Badiou, Alain. Happiness. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019. 126 pp. (paper).
Bergeron, David. Inquiétude. Quête de soi et d’une humanité… déshumanisée. Essai philosophique, Paris, Éditions Spinelle, 2019, 110 p.
Brown, Hunter. Grace and Philosophy: Understanding a Gratuitous World. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019. x + 158 pp. $29.95 (paper).
Csepregi, Gabor. In Vivo: A Phenomenology of Life-Defining Moments. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019. 206 pp. $29.95 (paper).
Daston, Lorraine. Against Nature. MIT Press, 2019, 78 pp. (pdf).
Dejnožka, Jan. Logical Relevance in English Evidence Law: Its History and Impact on Keynes and Russell. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2019. 271 pp. (paper).
Despoix, Philippe, and Jillian Tomm (Eds.), with the collaboration of Eric Méchoulan and Georges Leroux. Raymond Klibansky and the Warburg Library Network. Intellectual Peregrinations from Hamburg to London and Montreal. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018, 342 pp. (hardback).
Duchesneau, François. Organisme et corps organique de Leibniz à Kant, Paris, Vrin (coll. «Mathesis»), 2018, 522 p.
Fradet, Pierre-Alexandre. Philosopher à travers le cinéma québécois. Xavier Dolan, Denis Côté, Stéphane Lafleur et autres cinéastes, Paris, Hermann, 2018, 220 p.
Glouberman, Mark. “I am”: Monotheism and the Philosophy of the Bible. University of Toronto Press, 2019. 248 pp. $75.00 (hardback).
Kingwell, Mark. Wish I Were Here: Boredom and the Interface. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019. 208 pp. $34.95 (hardback).
Margel, Serge. Philippe Lynes, trans. The Tomb of the Artisan God: On Plato’s Timaeus. University of Minnesota Press, 2019. 146 pp. (paper).
McLennan, Matthew R. Philosophy and Vulnerability: Catherine Breillat, Joan Didion, and Audre Lorde. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019. 182 pp. (hardback).
Mélançon, Jérôme. La politique dans l’adversité. Merleau-Ponty aux marges de la philosophie, Genève, MetisPresses, 2018, 286 p.
Turetzky, Philip. The Elements of Arguments: An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Logic. Review copy. Broadview Press, 2019. 333 pp. (pdf).
Wakefield, Jerome C. Freud and Philosophy of Mind, Volume 1: Reconstructing the Argument for Unconscious Mental States. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. 382 pp. (hardback).