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CQ Sources/Bibliography
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 June 2005
These CQ Sources were compiled by Bette Anton.
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Africa and Middle East
Ahn MJ, Grimwood A, Schwarzwald H, Herman A. Ethics and the aids pandemic in the developing world. Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (Chicago, Ill) 2003;2:81–7.
Clark PA, O'Brien K. Fighting aids in sub-Saharan Africa: Is a public–private partnership a viable paradigm? Medical Science Monitor 2003;9:ET28–39.
Jabbour S. Fall of a dictator, failure of ethics. British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Ed.) 2004;328:115.
Muula AS, Mfutso-Bengo JM. Risks and benefits of genetically modified maize donations to southern Africa: Views from Malawi. Croatian Medical Journal 2003;44:102–6.
Oguz NY, Miles SH, Buken N, Civaner M. End-of-life care in Turkey. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2003;12:279–84.
Revel M. Human reproductive cloning, embryo stem cells and germline gene intervention: An Israeli perspective. Medicine and Law 2003;22:701–32.
Schuklenk U. Professional responsibilities of biomedical scientists in public discourse. Journal of Medical Ethics 2004;30:53–60; discussion 61–2.
Siegal G. Western bio-ethics—Israel between North America and Europe. Harefuah 2004;143:142–6, 165. In Hebrew.
Tangwa GB. Between universalism and relativism: A conceptual exploration of problems in formulating and applying international biomedical ethical guidelines. Journal of Medical Ethics 2004;30:63–7.
Weiner C, Tabak N, Bergman R. The use of physical restraints for patients suffering from dementia. Nursing Ethics 2003;10:512–25.
Akabayashi A, Slingsby BT. Biomedical ethics in Japan: The second stage. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2003;12:261–4.
Akabayashi A, Nishimori M, Fujita M, Slingsby BT. Living related liver transplantation: A Japanese experience and development of a checklist for donors' informed consent. Gut 2003;52:152.
DeCosta A, D'Souza N, Krishnan S, Chhabra MS, Shihaam I, Goswami K. Community based trials and informed consent in rural north India. Journal of Medical Ethics 2004;30:318–23.
Doring O. Chinese researchers promote biomedical regulations: What are the motives of the biopolitical dawn in China and where are they heading? Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2004;14:39–46.
Moazam F, Zaman RM. At the interface of cultures. Journal of Clinical Ethics 2003;14:246–58.
Ramachandran AJ. Informed consent in clinical research: Policies and practices in Singapore. Journal of Biolaw and Business 2003;6:65–75.
Sass HM. Common moral priorities and cultural diversities. Formosan Journal of Medical Humanities 2003;4:6–21.
Slingsby BT, Nagao N, Akabayashi A. Administrative legislation in Japan: Guidelines on scientific and ethical standards. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2004;13:245–53.
Song SY. Stem cell research in Korea. Science 2004;305:944–5; author reply 944–5.
Um Y-R. South Korea: Human embryo research. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2003;12:268–78.
Australia and New Zealand
Ankeny RA. Dealing drugs with the Bush. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2004;13:241–4.
Fry CL, Peerson A, Scully AM. Raising the profile of public health ethics in Australia: Time for debate. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 2004;28:13–5.
Tuch BE, Scott H, Armati PJ, Tabiin MT, Wang LP. Use of human fetal tissue for biomedical research in Australia, 1994–2002. Medical Journal of Australia 2003;179:547–50.
Baylis F. The Olivieri debacle: Where were the heroes of bioethics? Journal of Medical Ethics 2004;30:44–9; discussion 50–2.
Browne A. Healthcare reform in Canada: The Romanow Report. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2004;13:221–5.
Caulfield T, Lemmens T, Kinsella D, McDonald M. Research ethics and the role of the professional bodies: A view from Canada. Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics 2004;32:365–8.
di Norcia V. The Olivieri Report—A compelling study of the growing tensions in clinical research. Science and Engineering Ethics 2003;9:125–32.
Keating B. Research ethics and the use of placebo: Status of the debate in Canada. Medical Science (Paris) 2004;20:118–25. In French.
Kikuchi JF. 2002 CNA code of ethics: Some recommendations. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership 2004;17:28–38.
Knoll GA, Mahoney JE. Non-heart-beating organ donation in Canada: Time to proceed? Canadian Medical Association Journal 2003;169:302–3.
McKinley S, Rodney P, Storch J, McAlpine H. The role of ethics in nursing. Nursing BC 2004;36:12–6.
Schafer A. Biomedical conflicts of interest: A defence of the sequestration thesis—Learning from the cases of Nancy Olivieri and David Healy. Journal of Medical Ethics 2004;30:8–24.
Baeyens AJ. Impact of the European clinical trials directive on academic clinical research. Medicine and Law 2004;23:103–10.
Bahadur G. The moral status of the embryo: The human embryo in the UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Research Purposes) Regulation 2001 debate. Reproductive Biomedicine Online 2003;7:12–6.
Borovecki A, ten Have H, Oreskovic S. Developments regarding ethical issues in medicine in the Republic of Croatia. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2004;13:263–6.
Deffieux X. [Assisted reproductive technologies. Clinical and biological aspects and ethical considerations]. Revue du Praticien 2004;54:1375–82.
Dorries A. Mixed feelings: Physicians' concerns about clinical ethics committees in Germany. HEC Forum 2003;15:245–57.
Dreezen I, Nys H. Human rights: Implications for patients and staff. EDTNA ERCA Journal (English ed.) 2003;29:93–5.
Herissone-Kelly P. Bioethics in the United Kingdom: Genetic screening, disability rights, and the erosion of trust. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2003;12:235–41.
Herissone-Kelly P. U.K. bioethics, U.K. metabioethics: Organ sales and the justification of bioethical methods. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2004;13:226–35.
Kaiser M. Xenotransplantation—ethical considerations based on human and societal perspectives. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica Supplementum 2004;99:65–73.
Letur-Konirsch H. Oocyte donation in France and national balance sheet (GEDO). Different European approaches. Gynecologie, Obstetrique et Fertilitie 2004;32:108–15. In French.
Louhiala P, Takala T. Healthcare ethics in Finland: A follow-up. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2004;13:236–40.
May AT. Physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, and Christian bioethics: Moral controversy in Germany. Christian Bioethics 2003;9:273–83.
Moutel G, De Montgolfier S, Duchange N, Sharara L, Beaumont C, Herve C. Study of the involvement of research ethics committees in the constitution and use of biobanks in France. Pharmacogenetics 2004;14:195–8.
Ponte C. Definitive adoption of the bioethics law. Soins; la revue de reference infirmiere 2004:7–8. In French.
Raszeja S. Regulations of the ethical evaluation system of scientific and clinical research in connection with Poland joining the European Union. Archiwum Medycyny Sadowej i Kryminologii 2004;54:151–4. In Polish.
Sheikh AA, Cusack DA. Maternal brain death, pregnancy and the foetus: The medico-legal implications for Ireland. Medicine and Law 2004;23:237–50.
Sutrop M, Simm K. The Estonian healthcare system and the genetic database project: From limited resources to big hopes. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2004;13:254–62.
Takala T. Justice for all? The Scandinavian approach. In: Rhodes R, Battin M, Silvers A, eds. Medicine and social justice: Essays on the distribution of health care. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002:183–90.
Takala T, Louhiala P. Healthcare ethics in Finland. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2003;12:256–60.
Tichtchenko P. Changing roles in Russian healthcare. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2003;12:265–7.
Verpeet E, Meulenbergs T, Gastmans C. Professional values and norms for nurses in Belgium. Nursing Ethics 2003;10:654–5.
Wainwright P, Saunders J. What are local issues? The problem of the local review of research. Journal of Medical Ethics 2004;30:313–7.
Latin America
Diniz D. Abortion in Brazilian bioethics. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2004;13:275–9.
Figueroa Yanez G. Bioethics in Latin America: Legal perspective. Law and the Human Genome Review 2003:55–76. In Spanish.
Garrafa V, Porto D. Bioethics, power and injustice: For an ethics of intervention. Journal International Bioethique 2003;14:25–40, 215–6.
Garrafa V, Porto D. Intervention bioethics: A proposal for peripheral countries in a context of power and injustice. Bioethics 2003;17:399–416.
Luna F. Reproductive health and research ethics: Hot issues in Argentina. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2004;13:267–74.
The use of human subjects in research conference: Comparing core values in the People's Republic of China and the United States. Kunming, 20–22 October 2001. Proceedings. Journal of Clinical Ethics 2004;15:3–96.
Cahill LS. Biotech and justice. Catching up with the real world order. Hastings Center Report 2003;33:34–44.
Fagan A. Challenging the bioethical application of the autonomy principle within multicultural societies. Journal of Applied Philosophy 2004;21:15–31.
Fan R, Tao J. Consent to medical treatment: The complex interplay of patients, families, and physicians. Journal of Medical Philosophy 2004;29:139–48.
Masood E. An unholy alliance. New Scientist 2003;180:21.
Orfali K. Parental role in medical decision-making: Fact or fiction? A comparative study of ethical dilemmas in French and American neonatal intensive care units. Social Science and Medicine 2004;58:2009–22.
Rashad AM, MacVane Phipps F, Haith-Cooper M. Obtaining informed consent in an Egyptian research study. Nursing Ethics 2004;11:394–9.
Ryan MA. Beyond a Western bioethics? Theological Studies 2004;65:158–77.
Taylor JS. The story catches you and you fall down: Tragedy, ethnography, and “cultural competence.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly 2003;17:159–81.