Volume 34 No. 1 March / mars 2015 volume 34 no 1
Contents / Sommaire
Incomes and Hardship in Early Transitions to Retirement
Kevin Milligan 1
Exploring Gender Differences in the Relationships between Eldercare and Labour Force Participation
Yeonjung Lee, Fengyan Tang, Kevin H. Kim, and Steven M. Albert 14
Dyadic Adjustment Scale: A Validation Study among Older French-Canadians Living in Relationships
Laurence Villeneuve, Gilles Trudel, Michel Préville, Luc Dargis, Richard Boyer, and Jean Bégin 26
Measuring Acculturation and Enculturation among Chinese Canadian Older Adults
Yvonne Tieu and Candace Konnert 36
Who is Looking After Mom and Dad? Unregulated Workers in Canadian Long-Term Care Homes
Carole A. Estabrooks, Janet E. Squires, Heather L. Carleton, Greta G. Cummings, and Peter G. Norton 47
Exploring the Ecology of Canada’s Publicly Funded Residential Long-Term Care Bed Supply
Saskia N. Sivananthan, Malcolm Doupe, and Margaret J. McGregor 60
Influence of Home Care on Life Satisfaction, Loneliness, and Perceived Life Stress
Laura Kadowaki, Andrew V. Wister, and Neena L. Chappell 75
Experiences of Older Adults in Transition from Hospital to Community
Elena Neiterman, Walter P. Wodchis, and Ivy Lynn Bourgeault 90
From Beginning to End: Perspectives of the Dementia Journey in Northern Ontario
Deanna Di Gregorio, Shannon Ferguson, and Elaine Wiersma 100
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Pamela H. Gravagne. The Becoming of Age: Cinematic Visions of Mind, Body and Identity in Later Life.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2013
Reviewed by Linda Outcalt, University of Victoria 113
Philip Taylor, Ed. Older Workers in an Ageing Society: Critical Topics in Research and Policy.
Northampton, MD: Edward Elgar, 2013
Reviewed by Jacqueline Stephenson, University of Leicester 114
Reviewers List 2014 / List des arbitres 2014 117
Volume 34 No. 2 June / juin 2015 volume 34 no 2
Contents / Sommaire
Determinants of Loneliness among Older Adults in Canada
Jenny de Jong Gierveld, Norah Keating, and Janet E. Fast 125
Osteoporosis Prescribing in Long-Term Care: Impact of a Provincial Knowledge Translation Strategy
Courtney C. Kennedy, George Ioannidis, Lehana Thabane, Jonathan D. Adachi, Denis O’Donnell, Lora M. Giangregorio, Laura E. Pickard, and Alexandra Papaioannou 137
Residents’ Self-Reported Quality of Life in Long-Term Care Facilities in Canada
Vahe Kehyayan, John P. Hirdes, Suzanne L. Tyas, and Paul Stolee 149
Findings on Advance Care Plans among Cognitively Impaired Older Adults
Anna Jeznach, Holly Anna Tuokko, Mauricio A. Garcia-Barrera, and Kelli Stajduhar 165
Modelling the Age Dynamics of Chronic Health Conditions: Life-Table-Consistent Transition Probabilities and their Application
Frank T. Denton and Byron G. Spencer 176
L'influence du contexte sociolinguistique minoritaire sur le maintien à domicile des aînés en milieu rural dévitalisé: le cas d’Acadieville au Nouveau-Brunswick
Majella Simard, Suzanne Dupuis-Blanchard, Lita Villalon, Odette Gould, Sophie Ethier, et Caroline Gibbons 194
Associations between Benzodiazepine Use and Neuropsychological Test Scores in Older Adults
Edward Helmes and Truls Østbye 207
Resident-to-Resident Abuse: A Scoping Review
Lynn McDonald, Christine Sheppard, Sander L. Hitzig, Tal Spalter, Avantika Mathur, and Jason Singh Mukhi 215
Predictors of Adherence in a Community-Based Tai Chi Program
Suhayb Shah, Chris Ardern, and Hala Tamim 237
Age Differences in Trade-off Decisions: Different Strategies but Similar Outcomes
Xiaodong Ma and Yiwei Chen 247
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Chris Gilleard and Paul Higgs. Ageing, Corporeality and Embodiment. London, United Kingdom: Anthem Press, 2013
Reviewed by Lisette Dansereau, University of Manitoba 257
Megan-Jane Johnstone. Alzheimer’s Disease, Media Representations and the Politics of Euthanasia: Constructing Risk and Selling Death in an Ageing Society. Surrey, United Kingdom: Ashgate, 2013
Reviewed by Michael Gordon, Baycrest Geriatric Health Centre and the University of Toronto 258
Volume 34 No. 3 September / septembre 2015 volume 34 no 3
Contents / Sommaire
Special Issue Editor: Barbara Mitchell
Guest Editors: Norah Keating and Jenny de Jong Gierveld
Editorial / Éditorial
Families and Aging: From Private Troubles to a Global Agenda
Norah Keating and Jenny de Jong Gierveld 261
Care Ideals in the Netherlands: Shifts between 2002 and 2011
Thijs van den Broek, Pearl A. Dykstra, and Romke J. van der Veen 268
Research Notes / Notes de recherche
Families, Intergenerational Bonds, and Aging in Sub-Saharan Africa
Isabella Aboderin and Jaco Hoffman 282
Challenges for the Aging Family in the People’s Republic of China
David R. Phillips and Zhixin Feng 290
Diverse Family Structures and the Care of Older Persons
Karen A. Roberto and Rosemary Blieszner 305
Work, Aging, and Risks to Family Life: The Case of Australia
Simon Biggs, Ashley Carr, and Irja Haapala 321
End-of-Life Co-residence of Older Parents and Their Sons in Rural China
Zhen Cong and Merril Silverstein 331
Generational Solidarity in Europe and Israel
Ruth Katz, Ariela Lowenstein, Dafna Halperin, and Aviad Tur-Sinai 342
Intra-couple Caregiving of Older Adults Living Apart Together: Commitment and Independence
Jenny De Jong Gierveld 356
Canadian Institutes of Health Research–Institute of Aging: Profile/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada–Institut du vieillissement : Profil
Mining a Unique Canadian Resource: The Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
Susan A. Kirkland, Lauren E. Griffith, Verena Menec, Andrew Wister, Hélène Payette, Christina Wolfson, and Parminder S. Raina 366
Exploitation d'une ressource canadienne unique : l’Étude longitudinale canadienne sur le vieillissement
Susan A. Kirkland, Lauren E. Griffith, Verena Menec, Andrew Wister, Hélène Payette, Christina Wolfson, and Parminder S. Raina 378
TEFREP: Épreuve de répétition de phrases en franco-québécois. Développement, validation et normalisation
Josiane Bourgeois-Marcotte, Maximiliano A. Wilson, Martin Forest, and Laura Monetta 391
“People are Getting Lost a Little Bit”: Systemic Factors that Contribute to Falls in Community-Dwelling Octogenarians
Dorothy Gotzmeister, Aleksandra A. Zecevic, Lisa Klinger, and Alan Salmoni 397
L’évaluation de la mémoire rétrograde dans la population Québécoise âgée: Le PUB-40 et le PUB-12
Roxane Langlois, Sven Joubert, Sophie Benoit, Valérie Dostie, and Isabelle Rouleau 411
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Sarah McGann. The Production of Hospice Space: Conceptualising the Space of Caring and Dying. Surrey, England: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2013
Barbara Pesut, University of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus 422
Jan Baars, Joseph Dohmen, Amanda Grenier, and Chris Phillipson (Eds.). Ageing, Meaning and Social Structure: Connecting Critical and Humanistic Gerontology. Bristol, UK: Policy Press, 2014
Susan Braedley, Carleton University 423
Volume 34 No. 4 December / décembre 2015 volume 34 no 4
Contents / Sommaire
Editorial / Éditorial
A Canadian Journal with International Reach
Paul Stolee 427
Mental Health and Service Issues Faced by Older Immigrants in Canada: A Scoping Review
Sepali Guruge, Mary Susan Thomson, and Sadaf Grace Seifi 431
Perception et réceptivité des proches-aidants à l’égard de la vidéosurveillance intelligente pour la détection des chutes des aînés à domicile
Nolwenn Lapierre, Chloë Proulx Goulet, Alain St-Arnaud, Francine Ducharme, Jean Meunier, Sophie Turgeon Londei, Jocelyne Saint-Arnaud, Francine Giroux, et Jacqueline Rousseau 445
Exploration des cadres de construction des rampes d’accessibilité
Julie Yip, Hakim Herbane, Tiiu Poldma, et Jacqueline Rousseau 457
Age Differences in Reaction Times and a Neurophysiological Marker of Cholinergic Activity
Marielle Young-Bernier, Annick N. Tanguay, François Tremblay, and Patrick S. R. Davidson 471
Life History and Risk of Death after 50: A Survival Analysis for Europe
Anna Nicin´ska and Małgorzata Kalbarczyk-Stęclik 481
24/7 Registered Nurse Staffing Coverage in Saskatchewan Nursing Homes and Acute Hospital Use
Margaret J. McGregor, Janice M. Murphy, Jeffrey W. Poss, Kimberlyn M. McGrail, Lisa Kuramoto, Huei-Chung Huang, and Stirling Bryan 492
Preventive Home Visits for Older People: A Systematic Review
André Tourigny, Annick Bédard, Danielle Laurin, Edeltraut Kroger, Pierre Durand, Lucie Bonin, Andrée Sévigny, Annie Frappier, Marie Éve Roussel, and Mélanie Martin 506
Validation de l’outil d’évaluation de l’aptitude (OÉA): Une étude Delphi
Dominique Giroux et Dominique Stibre 524
Driving Skills Training for Older Adults: An Assessment of DriveSharp
Katherine A. Johnston, David Borkenhagen, and Charles T. Scialfa 532
Not Too Old, Not Too Young: Older Women’s Perceptions of Physicians
Hazel MacRae 545
Relation entre la mastication et la qualité de l'alimentation des aînés de l’Étude longitudinale québécoise sur la nutrition et le vieillissement (NuAge)
Valérie Cusson, Helene Payette, Christian Caron, Bryna Shatenstein, et Pierrette Gaudreau 561
Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Ulla Kriebernegg and Roberta Maierhofer, Eds. The Age of Life: Living and Aging in Conflict? Aging Studies Volume III. Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript-Verlag, 2013
Reviewed by Enrique Fernandez, University of Manitoba 570
Atul Gawande. Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End. Toronto, ON: Doubleday Canada, 2014
Reviewed by Andi Céline Martin, University of Regina 571
Contents of Volume 34 / Contenu du volume 34 573
Index / Indexe 579