telles and Murguia, Reference Telles and Murguia1990). Scholars have focused less on how members of ethnic and racial groups themselves contribute to the assimilation process and how their attitudes and behaviors vary by racial appearance. A few studies have considered how skin color affects racial self-identification, finding that darker-skinned Latinos are more likely to identify as “other” or “Black” and less likely to identify as “White” (Frank et al., Reference Frank, Akresh and Lu2010; Golash-Boza and Darity, Reference Golash-Boza and Darity2008). These self-identifications indicate that only some Latinos are pursuing entry into the White racial group through their self-identification choices, although these choices are also partly shaped by whether Latinos are accepted or discriminated against by the dominant group (Frank et al., Reference Frank, Akresh and Lu2010; Golash-Boza Reference Golash-Boza2006). Edward Murgia and Tyrone Forman’s (2003) attitudinal study found that Mexican Americans with lighter skin expressed more warmth towards Whites than those with darker skin, but found no relation between skin color and warmth towards Blacks. Research has also shown that Latinos who identify as non-White are less likely to marry non-Latino Whites (Qian and Cobas, Reference Qian and Cobas2004). However, we do not know how much racial self-identity corresponds to phenotype (Itzigsohn Reference Itzigsohn2009; Roth Reference Roth2010), nor whose preferences ultimately drive these intermarriage patterns. The current study moves beyond these inquiries to consider the agency of self-identified Latinos in the assimilation process by examining whether their observed race relates to their acceptance of other racial or ethnic groups in a real-life dating situation.
Why would outsiders’ racial classifications of self-identified Latinos relate to their racial preferences in dating? Posing this question suggests that self-identification as “Latino” or “Hispanic” masks variability in the lived experiences of those who appear phenotypically Black or White. Indeed, it is not clear that Latinos are a meaningful group at all given the diversity subsumed under the term (Feliciano et al., Reference Feliciano, Lee and Robnett2011; Frank et al., Reference Frank, Akresh and Lu2010). There is considerable variation in the way Latinos self-identify, the way they are treated by others, and their socioeconomic outcomes. For example, descendants of Latin Americans in the United States do not collectively accept a pan-ethnic Latino or Hispanic identity, often choosing instead to emphasize their unique national origins (Oboler Reference Oboler1992). Even among those who identify with the same national-origin group, variation in racial appearance may lead to very different life experiences. For example, a NY Times article profiling two Cuban immigrants, one who appeared “White” and one who appeared “Black,” highlighted how differences in racial appearance led to divergent experiences with police, neighborhoods, employment, and dating (Ojito Reference Ojito and Lelyveld2001).
Just as racial appearance may influence employment and neighborhood options, outsiders’ racial classifications of Latinos may drive their options in the dating market. A White racial phenotype may be considered a form of capital in dating situations. Exchange theory in mate selection posits that lower status individuals trade their capital, whether economic, human, or physical, for a higher status mate (Davis Reference Davis1941; Fu Reference Fu2001; Gullickson Reference Gullickson2006; Merton Reference Merton1941). Given that Whites have historically ranked highest on the racial hierarchy in the United States and Blacks the lowest, it follows that Latinos who have physical capital in the form of a White phenotype might believe that they can trade on that capital for a higher racial status mate (White). From the opposite perspective, Latinos without such physical capital would marry lower racial status mates (Blacks). Intermarriage data provide some preliminary evidence for such exchanges as Latinos who identify as non-White are less likely to marry non-Latino Whites (Qian and Cobas, Reference Qian and Cobas2004); however, these data are limited because we know that racial self-identity often conflicts with racial appearance (Itzigsohn Reference Itzigsohn2009), and because racial self-identity is fluid and may be influenced by who one marries (Saperstein and Penner, Reference Saperstein and Penner2012). Studies also show that Latino national-origin groups that tend to have more African ancestry, such as Puerto Ricans, have higher intermarriage rates with Blacks than other Latino national-origin groups (Fu Reference Fu2007), suggesting that phenotype affects mating outcomes. Exchange theory would predict that, recognizing their options, Latinos who are perceived as White would be more likely to include Whites as possible dates while Latinos who are perceived as Black would be more likely to include Blacks as possible dates. Importantly, this view suggests that Latinos’ agency in dating choices is highly influenced by the existing racial social structure.
Another reason why outsiders’ racial classifications may influence dating choices is that phenotype is often considered a marker of ethnic legitimacy (Brunsma and Rockquemore, Reference Brunsma and Rockquemore2001; Hunter Reference Hunter2007; Hunter Reference Hunter2005; Jiménez Reference Jiménez2004, Reference Jiménez2010). Individuals whom others view as appearing closer to the prototype for their racial or ethnic group are often assumed to be authentic members of a particular racial or ethnic group, while others are suspected to not be. Experimental research has shown that, with considerable agreement, subjects do identify a prototypical “Latino” appearance (Wilkins et al., Reference Wilkins, Kaiser and Rieck2010). Among Latinos, those with lighter skin, who report being able to “pass” as White, often feel less authentic than their darker-skinned counterparts who look more stereotypically Latino (Hunter Reference Hunter2007; Hunter Reference Hunter2005; Jiménez Reference Jiménez2004). For example, the light-skinned Mexican American women in Margaret Hunter’s (Reference Hunter2005) study report facing the scrutiny of co-ethnics who consider them less authentically Chicana or Mexican. Thus, for some light-skinned Latinos, boundaries between them and other Latinos may be more difficult to negotiate than boundaries between them and Whites (Jiménez Reference Jiménez2010). To avoid claims of ethnic illegitimacy, Latinos who appear White may feel more comfortable dating non-Latino Whites.
Another mechanism linking observed race and racial preferences may be through the salience and strength of ethnic or racial identities. Research on African Americans has shown that the lighter-skinned tend to exhibit less pride in and identify less with their ethnic heritage (Brown et al., Reference Brown, Ward, Lightbourn, Jackson and Jones1998; Freeman et al., Reference Freeman, Armor, Michael Ross and Pettigrew1966; Wilkins et al., Reference Wilkins, Kaiser and Rieck2010). Among Latinos, the lighter-skinned are more likely to identify as racially “White” as opposed to their darker-skinned counterparts who more often identify racially as “Other” (Golash-Boza and Darity, Reference Golash-Boza and Darity2008). Lighter-skinned Latinos who appear phenotypically White may exhibit less ethnic pride and thus be less concerned about ethnic homophily.
Discriminatory experiences linked to appearance may also shape racial preferences. Darker-skinned Latinos are more likely to report having experienced discrimination (Jiménez Reference Jiménez2010; Telles and Ortiz, Reference Telles and Ortiz2008). Tomás Jiménez (Reference Jiménez2008, Reference Jiménez2010) argues that due to sustained immigration, many Mexican Americans are mistaken for foreign-born Latinos based on their physical appearance. Experiencing nativism and discrimination reinforces the salience of a Mexican-origin identity and sharpens boundaries between Whites and people of Mexican descent (Jiménez Reference Jiménez2008). This suggests that those Latinos who exhibit a more stereotypical Latino appearance may be more likely to exclude Whites as possible dates because of such negative experiences.
This study considers one major research question: How do racial preferences among self-identified Latinos vary by their observed race? Based on the literature discussed above, we hypothesize that among self-identified Latinos:
1) Those perceived as Latino by others are more likely than those who are viewed as non-Latino to prefer homophily in dating.
2) Racial preferences in dating among those perceived by outsiders as Black are more similar to self-identified Blacks than are those of Latinos who are viewed as non-Black.
3) Racial preferences in dating among those perceived as White are more similar to self-identified Whites than are those of Latinos who are viewed as non-White.
We collected data between September 2004 and May 2005 from internet dating profiles posted on Yahoo Personals, which was then the most popular national online dating website (Madden and Lenhart, Reference Madden and Lenhart2006). At the time of data collection, posting dating profiles on Yahoo Personals was free. We selected profiles from people who self-identified as Black, White, Asian, and LatinoFootnote 5 living within fifty miles of four major U.S. cities: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Atlanta. We chose these cities because they vary by region (West, Northeast, Midwest, and South), historical and contemporary racial politics, racial compositions, group sizes, and national origin groups represented. Latinos make up 9% in Atlanta, 19% in Chicago, 22% in New York, and 44% in Los Angeles (based on authors’ calculations of the 2005 Community Survey). Each of the four metropolitan areas has different immigration histories, and thus differs markedly in the national origin make-up of their Latino populations. Mexicans, both historically and currently, are the dominant national-origin group in Los Angeles, although Central Americans are also represented in sizable numbers. Only recently have Latinos including Mexicans, Carribeans, and Central Americans migrated to Atlanta. In Chicago, Mexicans and Puerto Ricans predominate. Dominicans and Puerto Ricans are the dominant Latino groups in New York (Ennis et al., Reference Ennis, Rios-Vargas and Albert2011). Dominicans and Puerto Ricans are also far more likely to self-identify as Black or African American (12.9% and 8.7% respectively) than other Latino ethnic groups such as Guatemalans (1.1%) or Mexicans (.9%) (Ennis et al., Reference Ennis, Rios-Vargas and Albert2011). Since racial identities overlap to some degree with racial classifications by others (although we know these often do not correspond), we expect our sample of Latinos who are classified as Black to be overrepresented by New Yorkers. Because we were interested in racial preferences as inputs into eventual marriage and childbearing outcomes, we limited the sample to those ages 18–50, who were only seeking opposite-sex dates. We selected 200 profiles for each race/gender combination in each metropolitan area, for a total sample size of more than 6000.Footnote 6
We coded all the quantitative information available on the daters’ profiles. Daters filled out a checklist of demographic information about themselves, such as age, sex, religion, educational level, and race/ethnicity. In response to the question, “my ethnicity is mostly…”, daters selected one of ten choices. The options included Black/African American, Asian, Caucasian/White, East Indian, Hispanic/Latino, Middle Eastern, Native-American, Pacific Islander, Inter-racial, or Other. Daters could only designate one ethnicity option, or they could refuse to answer (I”ll tell you later”).Footnote 7 Daters also filled out a checklist of nineteen possible characteristics that they might be seeking in a date (such as a particular age, body type, education, and race/ethnicity).Footnote 8 The default was “any,” suggesting that daters have no preference for that characteristic. If they wished to state a preference, they then checked the boxes of the characteristics they preferred. In terms of race/ethnicity, they could select one or more out of ten groups. Those groups included Caucasian/white, African American/black, Asian, Hispanic/Latino, Middle Eastern, Pacific Islander, East Indian, Inter-racial, and Other. Choices could not be ranked.
Data Considerations
Although internet use has expanded exponentially in recent years, internet users are still a select sample, and this is especially true among Blacks and Latinos (Jayajit and Bosman, Reference Jayajit and Martin Bosman2005; Mack Reference Mack2001). For example, around the time of our data collection, 71% of Whites used the internet, compared to only 60% of Blacks (Fox and Livingston, Reference Fox and Livingston2007). Internet use among Latinos varies by language: English-dominant or bilingual Latinos use the internet at rates similar to Whites, but only 32% of Spanish-dominant Latinos use the internet (Fox and Livingston, Reference Fox and Livingston2007). However, the most inequality in internet use is found by socioeconomic status; those with the lowest income and education levels are far less likely to go online across and within all racial/ethnic groups (Fox and Livingston, Reference Fox and Livingston2007; Martin and Robinson, Reference Martin and Robinson2007). Thus, our data cannot be generalized beyond the population of U.S. internet users in these four metropolitan areas, who have higher socioeconomic status than the general U.S. population.Footnote 9 The sample of Blacks and Latinos is even more selective than the sample of Whites and Asians in this regard, and the sample of Latinos also underrepresents recent immigrants.
In addition, although internet dating has become, by most accounts, a mainstream practice in recent years (Rosenfeld and Thomas, Reference Rosenfeld and Thomas2012; Sautter et al., Reference Sautter, Tippet and Philip Morgan2010), internet daters may still be a select group of single internet users. However, recent survey research suggests that internet daters do not differ in socioeconomic or demographic characteristics (such as gender, race, or education) from single internet users who do not use internet dating services (Sautter et al., Reference Sautter, Tippet and Philip Morgan2010). The strongest determinants of internet dating among single internet users were whether respondents were actively looking for a partner and whether they knew someone who had tried online dating (Sautter et al., Reference Sautter, Tippet and Philip Morgan2010). Thus, our data are fairly representative of single internet users in these U.S. metropolitan areas, who tend to be more educated and skilled in writing in English.
A further sample selection issue was the possibility of self-selecting minorities who are especially open to interracial dating. This might be the case if Yahoo Personals were dominated by Whites; minority daters also have the option to use ethnic-specific websites. However, Whites were actually underrepresented on the website compared to their representation among internet users in all the regions except for Los Angeles (where their representation approximates the percentage of internet users).Footnote 10 In general, the racial distribution of internet daters on Yahoo Personals closely approximates the racial distribution of internet users in the four metropolitan areas (table available upon request). Thus, we have little reason to expect that the racial makeup of the Yahoo dating pool would affect racial preferences any more than racial preferences are shaped by the racial makeup of the communities in which the daters live, a factor we include in our analysis.
We also consider the possibility that some internet daters might be especially choosy about who they date (and thus unable to find their preferred dates off-line). We account for this by examining differences in racial exclusion and inclusion controlling for how choosy the dater is in general, which is measured by the percentage of characteristics for which the dater states a preference.
Unfortunately, the website does not distinguish between those who are looking for a serious relationship, versus those who are seeking only a casual relationship. Given prior research, which shows that interracial relationships are less likely than same-race relationships to lead to marriage (Joyner and Kao, Reference Joyner and Kao2005), our results do not necessarily represent willingness to engage in serious interracial relationships. However, willingness to even casually date someone of another racial group indicates a certain level of social acceptance and is necessary for a more serious relationship to develop.
We were also concerned that there might be some misrepresentation in daters’ stated preferences. However, if online daters do misrepresent racial preferences, they are likely to do so in the direction of including racial groups whom, in reality, they are not open to dating. Prior research examining actual online contact on a dating Website shows that daters who do not state any racial preferences in their profiles nevertheless tend to discriminate against members of different racial groups (Hitsch et al., Reference Hitsch, Hortaçsu and Ariely2010b). Also, preferring “any” racial group is the default on the website; daters who are in a rush to complete a profile may choose to disregard the choices. Others may wish to appear politically correct. For these reasons, we make an analytical distinction between those who state they are open to dating “any” racial group and those who stated particular choices and excluded and included particular groups. Given that these are real individuals searching for a date, daters would have no reason to exclude groups that they are actually open to dating, and thus we are confident that the patterns we find accurately represent true preferences, even if they underestimate the degree to which particular racial groups are actually excluded.
Despite their limitations, the data hold a number of advantages. Even if not representative of the general population, internet dating pools are not trivial: approximately sixteen million Americans use such services; nearly three-quarters of all internet users who are single and looking for romantic partners have used the internet to find dates and Yahoo Personals had more than six million unique visitors each month (Madden and Lenhart, Reference Madden and Lenhart2006). Morever, the internet is now one of the primary ways that couples meet (Rosenfeld and Thomas, Reference Rosenfeld and Thomas2012). There is also remarkable consistency between patterns of racial preferences stated in internet profiles and patterns of interracial unions in marriages and cohabitating relationships (Hitsch et al., Reference Hitsch, Hortaçsu and Ariely2010a). This suggests that preferences stated on the internet correspond to preferences that drive union formation regardless of where couples meet. Most importantly, these data provide a rare opportunity to reveal preferences as stated in a real-life situation, unlike attitudinal surveys or social distance scales based on hypothetical scenarios.
Measurement of Perceived Race
Our key independent variable is the perceived race of the Latino daters. Because the way outsiders categorize others by race may vary by the observer’s own characteristics, especially their own racial background (Harris Reference Harris2002), three research assistants from different racial backgrounds independently assessed the daters’ race based on their photographs.Footnote 11 The coders were provided copies of the self-identified Latino daters’ profiles and were instructed to code the racial category that best described the dater, based solely on his/her appearance in the photograph. The racial categories the coders could choose from were White/Caucasian, Black/African American, Asian, Latino/Hispanic, or Other. Although there is debate about whether Latinos are considered a racial or ethnic category, we followed Wendy Roth (Reference Roth2010) in referring to Latinos as a racial category because individuals recognize a phenotypic “Hispanic” racial type (characterized by brown skin and a mix of European, indigenous, and/or African features). Experimental research has confirmed that there is a prototypical “Hispanic” or “Latino” appearance (Wilkins et al., Reference Wilkins, Kaiser and Rieck2010). None of the coders expressed confusion or questioned whether Latino/Hispanic was a valid racial category.
The coders were not told that these daters self-identified as Latino and were explicitly instructed not to look at any parts of the profile except for the photograph.Footnote 12 We note that while many previous studies only examine phenotypic dimensions of race (i.e., skin color), the observers here may have relied on self-presentations of cultural identities as well (as expressed through clothing, hairstyle, etc…). Thus, our study captures how observers categorize others based on both physical and cultural aspects of appearance. Racial classifications may also be affected by social status cues. For example, previous research has shown that observers are more likely to categorize individuals as White if they are dressed in a business suit, and Black if dressed in a janitor’s uniform (Freeman et al., Reference Freeman, Penner, Saperstein, Scheutz and Ambady2011). Thus, the racial categorizations here may also be based on implicit associations between social status and race to the extent that status is indicated in a photograph.
Agreement between any two coders ranged from 68–74%.Footnote 13 In cases of disagreement, if two coders agreed, we used that racial category as the observed race. If all three raters disagreed (4.5% of all cases), we recoded the dater’s observed race into a residual “ambiguous” category, which was then collapsed into the “other” category. Figure 1 shows the coders’ assessments of the observed race of the self-identified Latino sample. We see that about 72% of the Latinos were observed as “Latino” in appearance, while 14% were perceived as “White,” 7% as “Black,” and 7% as Other/ambiguous.
Fig. 1. Observed Race of Self-Identified Latinos, Yahoo Internet Daters, N=1528
Fig. 2. Predicted Probabilities of Including Whites and Blacks as Possible Dates, by Self-Identified Race and, for Latinos, Observed Race, Yahoo Internet Daters
Notes: LL=significance test relative to observed Latinos, W=significance test relative to self-id Whites, B=significance test relative to self-id Blacks, nsp>.10, +p < .10, *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.
Multinomial regression models control for gender, age, metropolitan area, racial composition of municipality, education, body type, religion, Spanish language, choosiness, preferences for religion, body type, education, and height.
Control Variables
Because previous research has indicated that personal characteristics shape racial preferences (Feliciano et al., Reference Feliciano, Lee and Robnett2011; Feliciano et al., Reference Feliciano, Robnett and Komaie2009; Wilson et al., Reference Wilson, McIntosh and Insana2007; Yancey Reference Yancey2007, Reference Yancey2009), we controlled for the dater’s gender, age (daters average around thirty-three years old), education (coded as high school graduate or less, some college, college graduate, or post-graduate), political views (coded as liberal or very liberal vs. middle of the road, conservative or not political), religion (Christian, not religious, other, or no answer), Spanish language knowledge (speaks Spanish, does not speak Spanish, and no answer), and body type (slim/slender/average, thick/a few extra pounds/voluptuous, and no answer).
We also wanted to account for the possibility that daters were using race as a proxy for their preferences for other characteristics, such as body type or education. For example, some daters might exclude Blacks not because they care about race per se, but because they want to date someone highly educated, and therefore engaged in statistical discrimination based on the knowledge that Blacks, on average, have lower levels of education. To account for this, we control for whether the dater stated a preference for educational attainment, religion, body type, or language.Footnote 14 We also considered that daters expressing racial preferences were just more particular in general about their date’s characteristics by including a control variable for how selective the dater was about their date’s characteristics overall, based on the percentage of the nineteen other items for which the dater expressed a preference.
We also considered that racial preferences might just result from exposure to different racial groups in their communities. To address this, we examined the racial composition of the community that each dater reported as their residence on their profiles. Using data from the 2005 American Community Survey (U.S. Bureau of the Census 2005), we collected data on the percent non-Hispanic White, percent non-Hispanic Black, and percent Latino in each town/municipality.Footnote 15
Dependent Variables
We coded racial preferences into three sets of multinomial dependent variables. Daters chose more than four hundred unique combinations of racial groups as preferred dates. For example, daters might indicate that their “match” should be Caucasion (White), Asian, or Hispanic/Latino, others might indicate that their “match” should be African/American (Black), Inter-racial, or Other, and others might indicate that their “match” should only be Hispanic/Latino. To simplify, we focus on three multinomial outcomes. First, we examine a preference for racial homophily using a four category dependent variable: (1) includes own racial group and other groups; (2) includes own racial group only; (3) excludes own racial group/includes only other racial groups; and (4) no stated preference. Second, we examine acceptance of Whites using a three category outcome: (1) excludes Whites, (2) includes Whites, and (3) no stated preference. Third, we similarly examine acceptance of Blacks: (1) excludes Blacks, (2) includes Blacks, and (3) no stated preference.
Analytic Strategy
We begin by comparing the sample characteristics by both self-identified race and, for Latinos, observed race. Next, we present descriptive statistics of racial homophily preferences, followed by acceptance of Blacks and Whites as dates for the full sample, by race and observed race. To examine whether racial differences are significant once we control for sample characteristics, we next present results from multivariate multinomal logistic regression analyses, focusing first on the Latino sample only and then comparing predicted probabilities of Black and White inclusion among all the racial groups.
Sample Characteristics by Self-identified and Observed Race
Previous research has shown that online daters’ racial preferences are influenced by characteristics other than their own race, such as education, body type, political views, religion, language, the racial composition of their communities, and preferences for other characteristics (Feliciano et al., Reference Feliciano, Lee and Robnett2011; Feliciano et al., Reference Feliciano, Robnett and Komaie2009; Wilson et al., Reference Wilson, McIntosh and Insana2007; Yancey Reference Yancey2007, Reference Yancey2009). In this section, we examine whether these characteristics differ by self-identified or observed race; later, we consider whether such characteristics, rather than race alone, are driving patterns of dating choices.
Table 1 shows how various characteristics differ by self-identified race and, for self-identified Latinos, by observed race. First, we note that, by design, the dataset contains nearly equal numbers of men and women. However, when Latinos are disaggregated by observed race, we see that coders were more likely to view self-identified Latino males as White and other/ambiguous, while more females were observed to be Black. Since all three coders were female, it is possible that this finding is driven by the gender of the coder. Future research is needed to test whether observers’ gender affects whether they view the race of men and women differently. Here, this finding suggests the importance of conducting analyses that control for gender, particularly since previous research has shown that the racial preferences of men and women can be quite divergent (Feliciano et al., Reference Feliciano, Robnett and Komaie2009; Robnett and Feliciano, Reference Robnett and Feliciano2011; Wilson et al., Reference Wilson, McIntosh and Insana2007).
Table 1. Sample Characteristics: Means and Percentages by Race and, for Latinos, Observed Race (standard deviations for continuous variables in parentheses)
By design, the data are also fairly evenly split by metropolitan area. However, Latinos in New York were less likely to be classified as White (14%) than those in Los Angeles, Chicago, or Atlanta. Of Latinos who were viewed as Black, 43% lived in New York, 39% lived in Atlanta, while far fewer lived in Chicago (14%) or Los Angeles (4%). As suggested earlier, these findings may be driven by the varying contexts of these four metropolitan areas. Puerto Ricans and Dominicans represent the largest and second largest groups, respectively, of Latinos in New York; members of these groups also tend to have more African ancestry than other Latino groups, such as Mexicans who are the dominant group in Los Angeles and Chicago. Puerto Ricans in New York have historically lived in closer proximity to African Americans (Massey and Bitterman, Reference Massey and Bitterman1985), and Atlanta is a majority African American city (54%) (U.S. Census Bureau 2010). This suggests more opportunities for Latino-Black relationships in these cities and that more of the self-identified Latino daters in these cities may actually have one African American parent. While our data do not allow us to identify these individuals, we do consider the racial composition of the daters’ surrounding community. Indeed, Table 1 shows that Latinos who are observed as White, Latino, or Other tend to live in communities with lower percentages of non-Latino Blacks (22–23%) than self-identified Whites do (26%). In contrast, the average percentage of non-Latino Blacks in the communities of Latinos who are perceived as Black (30%) is similar to that of self-identified Blacks (32%). Likewise, the average percentage of non-Latino Whites in the communities of Latinos who are seen as White (41%) is similar to that of self-identified Whites (39%). Differences in observed race by metropolitan area and community racial composition suggest the importance of considering whether these factors are driving any differences by observed race in racial preferences, an analysis we discuss later.
Education varies by self-identified race in expected ways: White and Asian daters are much more likely to have college degrees than Blacks or Latinos. Among Latinos, we see that those who are observed as White are more likely to have college and graduate degrees, especially compared with those who are classified as Black or Latino. Conversely, 19% of self-identified Latinos who are perceived as Black have only a high school education or less compared with 8% of those perceived as White. These educational differences could be the result of at least two different processes. First, Latinos who are perceived as White may benefit from the symbolic capital of Whiteness in their schooling experiences, while those perceived as Black, like African Americans, may face negative teacher perceptions and expectations that negatively impact their educational attainment (Downey and Pribesh, Reference Downey and Pribesh2004). Second, lighter-skinned Latinos may be more likely to come from highly educated families; in most Latin American countries, lighter skin is associated with higher class status (Bonilla-Silva Reference Bonilla-Silva2004). Thus, Latinos who appear White may have inherited class advantages even prior to migration, while those who appear Black may have inherited class disadvantages. Regardless of the reason, these educational differences suggest that we must consider whether any differences in racial preferences by perceived race among Latinos are related to their educational backgrounds or educational preferences.
Only a few differences in other characteristics are notable. In terms of body type, we see that Black and Latino internet daters are more likely to describe themselves as having a larger body type than Asians or Whites. However, we see significant variation among Latinos by observed race, with those who are observed as White more likely to have thinner body types (87%), especially compared with Latinos classified as Black (71%). Self-identified Latinos and Blacks are also more likely to be religious than Whites and Asians. Further, “Black” Latinos (self-identified Latinos who others perceive as Black) are nearly twice as likely to be of a religion other than Christian/Catholic (17%)Footnote 16 compared with “White” Latinos (6%), “Latino” Latinos (9%) and other/ambiguous Latinos (7%). Over half of all Latino daters report speaking Spanish, with few differences by observed race. In terms of how choosy daters are about their dates’ characteristics, we see few differences by race; “Black” Latinos do express more preferences, particularly for height, but this is likely explained by the higher proportion of women in this category.
Before turning to multivariate analyses that consider how variation in these characteristics may shape racial differences in racial preferences in dating, we turn to descriptive analyses of our dependent variables.
Homophily Preferences by Self-identified and Observed Race
Table 2 shows the in-group and out-group preferences of Yahoo daters, comparing self-identified Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Latinos, and comparing the preferences of self-identified Latinos by observed race. We see that Latinos in general (and Asians) are far less likely to prefer racial homophily than either Whites or Blacks; 10% of all self-identified Latinos prefer to date only other Latinos compared to 31% of Whites and 24% of Blacks who prefer to date only Whites and Blacks, respectively (p<.001).
Table 2. Preferences for Homophily by Self-Identified Race and, For Latinos, by Observed Race, Yahoo Internet Daters
LL signifies a difference from Self-identified Latino-Observed Latino category significant at p<.05 level;
*** p<.001.
Differences in racial homophily preferences among Latinos by observed race are less pronounced than those between all self-identified Latinos and Blacks or Whites. While self-identified Latinos whose observed race is also Latino are slightly more likely than those perceived as White or Black to prefer to only date other Latinos (11% vs. 9% and 6%), these differences are not statistically significant. Thus, we find limited support for hypothesis one, that Latinos who are perceived as Latino are more likely to prefer racial homophily in dating. Nonetheless, there is some support for the idea that self-identified Latinos who appear Latino are less likely to prefer outdating as compared to those who appear Black or White. Latinos who are categorized as White (10%) or Black (12%) are more likely than those categorized as Latino or other (6%) to prefer to only date non-Latinos (p<.05).
We explored these differences further by examining which racial groups Latinos who exclude other Latinos as possible dates (n=111) are open to dating, and found starkly divergent patterns by observed race (see Appendix Figure 1). For example, among those self-identified Latinos perceived as White who do not include other Latinos as possible dates, 91% accept Whites as dates, compared to only 75% of those whom observers classify as Latino (p<.10), and only 18% of those who are perceived as Black (p<.001). We found the opposite pattern when we examined acceptance of Blacks among self-identified Latinos who prefer to only date non-Latinos. Here, only 14% of “White” Latinos and 20% of “Latino” Latinos include Blacks, compared to 73% of Latinos classified as Black (p<.001).
Acceptance of Blacks and Whites by Self-identified and Observed Race
As suggested by the above findings, differences among self-identified Latinos by observed race are the most divergent if we compare their preferences for Blacks or Whites. Table 3 makes these comparisons, as well as comparisons between self-identified Whites, Blacks, Asians, and Latinos.
Table 3. Inclusion/Exclusion of Blacks and Whites by Self-Identified Race and, For Latinos, by Observed Race, Yahoo Internet Daters
LL=significance test relative to observed Latinos, W=significance test relative to self-id whites, B=significance test relative to self-id Blacks, nsp >.10, +p<.10, *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.
Table 3 shows that when self-identified Latinos are considered as a whole, they tend to be more inclusive of Blacks as potential dates than Whites or Asians are. Although 50% of self-identified Latinos exclude Blacks, 14% explicitly include Blacks; this compares to more than 60% of self-identified Whites and Asians excluding Blacks and 5% and 4% including Blacks, respectively (p<.001). However, the degree of acceptance of Blacks as dates varies widely by Latinos’ perceived race: about 51% of Latinos who are observed as Latino exclude Blacks, while 14% explicitly include Blacks. Among self-identified Latinos who are perceived as White, 54% exclude Blacks, and only 8% explicitly include Blacks, percentages that are not statistically different from those of self-identified Whites (60% of whom exclude Blacks, while 5% include Blacks). In contrast, Latinos whom observers classify as Black are the most inclusive of Blacks as possible dates—41% explicitly include Blacks, although 27% still exclude Blacks. Thus, these findings lend support for hypotheses two and three: self-identified Latinos who appear White are more similar to self-identified Whites in their inclusion of Whites than Latinos who appear Black, Latino, or Other are; on the other hand, self-identified Latinos who are perceived as Black are more similar to self-identified Blacks in their inclusion of Whites than Latinos who are perceived as non-Black are.
Table 3 also shows how preferences for Whites vary by self-identified race and observed race for Latinos. In comparing the acceptance of Blacks versus Whites as dates, one important finding is that Latinos who are observed as White, Latino, or Other, as well as self-identified Asians, much more often include Whites as possible dates than they include Blacks. For instance, 44% of observed Latinos include Whites while only 14% include Blacks. However, self-identified Latinos who are perceived as Black are similar to self-identified Blacks in that they are much more likely to accept Blacks (41%) than Whites (26%) as dates. “Black” Latinos, while still somewhat more likely to include Whites than self-identified Blacks are (26% vs. 17%), are much less likely to include Whites than are Latinos observed as Latino (44%) or “Other” (46%). In addition, we note that, other than self-identified Whites themselves, “White” Latinos are the group least likely to exclude Whites as possible dates (13% vs. 42% of “Black” Latinos, 21% of Latinos perceived as Latinos and 15% of “Other” Latinos). These findings further support the hypotheses that Latinos who are perceived as Black are more similar to self-identified Blacks in terms of their racial preferences in dating than Latinos who are perceived as non-Black are, and that Latinos who are perceived as White are more similar to Whites in their racial preferences than Latinos perceived as non-White are.
Multivariate Analyses of the Acceptance of Blacks and Whites as Dates
Table 4 considers whether differences in racial preferences among Latinos by observed race can be explained by other factors, such as gender,Footnote 17 metropolitan area,Footnote 18 education level, Spanish language knowledge, or the racial composition of their community. Findings show that these factors do not explain the differences we see by observed race. Net of all of these and other factors, self-identified Latinos who are classified as Black are five times as likely as those who are classified as Latino to include Blacks as dates, but far less likely to include Whites. Latinos whose observed race is White are about half as likely to include Blacks and over one and a half times as likely to include Whites as compared with self-identified Latinos who are perceived as Latino. Thus, differences among Latinos by observed race are significant and not explained by other factors. These findings lend further support to hypotheses two and three: self-identified Latinos who are perceived as Black are more similar to self-identified Blacks in their racial dating choices than are Latinos who are perceived as non-Black, and self-identified Latinos who are perceived as White are more similar to self-identified Whites than are Latinos who are viewed as non-White.
Table 4. Relative Risk Ratios from Multinomial Regressions of Excluding or Including Whites and Blacks among Self-identified Latinos (n=1528)
+p < .10 *p < .05 **p < .01 ***p < .001; No stated preference versus excludes outcome not shown. Models control for gender, age, metropolitan area, education, body type, religion, Spanish language, choosiness, preferences for religion, body type, education and height, and racial composition of municipality.
Figure 2 shows predicted probabilities from multinomial regression analyses comparing Latinos’ preferences for Whites and Blacks to those of self-identified Blacks, Whites, and Asians. The full models on which this figure is based are shown in Appendix Tables A and B. First, in comparing the inclusion of Blacks versus the inclusion of Whites, self-identified Latinos perceived as White, self-identified Latinos perceived as Latino, self-identified Whites, and self-identified Asians all are far more likely to accept Whites than Blacks as possible dates, net of other factors. For example, the models predict that the probability of Latinos who are perceived as Latino preferring Whites is .46 compared to a predicted probability of only .15 preferring Blacks. However, we see the opposite pattern for self-identified Blacks and Latinos who are observed as Black: these groups prefer Blacks more than Whites. Among Latinos whom outsiders view as Black, the predicted probability of preferring Blacks is .39 compared to .23 preferring Whites. These findings further support hypotheses two and three, that the racial choices in dating of self-identified Latinos who appear Black or White are more similar to the racial group they are categorized by outsiders as belonging to than are the racial choices of self-identified Latinos who are not perceived as belonging to those racial groups.
Appendix Fig. 1. Racial Preferences among Self-Identified Latinos Who Exclude Other Latinos as Possible Dates, by Observed Race (n=111)
Although at first glance these patterns might indicate a simple mirroring of Whites’ preferences among Latinos who appear White or a simple mirroring of Blacks’ preferences among Latinos who are perceived as Black, the reality is somewhat more complex. First, even self-identified Latinos who are perceived as White are significantly more likely to accept Blacks (.09) than self-identified Whites are (.05) (p<.05) (although the majority of “White” Latinos still exclude Blacks). Thus, unlike Asians, who are even more exclusionary of Blacks as dates than self-identified Whites are, self-identified Latinos of all racial phenotypes are more open to dating Blacks than Whites are. Second, although “Black” Latinos, like self-identified Blacks, are much more likely to accept Blacks as dates than they are to accept Whites (.39 vs. .23) and have a relatively low probability of including Whites (.23 for “Black” Latinos, .16 for self-identified Blacks), they differ from self-identified Blacks in their acceptance of Blacks as dates: less than half explicitly include Blacks, and the predicted probability of excluding Blacks remains somewhat high (.27—not shown). Nevertheless, the disparity between Latinos who appear Black and Latinos who appear White or Latino is striking in the former’s greater acceptance of Blacks and greater exclusion of Whites. These findings suggest that both perceived race and self-identification matter for shaping assimilation trajectories in so far as dating choices feed into eventual interracial pairings and marital assimilation.
Overall, the key finding emerging from these analyses is that self-identified Latinos exhibit dating choice patterns that are similar to those of the racial group they are viewed by others as belonging to. Thus, Latinos who appear White are more similar to Whites in their preferences for Whites and Blacks than are Latinos who are perceived as Latino, Black, or Other. “White” Latinos are more likely to prefer Whites than Latinos who are perceived as Latino or, especially, Black are. Conversely, Latinos whose observed race is Black are more similar to self-identified Blacks in their racial preferences than are Latinos who are perceived as Latino, White, or Other. “Black” Latinos are more likely to prefer Blacks than “Latino” Latinos and especially “White” Latinos are. Nevertheless, these findings do not suggest that only observed race matters in shaping dating choices since self-identified Latinos still differ in important ways from self-identified Whites or Blacks.
Observed Race and Latinos’ Assimilation Patterns
This study’s findings suggest that observed race is a key factor that may lead to divergent assimilation trajectories among the self-identified Latino population. Our unique contribution is to highlight how external racial classification is associated with Latinos’ acceptance (or lack) of others in dating situations. Most existing research suggesting that racial appearance stratifies the assimilation trajectories of Latinos has tended to focus on socioeconomic outcomes, suggesting that discriminatory treatment by others is the key mechanism (Bonilla-Silva Reference Bonilla-Silva2004; Hunter Reference Hunter2005; Telles and Murguia, Reference Telles and Murguia1990). A few other studies have suggested that self-identification choices among Latinos indicate the pursuit of a particular assimilation trajectory (Frank et al., Reference Frank, Akresh and Lu2010; Golash-Boza and Darity, Reference Golash-Boza and Darity2008). In contrast, we show how racial appearance relates to stated acceptance of other racial groups as possible dates, an outcome that potentially impacts mate selection and thus possibilities for intermarriage and marital assimilation. While the Latino daters in this study may be responding to discrimination or lack of acceptance by others with their dating choices, ultimately they are deciding to limit or expand their dating options to particular racial groups; this has implications for assimilation. For example, we find that Latinos who are perceived as White choose to exclude Blacks and include Whites as possible dates at high rates, a decision that may lead to marriage with Whites and to their descendants’ adoption of a White racial identity and categorization. Importantly, current choices can lead to future assimilation regardless of whether that is the intended outcome. We argue that Latino online daters are exhibiting agency in this process by making particular racial dating choices and not others, but also that their agency is shaped by the existing racial structure as evidenced by differences in choices based on how they are racially classified by others.
Thus, this study moves beyond existing research and theories suggesting racial appearance influences assimilation through the impact of differential treatment by others on socioeconomic outcomes (Portes and Zhou, Reference Portes and Zhou1993), by showing that Latinos’ racial appearance also influences their assimilation trajectories through their own decisions to exclude or include members of other racial-ethnic groups as possible dates. While we are not suggesting that the majority of relationships begin online, prior research has shown remarkable consistency between patterns of stated preferences for dates and patterns of interracial pairings (Feliciano et al., Reference Feliciano, Robnett and Komaie2009; Hitsch et al., Reference Hitsch, Hortaçsu and Ariely2010a). This suggests that stated preferences among online daters are capturing preferences that exist among the general population and feed into eventual dating and marriage outcomes. Thus, we argue that these dating choices matter because they capture social distance between groups and influence assimilation—the breaking down of boundaries between groups—in its broadest sense by shaping with whom one marries and/or has children. Through the children born of mixed unions, boundary crossing may occur as descendants of today’s self-identified Latinos may come to identify and be classified as exclusively White or Black (Alba Reference Alba2005). Theoretically, boundary shifting might occur if crossings occurred on a large scale, so that, for example, those who today self-identify and are classified as Latino might be seen and identify in the future as White (Alba Reference Alba2005). Another theoretical possibility is the restructuring of boundaries such that new racial-ethnic groups are formed; for example, self-identified Latinos who are perceived as Black could merge with Blacks into a new racial category that identifies and is seen as “Non-White.”
Our findings suggest that racial appearance is an important factor shaping such possible assimilation outcomes. Among self-identified Latinos who are perceived as White, our findings provide evidence of boundary crossing and eventual assimilation into Whiteness (Yancey Reference Yancey2003). These Latinos accept Whites and exclude Blacks as possible dates to a greater extent than those who are perceived as belonging to other racial groups. Among Latinos who are classified by others as Black, we see evidence of eventual assimilation into Blackness or perhaps developing into a new pan-minority group with Blacks (Carter Reference Carter2005). These Latinos are distinct from those perceived as White or Latino and more similar to self-identified Blacks in that they are much more likely to include Blacks and exclude Whites as dates. Self-identified Latinos whom outsiders observe as Latino seem to fall into a “racial middle” (O’Brien 2008) as a racial group distinct from Whites or Blacks. While these Latinos tend to privilege Whites over other racial groups as acceptable dates, they fall in between “White” Latinos and “Black” Latinos in their levels of excluding Blacks as dates and are far more inclusive of Blacks than self-identified Whites or Asians are. Those Latinos viewed as Latino are also slightly less likely than Latinos perceived as White or Black to exclude other Latinos as possible dates. Thus, it is likely that Latinos who both self-identify and are perceived as Latino are more likely than those who self-identify as Latino but are viewed as White or Black to date (and eventually mate with) other Latinos. When one also considers that most self-identified Latinos in our sample are also perceived by others as belonging to a Latino racial category, separate from Blacks or Whites (72%), this suggests that the “racial middle” may persist for some time. Thus, our findings support the view that assimilation processes vary because Latinos experience racialization differently (Golash-Boza Reference Golash-Boza2006; Golash-Boza and Darity, Reference Golash-Boza and Darity2008). Some who identify as Latino are racialized as White, others are racialized as Black, while still others are racialized as a separate Latino group in the “racial middle” (Bonilla-Silva Reference Bonilla-Silva2004; O’Brien 2008). This view contrasts with perspectives that argue that Latinos as a whole are predominantly assimilating into Whiteness (Yancey Reference Yancey2003) or joining with Asians as a new “non-Black” group (Gans Reference Gans and Lamont1999; Lee and Bean, Reference Lee and Bean2004). We argue that claims about the assimilation trajectories of self-identified Latinos as a whole are problematic given the divergences by racial phenotype.
Why Would Perceived Race Influence Dating Choices?
While our data do not allow us to test the mechanisms through which perceived race shapes dating choices, our findings are consistent with a number of existing theories. According to exchange theory (Davis Reference Davis1941; Fu Reference Fu2001; Merton Reference Merton1941), self-identified Latinos who appear White are more likely to include Whites than other Latinos are because only they have the privilege of being able to exchange their physical capital for a White partner. In contrast, those who are classified as Latino or Black may recognize that their lower racial status constrains them such that they must be more accepting of lower status racial groups in order to date. Self-identified Latinos’ dating choices, according to this perspective, are driven by an acceptance of dominant racial hierarchies in the United States, in which Whites are afforded the highest status.
Another explanation for the link between observed race and racial preferences is through acceptance by co-ethnics: boundaries with other Latinos may be particularly salient for Latinos who do not “appear” Latino and may be assumed to be less authentically Latino by their co-ethnics (Hunter Reference Hunter2005, Reference Hunter2007; Jiménez Reference Jiménez2010); these Latinos may feel more comfortable dating the racial group they appear more similar to. The link may also be through the strength of ethnic identification, which may be weaker among lighter-skinned Latinos, as research suggests it is for light-skinned African Americans (Brown et al., Reference Brown, Ward, Lightbourn, Jackson and Jones1998; Wilkins et al., Reference Wilkins, Kaiser and Rieck2010). Some Latinos may self-identify as Latino, but not feel strong attachments to this identity, and therefore may be more open to dating non-Latinos.
Discrimination or lack of acceptance from other racial groups may also be a mechanism shaping racial choices in dating. Self-identified Latinos who are classified by outsiders as Black or Latino may be more likely than those who are seen as White to have experienced discrimination from Whites. Thus, these Latinos may be more likely to exclude Whites as possible dates as a reaction to negative experiences or because they believe they are unlikely to be accepted by Whites. Such experiences may be particularly pronounced for Latinos who are perceived as Black, which might explain why their acceptance of Whites as dates is relatively low and mirrors that of self-identified Blacks. Thus, the differences we find by racial appearance suggest that Latinos’ agency in choosing dating partners is influenced by the existing racial structure.
The Racial Classification Problem
The findings of this study have implications for the measurement of Latino populations in the United States. Most surveys, as well as the Census, rely only on self-identifications of race, but our research suggests that outsider classification captures a dimension of race that is distinct from self-identification and is independently associated with different outcomes. The Census Bureaus’ current method of separately assessing self-identified race and self-identified Hispanic origin, despite claims that it measures differences by “social” race (Patterson Reference Patterson2001), may inadequately capture the different dimensions of race relevant to understanding the lived experiences of the Hispanic origin population. Our findings illustrate that, not only do outsider classifications of race often not correspond to self-identifications, but in addition, the two dimensions of race yield different pictures of Latinos’ acceptance of other racial-ethnic groups as dates. For example, our sample of self-identified Latinos overall were far more likely to accept Whites as possible dates than Blacks but were also much more accepting of Blacks as dates than self-identified Asians or Whites were. However, these patterns mask some important differences by observed race among self-identified Latinos. We found significant variation by observed race in terms of which racial groups (Whites or Blacks) Latinos were more likely to include as dates, and their degree of acceptance of Blacks and Whites. Thus, while it was the case that those classified by others as Latino or White were more likely to accept Whites than Blacks as dates, the reverse was the case among those classified as Black. Indeed, in terms of acceptance of Whites as dates, “Black” Latino daters were more similar to self-identified Blacks than to “White” Latinos or those perceived as Latino. The greater acceptance of Blacks by self-identified Latinos than by Whites or Asians was also qualified since that acceptance was much greater among “Black” Latinos, followed by “Latino” Latinos, with “White” Latinos only slightly more likely to include Blacks than self-identified Whites did. Thus, we argue that both external assessments of race and self-identity matter in shaping dating choices and subsequent dating and marriage outcomes.
Relying on self-identification data as currently collected by the Census would mask such patterns. Not only has prior research shown that many self-identified Latinos do not identify with a particular racial category based on their physical appearance (Roth Reference Roth2010), the outside observers in this study, consistent with the findings of previous research (Hitlin et al., 2007), viewed Latino or Hispanic as a valid racial category. Although our sample cannot be generalized to the entire U.S. population, our finding that coders perceived only 14% of self-identified Latinos to be White, while 53% of self-identified Latinos on the Census claim a White racial identity, suggests that these two measures often do not correspond (Humes et al., Reference Humes, Jones and Ramirez2011). Indeed, previous research has shown that racial self-identity and outsiders’ assessments of race often conflict (Itzigsohn Reference Itzigsohn2009; Rodriguez Reference Rodriguez2000; Roth Reference Roth2010). Thus, the Census’ current proposal to include Latino or Hispanic as another “race or origin” category would not solve this issue because it does not provide a measure of how others perceive one’s race.
We argue that neither interviewer classifications nor self-identifications of race alone can adequately assess interracial relations through survey research, particularly for Latinos. For example, the patterns of racial inclusion revealed through this study suggest that intermarriage studies that rely on self-identification data alone likely underestimate the degree of intermarriage between self-identified Latinos who appear White and self-identified Whites, and overestimate the degree of intermarriage between self-identified Latinos who appear non-White and self-identified Whites. However, relying only on interviewer classification of race would also be misleading. Our results show, for instance, that the racial preferences of self-identified Latinos who are classified by others as Black differ in important ways from those who self-identify as Black. The former are far less likely than self-identified Blacks to include Blacks as possible dates. Along the same lines, self-identified Latinos who are classified as White are more likely than self-identified Whites to accept Blacks as dates. In order to more accurately capture the nuances of Latinos’ lived experiences of race, including both interviewer assessments of race and self-identifications that include Latino as a category would be ideal. In the absence of interviewer classifications, a question that asks how others view one’s race might be an appropriate proxy.
Future Research
This study suggests a number of directions for future research. To get a better picture of overall assimilation trajectories among the self-identified Latino population, a more representative sample is needed. Here, outsiders classified 72% of self-identified Latino daters as Latino, suggesting the majority of this population experiences racialization as a middle group. However, because of the select nature of the online dating sample, we cannot generalize to how outsiders would racially classify the general population of self-identified Latinos. Even though these internet daters had the option to choose “multiracial” or “other” as their race if they desired, some of the findings might be driven by multiracial Latinos. Although our findings approximate survey situations where respondents are given the option to self-identify as Latino and must identify with only one category, data are needed that can assess whether patterns would differ if daters had the option to identify with more than one racial category.
Our findings show that both self-identity and outsider classification of race clearly influence dating choices, but research that examines the racial appearance of self-identified Blacks and Whites is needed in order to ascertain which dimension of race is more important in shaping dating preferences. Importantly, the mechanisms that we suggest link racial appearance to dating choices are not limited to processes unique only among Latinos. Individuals who self-identify as members of other racial or ethnic groups, such as Black or Middle Eastern, also vary in observed race. Thus, we might expect future research to reveal similar divergences in dating choices by perceived race among these populations. Future research is also needed that would delineate the social and psychological forces behind the patterns we find.
Overall, the patterns here clearly show that perceived race is an important source of heterogeneity within the self-identified Latino population that is associated with differential acceptance of other racial groups as dates. Thus, considering multiple dimensions of race better captures the complexity of how race is experienced by Latinos and how this relates to choices that may lead to divergent assimilation trajectories.