A Paradox Out of Context: Harris and Holm on the Precautionary Principle
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 February 2006
The precautionary principle is frequently referred to in various momentous decisions affecting human health and the environment. It has been invoked in contexts as diverse as chemicals regulation, regulation of genetically modified organisms, and research into life-extending therapies. Precaution is not an unknown concept in medical contexts. One author even cites the Hippocratic Oath as a parallel to the precautionary principle.“Dissecting Bioethics,” edited by Tuija Takala and Matti Häyry, welcomes contributions on the conceptual and theoretical dimensions of bioethics. The section is dedicated to the idea that words defined by bioethicists and others should not be allowed to imprison people's actual concerns, emotions, and thoughts. Papers that expose the many meanings of a concept, describe the different readings of a moral doctrine, or provide an alternative angle to seemingly self-evident issues are therefore particularly appreciated. The themes covered in the section so far include dignity, naturalness, public interest, community, disability, autonomy, parity of reasoning, symbolic appeals, and toleration. All submitted papers are peer reviewed. To submit a paper or to discuss a suitable topic, contact Tuija Takala at tuija.takala@helsinki.fi.
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The precautionary principle is frequently referred to in various momentous decisions affecting human health and the environment. It has been invoked in contexts as diverse as chemicals regulation,1
Commission of the European Communities (CEC). Communication from the Commission on the precautionary principle. Brussels, Feb 2, 2000. COM 2000:1.
Löfstedt RE, Fischhoff B, Fischhoff IR. Precautionary principles: General definitions and specific applications to genetically modified organisms. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 2002;21(3):381–407.
Glannon W. Extending the human life span. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2002;27(3):339–54.
Ozonoff D. The precautionary principle as a screening device. In: Raffensperger C, Tickner J, eds. Protecting Public Health and the Environment: Implementing the Precautionary Principle. Washington, D.C.: Island Press; 1999:100–5.
In a recent paper commenting on Walter Glannon's view, John Harris and Søren Holm argued that the precautionary principle is incoherent and leads to paradox.5
Harris J, Holm S. Extending human lifespan and the precautionary paradox. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2002;27(3):355–68.
The Precautionary Principle
Harris and Holm are well aware that there is no universally accepted canonical formulation of the precautionary principle. As has been noted, it may be misleading to talk about “the precautionary principle” with the definite article,6
Graham JD. Perspectives on the precautionary principle. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 2000;6(3):383–5.
First, the phrase the precautionary principle may refer to one or another principle of national or international law. Various precautionary principles, to use the plural, have been included in several international legal documents. Second, the phrase the precautionary principle is used more broadly, referring to some principle that can or should be applied by decisionmakers and policymakers in general.7
Sandin P. Dimensions of the precautionary principle. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 1999;5(5):889–907.
Consider a formulation of a rule or a principle, such as the prohibition of killing: “Killing is prohibited.” Taken in isolation, it can be easily shown that such a principle leads to counterintuitive or at least problematic consequences. Is killing in self-defense always prohibited? Is it in every case prohibited to kill a dictator in order to save thousands of innocent lives? Or, to take an example from medicine, is it always wrong to kill someone who is suffering from terminal and painful illness, and who requests to be killed, a brand of killing usually termed euthanasia? (This is not to say that there are no proponents of an absolute prohibition on killing. There are. Neither would I argue that such a position is necessarily wrong. What I would argue, however, is that such an absolute prohibition to me, and many others, carries with it prima facie counterintuitive and problematic consequences, and hence cannot be accepted without convincing arguments. This is sufficient for the point I make here.)8
Glover J. Causing Death and Saving Lives. Harmondsworth: Penguin; 1990.
Of course such rules or principles very rarely occur in isolation. They occur in context, surrounded by a number of auxiliary principles, presuppositions, and limitations, implicit or explicit. This context might be religious, as in the case of “Thou shalt not kill,” it might also be legal, as in the case of a paragraph prohibiting murder, or secularly philosophical.
The above holds also for the precautionary principle. If we by “the precautionary principle” mean a specific principle of national or international law, we have to consider it in that context. This is highly relevant for some of the arguments against the precautionary principle that have been discussed.9
Sandin P, Peterson M, Hansson SO, Rudén C, Juthe A. Five charges against the precautionary principle. Journal of Risk Research 2002;5(4):287–99.
See note 1, CEC 2000.
European Council. Presidency Conclusions. Nice European Council Meeting 2000 Dec 7–9. SN 400/00.
Arguments from Absolutism and Risk Trade-Off
Similar remarks apply to another objection to the precautionary principle that has been termed the argument from absolutism. The argument from absolutism says that the precautionary principle, at least some versions of it taken literally, will prohibit every action, and thus offer no action guidance whatsoever. Consider the following hypothetical and obviously absolutist version of the precautionary principle:
If an action might lead to severe damage, then the action must be avoided.
Of course, every activity is associated with some risk of severe damage. My writing this paper might, for instance, through an extremely complex causal chain, result in the end of the world. Fortunately, it is not at all probable, but it is not impossible. In this way, an absolutist interpretation of the precautionary principle would prohibit, in principle, every action. Because any action might have unforeseen catastrophic consequences, the action of carrying it out will be prohibited, and so will the action of not carrying it out. Thus, the precautionary principle is not coherent. The argument from absolutism is not at all uncommon in the debate around the precautionary principle.12
McKinney WJ. Prediction and Rolston's environmental ethics: Lessons from the philosophy of science. Science and Engineering Ethics 1996;2(4):429–40; Manson NA. Formulating the precautionary principle. Environmental Ethics 2002;24:263–74.
A related but less radical objection to the precautionary principle is the argument from risk trade-off. The phenomenon of risk trade-off is the following: If I do something to reduce a risk, as when I take prophylactic medication to reduce the risk of catching malaria, my risk-reducing action might have the consequence of increasing another risk, such as the risk of nausea or worse side effects of the medication.13
Graham JD, Wiener JB. Risk versus Risk: Tradeoffs in Protecting Health and the Environment. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press; 1995.
The relation between the argument from absolutism and the argument from risk trade-off is the following: The argument from absolutism says that the precautionary principle is incoherent, for logical reasons, as it would prescribe that an action should be carried out and that the very same action should not be carried out. The argument from risk trade-off says that concrete applications of risk reduction measures—not only the precautionary principle—will (or at least may) lead to worse consequences or larger risks than would abstaining from these measures. This may come about directly when risk reduction measures themselves impose new risks or indirectly when risk reduction measures are so costly that the resultant loss of wealth imposes risks.14
Wildavsky A. Richer is Safer. Public Interest 1980;60:23–39; Cross FB. When environmental regulations kill: The role of health/health analysis. Ecology Law Quarterly 1995;22(4):729–84; Cross FB. Paradoxical perils of the precautionary principle. Washington and Lee Law Review 1996;53:851–925.
Types of Precautionary Principles
Despite the plethora of formulations of the precautionary principle, there are nevertheless at least two distinct types.15
See note 9, Sandin et al. 2002; Morris J. Defining the precautionary principle. In: Morris J, ed. Rethinking Risk and the Precautionary Principle. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann; 2000:1–21; Soule E. Assessing the precautionary principle. Public Affairs Quarterly 2000;14(4):309–28.
UNCED. The Earth Summit: The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development Rio De Janeiro, 1992. Introduction and commentary by Stanley P. Johnson. London: Graham & Trotman; 1993.
When an activity raises threats to the environment or human health, precautionary measures should be taken, even if some cause-and-effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.17
Wingspread Statement on The Precautionary Principle. In: Raffensperger C, Tickner J, eds. Protecting Public Health and the Environment: Implementing the Precautionary Principle. Washington, D.C.: Island Press; 1999:353–5.
Prescriptive versions of the precautionary principle share some common elements and a common structure.18
See note 7, Sandin 1999.
If there is (1) a threat, which is (2) uncertain, then (3) some kind of action (4) is mandatory.
Here, (1) and (2) together indicate when precautionary measures are applicable, (3) states what kind of action is prescribed, and (4) states the way in which the action is prescribed. We may call (1) the threat dimension, (2) the uncertainty dimension, (3) the action dimension, and (4) the prescription dimension. Of course, the phrases in the dimensions vary greatly between different formulations. For example, in the threat dimension, we find phrases like “activities raising threats to the environment or human health,” and in the action dimension we find phrases like “regulatory measures” or “action to protect the environment.”19
See note 7, Sandin 1999.
Harris and Holm's Objections
Let us now turn to Harris and Holm's critique of the precautionary principle. Their “initial approximation to the core content of [the precautionary principle]”20
See note 5, Harris, Holm 2002:358.
See note 5, Harris, Holm 2002:359.
Epistemic Precaution
By the E-PP, they meant a principle that requires that evidence suggesting a causal link between an activity and possible harm should be given greater weight than it would in other circumstances. They rejected such principles, for the reason that “systematic discounting of evidence would systematically distort our beliefs about the world, and would necessarily, over time, lead us to include a large number of false beliefs in our belief system.”22
See note 5, Harris, Holm 2002:362.
See note 5, Harris, Holm 2002:361f.
The Precautionary Principle as a Rule of Choice
As we saw, the C-PP may be interpreted both as a principle of rationality and as a principle of morals. Both as principles of rational choice and as moral principles, the versions of the precautionary principle they discussed are prescriptive and fit well into the structure described above. Principles of rationality and moral principles can both be prescriptive. (The distinction between rationality and morals is traditional and not unquestionable, but I will not pursue the matter here.)
The difference in the case of the precautionary principle is to be found in the prescription dimension. If we take the precautionary principle to be a moral principle, we would insert a phrase like “is morally right” or “is morally permissible” in the prescription dimension. If we take it to be a principle of rational choice, we would use a phrase like “is rational.” Of course, a neutral phrase may also be used, such as “should be taken,” where it is implicit whether the “should” is a moral term or a rationality term.
Harris and Holm rejected the precautionary principle as a rule of choice. Their argument is in essence identical to the argument from absolutism. Using the example of GM plants, Harris and Holm talked of an “infinite regress of precaution,”24
See note 5, Harris, Holm 2002:362.
See note 3, Glannon 2002.
Prescriptive versions of the precautionary principle prescribe that precautionary measures should be taken. What, then, is a precautionary measure? In the everyday sense of the term, a precautionary measure is roughly an action that is intended to prevent an undesirable outcome that is possible but not certain to occur. There is more to it than that, but this definition is sufficient for the purposes of the present paper.26
Sandin P. The precautionary principle and the concept of precaution. Environmental Values 2004;13:461–75.
The argument from absolutism obviously bites if the precautionary principle is thought of as prescribing measures that are precautionary with respect to everything. But this is not the case. If the precautionary principle is interpreted as a principle of national or international law, it is implicitly or explicitly stated to what threats it is supposed to apply. In the case of the Rio Declaration cited above,27
See note 16, UNCED 1993.
Furthermore, many prescriptive versions of the precautionary principle require that actions be taken when there is lack of full scientific certainty. (In fact, uncertainty is a prerequisite for precaution. We do not take precautions against things we expect to happen.) But this does not mean that precautionary measures are required by the precautionary principle when there is no particular evidence, scientific or other, of the presence of a threat. This is recognized in increasing degree in several documents. For instance, in some documents it is explicitly required that the possibility of harm should at least be identified. One example is found in the conclusions of the European Council Meeting in Nice in December 2000.28
See note 11, European Council, Annex III, §7.
Well, it might be objected: It is perhaps the case that proponents of the precautionary principle did not intend to be precautionary with respect to everything. But this is what follows from their principle, whether they intended it or not, and it leads to unreasonable consequences, for instance in the form of “the precautionary paradox.” They do not seem to have realized this.
To this I reply: Well yes, it follows—but only if the precautionary principle is taken out of context. To do so is unreasonable. Indeed, the argument from absolutism points at such a glaring problem that it is highly improbable that anyone would propose a principle that is vulnerable to it. Instead of concluding that the proponents of the precautionary principle have not realized the consequences of their position, one may suspect that this objection, like Harris and Holm's earlier rejection of the E-PP discussed above, is directed against something of a straw man.
Importance of the Objections
Even if Harris and Holm's objections might be directed at something of a straw man, they are not without importance for proponents of the precautionary principle, whatever version of it is intended, and in whatever area it is to be applied. The objections are important because they point at areas in which clarification is needed. Also in this case, context is of vital importance. In particular, certain implicit assumptions should be made explicit. For instance, as we saw that precautionary measures cannot be precautionary with respect to everything—this is the lesson learned from the argument from absolutism—it should be explicitly and precisely stated with respect to what a proposed precautionary measure is meant to be precautionary.29
See note 26, Sandin 2004.
See note 5, Harris, Holm 2002:356f.
Bodansky D. Scientific uncertainty and the precautionary principle. Environment 1991;33(7):4–5, 43–4; Starr C. The precautionary principle versus risk analysis. Risk Analysis 2003;23(1):1–3.
Thus far, I have argued that the precautionary principle should be specified in the threat dimension. It should also be specified in at least two other respects.
The first is already hinted at and concerns the uncertainty dimension. In the uncertainty dimension, it is stated at what level of uncertainty precautionary measures are applicable. Here is room for further specification as to what level of evidence is required to trigger precaution. This is, as we have seen, a way around the argument from absolutism. For instance, future formulations of the precautionary principle could be made to include more precise statements as to the nature of the suspicions required to trigger precaution, something which has hitherto been lacking. It might be objected that a phrase requiring, for example, “reasonable scientific foundation” of a suspicion to trigger precautionary measures is not very precise. But it is not obviously less precise than many other phrases that legislators and policymakers leave to courts and other authorities to interpret. (It is not even clear that it is more difficult to interpret than phrases such as “scientific proof” or “scientific certainty.”)
The second respect does not concern any of the dimensions (1)–(4) mentioned above. Instead, it concerns time. Precaution is warranted only when information about the possible threat is lacking. When something undesirable is highly probable to occur, measures to prevent it are not usually said to be precautionary. We do not sterilize surgical instruments as a precautionary measure, as we know that an infection is rather probable if we use unclean instruments. But information changes over time. Let me take an example that has been cited as an instance of an early use of the precautionary principle.32
Harremoes P, Gee D, MacGarvin M, Stirling A, Keys I, Wynne B, Guedes Vaz S. Introduction. In: Harremoes et al., eds., The Precautionary Principle in the 20th Century: Late Lessons from Early Warnings. London: Earthscan; 2002:5–8.
Snow J. The cholera near Golden-Square, and at Deptford. Medical Times and Gazette 1854;9:321–22.
IARC. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans. Some Industrial Chemicals, vol. 77; 2000 Feb 15–22. Announcement available at http://www-cie.iarc.fr/htdocs/announcements/vol77.htm (accessed Feb 20, 2004).
These examples both illustrate the relevance of the time factor for the precautionary principle. Precautionary measures cannot be taken once and for all, but must be subject to review as new information accrues. Consequently, the precautionary principle needs to be specified as to how often the measures should be reviewed. This need is acknowledged in, for instance, the communication on the precautionary principle from the Commission of the European Communities.35
See note 1, CEC 2000.
In this paper, I have argued that Harris and Holm's rejection of the precautionary principle is unwarranted. Their rejection of what they termed the “epistemic” version of the precautionary principle (E-PP) is based on a formulation of the principle that is at odds with most existing formulations. Their rejection of the precautionary principle as a rule of choice (C-PP) consisted primarily of delivering an argument that has not been uncommon in the debate on the precautionary principle: the argument from absolutism. In both cases, their rejection was based on a narrow conception of the precautionary principle that ignores context. The objections delivered by Harris and Holm, however, pinpoint important areas—not all such areas, of course—in which clarification is needed. Thus, their objections might in the end be quite useful for proponents of the precautionary principle. We should thank them for that.36
Cf. Häyry M. Precaution and solidarity. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2005;14(2):199–206.
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