1 Introduction
Inseparable morphisms in characteristic
have long become an important tool for obtaining deep results in algebraic geometry. The striking difference between algebraic differential geometry in characteristic 0 and in characteristic
is the source of many important applications. We cite the proof by Rudakov and Shafarevich [Reference Rudakov and ShafarevichRS76] of the non-existence of global vector fields on a K3 surface, and the characteristic
proof by Deligne and Illusie [Reference Deligne and IllusieDI87] of the degeneration of the Hodge spectral sequence, as two outstanding examples.
The present paper originated from observations made in a special case in [Reference de Shalit, Goren, Akbary and GundeSG18]. Its goal is to study the geometry of unitary Shimura varieties modulo
, making use of the relation between inseparable morphisms of height 1 and height 1 foliations in the tangent bundle. This relation can be traced back, at the birational level, to Jacobson’s ‘Galois theory’ for inseparable field extensions by means of derivations [Reference JacobsonJac75]. It was further developed by Rudakov and Shafarevich in [Reference Rudakov and ShafarevichRS76], and by Ekedahl [Reference EkedahlEke87] and Miyaoka [Reference MiyaokaMiy87]. The latter extended the notion of a foliation from first-order foliations to any order, to deal with the problem of non-uniqueness of solutions of linear differential equations in characteristic
To explain our main results, let
be a quadratic imaginary field and
an odd prime which is inert in
. Let
be a Shimura variety associated with a unitary group
, split by
, of signature
), and with an adèlic level subgroup
$K\subset \boldsymbol{G}(\mathbb{A})$
. Then
is a smooth quasi-projective variety of dimension
(the reflex field). We assume that
$K=K_{\infty }K_{p}K^{p}$
is hyperspecial maximal compact at
. Under this assumption, Kottwitz [Reference KottwitzKot92] has defined a smooth integral model
, whose special fiber over the residue field
we denote simply by
. This integral model
is a moduli space for certain
dimensional abelian schemes with PEL structure (the endomorphisms coming from
) and we let
denote the universal abelian scheme over it.
The special fiber
admits a stratification by the isomorphism type of the
-torsion of the abelian varieties making up the family
. This is the Ekedahl–Oort (EO) stratification [Reference Oort, Faber, van der Geer and OortOor01, Reference Moonen, Faber, van der Geer and OortMoo01, Reference Wedhorn, Faber, van der Geer and OortWed01], see also [Reference Viehmann and WedhornVW13]. It has a unique open dense stratum
, which coincides with the unique open dense stratum in the Newton polygon (NP) stratification. Under our assumption that
is inert and
the abelian varieties parametrized by
are not ordinary, but only
-ordinary. This means, roughly speaking, that they are ‘as ordinary as the PEL data permits them to be’. This observation is where our journey begins.
is split, or when
is inert but
classifies ordinary abelian varieties, in the usual sense. As Serre and Tate have shown more than 50 years ago, a formal neighborhood of a point
$x\in S^{\text{ord}}$
then carries a canonical structure of a formal torus, hence
is locally isotropic, i.e. ‘looks the same in all directions’. When
is inert and
this breaks down. In fact, Moonen has introduced in [Reference MoonenMoo04] ‘generalized Serre–Tate coordinates’ on
, and showed that under our assumptions, a formal neighborhood of a point
$x\in S^{\text{ord}}$
has a canonical structure as the part fixed under an involution in a ‘3-cascade’. Vasiu [Reference VasiuVas11] has also done related work, which we will not need to use in this paper. As a result of Moonen’s work, a canonical
-dimensional subspace
is singled out in the tangent space
, and these subspaces make up a sub-bundle
, which is in fact a
-Lie sub-algebra, i.e. a height 1 foliation.
One can define
without any appeal to the results of Moonen as follows. The Hodge bundle
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{{\mathcal{A}}/S}=R^{0}\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\ast }\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}_{{\mathcal{A}}/S}^{1}$
breaks up as a direct sum
${\mathcal{P}}\oplus {\mathcal{Q}}$
according to types, where
, the part on which the endomorphisms act via the natural map
, is of rank
, and
, the part on which they act via the Galois conjugate map, is of rank
. The Kodaira–Spencer map supplies us with an isomorphism

Once we situate ourselves in the special fiber, we can make use of the Verschiebung isogeny
$\text{Ver}:{\mathcal{A}}^{(p)}\rightarrow {\mathcal{A}}$
, and we denote by
the map it induces on de Rham cohomology. We denote by
the subsheaf which is the kernel of
. Over
it constitutes a sub-bundle
of rank
. We let

be the annihilator of
$\text{KS}({\mathcal{P}}_{0}\otimes {\mathcal{Q}})$
under the natural pairing between the tangent and cotangent bundles. The proof that this sub-bundle is in fact a foliation (closed under Lie bracket and raising to power
) becomes a pleasant exercise involving the Gauss–Manin connection and the notion of
-curvature (see Proposition 3). The foliation
is the one appearing in the title of our paper. In Theorem 13 we prove that it coincides with what might be obtained from [Reference MoonenMoo04].
Besides its simplicity, our definition of the foliation has two other advantages. First, according to the dictionary between foliations of height 1 and inseparable morphisms of height 1, reviewed in § 2.2,
corresponds to a certain quotient variety of
. In § 3.2 we identify this variety as a Zariski open subset (the ordinary-étale locus) in the special fiber of an integral model of a certain Shimura variety of parahoric level at
. We call this Shimura variety
. In characteristic 0 it is a finite étale covering of
. Its integral model over
, denoted
, was defined by Rapoport and Zink in [Reference Rapoport and ZinkRZ96, ch. 6] and studied further by several authors. For instance, Görtz [Reference GörtzGör01] proved that it is flat over
, and that if we denote its special fiber by
, the local rings of the irreducible components of
are Cohen–Macaulay and normal. See also the work of Pappas and Zhu [Reference Pappas and ZhuPZ13]. We make strong use of these results later on. The special fiber
classifies abelian schemes in characteristic
, with PEL structure as in
, equipped with a finite flat, isotropic,
-stable ‘Raynaud’ subgroup scheme
of rank
. The ordinary-étale locus of
, denoted
, is the open subset lying over
classifying such objects in which
is étale. The alleged quotient map
$S^{\text{ord}}\rightarrow S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\text{ord}}$
is such that when we compose it with the natural projection
$S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\text{ord}}\rightarrow S^{\text{ord}}$
, in any order, we get the map
More important, perhaps, is that we are able to extend
into the deeper EO strata, something absent from Moonen’s theory of generalized Serre–Tate coordinates. This is tied up with the study of the closure
of the ordinary-étale locus
, one of the horizontal relatively irreducibleFootnote
components of
. It is also tied up with a certain moduli-scheme
$S^{\sharp }$
, special to characteristic
, which is a ‘successive blow-up’ of
at deep enough EO strata. There does not seem to be a natural way to lift
$S^{\sharp }$
to characteristic 0, and in any case the moduli problem which it represents lives in characteristic
only. In § 4.1 we define
$S^{\sharp }$
as a moduli problem and prove that it is representable by a smooth scheme over
. We also determine the dimensions of the fibers of the morphism
$f:S^{\sharp }\rightarrow S$
, and the open set
$S_{\sharp }\subset S$
over which
is an isomorphism. The set
$S_{\sharp }$
‘interpolates’ between
and a unique minimal EO stratum, of dimension
, contained in it, which we call
. All this information is described in terms of the combinatorics of
-shuffles in the symmetric group
The height 1 foliation
extends canonically to a height 1 foliation
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$
$S^{\sharp }$
. Over
$S_{\sharp }$
it can be considered to lie in
, but outside
$S_{\sharp }$
it would acquire singularities, and it is necessary to introduce the successive blow up
$S^{\sharp }$
to extend it everywhere.
Having constructed
$S^{\sharp }$
, we describe purely inseparable morphisms

whose composition is
. The map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\sharp }$
extends the natural projection
, and
extends the quotient map
$S^{\text{ord}}\rightarrow S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\text{ord}}$
obtained from the foliation
. Using the theorem of Görtz mentioned above we deduce that since
is Cohen–Macaulay,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\sharp }$
is finite and flat. Using the normality of
we conclude that
is also finite and flat, and that
is in fact non-singular.
At the other extreme we have the multiplicative horizontal component
, the closure of the ordinary-multiplicative locus
. It too maps to
$S^{\sharp }$
and this map is in fact an isomorphism, proving that
is non-singular. Note that the projection from
is not everywhere finite, and does not admit a section.
We do not know if similar results hold for the other, ‘mixed’ horizontal components of
, of which there are many in general. We also stress that although
intersect, the maps that we have constructed from them to
$S^{\sharp }$
do not agree on the intersection. This is manifested already in signature
, see [Reference de Shalit, Goren, Akbary and GundeSG18].
We gather the above results in the following theorem. For more details see Propositions 17 and 20, and Theorem 21.
(i) The foliation
${\mathcal{T}}S^{+}$ extends uniquely to a rank
$m^{2}$ foliation
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$ on
$S^{\sharp }$ .
(ii) The quotient of
$S^{\sharp }$ by
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$ is
$S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}$ , which is non-singular.
$S_{0}(p)_{m}$ is isomorphic to
$S^{\sharp }$ .
So far we have said nothing about the behavior of the foliation at the cusps. As mentioned above,
, hence also
$S^{\sharp }$
, admit smooth compactifications at the cusps. The Hodge bundle, with its decomposition
${\mathcal{P}}\oplus {\mathcal{Q}}$
, as well as
, extend as locally free sheaves to a suitable partial compactification of
(a smooth toroidal compactification with the Zariski closure of the non-ordinary locus removed). The Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism, on the other hand, acquires log poles along the boundary. See [Reference de Shalit and GorendeSG17, §3] for a detailed analysis, where the foliation is linked to the study of certain differential operators on unitary modular forms. In the present work, we only need the open Shimura variety
In the last section we turn our attention to integral subvarieties of
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$
$S_{\sharp }$
. We obtain the following result. See Theorem 25 for a more precise formulation.
(i) Embedded Shimura varieties associated to
$U(m,m)$ , or to an inner form of
$U(m,m)$ , are integral subvarieties of
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$ .
(ii) The EO stratum
$S_{\text{fol}}$ is an integral subvariety of
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$ .
While part (i) is easy, the proof of (ii) uses the canonical filtration of
over the EO stratum
, and requires some effort, although the idea behind it is simple.
We end the paper with a discussion of a conjecture ‘of André–Oort type’ that Shimura varieties of signature
, and the EO stratum
, are the only global integral subvarieties of
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$
. Despite the fact that we do not know if the foliation lifts to a height
foliation for
in any natural way, hence locally formally the integral subvarieties are not unique, we believe that its global nature makes the conjecture plausible.
The results obtained in this paper generalize results that have been obtained for Picard modular surfaces, associated with a unitary group of signature
, in [Reference de Shalit, Goren, Akbary and GundeSG18]. On the other hand it seems that with some extra effort they should generalize to all Shimura varieties of PEL type.
2 Background
2.1 Unitary Shimura varieties
2.1.1 The Shimura variety and its integral model at a good prime
be a quadratic imaginary field,
$0\leqslant m\leqslant n$
, equipped with the hermitian pairing

is the identity matrix of size
. Let
be a square root of the discriminant of
, so that
, and denote by
. Then

-bilinear, skew-symmetric, satisfies
$\langle au,v\rangle =\langle u,\overline{a}v\rangle$
, and
is self-dual, i.e.
$\langle .\,,.\rangle$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6EC}\simeq \operatorname{Hom}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6EC},\mathbb{Z})$
. Let
be the general unitary group of
, viewed as a group scheme over
. For every commutative ring

Fix an odd prime
which is unramified in
, and an integer
$N\geqslant 3$
relatively prime to
. Let
$\mathbb{A}=\mathbb{R}\times \mathbb{A}_{f}$
be the adèle ring of
, where
$\mathbb{A}_{f}=\mathbb{Q}\cdot \widehat{\mathbb{Z}}$
are the finite adèles. Let
$K_{f}\subset \boldsymbol{G}(\widehat{\mathbb{Z}})$
be an open subgroup of the form
, where
$K^{p}\subset \boldsymbol{G}(\mathbb{A}^{p})$
is the principal congruence subgroup of level
, and

the hyperspecial maximal compact subgroup at
. Let
$K_{\infty }\subset \boldsymbol{G}(\mathbb{R})$
be the stabilizer of the negative definite subspace spanned by
$\{-e_{i}+e_{n+i};\,1\leqslant i\leqslant m\}$
, where
stands for the standard basis. This
$K_{\infty }$
is a maximal compact-modulo-center subgroup, isomorphic to
$G(U(m)\times U(n))$
. By
$G(U(m)\times U(n))$
we mean the pairs of matrices
$(g_{1},g_{2})\in GU(m)\times GU(n)$
having the same similitude factor. Let
$K=K_{\infty }K_{f}\subset \boldsymbol{G}(\mathbb{A})$
$X=\boldsymbol{G}(\mathbb{R})/K_{\infty }$
To the Shimura datum
there is associated a Shimura variety
. It is a quasi-projective smooth variety of dimension
. If
our Shimura variety is even defined over
, but we still denote by
its base-change to
. The complex points of
are identified, as a complex manifold, with

Fix an embedding
$\overline{\mathbb{Q}}\subset \overline{\mathbb{Q}}_{p}$
and let
be the prime of
induced by it. Following Kottwitz [Reference KottwitzKot92], but using a somewhat more restrictive set-up suitable for principally polarized abelian varieties, we define a scheme
over the localization
. This
is a fine moduli space whose
-points, for every
, classify isomorphism types of tuples
$A$ is an abelian scheme of dimension
$n+m$ over
$R$ ,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}:{\mathcal{O}}_{E}{\hookrightarrow}\operatorname{End}(A)$ has signature
$(n,m)$ on the Lie algebra of
$A$ ,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}:A\overset{{\sim}}{\rightarrow }A^{t}$ is a principal polarization whose Rosati involution induces
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}(a)\mapsto \unicode[STIX]{x1D704}(\overline{a})$ on the image of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}$ ,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}$ is an
${\mathcal{O}}_{E}$ -linear full level-
$N$ structure on
$A$ compatible with
$(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6EC},\langle .\,,.\rangle )$ and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}$ [Reference LanLan13, §1.3.6].
We shall summarize the above requirements by saying that
is a structure of type
. See also [Reference LanLan13] for the comparison of the various languages used to define the moduli problem.
The generic fiber
is, in general, a union of several Shimura varieties of the type
. This is due to the failure of the Hasse principle, which can happen when
is odd. We also remark that the assumption
$N\geqslant 3$
could be avoided if we were willing to use the language of stacks. As this is not essential to the present paper, we keep the scope slightly limited for the sake of clarity.
As shown by Kottwitz,
is smooth of relative dimension
. It even admits smooth (toroidal) compactifications at the cusps, cf. [Reference LanLan13].
2.1.2 The universal abelian variety and the Kodaira–Spencer isomorphism
The moduli space
carries a universal abelian scheme
of dimension
, equipped with
as above. Let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}:{\mathcal{A}}\rightarrow {\mathcal{S}}$
be the structure morphism. We denote by
the dual abelian scheme.
We let
denote the identity embedding of
its complex conjugate. Since
is unramified in
, the locally free sheaves
$H_{\text{dR}}^{1}({\mathcal{A}}/{\mathcal{S}}),\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{{\mathcal{A}}/{\mathcal{S}}}=R^{0}\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\ast }\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}_{{\mathcal{A}}/{\mathcal{S}}}^{1}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{{\mathcal{A}}^{t}/{\mathcal{S}}}^{\vee }=R^{1}\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\ast }{\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathcal{A}}}$
decompose as direct sums of their
-parts under the action of
. We write

These are locally free sheaves of ranks
respectively on
The Kodaira–Spencer map is the sheaf homomorphism,

obtained by embedding
, applying the Gauss–Manin connection

and finally projecting
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{{\mathcal{A}}^{t}/{\mathcal{S}}}^{\vee }$
. Since the polarization
induces an identification

the Kodaira–Spencer map yields a homomorphism, which we denote by the same symbol

This map turns out to be an isomorphism. See [Reference LanLan13, Proposition].
2.1.3 The NP and EO stratifications of the special fiber of
We briefly review some facts about these two stratifications, as the EO stratification is going to play a central role later in the paper.
be the special fiber of
. It is a smooth variety over
, the residue field of
. Let
be an algebraically closed field containing
, and
$x\in S(k)$
. Let
be the Newton polygon of the
-divisible group
${\mathcal{A}}_{x}[p^{\infty }]$
. It is lower convex, starts at
, ends at
, and has integral break-points. Then
classifies the
-isogeny class of
${\mathcal{A}}_{x}[p^{\infty }]$
. The set of Newton polygons is partially ordered, where
$P^{\prime }\geqslant P$
$P^{\prime }$
lies on or above
. For every Newton polygon
there is a locally closed stratum
, defined over
, whose geometric points are precisely those with
. The closure of a non-empty
is the union of the
$S_{P^{\prime }}$
for all
$P^{\prime }$
$P^{\prime }\geqslant P$
[Reference Viehmann and WedhornVW13, §11]. This gives the Newton polygon (NP) stratification of
The Ekedahl–Oort (EO) stratification of
is another stratification, by the isomorphism type of
. In addition to the references already cited in the introduction, see also [Reference WoodingWoo16] for a thorough discussion of the case at hand. The EO strata
are locally closed subsets labeled by certain elements
in the Weyl group
. More precisely, the
are distinguished representatives for the cosets
$W_{J}\backslash W$
, where the subgroup
is determined by the signature condition. The
are equidimensional, smooth and quasi-affine. The dimension of
, the length of
relative to the Bruhat order on
. The closure of
is the union of
$S_{w^{\prime }}$
$w^{\prime }\preccurlyeq w$
under a certain rather complicated order (related to, but different from the usual Bruhat order; see [Reference Viehmann and WedhornVW13, Theorems 2 and 3]). We call it the EO order on the Weyl group elements indexing the strata. See below for a full description when
is inert in
Wedhorn and Moonen have proved the following [Reference Wedhorn, Faber, van der Geer and OortWed01, Reference MoonenMoo04].
There is a unique largest NP stratum, and a unique largest EO stratum. These two strata coincide, and form an open dense subset
$S^{\text{ord}}\subset S$
, calledFootnote
the ordinary locus of
. The isomorphism type of the whole
-divisible group
${\mathcal{A}}_{x}[p^{\infty }]$
(with its endomorphisms and polarization) is constant as
varies along
, and can be given explicitly in terms of the data
is split in
${\mathcal{A}}_{x}[p^{\infty }]\simeq (\mathbb{Q}_{p}/\mathbb{Z}_{p})^{n+m}\times \unicode[STIX]{x1D707}_{p^{\infty }}^{n+m}$
for all
$x\in S^{\text{ord}}(k)$
, so
is ordinary. If
is inert in
this is not the case, and for
$x\in S^{\text{ord}}$

is the unique 1-dimensional, height 2, slope 1/2, self-dual
-divisible group over
. The subscript
means that the embedding of
induces on
the type
, rather than
. In this case it is customary to call
, for
in the ordinary locus,

Under this assumption
, so we write
instead of
, and
. The lowest EO strata
(labeled by
) is
-dimensional and when
is inert it classifies superspecial abelian varieties, i.e. those for which
${\mathcal{A}}_{x}[p^{\infty }]\simeq \mathscr{G}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4}}^{n}\times \mathscr{G}_{\overline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4}}}^{m}$
. We call this stratum the core points.
the EO stratification has been worked out completely by Bültel and Wedhorn [Reference Bültel and WedhornBW06]. The strata are linearly ordered, their dimensions dropping by 1 each time. Thus there are
EO strata altogether. As long as the dimension of the stratum is strictly larger than
$\lfloor n/2\rfloor$
, the EO strata are also NP strata. In fact, the isomorphism type of the whole
-divisible group (with its endomorphisms and polarization) is constant along these strata, as it was on
. Half the way through, in dimension
$\lfloor n/2\rfloor$
, one reaches the supersingular NP stratum, which is stratified further by EO strata. We remark also that from dimension
$\lfloor n/2\rfloor$
down, the isomorphism type of
${\mathcal{A}}_{x}[p^{\infty }]$
is no longer constant along the EO strata, only that of
In general, we may identify the Weyl group of
, the group of permutations of
$\{1,\ldots ,n+m\}$
. Let
$W_{J}=\mathfrak{S}_{n}\times \mathfrak{S}_{m}$
. The elements
indexing the EO strata belong then to the set
-shuffles in
. A permutation
is called an
-shuffle if

The set
is clearly a set of representatives for
$W_{J}\backslash W$
The dimension of
is given by the formula

We shall also need to know a formula for

$(x\in S_{w}(k))$
. Here
is the map induced on cohomology by Verschiebung, see below. This number is the
-part of Oort’s
-number of
. It turns out that it is given by

For the formulae (2.2), (2.3) see [Reference WoodingWoo16, §§3.4 and 3.5]. For example, if
except if
(corresponding to the core points), where it becomes
. In general, for
the longest
-shuffle (of length
), where
. For
, corresponding to the core points,
Finally, we make explicit the EO order relation
$w^{\prime }\preccurlyeq w$
on the set
, following [Reference WoodingWoo16, Example 3.1.3]. Recall that
$w^{\prime }\preccurlyeq w$
if and only if
$S_{w^{\prime }}\subset \overline{S_{w}}$
. Let

be the usual Bruhat order on
with respect to the standard set of reflections
$1\leqslant i<n+m$
). Note that
is the element of maximal length in
. Then
$w^{\prime }\preccurlyeq w$
if and only if there exists a
$y\in W_{J}$
such that

we see that if
$w^{\prime }\leqslant w$
then also
$w^{\prime }\preccurlyeq w$
. This is the only property of the EO order relation that will be used in the paper.
2.1.4 Frobenius, Verschiebung and the Hasse invariant
For any scheme
in characteristic
we denote by
the absolute Frobenius morphism of degree
. Let

be the base-change of the universal abelian variety. Let

be the relative Frobenius morphism. It is an isogeny of abelian schemes over
, of degree
. The isogeny dual to
is called the Verschiebung of
and is denoted

It too is of degree
$\mathit{Ver}_{{\mathcal{A}}/S}\circ \mathit{Fr}_{{\mathcal{A}}/S}$
is multiplication by
The maps induced by
on cohomology will be denoted
. It is well-known that

is a homomorphism of vector bundles of constant rank
. Its image is a sub-bundle (i.e. a locally free sub-sheaf, the quotient of
by which is also locally free) and coincides with
. Similarly, the image of

is a sub-bundle, equal to
The same cannot be said about the restriction of
. While
is clearly a saturated sub-sheaf of
, its rank may increase when we move from one EO stratum to a smaller one, contained in its closure. Hence,
is in general not a sub-bundle. It is, however, a sub-bundle of rank
, if we restrict it to the ordinary locus.
commute with the endomorphisms, they induce maps between the
and the
-parts. Note however that

In particular we get maps

The sheaf homomorphism

is called the Hasse map. Let
${\mathcal{L}}=\det ({\mathcal{Q}})$
, a line bundle on
. Note that for every line bundle
there is a canonical isomorphism
${\mathcal{L}}^{(p)}\simeq {\mathcal{L}}^{p}$
, sending
$1\otimes s$
$s\otimes \cdots \otimes s$
is a section of
). Thus
$h_{{\mathcal{A}}/S}=\det (H_{{\mathcal{A}}/S})$
is a homomorphism from
, which is the same as a global section

i.e. a modular form ‘of weight
’ called the Hasse invariant. This construction of the Hasse invariant, which plays an important role in the study of
-adic modular forms, is due to Goldring and Nicole. See [Reference Goldring and NicoleGN17, Appendix B], and the main body of their paper for further generalizations. The relation with the stratifications of
is the following.
[Reference WoodingWoo16] Let
be the complement of
, endowed with its reduced subscheme structure. Then
is a Cartier divisor and

2.1.5 Pairings in de Rham cohomology of abelian varieties
We review some general facts on de Rham cohomology of abelian varieties. If
is an abelian variety over a field
(or more generally, an abelian scheme over a ring) we let
denote the dual abelian variety. There is then a canonical perfect bilinear pairing

When we use the canonical identification of
we have

Indeed, one may identify
$g=\dim A$
), and then the pairing is given by cup product, followed by the trace. If
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}:A\rightarrow B$
is an isogeny, we let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}^{t}:B^{t}\rightarrow A^{t}$
be the dual isogeny, and then

$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}:A\overset{{\sim}}{\rightarrow }A^{t}$
is a principal polarization then
(using the identification of
). The polarization pairing

is skew-symmetric, as follows from the preceding two properties.
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}\in \operatorname{End}(A)$
$\text{Ros}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC})\in \operatorname{End}(A)$
is defined by

The previous properties imply then

If we apply the above for our values of
, figuring in a tuple
$\text{}\underline{A}\in S(k)$
, we get that
non-trivially with
, while
non-trivially with
Finally, we recall that
are mutual annihilators of each other under
. This induces a perfect pairing between
, hence the identification of
with the Lie algebra of
2.2 Foliations and inseparable morphisms of height 1
2.2.1 Foliations of height 1
In this section we review some general facts from algebraic geometry in characteristic
, due to Rudakov and Shafarevich [Reference Rudakov and ShafarevichRS76], Ekedahl [Reference EkedahlEke87] and Miyaoka [Reference MiyaokaMiy87]. At the birational level they should be traced back, as mentioned in the introduction, to Jacobson’s theorem which establishes a ‘Galois theory’ for finite purely inseparable field extensions using derivations [Reference JacobsonJac75].
be an algebraically closed field of characteristic
, and
a non-singular
-dimensional variety over
. Let
be the tangent sheaf of
, a locally free sheaf of rank
. Recall that
becomes a
-Lie algebra over
if for any two vector fields
defined in some open set
and regarded as operators on
, we let

Definition. A foliation of height 1 on
is a sub-bundle
${\mathcal{E}}\subset {\mathcal{T}}X$
(i.e. locally a direct summand), which is a
-Lie subalgebra, i.e. involutive (closed under the Lie bracket) and closed under
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}\mapsto \unicode[STIX]{x1D709}^{(p)}$
Foliations of higher height (as in [Reference EkedahlEke87]) will not show up in this paper, until we discuss integral subvarieties at the end. We shall therefore refer to height 1 foliations simply as ‘foliations’. If
is a line sub-bundle then
is automatically involutive, as any two sections of
are proportional. But even in rank 1 the condition of being
-closed is non-void, as the following example shows. Let
and let
${\mathcal{E}}={\mathcal{O}}_{X}\cdot \unicode[STIX]{x1D709}$

It is easily checked that
, but this is not a section of
$Y\subset X$
is a non-singular subvariety then
${\mathcal{T}}Y\subset {\mathcal{T}}X|_{Y}$
may be considered ‘a foliation of height 1 along
’. We call
an integral subvariety for the foliation
. Integral subvarieties always exist in a formal neighborhood of a point [Reference EkedahlEke87, Proposition 3.2], but they need not be unique, even if they are global. The foliation generated by the vector field
admits all the curves
as integral curves, and infinitely many such curves pass through any given point. As another example, if
is a simple abelian surface, then any non-zero tangent vector at the origin generates a unique translation-invariant line sub-bundle of
. Often it can be shown to be
-closed, yielding a rank 1 foliation. This foliation has no integral curves at all, because an integral curve would necessarily be an elliptic curve, contradicting the fact that
was assumed to be simple.
2.2.2 The relation between foliations and inseparable morphisms of height 1
be a non-singular
-variety. A finite
$X\overset{f}{\rightarrow }Y$
to a
is called of height 1 if there is a
$Y\overset{g}{\rightarrow }X^{(p)}$
such that the composition

. Here
$X^{(p)}=\operatorname{Spec}(k)\times _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F7}_{k},\operatorname{Spec}(k)}X$
. If
is also flat, then
is non-singular, since the property of being regular descends under flat morphisms between locally Noetherian schemes. In this case
is faithfully flat, since it is surjective on
-points, hence surjective. Therefore
is also finite and faithfully flat. Since
$f^{(p)}\circ g\circ f=f^{(p)}\circ \mathit{Fr}_{X/k}=\mathit{Fr}_{Y/k}\circ f$
we get also
$f^{(p)}\circ g=\mathit{Fr}_{Y/k}$
. The link between foliations and height 1 morphisms is given by the following proposition.
Proposition 1 [Reference EkedahlEke87, Proposition 2.4].
be a non-singular
-variety. There is a natural one-to-one correspondence between finite flat height 1 morphisms
$f:X\rightarrow Y$
and height 1 foliations
${\mathcal{E}}\subset {\mathcal{T}}X$
. One has

is a locally free sheaf, hence the short exact sequence

splits and we let
${\mathcal{E}}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}_{X/Y}^{\vee }\subset \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}_{X}^{\vee }={\mathcal{T}}X$
, a height 1 foliation. Conversely, given
, we let
, the sheaf of functions annihilated by the derivations in
The fact that
is a sub-bundle, and not only a saturated subsheaf, is essential. Consider, for example, the subsheaf
generated by
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}=x\cdot \unicode[STIX]{x2202}/\unicode[STIX]{x2202}x+y\cdot \unicode[STIX]{x2202}/\unicode[STIX]{x2202}y$
, which is saturated, but fails to be a sub-bundle at the origin. The quotient of
is the scheme
for which
is the sheaf of functions
. This
is singular at the origin, and the quotient map is not flat. Note that
is such a function for
$0\leqslant i\leqslant p$
$f:X\rightarrow Y$
be as in the proposition,
$x\in X$
. Then one has the following local description of the completed local rings.
Proposition 2 [Reference EkedahlEke87, Proposition 3.2].
There is a system of formal parameters
$t_{1},\ldots ,t_{n}$
such that
$t_{1}^{p},\ldots ,t_{r}^{p},t_{r+1},\ldots ,t_{n}$
is a system of formal parameters at the point
. In a formal neighborhood of
the foliation
is generated by
$1\leqslant i\leqslant r$
3 The foliation over the ordinary locus
3.1 Definition and first properties
Let notation be as in § 2.1. Over
the fibers of the subsheaf

have constant rank
, hence, as
is reduced,
is a sub-bundle of
. The sub-bundle
$\text{KS}({\mathcal{P}}_{0}\,\otimes \,{\mathcal{Q}})$
has accordingly rank
. We define a rank-
${\mathcal{T}}S^{+}\subset {\mathcal{T}}S^{\text{ord}}$

Proposition 3.
is a foliation of height 1.
The following two results will be used in the proof of the Proposition. In the next lemma we use the identification

induced by the polarization. Note that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}^{\ast }$
is type-reversing because the Rosati involution induced by
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}(a)\mapsto \unicode[STIX]{x1D704}(\overline{a})$
. By
we denote, as usual, the contraction of
with the tangent vector
Lemma 4. Let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}\in {\mathcal{P}}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{{\mathcal{A}}/S}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4})$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FD}\in {\mathcal{Q}}\simeq \unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{{\mathcal{A}}^{t}/S}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4})$
. Denote by
the Gauss–Manin connection and by

the canonical pairing in de Rham cohomology. Then for
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}\in {\mathcal{T}}S$
we have

Proof. The lemma follows immediately from the definitions. Note that the identification
$R^{1}\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\ast }{\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathcal{A}}}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{{\mathcal{A}}^{t}/S}^{\vee }$
, used in the definition of
, results from the perfect pairing
and from the fact that under this pairing
are exact annihilators of each other.◻
Corollary 5.
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}\in {\mathcal{T}}S^{+}$
if and only if
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FB}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}}({\mathcal{P}}_{0})\subset {\mathcal{P}}_{0}$
Proof. If
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}\in {\mathcal{T}}S^{+}$
then by the lemma
is orthogonal under the pairing
${\mathcal{Q}}\simeq \unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{{\mathcal{A}}^{t}/S}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4})$
. It is also orthogonal to
for reasons of type. It is therefore orthogonal to the whole of
, so
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FB}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}}({\mathcal{P}}_{0})\subset \unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{{\mathcal{A}}/S}$
. But the Gauss–Manin connection commutes with isogenies and endomorphisms, so
preserves the subspaces
. It follows that

The converse is obvious. ◻
We can now prove the proposition.
Proof. The involutivity of
follows from the corollary, since the Gauss–Manin connection is integrable, i.e.

The fact that
is closed under
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}\mapsto \unicode[STIX]{x1D709}^{(p)}$
is more subtle as the

does not vanish identically, but is only a nilpotent endomorphism of
[Reference KatzKat70, Theorem 5.10]. However, on the sub-module with connection
-curvature vanishes. This is because the kernel of
is the image of
, so (the easy direction of) Cartier’s theorem [Reference KatzKat70, Theorem 5.1] implies that
there. Since
${\mathcal{P}}_{0}\subset H_{\text{dR}}^{1}({\mathcal{A}}/S)[V]$
we can conclude the proof as before, using the corollary.◻
3.2 The Shimura variety of parahoric level structure
By Proposition 1, the height 1 foliation
corresponds to a finite flat purely inseparable quotient of
. Our purpose in this section is to identify this quotient as the ordinary-étale component of (the special fiber of) a certain Shimura variety of parahoric level structure. This will allow us in § 4 to extend the foliation to the non-ordinary locus.
3.2.1 The Shimura variety
In addition to the lattice
considered in § 2.1, consider also the


Note that the dual of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6EC}^{\prime }$
$p^{-1}\unicode[STIX]{x1D6EC}^{\prime \prime }$
. Let
be the lattice chain in

obtained by tensoring with
and extending by periodicity, and let
be its stabilizer in
. This is a parahoric subgroup, and if we let
be the adèlic level subgroup corresponding to it (and to full level
as usual), we get the Shimura variety
, which is again defined over
, and is an étale cover of
3.2.2 The moduli problem
be the integral model of
which was constructed by Rapoport and Zink in [Reference Rapoport and ZinkRZ96, §6.9]. We want to give a more concrete description of the moduli problem parametrized by
. Let
be an
-algebra and
$\text{}\underline{A}\in {\mathcal{S}}(R)$
as in § 2.1. A finite flat
-subgroup scheme
$H\subset A[p]$
is called Raynaud if for every characteristic
geometric point
$x:R\rightarrow k$
, the Dieudonné module
is balanced, in the sense that

we denote the covariant Dieudonné module of
. It coincides with the contravariant Dieudonné module of the Cartier dual
. See [Reference de Shalit, Goren, Akbary and GundeSG18, §1.2.1] for a discussion of the Raynaud condition when
, and its relation to the original condition imposed by Raynaud in [Reference RaynaudRay74].
Proposition 6. The scheme
is a moduli space for pairs
$\text{}\underline{A}\in {\mathcal{S}}(R)$
$H\subset A[p]$
is a finite flat group scheme of rank
, which is isotropic for the Weil pairing on
induced by
-stable and Raynaud.
Proof. See [Reference de Shalit, Goren, Akbary and GundeSG18, § 1.3]. The proof given there for
can be adapted to the general case mutatis mutandis.◻
We denoteFootnote
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}:{\mathcal{S}}_{0}(p)\rightarrow {\mathcal{S}}$
the morphism which on the moduli problem is ‘forget
’. The scheme
is not smooth over
but Görtz [Reference GörtzGör01], and later Pappas and Zhu [Reference Pappas and ZhuPZ13], proved the following.
Proposition 7 [Reference Pappas and ZhuPZ13, Theorem 0.2].
The scheme
is proper and flat over
, the irreducible components of its special fiber are reduced, and their local rings are Cohen–Macaulay and normal.
3.2.3 The ordinary-multiplicative and ordinary-étale loci
be the special fiber of
. Let
. If
$x\in S^{\text{ord}}(k)$
is a geometric point, then
${\mathcal{A}}_{x}[p^{\infty }]$
is given by (2.1), and any isotropic Raynaud
-subgroup scheme of
of rank
is of the form

for an ‘ordinary type’
. The type
is locally constant on
in the Zariski topology. Indeed,
is the rank of the connected part
, which can only go up under specialization, by duality the same is true of
, but
is constant. Thus under specialization the only possibility is for
to go down, and for
to go up. But the same must be true of
. If we specialize to a
-ordinary point, the type of
, hence
must also go down, forcing
to remain constant.
It follows that the discrete invariants
into disjoint open sets. We denote by
the locus where
is of multiplicative type (
) and by
the locus where
is étale (
). The other loci are denoted by
, and the projection from them to
will be denoted
Proposition 8. The loci
are non-singular and relatively irreducible over
Proof. This must be well-known. We shall see below that
is isomorphic to
. The relative irreducibility of
is a consequence of the surjectivity of the map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:S^{\text{ord}}\rightarrow S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\text{ord}}$
constructed in § 3.2.4. Regularity can be proven by direct computation of the tangent space using deformation theory, as outlined in [Reference de Shalit, Goren, Akbary and GundeSG18] when
(following Bellaïche). Alternatively, one can argue as follows. The input leading to the computation of the tangent space (or even the local model) at a closed point
$x\in S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\text{ord}}$
is everywhere the same. This is because the
-divisible group is
-ordinary and
is the kernel of
in its étale part. Thus either all points of
are non-singular or all are singular. The latter case is excluded since it is reduced, by Proposition 7.◻
Denote by
the restriction of the map
(i.e. the maps
). The map
is an isomorphism. In fact, it has the section associating to every
$\text{}\underline{A}\in S^{\text{ord}}(R)$
$(\text{}\underline{A},A[p]^{\text{mult}})\in S_{0}(p)_{m}^{\text{ord}}(R)$
is the maximal finite flat subgroup scheme of
which is of multiplicative type (connected with étale dual). This subgroup is automatically isotropic and Raynaud. Denote this section by

3.2.4 Morphisms between ordinary-étale components
We shall define morphisms
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D703},\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}^{\prime }$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }$
that fit into the commutative diagram below. The scheme
appearing in the diagram classifies the same objects as
, except that the signature of the
action is
instead of

Before we embark on the definition, we want to make a notational remark.
Remark about Frobenii. We denote by
the Frobenius of the scheme
) relative to
. Thus,
is a morphism of

$S^{(p)}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F7}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D705}}^{\ast }S$
is the base change of
with respect to
. If
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}\in S(R)$
for some
corresponds to the tuple
$\text{}\underline{A}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}^{\ast }\text{}\underline{{\mathcal{A}}}$
, then
$\mathit{Fr}_{p}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D709})\in S^{(p)}(R)$
corresponds to
$\text{}\underline{A}^{(p)}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F7}_{R}^{\ast }\text{}\underline{A}$
, the base change of
(with the associated PEL structure) with respect to
. Note that
has type
. We write in short

This should not be confused with the isogeny
$\text{Fr}:A\rightarrow A^{(p)}$
, which is a morphism of abelian schemes over
. A more appropriate convention would have been to denote
and the isogeny
, but this would result in a pretty heavy notation.
To define the map
we consider the map

defined on the moduli problems as

Then we let

Some words of explanation are in order. Here
is the kernel of the isogeny
$A^{(p)}\overset{\text{Ver}}{\rightarrow }A\rightarrow A/H$
, hence is finite flat of rank
. For
, where
is an isomorphism from
coincides, as a group functor, with
, so is seen to be contained in
. Also in this case, the kernel of
$\text{Fr}:A^{(p)}[p]\rightarrow A^{(p^{2})}[p]$
is contained in
, hence the image
is a finite flat subgroup scheme of rank
. It is easily seen that this subgroup scheme is
-stable, Raynaud, isotropic and étale, since these properties can be checked on the geometric fibers. We also remark that for

The reason we chose to define
the way we did is that this is the definition that will generalize later on, in § 4.2, when
is no longer multiplicative, to a map between the Zariski closures
There is a similar map

defined on the moduli problems as

The proof that it is well-defined is similar to the one for
. Note that

The definition of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }$
is a little more subtle.Footnote
$(\text{}\underline{A}_{1},H_{1})\in (S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\text{ord}})^{(p)}(R)$
. Thanks to the polarization, the subgroup scheme
$H_{1}^{\bot }$
which is the annihilator of
relative to the Weil pairing on
, is well-defined, and is finite flat of rank
. We claim that the closed subgroup scheme
$H_{1}^{\bot }[\text{Fr}]$
is finite flat of rank
. Indeed, it is enough to check it for the universal
. But now the base is reduced (by [Reference GörtzGör01]) so it is enough to check that all the geometric fibers of
$H_{1}^{\bot }[\text{Fr}]$
are of the same rank, and that this rank is
. This is straightforward, given that over an algebraically closed field we have the description (2.1). For any geometric point
$x:\operatorname{Spec}(k)\rightarrow \operatorname{Spec}(R)$
$H_{1}^{\bot }[\text{Fr}]$
becomes the
-subgroup which is the kernel of Frobenius in the local-local part of
$x^{\ast }(A_{1}[p])$
. Seen in another light, giving
not only splits the connected-étale exact sequence over
, but allows us to split off the local-local part from the multiplicative part in
. In particular,
$H_{1}^{\bot }[\text{Fr}]$
does not intersect
, so

is finite flat of rank
. This
is a maximal isotropic subgroup of
, stable under
, whose tangent space is
dimensional, of type
(sic!). Descending the polarization and the endomorphisms to
we get a principally polarized abelian scheme over
, of type
. We let

The underlying principally polarized abelian scheme with endomorphisms by
. The level-
structure differs from the one descended from
by the diamond operator
$\langle p\rangle _{N}^{-1}$
. Recall that the diamond operator
$\langle a\rangle _{N}$
, for
$a\in ({\mathcal{O}}_{E}/N{\mathcal{O}}_{E})^{\times }$
takes an
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}:({\mathcal{O}}_{E}/N{\mathcal{O}}_{E})^{n+m}\simeq A[N]$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}\circ [a]$
, where
is multiplication by
Having defined the maps in the diagram, we now check its commutativity. We only have to check the commutativity of the top two triangles, the bottom two being obvious. Let
be related by (3.1). Consider the morphism
$\text{Fr}:\text{}\underline{A}\rightarrow \text{}\underline{A}^{(p)}$
obtained by dividing
and descending the polarization, the endomorphisms, and the level structure. Since
we get the string of isomorphisms

(The last isomorphism is multiplication by
, and it is the reason for introducing
$\langle p\rangle _{N}^{-1}$
in the definition of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }$
.) We conclude that to accommodate an étale subgroup scheme like
must be of the form
. This may not be said of
itself, in general. However, if this is the case and
then the above discussion shows that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }(\text{}\underline{A}_{1},H_{1})=\text{}\underline{A}$
, proving the commutativity of the first triangle in the diagram:

For the second triangle consider

To justify the transition from the first to the second line, note that
$H_{1}^{(p)}=\text{Fr}(H_{1})\subset \text{Fr}^{2}(A[p])$
$H_{1}\subset \text{Fr}(A[p])$
, but
are both finite flat of rank
, so they coincide.
Lemma 9. All the morphisms in the diagram are finite and flat.
Proof. Since
is a finite morphism between schemes of finite type over a field, all the maps are clearly finite. The schemes are all regular of dimension
. Finite maps between locally Noetherian regular schemes of the same dimension are flat (it is in fact enough to assume that the source is Cohen–Macaulay). Note that by a theorem of Kunz [Reference KunzKun69] the relative Frobenius morphism from
is flat if and only if
is regular.◻
Lemma 10. The degrees of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }$
are given by

$\deg (\unicode[STIX]{x1D703})=\deg (\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C})$
$\deg (\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}^{\prime })=\deg (\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}})=p^{(2n-m)m}$
Proof. Since
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }=\mathit{Fr}_{p}$
is of degree
, it is enough to prove the formula for
$\deg (\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime })$
. Since
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }\circ \mathit{Fr}_{p}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}$
it is enough to prove that
$\deg (\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}})=p^{2nm-m^{2}}$
. We use a method of degeneration from characteristic 0, based on the flatness of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}:S_{0}(p)^{\text{ord}}\rightarrow S^{\text{ord}}$
. This map is flat because it is finite,
is regular and
is Cohen–Macaulay. (In fact, the arguments of Proposition 8 prove that
is non-singular.)
Denote by
the complement in
of the non-ordinary locus in the special fiber, and similarly
. Since
are flat over
and both the generic and special fibers of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}:{\mathcal{S}}_{0}(p)^{\text{ord}}\rightarrow {\mathcal{S}}^{\text{ord}}$
are flat, then by the criterion for flatness fiber-by-fiber
is flat also on the ordinary parts of the arithmetic schemes.
Fix a
-valued point

and denote its specialization by
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}_{0}:\operatorname{Spec}(k)\rightarrow S^{\text{ord}}$
. Consider the pull-back

As the base change of the finite flat morphism
${\mathcal{S}}_{0}(p)^{\text{ord}}\rightarrow {\mathcal{S}}^{\text{ord}}$
, this map is also finite flat. We denote by
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}:\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}^{\ast }{\mathcal{S}}_{0}(p)\rightarrow {\mathcal{S}}_{0}(p)$
the base change of
and by
that of

$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}^{\ast }{\mathcal{S}}_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}$
be the connected component of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}^{\ast }{\mathcal{S}}_{0}(p)$
containing, in the special fiber,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}_{0}^{\ast }(S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\text{ord}})$
. It is finite flat over
, and the degree of its special fiber is
$\deg (\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}})$
. We compute this degree in the generic fiber. Let
$A=\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}^{\ast }{\mathcal{A}}$
be the pull-back of the universal abelian scheme to
, and let
be its special fiber. Consider
, the
-torsion in the group of points of
in a fixed algebraic closure
of the local field
. The geometric points in the generic fiber of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}^{\ast }{\mathcal{S}}_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}$
are in one-to-one correspondence with the isotropic,
-stable subgroups
$H\subset A(\overline{E}_{p})[p]$
of rank
specializing to
$A_{0}[p]^{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}\subset A_{0}[p]$
Denote by
the kernel of the reduction map
$A(\overline{E}_{p})\rightarrow A_{0}(k)$
. We have to count isotropic,
-stable subgroups
$H\subset A(\overline{E}_{p})[p]$
of rank

We are now reduced to linear algebra. The
with the hermitian pairing derived from the polarization is isomorphic to
with the
-hermitian form

and we may choose the isomorphism so that
is the subspace with the last
. We thus have to count equivalence classes of
-linear maps
satisfying (1) the image of
is isotropic, and (2) the projection of the image of
on the last
coordinates is an isomorphism. Two such maps
are equivalent if
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{2}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D706}_{1}\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}\in \text{GL}_{m}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D705})$
. This is the same as counting matrices
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}\in M_{n\times m}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D705})$

or equivalently, counting pairs
$(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{1},\unicode[STIX]{x1D6E4}_{2})\in M_{m\times m}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D705})\times M_{(n-m)\times m}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D705})$

This number is easily seen to be
. Indeed, there are
choices for
. For each choice of
there are
choices for the entries of
above the diagonal, which are arbitrary and determine the entries below the diagonal uniquely, and
choices for the entries on the diagonal. This concludes the proof of the lemma.◻
3.2.5 The relation between the foliation and
In § 3.1 we have constructed the foliation
in the tangent bundle of
, while in § 3.2.4 we have constructed a flat height 1 morphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:S^{\text{ord}}\rightarrow S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\text{ord}}$
. We shall now prove that the two correspond to each other under the dictionary between height 1 morphisms and height 1 foliations discussed in Proposition 1.
Theorem 11. The quotient of
by the height 1 foliation
is the height 1 morphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}:S^{\text{ord}}\rightarrow S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\text{ord}}$
Proof. We have to show that the image of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\ast }(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}_{S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\text{ord}}})$
$\text{KS}({\mathcal{P}}_{0}\otimes {\mathcal{Q}})$
. Since
is a finite flat height 1 morphism of degree
we know, from the general theory explained in § 2.2, that the image of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\ast }(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}_{S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\text{ord}}})$
is a sub-bundle of
of rank
. Since the same is true of
$\text{KS}({\mathcal{P}}_{0}\otimes {\mathcal{Q}})$
, it is enough to prove the inclusion

As the right-hand side is equal to
$\ker ({\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }}^{\ast }:\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}_{S^{\text{ord}}}\rightarrow \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}_{(S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\text{ord}})^{(p)}})$
(they are both sub-bundles of rank
and the image of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\ast }$
is contained in the kernel of
${\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }}^{\ast }$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }=\mathit{Fr}_{p}$
), it will be enough to prove that
$\text{KS}({\mathcal{P}}_{0}\otimes {\mathcal{Q}})$
is contained in the latter. More precisely, we have to show that

For this purpose consider the universal pair
. In (3.2) we have constructed
such that, at the level of points,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }(({\mathcal{A}}_{1},{\mathcal{H}}_{1}))={\mathcal{A}}$
(where to simplify typesetting, we omit the underline symbol). Note that
is a scheme over
and, letting
${\mathcal{B}}=\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime \ast }{\mathcal{A}}$
, the relations obtained in (3.2) imply a canonical isomorphism
, as abelian schemes over
. The construction also provides a canonical isogeny
${\mathcal{A}}_{1}\rightarrow {\mathcal{B}}$
, which is nothing else than
The kernel of
contains the finite flat group scheme
. Thus, letting
, we get a decomposition of
as the composition of two isogenies between abelian schemes over
as follows.

is the isogeny with kernel
, and
is the isogeny with kernel
. Note that although
$\text{Ver}:{\mathcal{A}}_{1}\rightarrow {\mathcal{B}}$
is a pull-back by
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }$
of a similar isogeny over
, only over
does it factor through
, because
is not the pull-back of a group scheme on
Now consider the commutative diagram

resulting from the functoriality of the Gauss–Manin connection with respect to the isogeny
. Here
is the Kodaira–Spencer map for the family
${\mathcal{B}}\rightarrow (S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\text{ord}})^{(p)}$
and likewise for
The kernel of the left vertical arrow
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}^{\ast }$
is precisely
${\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }}^{\ast }({\mathcal{P}}_{0})$
. This is because
is étale, so
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D713}^{\ast }$
is an isomorphism on cotangent spaces, hence

On the right side of (3.3), we claim that
$1\otimes \unicode[STIX]{x1D711}^{\ast }$
is injective. To verify this, consider the following commutative diagram.

The right vertical arrow may be identified with the
-component of the map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{t}:\operatorname{Lie}({\mathcal{B}}^{t})\rightarrow \operatorname{Lie}({\mathcal{C}}^{t})$
. The signature of
, and at every geometric point

$\ker (\unicode[STIX]{x1D711})={\mathcal{A}}_{1}[\text{Ver}]/{\mathcal{H}}_{1}$
is local-local, so is its dual
$\ker (\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}^{t})$
; in fact, its geometric fibers are all isomorphic to
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FC}_{p}^{n-m}\subset (\mathscr{G}_{\overline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4}}}[p])^{n-m}$
. The Lie algebra of
$\ker (\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}^{t})$
, i.e.
$\ker (\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}_{\ast }^{t})$
, is therefore of type
. We conclude that the right vertical arrow of (3.4), and with it the right vertical arrow of (3.3), are injective, as claimed.
${\mathcal{B}}={\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }}^{\ast }{\mathcal{A}}$
, the morphism
is the composition of the map

(we identify
via the polarization as usual, hence also
$R^{1}\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\ast }{\mathcal{O}}_{{\mathcal{A}}}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4})=\operatorname{Lie}({\mathcal{A}}^{t})(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4})$
${\mathcal{Q}}^{\vee }$
) and the map induced by

From the commutativity of (3.3) we conclude that
$\text{KS}_{{\mathcal{B}}}({\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }}^{\ast }({\mathcal{P}}_{0}))=0$
, hence the desired inclusion

3.3 Moonen’s generalized Serre–Tate coordinates
Although not necessary for the rest of the paper, we digress to explain the relation between
and the generalized Serre–Tate coordinates introduced by Moonen. For the following proposition see [Reference MoonenMoo04], the remark at the end of Example 3.3.2, and 3.3.3(d) (case AU,
Proposition 12. Let
$x\in S^{\text{ord}}(k)$
. Let
be the formal group over
associated with the
-divisible group
and let
be the formal multiplicative group over
. Then the formal neighborhood
has a natural structure of a
-torsor over
. This torsor is obtained as the set of symmetric elements under the involution induced by the polarization on a certain bi-extension of
$\widehat{\mathscr{G}}^{(n-m)m}\times \widehat{\mathscr{G}}^{(n-m)m}$
, hence it contains a canonical formal torus
sitting over the origin of
Theorem 13. Let
$x\in S^{\text{ord}}(k)$
. Then
is the tangent space to
$\widehat{T}_{x}\subset \operatorname{Spf}(\widehat{{\mathcal{O}}}_{S,x})$
Proof. Let
be the embedding of formal schemes given by Proposition 12. It sends the origin
. Let
$i_{\ast }$
be the induced map on tangent spaces

We have to show that
$i_{\ast }({\mathcal{T}}\widehat{T}_{x}|_{e})$
$\text{KS}({\mathcal{P}}_{0}\otimes {\mathcal{Q}})|_{x}$
. This is equivalent to saying that when we consider the pull back
$i^{\ast }{\mathcal{A}}$
of the universal abelian scheme to
, its Kodaira–Spencer map kills
${\mathcal{P}}_{0}\otimes {\mathcal{Q}}|_{e}$
. For this recall the definition of
and write for simplicity
$i^{\ast }{\mathcal{A}}$
. We then have the following commutative diagram

in which we identified
$H^{0}({\mathcal{A}}^{t},\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}_{{\mathcal{A}}^{t}/\mathfrak{S}}^{1})^{\vee }$
and used the polarization to identify the latter with
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{{\mathcal{A}}/\mathfrak{S}}^{\vee }$
, reversing types. Here
is the Gauss–Manin connection, and the tensor product is over
. Although
is a derivation,
is a homomorphism of vector bundles over
. We shall show that
, where
${\mathcal{P}}_{0}=\ker (V:\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{{\mathcal{A}}/\mathfrak{S}}\rightarrow \unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{{\mathcal{A}}/\mathfrak{S}}^{(p)})\cap {\mathcal{P}}$
At this point recall the filtration

of the
-divisible group of
. The graded pieces are of height
respectively, and
-stable. They are given by

For any
-divisible group
denote by
the Dieudonné crystal associated to
, and let
, cf. [Reference GrothendieckGro74]. The
is endowed with an integrable connection
and the pair
In our case, we can identify
$D({\mathcal{A}}[p^{\infty }])$
, and the connection with the Gauss–Manin connection. The above filtration on
${\mathcal{A}}[p^{\infty }]$
induces therefore a filtration
$\text{Fil}^{\bullet }$
which is preserved by
. Since the functor
is contravariant, we write the filtration as


For example,
is sometimes referred to as the ‘unit root subspace’. As
$\text{Fil}^{2}{\mathcal{A}}[p^{\infty }]$
is of multiplicative type,
$\ker (V:H_{\text{dR}}^{1}({\mathcal{A}}/\mathfrak{S})\rightarrow H_{\text{dR}}^{1}({\mathcal{A}}/\mathfrak{S})^{(p)})$
is contained in
. In particular,

$G={\mathcal{A}}[p^{\infty }]/{\mathcal{A}}[p^{\infty }]^{\text{mult}}$
, so that
. It follows that in computing
we may use the following diagram instead of (3.5).

Finally, we have to use the description of the formal neighborhood of
as given in [Reference MoonenMoo04]. Since we are considering the pull-back of
only, and not the full deformation over
, it follows from the construction of the 3-cascade (biextension) in [Reference MoonenMoo04, §2.3.6] that the
-divisible groups
$\text{Fil}^{1}{\mathcal{A}}[p^{\infty }]$
, and dually
$G={\mathcal{A}}[p^{\infty }]/\text{Fil}^{2}$
, are constant over
. Thus over

$D(\mathscr{G}^{n-m})\otimes \unicode[STIX]{x1D6FA}_{\mathfrak{S}}^{1}$
. Since

as subspaces of

The bottom arrow in (3.6) comes from the homomorphism

But the projection
${\mathcal{P}}_{0}\subset \unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{{\mathcal{A}}/\mathfrak{S}}$
. This concludes the proof.◻
Proposition 12 yields a natural integral ‘formal submanifold’ to the height 1 foliation
in a formal neighborhood of any ordinary point. As mentioned in § 2.2, integral submanifolds to height 1 foliations are ubiquitous. On the other hand we were not able to lift
to an
-foliation in the sense of [Reference EkedahlEke87] for
, and we do not believe that they lift to characteristic 0 as in [Reference MiyaokaMiy87]. The meaning of these ‘natural’ formal submanifolds from the point of view of foliations remains mysterious.
4 Extending the foliation beyond the ordinary locus
In this section we discuss the extension of the foliation
to a certain ‘successive blow-up’
$S^{\sharp }$
. We define a finite flat morphism from
$S^{\sharp }$
to the Zariski closure
, extending the morphism from
, and show that this map is the quotient by the extended foliation. In this section we shall use the results on the Ekedahl–Oort stratification summarized in § 2.1.3.
4.1 The moduli scheme
$S^{\sharp }$
4.1.1 Definition and general properties
Recall (§2.1.4) that the map
induced by Verschiebung maps
, hence its kernel at any point of
is at least
-dimensional. Over
, but not only there,
, so the kernel
is precisely of dimension
Define a moduli problem
$S^{\sharp }$
by setting

There is a forgetful map
$f:S^{\sharp }\rightarrow S$
, which is bijective over
. Let
be the relative Grassmanian over
classifying sub-bundles
of rank
. It is a smooth scheme over
, of relative dimension
. As the condition
is closed, the moduli problem
$S^{\sharp }$
is representable by a closed subscheme of
. The fiber
$S_{x}^{\sharp }=f^{-1}(x)$
is the Grassmanian of
-dimensional subspaces in
, and if
$x\in S_{w}$
its dimension is, in the notation of § 2.1.3,

Denote by
$S_{\sharp }$
the open subset of
is an isomorphism, i.e. where
. It is a union of EO strata, containing
For any
denote the pre-image of the EO stratum

Proposition 14. The open set
$S_{\sharp }$
EO strata. It contains a unique minimal stratum in the EO order, denoted
, which is of dimension
Proof. Using the labeling of the EO strata by the set
-shuffles in
, and formula (2.3), we see that
if and only if

for all
$1\leqslant j\leqslant m$
. Thus, the set of
is in bijection with
, the set of
-shuffles in
. More precisely, we have to arrange the numbers

in the interval
, preserving the order within each block. There are
such shuffles.
be the inclusion described above. The element

belongs to
and is the unique minimal element there in the usual Bruhat order. From the remark at the end of § 2.1.3 we deduce that it is also the unique minimal element among
in the EO order
. This
must represent a stratum
of minimal dimension among the EO strata in
$S_{\sharp }$
. Since
$\dim S_{w}=l(w)$
we conclude that its dimension is
In Figure 4.1, taken from [Reference WoodingWoo16], we illustrate the EO stratification when
. There are 15 EO strata altogether, labeled by
. We write the
$w(1)\cdots w(6)$
. The strata are arranged from top to bottom in rows, according to their dimension (equal to the length of
). The top row contains only
, whose dimension is 8, and the bottom row contains only the core stratum in dimension 0. The EO order relation is represented by downward lines. The 6 strata in
$S_{\sharp }$
are those in which
ends with
$(\ldots 34)$
. The lowest one,
, has dimension 4. Note that
$S_{\sharp }$
contains two 6-dimensional strata.
By construction,
$S^{\sharp }$
carries a tautological sub-bundle

of rank
, which extends the sub-bundle
defined on
. As long as we are above
$S_{\sharp }$
it can be viewed as a bundle on
4.1.2 Example: the case of
This case is particularly simple. There are
EO strata, and all of them, except for the core points, lie in
$S_{\sharp }$
. The fibers of
$S^{\sharp }$
at the core points are projective spaces of dimension
. In fact, at such a point
$x\in S$
we have
, because
is superspecial, so there is a canonical identification

is a line bundle. But under the Kodaira–Spencer map
${\mathcal{P}}_{x}\otimes {\mathcal{Q}}_{x}$
is identified with the cotangent space of
, so by duality we have a canonical identification of
$S_{x}^{\sharp }$
. In fact,
$S^{\sharp }$
is the blow-up of
at the core points.
4.1.3 Smoothness and irreducibility
Theorem 15. The scheme
$S^{\sharp }$
is non-singular and
induces a bijection on irreducible components.
Proof. We work over an algebraically closed field
. Let
$y\in S^{\sharp }(k)$
. Let
be the ring of dual numbers. Denote by
$S^{\sharp }(k[\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}])_{y}$
the tangent space at
to the moduli problem
$S^{\sharp }$
. This is the set of elements in
$S^{\sharp }(k[\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}])$
mapping to
, equipped with the natural structure of a
-vector space. We shall show that

Let us first see how this implies the theorem. Let
be the Zariski closure of an irreducible component of
$S^{\sharp }$
. It is
dimensional, hence (4.1), applied to
$y\in Y$
, shows that
is non-singular, and any other irreducible component of
$S^{\sharp }$
is disjoint from
. Since the fibers of
are connected, there do not exist any other irreducible components in
. It remains to prove (4.1).

Figure 4.1. The EO strata for
Standard techniques in deformation theory show that we have to compute the tangent space to a certain incidence variety between Grassmanians (see [Reference HarrisHar92, Example 16.2]). We introduce the following notation:


These are
-vector spaces with
action. The polarization pairing
$\{\,.\,,\,.\,\}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}}:H\times H\rightarrow k$
induces a perfect pairing

. We claim that
$S^{\sharp }(k[\unicode[STIX]{x1D716}])_{y}$
is identified with

Indeed, by Grothendieck’s crystalline deformation theory [Reference GrothendieckGro74],
is identified with
. The superscript
refers to homomorphisms symmetric with respect to
, i.e. satisfying
$\{w,\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}(w^{\prime })\}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}}=\{w^{\prime },\unicode[STIX]{x1D711}(w)\}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}}$
for all
$w,w^{\prime }\in W$
The space
classifies infinitesimal deformations of
preserving the type
and the property of being killed by
. This is because under the canonical identification

the map induced on the left-hand side by functoriality from
$\text{Ver}:{\mathcal{A}}_{x}^{(p)}\rightarrow {\mathcal{A}}_{x}$
$V_{\text{cris}}=V_{\text{dR}}\otimes 1$
Finally, the condition
means that the infinitesimal deformation of
stays in the Hodge filtration.
Our problem is now reduced to linear algebra. Note first that

where we have written
, the symmetry condition with respect to the pairing
then determining uniquely the component in
, where
. Likewise,

The dimension of
. Indeed,
is the image of the map
$F:H^{(p)}\rightarrow H$
, whose kernel is
. As
itself is balanced (of type
), and
is of type

is of type
. Thus,
varies in a space of dimension
is determined, and by this we take care of the constraint
. It remains to extend
. As the codimension of
and the dimension of
, this adds
dimensions to the tangent space. Altogether

as desired. ◻
4.2 The maps from
$S^{\sharp }$
We denote by
the Zariski closures in
. Our purpose is to define finite flat morphisms

which extend the restrictions
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{m}:S_{0}(p)_{m}^{\text{ord}}\rightarrow S^{\text{ord}}$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}:S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\text{ord}}\rightarrow S^{\text{ord}}$
to the ordinary-multiplicative and ordinary-étale loci. In fact,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{m}^{\sharp }$
will be an isomorphism, and our main interest will be in
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\sharp }$
We stress that although the compositions of these maps with the projection from
$S^{\sharp }$
both agree with
, as maps to
$S^{\sharp }$
they do not agree on the intersection of
, except for the part lying over
$S_{\sharp }$
4.2.1 The multiplicative component
Lemma 16. Let
be a
-algebra and
$(\text{}\underline{A},H)\in S_{0}(p)_{m}(R)$
. Then:
$\text{Fr}(H)=0$ ;
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{H/R}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4})$ is locally free of rank
$m$ ; and
(iii) the subsheaf
(4.2)agrees with$$\begin{eqnarray}{\mathcal{P}}_{0}:=\ker (\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{A/R}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4})\rightarrow \unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{H/R}(\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4}))\end{eqnarray}$$
${\mathcal{P}}_{0}={\mathcal{P}}[V]$ over
$S^{\text{ord}}$ , is locally free of rank
$n-m$ and killed by
$V=\text{Ver}_{A/R}^{\ast }$ .
Proof. (i) This is a closed condition and it holds on
, so it holds by continuity on its Zariski closure
(ii) By reduction to the universal case we may assume, since
is reduced by Proposition 7, that
is reduced. It is therefore enough to prove that all the geometric fibers of
are of the same dimension
. We may therefore assume that
is an algebraically closed field.
be the covariant Dieudonné module of
. Recall that
, where
is the map
$M(H)\rightarrow M(H^{(p)})$
induced by
. By (i)
. But the Dieudonné module is
-dimensional and balanced, so
-dimensional. Hence,
and its dual
(iii) Since the map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{A/R}\rightarrow \unicode[STIX]{x1D714}_{H/R}$
is surjective, the assertion on the rank follows from (ii). The condition that
holds over
), so being a closed condition, continues to hold over
Define the map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{m}^{\sharp }:S_{0}(p)_{m}\rightarrow S^{\sharp }$

is given by (4.2). By the lemma, it is well defined, and it clearly extends the isomorphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{m}:S_{0}(p)_{m}^{\text{ord}}\simeq S^{\text{ord}}$
Proposition 17. The map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{m}^{\sharp }$
is an isomorphism
$S_{0}(p)_{m}\simeq S^{\sharp }$
Proof. We first check that the map is one-to-one on
-points where
is an algebraically closed field. Let
$(\text{}\underline{A},H)\in S_{0}(p)_{m}(k)$
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{m}^{\sharp }(\text{}\underline{A},H)=(\text{}\underline{A},{\mathcal{P}}_{0})$
. The proof of Lemma 16 shows that
is uniquely determined by
as the annihilator of
. On the other hand
since both are
-dimensional. We conclude that
is uniquely determined as a subspace of
. But the proof of Lemma 16 also shows that
, hence
$M(H)\subset M(A[p])$
is uniquely determined, so
$H\subset A[p]$
is uniquely determined as a subgroup scheme.
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{m}^{\sharp }$
is clearly proper and quasi-finite, it is finite. It is also birational. But
$S^{\sharp }$
is smooth, so by Zariski’s Main Theorem
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{m}^{\sharp }$
is an isomorphism.◻
We let
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}_{m}^{\sharp }:S^{\sharp }\rightarrow S_{0}(p)_{m}\subset S_{0}(p)$
be the section inverse to
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{m}^{\sharp }$
4.2.2 The étale component
We are now ready to extend the diagram which was constructed in § 3.2.4 from the ordinary locus to its Zariski closure.

Theorem 18.
(i) The maps
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C},\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime },\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}$ and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}^{\prime }$ can be extended, and a map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\sharp }$ can be defined, so that the diagram above is commutative.
(ii) All the morphisms in the diagram are finite and surjective. The maps
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\sharp }$ ,
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}^{\prime }$ and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }$ are also flat.
This theorem can be strengthened, as we shall see in Theorem 21 below: the maps
are also flat, and
is non-singular. However, this will result from considerations involving the extension of the foliation
$S^{\sharp }$
and not merely from the constructions outlined here.
In the proof we shall use repeatedly the fact that if
are two finite flat subgroup schemes of a finite flat group scheme
over a separated base, then the locus in the base where
$H_{1}\subset H_{2}$
is closed.
Proof. We first extend our map
(cf. § 3.2.4) from the ordinary locus to a morphism

We must show that this is well-defined. We have proved above that for
$(\text{}\underline{A},H)\in S_{0}(p)_{m}(R)$
, which means
, or
$\text{Ver}^{-1}(H)\subset A^{(p)}[p]$
. Thus
is a finite flat subgroup scheme of rank
We claim that
$A^{(p)}[\text{Fr}]\subset \text{Ver}^{-1}(H)$
. This holds, as we have seen before, over
, so by the remark preceding the proof, it persists over the Zariski closure
We may now conclude that
is a finite flat subgroup scheme of rank
. That it is isotropic follows from the fact that
$\text{Ver}^{-1}(H)\subset A^{(p)}[p]$
, because for
$u,v\in \text{Ver}^{-1}(H)$

-stable. To check that it is Raynaud we may assume, as usual, that
is an algebraically closed field. The exact sequences of covariant Dieudonné modules


show, since
is balanced and
have the same signature, that
is Raynaud. To see this last point, from the exact sequence

and the fact that
is balanced, we get that the types of
are opposite, hence the types of
are the same.
We conclude that
is well-defined and maps
. Since it maps
, it actually maps
As before, we define

We shall next define a similar extension of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}^{\prime }$
(cf. § 3.2.4) to a map

and let

$(\text{}\underline{A},H)\in S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}(R)$
. Consider
$H^{\prime }=\text{Ver}(\text{Fr}^{-1}(H^{(p^{2})}))\subset A$
. We claim that
$H^{\prime }$
is a finite flat subgroup scheme of
of rank
. To see it, note first that
is finite flat of rank
, being the kernel of the isogeny

Second, note that
is contained in
. Indeed, this holds over
, so it holds by continuity over the whole of
. Third, we claim that

This too follows by continuity, since it clearly holds over
. We conclude that
$H^{\prime }$
is finite flat of rank
. Moreover
$\text{Fr}(H^{\prime })=0$
, since
$\text{Fr}\circ \text{Ver}=p\cdot \operatorname{id}_{A^{(p)}}$
$\text{Fr}^{-1}(H^{(p^{2})})\subset A^{(p)}[p]$
. One checks now, as before, that
$H^{\prime }$
is isotropic,
-stable and Raynaud. Setting
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}^{\prime }(\text{}\underline{A},H)=(\text{}\underline{A},H^{\prime })$
defines a map from
. As it maps
its image is in
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}^{\prime }$
extends the morphism between the ordinary parts constructed in § 3.2.4.
This concludes the definition of the maps in the lower triangles. It is easily checked that

$S^{\sharp }$
is non-singular,
is Cohen–Macaulay and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\sharp }$
is finite and onto, we deduce from [Reference EisenbudEis95, 18.17] that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\sharp }$
is flat. Hence
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D703}^{\prime }=\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}_{m}^{\sharp }\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D70B}_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{\sharp }$
is also flat.
It remains to define
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }$
. This has been done over the ordinary locus, via the modular interpretation, in § 3.2.4. Extending the definition of
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }$
via the modular interpretation to
is possible, but painful. Instead, we conclude the proof of the theorem with the help of the following general lemma. It follows from it that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }$
extends to the whole of
. The commutativity of the diagram follows by continuity from the fact that it is commutative over the ordinary locus. The fact that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }$
is flat follows again from [Reference EisenbudEis95, 18.17] since
is Cohen–Macaulay,
$S^{\sharp }$
is non-singular and
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }$
is finite and onto. Surjectivity of the maps follows from the fact that they are finite and dominant.◻
Lemma 19. Let
be irreducible varieties over a perfect field
of characteristic
, with
normal. Suppose that we are given a finite morphism
and a rational map
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }$

such that
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}\circ \unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }=\mathit{Fr}_{p}$
. Then
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}^{\prime }$
extends to a morphism on the whole of Y.
Proof. We may assume that
are affine. Let
. Let
be the fields of fractions of
, respectively. Let
$B^{(p)}\subset L^{(p)}$
be the image of
under Frobenius. Then
$B^{(p)}\subset A$
$L^{(p)}\subset K\subset L$
. Since
is integral over
is integrally closed in
, we get
$A\subset B$
, which proves the lemma, and concludes the proof of Theorem 18.◻
4.3 The extended foliation
Via the map
$f:S^{\sharp }\rightarrow S$
we can pull back the universal abelian scheme
and its de Rham cohomology, and get a locally free sheaf
$f^{\ast }H_{\text{dR}}^{1}({\mathcal{A}}/S)$
endowed with its own Gauss–Manin connection

$S^{\sharp }$
we find the tautological vector bundle

$y\in S^{\sharp }$
. In the proof of Theorem 15 we identified each tangent vector
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}\in {\mathcal{T}}S_{y}^{\sharp }$
with a pair
such that, in the notation introduced there,

We define the subsheaf
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}\subset {\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp }$
by the condition

Proposition 20. The subsheaf
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$
is a height 1 foliation of rank
which extends
. It is transversal to the fibers of
$f:S^{\sharp }\rightarrow S$
Proof. In the proof of Theorem 15 we found that
$\dim {\mathcal{T}}S_{y}^{\sharp +}=m^{2}$
. As the base
$S^{\sharp }$
is reduced and the dimensions of its fibers are constant,
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$
is a sub-bundle of rank
. The tangent space to the fiber of
is the set of pairs
. Thus
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$
is transversal to it.
$y\in S^{\text{ord}}$
, Corollary 5 shows that
is equivalent to
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D702}\in {\mathcal{T}}S^{+}$
. Finally, the fact that
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$
is a
-Lie subalgebra follows by continuity from the fact that
is closed under Lie bracket and raising to power
, since
is dense in
$S^{\sharp }$
We can now state the main theorem of this section.
Theorem 21. The variety
is non-singular, the morphism
is finite and flat, and identifies
with the quotient of
$S^{\sharp }$
by the foliation
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$
Proof. By Proposition 1 we know that
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$
corresponds to a finite flat quotient map

onto a non-singular variety
, which, thanks to Theorem 11, coincides with
. Denoting, for simplicity,
$X=S^{\sharp }$
we get (by definition) that
is the subsheaf of
killed by
. If
is a section of
over a Zariski open
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}\in {\mathcal{T}}X^{+}(U)$
then over
$U\,\cap \,Y^{\text{ord}}s$
is killed by
, hence by continuity
on all of
. This shows
${\mathcal{O}}_{Y}\subset {\mathcal{O}}_{Y^{{\sim}}}\subset {\mathcal{O}}_{X}$
so the morphism
factors as
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}\circ \widetilde{\unicode[STIX]{x1D70C}}$
for a unique finite birational morphism
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D70E}:S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}^{{\sim}}\rightarrow S_{0}(p)_{\acute{\text{e}}\text{t}}$
. However, according to Proposition 7,
is normal. Zariski’s main theorem implies now that
is an isomorphism, completing the proof.◻
5 Integral subvarieties
Recall that an integral subvariety of the foliation
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$
is a non-singular subvariety
$Y\subset S^{\sharp }$
for which
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}|_{Y}={\mathcal{T}}Y$
. In this section we find two types of integral subvarieties: Shimura varieties of signature
embedded in
, and the EO stratum
. We end the paper with the natural question whether these are the only global integral subvarieties.
5.1 Shimura subvarieties of signature
There are many ways to embed Shimura varieties associated with unitary groups of signature
in our unitary Shimura variety
. These smaller Shimura varieties can be associated with a quasi-split unitary group, or with an inner form of it. The embeddings extend to the integral models, hence to their special fibers, and can be described in terms of the respective moduli problems. For
and the resulting embeddings of modular curves or Shimura curves in Picard modular surfaces, see [Reference de Shalit and GorendeSG16, §4.2.2] or [Reference de Shalit, Goren, Akbary and GundeSG18, §1.4].
Theorem 22. Let
$S^{\prime }$
be the special fiber of a unitary Shimura variety of signature
embedded in
. Then
$S^{\prime }\cap S^{\text{ord}}$
is an integral subvariety of
Proof. The proof of [Reference de Shalit, Goren, Akbary and GundeSG18, Theorem 2.3(ii)] can be easily generalized, once the embedding of the appropriate moduli problems is written down explicitly. A different approach is to use Theorem 13. The set
$S^{\prime }\cap S^{\text{ord}}$
is open and dense in
$S^{\prime }$
and the
-dimensional abelian varieties which it parametrizes are ordinary (in the usual sense). The classical Serre–Tate theorem attaches a structure of a formal torus to the formal neighborhood
$\widehat{S_{x}^{\prime }}=\operatorname{Spf}(\widehat{{\mathcal{O}}}_{S^{\prime },x})$
$S^{\prime }$
of a point
$x\in S^{\prime }\cap S^{\text{ord}}$
. The compatibility of Moonen’s generalized Serre–Tate coordinates under embeddings of Shimura varieties shows that under the embedding
$S^{\prime }$
the formal neighborhood
$\widehat{S_{x}^{\prime }}$
gets mapped to
$\widehat{T}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}(x)}\subset \operatorname{Spf}(\widehat{{\mathcal{O}}}_{S,\unicode[STIX]{x1D704}(x)})$
. The theorem follows now from Theorem 13.◻
5.2 EO strata
The proof that the EO stratum
is an integral subvariety of the foliation
is more difficult. We follow the strategy outlined in [Reference de Shalit and GorendeSG16, §3.4], in particular Lemma 3.10 there, but the generalization from signature
to the general case requires some work.
Recall that we denoted by
$S_{\sharp }$
the open subset of
$f:S^{\sharp }\rightarrow S$
is an isomorphism, and that
is the unique minimal EO stratum in
$S_{\sharp }$
, so we are justified in writing
instead of
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}$
when we refer to
${\mathcal{T}}S^{\sharp +}|_{S_{\text{fol}}}$
. Recall also that
$\dim (S_{\text{fol}})=m^{2}=\text{rk}({\mathcal{T}}S^{+})$
, a hint that we are on the right track.
5.2.1 The Dieudonné module at a point of
The following Proposition describes the structure of the contravariant Dieudonné module
at a point
$x\in S_{\text{fol}}(k)$
, as usual, algebraically closed and containing
). It can be deduced from [Reference Moonen, Faber, van der Geer and OortMoo01, §4.9], see also [Reference WoodingWoo16, §3.5]. Recall that there exists a canonical identification

and that the skew-symmetric pairing
, induced by the polarization, becomes under this identification the pairing
$\{x,y\}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}}=\{x,(\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}^{-1})^{\ast }y\}$
is the canonical pairing on
$H_{\text{dR}}^{1}({\mathcal{A}}_{x}/k)\times H_{\text{dR}}^{1}({\mathcal{A}}_{x}^{t}/k)$
Proposition 23. Let
$x\in S_{\text{fol}}(k)$
. There exists a basis

with the following properties.
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D705}$ acts on the
$e_{i}$ via
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4}$ and on the
$f_{j}$ via
$\overline{\unicode[STIX]{x1D6F4}}$ .
$\{e_{i},f_{n+m+1-i}\}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}}=1$ , and the other
$\{e_{i},f_{j}\}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}}$ , as well as
$\{e_{i},e_{j}\}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}}$ and
$\{f_{i},f_{j}\}_{\unicode[STIX]{x1D719}}$ , are all
$0$ .
(iii) The maps
$F:D_{0}^{(p)}\rightarrow D_{0}$ and
$V:D_{0}\rightarrow D_{0}^{(p)}$ induced by
$\text{Fr}$ and
$\text{Ver}$ are given by the following tables. We abbreviate the list
$e_{a},\ldots ,e_{b}$ as
$e_{[a,b]}$ and similarly with
$f_{[a,b]}$ .
In particular,
$\ker (V_{{\mathcal{P}}})_{x}={\mathcal{P}}_{0,x}=\operatorname{Span}_{k}\{e_{[1,n-m]}\}$
Corollary 24. Notation as above, if
$x\in S_{\text{fol}}$
, then
$V({\mathcal{Q}})_{x}=\operatorname{Span}_{k}\{e_{1}^{(p)},\ldots ,e_{m}^{(p)}\}$
$2m\leqslant n$
, and
$V({\mathcal{Q}})_{x}=\operatorname{Span}_{k}\{e_{1}^{(p)},\ldots ,e_{n-m}^{(p)},e_{n+1}^{(p)},\ldots ,e_{2m}^{(p)}\}$
In passing, we note that the Hasse matrix
$H_{{\mathcal{A}}/S}=V_{{\mathcal{P}}}^{(p)}\circ V_{{\mathcal{Q}}}=0$
$2m\leqslant n$
but not if
. The Hasse invariant
$h_{{\mathcal{A}}/S}=\det (H_{{\mathcal{A}}/S})$
always vanishes, of course.
5.2.2 Proof of the main theorem
In the proof of the following theorem we shall separate the three cases (i)
. Although the idea of the proof is the same, the three cases become progressively more complicated. Thus, for the sake of exposition, we felt it was better to treat them separately, at the price of some repetition.
As a matter of notation, if
$f:T\rightarrow S$
is a morphism of schemes, and
is a coherent sheaf on
, we denote by
the global sections of
$f^{\ast }{\mathcal{F}}$
. We shall employ this notation in particular when
is an infinitesimal neighborhood of a closed point of
, or a closed subscheme of such an infinitesimal neighborhood.
Theorem 25. The EO stratum
is an integral subvariety of the foliation
, i.e.
Proof. (1) Let
$x\in S_{\text{fol}}$
. Let
be the infinitesimal deformation of
. Although
is not smooth over
, the
inherits, by base-change, the Gauss–Manin connection

As it admits a basis of horizontal sections over
, we may write
$D=D_{0}\otimes _{k}R$
, the horizontal sections being
$D_{0}\otimes _{k}k=D_{0}$
. Since the Gauss–Manin connection is compatible with isogenies,
take horizontal sections to horizontal sections. Thus Proposition 23(iii) holds also for
$F:D^{(p)}\rightarrow D$
$V:D\rightarrow D^{(p)}$
. The pairing
is horizontal for the Gauss–Manin connection, i.e.

so the formulae from part (ii) of the proposition also persist in
. What does change, and, according to Grothendieck, completely determines the infinitesimal deformation, is the Hodge filtration
. One sees that the most general deformation of
is given by

where the
$v_{\ell j}$
are local parameters at
, and their residues modulo
form a basis for
${\mathcal{T}}S_{x}^{\vee }$
. The deformation
is then completely determined by
and the condition that
is isotropic for
. A small computation reveals that it is given by

Compare the proof of Theorem 15. The data encoded in the matrices
is just the data denoted there by

(2) Consider the abelian scheme
, and note that it is constant:

since the absolute Frobenius
of the ring
factors as

$D^{(p)}=H_{\text{dR}}^{1}({\mathcal{A}}^{(p)}/R)=R\otimes _{\unicode[STIX]{x1D719},R}D$
we therefore get

In particular,

(3) Let us compute the image of a typical generator of

By Corollary 24 this image is contained in
$R\otimes V({\mathcal{Q}})_{x}$
if and only if all
(4) If
we can finish the proof as follows. Corollary 24 implies that over
we then have
, because the same holds at every
-valued point of
and the base is reduced. Let
be the quotient of
defined by

We get

By Point (3) this means that over
we must have all
. A dimension count shows that
is actually the set of equations defining
infinitesimally, i.e.
. Thus
is spanned by
$\{\unicode[STIX]{x2202}/\unicode[STIX]{x2202}v_{\ell j};\,n+1\leqslant \ell \leqslant n+m,n-m+1\leqslant j\leqslant n\}$
On the other hand, from the explicit description of
, and from the characterization of
given in Corollary 5 (which holds, with the same proof, over all of
$S_{\sharp }$
), we find that
is also spanned by
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}/\unicode[STIX]{x2202}v_{\ell j}$
$n+1\leqslant \ell \leqslant n+m,\,n-m+1\leqslant j\leqslant n$
). Indeed,
is spanned over
by the sections

which are killed by
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D6FB}_{\unicode[STIX]{x2202}/\unicode[STIX]{x2202}v_{\ell j}}$
, but are sent to sections which are outside
. Thus, given
$\unicode[STIX]{x1D709}\in {\mathcal{T}}S_{x}$
if and only if
is a linear combination of the
$\unicode[STIX]{x2202}/\unicode[STIX]{x2202}v_{\ell j}$
. This concludes the proof of the theorem when
(5) To finish the proof under the more general assumption
$2m\leqslant n$
we must show that
is always the system of infinitesimal equations for
. For that it is enough to prove the following claim, that generalizes what we have found for
. Let

endowed with endomorphisms by
and the bilinear form
. This
is the unitary Dieudonné space of
, in the sense of [Reference Wedhorn, Faber, van der Geer and OortWed01, (5.5)]. It is a locally free
-module of rank
is a maximal isotropic sub-bundle, and
is the base-change of
${\mathcal{O}}_{S}\rightarrow {\mathcal{O}}_{S,x}/\mathfrak{m}_{S,x}^{2}=R$
Claim. Let
$2m\leqslant n$
. Over
there is a sub-bundle
${\mathcal{M}}\subset {\mathcal{D}}$
such that at each geometric point
$x\in S_{\text{fol}}(k)$
$V({\mathcal{Q}})_{x}={\mathcal{M}}_{x}^{(p)}\subset {\mathcal{D}}_{x}^{(p)}$
. (In fact,
will be a sub-bundle of
Assuming the claim has been proved, we proceed as in the case
, when we identified
. As the base is reduced,
. Since the absolute Frobenius
of the ring
factors as in (5.3) and similarly for its quotient ring
, we get

as sub-modules of
${\mathcal{D}}^{(p)}(\operatorname{Spec}(R_{\text{fol}}))=R_{\text{fol}}\otimes _{k}D_{0}^{(p)}$
This means that
lies in the subspace
$R_{\text{fol}}\otimes V({\mathcal{Q}})_{x}$
. But we have seen that a typical generator of
maps to a vector outside
$R_{\text{fol}}\otimes _{k}V({\mathcal{Q}})_{x}$
, unless all
. We conclude that
as before.
(6) Proof of Claim. The key for proving the claim is the observation that if
$2m\leqslant n$


so we may use Corollary 24. Now
is part of the canonical filtration of
in the sense of [Reference Moonen, Faber, van der Geer and OortMoo01, 2.5] (the part commonly denoted ‘
’). It is therefore the (contravarient) Dieudonné module of
for a certain subgroup scheme
which belongs to the canonical filtration of the latter, in the sense of [Reference Oort, Faber, van der Geer and OortOor01, (2.2)].
The point is that over any EO stratum, in particular over
, the canonical filtration of
exists as a filtration by finite flat subgroup schemes, and yields the canonical filtration at each geometric point by specialization. See [Reference Oort, Faber, van der Geer and OortOor01, Proposition (3.2)]. Thus the
are the specializations of a finite flat group scheme
. Letting
be the
-part of the Dieudonné module of
proves the claim. Alternatively, we can define
directly as

and use the constancy of fiber ranks over the reduced base
to show that this is a sub-bundle of
(7) The case
. The key idea when
$2m\leqslant n$
was the observation that over
the sub-bundle
$V({\mathcal{Q}})\subset {\mathcal{D}}^{(p)}$
was of the form
for a sub-bundle
${\mathcal{M}}\subset {\mathcal{D}}$
. This
was obtained as the
-part of a certain piece in the canonical filtration of
, namely
. No such piece of the canonical filtration works if
. We are able however to replace the equality
by an inclusion
$V({\mathcal{Q}})\subset {\mathcal{M}}^{(p)}$
for a carefully chosen
, and modify the arguments accordingly. Assume therefore that
Let the natural number
$r\geqslant 1$


More precisely, we consider
$V^{-2r}\{(F^{2r+1}({\mathcal{D}}[V]^{(p^{2r+1})}))^{(p^{2r})}\}\subset {\mathcal{D}}$
. That this is a well-defined sub-bundle of
, over any EO stratum, and in particular over
, follows as before from [Reference Oort, Faber, van der Geer and OortOor01, Proposition (3.2)]. Hence the same applies to its
-part, which is
Claim. Let
be as above. Then, using the notation of Proposition 23:
(i) for any
$x\in S_{\text{fol}}$ ,
$$\begin{eqnarray}{\mathcal{M}}_{x}=\operatorname{Span}_{k}\{e_{1},\ldots ,e_{2m}\};\end{eqnarray}$$
(ii) over
$S_{\text{fol}}$ we have
$V({\mathcal{Q}})\subset {\mathcal{M}}^{(p)}$ .
Part (i) will be proved in Lemma 26 below. Part (ii) follows from Corollary 24. By the corollary, the inclusion
$V({\mathcal{Q}})_{x}\subset {\mathcal{M}}_{x}^{(p)}$
holds between the fibers of the two sub-bundles at any geometric point
$x\in S_{\text{fol}}(k)$
, and the base is reduced.
We can now apply a small variation on the case
$2m\leqslant n$
. From the claim we obtain

However, when
(5.4) implies

$1\leqslant i\leqslant n-m$
) remain linearly independent modulo
we conclude that in
we must have
. As before, this implies that
, and concludes the proof of the theorem.◻
5.2.3 A Dieudonné module computation
To complete the proof of Theorem 25 when
we need to prove the following.
Lemma 26. Let notation be as in Proposition 23, and let
$r\geqslant 1$
$r/(r+1)<m/n\leqslant (r+1)/(r+2)$
. Then

Proof. Let
. We first observe that


To be precise, we should have written
, etc., but from now on we omit the relevant Frobenius twists to simplify the notation. We now compute, using these formulae, and leave out straightforward verifications:
$V^{-1}(0)=D_{0}(n,m)$ .
(2) Let
$0\leqslant i\leqslant r$ . One proves inductively that
$$\begin{eqnarray}\displaystyle F^{2i}V^{-1}(0) & = & \displaystyle D_{0}(im-(i-1)n,\,(i+1)m-in),\nonumber\\ \displaystyle F^{2i+1}V^{-1}(0) & = & \displaystyle D_{0}((i+1)m-in,\,(i+1)m-in).\nonumber\end{eqnarray}$$
(3) Let
$1\leqslant j\leqslant r$ . Using induction on
$j$ one shows
$$\begin{eqnarray}\displaystyle V^{-2j+1}F^{2r+1}V^{-1}(0) & = & \displaystyle D_{0}(jn-(j-1)m,\,(r+3-j)m-(r+1-j)n),\nonumber\\ \displaystyle V^{-2j}F^{2r+1}V^{-1}(0) & = & \displaystyle D_{0}((r+2-j)m-(r-j)n,\,jn-(j-1)m).\nonumber\end{eqnarray}$$
The assumption that
$r/(r+1)<m/n\leqslant (r+1)/(r+2)$
is used repeatedly in these computations. Putting
proves the lemma.◻
5.3 A conjecture of André–Oort type
Given a foliation in a real manifold, the celebrated theorem of Frobenius says that integral subvarieties exist, and are unique, in sufficiently small neighborhoods of any given point. Working in the algebraic category, in characteristic
, one has to impose, in addition to the integrability condition, also being closed under the
-power operation. Integral subvarieties then exist in formal neighborhoods, but are far from being unique. For that purpose Ekedahl introduced in [Reference EkedahlEke87] the notion of height
foliations for any
$h\geqslant 1$
, a notion that we do not discuss here, as our height 1 foliation does not seem to extend to higher height foliations. Nor does the foliation lift to characteristic 0 in any natural way; thus, the approach taken by Miyaoka in [Reference MiyaokaMiy87] to deal with the same problem does not apply here.
Despite this lack of formal uniqueness, the global nature of our foliation imposes a severe restriction on integral subvarieties. Thus, we dare to make the following conjecture.
Conjecture. The only integral subvarieties of the foliation
$S_{\sharp }$
are Shimura varieties of signature
We would like to thank L. Illusie and C. Liedtke for helpful discussions related to this work.