Adamson, Peter, and G. Fay Edwards (Eds.). Animals. Oxford University Press, 2018. 454 pp. (paper).
Barash, David P. Through a Glass Brightly: Using Science to See Our Species as We Really Are. Oxford University Press, 2018. 203 pp. (hardback).
Blackburn, Simon. In Truth. Oxford University Press, 2018. 142 pp. (paper).
Bliss, Ricki, and Graham Priest (Eds.). Reality and Its Structure: Essays in Fundamentality. Oxford University Press, 2018. 324 pp. (hardback).
Bordes, Élodie. Le silence et le droit. Recherches sur une métaphore, Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2018 (coll. «Dikè»), 245 p.
Bow, Charles Bradford (Ed.). Common Sense in the Scottish Elightenment. Oxford University Press, 2018. 226 pp. (hardback).
Brown, Jessica. Fallibilism: Evidence and Knowledge. Oxford University Press, 2018. 197 pp. (hardback).
Byrne, Alex. Transparency Self Knowledge. Oxford University Press, 2018. 227 pp. (hardback).
Campagna, Federico. Technic and Magic: The Reconstruction of Reality. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018. 256 pp. $26.95 (paper).
Charbonneau, Bernard. Translated by Christian Roy. The Green Light: A Self-Critique of the Ecological Movement. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018. v + 208 pp. $33.95 (paper).
Coombes, Sam. Édouard Glissant: A Poetics of Resistance. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018. 208 pp. $29.95 (paper).
Costa, Claudio. Philosophical Semantics: Reintegrating Theoretical Philosophy. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. 494 pp. £67.99.
Culllity, Garrett. Concern, Respect, & Cooperation. Oxford University Press, 2018. 311 pp. (hardback).
Davidson, Scott (Ed.). A Companion to Ricoeur’s Freedom and Nature. Rowman & Littlefield, 2018. v + 233 pp. (hardback).
Duns Scot, Jean. Questions sur la métaphysique, volume I, livres I à III, Introduction, traduction et notes par Olivier Boulnois et Dan Arbib, avec une introduction au texte latin par Dominique Poirel, Paris, Presses universitaires de France (coll. «Épiméthée»), 2017, 582 p.
Fantl, Jeremy. The Limitations of the Open Mind. Oxford University Press, 2018. 229 pp. (hardback).
Fassin, Didier. Edited by Christopher Katz. The Will to Punish. The Berkeley Tanner Lectures. Oxford University Press, 2018. 194 pp. (hardback).
Fedi, Laurent. Kant, une passion française 1795-1940, Hildesheim, Holms Verlag (coll. «Reihe I: Studien»), 2018, 690 p.
Flowers, F.A., III, and Ian Ground (Eds.). Portraits of Wittgenstein. Abridged Edition. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018. 489 pp. $47.95 (paper).
Foley, Richard. The Geography of Insight: The Sciences, the Humanities, How They Differ, Why They Matter. Oxford University Press, 2018. 126 pp. (hardback).
Gandesha, Samir, and Johan F. Hartle (Eds.). Aesthetic Marx. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018. 344 pp. $29.95 (paper).
Gilbert, Margaret. Rights and Demands: A Foundational Inquiry. Oxford University Press, 2018. 369 pp. (hardback).
Gouin, Jean-Luc. Hegel. De la Logophonie comme chant du signe, Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2018, 330 p.
Grossman, Évelyne. Translated by Matthew Cripsey and Louise Burchill. The Anguish of Thought. University of Minnesota Press, 2018. 200 pp. $24.95 (paper).
Haksar, Vinit. Gandhi and Liberalism: Satyagraha and the Conquest of Evil. Routledge, 2018. vii + 282 pp. (hardback).
Henning, Tim. From a Rational Point of View: How We Represent Subjective Perspectives in Practical Discourse. Oxford University Press, 2018. vii + 240 pp. (hardback).
Hutchinson, Katrina, Cartriona Mackenzie, and Marina Oshana (Eds.). Social Dimensions and Moral Responsibility. Oxford University Press, 2018. 330 pp. (hardback).
Kervégan, Jean-François. The Actual and the Rational: Hegel and Objective Spirit. University of Chicago Press, 2018. 384 pp. $55.00 (hardback).
Kisner, Matthew J. (Ed.). Spinoza: Ethics in Geometrical Order. Cambridge University Press, 2018, 272 pp. $125.80 (hardback).
Kristjánsso, Kristján. Virtuous Emotions. Oxford University Press, 2018. 225 pp. (hardback).
Kvanvig, Jonathan L. Faith and Humility. Oxford University Press, 2018. 219 pp. (hardback).
LaFollette, Hugh. In Defense of Gun Control. Oxford University Press, 2018. 237 pp. (paper).
Lapoujade, David. Translated by Andrew Goffey. Powers of Time. Univocal, 2018. 110 pp. $22.95 (paper).
Love, Jeff. The Black Circle: A Life of Anexandre Kojève. Columbia University Press, 2018. 376 pp. $40.00 (hardback).
Marder, Michael. Heidegger: Phenomenology, Ecology, Politics. University of Minnesota Press, 2018. 195 pp. $25.00 (paper).
Marshall, Colin. Compassionate Moral Realism. Oxford University Press, 2018. 265 pp. (hardback).
Nathan, Tobie, and Isabelle Stengers. Doctors and Healers. Polity Books, 2018. 199 pp. (paper).
Papish, Laura. Kant on Evil, Self Deception, and Moral Reform. Oxford University Press, 2018. 257 pp. (hardback).
Peschard, Isabelle F., and Bas C. van Fraassen. The Experimental Side of Modeling. MIT Press, 2018. 325 pp. $40.00 (paper).
Pietroski, Paul M. Conjoining Meanings: Semantics Without Truth Values. Oxford University Press, 2018. 393 pp. (hardback).
Polanyi, Karl. Edited by Michele Cangiani and Claus Thomasberger. Economy and Society: Selected Writings. Polity Press, 2018. 232 pp. (hardback).
Richard, Louis-André. La cigogne de Minerve. Philosophie, culture palliative et société, Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2018, 452 p.
Riddle, Christopher A. From Disability Theory to Practice: Essays in Honor of Jerome E. Bickenback. Rowman & Littlefield, 2018. 152 pp. (hardback).
Rosenberg, Alex. How History Gets Things Wrong: The Neuroscience of Our Addiction to Stories. MIT Press, 2018. 289 pp. $27.95 (hardback).
Rushdy, Ashraf H.A. After Injury: A Historical Anatomy of Forgiveness, Resentment, and Apology. Oxford University Press, 2018. 288 pp. (hardback).
Scheffler, Samuel. Why Worry About Future Generations? Oxford University Press, 2018. 146 pp. (hardback).
Seymour, Michel et Jérôme Gosselin-Tapp. La nation pluraliste. Repenser la diversité religieuse au Québec, Montréal, Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2018, 296 p.
Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter. Think Again. Oxford University Press, 2018. 237 pp. (paper).
Smith, Holly M. Making Morality Work. Oxford University Press, 2018. vii + 410 pp. (hardback).
Woodruff, Paul (Ed.). Ethics of Giving: Philosophers’ Perspectives on Philanthropy. Oxford University Press, 2018. 224 pp. (hardback).