Published online by Cambridge University Press: 20 November 2018
We prove that for every ordinary genus-2 curve $X$ over a finite field
$\kappa$ of characteristic 2 with
$\text{Aut}\left( X/\kappa \right)\,=\,\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\,\times \,{{S}_{3}}$ there exist
$\text{SL}\left( 2,\,\kappa \left[\!\left[ s \right]\!\right] \right)$-representations of
${{\pi }_{1}}\left( X \right)$ such that the image of
${{\pi }_{1}}\left( \overline{X} \right)$ is infinite. This result produces a family of examples similar to Y. Laszlo’s counterexample to A. J. de Jong’s question regarding the finiteness of the geometric monodromy of representations of the fundamental group.