Acerbi, F., Aristotle on placing gnomons round (Ph. 3.4, 203a10–15), 587
Anagnostou-Laoutides, E., Herodas' Mimiamb 7: dancing dogs and barking women, 153
Bartels, J., Cynnane ‘the Illyrian’? The perils of onomastics, 384
Bekker-Nielsen, T., Dio Chrysostom in exile: Or. 36.1 and the date of the Scythian journey, 747
Beness, J. L., The ancestry of Nerva, 756
Brelinski, T., Medon meets a Cyclops? Odyssey 22.310–80, 1
Burges Watson, S., Mousikê and mysteries: a Nietzschean reading of Aeschylus' Bassarides, 455
Butorac, D. D., Ἀντιγραφή in Proclus' In Parmenidem: a correction of the Budé edition, 310
Campbell, D. B., A note on the battle of Mons Graupius, 407
Caneva, S. G., Given to a deity? Religious and social reappraisal of human consecrations in the Hellenistic and Roman East, 167
Carstairs-McCarthy, A., Does Aeneas violate the truce in Aeneid 11?, 704
Charles, M. B., Achaemenid elite cavalry: from Xerxes to Darius III, 14
Cowan, R., How's your father? A recurrent bilingual wordplay in Martial, 736
Daneš, J., Ἀμηχανία in Euripides᾽ Heraclidae, 366
Danielewicz, J., One sign after another: the fifth ΛΕΠΤΗ in Aratus' Phaen. 783–4?, 387
Deline, T., The criminal charges against Agrippina the Elder in a.d. 27 and 29, 766
Delli Pizzi, A., Given to a deity? Religious and social reappraisal of human consecrations in the Hellenistic and Roman East, 167
de Melo, W. D. C., Two textual problems in Book 7 of Varro's De lingua Latina, 397
Dickey, E., Columnar translation: an ancient interpretive tool that the Romans gave the Greeks, 807
Dillon, J. N., Conjectures and criticism in Book 1 of the Codex Justinianus, 321
Dmitriev, S., Athenian ἀτιμία and legislation against tyranny and subversion, 35
Dominicy, M., Catulliana, 628
Donelan, J. F., Evidence for and against audience–actor contact in Aristophanes (Pax 877–906, Ach. 257–83, Thesm. 659–87 and Nub. 275–355), 518
Dueck, D., Megillos and rice – a note, 377
Eckerman, C., Thyrsis' Arcadian shepherds in Virgil's seventh Eclogue, 669
Flower, R., Tamquam figmentum hominis: Ammianus, Constantius II and the portrayal of imperial ritual, 822
Gervais, K., Notes on Statius, Thebaid 2, 411
Geue, T., The loser leaves (Rome's loss): Umbricius' wishful exile in Juvenal, Satire 3, 773
Gili, L., Aristotle's comparative logic: a modest proposal, 559
Giusti, E., Caesar criss-crossing the Rubicon: a palindromic acrostic in Lucan (1.218–22), 892
Griffith, R. D., The Aristophanic slapstick (Nub. 537–44), 530
Grillo, L., Reading Cicero's Ad Familiares 1 as a collection, 655
Hardie, A., A dithyramb for Augustus: Horace, Odes 4.2, 253
Harrison, S. J., Menander's Thais and Catullus' Lesbia, 887
Hejduk, J. D., Red-handed Apollo: what Martial might have done with ‘know thyself’ in Ars Amatoria 2.493–502, 714
Hendrickson, T., An emendation to a fragment of Varro's De bibliothecis (fr. 54 GRF Funaioli), 395
Heyworth, S. J., Lutatius Catulus, Callimachus and Plautus' Bacchides, 390
Hillard, T. W., The ancestry of Nerva, 756
Hinge, G., Dio Chrysostom in exile: Or. 36.1 and the date of the Scythian journey, 747
Hooper, T., Archedemus, 500
Hutchinson, G. O., Appian the artist: rhythmic prose and its literary implications, 788
Ingleheart, J., Exegi monumentum: exile, death, immortality and monumentality in Ovid, Tristia 3.3, 286
Jacobson, H., Asherah and Aphrodite: a coincidence?, 355
Johansen, T.K., A triptych in Plato's Timaeus: a note on the receptacle passage (Timaeus 48e–52d), 885
Kiss, D., Isaac Vossius, Catullus and the Codex Thuaneus, 344
Kokoszkiewicz, K., A note on Ovid, Heroides 13.63–4, 889
Konrad, C. F., After Drepana, 192
Konstantinou, A., Tradition and innovation in Greek tragedy's mythological exempla, 476
Kovacs, D., Aeolic and Italian at Horace, Odes 3.30.13–14, 682
Lane, N., Two textual notes on Pindar's eighth Nemean, 356
Lennon, J., Dining and obligation in Valerius Maximus: the case of the sacra mensae, 719
Lowe, D., A stichometric allusion to Catullus 64 in the Culex: an addendum, 891
Macedo, J. M., The month name Ἀγαγύλιος, Artemis Ἀγαγυλαία and Homeric phraseology, 449
MacRae, D. E., Inuitus inuitam: a window allusion in Suetonius' Titus, 415
Marincola, J., Cicero, Leg. 1.6: ‘pleasurable’ annals?, 401
Mason, H. C., Claudius at Baiae, 732
Matthews, L., Xanthus of Lydia and the invention of female eunuchs, 489
Mayhew, R., Aristotle's biology and his lost Homeric Puzzles, 109
McCallum, S. L., Elegiac amor and mors in Virgil's ‘Italian Iliad’: a case study (Aeneid 10.185−93), 693
Miller, J., Idealization and irony in Sallust's Jugurtha: the narrator's depiction of Rome before 146 b.c., 242
Moore, C., Socrates and self-knowledge in Aristophanes' Clouds, 534
Murgatroyd, P., The Wrath of Poseidon, 444
Nabel, J., Venus' boots and the shadow of Caesar in Book 1 of Virgil's Aeneid, 689
Naiden, F. S., The sword did it: a Greek explanation for suicide, 85
Nawar, T., Augustine on the dangers of friendship, 836
Neel, J., Reconsidering the affectatores regni, 224
Nielsen, K. M., The constitution of the soul: Aristotle on lack of deliberative authority, 572
Olson, S. D., Νῆσαι in Sophocles, fr. 439 R., 881
Opsomer, J., A much misread proposition from Proclus' Elements of Theology (Prop. 28), 433
Paparazzo, E., A note on the construction of the equilateral triangle with scalene elementary triangles in Plato's Timaeus: Pl. Ti. 54a–b, 552
Pezzini, G., Aristotle's comparative logic: a modest proposal, 559
Phillips, T., Iliad 13.754: ὄρεϊ νιφόεντι ἐοικώς, 439
Pickering, P. E., Persae lines 270–1 and MS Lambeth 1203, 360
Quiroga-Puertas, A. J., In Hecate's realm: a note on Sozomen, Hist. Eccl. 7.23, 427
Rance, P., A Roman–Lazi war in the Suda: a fragment of Priscus?, 852
Riesbeck, D. J., Aristotle on the politics of marriage: ‘marital rule’ in the Politics, 134
Romani Mistretta, M., A textual note to Plato, Gorgias 465a4, 882
Ross, A. J., Ammianus Marcellinus 15.5.22 and Eutropius 10.16.1: an allusion, 424
Rutherford, R. B., Lysistrata and female song, 60
Sansone, D., Xenophon and Prodicus' Choice of Heracles, 371
Schironi, F., Aristarchus' work in progress: what did Aristonicus and Didymus read of Aristarchus?, 609
Serafim, A., Making the audience: ekphrasis and rhetorical strategy in Demosthenes 18 and 19, 96
Taoka, Y., Onomastic irony in Fronto's letters Ad M. Caesarem 1.7, 2.5, 2.13 and 3.18, 301
Thomas, O., Sophocles, seduction and shrivelling: Ichneutai fr. 316 Radt, 364
Ugaglia, M., Aristotle on placing gnomons round (Ph. 3.4, 203a10–15), 587
Volk, K., Laurel, tongue and glory (Cicero, De consulatu suo fr. 6 Soubiran), 204
Ware, C., Claudian's arma: a metaliterary pun, 894
Wasmuth, E., Ὥσπερ οἱ κορυβαντιῶντες: the Corybantic rites in Plato's dialogues, 69
Wilkinson, K. W., Anth. Pal. 10.92 + 9.175 (Palladas): a proposal, 418
Woodman, A. J., Problems in Horace, Epode 11, 673
Xenis, G. A., Michael Syncellus: a neglected source for Aelius Herodian's Περὶ Καθολικῆς Προσωιδίας, 868
Yoon, F., The herald of Hyllus? Identifying the Ὕλλου πενέστης in Euripides' Heraclidae, 51
Zetzel, J. E. G., Laurel, tongue and glory (Cicero, De consulatu suo fr. 6 Soubiran), 204
Achaemenid cavalry, 14ff.
Achaemenid infantry, 17
Achilles Tatius, 805
Aelius Herodian, 868ff.
Aeneas Tacticus, 852
Aeschines, 88ff., 503, 508
Aeschylus, Ag., 479; Bassarides, 455ff.; Cho., 483; Edonians, 456ff.; Eum., 528; Lycurgia, 459ff.; Pers., 360ff.; PV, 52, 481, 484, 528; Supp., 480, 484ff.
affectatores regni, 224ff.
Agathias, 859ff.
age and consecration, 188ff.
Agricola, 407ff.
Agrippina the Elder, 766ff.
Ahala, 235ff.
Alcaeus, 682
Alexander, 589ff.
Alexander of Aphrodisias, 559ff., 805
Alexander the Great, 21ff.
Amarna Letters, 164
Ambrose of Milan, 837f.
Ambrosiaster, 828
Ammianus Marcellinus, 424ff., 432; Res. Gest., 822ff.
Ammonius, 592ff., 617ff.
Anacreon, 365
Anaxagoras, 679f.
Andocides, 38ff.
Androtion, 508
Annales Maximi, 402ff.
Antiphon, 37ff., 509
Apollo Lairbenos sanctuary, 173ff.
Apollonius, 869f.; Argonautica, 474, 695f.
Appian, 788ff.; B Civ., 751, 791ff.; Mac., 752
Appius Claudius, 224ff.
Aratus, Phaen., 274, 387ff.
Archedemus, 500ff.
Archeptolemus, 37ff.
Aristarchus, 90, 609ff.
Aristobulus of Cassandria, 377ff.
Aristocrates, 45
Aristonicus, 609ff.
Aristophanes, 37; Ach., 64f., 156, 521ff., 531, 538; Birds (Av.), 49, 63ff., 122, 267, 486; Clouds (Nub.), 64f., 267, 526ff., 530ff., 532, 534ff.; Eccl., 63ff., 503, 525, 527, 531; Frogs (Ran.), 64f., 501ff., 532; Knights (Eq.), 62, 65, 538; Lys., 60ff., 583; Peace (Pax), 64ff., 267, 519ff., 531; Thesm., 63f., 508, 523ff.; Wasps (Vesp.), 64f., 72, 519, 531; Wealth (Plut.), 64f., 71, 531, 532
Aristophanes of Byzantium, 115
Aristotle, An. post., 566; An. pr., 561, 566; Ath. Pol., 39ff., 89, 508ff., 580; Cael., 606; Cat., 593; De an., 567; De motu an., 144; Eth. Eud., 140f.; Eth. Nic., 140ff., 566, 573ff., 836ff.; Gen. an., 127ff., 143f.; Hist. an., 110ff., 141, 572ff.; Homeric Puzzles, 109ff.; Metaph., 146f., 596ff.; Part. an., 125ff.; Ph., 587ff.; Poet., 109ff.; Pol., 134ff., 572ff., 849; Rh., 149; Top., 559ff.
Arrian, 15, 22, 805; Anab. 23ff.
Artaxerxes II, 21f.
Artemidorus, 91
Arthmius of Zelea, 37ff.
Athenaeus of Naucratis, Deipnosophistae, 380, 489ff., 752f.
Athenian legislation against tyranny, 35ff.
ἀτιμία, 35ff.
audience–actor contact, 518ff.
Augustine, 836ff.
Augustus, 253ff., 288ff., 709ff.; Res Gestae, 299f.
Bacchylides, 276f.
Baiae, 732ff.
Brutus, 232ff.
Buthrotum in Epirus, 172f.
Caesar, 226, 232, 655, 689ff.; Anticato, 214; BCiv., 194; BGall., 194; De analogia, 211ff.
Callimachus, 391ff., 416, 473
Candidus, 866
Cassius Dio, 417, 431, 752
Cato, 245
Catulus, 391ff.
Catullus, 248f., 344ff., 415ff., 628ff., 678, 736, 739, 887f., 891
Celsus, 72
Charisius, 396
Chariton, 805
Choiseul Marble, 510f.
Cicero, 226ff., 301f., 655ff., 739, 793f., 807ff.; Acad. Pr., 791; Amic., 837ff.; Brut., 211ff. 404f.; Cat., 215ff.; De consulatu suo, 204ff.; De or., 216, 218, 264, 281; Fam., 204ff., 220ff., 655ff.; Leg., 401ff.; Mil., 236; Off., 204ff., 223; Pis., 204, 208ff.; Planc., 665; Rab. Perd. Reo, 791; Rep., 236f., 247; Verr., 630
Claudian, 894ff.
Claudius, 732ff.
Claudius Pulcher, 192ff.
Clodius, 226ff.
Codex Justinianus, 321ff.
Codex Thuaneus, 344ff.
columnar translation, 807ff.
Constantine Porphyrogenitus, 496
Coriolanus, 224ff.
Corybantic rites, 69ff.
Ctesias, Persica, 496
Culex, 891
Curtius Rufus, 15, 20
Cynnane ‘the Illyrian’, 384ff.
Darius III, 21ff.
Demophantus, 40ff.
Demosthenes, 37ff., 96ff., 517
Didymus, 609ff.
Dinarchus, 37
Dio Chrysostom, 757ff., 786f.; Or., 747ff.
Diodorus Siculus, 15, 23ff., 87, 99ff., 197ff., 228f., 381f., 472, 505ff., 751
Diogenes Laertius, 109
Dionysius from Sidon, 621ff.
Dionysius of Halicarnassus, 226ff., 751
Draco, 41ff.
ekphrasis, 96ff.
Ennius, 288, 739
Epic of Gilgamesh, 165
Epigenes, 458
Erucius, 669f.
Euphorion, 473
Eupolis, 90, 94; Dyers, 502, 515
Euripides, 479; Alc., 468; Andr., 100; Antiope, 462; Bacch., 480ff., 525; Cyc. 365; El., 57; Hec., 52; Hel., 54; Heracl., 51ff., 366ff.; Heracles 583; Hipp., 54, 462, 467; Med., 476ff.; Phaethon, 472; Supp., 87; Tro., 54
Eusebius, Vit. Const., 423
Eustathius, 114ff.
Eutropius, 424ff., 757ff.
exile, 286ff., 774ff.
female circumcision, 489ff.
female eunuchs, 489ff.
female song, 60ff.
Frontinus, Aq., 761; Str., 192ff.
Fronto, Ep., 301ff.
Gaius Gracchus, 226
Gaius Marius, 720ff.
Galen, 805; De meth. med, 272; Hp. Nat. Hom., 113
Galli, 162f.
Gellius, 217, 228, 390f.
Gracchi, 225ff.
Greek–Latin papyri, 815ff.
Hannibal ‘the Rhodian’, 200ff.
Heliodorus, 805
Hellanicus of Mytilene, 495
Heracleides of Cumae, 20
Herodas, Mimiambs, 153ff.
Herodian, 609, 805; Cath. Pr., 869ff.
Herodotus, 14ff., 37, 45, 92f., 121, 160, 355, 381, 431, 458ff., 491ff., 852f., 865
Hesiod, Works and Days, 485
Hesychius of Alexandria, 21
Hesychius of Miletus, 489ff.
Homer, Il., 9, 92, 111ff., 439ff., 449ff., 478, 486, 705ff., 882; Od., 1ff., 114ff., 440, 444ff., 449ff., 882
Homeric Hymn to Hermes, 364f.
Horace, Carm., 253ff., 296ff., 682ff., 765, 776f.; Epod., 259ff.; 673ff., 777; Sat., 736, 763
human consecration, 167ff.
Hyginus, 464
hyperachievers, 239ff.
Hyperides, 90
Idomeneus, 45
immortality, 286ff.
Ion of Chios, 458
Isidore of Seville, 690; Origines, 395
Isocrates, 45, 87, 751
Iunius Pullus, 199f.
John Chrysostom, 428
John of Alexandria, 868ff.
John of Antioch, 860ff.
Josephus, 751, 805
Julian, Letter to a Priest, 826
Justinian, 321ff.
Juvenal, Sat., 773ff.
Kaeso Quinctius, 228ff.
Laus Pisonis, 204ff.
Laws of Hammurabi, 47f.
Lentulus, 657ff.
Leucopetra, 175ff.
Libanius of Antioch, 428, 432, 826
Livy, 194f., 203, 229ff., 279, 805, 892
Longinus, 805
Longus, 805
Lucan, 892ff.
Lucanian column-krater, Berlin 1969.6, 55ff.
Lucian, 72; Philops., 429
Lucifer, 827
Lucius Valerius, 666ff.
Lucretius, 629f., 677f., 728; De rerum Natura, 207f.
Lycides, 37ff.
Lycurgus, 37
Lydia, 489ff.
Lysias, 37, 46, 86, 501ff., 792ff.
Macrobius, Sat., 471ff.
Marcus Antonius, 720ff.
Marcus Aurelius, 301ff.
Marcus Manlius Capitolinus, 224ff.
marriage, 134ff.
Martial, 714ff., 724f., 736ff.
Mausoleum of the emperor Augustus, 287, 296ff.
Megasthenes, 381ff.
Megillos, 378ff.
Menander, Sam., 887f.; Thais, 887f.
Michael Syncellus, 868ff.
Milo, 232, 236
Mons Graupius, 407ff.
Nerva, 756ff.
Nicanor, 609
Nicomachus, 594f.
Nietzsche, Birth of Tragedy, 455ff.
Octavian, 736
Old Comedy, 60ff., 530ff.
Orosius, 198
Ovid, 739; Ars am., 288ff., 714ff.; Fast., 101, 723; Her., 889f.; Met., 289; Pont., 288; Tr., 282ff., 286ff.
paganism, 158ff.
Palatine temple of Liber, 282ff.
Palladas of Alexandria, 418ff.
Paulinus of Nola, 837f.
Pausanias, 21, 283, 752
Persius, 680
[Phalaris], Ep., 752f.
phallophoria, 163
Philo, 162f., 769, 805
Philo of Byblos, 355
Philochorus, 508
Philodamus, 471ff.
Philolaus, 92, 600f.
Philoponus, 591ff.
Philostratus, 91; VS, 753f.
Phocion, 37, 43
Pindar, 277ff., 478; Nem., 356ff.
Plato, 85f.; Alc., 542; Ap., 81, 506, 536; Chrm., 470, 542, 883; Cra., 457ff.; Cri., 69ff., 580f.; Euthyd., 69, 75ff.; Grg., 462ff., 542, 577, 882ff.; Ion, 82; Laws, 69ff., 93f., 272; Meno, 465f., 582; Phd., 81, 86f., 457, 466, 577; Phdr, 69, 77ff., 313, 462, 534ff., 850, 883; Prm., 310ff.; Prt., 581; Resp., 71f., 457ff., 577, 583; Symp., 69, 77ff., 462, 849, 883; Tht., 541; Tim., 466, 552ff., 885f.
Plato Comicus, Cleophon, 508
Plautus, 632, Bacch., 391ff.; Cist., 205
Pliny the Elder, HN, 204ff., 211ff., 395f., 768
Pliny the Younger, 302; Pan., 758
Plotinus, Enn., 850
Plutarch, 85ff., 458ff., 721, 794, 805; Alc., 751; Ap. Lac., 752; Arist., 751; Artax., 22; Cam., 751f.; Cic., 204, 751; De exil., 752f.; De gen., 503; De tranq. anim., 752f.; Dio, 431; Eum., 752; Them., 752
Polemon, 805
politics of marriage, 134ff.
Pollux, 89, 105
Polybius, 45, 192ff.
Pompey, 206ff., 241, 251, 290
Porphyrio, 763ff.
Porphyry's Homeric Questions, 110, 124, 132
Priapeia, 736
Priscus of Panion, 853ff.
Proclus, 556f.; ET, 433ff.; In Parm., 310ff.
Procopius, 21, 855ff.
Propertius, 271ff., 293ff., 679, 699
Pseudacron, 757ff.
ps.-Apollodorus, 459ff.
ps.-Eratosthenes, 455ff.
ps.-Euripides, Rhes., 469ff.
Quintilian, 92, 228, 719ff.; Inst., 204ff.
Quintus Curtius, 23ff.
rhythmic prose, 788ff.
rice, 380ff.
sacral manumission, 170ff.
sacra mensae, 719
Sallust, 805; Cat., 244ff.; Hist., 249ff., 758; Iug, 215, 242ff.
Sappho, 494, 682
Scipio, 725ff.
Seneca the Elder, Controv., 216; Suas., 215
Seneca the Younger, 719ff.; De Ira, 770; Hercules furens, 205; Thyestes, 727f.; Tranq., 396
Servius, 228
Sextilius, 725ff.
Simonides, 277
Simplicius, 590ff.
slapstick, 530ff.
slave consecration, 170ff.
Solon, 39ff.
Sophocles, Aj., 85ff., 582f.; Ant., 290, 469ff., 476ff.; fr. 439 R., 881f.; Ichn., 364f.; OT, 87; Phil., 57, 65; Phineus, 488; Tereus, 472, 483ff.; Trach., 54, 57
Sophron, 154
Sozomen, Hist. Eccl., 427ff.
Speusippus, 556
Spurius Cassius, 224ff.
Spurius Maelius, 224ff.
Statius, Theb., 411ff.
Stobaeus, 591ff.
Strabo, 179f., 377ff., 466, 469, 493
Succession Treaty of Esarhaddon, 48
Suda, 489, 497, 852ff.
Suetonius, 395, 734, 768, 771; Tit. 415ff.
suicide, 85ff.
Sulla, 240, 720ff.
Sumerian gala priests, 160
Synesius, 754, 827f.
Tacitus, 719ff., 805, 829; Agr. 407ff.; Ann., 760, 766ff.
Tarquinius Superbus, 230
Taurosthenes of Chalcis, 43f.
Terence, 632
Themistius, 590ff.
Themistocles, 45, 87
[Themistocles], Ep., 753
Theocritus, 154
Theophrastus, Hist. pl., 381f.
Thucydides, 511ff., 789ff., 852
Tiberius Gracchus, 226ff., 725ff.
Tibullus, 268ff., 290, 293, 629
tyrants, 224ff.
Valerius Maximus, 205, 228, 719ff.
Varro, 655; De bibliothecis, 395ff.; Ling., 397ff.
Velleius, 768
Virgil, 807ff.; Aen., 288, 415ff., 441, 689ff., 693ff., 704ff., 894f.; Ecl., 295, 669ff., 701, 739, 774ff.; G., 677f., 893
Vitruvius Vacchus, 230
Vossius, Isaac, 344ff.
Xanthus of Lydia, Lydiaca, 489ff.
Xenophanes of Colophon, 494
Xenophon, An., 21f., 31f.; Cyr., 16ff., 495ff.; Hell., 500ff.; Mem., 371ff., 503f.; Oec., 33, 148, 583
Xenophon of Ephesus, 805
Xerxes, 16ff.
Zoilus of Amphipolis, 116
Zonaras, 198, 200