Contents of Volume 35 / Contenu du volume 35
Ahmed, Tamer. Bem Sex Role Inventory Validation in the International Mobility in Aging Study, 348
Andrew, Melissa K. see Muscedere, John Arnold, Catherine M. Falls and Wrist Fracture: Relationship to Women’s Functional Status after Age 50, 361
Bagshaw, Sean M. see Muscedere, John
Bansal, Symron. Identifying Fallers among Home Care Clients with Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease, 319
Barken, Rachel see Grenier, Amanda
Basran, Jenny see Arnold, Catherine M.
Baumbusch, Jennifer see Taverner, Tarnia
Belanger, Emmanuelle see Ahmed, Tamer
Beringer, Robert see Mortenson, W. Ben
Berta, Whitney see Hsu, Amy T.
Blanchard, Chris see Witcher, Chad S. G.
Boscart, Veronique M. Development and Psychometric Testing of the Humanistic Nurse-Patient Scale, 1
Boscart, Veronique M. see Heckman, George A.
Boscart, Veronique M. see Hirst, Sandra P.
Bourgeois-Guérin, Valérie see Grenier, Amanda
Bracken-Scally, Mairéad. Retirement Policies and Support for Emergency Service Personnel: The Transition to Retirement, 161
Brazil, Kevin see Ploeg, Jenny
Bukhari, Syeda see Koehn, Sharon
Caspar, Sienna. Practice Change Interventions in Long-Term Care Facilities: What Works, and Why?, 372
Clarke, Laura Hurd see Wada, Mineko
Cooke, Heather A. see Caspar, Sienna
Cosby, Robert F. see Furlotte, Charles
Coyte, Peter C. see Hsu, Amy T.
Crockett, Katie L. see Arnold, Catherine M.
Dal Bello-Haas, Vanina P.M. see Arnold, Catherine M.
Dasoki, Nora. La mémoire autobiographique à travers le parcours de vie : évaluation rétrospective du bonheur et de la vulnérabilité, 308
Denton, Margaret see Ploeg, Jenny
D’Elia, Teresa see Heckman, George A.
Donnelly, Leean. Care Perceptions among Residents of LTC Facilities Purporting to Offer Person-Centred Care, 149
Ducandas, Xuân see Wallach, Isabelle
Duggleby, Wendy. Developing Navigation Competencies to Care for Older Rural Adults with Advanced Illness, 206
Dupuis-Blanchard, Suzanne. Université du troisième âge : les besoins en formation continue des personnes âgées francophones au Nouveau-Brunswick, 423
Dupuis, Kate. Noise Affects Performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, 298
Estabrooks, Carole see Muscedere, John
Farthing, Jonathan P. see Arnold, Catherine M.
Fitzgerald, Kerri-Ann see Furlotte, Charles
Fraser, Kimberly D. see Duggleby Wendy
Frenette, Marjolaine. L’utilisation des échelles de niveaux d’interventions médicales en centre hospitalier, 70
Furlotte, Charles. “Could We Hold Hands?” Older Lesbian and Gay Couples’ Perceptions of Long-term Care Homes and Home Care, 432
Gélinas, Isabelle see Levert, Marie-Josée
Giangregorio, Lora M. see Bansal, Symron
Giangregorio, Lora see McArthur, Caitlin
Gladstone, James W. see Furlotte, Charles
Gold, Deborah see Rudman, Debbie Laliberte
Gonzalez, David A. see McArthur, Caitlin
Green, Maureen see Humble, Áine M.
Grenier, Amanda. A Literature Review of Homelessness and Aging: Suggestions for a Policy and Practice-Relevant Research Agenda, 28
Habib, Sanzida see Koehn, Sharon
Hallstrom, Lars K. see Duggleby, Wendy
Haver, Charlene R.A. see Arnold, Catherine M.
Heo, Jinmoo see Yamada, Naoko
Heckman, George A. Managing Heart Failure in Long-Term Care: Recommendations from an Interprofessional Stakeholder Consultation, 447
Hirdes, John P. see Bansal, Symron
Hirst, Sandra P. Best-Practice Guideline on the Prevention of Abuse and Neglect of Older Adults, 242
Hogan, David see Muscedere, John
Holroyd-Leduc, Jayna see Muscedere, John
Holt, Nicholas L. see Witcher, Chad S. G.
Howlett, Susan see Muscedere, John
Hsu, Amy T. Staffing in Ontario’s Long-Term Care Homes: Differences by Profit Status and Chain Ownership, 175 Humble, Áine M. Qualitative Research in the CJA/RCV: An 18-Year Analysis (1995–2012), 130
Hutchison, Brian see Ploeg, Jenny
Johnston, Geoffrey see Arnold, Catherine M.
Kaasalainen, Sharon see Duggleby, Wendy
Kaasalainen, Sharon see Heckman, George A.
Keating, Norah C. see Duggleby, Wendy
Kelley, Mary Lou see Heckman, George A.
Koehn, Sharon. S4AC Case Study: Enhancing Underserved Seniors’ Access to Health Promotion Programs, 89
Lahey, William see Muscedere, John
Laporte, Audrey see Hsu, Amy T.
Lam, Annie see Ploeg, Jenny
Lefebvre, Hélène see Levert, Marie-Josée
Levert, Marie-Josée. Expérience de fréquentation des lieux publics par des personnes âgées ayant subi un TCC en présence d’un accompagnateur-citoyen: projet pilote, 229
Lavoie, Jean-Pierre see Grenier, Amanda
MacEntee, Michael I. see Donnelly, Leeann
MacLeod, Ann. Connecting Socially Isolated Older Rural Adults with Older Volunteers through Expressive Arts, 14
MacLeod, Roderick see Duggleby, Wendy
Major, Rochelle J. Older Adults and the Fear of Death: The Protective Function of Generativity, 261
Marchuk, Veronica see Dupuis, Kate
Martel, Michel see Wallach, Isabelle
Maxwell, Colleen J. see Bansal, Symron
Maxwell, Colleen see Muscedere, John
Mazerolle, Lise see Dupuis-Blanchard, Suzanne
McAiney, Carrie A. see Heckman, George A.
McAiney, Carrie see Ploeg, Jenny
McArthur, Caitlin. What are the Circumstances of Falls and Fractures in Long-Term Care?, 491
McGilloway, Sinéad see Bracken-Scally, Mairéad
McGilton, Katherine S. see Boscart, Veronique M.
McGrath, Colleen see Rudman, Debbie Laliberte
McKelvie Robert S. see Heckman, George A.
McKerall, Michelle see Levert, Marie-Josée
McNeill, Susan see Hirst, Sandra P.
McNally, Mary see Muscedere, John
Mitchell, Barbara A. see Wertman, Annette
Mitchell, Jeffrey T. see Bracken-Scally, Mairéad
Moore, Ainsley see Ploeg, Jenny
Moorhouse, Paige see Muscedere, John
Morselli, Davide see Dasoki, Nora
Mortenson, W. Ben. No Place Like Home? Surveillance and What Home Means in Old Age, 103
Mortenson, William Bennett see Wada, Mineko
Moscato, Alba. Les aidantes professionnelles à domicile dans l’accompagnement de personnes âgées atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer ou présentant des conduites d’alcoolisation : évaluation qualitative et réflexions cliniques, 79
Murnaghan, Donna see Witcher, Chad S. G.
Muscedere, John. Screening for Frailty in Canada’s Health Care System: A Time for Action, 281
Nekolaichuk, Cheryl see Duggleby, Wendy
Papaioannou, Alexandra see Bansal, Symron
Penney, Tasha see Hirst, Sandra P.
Penning, Margaret J. Income Inequities in Health Care Utilization among Adults Aged 50 and Older, 55
Pesut, Barbara see Duggleby, Wendy
Peter, Elizabeth see Boscart, Veronique M.
Phillips, Susan P. see Ahmed, Tamer
Phinney, Alison see Caspar, Sienna
Pichora-Fuller, M. Kathleen see Dupuis, Kate
Ploeg, Jenny. Primary Health Care Providers’ Perspectives on Facilitating Older Patients’ Access to Community Support Services, 499
Podnieks, Elizabeth see Hirst, Sandra P.
Pringle, Dorothy see Boscart, Veronique M.
Proulx, Michelle see Levert, Marie-Josée
Ratner, Pamela A. see Caspar, Sienna
Reid, Heather see MacLeod, Ann
Renwick, Rebecca see Rudman, Debbie Laliberte
Robinson, Carole A. see Duggleby, Wendy
Rockwood, Kenneth see Muscedere, John
Rolfson, Darryl see Muscedere, John
Rothwell, David see Grenier, Amanda
Roy, Eric see McArthur, Caitlin
Roy, Odette see Levert, Marie-Josée
Rudman, Debbie Laliberte. “Why Would I Want to go Out?”: Age-related Vision Loss and Social Participation, 465
Saint-Arnaud, Jocelyne see Frenette, Marjolaine
Salas, Anna Santos see Duggleby, Wendy
São José, José Manuel. Preserving Dignity in
Later Life, 332
Schimel, Jeff see Major, Rochelle J.
Sharpe, Donald see Major, Rochelle J.
Sinha, Samir K. see Hirst, Sandra P.
Sinha, Samir see Muscedere, John
Sixsmith, Andrew see Mortenson, W. Ben
Skinner, Mark W. see MacLeod, Ann
Soulas, Thierry see Moscato, Alba
Spafford, Marlee M. see Rudman, Debbie Laliberte
Spence, John C. see Witcher, Chad S. G.
Spini, Dario see Dasoki, Nora
Struthers-Montford, Kelly see Duggleby, Wendy
Sussman,Tamara see Grenier, Amanda
Swindle, Jennifer see Duggleby, Wendy
Taipale, Priscilla see Taverner, Tarnia
Taverner, Tarnia. Normalization of Neglect: A Grounded Theory of RNs’ Experiences as Family Caregivers of Hospitalized Seniors, 215
Thériault, Danielle see Dupuis-Blanchard, Suzanne
Tholl, Bill see Muscedere, John
Thomas, Réjean see Wallach, Isabelle
Tindale, Joseph see Ploeg, Jenny
Varescon, Isabelle see Moscato, Alba
Vafaei, Afshin see Ahmed, Tamer
van der Horst, Mary-Lou see Heckman, George A.
Wada, Mineko. Older Adults’ Online Dating Profi les and Successful Aging, 479
Wallach, Isabelle. Vivre à l’intersection du VIH et du vieillissement : quelles répercussions sur les liens sociaux signifi catifs?, 42
Wertman, Annette. On and Off the Mat: Yoga Experiences of Middle-Aged and Older Adults, 190
Whelton, William J. see Major, Rochelle J.
Wilkinson, Fay see MacLeod, Ann
Wilkinson, Fay see MacLeod, Ann
Williams, Allison see Duggleby, Wendy
Wister, Andrew V. see Wertman, Annette
Witcher, Chad S. G. Physical Activity Perceptions and Infl uences among Older Adults in Rural Nova Scotia, 115
Wu, Amina see Ploeg, Jenny
Wynn, Francine see Boscart, Veronique M.
Yamada, Naoko. Determinants of Engagement in Leisure-time Physical Activity – Dialogue with Senior Athletes, 513
Young, Wendy see Witcher, Chad S. G.
Zheng, Chi see Penning, Margaret J.
Zunzunegui, Maria-Victoria see Ahmed, Tamer
Zuvela, Biljana see Rudman, Debbie Laliberte
Canadian Institutes of Health Research–Institute of Aging: Profile/ Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada–Institut du vieillissement : Profil
El-Gabalawy, Hani see Tannenbaum, Cara
El-Gabalawy, Hani see Tannenbaum, Cara
Joanette, Yves see Tannenbaum, Cara
Joanette, Yves see Tannenbaum, Cara
Tannenbaum, Cara. Gender, Work, and Aging, 405
Tannenbaum, Cara. Genre, travail et vieillissement, 412
Voss, Patrice see Tannenbaum, Cara
Voss, Patrice see Tannenbaum, Cara
Policy and Practice Note / Note de politique et practique
Gaillat, Jacques see Tolsma, Violaine
Love, Janet. Older Driver Safety: A Survey of Psychologists’ Attitudes, Knowledge, and Practices, 393
Pagani, Leonardo see Tolsma, Violaine
Playfair, Robyn see Wilson, Donna M.
Tolsma,Violaine. Antibiothérapie du sujet âgé : On
peut toujours mieux faire, 385
Tuokko, Holly see Love, Janet
Wilson, Donna M. Bereavement Programs and Services in the Province of Alberta: A Mapping Report, 273
Research Notes / Notes de recherche
Brayne, Carol see Cosco, Theodore D.
Cosco, Theodore D. A Novel Examination of Successful Aging Trajectories at the End of Life, 533
Intzandt, Brittany see Regan, Kayla
Middleton, Laura E. see Regan, Kayla
Muniz, Graciela see Cosco, Theodore D.
Myers, Anita see Regan, Kayla
Regan, Kayla. Changes in Physical Activity and Function with Transition to Retirement Living: A Pilot Study, 526
Roy, Eric see Regan, Kayla
Stephan, Blossom C. M. see Cosco, Theodore D.
Swatridge, Karli see Regan, Kayla
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Alex Broom. Dying: A Social Perspective on the End of Life. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, 2015, 541
Anchebaum, W. Andrew. Robert N. Butler, MD – Visionary of Healthy Aging. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2013, 542
Bert Hayslip Jr. and Gregory C. Smith, Eds. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Vol. 32: Emerging Perspectives on Resilience in Adulthood and Later Life. New York: Springer, 2012, 144
Catherine Hagan Hennessy, Robin Means, and Vanessa Burholt, Eds. Countryside Connections: Older people, Community and Place in Rural Britain. Bristol, England: Policy Press, 2014, 279
Gary J. Kennedy. Geriatric Depression: A Clinical Guide. New York, NY: Guilford Press, 2015, 420
Ulla Kriebernegg, Roberta Maierhofer, and Barbara Ratzenböck, Eds. Alive and Kicking at All Ages: Cultural Constructions of Health and Life Course Identity. Bielefeld: Transcript-Verlag, 2014, 146