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CQ Sources/Bibliography
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 14 February 2006
These CQ Sources were compiled by Bette Anton.
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Andorno R. The right not to know: An autonomy based approach. Journal of Medical Ethics 2004;30(5):435–9; discussion 9–40.
Breslin JM. Autonomy and the role of the family in making decisions at the end of life. Journal of Clinical Ethics 2005;16(1):11–9.
Cantor NL. The relation between autonomy-based rights and profoundly mentally disabled persons. Annals of Health Law 2004;13(1):37–80.
Fagan A. Challenging the bioethical application of the autonomy principle within multicultural societies. Journal of Applied Philosophy 2004;21(1):15–31.
Fournier V. The balance between beneficence and respect for patient autonomy in clinical medical ethics in France. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2005;14(3):281–6.
Gedge EB. Collective moral imagination: Making decisions for persons with dementia. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2004;29(4):435–50.
Grant RW, Sugarman J. Ethics in human subjects research: Do incentives matter? Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2004;29(6):717–38.
Hanssen I. From human ability to ethical principle: An intercultural perspective on autonomy. Medicine, Health Care, and Philosophy 2004;7(3):269–79.
Heubel F, Biller-Andorno N. The contribution of Kantian moral theory to contemporary medical ethics: A critical analysis. Medicine, Health Care, and Philosophy 2005;8(1):5–18.
Hewitt-Taylor J. Issues involved in promoting patient autonomy in health care. British Journal of Nursing 2003;12(22):1323–30.
Jaworska A. Catastrophic emotions and respect for autonomy. Journal of Clinical Ethics 2003;14(4):295–7.
Kukla R. Conscientious autonomy: Displacing decisions in health care. Hastings Center Report 2005;35(2):34–44.
Law I. Autonomy, sanity and moral theory. Res Publica 2003;9(1):39–56.
Rosner F. Informing the patient about a fatal disease: From paternalism to autonomy—The Jewish view. Cancer Investigation 2004;22(6):949–53.
Rothman DJ. The origins and consequences of patient autonomy: A 25-year retrospective. Health Care Analysis 2001;9(3):255–64.
Sandman L. On the autonomy turf. Assessing the value of autonomy to patients. Medicine, Health Care, and Philosophy 2004;7(3):261–8.
Stirrat GM, Gill R. Autonomy in medical ethics after O'Neill. Journal of Medical Ethics 2005;31(3):127–30.
Struhkamp RM. Patient autonomy: A view from the kitchen. Medicine, Health Care, and Philosophy 2005;8(1):105–14.
Sullivan M. The new subjective medicine: Taking the patient's point of view on health care and health. Social Science and Medicine 2003;56(7):1595–604.
Tauber AI. Historical and philosophical reflections on patient autonomy. Health Care Analysis 2001;9(3):299–319.
Tauber AI. Sick autonomy. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 2003;46(4):484–95.
Varelius J. Autonomy, subject-relativity, and subjective and objective theories of well-being in bioethics. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 2003;24(5):363–79.
Winzelberg GS, Hanson LC, Tulsky JA. Beyond autonomy: Diversifying end-of-life decision-making approaches to serve patients and families. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2005;53(6):1046–50.
Wong JG, Poon Y, Hui EC. “I can put the medicine in his soup, Doctor!” Journal of Medical Ethics 2005;31(5):262–5.
Informed Consent
Bhutta ZA. Beyond informed consent. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2004;82(10):771–7.
Devereux JA. Guardianship and consent. Medicine and Law 2004;23(2):359–65.
Druml C. Informed consent of incapable (ICU) patients in Europe: Existing laws and the EU Directive. Current Opinion in Critical Care 2004;10(6):570–3.
Edwards SJ. Research participation and the right to withdraw. Bioethics 2005;19(2):112–30.
Fan R, Tao J. Consent to medical treatment: The complex interplay of patients, families, and physicians. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 2004;29(2):139–48.
Grace PJ, McLaughlin M. When consent isn't informed enough: What's the nurse's role when a patient has given consent but doesn't fully understand the risks? American Journal of Nursing 2005;105(4):79–84.
Immacolato M. Informed consent in Italy: A Mediterranean country towards an autonomy-based model. Journal International de Bioethique 2004;15(2–3):187–96, 217.
Jafarey AM, Farooqui A. Informed consent in the Pakistani milieu: The physician's perspective. Journal of Medical Ethics 2005;31(2):93–6.
Jepson RG, Hewison J, Thompson AG, Weller D. How should we measure informed choice? The case of cancer screening. Journal of Medical Ethics 2005;31(4):192–6.
Kegley JA. Challenges to informed consent. EMBO Reports 2004;5(9):832–6.
Klove CA, DiBoise SJ, Pang B, Yarbrough WC. Informed consent: Ethical and legal aspects. Thoracic Surgury Clinics 2005;15(2):213–9.
Kottow M. The battering of informed consent. Journal of Medical Ethics 2004;30(6):565–9.
Kuther TL. Medical decision-making and minors: Issues of consent and assent. Adolescence 2003;38(150):343–58.
Miller VA, Drotar D, Kodish E. Children's competence for assent and consent: A review of empirical findings. Ethics and Behavior 2004;14(3):255–95.
Molyneux CS, Wassenaar DR, Peshu N, Marsh K. “Even if they ask you to stand by a tree all day, you will have to do it (laughter)… !”: Community voices on the notion and practice of informed consent for biomedical research in developing countries. Social Science and Medicine 2005;61(2):443–54.
Neves MP. Cultural context and consent: An anthropological view. Medicine, Health Care, and Philosophy 2004;7(1):93–8.
O'Neill O. Some limits of informed consent. Journal of Medical Ethics 2003;29(1):4–7.
O'Neill O. Informed consent and public health. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences 2004;359(1447):1133–6.
Parker M. When is research on patient records without consent ethical? Journal of Health Services Research and Policy 2005;10(3):183–6.
Rudnick A. Informed consent to breaking bad news. Nursing Ethics 2002;9(1):61–6.
Tillett J. Adolescents and informed consent: Ethical and legal issues. Journal of Perinatal and Neonatal Nursing 2005;19(2):112–21.
Van Staden CW, Kruger C. Incapacity to give informed consent owing to mental disorder. Journal of Medical Ethics 2003;29(1):41–3.
Right to Refusal
Biegler P, Stewart C. Assessing competence to refuse medical treatment. Medical Journal of Australia 2001;174(10):522–5.
Csapody T. The right to refuse treatment and blood transfusion. Bulletin of Medical Ethics 2001(165):13–6.
Diekema DS. Parental refusals of medical treatment: The harm principle as threshold for state intervention. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 2004;25(4):243–64.
Hanson B. [Treatment of a patient against his will: Ethical and legal approaches]. Revue Medicale de Bruxelles 2000;21(4):A334–8.
Hurst SA. When patients refuse assessment of decision-making capacity: How should clinicians respond? Archives of Internal Medicine 2004;164(16):1757–60.
Lang K. Mental illness and the right to refuse lifesaving medical treatment. Princeton Journal of Bioethics 2002;5:48–58.
Linnard-Palmer L, Kools S. Parents' refusal of medical treatment for cultural or religious beliefs: An ethnographic study of health care professionals' experiences. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing 2005;22(1):48–57.
McDonald IG, Daly J. On patient judgement. Internal Medicine Journal 2001;31(3):184–7.
Parker MH, Tobin B. Refusal of treatment. Medical Journal of Australia 2001;174(10):531–2.
Ravitsky V, Wendler D. Dissolving the dilemma over forced treatment. Lancet 2005;365(9470):1525–6.
Wade P. Treating Jehovah's Witnesses. British Journal of Perioperative Nursing 2004;14(6):254–7.