Over the last several decades, advances in surgical techniques, intensive care, imaging, and medical therapies have dramatically lowered mortality rates for children with the most complex congenital heart disease.Reference Oster, Lee, Honein, Riehle-Colarusso, Shin and Correa1,Reference Triedman and Newburger2 Indeed, in 2010, over 1 million children and about 1.4 million adults were living with congenital heart disease in the United States alone, with nearly 300,000 having complex congenital heart disease.Reference Gilboa, Devine and Kucik3 Increased survival has allowed for the identification of a high prevalence of cognitive, neurodevelopmental, psychosocial, and physical functioning deficits that limit the resulting health-related quality of life of survivors with congenital heart disease.Reference Newburger, Wypij and Bellinger4–Reference Marelli, Miller, Marino, Jefferson and Newburger9 Complex congenital heart disease and its treatments put the developing brain at tremendous risk for injury.Reference Triedman and Newburger2,Reference Newburger, Wypij and Bellinger4,Reference Marino, Lipkin and Newburger5,Reference Marelli, Miller, Marino, Jefferson and Newburger9–Reference Marino13 In addition to brain maturation being slowed in many foetuses with congenital heart disease,Reference Clouchoux, du Plessis and Bouyssi-Kobar14,Reference Licht, Shera and Clancy15 children with complex congenital heart disease often require multiple surgeries and long hospitalisations. Acquired white matter injury with abnormal brain microstructure and connectivity is common.Reference McQuillen, Barkovich and Hamrick10,Reference Rivkin, Watson and Scoppettuolo16–Reference Peyvandi, Chau and Guo21 Brain injury is often due to chronic or intermittent low oxygen levels in the brain, decreased brain blood flow from hypoperfusion and/or cardiac arrest, and/or reperfusion injury related to the medical and surgical therapies they have received.Reference Marino, Lipkin and Newburger5,Reference Marelli, Miller, Marino, Jefferson and Newburger9,Reference Lynch, Ko and Busch22–Reference Andropoulos, Ahmad and Haq25
In addition, genetic contributors include associated congenital structural abnormalities of the brain as well as genetic factors associated with an increased risk for brain injury.Reference Rollins, Newburger and Roberts26,Reference Homsy, Zaidi and Shen27
Compared to the general population, children with complex congenital heart disease have a higher prevalence of deficits in intelligence, academic achievement, executive functioning, visual-motor integration, working memory, processing speed, attention and impulse control, language skills, social cognition, and fine and gross motor skills and a lower health-related quality of life.Reference Marino, Lipkin and Newburger5,Reference Marelli, Miller, Marino, Jefferson and Newburger9,Reference Gaynor, Wernovsky and Jarvik28–Reference Bellinger, Wypij and Rivkin33 These difficulties may result in the child or adolescent with congenital heart disease having more behavioural and emotional problems, worse self-perception, social isolation, and school difficulties, as well as a greater need for academic, therapeutic, and psychosocial/psychiatric supports.Reference Marino, Lipkin and Newburger5,Reference Marelli, Miller, Marino, Jefferson and Newburger9,Reference Gerstle, Beebe, Drotar, Cassedy and Marino34–Reference Luyckx, Goossens, Rassart, Apers, Vanhalst and Moons40 By adolescence, one-third to one-half of survivors of neonatal and infant surgery have required special services in school, 7–15% have been placed in substantially separate classrooms, and ~18% have repeated a grade.Reference Shillingford, Glanzman, Ittenbach, Clancy, Gaynor and Wernovsky30–Reference Bellinger, Wypij and Rivkin33 With transition to adulthood, neurocognitive and behavioural disabilities can impact employability, the ability to form meaningful peer relationships, mental health, and health-related quality of life.Reference Marelli, Miller, Marino, Jefferson and Newburger9
Many factors contribute to neurodevelopmental and psychosocial/psychiatric outcomes but with only 30% of the variance in neurodevelopmental outcomes explained by measured risk factors,Reference Gaynor, Wernovsky and Jarvik28,Reference Bellinger, Watson and Rivkin32 further research on as-yet-unmeasured factors is vital.
Beyond the need to elucidate risk factors, there is a significant knowledge gap in how best to implement surveillance, screening, evaluation and management for cognitive and behavioural challenges across care settings and age groups. There is a paucity of trials to identify the most effective interventions to improve neurodevelopment, and psychosocial/psychiatric outcomes. The personal and financial costs of neurodevelopmental/neurocognitive deficits and mental illness across the lifespan are only beginning to be characterised, particularly in the growing population of adults with congenital heart disease. Moreover, the impact of parental stress and conflict, financial hardship, and childhood deprivation on well-being in children with congenital heart disease has been understudied, as has the influence of health disparities and cultural differences. The best tools in quality improvement and implementation science are needed not only to enhance surveillance, screening, evaluation, and management of neurodevelopmental/neurocognitive and psychosocial/psychiatric impairments but also to educate providers, families, and schools about the needs of the congenital heart disease population in order to improve outcomes.
While we celebrate breathtaking improvements in survival in the congenital heart disease population, the focus has now shifted to improving long-term health and well-being. To this end, we need to bridge critical knowledge gaps on the mechanisms underpinning neurodevelopmental/neurocognitive and psychosocial/psychiatric disabilities, test therapies to mitigate those disabilities, apply quality improvement methodology to ensure that the best care is available to diverse patients and families across diverse settings, and disseminate our findings to providers and schools in partnership with patients and families. The Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative was an outgrowth of multi-disciplinary teams realising that our community of scientists and clinicians needed to translate what we had learned at our individual centres from both scientific and clinical care perspectives across centres to promote significant and innovative research, clinical care to maximise outcome, and quality improvement science to improve how that clinical care is best delivered.
Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative: founding period, vision, and mission
A confluence of two events resulted in the development of the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative. In 2012, a multi-disciplinary group from the paediatric cardiovascular and developmental scientific and clinical communities published the American Heart Association and American Academy of Pediatrics Scientific Statement entitled, “Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Children with Congenital Heart Disease: Evaluation and Management,”Reference Marino, Lipkin and Newburger5 and the first Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Symposium was held at Boston Children’s Hospital. Leaders of these two novel accomplishments determined there remained a gap in understanding the best practices in neurodevelopmental and psychosocial services for individuals and their families with paediatric and congenital heart disease. Furthermore, innovative clinical, quality improvement, and research opportunities with collaboration across multiple disciplines and institutions were needed to address these gaps.
Out of the first Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Symposium a founding steering committee was formed, composed of multi-disciplinary leaders from paediatric cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, anaesthesia, cardiac nursing, psychology, neuropsychology, developmental pediatrics, neurology, critical care pediatrics, epidemiology and biostatistics, and cardiovascular research. This leadership group created three focussed multi-disciplinary working groups tasked with Cross-site Collaboration, Infant/Toddler Assessment and Management, and School-age Assessment and Management. Over the next few years, the Infant/Toddler and School-age working groups worked to define recommended neurodevelopmental test batteries for each age group to facilitate cross-site collaboration (see Ware et al and Ilardi and colleagues., this issue).
The Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative was incorporated in the state of Michigan in October, 2015. The founding Steering Committee approved the Bylaws in April, 2016, and the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative received IRS 501c3 status designation in October, 2016. The first multi-disciplinary Elected Officials and Steering Committee assumed office in the summer 2016. At its inception, 28 institutional partners from North America and Europe joined the Collaborative to work together to prevent neurologic injury and improve the neurodevelopmental and psychosocial outcomes and health-related quality of life of our high-risk paediatric cardiac population.
Vision, mission, structure, function, and partnerships
The “Vision” and “Mission” of the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative are detailed in Figure 1. The Executive Committee of the inaugural Steering Committee initially designed and populated a slate of Standing Committees (Fig 1). Each Standing Committee’s responsibilities and goals are outlined in the bylaws and are summarised in Table 1. The Steering Committee presides over and ensures that the activities of the standing committees and cores are in alignment with the Collaborative’s vision, mission, and goals. Standing Committees were populated through a competitive application process and each include patients and/or caregivers to promote their perspectives in all of the Collaborative’s endeavours. The Community Outreach Standing Committee is chaired by two patients and/or caregivers, who also serve as voting Patient/Caregiver Representatives on the Steering Committee.
Once formed, each Standing Committee focussed on their role in forwarding the mission and vision (Fig 1) of the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative. The Research and the Database Committees were tasked with identifying the data collection for the clinical registry while balancing the breadth of data that would be of interest with the logistics of effort required by sites. Similarly, representatives from the Research, Quality Improvement, and Database Committees met frequently with members of the Executive Committee to clarify the role and content of the database, how data entry would occur, how data quality would be optimised, how data would be analysed, and how pertinent data would be made available to the member centres. The discussion ultimately led to prioritising funding and releasing requests for applications for three cores: a Neurodevelopmental Core Lab to support the testing approach of member centres and ensure the quality and fidelity of neurodevelopmental data collection; a Data Coordinating Centre to manage and ensure the quality of the clinical data registry; and, a Data Analysis Core to conduct data and statistical analyses. With the establishment of these cores, a representative from each was asked to join the Steering Committee.
Once the Steering Committee was established with representatives from the Executive Committee, Standing Committees, and Core labs (Fig 2), committee members drafted a Manual of Operations including information related to neurodevelopmental testing, steps to contribute to the registry, and outlining how individual members can initiate research and quality improvement projects in concert with the registry. To optimise efficiency and accuracy of data collection, the Collaborative partnered with Cardiac Networks United, a collaboration of quality improvement registries that currently includes the Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Consortium, Pediatric Acute Care Cardiology Collaborative, National Pediatric Cardiology Quality Improvement Collaborative, and Advanced Cardiac Therapies Improving Outcomes Network, and also with ArborMetrix, a healthcare technology company. Enhancing efficiency, the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative data registry launched as a module of the Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Consortium registry in May 2019. Each site has real time access to their own data and quality improvement metrics in a dashboard provided by ArborMetrix. The Data Coordinating Centre and Neurodevelopmental Core lab work collaboratively to ensure the accuracy and fidelity of the data (Fig 3). The Data Coordinating Centre will also be developing a separate data entry portal for sites that are not members of Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care Consortium.
Collaborative approach to defining the agenda for research and quality improvement
The Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative endeavoured in 2018 to summarise the state of the field and define the cardiac neurodevelopmental research and quality improvement agenda for the next decade by bringing together a multi-disciplinary, multi-national group of experts and patient/caregiver stakeholders for a two-day pre-meeting in advance of its annual scientific sessions. The effort was supported by an R13 grant from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in collaboration with the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, and harnessed the knowledge and expertise of over 60 cardiac neurodevelopmental research and clinical leaders from more than 10 disciplines, experts in quality improvement science and health disparities, patients and parents to identify significant gaps in knowledge and critical questions that must be answered to advance neurodevelopmental care and outcomes.
Six multi-disciplinary working groups (each 10–12 members including patient, parents, and experts in health disparities) were formed corresponding with key domains of neurodevelopmental care and outcomes: Foetal Brain Development and Neuroprotection; Surgical/Perioperative Neuroprotection and Neurodevelopment; Characterisation of Neurodevelopmental and Psychological Outcomes; Neurodevelopmental and Psychosocial Intervention; Parent Mental Health and Family Functioning; and Neurodevelopmental Outreach, Education, and Advocacy. Results and recommendations based on this work will be disseminated through a series of manuscripts in an upcoming issue of Cardiology in the Young, and will guide the Collaborative’s investigational aims for years to come. In fact, Cardiology in the Young and the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative are also pleased to announce that Cardiology in the Young will serve as the official journal of the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative.
Current state and future goals
The Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative is currently in an exciting growth phase. Institutional membership has increased each year, and in 2020, there were 41 institutional members, primarily from North America (www.cardiacneuro.org). The 8th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative, held in 2019 in Toronto, Canada, was the largest meeting to date, with over 300 multi-disciplinary attendees. Since the registry platform launched in May, 2019, sites have entered data from neurodevelopmental evaluations for infants, toddlers, and preschool-age children, and a module for capturing data from school-age children is scheduled to launch in 2020. Through collaborations within Cardiac Networks United, investigators will be able to answer important questions efficiently from a broad multicentre perspective and with decreased reliance on costly and perhaps less representative single-centre clinical trials. With the growth of quality improvement registries, transparent collaboration alone can lead to improved outcomes and the ability to conduct trials within a registry may also be feasible. Reference Clauss, Anderson and Lannon41–Reference Gaies, Pasquali and Banerjee47
We anticipate that the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative will benefit its member institutions by improving neurodevelopmental and psychosocial outcomes at the lowest cost, maximising patient and family experience, and facilitating a fully integrated service network of allied professionals including medical, mental health, education, and habilitative service providers. The Neurodevelopmental Core Lab, in collaboration with the Education and Training Committee, will continue to develop the initial work of the School Age and Infant/Toddler Working groups with the goal of developing and refining approaches to evaluation and management within member institutions. Through the network of leaders within the Collaborative, mentorship to developing programs related to navigating administrative and funding barriers is available. The scientific, clinical, and quality improvement information generated by the Collaborative will be critical for demonstrating value-added to payers (governmental and private). The Collaborative also will generate critical data that may be linked to other paediatric cardiovascular databases to create next generation critical predictor and longitudinal outcomes data across childhood and adolescence, and ultimately into adulthood. The information generated by the Collaborative will be critical to patients, parents, medical caregivers, medical institutions and health systems, and state and national health policy leaders.
Improving neurodevelopmental, psychosocial, and health-related quality of life for individuals with congenital heart disease has become a top priority in the paediatric cardiovascular and cardiac patient and parent/caregiver community.Reference Wernovsky48 Over the past decade, an increasing number of institutions have developed cardiac neurodevelopmental follow-up programs based on previously published research and guidelines. By fostering cross-site collaboration, and by providing the infrastructure to establish and disseminate evidence-based, meaningful and innovative science, and best-practice guidelines, the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative aims to accelerate improvements in care to optimise outcomes for individuals with congenital and paediatric cardiac disease.
The Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative wishes to acknowledge the support of its founding steering committee, present steering committee and standing committee leaders, participating institutions, and its membership for all their work to envision, create, and support the Collaborative.
Financial support
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
Conflicts of interest