The structure and organization of the Roman army is a complex subject for ancient historians. Of its multiple aspects, the schedule of the daily routine is one of the most interesting but, at the same time, is scarcely known. Of course, huge progress has been made with the publication of the daily rosters of one particular auxiliary unit in the East (cohors XX Palmyrenorum, at Dura, Syria),Footnote 1 but the detail of the chronological organization of the unit's schedule is still to be revealed.
A rather simple inscription from Apulum offers important evidence for professional military ranks in the Roman army in Dacia and elsewhere, and also relates to the present investigation. CIL 3.1070 (= ILS 5625 = IDR 3/5.193) is a votive plaque presently lost; only some drawings remain.Footnote 2 The text is as follows:
I(oui) O(ptimo) M(aximo) et Iunoni Regin(ae)
pro sal(ute) Imp(eratoris) M(arci) Aur(eli) An
tonini Pii Aug(usti) et
Iuliae Aug(ustae) matris Aug(usti)
M(arcus) Vlp(ius) Mucianus mil(es) leg(ionis) XIII Gem(inae)
horologiar(ius?) templum a solo de suo ex uoto
fecit Falcone et Claro cons(ulibus)
To Jupiter, the Best and Greatest and to Juno the Queen, for the health of the Emperor, M. Aur. Antoninus Augustus, The Pious and of the Mother of the Emperor, Julia Augusta, M. Ulp. Mucianus, soldier of the legion XIII Gemina, ‘clockmaker?’, has erected the temple, alone, on his expense, following a vow, in the time of the consulship of Falco and Clarus.
We are dealing evidently with a votive monument erected by a legionary of XIII Gemina to Jupiter and Juno, for the health of Emperor Caracalla and his mother, mentioning the construction of a sanctuary involving a soldier with the role of clockmaker. However, the status of the character has not always generated agreementFootnote 3 with most scholars doubting the possibility of this soldier being a horologiarius.Footnote 4 This particular inscription crucially raises more general questions relating to the subject of timekeeping in the Roman army, an interesting subject for which there are, however, few sources.
Time and timekeeping in Greek and Roman antiquity is a complex matter of debate, especially as ancient sources commenting on the subject in some cases engage with very precise technical details.Footnote 5
Throughout Roman history, even as late as the mid third century a.d., ancient writers complain about the scarcity of the sources on the subject of timekeeping. Three such writers approach the matter of the origins of timekeeping and horologia in the Roman world, all of them reaching the conclusion that the division of the day by hours was introduced in Rome in the third century b.c. and the adaptation of the first solar clock at the latitude of Rome took place sometime around 164 b.c. Footnote 6
The Romans used several separate pieces of equipment for measuring time, one of them related to the Sun and the other two to water. The sundial (horologium)Footnote 7 was used during sunlight hours, the klepsydra Footnote 8 was used for the measurement of fixed amounts of time, probably borrowed from Greek law courts,Footnote 9 while the water clock was used by night, in interiors or through cloudy days. The difference between the two water-operated mechanisms is appreciated since antiquity.Footnote 10
One might assume that the ancient clocks were at best approximate, and that exact timekeeping, at least in the civilian environment, was not a matter of too much concern.Footnote 11 In fact, detailed discussion on the matter of the daytime division into hours and the need to precisely evaluate these divisions points in a different direction. An inexact sundial from Sicily was used incorrectly in Rome for 99 years, without raising significant issues for the population.Footnote 12 On the other hand, the problem is noted repeatedly in Roman literature, and the establishment of a sundial adapted to Rome's latitude is acclaimed.Footnote 13 We can only assume that, by the third and second centuries b.c., the Romans were more likely to need general indications of the time of day rather than precise and detailed ones.Footnote 14
As far as epigraphy is concerned, clocks are mentioned especially in the form of horologia,Footnote 15 at a first glimpse in around one hundred instances, in both Greek and Latin, throughout the Roman world. Most of them are to be found in Italy and the western provinces, with the vast majority, more than 90%, occurring in civilian environments. Often the clock is part of a larger monument or public building complex,Footnote 16 the most famous being Andronicus' Tower, nowadays the Tower of the Winds, from Athens, dating back to the first century b.c. Footnote 17 These clocks were considered important artefacts, as they needed to be decoratedFootnote 18 and they seem to have been operated by slaves.Footnote 19
The making of such clocks is another matter, as Vitruvius (De arch. 9.7) argues that even if many books were available for the construction of portable clocks, their construction was accessible only to those that knew the analēmma—the skeletal celestial sphere, therefore confirming that there were no practical methods to construct sundials or water clocks available to the public.
Moreover, epigraphic evidence suggests that there were special workshops and craftsmen concerned with their fabrication. Inscriptions of Asia Minor record both what seems to qualify as a workshop for sundialsFootnote 20 and special craftsmen who are in charge with their construction.Footnote 21 Magistrates, especially consuls, usually pay for their construction and they are intended to be installed in political and juridical places in the city, therefore bearing, at least initially, an exclusive political role.Footnote 22
An overview of the matter indicates that sometime in the sixth or fifth centuries b.c. the first concerns for the scientific approach of the cosmos and the calendar occur, and by the fourth century also the first sundials, klepsydrae and hydraulic clocks, borrowed and adapted by the second century b.c. also in Rome.Footnote 23
Literary Accounts
In the military, timekeeping must have been at least as important. The division of the day by hours, both in civilian and military environments, is known since the seventh century b.c.,Footnote 24 from Egypt, but from the first century b.c. onwards the sources come exclusively from the Roman world,Footnote 25 which may derive from the establishment of a professional soldiery and semi-permanent provincial garrisons.
Ancient authors admire the unity of action of the Roman military machine. Josephus (BJ 3.85) is impressed by the fact that the entire camp wakes, eats and goes to work at the same time. The march is also something to be chronologically defined; Vegetius (Mil. 1.9) observes that an infantry unit must march twenty miles in five summer hours.Footnote 26 Even if the schedule must have suffered alterations, a unity of direction and a well-established program must be presumed.Footnote 27
We know of few accounts in ancient sources relating to precise timekeeping in the army. Even so, Josephus (BJ 6.58, 68, 79, 131, 147, 157, 244, 248, 290, 294) notes that action was planned by the hours, when describing Titus' siege of Jerusalem.Footnote 28 Polybius argues that an ideal commander must be able to tell the time of the day, to ensure his success in campaign.Footnote 29 As no actual mention of a sundial or water clock appears in these instances, we might assume that astronomical reckoning is used. A classic example of the relativity of actual timekeeping is the battle of the Colline Gate in 82 b.c. at the end of Sulla's Civil War, where ancient sources give approximate and sometimes contradictory time relations.Footnote 30 On the other hand, Caesar in 54 b.c. acknowledges that night-time hours are shorter in Britain than on the Continent, measuring with a water-operated timepiece.Footnote 31
At the same time, the duty rosters of Dura,Footnote 32 Vindolanda or Egypt present tasks set out by day, not by hour, like in the modern armies.
The best-known instance of temporal organization inside the Roman army is the night watch (uigiliae), divided into four equal parts of three hours each, with the help of the klepsydra. Footnote 33 This is one of the most important tasks of the army, as is also evident from the strict system of the watchword, written on tesserae and distributed only by specialized principales, the tesserarii.
Archaeology also contributes to the issue, with a series of time markers being discovered in forts or locations related to them.Footnote 34 One of the most discussed such finds is a recently discovered bronze disk fragment from Vindolanda.Footnote 35 It was subsequently considered to be an anaphoric water clockFootnote 36 or an astrological calendar,Footnote 37 this not diminishing the significance of its discovery in an auxiliary fort on the northern frontier. It is a precious indication of the need for chronological unity in the empire's armies, and the usage of precise timekeeping in the military environment. Two other similar artefacts were discovered in Britain, at Housesteads and Richborough, both rudimentary but relatively usable. These being the only such discoveries coming from Roman Britain, one could argue that in this province the military brought the Roman clocks and timekeeping.Footnote 38
A series of newly published ostraka from the Krokodilô fortlet in Egypt sheds some light also on the usage of daytime hours in the Roman army. These are daily registries for the arrivals and departures of soldiers and messengers in this military post station. This is a small-scale building, fit for ten to fifteen soldiers, led by a curator praesidii. For each day and each messenger, the time of arrival, the source and content of the package and the time of departure are registered. The sources present different hours in the day, telling us that timekeeping was an exact matter in this situation, and was probably the task of the curator, using a water clock.Footnote 39
In at least two cases we have a horologium mentioned in a military context, and in another four cases the soldier who can be assumed to be responsible for building and looking after the official clock—the horologiarius.
The first example qualifies as circumstantial evidence. It is a sundial discovered in Si‛â (Syria), with an inscription that mentions its owners/builders, two legionaries of VIII Augusta, one of them ranking as κούστως Σεία.Footnote 40
The second example is more closely related to the issue, CIL 13.7800 (= AE 1977.154), from Rigomagus in Lower Germany:
[--- Diadumeniano]
nobil[issimo Caesari]
sub C[lau(dio)] M[arcio Agrippa(?)]
leg(ato) Au[g(usti) p]r(o) pr(aetore) pr(ouinciae) agens Pe
tronius Athenodorus prae[f(ectus)]
coh(ortis) I Fl(auiae) horolegium [sic!] ab ho
ris intermissum et uetus
tate co(n)labsum [sic!] suis inpendi(i)s
restituit [[Imp(eratore) d(omino) n(ostro) Macrino Aug(usto) II co(n)s(ule)]]
‘… Diadumenianus, noble Caesar and Cl. Marcius Agrippa, governor of the province, with Petronius Athenodorus, prefect of the cohort I Flavia, acting as agent, have reconstructed, on their own expense, the (official) clock (of the fort), malfunctioning and collapsed owing to old age, in the year when our Lord, the Emperor Macrinus Augustus, was consul for the second time.’
This is an obvious case of a repair of an official fort clock, paid by the prefect of cohors I Flauia, after it deteriorated owing to its old age, dated a.d. 218. It is an official attestation of the presence and usage of such equipment in the military environment. The official character of the endeavour is evident from the dedication to the Caesar Diadumenianus and the patronage of the provincial governor, as well as its placement inside the principia.Footnote 41 On this evidence, the presence of an official sundial (Lageruhr) of the fortress has been presumed, which could have been placed on the front of the principia, facing the uia principalis. Footnote 42
As far as the horologiarius is concerned, the matter exercised the attention of scholars for a long time. Von Domaszewski acknowledges the existence of the rank/function in the military, in two different instances, first using as evidence CIL 3.1070, from Apulum,Footnote 43 second using as circumstantial evidence CIL 13.7800, from Rigomagus.Footnote 44 Connecting the evidence from Apulum to the religion of the Roman army, he argues that this dedication is related to the cult of the buildings inside the fort, in this case suggesting that the building has a sacred character, as the sanctuary of the official clock of the fortress.Footnote 45 Later, in Rangordnung, he would state that the horologiarius is a rank equivalent to the principales of the legion, attending to the official clock of the fortress,Footnote 46 sometimes presumably also signalling to the horn-blowers the time to announce the change of guard.Footnote 47
Even if evidence is scarce for this function, there are at least three epigraphic examples coming from Rome that can be related to it, all connected to the uigiles. Footnote 48
The first example is a construction plate dated to a.d. 113, inaugurating an aedicule, mentioning the commanding officers of the uigiles and a series of twelve principales, belonging to the same centuria. The men are part of the centuria of C. Iulius Rufus and occupy the following functions: beneficiarius subpraefecti, beneficiarius tribuni, uexillarius, two optiones, two secutores tribuni, tesserarius, two librarii, bucinator and the peculiar HOR LEG C. Peturcius Pudens. This last function has always been considered as an abbreviation for horrearius legionis,Footnote 49 even if this is not probable for two reasons: the role has no place within the uigiles, in a centuria, between two secutores; second, the function is not attested elsewhere in the army.Footnote 50 Moreover, the horrearii are attested exclusively in the civil environment and in the central administration in Rome, and are, in their vast majority, slavesFootnote 51 or freedmen. This is not to say that the army had no horrea, or no soldiers attending to them, simply that no military horrearii are attested.
It is perhaps preferable to presume either a misspelling by the stonemason, who meant to inscribe HORLOG, which, if acceptable, would lead us to the more obvious development of hor(o)log(iarius), the principalis associated with the building and maintenance of the official clock in the fort, or to hor(ologiarius) leg(ionis), but then we cannot explain his involvement with the uigiles. The first option is more plausible also because the same misspelling is noticeable in CIL 13.7800, mentioned earlier, with horolegium instead of horologium. From this association, we can assume that all the military camps had at least one official water clock, but perhaps not all units had a non-commissioned officer in charge of its construction and maintenance. The duty of reading and announcing key moments throughout the day may have been available to any member of the military.Footnote 52
The other two inscriptions that can be considered as evidence for the horologiarius are the lists of cohors V uigilum, from a.d. 205 and 210 containing all their officers and soldiers.Footnote 53 One particular individual is of concern to us, M. Ulpius Irenaeus, present in both of the lists, with a supplemental designation as HO in a.d. 205 and HC in a.d. 210. As in the case of C. Peturcius Pudens from CIL 6.221, HC has been understood several times as h(orrearius), this time c(ohortis),Footnote 54 but the actual succession of letters is, in both cases, H followed by a reversed 7 (the centurion sign).Footnote 55 Such an equation to horrearius cohortis is never heard of before; therefore, by analogy to CIL 6.221, we could consider Irenaeus also a h(orologiarius) 7(centuriae).Footnote 56
There is, however, more to be said regarding Irenaeus. In the five-year span between the two lists, his career does not change in any way. In a.d. 205 he is part of the second centuria, of Aelius Torquatus, the eighty-seventh on the list and by a.d. 210 he remains in the same second centuria, now having a different centurion, Rufinus, mentioned fourth on the list. The interesting fact is that only Irenaeus remains in the same position for at least five years. His centurion is promoted or transferred, and the vast majority of his colleagues are no longer with him by a.d. 210. In fact, only forty-seven soldiers are to be found in the same second centuria over the five years, and only one has been promoted to codicillarius in this period, from a grand total of 167 (a.d. 205) and 140 (a.d. 210). We can assume that the man was rather unique and useful in his function, that of clock-making and maintenance, such specialists being in fact difficult to find. Placed by these three soldier-lists in the ranks of principales, indicative of an increase in pay, we would assume naturally that he is considered a technical immunis. Perhaps the solution for the identification of his position is related to the complex matter of the military medici, architecti, mensores, libratores or other categories of civilians contracted in the army, considering also his Greek origin, common to technicians and specialists.Footnote 57 On the other hand, whereas in a military camp the medical and architectural technicians were more or less constantly engaged in matters that required their technical competence, new clocks would only occasionally be required, but building them needed an in-depth astronomical qualification.
One of the most significant pieces of epigraphic evidence in this regard is the previously mentioned inscription from Apulum. In the first place, it had a tumultuous history. On the one hand, M. Ulpius Mucianus was considered to be a horologiarius only by von Domaszewski and later by von Petrikovits and Le Bohec,Footnote 58 while Dessau remained undecided,Footnote 59 but consequently the character's fate changed. The inscription was discussed in several papers with different purposes, published across twenty years, all of them reaching the consensus that Mucianus was not a horologiarius, but that he erected a horologiarium templum, a sanctuary enclosing or serving as a clock.Footnote 60 As mentioned above, the horologia were mostly adjacent or part of larger monuments or buildings, but there is no mention of a temple with a clock in this manner of topic, only as horologium cum … .Footnote 61 Very recently, the inscription has been reconsidered by Bonnin, who seriously doubts the solution regarding a temple provided with a horologium, especially considering the ὡρολογιά[ριος] of Nikaia.Footnote 62
The two examples mentioned above, from Nikaia, Bithynia and Pontus,Footnote 63 especially the example transliterating the actual Latin term in Greek,Footnote 64 serve as precise analogies, even if they are discovered in civilian environment. They attest a function related to clock-building and maintenance—the horologiarius—that must have been, as in many other cases, contracted by the army.
Another matter is that of the dating, because the inscription is clearly dated to a.d. 212–217, but the consuls were in office in a.d. 193.Footnote 65 Probably the pledge was made in connection with the accession of Severus to emperor.Footnote 66 However, this is difficult to establish since the actual stone is gone and no assumptions can be made on the integrity of the texts and their belonging to the same inscription.
M. Ulpius Mucianus bears an obvious Thracian name and the origins of his citizenship go back to the reign of Emperor Trajan. He is a soldier of the legion XIII Gemina, in service. His status is clearly and continuously stated: mil(es) leg(ionis) XIII Gem(inae) / horologiar(ius). We have no reason to assume that he was not a soldier with this rank, simply because a regular soldier of the legion could not have erected (a solo de suo ex uoto fecit) a temple of Jupiter and Juno.Footnote 67 In addition, this is the only abbreviation HOROLOGIAR known until now in Latin inscriptions, and can most feasibly be understood as horologiarius. Taking into account the Greek transliteration ὡρολογιά[ριος],Footnote 68 we have thus the perfect analogy. Not least, the Oxford Latin Dictionary Footnote 69 considers horologiarius an adjective, determining the presence of a horologium on/in a building, but the argument is supported by the misread of CIL 3.1070. The precise problem of this reading of the inscription is the association of this adjective to the noun templum, and for this we have no other epigraphic analogy, therefore leading to an understandable vicious circle. Moreover, the rank of a soldier is described with a noun, in many instances mentioned after miles legionis.Footnote 70 The inscription seems to have an official character, mentioning the emperor and dated by consuls, meaning that it must have referred to a hydraulic clock, rather than to a sundial, which would have been easier to maintain.Footnote 71
In the military, the need to keep good time has always been important. The Roman army needed such timekeeping devices in order to organize the working day, preparations for battles and sieges and most importantly the night watch. The only way in which this was possible was to have one or several official clocks in the fort, so that everyone could tell the time and conform to the schedule. Since all ancient clocks depend directly on geographic coordinates, latitude and longitude, it was necessary for each unit to have its own timekeeping instruments. Even if Caesar makes specific mention only of the use of a water clock in the army, we may assume the presence of such a facility in all permanent military installations. Its attestation, amongst other instances, in the legionary fortress of Apulum, in the vicinity of a provincial capital, simply points out to the importance of telling precise time in a military environment and also to the importance of the individual, probably the only such specialist with such expertise in the province, for which he was contracted and enlisted in the legion. However, telling the time was not a particular skill, therefore no special personnel were needed for this. For their construction, on the other hand, the specialist horologiarii were likely to be needed.
The inscription of Apulum, backed by the other epigraphic examples discussed above, seems to be the best evidence we possess on this particular function in the army. The horologiarius was probably not a simple clock attendant and reader, but his importance and specialization can also be connected with clock-building and maintenance. On the one hand, this skill was available only to those who had been initiated in astronomy,Footnote 72 people who were sought by civil or military communities in order to equip themselves with timekeeping devices. On the other hand, as we can notice from the example of Narbonensis,Footnote 73 the operation and administration of such a public work was entrusted to a lower category of people, perhaps to slaves.