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Craig, P., UK, EU and Global Administrative Law Foundations and Challenges [CambridgeCambridge University Press, 2015, xiii, 808, 22, Paperback, £24.99, ISBN 9781107563087]
Desai, D.R., Lianos, I., and Weber Waller, S. (eds.), Brands, Competition Law and IP [CambridgeCambridge University Press, 2015, ix, 260, 10, Hardback, £69.99, ISBN 9781107103467]
Eslava, L., Local Space, Global Life [CambridgeCambridge University Press, 2015, xxi, 305, bib. 32, 14, Hardback, £79.99, ISBN 9781107092129]
Euler, D., Gehring, M., and Scherer, M. (eds.), Transparency in International Investment Arbitration [CambridgeCambridge University Press, 2015, xli, 356, 13, Hardback, £89.99, ISBN 9781107077935]
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Garton, J., Moffat's Trusts Law, 6th ed. [CambridgeCambridge University Press, 2015, lxxxi, 1076, 22, Paperback, £39.99, ISBN 9781107512832]
Henckels, C, Proportionality and Deference in Investor-State Arbitration [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, xxxii, 197, bib. 23, 5, Hardback, £69.99, ISBN 9781107087903]
Hutchinson, A.C., Fighting Fair, Legal Ethics for an Adversarial Age [CambridgeCambridge University Press, 2015, ix, 125, 2, Paperback, £18.99, ISBN 9781107539709]
Livingston, M.A., Giuseppe Monateri, P., and Parisi, F., The Italian Legal System [StanfordStanford University Press, 2015, x, 255, apps. 4, 10, Hardback, £43, ISBN 9780804774956]
Poole, T., Reason of State, Law, Prerogative and Empire [CambridgeCambridge University Press, 2015, xi, 291, 11, Hardback, £69.99, ISBN 9781107089891]
Quigley, C., European State Aid Law and Policy [OxfordHart Publishing, 2015, xc, 782, Hardback, £225, ISBN 9781849466271]
Robbennolt, J.K., and Hans, V.P., The Psychology of Tort Law [New YorkNYU Press, 2016, xiv, 210, apps. 6, 23, Paperback, £28.99, ISBN 9781479814183]
Saks, M.J., and Spellman, B.A., The Psychological Foundations of Evidence Law [New YorkNYU Press, 2016, xi, 241, apps. 35, 5, Paperback, £26.99, ISBN 9780814783870]
Sarat, A. (ed.), Law and Lies [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, xi, 320, 11, Hardback, £69.99, ISBN 9781107108783]
Schabas, W.A. (ed.), International Criminal Law [Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016, x, 391, 17, Paperback, £29.99, ISBN 9781107695689]
Sedley, S., Lions under the Throne, Essays on the History of English Public Law [CambridgeCambridge University Press, 2015, x, 280, 15, Paperback, £25.99, ISBN 9781107559769]
Steel, S., Proof of Causation in Tort Law [CambridgeCambridge University Press, 2015, xxiv, 384, bib. 34, 11, Hardback, £79.99, ISBN 9781107049109]
Zagaris, B., International White Collar Crime [CambridgeCambridge University Press, 2015, viii, 673, 12, Paperback, £59.99, ISBN 9781107519725]
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