In 2004, the author was appointed historical expert to HM Coroner for Wiltshire and Swindon in the Inquest looking into the death of Ronald George Maddison. Unless stated otherwise, the material presented derives from the “Exhibits” that were supplied to the interested parties and from the Inquest “Transcript.”
By the end of the Second World War the advancing allied forces discovered a new nerve gas in Germany. It was called Tabun. Codenamed GA, it was found to be extremely toxic. British experts were immediately dispatched to examine the agent. On arrival, they discovered that German scientists had also developed even more toxic nerve agents, including Sarin, known as GB.1
The following abbreviations apply: Maddison-Inquest-Exhibit = “Exhibit”, and Maddison-Inquest-Transcript = “Transcript”. The author also used the following report: Exhibit, MNJ/20/1, Vol. 2A, pp. 84–142, Report of a Court of Inquiry. Reference AY. 1030. Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment, Porton, Wilts., May 1953 (in the following referred to as: Report of a Court of Inquiry 1953); for the discovery of German nerve agents see Exhibit MNJ/20/3, X1501, G. Brunskill, Attachment 10, Physiological Observers for Porton, May 28, 1945, p. 149.”
See note 1, Transcript, Day 1.
On May 6, 1953, tests were carried out on a further six subjects. Number 745 was Leading Aircraftsman Ronald Maddison. All six men went into the chamber at around 10 a.m. All were wearing respirators. Each had two pieces of uniform, serge and flannel tied loosely over the forearm. Two hundred milligrams of pure Sarin were applied onto the layers of cloth, on the inside of the left forearm. Maddison was the fourth of the six to be contaminated at 10:17 a.m. Each was to remain in place for 30 minutes from the time of contamination. But at 10:40 a.m., he said he felt “pretty queer.” Maddison was sweating and sent from the chamber. His respirator and the contaminated cloth were removed and he walked to a bench about 30 yards away, still sweating. After 2 minutes an ambulance was called, a minute later Maddison said he could not hear. He was given an injection of atropine sulphate intravenously, and then a further injection, intramuscularly. Maddison became unconscious shortly after he said he could not hear. At 10:47 a.m., he arrived at the Porton medical center. He was put to bed and given oxygen. But shortly afterward his respiration became irregular. He was gasping. Resuscitation attempts immediately began. At 11 a.m. his color had become ashen gray and no pulse could be found. Anacardone was injected and further dosages of atropine. As a last resort, he was given adrenaline, injected directly into his heart. At 1:30 p.m., Maddison was pronounced dead.3
See note 2.
See note 2.
See note 2.
My aim is to provide a historical analysis of the ethical, political, and legal dimensions of Britain's biochemical warfare program in the early stages of the Cold War. So far the debate on nontherapeutic human experiments carried out at Porton in the 1950s and 1960s has been characterized by a lack of historical focus and a medical ethics context. A number of basic questions are central to understanding the events: Did the subjects give voluntary consent? How was consent obtained? Were the risks explained to the subjects? What safeguards were taken? The paper examines the nature of Britain's Cold War research on humans at Porton in order to come to a better understanding about the extent to which medical ethics standards, including the Nuremberg Code, formulated in 1947 in response to Nazi medical atrocities, were communicated and introduced, as well as ignored, by the British authorities and the research community. I argue that Maddison's case study, and other human experiments at Porton from that period, can highlight some of the central dilemmas of human experimentation, especially regarding the issue of informed consent. I will address the tension that existed during the Cold War, and indeed thereafter, between the use of warfare agents as part of national defense policies, on the one hand, and the principles of human research ethics on the other. I first examine how the concept of informed consent developed and was understood in the United Kingdom before and after the promulgation of the Nuremberg Code. What, for example, was the level of consent that was generally required in experimental research and within the specific and secretive military milieu at Porton? Second, I look at the role that consent played in the experimental program at Porton Down (a full analysis of the discrepancy between the expectation of informed consent as it was understood in principle and research practice in the United Kingdom lies outside the purview of this paper). Finally, I look at Maddison's legacy and assess the extent to which the history of Porton may influence the way in which Britain is beginning to face up to her Cold War past.
Porton's biochemical warfare program, in which Maddison died, can only be understood in the context of the Cold War. Recently declassified material seems to suggest that in some cases Britain's national security interests overrode individual human rights and accepted standards of research ethics. Over the past decade, a similar picture has emerged for the United States' human radiation experiments.6
United States Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments Final Report, Washington, DC: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office; 1996; Moreno JD. Undue Risk. Secret Experiments on Humans, New York: W.H. Freeman; 1999.
For the United States see note 6, United States Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments 1996; also Pechura CM, Rall DP. Veterans at Risk: The Health Effects of Mustard Gas and Lewisite, Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press; 1993; Lederer S. Subjected to Science. Human Experimentation before the Second World War. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press; 1995; Vilensky JA. Dew of Death. The Story of Lewisite, America's World War I Weapon of Mass Destruction. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press; c2005. For the United Kingdom see Harris R, Paxman J. A Higher Form of Killing. The Secret History of Gas and Germ Warfare. New York: Chatto & Windus; 1982, rep. 2002; Carter GB. Porton Down: 75 Years of Chemical and Biological Research. London: HMSO; 1992; Goodwin B. Keen as Mustard: Britain's Horrific Chemical Warfare Experiments in Australia. St. Lucia, Old., Australia: University of Queensland Press; 1998; Bud R, Gummett P. Cold War, Hot Science: Applied Research in Britain's Defence Laboratories, 1945–1990. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic Publishers; 1999; Carter GB. Chemical and Biological Defence at Porton Down, 1916–2000, London: HMSO; 2000; Care A. Poisoned by their own people. The Independent 2000, Oct 3; Care A. The Porton Down human guinea pigs—gassed without consent. Association of Personal Injury Lawyers 2000;12(2); Evans R. Gassed: British Chemical Warfare Experiments on Humans at Porton Down. Thirsk: House of Stratus; 2000; Balmer B. Britain and Biological Warfare: Expert Advice and Science Policy 1930–65. Basingstoke: Palgrave; 2001; Hammond P, Carter GB. From Biological Warfare to Healthcare. Porton Down 1940–2000. Basingstoke: Palgrave; 2002.
Porton's nerve agent experiments were unique in several respects. They were by far one of the largest nerve agent trials ever performed, involving more than 1,500 subjects.8
H. Cullumbine, Head of the Physiology Section at Porton, stated in May 1953 that “in all, some 1,726 subjects have been tested” with nerve gases. See Report of a Court of Inquiry 1953, p. 50. An internal Porton statistic, Note No. 119, on the “History of the Service Volunteer Observer Scheme at C.D.E.E.” gives the following figures: 34 (1945/46), 242 (1948/49), 159 (1949/50), 234 (1950/51), 384 (1951/52), and 531 (1952/53). This makes a total of 1584 subjects who were exposed to nerve gas.
A total of 396 men were contaminated with varying doses of liquid GB; Exhibit MNJ/17, Porton Technical Paper 373; Exhibit MNJ/30, Porton Technical Paper 399.
See note 1, Report of a Court of Inquiry 1953, p. 74.
See note 1, Report of a Court of Inquiry 1953, p. 73.
Ministry of Supply, Chief characteristics of nerve gas. Lancet 1952;6728:286; Ministry of Supply, Chief characteristics of nerve gas. The British Medical Journal 1952;4779:334–5.
See note 1, Exhibit MNJ/17, p. 70.
Informed Consent in the United Kingdom
Consent and discussions about the issue of consent in experimental, nontherapeutic research played a considerable role in the United Kingdom and abroad throughout the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries.14
Sass H-M. Reichsrundschreiben 1931: Pre-Nuremberg German regulations concerning new therapy and human experimentation. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 1983;8:99–111. Grodin M. Historical origins of the Nuremberg Code. In: Annas GJ, Grodin MA, eds. The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code. Human Rights in Human Experimentation. New York: Oxford University Press; 1992:121–44. Vollmann J, Winau R. Informed consent in human experimentation before the Nuremberg Code. British Medical Journal 1996;313:1445–7. Hazelgrove J. The old faith and the new science: The Nuremberg Code and human experimentation ethics in Britain, 1946–73. Social History of Medicine 2002;15:109–35.
Willcock JW. The Laws Relating to the Medical Profession with an Account of the Rise and Progress of its Various Order. London: J. and W.T. Clarke; 1830:109–10.
In the United Kingdom, discussions on the ethics of human experimentation in the 1930s led to the formulation of a legal position by the Treasury Solicitor. Indeed, the position of the current U.K. government is largely based on the advice given at the time. In June 1933, the British Medical Research Council (MRC) asked the Treasury Solicitor for advice on experimental research into the causation of influenza. On June 21, 1933, the Treasury Solicitor, after consulting the Director of Public Prosecution, advised the MRC on the subject:
As regards civil liability I am of opinion that the consent of the person on whom the experiment is made would afford a complete answer to any claim for damages either by himself or by his dependents. I assume, of course, that the nature of the risk which the person in question was being invited to incur would be explained to him, and that the experiment itself would be conducted with all due care and that all precautions suggested by medical science would be taken.16
The National Archives, TS27/398, Gwyer (Treasury Solicitor) to MRC, June 21, 1933. I am grateful to Talitha Bolton from the University of Kent for having brought the files TS27/398, FD1/428, and FD9/855 to my attention. She is currently working on her Ph.D. thesis on “Common Cold and Informed Consent: Britain's Experimental Research on Human Beings during the Cold War.”
The Treasury Solicitor also told the MRC that the risk of a criminal charge against the MRC was so remote as to be negligible if the patient had given his full consent and if all the risks of the experiment had been explained.17
See note 16, NA 1933.
Kennedy I, Grubb A. Medical Law: Text with Materials. London: Butterworth; 1994:90f.
NA, FD1/428. MRC to Krebs, August 29, 1945. MRC to Eiringer, December 8, 1947. MRC to Davidson, December 14, 1951. MRC to Spiers, May 26, 1952.
NA, FD1/428, MRC to Erich Eiringer, Dec 8, 1947.
More generally, scientists accepted that research on humans had to be ethical in order to be permissible long before the Nuremberg Code. This is not surprising, given that one of the universal principles of medical ethics demands that a physician–scientist should not do harm, either to a patient or to a research subject. Those investigators who wanted to search for new knowledge, which would not necessarily benefit the patient–subject, were required to inform the subject about the risks involved and obtain the subject's consent. Indeed, the advice of the MRC was to obtain confirmation of this in specific cases by using a written consent form as early as 1945.21
NA, FD1/428. MRC to Krebs, August 29, 1945. Issue of provision of consent by volunteers in human experiments. Appended draft of consent form; NA, TS27/398. MRC to Prendergast, Aug 29, 1945; Prendergast to MRC, Aug 30, 1945; Prendergast to MRC, Sep 5, 1945; Draft of consent form, Sep 7, 1945.
Following the Second World War, the Allies decided to prosecute a number of doctors who were involved in Nazi medical atrocities. As part of the judgment in the Nuremberg Doctors' Trial, the judges issued a 10-point medical ethics' code, which laid down the human rights of patient–subjects and the duties of physician–researchers for experiments on humans.22
For the history and legacy of the Nuremberg Code, see Schmidt U. Justice at Nuremberg. Leo Alexander and the Nazi Doctors' Trial. Basingstoke: Palgrave; 2004.
Whatever the immediate effects of the Code, which for the first decade was mostly seen as “a good code for barbarians but an unnecessary code for ordinary physician-scientists,” it had significant implications for contemporary medical ethics and ethics regulations.23
Katz J. The Nuremberg Code and the Nuremberg Trial: A Reappraisal. JAMA 1996;276:1662–6.
Perley S., Fluss S, Bankowski Z, Simon F. The Nuremberg Code: An international overview. In: Annas GJ, Grodin MA, eds. The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code. Human Rights in Human Experimentation. New York: Oxford University Press; 1992:149–73 at p. 153.
Annas GJ, Grodin MA, eds. The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code. Human Rights in Human Experimentation, New York: Oxford University Press; 1992:343–5.
Proctor RN. Expert witnesses take the stand. Historians of science can play an important role in US public health litigation. Nature 2000;407:15–6.
Arnold P, Sprumont D. The “Nuremberg Code”: Rules of public international law. In: Tröhler U, Reiter-Theil S. eds. Ethics Codes in Medicine. Aldershot: Ashgate; 1998:84–96.
See note 22, Schmidt 2004:264–97.
NA, FD9/855, Draft—Council memorandum “Experiments on Man: Conditions for Conduct,” including statement on the “Condition on which experiments can be conducted on man,” Jan 2, 1956.
In the mid-1950s, U.K. scientists and editors of medical journals increasingly expressed concern about the ethics of human experimentation.30
Experiments on human beings [editorial]. British Medical Journal 1955:526–7.
See note 30, Experiments on human beings 1955:526–7.
See note 30, Experiments on human beings 1955:527; see also Shimkin M. The problem of experimentation on human beings: I. The research worker's point of view. Science 1953;117:205–7.
NA, FD9/855, MRC minutes of “Meeting on 27.9.55 to consider ‘Conditions on which experiments can be conducted on man’”, Nov 18, 1955.
See note 33.
It was axiomatic that full consent must always be obtained before an experiment was conducted on man, that the conditions drawn up by the Nuremberg Tribunal (copy attached) set out adequately the requirements which should be satisfied before the consent could be termed full and also the other conditions which should regulate the conduct of the experiment.35
NA, FD9/855, Draft—Council memorandum “Experiments on Man: Conditions for Conduct,” including statement on the “Condition on which experiments can be conducted on man,” Jan 2, 1956.
The material shows that the British medical establishment recognized the principles of the Nuremberg Code prior to the formulation of the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki36
See Lederer S. Research without borders: The origins of the Declaration of Helsinki. In: Roelcke V, Maio G, eds. Twentieth Century Ethics of Human Subject Research. Historical Perspectives on Values, Practices, and Regulations. Stuttgart: Steiner; 2004:199–217. See also Frewer A, Schmidt U, eds. History and Theory of Human Experimentation. The Declaration of Helsinki and Modern Medical Ethics. Stuttgart: Steiner; forthcoming.
See note 22, Schmidt 2004:284–7.
Porton Down and Human Experimentation
The United Kingdom was clearly no moral and ethical “wasteland” and U.K. government agencies were generally committed to uphold international standards of medical morality and individual justice. U.K. medical scientists were also aware of and committed to honoring the ethical principles of the Nuremberg Code at the time of the Porton experiments. Experiments that involved a significant risk and were nontherapeutic demanded the highest standards of research ethics, not the lowest or those that were generally applied in U.K. medical practice and research. In 1925, the War Office reassured the Commander-in-Chief, Southern Command, Salisbury, about servicemen under his command who were given the opportunity to volunteer for experiments involving the exposure to mustard gas at Porton, that the risk involved in the tests was negligible.38
NA, WO286/11 (Police Ref. X61), H.J. Creedy (War Office) to the General Officer, Commanding-in-Chief, Southern Command, Salisbury, Jul 30, 1925.
In November 1930, the War Office received a copy of the recently revised “regulations in force at Porton for the protection of observers who are submitted to gas test for experimental purposes.” The War Office was told that “the most scrupulous care is taken to ensure that tests are so conducted that not only no injury is incurred, but that only the minimum of discomfort is caused. Nobody but volunteers are submitted to these tests.”39
Exhibit, MNJ/20/2, X1501, Expanded Statement (B), Nov 19, 1930, pp. 136–8.
NA, WO286/11 (Police Ref. X61), Parliamentary Question No. 170, Dec 18, 1930.
Great care is taken to ensure that observers from outside Units understand the object of each particular test, and it is considered that there is no risk of such observers getting a wrong impression as to the efficiency of their respirators or false ideas as to what is being done.41
Exhibit, MNJ/20/2, X1501, Colonel R.F. Look, Commandant, Experimental Station Porton, to The Chief Superintendent, Chemical Defence Research Department, War Office, Jan 24, 1931, p. 142.
Research that was considered harmful to the subjects was refused. In 1926, the Chief Superintendent from the Chemical Defence Research Department at the War Office declined to grant permission for breathing tests with toxic smoke at Porton, believing that “the proposal might prove very far reaching in the long run and possibly result in difficulties as regards injury to health.”42
See note 41.
Exhibit, MNJ/20/2, X1501, Memorandum by the War Committee, “Employment of Observers from the Services on Physiological Tests Involving Exposure to Sternutators,” Apr 23, 1940, pp. 146–7.
The outbreak of war in 1939 may have altered the situation. With the country at war, government officials were more likely to take greater risks in understanding the efficiency of certain agents the enemy might employ. On April 23, 1940, the War Committee produced a memorandum that stated that Porton had again asked to expose human subjects to toxic smoke and stressed the “difference between peace and war conditions and the increase in the importance of the experimental work being carried on sternutators.”44
See note 43.
I do not consider there is any objection on medical grounds to the application put forward. These tests would be carried out under expert supervision and with adequate precautions. I therefore support the application.45
See note 43.
In considering informed consent at Porton, we have to acknowledge that Britain's discovery of large stocks of nerve gas in Germany in 1945 substantially changed the nature of the experiments at Porton. The existence and testing of nerve gas introduced a new and unknown risk to those servicemen who participated in the research, yet Porton does not seem to have modified its experimental procedure accordingly. In May 1945, a British military official noted that “our investigation of German chemical warfare has revealed the existence of large stocks of a novel type of poison gas that they were intending to use from air and ground weapons.”46
Exhibit, MNJ/20/3, X1501, G. Brunskill, Attachment 10, Physiological Observers for Porton, May 28, 1945, p. 149.
is simply an extension of the normal routine it should not involve any additional administrative problems…. Porton, of course, are responsible for seeing that the men are not exposed to any concentration of gas which would do them permanent harm.47
See note 46.
Some British scientists, however, began to feel uneasy about human experiments. In October 1952 R.J.V. Pulvertaft, Professor of Clinical Pathology at the University of London, drew attention to the fact that U.K. servicemen might easily be encouraged into participating in potentially hazardous experiments without knowing the full risks involved:
Now that service is compulsory for all, they [the medical services of the Armed Forces] must be prepared to resist any tendency to find a useful reservoir of clinical experiments in this group of healthy young men—especially since, in a disciplined force, the “volunteer” can easily be encouraged by sanctions or privileges.48
Pulvertaft RJV. The individual and the group in modern medicine. The Lancet 1952;6740:839ff.
In January 1953, three-and-a-half months before Maddison's death, American officials, seeking to carry out similar experiments at Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, inquired of their British counterparts: “What advance information as to the nature of the tests is given to the men in their units before they are asked to volunteer?”49
Exhibit, MNJ/20/3, X1502, D.C. Evans to S.A. Mumford, Jan 23, 1953, p. 300.
No advance information as to the nature of the tests is given to the men in their Units before they are asked to volunteer beyond the attached Appendix A to W.O. memo 112/mix/580 AG1 (A) copy attached.50
Exhibit, MNJ/20/3, X1502, S.A. Mumford to D.C. Evans, February 11, 1953, pp. 298–9. The Appendix “A” to War Office Memorandum 112/Misc/5860/AG1 (A) dated 6th November 1950 stated: (1) The physical discomfort resulting from tests is usually very slight. Tests are carefully planned to avoid the slightest chance of danger, and are under expert medical supervision. (2) During their stay at Porton, volunteers do not undertake any military duties or fatigues, and are free every evening. (3) Extra pay is given which normally brings each volunteer some ten to fifteen shillings a week.
The Americans chose to ignore this advice as they went on to insist that the consent of volunteers had to be obtained in writing and according to the Nuremberg Code. The evidence suggests that throughout the 1930s and 1940s it was considered important to explain to the subjects at Porton what was meant by gas and inform the subjects of the nature of the tests. However, those responsible for the experiments in the early 1950s do not seem to have explained to volunteers the nature of the substances to which they would be exposed or to have fully informed them about the risks. Some of Porton's subjects seem to have been exposed to escalating doses of toxic, even lethal substances. The risks significantly increased with nerve gas testing, but the level of consent that was obtained from the subjects, and the information that was provided to them, seem instead to have generally decreased in the climate of the Cold War, or at best remained the same.
Contemporary correspondence about informed consent at the time of Maddison's death includes witness statements for the Coroner's Inquest and the Court of Inquiry by the Ministry of Supply at the time. The Court of Inquiry wanted to know, for example, “what information” was provided to the subjects concerning the experiment. One witness stated that the subjects were “given a general idea” of the tests. They were told of “the possible effects” and that they could “withdraw” if they wanted to.51
See note 1, Report of a Court of Inquiry File, p. 53.
See note 1, Report of a Court of Inquiry File, p. 65.
See note 1, Report of a Court of Inquiry File, p. 65.
The scientists appear to have misled the subjects by providing them with only a general idea about the experiments and by understating the dangers involved. The witness Stanley Mumford stated that research subjects were “given a broad idea and they are told by the Medical Officer that there is no risk [emphasis added].”54
See note 1, Report of a Court of Inquiry File, p. 86, 93.
See note 1, Report of a Court of Inquiry File, p. 84.
See note 1, Report of a Court of Inquiry File, p. 86.
See note 1, Report of a Court of Inquiry File, p. 87.
See note 1, Report of a Court of Inquiry File, p. 88.
In May 1953, H. Woodhouse, the Treasury Solicitor's representative, also came to the conclusion that the subjects had been misled at Porton, and that the government should accept responsibility for Maddison's death. Woodhouse realized that there was a significant discrepancy between the procedures that Porton was using in recruiting volunteers, including the information that was provided to them, and the level of actual risk to which the subjects were exposed:
[I]n dealing with a dangerous but largely unknown substance like G.B. [Sarin] it would be difficult to show that there had been no negligence (a very high degree of care being required in relation to dangerous substances), and partly because the terms of the information to be brought to the notice of personnel to encourage them to volunteer … terms indicating that there was not the slightest element of danger, have proved [to be] somewhat misleading.59
NA, WO286/11 (Police Ref. X61), H. Woodhouse (for the Treasury Solicitor), to Legal 1 (Mr. Griffith-Jones), Ministry of Supply, May 15, 1953.
With regard to future experiments on humans, Woodhouse suggested that the Minister should pay appropriate compensation and should not seek to adopt a system of indemnities or “blood chits” that would place the responsibility upon the person volunteering for the experiments. Given that the servicemen had received misleading information for experiments that included “a definite element of unknown danger,” Woodhouse proposed to change the wording to recruit volunteers in the future:
(4) I suggest that the wording of the information to be brought to the attention of personnel to encourage them to volunteer ought to be altered. The sentence: “Tests are carefully planned to avoid the slightest chance of danger;” has proved misleading. Indeed it is difficult to see how it was ever possible to say truthfully that tests with lethal gases did not contain “the slightest chance of danger”. The true position, I take it, is that the tests are arranged so as to eliminate all foreseeable danger, but that as the tests are designed for the purpose of obtaining further information about substances the properties and performance of which are to some extent unknown, there is always some possibility (even it be exceedingly remote) of a danger being discovered.60
See note 59.
By July 1953, officials had followed the advice of the Treasury Solicitor. Instead of saying that “Tests are carefully planned to avoid the slightest chance of danger,” the notice now read: “The physical discomfort resulting from tests is usually very slight. Tests are arranged so as to eliminate all foreseeable danger, and are under expert medical supervision.”61
NA, WO286/11 (Police Ref. X61), Appendix ‘A’ to 86/Chemical/899(SW1), dated 9th July, 1953.
On July 13, 1953, Woodhouse again took up the issue of human experiments at Porton. Maddison's death had clearly raised a number of important ethical and legal issues. He noted that the Service Departments of the British military had at the time given their permission for the recruitment of volunteers for the testing of mustard gas, but not for the significantly more dangerous nerve agents:
It seems … [t]hat the arrangement for service volunteers at Porton were originally made at a time when the experiments related principally if not entirely to mustard gas and that these arrangements have continued over the years without any clear acceptance by Service Department of the fact that the present experiments involve the use of substances which are more lethal and more uncertain in operation than mustard gas.62
NA, WO286/11 (Police Ref. X61), H. Woodhouse (for the Treasury Solicitor), to Legal 1 (Mr. Griffith-Jones), Ministry of Supply, Jul 13, 1953.
Woodhouse identified the main shortcoming in Porton's experimental procedures. His comments show that the procedures for recruiting volunteers, and for providing them with information about the nature and risk of the experiments and for obtaining their consent, effectively derived from a time when the Service Departments were concerned about the testing of mustard gas, that is, from after the First World War. In short, the procedures for recruiting research subjects at Porton, and for obtaining their consent, appear not to have been updated in order to take account of the higher degree of risk to which the subjects were exposed in the early 1950s.63
See note 1, Report of a Court of Inquiry File, p. 54.
NA, WO286/11 (Police Ref. X61), H. Woodhouse (for the Treasury Solicitor), to Legal 1 (Mr. Griffith-Jones), Ministry of Supply, Aug 1, 1953. The author discovered this correspondence on October 17, 2003, in the headquarters of “Operation Antler” in Devizes, Wiltshire. As a result, the U.K. Ministry of Defence (MoD) has decided not to rely on Section 10(2) of the Crown Proceedings Act 1947 as a defense in cases involving nerve agents. MoD (Tracey Vennai) to Alan Care, Jan 27, 2005.
Whereas civil servants and other officials acknowledged the legal and ethical problems that Maddison's death raised, politicians were given a somewhat different picture. On May 7, 1953, 24 hours after Maddison died, Duncan-Sandys, who was responsible for Porton Down as the Minister of Supply (1951–4), informed Prime Minister Churchill about the death of an R.A.F. serviceman at Porton. Duncan-Sandys told Churchill that “these tests are of an exceedingly mild type and are conducted under strict medical supervision.”65
Exhibit, MNJ/20/3, X1501, Duncan-Sandys to Churchill, May 7, 1953, pp. 226–7.
Exhibit, MNJ/20/3, X1501, Fatal Accident at the Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment, Porton, Near Salisbury, on 6th May, 1953, Statement by the Ministry of Supply, Fifth Draft, pp. 196–7.
The men are volunteers and the nature of the experiment is clearly explained to them and they are then given a chance to withdraw. There has been only one fatal accident since 1922.67
NA, WO286/11 (Police Ref. X61), House of Commons, Official Report 17th November, 1953, Cols. 1567/8, Experimental Work (Service Volunteers).
The official government position contrasted with the information that was given to the research subjects.68
See note 1, Report of a Court of Inquiry File, pp. 86, 93.
In July 1999, the Wiltshire Constabulary began to investigate allegations made by a former serviceman, who stated that during his National Service he took part in research into finding a cure for the Common Cold at Porton. As a result of this and other allegations the Force initiated a major enquiry, called “Operation Antler.” The purpose of the investigation was to examine the role of the Service Volunteer Programme at Porton Down in relation to chemical and biological warfare experiments during the period 1939–1989.
See also Lee HA, Gabriel R, Bale A, Welch D. Clinical findings in 111 ex-Porton Down volunteers. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps 2004;150:14–9, at p. 19.
See Exhibit MNJ/39, Porton Memorandum No. 34 from Jun 30, 1949, and Exhibit MNJ/19, Porton Memorandum No. 39 from Aug 2, 1950.
See note 1, Report of a Court of Inquiry File, p. 74.
Exhibit MNJ/17, Porton Technical Paper 373, p. 70.
After Maddison died, procedures came under scrutiny. As the Treasury Solicitor pointed out: “Misleading statements in an invitation of this sort, even if made in complete innocence, are always apt to give rise to criticism when anything has gone wrong.”74
See note 62.
Exhibit CEB/16/2, seven-page handwritten document titled “The percutaneous toxicity of the G compounds,” May 5, 1953.
Exhibit JJH/187/5, The Percutaneous Toxicity of the G Compounds, May 8, 1953.
Exhibit MNJ/30, Porton Technical Paper 399.
See also Witness Statement of FJ Verallo, Mar 17, 2000.
Maddison's Legacy
The Porton experiments were nontherapeutic and therefore qualitatively different from medical treatment research. By definition, none of the Porton nerve agent experiments was conducted to benefit the subjects or carried out in their best interest. Because the experiments were not intended to benefit the subjects, the subjects possessed the fundamental right to decide whether or not they were prepared to participate in the experiment. That is why the issue of consent is of such importance. Already in 1946, General Telford Taylor, the chief prosecutor in the Doctors' Trial, had stated in his opening address: “Whatever book or treatise on medical ethics we may examine, and whatever expert on forensic medicine we may question, will say that it is a fundamental and inescapable obligation of every physician under any known system of law not to perform a dangerous experiment without the subject's consent.”79
See note 22, Schmidt 2004:175.
Research over the past decade, however, has shown that many Anglo-American medical scientists did not abide by the Nuremberg Code or its informed consent principle during the Cold War. This applied to therapeutic as well as to nontherapeutic experiments. According to Jay Katz, government officials and their advisers at best paid lip service to the principle of informed voluntary consent.80
See note 6, United States Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments 1996:544.
See note 23, Katz 1996:1665.
See note 23, Katz 1996:1665.
For nontherapeutic experiments that involved the possibility of harm, informed consent was an essential requirement long before the Porton experiments. The principle of informed consent was recognized before the 1960s and certainly before any kind of bioethics movement was on the horizon. For the United Kingdom, in particular, the principle of informed consent was recognized among the legal and medical establishment from at least 1933 onward. The fact that scientists in the United Kingdom, and elsewhere, may have ignored this83
See note 22, Schmidt 2004:264–97.
Maddison was a member of the Armed Forces, and his death occurred at the hand of the state. In 2002, Judge Woolf, the High Court judge who quashed the original inquest, pointed out: “That death should occur in such a situation is a matter of real public concern. There can be no doubt in this case that the concerns which existed as to how Mr Maddison should have been put in a position where he was subject to an experiment which risked his life are still alive today and are still matters of public interest.”84
See note 1, Transcript, Day 1.
Hansard (Westminster Hall), February 22, 2005, Column 32WH, Porton Down. See also Care A. After the inquest: Porton Down revisited. Association of Personal Injury Lawyers 2005;15.