Abu-Laban, Riyad B. see McGregor, Margaret J.
Allan, Diane E., Laura M. Funk, R. Colin Reid, and Denise Cloutier-Fisher. Exploring the Influence of Income and Geography on Access to Services for Older Adults in British Columbia: A Multivariate Analysis Using the Canadian Community Health Survey (Cycle 3.1), 69
Alteen, Anna Marie. see Hutchings, Darlene
Andrusiek, Dug. see McGregor, Margaret J.
Arcand, Marcel. see Lamontagne, Julie
Armstrong, Hugh. see Daly, Tamara
Armstrong, Pat. see Daly, Tamara
Au, Anita, Martine T.E. Puts, John D. Fletcher, Nadia Sourial, and Howard Bergman. Frailty Markers Predicting Emergency Department Visits in a Community-Dwelling Sample of Vulnerable Seniors in Montreal, 647
Austin, Zubin. see Ballantyne, Peri J.
Ballantyne, Peri J., Raza M. Mirza, Zubin Austin, Heather S. Boon, and Judith E. Fisher. Becoming Old as a ‘Pharmaceutical Person’: Negotiation of Health and Medicines among Ethnoculturally Diverse Older Adults, 169
Banerjee, Albert. see Daly, Tamara
Baumbusch, Jennifer. see McGregor, Margaret J.
Beaulieu, Marie. see Lamontagne, Julie
Benjamin, Kathleen, Nancy Edwards, Paulette Guitard, Mary Ann Murray, Wenda Caswell, and Marie Josée Perrier. Factors that Influence Physical Activity in Long-term Care: Perspectives of Residents, Staff, and Significant Others, 247
Berg, Shannon. see McGregor, Margaret J.
Bergman, Howard. see Au, Anita
Bergman, Howard. see Pringle, Dorothy
Bergman, Howard. see Pringle, Dorothy
Billette, Véronique. see Hébert, Marijo
Bisaillon, Annie. see Leblanc, Marie-Ève.
Boon, Heather S. see Ballantyne, Peri J.
Boyd, Monica. see Kaida, Lisa
Brown, Robert L. Economic Security in an Aging Canadian Population, 391
Cake, Leslie J. see Hutchings, Darlene
Cappeliez, Philippe. see Guindon, Marilyn
Caswell, Wenda. see Benjamin, Kathleen
Chappell, Neena L. and Laura M. Funk. Social Support, Caregiving, and Aging, 355
Clarke, Laura Hurd, and Alexandra Korotchenko. Aging and the Body: A Review, 495
Cloutier-Fisher, Denise. see Allan, Diane E.
Cook, Sheila, see Stolee, Paul
Cox, Michelle B. see McGregor, Margaret J.
Crizzle, Alexander M. see Myers, Anita M.
Daly, Tamara, Albert Banerjee, Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, and Marta Szebehely. Lifting the ‘Violence Veil’: Examining Working Conditions in Long-term Care Facilities Using Iterative Mixed Methods, 271
Davignon, André. see Lagacé, Martine
Denton, Frank T., Ross Finnie, and Byron G. Spencer. Income Replacement in Retirement: Longitudinal Evidence from Income Tax Records, 523
Dickinson, Angela. see Horton, Khim
Doan-Van-Hay, Loane-Martine. see Trouillet, Raphaël
Donahue, Peter. see Mcdonald, Lynn
Doucet, Michel. see Forgues, Éric
Ducharme, Francine. see Leblanc, Marie-Ève
Durivage, Patrick. see Hébert, Marijo
Eales, Jacquie. see Menec, Verena H.
Edwards, Nancy. see Benjamin, Kathleen
Erickson, Julie, and Genevieve M. Johnson. Internet Use and Psychological Wellness during Late Adulthood, 197
Finnie, Ross. see Denton, Frank T.
Fisher, Judith E. see Ballantyne, Peri J.
Fletcher, John D. see Au, Anita
Fletcher, Stephanie. see Keating, Norah
Forgues, Éric, Michel Doucet, and Josée Guignard Noël. L’accès des aînés francophones aux foyers de soins en milieu minoritaire, un enjeu linguistique en santé et mieux-être, 603
Freeman, Jean L. see Reyes-Ortiz, Carlos A.
Freitas, Zelda. see Hébert, Marijo
Funk, Laura M. see Allan, Diane E.
Funk, Laura M. see Chappell, Neena L.
Gauvin, Lise. see Leblanc, Marie-Ève
Gillespie, Alayna A., Benjamin H. Gottlieb, and Scott B. Maitland. Goals and Personal Resources that Contribute to the Development and Agency Attachment of Older Adult Volunteers, 101
Globerman, Judith. see McGregor, Margaret J.
Goodwin, James S. see Reyes-Ortiz, Carlos A.
Gottlieb, Benjamin H. see Gillespie, Alayna A.
Guignard Noël, Josée. see Forgues, Éric
Guindon, Marilyn, and Philippe Cappeliez. Attitudes et perception de contrôle des personnes âgées envers la prise de médicaments à action anxiolytique, sédative et hypnotique (ASH), 113
Guitard, Paulette. see Benjamin, Kathleen
Hébert, Marijo, Kareen Nour, Patrick Durivage, Isabelle Wallach, Véronique Billette, and Zelda Freitaset. Les pratiques de soins palliatifs à domicile: lieu d’exclusion sociale des personnes âgées en fin de vie?, 259
Hayman, Stephanie. Older People in Canada: Their Victimization and Fear of Crime, 423
Hemming, Heather. see Robertson-Lang, Laura
Hillier, Loretta M. see Stolee, Paul
Hirdes, John P., Lori Mitchell, Colleen J. Maxwell, and Nancy White. Beyond the ‘Iron Lungs of Gerontology’: Using Evidence to Shape the Future of Nursing Homes in Canada, 371
Horton, Khim, and Angela Dickinson. The Role of Culture and Diversity in the Prevention of Falls among Older Chinese People, 57
Hutchings, Darlene, Judith J.L. Wells, Kelli O’brien, Carla Wells, Anna Marie Alteen, and Leslie J. Cake. From Institution to ‘Home’: Family Perspectives on a Unique Relocation Process, 223
Johnson, Genevieve M. see Erickson, Julie
Joseph, Gillian. see Leach, Belinda
Kaida, Lisa, and Monica Boyd. Poverty Variations among the Elderly: The Roles of Income Security Policies and Family Co-Residence, 83
Keating, Norah. see Menec, Verena H.
Keating, Norah, Jennifer Swindle, and Stephanie Fletcher. Aging in Rural Canada: A Retrospective and Review, 323
Korotchenko, Alexandra. see Clarke, Laura Hurd
Kozma, Albert. see Stones, Michael
Lagacé, Martine, Fouad Medouar, Joséphine Loock, and André Davignon. À mots couverts: le regard des aînés et des soignants sur la communication quotidienne et ses manifestations d’âgisme implicite, 185
Lamontagne, Julie, Marie Beaulieu, and Marcel Arcand. Le choix de traitement en triade incluant un patient âgé apte en soins palliatifs : à la recherche d’un modèle théorique, 127
Lang, Ariella. see Macdonald, Marilyn
Launay, Michel. see Trouillet, Raphaël
Leach, Belinda, and Gillian Joseph. Rural Long-term Care Work, Gender, and Restructuring, 211
Leblanc, Marie-Ève, Lucie Richard, Annie Bisaillon, Lise Gauvin, Francine Ducharme, and Maryse Trudel. Les conditions liées à l’intégration de l’approche écologique dans la programmation de prévention-promotion offerte à la clientèle aînée par les CSSS du Québec: une étude de cas, 617
Lippman, Abby. see Quail, Jacqueline M.
Loock, Joséphine. see Lagacé, Martine
Macdonald, Jo-Anne. see Macdonald, Marilyn
Macdonald, Marilyn, Ariella Lang, and Jo-Anne Macdonald. Mapping a Research Agenda for Home Care Safety: Perspectives from Researchers, Providers, and Decision Makers, 233
Maitland, Scott B. see Gillespie, Alayna A.
Major, Sonya. see Robertson-Lang, Laura
Martin, Sophie. see Trouillet, Raphaël
Martin-Matthews, Anne. Les dix ans de l’Institut du vieillissement des IRSC : Tirer parti des points forts, combler les lacunes, façonner l’avenir, 291
Martin-Matthews, Anne. Revisiting Widowhood in Later Life: Changes in Patterns and Profiles, Advances in Research and Understanding, 339
Martin-Matthews, Anne. Ten Years of the CIHR Institute of Aging: Building on Strengths, Addressing Gaps, Shaping the Future, 285
Martin, Finbarr C. Falls Risk Factors: Assessment and Management To Prevent Falls and Fractures, 33
Maxwell, Colleen J. see Hirdes, John P.
Mcdaniel, Susan A., and Julia Rozanova. Canada’s Aging Population (1986) Redux, 511
Mcdonald, Lynn. Elder Abuse and Neglect in Canada: The Glass is Still Half Full, 437
Mcdonald, Lynn, and Peter Donahue. Retirement Lost?, 401
McGrail, Kimberlyn M. see McGregor, Margaret J.
McGregor, Margaret J., Jennifer Baumbusch, Riyad B. Abu-Laban, Kimberlyn M. McGrail, Dug Andrusiek, Judith Globerman, Shannon Berg, Michelle B. Cox, Kia Salomons, Jan Volker, and Lisa Ronald. A Survey of Nursing Home Organizational Characteristics Associated with Potentially Avoidable Hospital Transfers and Care Quality in One Large British Columbia Health Region, 551
McNeil, Kevin. see Stones, Michael
Means, Robin. see Menec, Verena H.
Medouar, Fouad. see Lagacé, Martine
Menec, Verena H., Robin Means, Norah Keating, Graham Parkhurst, and Jacquie Eales. Conceptualizing Age-Friendly Communities, 479
Mirza, Raza M. see Ballantyne, Peri J.
Mitchell, Lori. see Hirdes, John P.
Murray, Mary Ann. see Benjamin, Kathleen
Myers, Anita M., Aileen Trang, and Alexander M. Crizzle. Naturalistic Study of Winter Driving Practices by Older Men and Women: Examination of Weather, Road Conditions, Trip Purposes, and Comfort, 577
Northcott, Herbert C., and Courtney R. Petruik. The Geographic Mobility of Elderly Canadians, 311
Northcott, Herbert C., and Mark W. Rosenberg. Éditorial collaboration spéciale : Introduction au numéro spécial commémorant le 25ième anniversaire de la création en 1986 de la Série de Butterworth sur le vieillissement individuel et de la population et le 30ième anniversaire de la fondation de La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 309
Northcott, Herbert C., and Mark W. Rosenberg. Guest Editorial: Introduction to Special Issue Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of the 1986 Inception of the Butterworths Series on Individual and Population Aging and the 30th Anniversary of the Founding of the Canadian Journal on Aging, 307
Nour, Kareen. see Hébert, Marijo
Nyman, Samuel R. Éditorial: L’Introduction à la section spéciale sur la prévention des chutes, 3
Nyman, Samuel R. Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section on Falls Prevention, 1
Nyman, Samuel R. Psychosocial issues in Engaging Older People with Physical Activity Interventions for the Prevention of Falls, 45
O’brien, Kelli. see Hutchings, Darlene
Parkhurst, Graham. see Menec, Verena H.
Peel, Nancye May. Epidemiology of Falls in Older Age, 7
Penning, Margaret J. Éditorial: Le RCV fête ses 30 Ans. Célébration de la maturité et réflexion sur l’avenir, 167
Penning, Margaret J. Editorial: The CJA/RCV Turns 30. Celebrating Maturity and Reflecting on the Future, 165
Perrier, Marie Josée. see Benjamin, Kathleen
Petruik, Courtney R. see Northcott, Herbert C.
Pringle, Dorothy, Howard Bergman, and Jane Rylett. A Tribute to Dr. Anne Martin-Matthews: CIHR Institute of Aging Scientific Director, 2004–2011, 299
Pringle, Dorothy, Howard Bergman, and Jane Rylettet. Hommage à la Dre Anne Martin-Matthews : Directrice scientifique, Institut du vieillissement des IRSC, 2004–2011, 301
Puts, Martine T.E. see Au, Anita
Quail, Jacqueline M., Christina Wolfson, and Abby Lippman. Unmet Need for Assistance to Perform Activities of Daily Living and Psychological Distress in Community-Dwelling Elderly Women, 591
Reid, R. Colin. see Allan, Diane E.
Reyes-Ortiz, Carlos A., James S. Goodwin, Dong D. Zhang, and Jean L. Freeman. Socioeconomic Status and Chemotherapy Use for Melanoma in Older People, 143
Richard, Lucie, see Leblanc, Marie-Ève.
Robertson-Lang, Laura, Sonya Major, and Heather Hemming. An Exploration of Search Patterns and Credibility Issues among Older Adults Seeking Online Health Information, 631
Rockwood, Kenneth. see Stolee, Paul
Ronald, Lisa. see McGregor, Margaret J.
Rosenberg, Mark W. see Northcott, Herbert C.
Rosenberg, Mark W. see Northcott, Herbert C.
Rozanova, Julia. see Mcdaniel, Susan A.
Rylett, Jane. see Pringle, Dorothy
Rylett, Jane. see Pringle, Dorothy
Salomons, Kia. see McGregor, Margaret J.
Simard, Majella. La géographie du vieillissement au Canada atlantique: une analyse sous l’angle des disparités territoriales au cours de la période 1981–2006, 563
Sourial, Nadia. see Au, Anita
Speechley, Mark. Unintentional Falls in Older Adults: A Methodological Historical Review, 21
Spencer, Byron G. see Denton, Frank T.
Stolee, Paul, Loretta M. Hillier, Sheila Cook, and Kenneth Rockwood. Cause, Care, Cure: Research Priorities for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias, 657
Stones, Michael, Albert Kozma, Kevin Mcneil, and Sarah Worobetz. Subjective Well-being in Later Life: 20 Years after the Butterworths Monograph Series on Individual and Population Aging, 467
Swindle, Jennifer. see Keating, Norah
Szebehely, Marta. see Daly, Tamara
Trang, Aileen. see Myers, Anita M.
Trouillet, Raphaël, Loane-Martine Doan-Van-Hay, Michel Launay, and Sophie Martin. Impact of Age, and Cognitive and Coping Resources on Coping, 541
Trudel, Maryse. see Leblanc, Marie-Ève.
Volker, Jan. see McGregor, Margaret J.
Wallach, Isabelle. see Hébert, Marijo
Wells, Carla. see Hutchings, Darlene
Wells, Judith J.L. see Hutchings, Darlene
White, Nancy. see Hirdes, John P.
Wolfson, Christina. see Quail, Jacqueline M.
Worobetz, Sarah. see Stones, Michael
Zhang, Dong D. see Reyes-Ortiz, Carlos A
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Ann McMullin, Julie and Victor W. Marshall, eds. Aging and Working in the New Economy: Changing Career Structures in Small IT Firms. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2010. Reviewed by Ellie D. Berger, 304
Burnett, Judith. Generations: The Time Machine in Theory and Practice. Surrey, UK: Ashgate Press, 2010. Reviewed by Laura M. Funk, 303
Graham, Janice E., and Peter H. Stephenson, eds. Contesting Aging and Loss. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 2010. Reviewed by Sharon Dale Stone, 155
Hodge, Gerald. The Geography of Aging: Preparing Communities for the Surge in Seniors. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2008. Reviewed by: Theresa Garvin, 669
Kestin van den Hoonaard, Deborah. By Himself: The Older Man’s Experience of Widowhood. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 2010. Reviewed by Kate Davidson, 156
Otani, Junko. Older People in Natural Disasters. Kyoto, Japan, Kyoto University Press and Victoria, Australia: Trans Pacific Press, 2010. Reviewed by, Maggie Gibson, 670